Stellar Transformation Book 15 – Splitting The Heaven And Earth Apart

Book 15 – Splitting The Heaven And Earth Apart

Chapter 1: The First Overlook Of The Divine Realm

The Divine Realm was an extremely boundless world. Since the birth of the Divine Realm, about a hundred million and two quadrillion years have passed. Since the birth of the Divine Realm till now, there have been many rich and powerful powers existing at a period of time. However, following the passage of time, those powers have mostly collapsed.

[TL: 1.000000002*10^24 years]

Thrive, then decay, that was the law of nature. However, eight powers managed to escape this law of nature. Since the birth till now, a period of a hundred million and two quadrillion years, these eight powers were still in eternal existence.

These eight powers were ancient inherited and never decaying powers. And the leaders of these eight powers were called the Sage Emperors!

The Eight Great Sage Emperors, they were the people with the highest status in the Divine Realm. In terms of strength, all these Eight Great Sage Emperors possessed strength of Godkings. They are second to only the legendary Exalted Celestials. In terms of power, there was no one that could match these Eight Great Sage Emperors. In terms of weapons, the Eight Great Sage Emperors possessed the Inherited Grandmist Spiritual Treasures that had existed since the appearance of the Divine Realm.

All eight of these Grandmist Spiritual Treasures were first rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. Perhaps only the legendary ‘Exalted Celestial’s Spiritual Treasure’ that Exalted Celestials possessed would be able to surpass those eight Grandmist Spiritual Treasures.

Strength, power, weapons, they possessed dominance in all of them. There was no need to mention how revered these Eight Great Sage Emperors were. The Eight Great Sage Emperors each occupied a territory. Of the Eight Great Sage Emperors, the ‘Utmost East Sage Emperor’ occupied a territory of the eastern region of the Divine Realm.

The Ascension Pond, that was the place where those from the lower realm appear after ascending to the Divine Realm. The number of Ascension Ponds in the entire Divine Realm was fixed. There were a total of approximately eight hundred Ascension Ponds. These Ascension Ponds have existed since the time of the creation of the Divine Realm. They cannot be destroyed and were everlasting.

The story happened at an Ascension Pond on a region in the eastern part of the Divine Realm.

At a certain Ascension Pond of the eastern region of the Divine Realm were ten battle armored soldiers. It just so happened to be the time for this squadron to guard the Ascension Pond. Therefore, they had to stay beside the Ascension Pond for a thousand years. A thousand years later, another squadron would come to take their shift. And at this moment, these ten soldiers were chatting with each other in boredom.

“You only meet someone who ascends to the Divine Realm once in countless years. And here we are, we must continue to wait here. Days like this are truly boring. Sigh. Captain, I’ve heard that you’re about to get a promotion and become a mid captain?” Said a thin and frail looking youth to a middle aged man beside him.

“I’ve heard of it too. Last time, when one of our brigades were outside hunting a powerful demon beast, they instead ran into a frightening ‘Ant Swarm.’ The entire brigade of a thousand people was completely wiped out. Truly miserable.” Lamented   another   middle   aged   robust   fellow.   “This   time around, the city was focused on getting new people to join the army and our captain was going to be promoted to become a mid captain within the new brigade.”
“Don’t talk about the Ant Swarm. Sigh… Unless one has reached the Heavenly Deity level, going against those earth- shattering Ant Swarms is practically suicide.” Said that captain as he shook his head. “Captain, after you become the mid captain, your salary should increase, right? Your salary of a thousand years ought to be double now, right?” The most beautiful woman within this little squadron asked.

When the armies in the Divine Realm recruit their soldiers, they do not care about the sex of their soldiers at all. All they cared was the recruit’s strength. As for this ten people squadron, there are four females.

“Double, haha, that’s right.” Upon mentioning this, this squadron captain also displayed a smile on his face.

However, right at this moment, the mists of the Ascension Pond beside them suddenly started to roll about. The white mists were unceasingly rising. Immediately, this squadron had stopped their idle chat.

“Someone  is  ascending.”   The  brown  long  haired  female soldier was a bit excited. The range of the white mists rolling about grew larger and larger. It was like there was a dragon rolling about within the Ascension Pond. The Ascension Pond possessed a circumference of close to a hundred meters. However, that rolling mist actually spread to the entire Ascension Pond.

“The number of people who are ascending is actually greater than one or two… there’s many of them.” The eyes of that Divine Realm’s little squadron captain who possessed experience on these sort of things suddenly started to shine.

Immediately, all ten of these soldiers were excited. To be able to receive this many people ascending was extremely rare. Usually, only after many years would there be a single person ascending from the Ascension Pond. For there to be many people ascending at the same time, the possibility of that was so low that one could easily imagine it. It was likely that such a thing would not even happen once in ten million years.

For this little squadron, to be able to receive so many people ascending at once was a glorious deed that’s worthy of being a lifetime achievement. As the white mists continued to roll about, several figures suddenly appeared within the mists.

“Tsk tsk~~~”
Clearly visible dark golden energy burst forth from within the Ascension Pond. Each of the people that had ascended, had the dark gold energy go directly into their bodies. There were a total of five rays of dark gold energy.

“Five  people  who  have  ascended.  Truly  a  rare  occasion.” Gasped that little squadron captain of the Divine Realm.

