The Spiritual Attainment of Minghe Chapter 381-390

Chapter 381: Choice

At the thought of this, Minghe looked solemn. Based on his current strength, he could not confront the powerful and mysterious Great Way. The more he knew, the more annoyed he would be. Now, he only had one thought, and that was to be strong. Only with powerful strength could he be fearless.

After reading all the records about the Battlefield of Gods and Demons, Minghe moved toward the areas of tactical formations and refining weapons. As for the books about transforming exercises and Magic Skills, they were basically useless to him because he had his own law. Only Jade Slips about tactical formations and refining weapons were useful to him.

There were hundreds of weapon-refining laws, but there were myriads of tactical formations. All of them had experienced countless ages. In the library, Jade Slips about laws of weapons and arrays were so numerous that he could not choose easily. Although he still had 109,000 contributions, it was still not enough to exchange for all of them.

Therefore, he had to purposefully choose some Jade Slips. He excelled in weapon-refining laws, but he had only deduced the Spiritual Treasure of Chaos refining laws. With any big defects, the Spiritual Treasures of Chaos still had their own deficiencies. Therefore, he exchanged 60,000 contributions for a Jade Slip that had recorded the refinement of Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. The Jade Slip had recorded a variety of relevant refining laws and limits of Chaos.

After reading the Law of Refining Tools, Minghe had really broadened his horizons. He had begun to refine Spiritual Treasures of Chaos and would set limits of Chaos, but there were still considerable deficiencies. Since now he had obtained the detailed methods of Spiritual Treasure of Chaos refining, Minghe could verify his own weapon-refining laws with them to make up for the deficiency and enhance his weapon-refining laws.

As for the laws of formation, there were so many Jade Slips on the seventh floor of the library. Minghe roughly looked and discovered that there were at least 8,000 laws, including the Killing Formation, Trapping Formation, Confusion Formation, and Combination Formation. Among the Three Laws of Elixirs, Weapons, and Arrays, he preferred the laws of weapons and arrays. With so many tactical formations before his eyes, he was very tempted.

Being short of money, Minghe could only select a few formations that were suitable for him. Previously, he wanted to improve the Four Mysterious Formations of Untainted Land because he was the most familiar with the four formations and thoroughly understood their secrets, not out of conservativeness. If he could be successful, he could save time. After all, perceiving a new tactical formation from scratch had to take a long time.

If he really encountered a suitable tactical formation that could replace the four formations, Minghe would not stick to his old ways but abandon them at the proper time. Although he was affectionate of the four formations, he would not be emotional in the pursuit of the Supreme Way. Instead of being burdens, he would let them be memories.

However, only a few formations were really powerful, and those with the power of the Fate Realm were even less. Most of the formations with such a power were probably hidden on the eighth floor. Unfortunately, he could not go there right now, not unless he could break through to the Fate Realm as soon as possible.

However, for the formations, his own plans would be fouled up. Obviously, he was unable to do that. Actually, there were several formations with the power of the Fate Realm. Although all of them were not desirable, Minghe did not give up. And regarding the law of arrays, there was no most powerful one, but a most suitable one. Like the Twelve Divine Beings Killing Formation, it was powerful but was only a fit for the Twelve Ancestors of Sorcery. For Minghe, its power would be weakened greatly.

Since such a formation did not interest him, Minghe had to put up with the second best. Among the thousands of formations, Minghe only found two after constantly selecting, with a total of 45,000 contributions. Although there were still some other formations useful to him, Minghe really had no contributions for exchanging.

He selected two formations. One was a sword formation, named the "Sword Array of Yin and Yang Normalization", which only needed two long swords and a Map of Formation. However, there were specific requirements for the two swords, which were divided into Yin and Yang. When normalization of Yin and Yang was realized, the sword formation would generate tremendous power. It was said that once the two swords were drawn, Heaven would be separated from the Earth. But  the sword formation was a partial array, so it could only display the power of the Half Step to the Fate Realm. If it was a complete array, it could exert the power of the Fate Realm, which was worth 20,000 contributions. Minghe planned to give it to Red Lotus Taoist, who held the Yuantu Sword and Abi Sword. Although the two swords were mere swords of killing without a division between Yin and Yang, Red Lotus Taoist was proficient in sword formations because he had the God-killing Sword Formation. If he could integrate the Sword Array of Yin and Yang Normalization into the God-killing Sword Formation, tossing out the junk and keeping the good stuff, he might perceive a totally new sword formation.

The other tactical formation was the Formation of Stars, which was enlightened by the cosmic stars of the Battlefield of Gods and Demons. Being far beyond Minghe's Cosmic Stars Formation, it was extremely abstruse, containing some mysteries of the cosmic stars of the Battlefield of Gods and Demons. If Heaven and Earth Taoist could perceive the abstruse, it would not be hard to improve the Cosmic Stars Formation then.

Moreover, since the predecessors could perceive the cosmic stars of the Battlefield of Gods and Demons, Heaven and Earth Taoist could also do so. As a matter of fact, the cosmic stars were extremely weird. Although they were visible to the naked eye, their true nature was unascertainable, and even their location was also untraceable. With the two formations, Heaven and Earth Taoist and Red Lotus Taoist were likely to improve the tactical formations. Minghe and Musen were not anxious, especially Musen. The Veridical Martial Origin Formation was perceived by them from the character Wu. Since they would improve the formation, Musen began to perceive the character Wu again, hoping to get the inspiration for improvement.

As for the Twelve Divine Beings Killing Formation, Minghe had no idea about it. The formation was extremely powerful, but he could not give full play to its power. It was caused by the person rather than the formation. Having no idea, Minghe put it aside temporarily. After all, compared with the Three Separations, Minghe was the most powerful one. Therefore, he could defend himself without a tactical formation, even after separating from the Three Separations in the future.

After leaving the library, he did not go back to his courtyard but went straight to Mission Hall. As a Third Grade Refining Master, he needed to refine three Top Grade Primordial Supreme Treasures within 1,000 years. Although he still had plenty of time now, Minghe did not plan to put it off. Moreover, he also needed to refine some Primordial Supreme Treasures to exchange for contributions. Otherwise, there would not be ample resources for the upgrade of his and the Three Separations' Magic Weapons and the promotion of the World of Heaven and Earth.

Like a little world, Mission Hall was very broad, and so many people commuted. People received tasks and exchanged resources here, so it was the busiest place in Yun Ling Academy.

Without a second glance, he went straight to the place where teachers completed their tasks. After verification of his identity token, Minghe obtained a heap of weapon-refining materials, which was enough for him to refine almost five Top Grade Primordial Supreme Treasures. However, the academy only asked for three treasures. In this way, he earned two treasures.

Actually, other Third Grade Refining Masters would not think like this. After all, not all Third Grade Refining Masters could ensure that they could refine Top Grade Primordial Supreme Treasures every time because they could not do so with absolute certainty like Minghe.

After entering the refining workshop, which was prepared by Mission Hall, Minghe directly summoned the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth and the Three Separations. The four of them refined Primordial Supreme Treasures together. In doing so, they could save time and hone their skills. Although they could not refine the Highest Grade Primordial Supreme Treasures and the Half Step to Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, they could improve their refining skills to be more subtle.

Certainly, Minghe and his Three Separations were reserved. Among Minghe's laws of weapons, the Power of Divine Law was the most effective. Minghe and the Three Separations had seven laws in total, including the laws of Blood, Spiritual Beings, Heaven and Earth, Space, Karma, Killing, and Martial Arts. The Primordial Supreme Treasures refined with the seven laws had extraordinary power.

In order to save time, Minghe released the Three Separations to help him refine Primordial Supreme Treasures. If someone else found clues from the treasures that they refined, they would be suspected. Therefore, Minghe had to be reserved. All the treasures refined by the Three Separations depended on refining materials, primordial treasures aura, and refining skills, so they would not be affected by any of the Three Separations' laws. Minghe would use the three Top Grade treasures that they refined to deal with Yun Ling Academy.

Chapter 382: Transformation

There was nothing hidden in the two top-grade Primordial Supreme Treasures refined by Minghe. One was refined with the Law of Blood and could attack the human body. The other was refined with the Law of Spiritual Beings and could attack Original Spirit. The two special treasures would be used to earn contributions. After all, Minghe did not have many contributions left, so he could not buy any good refining materials.

100 years later, five Top Grade Primordial Supreme Treasures had been refined, but Minghe was in no hurry to leave. After all, it was surprisingly quick to refine five treasures within a hundred years. Before he completed the accumulation, he just wanted a low-key life. However, he was already a high-profile man because he had reached the Half Step to the Fate Realm, which had been rarely seen in the academy. Fortunately, there were many people in Yun Ling Academy, so hardly anybody knew him, and nobody would care if there was one more teacher at the Half Step to the Fate Realm in the academy.