The  most  beautiful  woman  also  nodded.  “These  Ascension Ponds of our Yuchi City only corresponds to about a hundred cosmic spaces. For there to be five people ascending at the same time from the same cosmic space, these five of them are truly people brought together with fate.”
“It appears that only one is a female. The other four are all males.” That group of Divine Realm soldiers started to discuss with each other. And while they were discussing…
“Ah~~~” Numerous painful voices sounded from within that Ascension Pond. Hearing those painful voices, these soldiers were instead not concerned in the slightest. They were still discussing with one another.

“The Divine Energy piercing through their bodies, each and every person that ascends to the Divine Realm has to go through this mountain pass. Back then, even I tasted that sort of suffering. Truly…” That little squadron captain smacked his lips as he sighed. He then glanced at the most beautiful woman of the squad. “Liu Fei, you’ve grown up in the Divine Realm, right? For you all, the Divine Energy would immediately pierce through your bodies right after passing the Divine Tribulation, right?”
The woman called Liu Fei nodded her head. “Right after passing the Divine Tribulation, the Tribulation Clouds would directly shoot out the Divine Energy into our bodies. That sort of feeling, I truly do not wish to experience it again.” “I reckon it’ll take about an hour for the Divine Energy to finish   passing   through   their   bodies.”   The   little   squadron captain looked to the sky to inspect the time of the day. “It’s still very early now. I suspect it’ll take four more hours till the dusk.”
Time passed.

After an hour, four rays of Divine Energy were severed. Those four figures were shot out from the white mist of the Ascension Pond out to the side of Ascension Pond. The ten soldiers immediately rushed to assist these four people.

“Eh, how come only four finished? Why is the other one still continuing?” Said the Divine Realm’s little squadron captain in confusion.

The other nine soldiers were also puzzled. This was something that was predetermined. The amount of Divine Energy that the bodies of those who have just ascended could contain was limited. The amount of Divine Energy one could contain was mostly based on two aspects. The first was one’s body’s cultivation whereas the second was one’s soul’s cultivation.

The higher the level the soul was, the more Divine Energy one could absorb without them revolting.

The body was the vessel of the Divine Energy. The stronger the body, the more Divine Energy it could support.

“This,   is   this   the   Divine   Realm?”   A   very   painful   voice sounded. The little squadron captain in the Divine Realm, Huang Xu, looked over. “That’s right, this is the Divine Realm. Don’t ask too much, first stabilize your body. Eh?”
Among the four that have ascended and were sent to the shore of the Ascension Pond, a male and a female kneeled down to the ground. Their expression was that of extreme pain. The Divine Energy within their bodies was fluctuating unceasingly. 
As for the other two people that have ascended, they were instead standing there with composed expressions. It seemed like they were very undisturbed, as if they were not suffering at all. Merely, these two people’s gazes were fixed on that figure still within the Ascension Pond.

These two people were precisely Hou Fei and Hei Yu.

“Monkey, that sensation from earlier was truly unpleasant. Big brother should be fine, right?” Said Hei Yu to Hou Fei in a low voice. Having just arrived to the Divine Realm, they discovered that the Divine Realm was substantially different from their expectations.

In the Divine Realm, with their soul’s level, they were unable to spread their soul’s power out from their body at all.

“This Divine Realm is a bit strange. I feel that I am unable to even fly here.” Hou Fei nodded. “However, with big brother’s strength, there is definitely not going to be any problem.” “The two of you.” The little squadron captain from the Divine Realm, Huang Xu, lightly smiled as he looked to Hou Fei and Hei Yu. “Stop muttering over there. Let me ask you, were the two of you body cultivators in the lower realm?”
“Body   cultivators?”   Hou   Fei   and   Hei   Yu   were   slightly startled.

“You can say that.” Laughed Hou Fei.

As a ‘Fiery Eyed Water Ape,’ his body was extremely valiant to begin with. Although he did not especially train his body, Hou Fei’s current body was still comparable to that of the eighth stage of the Nine Steps Dark Gold Body. As for Hei Yu… in terms of his body’s toughness, he was equally matched with Qin Yu.

“It’s  good  to  be  body  cultivators.  You’ll  be  able  to  take  the first mountain pass of the Divine Realm, the piercing through of the Divine Energy, a lot easier.” Laughed Huang Xu. Hou Fei and Hei Yu looked to Huang Xu before them. They both felt that the person standing in front of them was too powerful. He was so powerful that the two of them were unable to resist him at all. The two of them believed that if the man before them wanted to kill them, he would be able to do that easily.

“The sensation this man gives me is more or less like the one that big brother gives me.” Both Hou Fei and Hei Yu had this feeling in their heart.

“Since the two of you have ascended to the Divine Realm, you naturally will have to abide by the rules of our Divine Realm. However, the two of you don’t need to worry yourselves. These two male and female ascenders, still have to stabilize their bodies. As for the two of you, your bodies were strong enough to begin with, so there is no need for you to spend this effort.” Said Huang Xu while smiling.

That beautiful female soldier Liu Fei frowned as she looked to the man within the Ascension Pond that was still receiving the piercing of the Divine Energy. “The two of you, do you know that man?” Asked the beautiful female soldier to Hou Fei and Hei Yu. 
Hou Fei nodded. “That is our big brother.”
“Big  brother?  The  three  of  you  are  brothers?”  A  pleasant smile appeared on Liu Fei’s face. “Truly rare. Three brothers actually ascended to the Divine Realm together. It would seem that you are brought brother together by fate.”
“Is my big brother going to be okay?” Hei Yu asked.