During this period of time, Minghe began to study his laws of weapons, which were extremely perfect because he had adopted the good points of various laws of weapons and used the Magical Tao Mirror. But now, he had predicted the refining method of Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, and the most perfect refining method could not be predicted even with the Magical Tao Mirror.

From the library, he had exchanged for the refining methods of Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, which were the summarized experiences of the predecessors. Having been described in detail, it was more extensive and profound than Minghe's, so he naturally regarded it as a precious treasure. Since he was now free, he was ready to study it carefully. Although he would not fully learn the Law of Refining Tools recorded on the Jade Slip, it was advisable to use it to improve his own law.

What he needed most was a limit of Chaos. Although he was able to arrange a complete limit, he only arranged two types of limits. One was an aggressive limit of Chaos, and the other was a defensive limit of Chaos. Due to the various ways, they could be arranged, any type of limit could produce a kaleidoscopic effect. However, the effect induced by the two types of limits arranged by Minghe was singular.

The limits of Chaos could generally be divided into three types
—aggressive, defensive, and auxiliary. Each type of limit would produce a different effect due to its size, position, and overlapping mode. The formation of a limit of Chaos was the first step to refine Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. Arranging different limits of Chaos and connecting them was what Minghe really needed to learn about.

Minghe and the Three Separations' God-killing Spear, Cauldron of Heaven and Earth, Ruler of Heaven and Earth, Red Lotus of Fire, Yuantu Sword and Abi Sword, and Kongtong Seal had begun to change into Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. However, their refining methods were relatively rough. Even if they really changed into Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, they would probably be the worst Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, which was not allowed by Minghe.

Since he had obtained the detailed refining methods of Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, Minghe and the Three Separations would study them carefully and restart to refine their Magic Weapons to realize perfection. Moreover, the biggest headache for them, which was the transformation from the primordial Origin to the Origin of Chaos, could be solved now, as long as they set a corresponding limit of Chaos to arrange a transformation formation.

Minghe and his Three Separations had researched for nearly 500 years, and they finally figured out the Law of Refining Tools recorded on the Jade Slip. However, they were not anxious to continue to refine their Magic Weapons. For the last 500 years, they only improved the limit of Chaos, which had arranged for their Magic Weapons, and set tactical formations for the transformation of the Origin.

Their treasures were really the best Primordial Supreme Treasures. If they only depended on the transformation from the primordial Origin and primordial limit to the Origin of Chaos and limit of Chaos, then the power of these treasures would not be displayed as desired. After all, the Origin and limit were Magic Weapon's intrinsic attributes while the Original Body of Magic Weapons was an extrinsic attribute. If the intrinsic attributes improved and the extrinsic attribute was unchanged, the power of the Magic Weapons would be greatly reduced.

To improve the extrinsic attribute naturally required a lot of rare materials for refining weapons. Although he also collected some materials in the Lower Layer of the Battlefield of Gods and Demons, most of them could not be used for Minghe's Magic Weapons. It was uncertain when he could completely collect all the materials.

But now, there was a shortcut for him to collect all the required materials. As long as he had enough contributions, Minghe could exchange them for any required material from the academy. Even if there were missing materials, he could release tasks to collect them. If that did not work, he could only seek a replacement. After all, it was impossible to achieve perfection.

He had stayed in the refining room for 600 years, so it was time to deliver his finished refined products. Minghe delivered the three Top Grade Primordial Supreme Treasures refined by his Three Separations to Mission Hall. Then, he sold the two refined by himself to Mission Hall. In doing so, he earned 140,000 contributions in total. However, he spent all his contributions on a lot of weapon-refining materials.

Among these materials, some were for refining Top Grade Primordial Supreme Treasures, while what remained was for improving materials of the Half Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth. In terms of the priority of transformation, Minghe and the Three Separations would definitely choose the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth among all the Half Spiritual Treasures of Chaos.

Once it was transformed into a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth would be more powerful. With such a cauldron, Minghe could refine the Spiritual Treasures of Chaos more conveniently. Moreover, it also integrated with the character Bao, like the character Wu. With its transformation, the primordial Treasures Aura that was emitted from the character Bao would also change, as if its effect on Magic Weapons became more powerful.

He had guessed that the character Bao probably had integrated with the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth by now. Once it changed into a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, the power of the character Bao would probably improve as well. Even now as it was still a Half Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, the character Bao seemed to have some good changes, which made him more certain of his choice.

After putting all the materials in it, Minghe and Heaven and Earth Taoist began to activate the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth to convert and absorb those rare materials. Meanwhile, they weaved the Taoist Seals to aid limit of Chaos, which had been changed from the Law of Heaven and Earth, to speed up its speed of transformation.

Having not been idle, Red Lotus Taoist and Musen were alert for interruptions from the outside world, in case of emergency. Meanwhile, they needed to hide the vital force of transformation. Once it turned into a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, there would definitely be Mysterious Signs. In that case, they needed to suppress the unusual phenomena to avoid being noticed.

To facilitate the suppressing of the Mysterious Signs, Musen, Blood God Doppelganger, and Clone of the Blood God directly arranged the Veridical Martial Origin Formation. Furthermore, Red Lotus Taoist showed his Original Body, which rested on the cauldron. With the formation, he was ready to suppress the Mysterious Signs at any time to avoid leakage of vital force.

Compared with refining several Half Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, it was more complicated to promote a Half Spiritual Treasure of Chaos to a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. For 1,000 years, Minghe and Heaven and Earth Taoist had not stopped refining the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth. Now, the original primordial limit had been replaced by the limit of Chaos, and it was only one step away from promotion.

And then, they stopped at the same time. Both the limit of Chaos and the materials of the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth had been completely changed. The last step was to change the primordial Origin. Now, it had been almost totally turned into the Origin of Chaos. To Minghe's surprise, the Origin of Chaos was pitifully scarce after transforming from the abundant primordial Origin.

Actually, the Origin was the basis of Magic Weapons. Such scarce Origin of Chaos would naturally affect the power of the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth, which was promoted to a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. Minghe would not be willing to see that. As he waved his hands, unceasing Origin of Chaos, which had been previously collected, was endlessly injected into the cauldron for absorption and transformation. When it could not absorb any more, Minghe stopped.

When its Origin of Chaos became intense, the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth finally began to change dramatically. And rather than a quantitative change, it was a totally qualitative change. The strong power of the Spiritual Treasure of Chaos gradually ascended from the cauldron and constantly struck the Veridical Martial Origin Formation and Red Lotus of Fire with enough momentum to break them.

At the sight of this, Minghe and Heaven and Earth Taoist started making moves to assist Red Lotus Taoist and Musen in withstanding the power and Mysterious Signs induced by the promotion of the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth to ensure that there was no leakage of any vital force. After a long time, the cauldron stopped changing. Looking at the cauldron and its primitive simplicity, Minghe and his Three Separations smiled because of their success.

Chapter 383: Minghe's "Insanity"

The Cauldron of Heaven and Earth, a Low Grade Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, was finally refined, which Minghe had painstakingly cared for. As he waved his hand, the cauldron became small quickly and turned into a palm-sized object in his palm. The cauldron was densely covered with many inscriptions in a crisscross pattern, which was weird and full of charm of the Great Way. An impalpable character 'Bao' could be seen among the inscriptions.

Cauldron of Heaven and Earth was the first Spiritual Treasure of Chaos successfully refined by Minghe, so he would naturally want to take some time to admire it. After its upgrade, the defense strength of the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth increased largely, but it was not his chief concern. As a defensive magic weapon, it was natural to be increased in defensive strength after upgrading. What he was concerned about were the other functions.

With Minghe's Spiritual Thoughts into the cauldron, the location where the Origin of the cauldron existed still changed into a very large space, which was equivalent to the space in the Map of Heaven and Earth. However, the space in the cauldron was very simple. In the center of the space were its Origin of Magic Weapon and character 'Bao', while the air within was permeated with Treasures Aura, which was beyond primordial Treasures Aura.

The cauldron had been a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, its Origin had turned into the Origin of chaos, and even the flame in the cauldron had changed. Previously, the flame was comparable to that of the fire of chaos, which was one reason why it could change from postnatal to primordial. Now, that the flame in the cauldron became Fire of Fate beyond the fire of chaos, a powerful flame which could only be cultivated by masters of the Fate Realm, who practiced the Law of Fire.

With the Fire of Fate, the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth became more powerful in refining weapons. Unlike in the past, it changed from the primordial to the postnatal now, which was incredible. In the Battlefield of God and Demon, materials of chaos could be found but not everywhere, which were different from primordial materials. Since now that the cauldron had this ability, it would be much easier for Minghe to refine Spiritual Treasure of Chaos.

Besides, the character 'Bao' in the cauldron also changed largely. At first sight, the Power of Divine Law applied to the character 'Bao' fluctuated significantly. Moreover, it was the fluctuation of the Divine Law of the Fate Realm. The Treasures Aura emitted from was of chaos, which was equivalent to Spiritual Air of Heaven and Earth in the Battlefield of God and Demon. Moreover, it contained with the Divine Law of Magic Weapon. If the law was integrated into the Magic Weapon, its power would be naturally enhanced.

Although it had changed into a Low Grade Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, the cauldron did not stop its upgrade. Treasures Aura of Chaos and Air of the Divine Law emitted from character Bao constantly nurtured the cauldron to make it develop all the time. Although it was not fast, it would become a Mid Grade Spiritual Treasure of Chaos after a period of time.

Minghe was naturally in ecstatic in the successful transformation of the cauldron. Both the increase of weapon- refining ability and the change of character 'Bao' would be beneficial for the transformation of Minghe and Three Separations' other Half Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. However, it would require a lot of materials of chaos to complete the transformation of other treasures.

Minghe nearly spent a thousand years on the transformation of the cauldron. Now, it was the second millennium after he joined the Yun Ling Academy, so he needed to deliver another three Top Grade primordial supreme treasures. But this time, he planned to deliver Highest Grade primordial supreme treasure, because he had broken through the weapons refining law.

Fourth Grade refining master could refine Highest Grade primordial supreme treasures, so Minghe would go to take an exam for upgrading. But before that, he firstly refined two Highest Grade primordial supreme treasures with the remaining materials. Then, he would sell one of them to the academy, to prove his breakthrough in refining.

The upgrading exam was to refine a Highest Grade primordial supreme treasure. For Minghe, it was a piece of cake. Although the academy provided three opportunities for the participant, Minghe did not plant to hide his strong points. He succeeded at one go and became one of the few Fourth Grade Refining Masters of the Yun Ling Academy.

Fourth Grade refining master's payments were totally different from Third Grade refining master's. Fourth Grade refining master's payment was 160,000 contributions every thousand years, and his refining task was much easier as he only needed to refine a Highest Grade primordial supreme treasure every three thousand years. After all, Highest Grade primordial supreme treasure could be taken as fulfilment among the primordial supreme treasures, and its value was far beyond Top Grade primordial supreme treasure.

In the Yun Ling Academy, a Top Grade primordial supreme treasure valued about 50,000 to 100,000 contributions. However, a Highest Grade primordial supreme treasure valued about at least 300,000 contributions with poor power. A Highest Grade primordial supreme treasure like Red Lotus of Fire before being upgrade was valued at 600,000 contributions at least.

After he was promoted to the Fourth Grade refining master, Minghe could remain idle for three thousand years. After all, the Highest Grade primordial supreme treasure refined during the exam had been counted in his task. Thus, he obtained another 460,000 contributions. With the contributions earned from his previous Highest Grade primordial supreme treasures, he owned a total of nearly 1,000,000 contributions, and he could be called as an instant millionaire.

With so many contributions, Minghe recklessly exchanged them for various resources. Besides refining materials, he also exchanged for materials for the World of Heaven and Earth. In the Battlefield of God and Demon, many Treasures of Heaven and Earth had a little Power of Divine Law. Therefore, Minghe blended them into the World of Heaven and Earth to balance the 3,000 laws of the world. Once the 3,000 laws were balanced, it was the time for the world to transform into great trichiliocosm.

However, Minghe's exchange for such huge amounts of resources attracted the attention of the higher ups. Moreover, many resources were top grade, so it was hard to avoid getting noticed. Particularly, he constantly sold Highest Grade primordial supreme treasures, which was more attractive. After all, Highest Grade primordial supreme treasure was already a sort of powerful Magic Weapon.

He certainly knew the consequence of his actions, and he was prepared for it. After ten thousand years, Minghe enhanced his refining level once again through constant weapons-refining. When he rejoined the exam for upgrading, Minghe became one of the few Fifth Grade refining masters of Yun Ling Academy.

Fifth Grade refining masters were scarce in the academy. After all, compared with a large number of refining masters of the Yun Ling Academy, there were lesser than hundred Fifth Grade refining masters. Half Spiritual Treasures of Chaos were rare in the academy because they had gone beyond the scope of primordial supreme treasures and had a partial power of Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. Thus, Minghe became someone who loved to refine weapons in the eyes of others. This could disguise the real aim of his exchange for the huge amounts of resources. After being promoted to Fifth Grade refining master, Minghe acted more 'rampantly' in his exchange for countless materials as if he was trying to achieve being a Sixth Grade refining master.

Actually, the Sixth Grade refining masters were even rarer. Except for Director of the Academy and Weapon Hall Elder, who was one of the seven Elders, there were no other Sixth Grade Refining Master, who could refine Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. If he could break through to Sixth Grade Refining Master, Minghe would be a person of high status in the academy, even if he had not broken through to the Fate Realm. After all, a few of the elders did not even have Spiritual Treasure of Chaos.

Several Elders and the Director of the Academy saw Minghe's 'insanity', but they did not stop him. After all, it would be good for the academy if there was one more Sixth Grade Refining Master. Although Half Spiritual Treasure of Chaos was powerful, it was far away from the real Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. After all, in the Medium Level of the Battlefield of God and Demon Spiritual Treasure of Chaos was extremely scarce.

Chapter 384: Breakthrough of the Fate Realm

Minghe was satisfied with the result. After all, things were not getting worse. When he decided to do this, he had made preparations for all possible situations. Obviously, today's situation was the best. At least until now, he was still safe. Whether or not someone was secretly suspicious of him, there was at least none openly.

At this stage, most of his plan had basically been successful. Within the ten thousand years, all resources exchanged by him through weapons-refining had been able to meet Three Separations' and his requirements. Heaven and Earth Taoist might lack something, but it did not matter. In the worst case scenario, Minghe would not leave with nothing.

With enough refining materials, Minghe started to continue to transform the Half Spiritual Treasure of Chaos to the Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. The first thing was the God-killing Spear. Although he used the Indestructible Demon Body at the Early Stage of the Fate Realm, it would do good to improve his fighting ability if the God-killing Spear transformed to the Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. Magic Weapon was an external force, but then again, no one could abandon all external forces. The second thing was the 24th Grade Red Lotus of Fire, the Original Body of Red Lotus Taoist. After blending with many divine things of chaos, it began to transform. The flickering fire on the Red Lotus of Fire became the evil shade of purple fire and the blooming 24th Grade Red Lotus of Fire became 36th Grade Blood Red Lotus. Since then, the Red Lotus of Fire become the supreme Spiritual Treasure of Chaos.

The transformation of the Red Lotus of Fire was naturally beneficial to Red Lotus Taoist's strength. After all, the Red Lotus of Fire was Red Lotus Taoist's body. When the Red Lotus of Fire changed into Low-Grade Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, Red Lotus Taoist's body also changed. Although Red Lotus Taoist only reached A Half Step to the Fate Realm now, his body had broken through to the Early Stage of the Fate Realm. It was incomparable with Minghe's Indestructible Demon Body, but it owned the real power of the Fate Realm.

As for Red Lotus Taoist's Yuantu Sword and Abi Sword, Red Lotus Taoist would melt them down in the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth for remaking of two Supreme Divine Swords at Low- Grade Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. 'Sword of Karma' Yuantu Sword was refined based on the Principle of Karma, which could cut off Karma, while 'Sword of Killing' Abi Sword was refined based on the Law of Killing, which could chop off all Divine Beings. If the two swords combined, there would be endless power.

The next one was Kongtong Seal. After integration with the essence of supreme Martial Arts and the Power of Divine Law, it successfully turned into a Low-Grade Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. Musen even mixed it with Veridical Martial Origin Formation, which had begun to be improved. When it was fully complete, he could arrange Veridical Martial Origin Formation with the seal alone. Although it was not powerful enough, it was also a mean.

The most difficult thing was Heaven and Earth Taoist's Wheels of Heaven and Earth. It was a done-deal for the transformation of the Ruler of Heaven and Earth into the Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, after blending with a large number of divine things of Heaven and Earth. However, Wheels of Heaven and Earth was totally different. Unless the World of Heaven and Earth was promoted to great trichiliocosm, it could not be artificially refined to the Spiritual Treasure of Chaos.

When all Magic Weapons turned into Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, Minghe and Three Separations began to practice in security and slowed down weapons-refining. After becoming a Fifth Grade Refining Master, Minghe only needed to refine a Half Spiritual Treasure of Chaos every ten thousand years. But now, he could refine successfully in a thousand years with his current means. After all, the Cauldron of Heaven and Earth, which had turned into the Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, had amazing refining ability.

However, the Half Spiritual Treasure of Chaos was a Magic Weapon with some power of the Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, so it was not easy to refine it. Although it was not difficult for Minghe, it was difficult for other Fifth Grade Refining Masters. If they could refine a Half Spiritual Treasure of Chaos in ten thousand years, they would be regarded as excellent. If they had good luck and good refining skills, they might refine two treasures.