A soldier that seemed to be thin and weak said while beaming with smiles. “He’s fine…. I have never heard of people ascending to the Divine Realm and dying in the Ascension Pond.”
Only then did Hou Fei and Hei Yu heave a sigh of relief.

“Divine Energy piercing through the body?” Qin Yu was able to clearly hear the conversation of the people not far away from him. This Divine Energy piercing through the body actually did not affect him at all. The reason why others were in pain was because of the struggle between their body’s original energy with the Divine Energy.

Once the Divine Energy entered into the body, it would exterminate all of the previous energy within the body and then reside within the body and gather within the dantian area.

However, what about Qin Yu?

He had directly hidden the Nine Steps Force and the Gold Force inside his Stellar Space. Without any energy obstructing the Divine Energy, it effortlessly flowed through Qin Yu’s body. Thus, Qin Yu naturally would not be in pain.

Others had spent an hour. However, Qin Yu had spent six entire hours now accepting the Divine Energy into his body. Yet, Qin Yu was still absorbing even more Divine Energy into his body…. 
At a certain moment, Qin Yu suddenly sensed that the Divine Energy that was flowing within his body actually brought about a very large repressive sensation. Qin Yu had a feeling that if he were to continue to absorb Divine Energy, his body would break apart.

“Huff!” The ray of Divine Energy that had been unceasingly piercing into Qin Yu’s body had voluntarily severed itself.

Qin Yu’s body was also pushed away by the Ascension Pond. Involuntarily, he had arrived on the shore beside the Ascension Pond.

“This  Divine  Realm  is  truly  unusual.”  Once  he  reached  the shore, Qin Yu sensed a binding from the Divine Realm. This extremely steady space had brought Qin Yu a lot of suppression. “Big brother.” Hou Fei and Hei Yu both walked over to Qin Yu.

“It’s actually hard to teleport.” Qin Yu muttered and gasped.

“Haha, teleport?” That little squadron captain Huang Xu started  to  laugh  out  loud.  “Ascender,  although  teleportation might be extremely common in the lower realms, in the Divine Realm… even the high and above High Level Heavenly Deities can forget about even imagining being able to teleport.”
Upon hearing the words that Huang Xu had said, Qin Yu was unable to conceal his surprise and looked at him.

At this moment, the ten soldiers, including that little squadron captain Huang Xu, all stared at Qin Yu.

“You are the most powerful among the five that have ascended today. Furthermore, you’re so powerful that even we were surprised…. if my guess is correct. Your body is extremely valiant. Furthermore, your soul is also extremely high level, it has reached the Mid Level Deity stage, right?” That Huang Xu smiled as he looked to Qin Yu.

However, Huang Xu was thinking in his heart. “That much Divine Energy. If one were to absorb them with Divine Spiritual Stones, then how many Divine Spiritual Stones would that take? That kid is truly lucky. He managed to absorb that much Divine Energy for free.”
Qin Yu was puzzled.

Mid Level Deity? Last time when he was with Jiang Yan, Jiang Yan’s soul was at the peak High Level Deity level whereas Qin Yu’s soul was at the Peak Mid Level Deity Level. Merely, through the assistance of his Meteoric Tear, he managed to barely reach the baseline of the Low Level Heavenly Deity Level.

“Truly rare. For one to be able to cultivate one’s soul to this level, it is truly rare.” Said Huang Xu while smiling. “If one were to train in the Divine Realm, even if one does not have any other misgivings and wholeheartedly trained… it would still require several tens of years at the minimum to reach the Mid Level Deity level soul. You’ve already reached the Deity level the moment you entered the Divine Realm, amazing.”
To have a Mid Level Deity level soul the moment one ascended to the Divine Realm, this was something that was extremely rare in the history of the Divine Realm.

Huang Xu suddenly glanced at the man and female, the two of them had finally managed to stabilize their bodies and stood up. Huang Xu nodded and said. “Good, since all of you have accepted the Divine Energy piercing through your bodies and have also stabilized your bodies, then, as the person in charge of you all after you’ve ascended to the Divine Realm, I shall tell you all some of the basic information regarding the Divine Realm.”
Qin Yu, Hou Fei, Hei Yu, as well as that man and woman, the five ascenders all looked to Huang Xu.

“According to the convention of the Divine Realm, all those that have just ascended to the Divine Realm are obligated to go to the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine and mine for His Majesty the Sage Emperor free of charge for a thousand years. During these thousand years, you all must not resist, try to flee and so on… Anyone who resists will be chased and killed by the entire Divine Realm.”
That squadron captain Huang Xu had an extremely serious expression. “As for the basic information regarding the Divine Realm, I will let you all know about them en route to the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine. Well then, let’s set off now!”

Chapter 2: Such Is The Divine Realm

Mine for a thousand years? Furthermore, for free?

Qin Yu, Hou Fei, Hei Yu as well as that male and female, all five of their expressions had changed. However, the five of them did not have any drastic reactions. All of them could still be considered as being calm.

“Very good. These ascenders that have trained bitterly step by step to finally reach the Divine Realm, they are much more calm than those who have grown up in the Divine Realm.” Huang Xu smiled and said. “I had thought that I would have to teach you guys a lesson too.”
Huang Xu looked to a simple and honest looking soldier behind him. He said. “Third, according to the rules, I will bring four people with me to deliver these people to the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine. You continue to stay here. It might be possible for there to be more ascenders coming later.”
“Yes,  captain.”   Nodded  that  simple  and  honest  looking soldier. 
Soon after, Huang Xu selected four soldiers to go with him. Of these four soldiers, two were male and two were female. That most beautiful woman Liu Fei was one of them. This had caused the five that remained to mumble in a low voice.

The five soldiers, with Huang Xu as the leader, led Qin Yu and the other four ascenders to the road to the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine.

The five Divine Realm soldiers and the five ascenders continued to proceed onward.

“Liu Fei, tell them a bit about the basic things of the Divine Realm.” Huang Xu casually ordered.

Liu Fei nodded. She then turned to Qin Yu and them and said.  “Compared  to  the  Divine  Realm,  the  original  cosmic space that you all came from had almost no restrictions. All of you, carefully listen to what I am about to tell you. Otherwise, if you were to make a joke out of yourself in the future, you cannot blame me for that.” The five ascenders nodded.

“The Divine Realm can be considered as an extremely vast land.” Said Liu Fei with a smile.

The five ascenders all started to frown. From their memories, regardless of whether it was the Mortal Realm or the higher level cosmic space like the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, they were all boundless outer space. So how come this Divine Realm was a land?

QIn Yu and his brothers were pretending to be confused whereas the other two people were truly confused.

“The reason why I said the Divine Realm could be considered as an extremely vast land, is because surrounding this land is an almost endless ocean. As for exactly how vast this ocean is, not many people know. Perhaps Godkings know about it.” Said Liu Fei with a smile. “Although the ocean is extremely vast, ninety nine percent of the Divine Realm’s people live on the land. The ocean can practically be completely neglected. That’s why I said that the Divine Realm could be considered an enormous land.” Liu Fei continued.

Qin Yu, Hou Fei and Hei Yu actually already understood a bit about the general circumstances in the Divine Realm. They were all things that they managed to learn back in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm when Qin Yu asked Uncle Fu.

“The Eight Great Powers of the Divine Realm are also all located on the land of the Divine Realm.” Liu Fei spoke frankly with assurance.

Dissatisfied, Huang Xu said. “Liu Fei, they do not need to know about these things. It’s better for me explain to them.” Huang Xu took a glance at Qin Yu and them. “Listen carefully, the space in the Divine Realm is extremely stable. At the same time, the restriction brought about by its space is extremely large. I suspect you all have managed to feel it too… in here, it’s impossible for you all to even fly.” Qin Yu and the other four all nodded.

Even Qin Yu himself was unable to fly.

“I can tell you all. In the Divine Realm, you are only capable of flying after becoming a Low Level Heavenly Deity.”
“Senior, how many different levels are the experts in the Divine Realm separated into?” The female ascender from the male and female ascenders not far from away from Qin Yu asked.

Huang  Xu  said  indifferently.  “The  experts  of  the  Divine Realm are primarily divided into: Low Level Deity, Mid Level Deity, High Level Deity, Low Level Heavenly Deity, Mid Level Heavenly Deity, High Level Heavenly Deity and the even higher level Godkings! Of course… legend has it that above the Godkings, are the Exalted Celestials.”
“We are only Low Level Deities right now, when would we be able to achieve a breakthrough?”  That female ascender asked again. 
Huang Xu shook his head and laughed. “Low Level Deity? Haha… you all cannot even be considered as Low Level Deity right now. At the very most, you are ‘in the process of becoming a Deity.’”
“In the process of becoming a Deity, why is that?” Qin Yu and the other four all looked at Huang Xu.

“It’s very simple. Low Level Deity, not only must the energy within their body be Divine Energy, their soul must also reach the Golden Soul Pellet stage. As for you all… other than this person, the other four of you, none of your souls have formed a Golden Soul Pellet.” Said Huang Xu as he pointed to Qin Yu.

Immediately, that male and female looked to Qin Yu.

“Stop  looking  at  him,  even  if  you  possessed  a  sufficient number of Divine Spiritual Stones, it would still require you at least several tens of millions of years to reach his level.”  Said Huang Xu coldly. “However, all of your souls are close to the stage of consummation. There is also no need for you all to worry about your soul forming the Golden Soul Pellet.”
Qin Yu listened and nodded in his mind.

The soul’s level was the hardest to improve.

“After spending a countless number of years, it is possible for you all to become a High Level Deity. However, to become a Low Level Heavenly Deity from a High Level Deity…that is truly hard. Among millions of Deities, perhaps only one would be able to become a Low Level Heavenly Deity.” Sighed Huang Xu.

Qin Yu’s pupils shrunk.

There is only a single Heavenly Deity among millions of Deities? It seemed that this Heavenly Deity level was extremely hard to reach. “After reaching the Low Level Heavenly Deity, each and every step forward becomes extremely hard. As for High Level Heavenly Deities… they can all be considered as people who possess immense power in the Divine Realm. As for the High Level Heavenly Deity to the Godking level, haha, Godking, if anyone of you manages to become a Godking in the future, I, Huang Xu would also be qualified to brag to others about it.” Huang Xu started laughing out loud.

Godking? The Divine Realm has already not had a new Godking for a very long time.