Therefore, Minghe deliberately kept a low profile that he refined two Half Spiritual Treasures of Chaos every ten thousand years, which pleased the high-level figures of the academy very much. Since he could do that, they thought Minghe would be more likely to become a Sixth Grade Refining Master. If he could make another breakthrough in cultivation, Minghe would certainly play a decisive role in the Yun Ling Academy.

Since he slowed down refining, Minghe spent more time on cultivation. Now, he and Three Separations had all reached A Half Step to the Fate Realm. Not to mention Heaven and Earth Taoist's special situations, Minghe, Red Lotus Taoist, and Musen would begin to break through to the Fate Realm after realizing Fulfilment in A Half Step to the Fate Realm.

Everytime Minghe exchanged a large number of resources and Spiritual Stones, and he would put most of them to Heaven and Earth Taoist 's World of Heaven and Earth, which was getting stronger all the time. Now, the Way of Heaven and the Origin of the World of Heaven and Earth had almost been close to the Fulfilment of medium dichiliocosm. With the last step could it try to promote to great trichiliocosm.

Compared with Heaven and Earth Taoist, Minghe, Red Lotus Taoist, and Musen were faster. At first, Minghe's Law of Blood and Law of Spiritual Beings reached Fulfilment of A Half Step to the Fate Realm. Then, 'Selfcentric Separation' Musen did so. Because he specialized in The Law of Martial Arts and had character Wu, he was naturally ahead of Red Lotus Taoist to realize the Fulfilment.

Except for the Law of Martial Arts, Musen also practiced Hegemonic Body of Martial Arts. Although it was incomparable with Minghe's Indestructible Demon Body, it was on par with True Body of Rakshasa. As he perceived more about the Law of Martial Arts, Musen thought that he still had a large room for improvement of Hegemonic Body of Martial Arts. He obtained the Hegemonic Body of Martial Arts by perceiving character Wu, but till now, Minghe was still not able to understand the mystery of character Wu.

Musen was different from Minghe. Minghe's Indestructible Demon Body did not depend on the cultivation of Original Spirit, so Minghe's body made a breakthrough before his Original Spirit. However, Musen's Hegemonic Body of Martial Arts could not realize this. His Hegemonic Body of Martial Arts depended on his understanding of the Law of Martial Arts. Only when Original Spirit wanted to break through to the Fate Realm, then would his body make a breakthrough.

After they all reached Fulfilment of A Half Step to the Fate Realm, Minghe, Red Lotus Taoist, and Musen could begin to suppress cultivation. After all, according to his original plan, Minghe intended to make a breakthrough together with Three Separations. He and Three Separations had little difference in the cultivation of Original Spirit. If they could make a breakthrough together, they could conceal the Mysterious Signs between heaven and earth when they broke through to the Fate Realm, and they could avoid unnecessary speculations. ...

30,000 years later, the Yun Ling Academy seemed to be much calmer. Minghe had upgraded twice successfully, but now his consequence gradually weakened. After all, Minghe only refined two Half Spiritual Treasures of Chaos every ten thousand years in the 30,000 years. He delivered one to the academy and exchanged the other for a large amount of contribution.

Although his consequence weakened a lot, many people still anticipated him to make further progress in the Law of Weapons-refining. In a blink of an eye, 30,000 years had passed. For them, it was nothing to be surprised about. After all, refinement of the Half Spiritual Treasure of Chaos and that of the Spiritual Treasure of Chaos were quite different. If it was so easy to make a breakthrough, the Spiritual Treasure of Chaos would be seen everywhere, and it would not be so precious.

Then one day a powerful momentum suddenly rose straight from the academy to the sky. The world that the academy located in was also shocked. Scarlet clouds gathered between heaven and earth, heavy blood rain poured among the Yun Ling Academy, blood gas permeated between sky and earth, which was so terrifying. However, the blood rain did not fall to the ground. A Formation rose from the academy and absorbed all blood rain, to prevent the place from being filthy. When the blood rain fell down, flowers, trees, and stones came out with shapeshift, as if they were touched by miracles. For a moment, the place became livened up.

In the Elder House, seven elders came together because they were shocked by the Mysterious Sign in the Yun Ling Academy. They had witnessed such a Mysterious Sign when they last broke through to the Fate Realm. But this time, the Mysterious Sign was totally beyond their expectation, which was weirder than last time.

Someone said, "The blood rain falls heavily to enlighten the common people... It seems like that another Elder will appear in our academy, an amazing Elder, who practiced two weird laws, including Law of Blood and Law of Spiritual Beings. More interestingly, he broke through the two laws at the same time."

The other said, "It doesn't matter to have another Elder. I'm more concerned when he can make a breakthrough in the Law of Weapons-refining. Since he had made a breakthrough in cultivation, I hope it will be helpful for his Law of Weapons- refining. When can I own a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos? I'm afraid that I won't gain anything 60,000 years later."

At this moment, Minghe entered the Fate Realm, and situations changed in the academy...

Chapter 385: Accident

In the center of the Academy lay a mountain shrouded in mist and rich in Treasures of Heaven and Earth. This was the place where Spiritual Air of Heaven and Earth and The Divine Law vital force were the most dense, also where Venerable Linghao meditated. As the core of driving all the tactical formations, this was a place rarely visited by people except Venerable Linghao.

The Venerable was meditating, but couldn't help looking closely at such a Mysterious Sign. He looked through all the Signs, and frowned at the sight of blood. He recognized it was a Sign of reaching Fate Realm by Law of Blood. He practiced Confucianism and bore virtues, naturally objecting  to  the bloody matter.

But Linghao didn't hold stereotypes. Different Divine Laws have different merits, even if it was a Law of Killing. Whether it was good or evil actually depended on the user. What Linghao found surprising was that the user also applied Law of Spiritual Beings at the same time. "He must be amazing." Linghao thought.

Linghao smiled and thought. "Another expert on the way. Mastering two Divine Laws is much harder than only one. Moreover, Minghe also masters the weapon refining way. I believe he'll soon break through on it too."

But soon his smile faded away. He found something strange and couldn't help but became serious. "Law of Blood, Law of Spiritual Beings... There seem to be another one. He's trying to cover it up, but I still found out. I assume that I am the only one that did."

Linghao was enlightened on Tao of Confucianism, and was sensitive to the bloodied matter. It happened that in the Mysterious Sign, a killing intent lingered on. Linghao managed to catch a glimpse of it. Although it was thin, it was as strong as Fate Realm.

"Three cultivations at the same time?" Venerable Linghao
couldn't help feeling shocked and thought. "If he breaks through on three Divine Laws together, he must have great talents. If he reaches Fate Realm, he'll be invincible at Early Stage of Fate Realm. If I meet him, I can't even beat him easily."

In the Origin Realm, the strength gap expanded between every Rank. After reaching the second Fate Realm of the Origin, the gap was even wider. One at Middle Stage of the Fate Realm could totally crush one at Early Stage of Fate Realm. But, everything had an exception. For instance, Minghe seemed to be able to fight an expert who was higher-ranked.

Minghe's hiding  triggered  Linghao.  Though  practicing
Confucianism, he was not a saint. "A man who cultivates Law of Blood, Soul, and Kill at the same time would be devastating if he turns evil in the future."

Venerable Linghao decided to keep an eye on Minghe. If he should do anything inappropriate, he would be eliminated immediately. Moreover, Linghao started to question Minghe's intention of joining the Academy. If Minghe was up to no good, Linghao would not hesitate a single second when Minghe finally exposed himself.

But as he was the dean, he couldn't dictate, since there were seven other Elders. He could not just kill a fresh Fate Realm expert out of speculation, especially someone that might break through to Sixth Grade Refining Master. What would other people think?

Linghao needed a reason to convince everyone. Whereas, he did not know that he was almost right: Minghe did join for the books. Now that he had reach Fate Realm, he wasn't afraid of confronting with the Academy.

In the yard of the Silence Room, Minghe sat quietly. The force was strong enough to disturb the whole world, and didn't die down for a long time. When everything have settled down, Minghe withdrew his thoughts. When he broke through, the taste of sinking in the Divine Law was too sweet. Without a strong will, he would have been lost and failed the breakthrough.

Despite the general success, accidents happened. Minghe had planned to break out in strength, and Three Separations restrained. Then using the Mysterious Signs of Law of Blood and Spiritual Beings to have the Divine Law Breakthrough covered up.

But, The Law of Killing became so drastic in the heat of Fate Realm Breakthrough. It exposed itself even under restraints of Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. Although unremarkable, the eight experts of the Academy could still discover it.

Despite the imperfection, it went smoothly. Minghe and Three Separations all broke through. Since they had achieved their goals, it wouldn't matter if they were discovered or not. Even if they were, they could just walk out of the Academy. After all, they simply disclosed some secrets. Besides, they were the rare Fate Realm experts in the Academy, and Minghe was even more capable than any othe Fate Realm experts.