“Remember,  a  Low  Level  Deity’s  Divine  Awareness  is incapable of leaving the body. The Mid Level Deity’s Divine Awareness can leave about ten meters distance away from their body. As for High Level Deities, their Divine Awareness can leave about a hundred meters away from their body. The increase is more or less like this. As for the Heavenly Deities, I am not very sure about it myself.” Said Huang Xu with a light smile.

Qin Yu nodded in his heart. He had actually tried to spread his Divine Awareness out from his body earlier. However, even with the amplification from the Meteoric Tear, he was only able to spread his Divine Awareness out several hundred meters away from his body.

“The distance that which Divine Awareness leaves your body that I mentioned earlier was merely that of which the Divine Awareness could penetrate through the air. The materials in the Divine Awareness was very strange. It might be related to the Divine Spiritual Energy but even if one were a High Level Deity, his Divine Awareness would still be incapable of penetrating through the land, trees, sea water and other matters of nature.” Explained Huang Xu carefully.

Qin Yu and the others all had surprised looks on their faces.

“Indeed.”   Qin  Yu  tried  to  use  his  Divine  Awareness  to penetrate through the land. However, even with the assistance from the Meteoric Tear, he was only barely able to penetrate a foot’s distance. It must be borne in mind, that due to Qin Yu having the assistance of the Meteoric Tear, his Divine Awareness had already reached the baseline of the Low Level Heavenly Deity Level. “You all, look at those stones by the roadside. If you all tried to break open those stones, it would simply be impossible. As for me, I would be able to easily cut it open with this battle blade.” As Huang Xu said that, he split a stone by the roadside with a single slash of his blade.

Hei Yu suddenly said. “Senior, how powerful is that weapon of yours?”
“This battle blade of mine?” Huang Xu raised the battle blade in his hand. He smiled and said. “Although it is only a Mid Quality Divine Artifact, I am still capable of using it to hack you in two with a single strike.”
“Mn?” Qin Yu frowned.

Hei Yu’s ‘Black Feather Battle Armor’ was as tough as a High Quality Divine Artifact.

“I can tell that your body cultivation is pretty good. Unfortunately, in the cosmic spaces below, no matter how hard you trained your body, you can only, at the very most, reach the toughness of a Mid Level Deity.” Said Huang Xu with a light smile.  “The  reason  why  Divine  Artifacts  are  called  Divine Artifacts, is because of the fact that Divine Energy needs to be poured into it to truly display its might.”
“Using a Low Quality Divine Artifact that has Divine Energy poured into it can cut through a High Level Divine Artifact that doesn’t have Divine Energy poured into it.” Huang Xu explained.

Qin Yu, Hou Fei and Hei Yu were all shocked.

Although Uncle Fu had once said that a Divine Artifacts would become even more powerful once Divine Energy was poured into it, Qin Yu did not pay much attention to it. However, who would’ve thought that once Divine Energy was poured in, the might of the Divine Artifacts would actually increase that much.

As they continued walking, Qin Yu and the other four managed to learn a lot of things. Flying was the sign of reaching Heavenly Deity level. Teleportation was something that was impossible to be done. As for Divine Awareness… it was truly too hard to spread out one’s Divine Awareness. Furthermore, in the Divine Realm, there are no such things as Transmission Spiritual Pearl or similar items at all.

In the Divine Realm, if one wanted to transmit information, it could only be done via man power.

It could be said that a space of extreme stability like the Divine Realm was much like the Hidden Dragon Continent that Qin Yu lived on when he was younger.

“That stone by the side of the road is over a hundred times heavier than a tall mountain in your previous lesser realm’s space.” Huang Xu pointed to a roadside stone. “In short, all the matter in the Divine Realm: mountains, trees, and even demonic beasts and so on is different from that of the lower realms.”
Huang Xu smiled and said. “Well then, I’ll have Liu Fei tell you guys about the computation of time in here.” Liu Fei nodded.

“In the Divine Realm, there is day and night. The day time is twelve hours and the night time is also twelve hours. There are twenty four hours in a day. As for a year, there are three hundred and sixty days in a year, which just happens to be the number of days in a Heavenly Cycle.”
[TL: 周天 → Heavenly Cycle. It’s some sort of time thing in daoism that I have no clue about. You read them pretty often in eastern fantasies and xianxia novels. There’s the large heavenly cycle and the small heavenly cycle. They have something to do with chi transferring through the body.]

Once Liu Fei said those words, Qin Yu was unable to refrain from being surprised.

The method which the Divine Realm used to calculate its time was extremely similar to that of the Hidden Dragon Continent. “How come the Divine Realm possesses day and night?” Qin Yu asked.

Seeing that Qin Yu asked, Liu Fei lightly smiled to Qin Yu. Clearly, Qin Yu’s strength had won a favorable impression from Liu Fei.

Liu Fei pointed to the south and then pointed to the north. “There are a total of Eight Great Sage Emperors in the Divine Realm. Of which, the Utmost South Sage Emperor’s Light Lens City radiates the ‘Light of Daytime’ for twelve hours every day. As for the Utmost North Sage Emperor’s Floating Snow City, every day it radiates the ‘Dark Curtain of Night’ for twelve hours. The Light of Daytime and the Dark Curtain of Night just so happens to be on at different times. Once the Light of Daytime is emitted, the entire Divine Realm would be radiated with light. Once the Dark Curtain of Night is emitted, the entire Divine Realm becomes covered with darkness.”
Qin Yu lightly nodded. However, he was still pretty surprised in his heart. “There is another thing that I believe you all have discovered too. The Divine Spiritual Energy of the Divine Realm is extremely  violent.”  Liu  Fei  said  with  a  smile.  “The  violent Divine Spiritual Energy is not something that can be absorbed and used to train with.”
Qin Yu and the other four were stunned.

Uncle Fu did not mention such a thing to Qin Yu before. That was because Uncle Fu believed that since the Bewitching God Temple possessed a large amount of Divine Spiritual Stones and even Divine Spiritual Crystal Essence, he did not care much about the Divine Spiritual Energy.

“Earlier when I tried to absorb it, I didn’t manage to succeed. And here I thought that my cultivation method was incorrect.” Said Hou Fei.

Liu Fei shook her head and said while smiling. “In the Divine Realm, only the Divine Spiritual Energy within the cities are tranquil. One can only absorb Divine Spiritual Energy and train when one’s in a city. As for outside of the cities, those areas close to the cities are slightly better off. However, the further away from the cities, the more violent the Divine Spiritual Energy becomes. When one reaches a desolate area outside of the cities, it is simply impossible for one to absorb Divine Spiritual Energy.”
“Why is the Divine Spiritual Energy within the cities tranquil?” Qin Yu asked.

Liu Fei shook her head and said. “All I know is that the Extreme East Sage Emperor has sixty four cities underneath him. In all these years, there has never been a new city nor has there been a city removed. The Divine Spiritual Energy within those cities is completely tranquil and the Divine Spiritual Energy outside of those cities is slightly worse. However, the further away from those cities, the more violent and chaotic the Divine Spiritual Energy becomes. It might be that these sixty four cities possess some sort of special reason for it to have tranquil Divine Spiritual Energy.”
Qin Yu had some speculations in his heart.

Clearly, the constructions of the cities in the Divine Realm were not merely made through using stones. There might be some special methods.

“Thus,  when  one  trains  in  the  Divine  Realm,  the  most important aspect is the Divine Spiritual Stones. The Divine Spiritual Stones are also the currency of the entire Divine Realm. Only through having Divine Spiritual Stones will you be able to train at ease. Of course, the Divine Spiritual Energy within the cities are tranquil and one can absorb them to train. However, in order to enter those cities to train.. sigh….” Liu Fei shook her head and smiled.

At this moment, the little squadron captain Huang Xu turned around. He said to Qin Yu and them. “In the Divine Realm, one must pay in order to enter the cities. Furthermore, once night time arrives, no pedestrians are allowed to be in the cities. Thus, unless you spend Divine Spiritual Stones to live in an inn, you’ll be forced to depart from the city.”
“The number of people in the Divine Realm is extremely high. However, the number of cities is extremely small. For example, our Yuchi City, there are a total of close to twenty million people in the Yuchi City. However, the number of Deities that live outside the Yuchi City is instead over two hundred million! It is not that they do not wish to enter the city, but rather that they cannot afford to live there because even the cheapest house in the city costs two million Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones!”
Huang Xu shook his head and said. “I have assumed the role of the little squadron captain for all these years, have trained for such a long time and saved my money the entire time. Yet, only recently did I manage to purchase a house in the Yuchi City.”
“Sigh, it’s hard to purchase a house.” Huang Xu sighed.

The other two males and two females, the four soldiers, also nodded in approval.

“A single house costs two million Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. Earning that many Divine Spiritual Stones is truly too hard.” Each and every one of those soldiers started to sigh. That Liu Fei also sighed and said. “I suspect It’ll take me several millions of years to save up such an amount.”
Qin Yu and his brothers looked to each other. 
Two million Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones? Was that a lot?

A single Divine Spiritual Crystal Essence equates to a hundred Top Quality Divine Spiritual Stones which equate to ten thousand High Quality Divine Spiritual Stones which in term equate to a million Mid Quality Divine Spiritual Stones which then equate to a hundred million Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones.

As for the Bewitching God Temple, it possessed quite many Divine Spiritual Crystal Essences and a large pile of Top Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. Two million Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones was nothing but mere trifle.

However, Qin Yu and his brothers have forgotten…. What sort of person was the ‘Craftsman God’ Chehou Yuan?

He was the number one artifact craftsman of the Divine Realm! Even Godkings have to treat him with courtesy and personally come to ask him to refine or create artifacts for them. He was a super amazing person. In terms of the number of treasures he possessed… he could even purchase the entire Yuchi City and still have money to spare.

For Uncle Fu to not care about these sort of things and not mention them to Qin Yu was also reasonable.

After about sixteen hours of walking, on the second day when the Light of Daytime arrived, Qin Yu and them reached their destination… the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine.

Chapter 3: Uncle Fu’s Storage Ring

People come and go. From a glance, this Divine Spiritual Stone Mine was densely packed with people. Merely the people walking outside the mine were already in the several tens of thousands. Who knows how many more might be inside the mine digging out Divine Spiritual Stones?

“So lively. There’s so many ascenders?” Seeing how lively it was, Hou Fei was unable to refrain his excitement.

Huang Xu frowned. He said coldly. “Behave yourself. If you were to provoke any big shot here and get killed as an effect, you can’t blame anyone other than yourself.”
Hou Fei’s brows immediately started to shiver. He was overflowing with anger. However, he still restrained himself.