An expert in Fate Realm greatly empowered the Academy, and a Sixth Grade Refining Master improved their abilities on a large scale. There were two Sixth Grade Refining Masters in the Academy. But firstly, Master Venerable Linghao had been meditating, thus hadn't refined treasures in years. Secondly, even Elders couldn't have Linghao refined the Spiritual Treasure of Chaos for them.

The other Weapon Hall Elder failed his refining sometimes, wasting a lot of Chaos indigents. Though Battlefield of God and Demon was rich in ingredients, it wasn't easy to collect all of them. Thus, as of now, three of the Elders did not have his Spiritual Treasure of Chaos.

The Elders thought highly of Minghe's talents for refining, because Minghe had been 100 percent successful. If he could keep that after turning a Sixth Grade Refining Master, he could benefit the Elders a lot. He still succeeded even at a ratio of 50 percent. Unfortunately, they did not know that Minghe already refined Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, and wasn't hurrying into a Sixth Grade Refining Master. Spiritual Treasure of Chaos exceeded primordial supreme treasure; Minghe would gain himself another lurking danger if he made one. Though everything was peaceful with the Academy at the present, Minghe couldn't predict the future. Thus, he wouldn't turn so soon.

After the breakthrough, Minghe wanted the most was to step on the eighth library floor. He was qualified to enter as in Fate Realm. He would probably move up to be a dean, and received benefits from the Academy soon. Then, he wouldn't be assigned to tasks, thus had more time to cultivate.

Minghe didn't hurry to turn a Master, because the library would always be there for him. Now he needed to strengthen his cultivation. If the foundation was built badly, it was not easy to repair. Minghe wouldn't want to have such headaches.

Chapter 386: The Eighth Floor of the Library

Minghe had been meditating for several thousand years since his breakthrough. He didn't even show up when the Academy made him an Elder. But no one blamed him since strengthening one's foundation took time, especially after a breakthrough in Fate Realm. That would certainly take more time.

Long afterward, Minghe and Three Separations finally strengthened their realms completely. As they stopped meditating, Minghe went straight to the library, instead of the Elder House. Actually, he didn't enter the Elder House at all, not even once. The library obviously attracted him more compared to the Elder House.

On the eighth floor, Minghe first searched for information on Battlefield of God and Demon. After all, more data were stored on the higher floor bookshelves. He wanted to know more to plan his future.

He needn't worry about his contributions since as an Elder he had access to all Jade Slips. He could read through any Slip as one of his prerogatives. It saved a lot of his contributions since he needed to read a lot of Slips. After reading about the Battlefield and the Academy, Minghe indeed learned something on the Mystery Realm in Medium Level of Battlefield of God and Demon. The information was detailed. But most of the Mystery Realms were either developed or taken by some authorities. Minghe could only envy them.

The rest were dangerous Mystery Realms left by Supreme Realm masters. Even Fate Realm experts might perish there. But, these Realms set up by Supreme experts were rich in strong Spiritual Inheritance. People scrambled for the Inheritance in there despite the danger.

But the inheritance in these mystery realms were just rumors. What if the Supreme experts had set up some traps? It was hard for even Fate Realm experts to guard against it. It might even be for Supreme experts to possess someone, after all, legends said that this had happened before.

Apart from the Realms, secrets left by Fate Realm experts also attracted many people. These secrets were left after their death or departure to a higher ground. Actually, Minghe would rather explore in Fate Mystery Territories than in Boundless Mystery Realm. But these territories opened at random, so he could only wait. Besides, there were records in Yun Ling Academy itself, whose long history actually shocked him. The Acadamy was built in the Fifth Period, and the Eastern Region was just a branch. There were other branches in Central Region and High Level of Battlefield of God and Demon. The books failed to mention the situation in the core region. But judging from its long history, it would be possible for it to have developed in that region.

There were less than ten Fate Realm experts in Eastern Region. Every now and then, Central Region's people recruited talents here. Experts could choose to stay or move to Yun Ling Academy in Central Region. The remaining experts here had chosen to stay for multiple times.

You might get greater chances and cultivation environment in Central Region. But it was more competitive there. You had the power and resources by staying in the Eastern Region, while it would take you some effort to gain the greater resources in the Central Region.

Reading this, Minghe had another plan. He used to plan to leave the Academy and join the Central Region soon. Now he changed his mind. Since the Academy was rich in resources and he was free to do anything since there's someone else to oversee everything, he might as well rely on it to go further and faster. It was in the Ninth Period, and many authorities have fully developed and taken the best territories in the Battlefield. Indeed, Minghe could have established his own forces, but it was difficult. After all, a new force would draw attention and even cause other to strike out at it.

Forces were nothing but a burden to Minghe. He aimed for Supreme Way, not a white elephant authority. He did not want that, and pursuing the Supreme Way was not easy. If he was just an Individual Cultivator without joining any forces, how could he develop so quickly?

Minghe and Three Separations all had broken through to Fate Realm, and refined several Magic Weapons into Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. Other than that, the World of Heaven and Earth has turned in to a great trichiliocosm. Not any Individual Cultivator could collect all the required resources. Fortunately, Minghe had help from Yun Ling Academy; otherwise, it would cost have cost him.

Actually, cultivations of Minghe, Red Lotus Taoist, and Musen did not require a lot of resources, what was demanding was the upgrade of their Magic Weapons and the World of Heaven and Earth. If not for Yun Ling Academy, Minghe probably needed to kill a lot in Battlefield of God and Demon to gain the resources. Minghe could only imagine the danger if he had, after all, he wasn't one of the masters in the Battlefield yet.

The Academy had resources, and Minghe would like to join in. Minghe pursued the Supreme Way, and believed in seeking common ground while reserving differences, rather extremism. Otherwise, he wouldn't have sneaked into the Academy for its resources, instead he would have plotted to crush it!

Minghe wondered when the Central Region envoy would visit again since the Jade Slip said it was once in every 100,000 years. The experts at the Academy had chosen to stay for several times for some reason. But Minghe decided to go the next time the envoy visited.

After making up his mind, Minghe continue reading other Jade Slips. The Slips were much fewer than that were stored on the seventh floor. But, cultivation exercises, Magic Skills, and tactical formation in the Slips were all in Fate Realm, thus it was much more valuable than the information stored in all other Slips.

Since reading through these Slips cost him no contributions, he soon finished reading all the Slips. Though he did not need all of the information, he still read carefully, because his Good Separation Heaven and Earth Taoist still had a world inside his body!

Chapter 387: The Elders House

The upgrade of a world required not only the Way of Heaven and a lot of Origins, but also the creatures in it. Should a world never shape any creature, it would badly affect its upgrade in the future. Minghe had gained so many useful cultivation exercises and he could finally put them to good use to form the World of Heaven and Earth!

Shaping Creatures took only a few 100,000 years, which were gone in the blink of an eye to Minghe. The problem now was the creatures were undeveloped. Thus, Minghe could only help them grow lest they hindered the growth of the World of Heaven and Earth. With the help of the best cultivation exercises with Heaven and Earth Spiritual Air of the Chaos, Minghe believed he would soon see creatures in the Zenith Heaven Realm of the Origin come into being.

Other than these cultivation exercises, information on Three Laws of Elixirs, Weapons, and Arrays was stored in the library, but only Laws of Weapons and Arrays interested him. Besides, Minghe had already completed on the Law of Weapons. He only needed to learn from its advantages and in turn improve his.

The account on tactical formation helped Minghe a lot. Actually, Minghe knew little about the tactical formation in Fate Realm. Though he was a tactical formation expert, he only knew low-level formations. His best formation was in the Zenith Heaven Realm of the Origin. Hence, he found it difficult to form a tactical formation in Fate Realm.

It was different now since Minghe had acquired all the tactical formation stored in the Academy. His horizon had been greatly broadened. It was said stones from other hills might serve to polish jade. After fully understanding these formations, Minghe and Three Separations would found it easier to form Fate Realm formations. But there were many different type of formations, including abstruse tactical formations. It might take a long time to fully grasp them.

Minghe was deep in thoughts when the identity plaque buzzed. Minghe checked and read the message. An identity plaque not only records your identity, cultivation, contribution, and mission but also received messages. One could communicate with it.

Reading the message, Minghe grinned and murmured, "Elder House? Interesting. It's time." He received a message from Elder House. It was absurd that as the eighth Elder in the Academy, he never stepped into the House. It was just that he did not expect that the message to come so soon. After all, he had just finished his meditations.

Minghe walked out of the library and stepped toward  the center of the Academy. Looking out, Minghe could see a huge palace standing there. That was Elder House. There were seven Elders in charge of all kinds of work. They helped to manage in the absence of Venerable Linghao.