“Of the miners here, only a small portion of them are ascenders. The majority of them are Deities that have come here voluntarily.” Huang Xu then started to answer the question that Hou Fei presented earlier. “In the Divine Realm, it is extremely hard for one to live comfortably. There are three ways, either you are very strong, in possession of a very good amount of courage and insight or originate from a very powerful background. If you possess neither of these, like the majority of the people, then you could only rely on yourself.”
“Mining here, those people would possess the same salary as the ascenders.” Huang Xu pointed to the people in the distant mining.

“Salary of ascenders?” Qin Yu frowned.

Not long after, Huang Xu and them proceed to bring Qin Yu and them to a place.

“Qin Yu, Hou Fei, Hei Yu, Song Hui, Shi Tian.”
A serious looking female said in a cold voice. “The five of you, listen carefully. From today on, you five shall be workers of this Divine Spiritual Stone Mine affiliated with the Yuchi City.” “Your mission is to deliver Divine Spiritual Stones once per year. Every time you deliver the Divine Spiritual Stones, you are to deliver three thousand six hundred Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. You are to do this every year. If you were to deliver less than the amount for a certain year, you are to make
up for it the next year. If the second year wasn’t enough, then you are to make up for it the third year! If after a thousand years, you still did not finish your mission, then you all are to continue to mine. Furthermore, during the days of mining, you all are not allowed to hide away the Divine Spiritual Stones. Against the search of experts, unless you all possess storage Divine Artifacts, it would be impossible for you to conceal the Divine Spiritual Stones.”
Saying this here, that woman started to display a smile.

Storage Divine Artifact, merely by the fact that there had not been a single Storage Divine Artifact being discovered in all those years in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, one could tell how precious the Storage Divine Artifacts are. Using a Storage Divine Artifact to steal some Divine Spiritual Stones?

Who would be that senseless? “Well then, this is the key for the your rooms that you all shall live in. You all can leave your Divine Spiritual Stones in the room. Other than those who possess the key, no other people would be able to open the room. Well then… you all can go and mine now. Remember, you must come and deliver the goods once per year. If you were to resist, then your ‘Identity Title Plate’ shall be destroyed.”
Qin Yu and the other four all nodded. Each and every one of them took a hexagonal key from the woman.

After Qin Yu and his brothers separated from the couple Song Hui and Shi Tian, they did not go back to their residence at all.

“Big brother, this Divine Realm seems to be pretty boring.” Said Hou Fei with his lips curled up.


“No, it’s very interesting.” Qin Yu was filled with vitality. He looked to the surroundings. “Fei Fei, Xiao Hei, according to what I know, this Divine Realm is a lot more complicated than what you two are imagining it to be.”
And right at this moment…
“Heavenly Deity!”
Qin Yu and his brothers all looked to the sky.

They saw a middle aged man with a resolute and grim appearance flying past the sky. That man would even occasionally look to the ground. However, his disdainful look as if he was standing above everyone else have instead brought an oppressive sensation to everyone below.

Flying! This was the mark of a Heavenly Deity.

“The three of you ought to have just arrived, right? That person over there is the supervisor of this Divine Spiritual Stone Mine, Lord Yuchi Yang. Lord Yuchi Yang is a person from the most revered family of the Yuchi City, the Yuchi Clan.”
A youngster beside Qin Yu and them walked over while smiling.

Qin Yu slightly nodded.

As for Qin Yu, he also had a longing in his heart. The longing to fly. Regardless of whether it was the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm or the Mortal Realm, Qin Yu was capable of flying high up in the sky. However, who would’ve known that things would be that troublesome in the Divine Realm.

“This   Divine   Realm   is   truly   peculiar.   Only   through controlling the space to offset the gravity of the ground would one be able to fly. This requires one to possess a comprehension of the spatial laws of the Low Level Heavenly Deity level.” Qin Yu gasped in his heart.

Soon after, Qin Yu, Hou Fei and Hei Yu entered into a mine cave. 
Dark and cold. Qin Yu and his brothers felt a strange sensation after entering the mine cave. This Divine Spiritual Stone Mine was extremely vast. It possessed an circumference of no less than a hundred miles. There were mine caves on the ground which were extremely criss-crossed. After turning left and right, Qin Yu and his brothers had managed to reach the deepest place of the mine cave.

“Big brother, what should we do now?” Hou Fei and Hei Yu looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu lightly smiled and said. “Fei Fei, Xiao Hei, the two of you have also heard what those people said earlier. I also know a bit more that I have yet to tell you two. Come, I’ll have Uncle Fu tell you two.”
With an intention from Qin Yu, the three brothers disappeared.

Inside Jiang Lan’s Realm’s second layer space. Qin Yu and his brothers appeared on a piece of meadows. Qin Yu pointed to the ground and then a stone table and four stone chairs appeared on the meadows. Qin Yu and his brothers casually sat down on the chairs. As for Uncle Fu, he had also came here following Qin Yu’s intention.

“Uncle Fu.” Qin Yu lightly smiled.

Uncle Fu saluted respectfully. “Master, is there something you need me for?”
“Come  sit  down,  tell  these  two  brothers  of  mine  the cruelness of the Divine Realm.” Said Qin Yu with a light smile.