They were Elder Leiyun of resources, Elder Jiangwu  of Torture Hall, Elder Hengpeng of Mission Hall, Elder Zhongnan of Weapon Hall, Elder Guqi of Formation Hall, Elder Shouzhou of Elixir Hall, and Elder Hongquan of Secret Hall. They each took charge of part of the Academy respectively and controlled parts of the resources.

Now that Minghe was promoted to be the eighth Elder, he needed to do something since the seven halls were all taken. He had two choices: He either joined one of the halls or set up a new hall. Of course, this was what people would normally do. However, Minghe opted out the two of them because they were both tricky.

All Minghe ever wanted was to practice and earn Fated Chances. Joining a hall or setting up a new one were both time- consuming. He would rather be an idle Elder. It would benefit him to have the prerogative of Elders and be free from fighting for power at the same time.

At the end of the day, the Academy looked peaceful but deep down was it divided into factions. For instance, the seven Elders controlled the largest factions in the Academy and including the dean, there were eight big factions. The factions wouldn't openly confront each other but secretly fought for resources.

The dean and the seven Elders were all in Fate Realm, and they needed to carry on the family line, unlike Minghe. Not all cultivators behaved like Minghe. Living in the Battlefield for so long, they naturally had families. Otherwise, there would not be enough creatures in the Battlefield.

The eight factions fought for resources to strengthen themselves and suppress others. Now that he was on his own, Minghe had better join one of the halls. A new hall would only suffer from other factions' attack. After all, one more hall meant one more contender.

Minghe could play with them with his sharp mind, but he thought of it as a waste of time. Compared with scrambling for resources, he could just refine Spiritual Treasures of Chaos to trade for any resources he wanted. Although selling Spiritual Treasures of Chaos might land in his enemy hands, Minghe had to do it. Besides, in case of any danger, he would keep some means for himself.

In front of the Elder House, he looked at the magnificent palace but was not impressed. A palace like this on earth would be mind-blowing, but here even an  ordinary  immortal  built such palaces. The palace was not noteworthy, what interested Minghe was the tactical formations within.

Minghe had read all the tactical formations in the library. Without a careful  study, he could still recognize the  formation in front of him. It was a myriad-Symbol soul-suppressing Formation at the Fate level. It consisted of numerous refined creatures souls. It was so profound that it could trap experts at least in Middle Stage of the Fate Realm.

The Elder House Palace in front of Minghe was composed of 36 subordinate temples. On top of every subordinate temple, there stood a monster statue. In fact, the statues were made out of 36 monster bodies. Their bodies and souls were sealed inside the statue. Judging from the vital force lingered around the statue, every one of them had been Fate Realm Early Stage Creatures. The four main monsters of the formation were the Chaos Ominous Beasts.

Such a formation could suppress Middle Stage of the Fate Realm experts and even Late Stage of Fate Realm ones. The Academy was really powerful in resources and this suited Minghe. Only when the Academy was strong, could Minghe benefit from it.

Entering the House, Minghe went directly to one of the four main temples: Meeting Temple. The seven Elders were waiting for him there. It would be the first meeting between Minghe and the Academy's higher ups. On the way, Minghe felt calm because he knew they would either bribe him or test him. Of course, there were other possibilities.

Stepping into the Meeting Temple, he saw a large jade table at the center. The table was surrounded by nine big chairs decorated with special imprints with an air of royalty. An Elder in the Academy was even more distinguished than an emperor.

Seven chairs had been taken. The vacant two chairs were for the dean, Venerable Linghao, and Minghe. Minghe was surprised that all seven Elders were present instead of mediating just to see him.

Chapter 388: The Mystery Territory of Earth

As Minghe took his seat, one of them introduced himself. "Elder Minghe, I'm Elder Leiyun". He continued, "This is Elder Jiangwu, Elder Hengpeng, Elder Zhongnan, Elder Guqi, Elder Shouzhou, and Elder Hongquan. As for our dean, he is still in Closed Door Meditation. Thus, we seven welcome you as our new Elder on his behalf."

Minghe nodded and smiled. "Thank you all. I've been promoted for a long time. But due to my Closed Door Meditation, this is my first time here. I didn't expect such a party. I'm really flattered." Naturally, he was surprised, but what interested Minghe was why they had shown up together.

Elder Hengpeng noticed Minghe's doubts and answered, "I know Elder Minghe has questions. Why are we all here to welcome you? Let's be straight. Apart from the welcome party, we'd also like to talk with you about the opening of the Mystery Territory of Earth in 60,000 years."

Hearing this, Minghe's mind was quickly filled with the information of the Mystery Territory of Earth. Thanks to the library, he knew that the Mystery Territory of Earth was created by an almighty expert before his departure into the High Layer of the Battlefield of Gods and Demons. The expert was none other than Priest Earth, a legend in the Medium Layer of the Battlefield of Gods and Demons.

Priest Earth used to practice the Three Laws of Elixirs, Weapons, and Arrays at the same time. He was not such a master of fighting skills, but still, he was well known for his achievements on the three Laws. He was popular then, since his elixir, tactical formations, and Magic Weapons were all the best.

When he finally reached the Half Step to the Supreme Realm, he spent 10s of thousands of years to build such a Mystery Territory of Earth, leaving his Spiritual Inheritance on the Three Laws of Elixirs, Weapons, and Arrays inside. For instance, a large portion of the information on refining weapons and tactical formations in the library were acquired in the Mystery Territory of Earth. Thus, every time it opened, every expert in the entire Eastern Region acted soon afterward.

The Mystery Territory of Earth opened every 1,000,000 years. It was only 60,000 years before its next opening. Minghe finally realized why the Fate Realm experts had opted not to enter the Central Region Academy. They had been waiting for this grand opening. Only then would they go to the Central Region. However, not everyone was qualified to enter the Mystery Territory of Earth. Priest Earth created it to pass on his Three Laws of Elixirs, Weapons, and Arrays and he had prohibited cultivators who were over the Middle Stage of the Fate Realm from entering. Besides, fighting was also banned. Breaking the two rules would lead to tactical formation attacks from the Mystery Territory.

Still, people tried to break the rules. Thus, even experts at the Half Step to the Supreme Realm had been terminated by the tactical formations. The Supreme Realm tactical formations had always been protecting the Mystery Territory of Earth well. Otherwise, such a place would have been exploited or taken by some force long ago.

Legend had it that when it opened, three doors appeared representing the Spiritual Inheritance on the three Three Laws of Elixirs, Weapons, and Arrays respectively. One could only choose one door and gain one opportunity. Even if you waited until the next opening, you could not open the same door. Therefore, one had only three attempts to enter the Mystery Territory.

Minghe naturally took interest in such a Mystery Territory. He mastered two of the Three Laws of Elixirs, Weapons, and Arrays. He certainly could not miss Priest Earth's Spiritual Inheritance of Laws of Weapons and Arrays! Of course, there might also be elixir, Tactical Fields, and Magic Weapons inside the Mystery Territory. Minghe had to pass the test to get them.

However, the Mystery Territory of Earth had been in existence for so long and most of the treasures had been taken. Thus, you might need some luck to find even one. There were indeed undiscovered treasures but only a few. Therefore, Minghe did not take it seriously and focused on the Spiritual Inheritance of the laws of Weapons and Arrays.

Minghe gained some extra knowledge of the Mystery Territory of Earth from Elder Hengpeng's account. Minghe found it helpful because the account was missing on the Jade Slips in the library. Additionally, seemingly they were here to have a discussion, but actually, it was about prying into his plans. After all, Minghe's promotion as an Elder greatly affected them.

The seven Elders and the dean had chosen not to go to Yun Ling Academy in the Central Region due to the opening of the Mystery Territory of Earth. Whatever they found in the Mystery Realm, they would find to be helpful during their stay in the Central Region. The eight Fate Realm experts had agreed on moving to the Central Region after they ventured into the Mystery Territory. In that case, there would be no Fate Realm experts in any of the factions in the academy, thus keeping the balance of the power. But, Minghe's sudden rise to the Fate Realm broke the balance, so naturally, the Elders cared about Minghe's plans very much.

Minghe sensed their worry and revealed his plans directly. He did not intend to establish a force or stay in the Eastern Region. He would go to the Central Region after the Mystery Territory opened. Knowing Minghe's plans, they felt relieved. After all, following their departure, their descendants would still live on in the Eastern Region. If Minghe should stay, they would probably have to adjust their original plan.

With Minghe's reply, the seven Elders felt at ease. Once all the Fate Realm experts had gone to the Central Region, the factions in the academy would still be balanced in power, until new Fate Realm experts could emerge to be the new dean and Elders. The possibility of a power reshuffle in the academy was low because the existing factions had already seized many resources. Out of the factions, anyone who wanted to be a Fate Realm master would find it hard.

Regarding this, Minghe did not care too much because Yun Ling Academy in the Eastern Region was just a stepping stone. Though the resources in the academy still appealed to him, he found it effortless to obtain them as an Elder. After learning about the existence of the Central Region, he was apparently more drawn to Yun Ling Academy in the Central Region, since there had to be more resources there.

Chapter 389: Plot

Men with different outlooks thought differently. With his increase in strength, Minghe knew more and more, and he also had more and more doubts. However, he never changed his mind in the pursuit of the Supreme Way. The Fate Realm and the Half Step to the Supreme Realm were already limitations for others, while Minghe sought extraordinary strength like the Great Way, which could suppress inexhaustible Chaos and endless time. Actually, the Eastern Region could restrict him.

Minghe knew that there were numerous experts stronger than him in the Battlefield of Gods and Demons, but he was never scared as he was only short on time. Given enough time, he believed that he could have a brighter future than them. Although he was born in the Ninth Period, his cultivation had already surpassed countless men and would surpass even more.

The four elements of cultivation were Resources, Fellows, Laws, and Lands. Minghe lacked Resources the most, so he would like to stay in Yun Ling Academy to make up his shortfall with its abundant deposits. Fellows were Fellow Taoists, Fellow Cultivators, or Taoist partners. Minghe was content with his Three Separations as partners. Laws were laws of cultivation, magic skills, and tactical formations, and so on. He had no shortage of this element. His laws were already clear and did not need to change but only improve. The last element meant Lands of cultivation. Yun Ling Academy happened to meet his demands.

Among the four elements, Minghe knew what he lacked clearly. Certainly, he needed time the most. Only with enough time could he become strong quickly. Due to the Magical Tao Mirror, he was incomparably rapid in cultivation, understanding of the Divine Law, and breaking through the Bottlenecks.

In the rear courtroom of the Elder Palace, Minghe sat cross- legged alone on a seat and Essential Qi surged throughout his entire body. Endless Spiritual Air of Heaven and Earth and Air of the Divine Law constantly surged into his body, and finally changed into his power. After a long time, he opened his eyes and smiled. He glanced at his Elder Palace and smiled even more.

In Yun Ling Academy, the Elders were the most respected men aside from Venerable Linghao, who was the Director of the Academy, so the Elders could enjoy better resources than others. The academy was built on the few dragon veins in the area, and the Elder Palace was located at their head, so the Spiritual Air of Heaven and Earth and the Air of the Divine Law were several times more intense than that in the outside world.

Actually, the Spiritual Air of Heaven and Earth could also be found everywhere in the Battlefield of Gods and Demons. The only difference was their density. When a man reached the Fate Realm, the Spiritual Air of Heaven and Earth was secondary to the Air of the Divine Law. In the Battlefield of Gods and Demons, the Air of the Divine Law was far more precious than the Spiritual Air of Heaven and Earth. Any place with dense Air of the Divine Law had to be contested by many powers.

If a man wanted to improve his strength after reaching the Fate Realm, the main thing to rely on was his realm, rather than supernatural power and cultivation. When he reached a certain realm, he would naturally be slow to catch on to the Great Way. A lot of people could not break through to a Small Realm after millions upon millions of years.

The Air of the Divine Law was very useful. It had no attribute and did not belong to any of 3,000 Great Ways. Through absorption and conversion of the very special air, cultivators could speed up their understanding of the Great Way. The more Air of the Divine Law that there was, the faster the understanding of the Great Way would be. Minghe learned a lot of information from the eighth floor of the library. He was especially interested in the Air of the Divine Law. In the Battlefield of Gods and Demons, Spiritual Stones containing the Spiritual Air of Heaven and Earth and Air of the Divine Law were mainstream currency. Based on the density of the Air of the Divine Law, Spiritual Stones were divided into four grades, which were Low Grade, Mid Grade, Top Grade, and Highest Grade.

Above the Spiritual Stones, there was a more special currency, named Sky Crystals. They were very pure and made up of the Air of the Divine Law. All Sky Crystals had the same grade but had different sizes. To facilitate the transaction, each Sky Crystal unit was one kilogram. However, the Sky Crystals were so precious that a block of Sky Crystals could not be found in the entire Eastern Region.

It was recorded like this, but Minghe knew that even if there was one block of Sky Crystals, no one would take it out. After all, it was a supreme treasure for cultivators to enhance their cultivation, so people hardly revealed it. Moreover, if someone broke open the dragon veins beneath Yun Ling Academy, they might find one, but nobody would do this.

At the thought of this, Minghe was increasingly looking forward to traveling to the Central Region. From the Jade Slip, he knew some information about the Central Region. The Medium Layer of the Battlefield of Gods and Demons was seemingly endless. People of the four worlds of Chaos entered the four regions separately. The four regions were very large, but actually, they were smaller than half of the Central Region.

In terms of air density, the places with the thinnest Spiritual Air of Heaven and Earth and Air of the Divine Law in the Central Region were beyond most places of the four regions. Thus, it could be seen that the Central Region was a place more suitable for cultivation than the four regions. Compared with the four regions, there were many more treasures of Heaven and Earth in the Central Region, but likewise, there was more killing and deaths.

Obviously, he would not be successful in the Central Region if he only relied on the Law of Weapons-refining. A powerful strength was the best guarantee, so this time, the Mystery Territory of Earth was of vital importance for him. Although any progress in strength could not be realized overnight, if one could master a powerful formation, it would be the best card to have.

Although fighting was not allowed in the Mystery Territory of Earth, it would not be peaceful outside of that place. After all, if someone did not get what he wanted, he would try to snatch another's Fated Chance. Since the world was called the Battlefield of Gods and Demons, it was obviously a place fraught with danger.

If the Lower Layer of the Battlefield of Gods and Demons was a harbor for novices in every period, the four regions of the Medium Layer of the Battlefield of Gods and Demons would be a transitional zone. After entering the Central Region, it was the real Battlefield of Gods and Demons, which was a world full of limitless Fated Chances and killing. It was much crueler than the small Mystery Territory of Earth.

Minghe was not worried about the potential dangers. In the Eastern Region, a man at the Middle Stage of the Fate Realm was already an expert. Although he only reached the Early Stage of the Fate Realm, his fighting ability was not inferior to that of an expert at the Middle Stage of the Fate Realm. Only those who reached the Late Stage of the Fate Realm or above could really threaten him. However, there was no such an expert in the Eastern Region.

Although there was no such person in the Eastern Region, it would be a great threat to him if such a person came here from the Central Region, so he had to keep alert. He would not pin his comfort on uncertainties. If he did, he would just die earlier.

If he wanted to be able to confront all the uncertainties, Minghe needed to improve his strength. However, he was short on resources. Even though he was an Elder of Yun Ling Academy and enjoyed the proper treatment, the resources were insufficient for him. Whether it was for the growth of the human body or the practice of the Divine Law, Minghe needed plenty of scarce and valuable resources.

At the thought of this, he could not help focusing on the Elder Palace, where seven other elders sat. The seven halls of the academy had existed for a long time, which could be called deep- rooted. Previously, they inquired about his plans to ensure that there would be no accidents in Yun Ling Academy in the Eastern Region. Actually, even if he had ambitions in the Eastern Region, he could not create a disturbance.

Yun Ling Academy had been established for hundreds of millions of years. In all those endless years, only the seven halls stood erect, so it could be seen that they had a profound foundation. Based on his current strength, Minghe could not provoke any incidents in the academy. Even if he did it deliberately, it might only last for one hour and would disappear at any moment.

Nowadays, the seven halls controlled the resources for cultivation that Minghe required. If he continued to exchange contributions for resources, it might delay his cultivation. Meanwhile, he could not obtain sufficient and efficient resources for cultivation of the Fate Realm. Perhaps most of those types of precious resources were controlled by the power of the seven halls.

If he wanted to obtain these precious resources from their hands, Minghe had to pay the price. After thinking it over and over again, he deemed that he could only get his desirables from Elder Jiangwu of the Torture Hall and Elder Hongquan of the Secret Hall because they had no Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, which was an opportunity for him.

The Torture Hall was responsible for rewards and punishment in the academy. As the Elder of the Torture Hall, Elder Jiangwu had the best cultivation among the seven elders. Unfortunately, his Spiritual Treasure of Chaos was destroyed more than 100,000 years ago when he fought with an Ominous Beast of Chaos at the Early Stage of the Fate Realm. Until now, he still did not have a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, so he declined in status recently. The Secret Hall was the weakest among the seven halls, but it was indispensable. It was in charge of dealing with information, including the Treasures of Heaven and Earth, Mystery Realm, and so on. Nothing that existed could escape its notice. Therefore, although it was the weakest among the seven halls, it was the most mysterious. Elder Hongquan also had no Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, which was an opportunity for him.

Although Venerable Linghao, who was the Director of the Academy, and Elder Zhongnan, who was the Elder of the Weapon Hall, could refine Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, now Elder Jiangwu and Elder Hongquan still had no Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. Moreover, other Elders only had one Spiritual Treasure of Chaos respectively, which was not powerful enough. It thus appeared that the others feared and were suppressed by the two people.

Chapter 390: Transaction

However, Minghe did not care because he was alone and had no worries. If they became strong, Elder Jiangwu and Elder Hongquan would not affect him. After this trip to the Mystery Territory of Earth, he would go to the Central Region, where there were a lot of Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. Moreover, Minghe might not have a connection with these people, so he did not worry about this question.

Yun Ling Academy had seven halls but eight forces. Apart from the forces of the seven halls, there was another neutral force, which was similar to the line of Individual Cultivators. It was always protected by the Director of the Academy whether in the Eastern Region or the Central Region. Moreover, every director came from this line, and the seven halls never had any objections, as if it was a default rule.

Its existence was very beneficial for Minghe because he could freely deal with the seven halls and get his required things. Although it was a little troublesome, at least he would not be subject to others. As such, he could not only avoid the struggle among the forces of the seven halls, but also be able to practice wholeheartedly, which was precisely what he wanted. However, he could only exchange Spiritual Treasures of Chaos for some precious resources for cultivation from Elder Jiangwu and Elder Hongquan. Beyond that, he might have nothing attractive to them. After all, their cultivations were not inferior to his and their foundations were even many times better than his. His only advantage was the Law of Weapons-refining.

He was not eager to show his ability of refining Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. The Mystery Territory of Earth would initiate in 60,000 years. During this period, Minghe and his Three Separations could enhance their cultivations and perceive tactical formations. Moreover, Heaven and Earth Taoist's Wheels of Heaven and Earth was still a Half Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. It would take some time and plenty of refining materials to turn it into a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos.

He had already collected all the refining materials. It would not take a lot of time to turn it into a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. After all, nowadays the World of Heaven and Earth had already reached the low-rank great trichiliocosm. However, Heaven and Earth Taoist was not anxious to transform it, but he was absorbed in the development and stabilization of the World of Heaven and Earth, which would change a lot from a medium dichiliocosm to a great trichiliocosm. In the past 40,000 years, Minghe never left his Elder Palace, and several other Elders also gradually took less notice of him. Some worried that he might get up to his little tricks, and some might hold expectations for him. However, he neither made any moves nor exchanged for resources for 40,000 years. They speculated that he might be practicing through Closed Door Meditation. After all, cultivating for 40,000 years was simply nothing for the Fate Realm.

And then one day, a strong current of vital force suddenly burst out from his Elder Palace. Even though a restriction formation was arranged there, some vital force still lingered. Being powerful and ancient, the vital force was generated during the birth of the Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, with an odor of Chaos and the air of spirituality.

In the Elder Palace, all the Elders were shocked by the sudden outburst of vital force. Obviously, they never thought that Minghe's Law of Weapons-refining would break through 40,000 years later after he broke through to the Fate Realm. A new Sixth Grade Refining Master was born. Among the seven Elders, Elder Jiangwu and Elder Hongquan naturally were filled with anticipation because they saw the potential to obtain Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. They had almost given up before. After all, they would go to Yun Ling Academy in the Central Region after leaving the Mystery Territory of Earth. When they arrived there, they would naturally obtain their desired Spiritual Treasures of Chaos, but they might pay a greater cost there.

As soon as Minghe broke through on the Law of Weapons- refining, they immediately left their Elder Palaces and walked to Minghe's, while several other Elders just watched them because they had no way to stop them. Although the seven halls struggled openly and secretly, they only did it stealthily. Therefore, they could not prevent them from obtaining any Spiritual Treasures of Chaos.

Elder Jiangwu and Elder Hongquan arrived at the outside of Minghe's Elder Palace and glanced at each other silently. Since neither of them had a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos and Minghe had just broken through the Laws of Weapons-refining, they might have a chance to get their desired treasures from him. Minghe might not be able to refine two Spiritual Treasures of Chaos before they left for the Central Region, but he might refine one treasure, so the atmosphere became very awkward.

"There you are, Elder Jiangwu and Elder Hongquan. Since you're here, come in for a chat." Minghe's voice came from the main hall and broke the awkward silence. Upon hearing this, they entered the main hall successively. After their entrance, the gate of the main hall closed and the restriction formation initiated once again. In this way, no one could know what they talked about.

They looked at Minghe, who sat upright on the seat. Opposite him were two seats, which had obviously been prepared for them. After they sat down, Elder Jiangwu said with a laugh, "Elder Minghe, congratulations on your success in the refinement of the Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. Unexpectedly, you've broken through the Laws of Weapons-refining in a short period of only 40,000 years. My Fellow Taoist, you're really gifted at refining."

After hearing this, Minghe said with a smile, "Elder Jiangwu, I'm flattered. Actually, I was just enlightened by accident, so I made progress in refining. Otherwise, it would be a long time before I could refine Spiritual Treasures of Chaos." With this, Minghe looked at the silent Elder Hongquan and asked, "Perhaps you came here for something other than just congratulating me, right?"

Upon hearing this, they exchanged glances because they never thought that Minghe would be so straightforward. However, it was just right. Elder Hongquan looked at Minghe and said in a low voice, "Elder Minghe, since you've asked, let's get this straight. You must know that among the seven Elders, only Elder Jiangwu and I have no Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. Since you've succeeded in refining weapons, we want you to help us to refine a Spiritual Treasures of Chaos."

When he finished his words, Elder Hongquan stared at Minghe with expectation in his eyes, and so did Elder Jiangwu. Although they had already reached the Fate Realm, they had no proper Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. If they met a man with the same cultivation who had a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, they would be doomed to suffer losses and even die. Therefore, they were desperate for Spiritual Treasures of Chaos.

When the Mystery Territory of Earth opened this time, they had wanted to enter the Spiritual Inheritance of the Law of Weapons and try their fortunes. If they were lucky enough, they might find a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos inside. Although there was little chance, there were no other alternatives. But now, Minghe had been able to refine a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, so they naturally placed their hopes on him.

Minghe looked thoughtful after hearing that. Actually, the outburst of the vital force of Spiritual Treasures of Chaos was done purposely by him. When the Wheels of Heaven and Earth realized its transformation, he did not cover it up but let it break out the vital force of the Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. Therefore, some vital force leaked out from his Elder Palace and finally had attracted Elder Jiangwu and Elder Hongquan, which was just his purpose.

He certainly could see their expectations hidden in their eyes, then he said, "Of course, I know your thoughts too well. However, I just broke through the Laws of Weapons-refining, so I can not assure you that I can refine a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos now. As you two know, it's not that easy to refine Spiritual Treasures of Chaos. Moreover, I just broke through to the Fate Realm, so I need time for Closed Door Meditation. Therefore..."

They were a little anxious when they discovered that Minghe wanted to turn down their request. Actually, Minghe had already spoken so clearly, saying that he wanted to practice through Closed Door Meditation. However, Elder Jiangwu and Elder Hongquan also knew that it was only 20,000 years away from the opening of the Mystery Territory of Earth. Even with a Closed Door Meditation, Minghe might not be able to improve his cultivation much. As long as they were willing to pay enough, they believed that Minghe would like to give up the Closed Door Meditation and refine Spiritual Treasures of Chaos for them instead.

With that thought in mind, Elder Jiangwu said, "Elder Minghe, you want to carry out a Closed Door Meditation just to improve your cultivation, so I would like to offer you 10 Sky Crystals as payment. If you can refine me a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos, you'll get the 10 Sky Crystals. Well, what do you think?" While speaking, he stretched out his hand and 10 Sky Crystals appeared in his palm.

As he saw the Sky Crystals, Minghe got a shine in his eyes. After years of Spiritual Inheritance, the seven halls  really formed a profound foundation. In Yun Ling Academy in the Eastern Region, they could take out 10 Sky Crystals at a time, which was really surprising to Minghe. It was really a cost- efficient deal with 10 Sky Crystals as payment for refining a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos.

Elder Hongquan heard this and also took out 10 Sky Crystals, saying, "I'm also willing to offer 10 Sky Crystals as payment for your refinement of a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos. Elder Minghe, what do you think?" Elder Hongquan was a little anxious when he saw Elder Jiangwu take out the Sky Crystals as payment because he might not obtain a Spiritual Treasure of Chaos if Minghe promised Elder Jiangwu first. Seeing this, Minghe lowered his voice and said, "Since you two are so sincere, I won't decline your requests. As long as I have enough refining materials, I should be able to refine two Spiritual Treasures of Chaos over the next 20,000 years." Minghe had no reason to reject their requests because they would provide all the refining materials and give him 20 Sky Crystals as payment.
DONASI VIA TRAKTEER Bagi para cianpwe yang mau donasi untuk biaya operasional Cerita Silat IndoMandarin dipersilahkan klik tombol hati merah disamping :)

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