Uncle Fu nodded. He sat down following the orders. Qin Yu and his brothers had even toasted cups of wine and started drinking carefreely.

“The cruelness of the Divine Realm, first the environment is cruel. At locations far from the cities, the Divine Spiritual Energy is extremely violent and simply cannot be absorbed to train. Furthermore, in those uninhabited regions, the demon beasts of the Divine Realm would run amok. Although the demon beasts of the Divine Realm possess weak soul cultivation which is inferior to even Low Level Deities, their attack power is relatively strong. For example, Wu Lan!” Said Uncle Fu with a smile.

With an intention from Qin Yu, Wu Lan appeared.

Wu Lan had a face filled with confusion.

Uncle Fu pointed to Wu Lan and said. “Wu Lan, his true form is that of the ruler within the Divine Realm’s Ant Clan, ‘Blackstain Ant.’ If master were to not use the Divine Spear Waning Snow, then it would be very hard for you to defeat Wu Lan.”
“Blackstain Ant?” Qin Yu looked to Wu Lan with shock.

Wu Lan looked to Uncle Fu with a confused expression. “Who are you? How come you know my true form? I have seen you before in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm but was unable to recognize who you are.” “You’ve  already  become  unable  to  recognize  me  after  I merely changed my appearance a bit?” Uncle Fu smiled lightly.

Uncle Fu’s appearance slightly changed. His back became a bit straighter. At the same time, the clothes on his body had also changed. It turned into a jade colored gown with golden borders. On the gown was the word ‘Bewitching.’
“Bewitching  God  Temple’s  housekeeper?”   Wu  Lan’s  eyes were wide open. Only now did he manage to recognize with shock that the man before him was the housekeeper of the bewitching God Temple. Wu Lan was unable to refrain from looking at Qin Yu with an unbelieving expression.

Qin Yu merely smiled.

Qin Yu had only told Hou Fei and Hei Yu of the matter of him becoming the master of the Bewitching God Temple. He had not told anyone else. “The Blackstain Ant’s defense is extremely exceptional. Its strength is also very powerful. Once they pass the tribulation and took on a human form, their strength is comparable to that  of  a  High  Level  Deity.”   Said  Uncle  Fu  frankly  with assurance. “The Blackstain Ant is the ruler of the Ant Clan. Their strongest aspect is… their ability to control the innumerable amount of Divine Realm’s ant beasts. To offend a Blackstain Ant is an extremely frightening thing. That is because he is capable of creating an Ant Swarm!”
Qin Yu, Hou Fei and Hei Yu all looked at Wu Lan in shock.

Wu Lan smiled bitterly, shook his head and said. “What ruler of ants. Completely useless. For Low Level Heavenly Deity, I am able to control a large number of my subordinates to attack. However, when I encountered a Mid Level Heavenly Deity, I was still obediently captured and then gifted to the master of the Bewitching God Temple.”
Uncle Fu smiled. He then continued. “Wu Lan is classified as a powerful Divine Realm’s demon beast. The demon beasts of the Divine Realm are also separated into those that are strong and those that are weak. For the weak demon beasts, a Low Level Deity would be able to easily exterminate them. For the strong demon beasts, even a Low Level Heavenly Deity would have to spend a large amount of energy to exterminate them. However, even the strongest demon beast is only capable of fighting against a Low Level Heavenly Deity. After all, when relying merely on strength and numbers, they are useless
against the Heavenly Deities who could control the spatial laws.”
Qin Yu and his brothers nodded.

Uncle Fu continued. “Hou Fei, Hei Yu, the two of you ought to be able to understand the dangers of the uninhabited areas of the Divine Realm. In those uninhabited areas, other than the dangers from the demon beasts, there are also those vicious and merciless Deities who love to kill others to rob their belongings.”
Uncle Fu lightly smiled. “The Divine Realm is a world of extremely cruel competition. In this world, if you do not have strength and power, then you’ll be at the lowest rung of the society. If you possess strength and power, then you’ll be able to safely live inside the city. If you have even more strength and power and become a Heavenly Deity level expert… Haha, at that time, regardless of whichever city you arrive at, you would not require to show your Identity Title Plate or pay any taxes.”
“In the Divine Realm, the Deity stage is the stage of the weak whereas the Heavenly Deity stage is the stage of the strong. Only after one becomes a Heavenly Deity would one be qualified to wander the dangerous and uninhabited regions of the Divine Realm to search for Grandmist Spiritual Treasures or precious medicinal herbs and materials.”
Said Uncle Fu as he smiled.

“Back then, the old master would travel tens of millions of miles and cross mountains in order to find all kinds of precious materials. He then created the numerous exceptional Heavenly Divine Artifacts and even Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. His accomplishment and fame spread throughout the Divine Realm. Even the Godkings would have to personally come and request my old master to help them create artifacts… in the entire Divine Realm, other than the legendary Exalted Celestial, even Godkings could forget about making my old master bow to them.” Said Uncle Fu confidently.

Qin Yu’s eyes shined.

“Good! Traveling tens of millions of miles in order to wander the uninhabited and chaotic regions.”  Qin Yu’s fighting spirit was burning. “However, in order to travel the tens of millions of miles long journey, I must still take the first step.”
“Uncle Fu, are you certain that your speculation of Li’er and Uncle  Lan  from  back  then  was  correct?”  Qin  Yu  looked  to Uncle Fu.

Uncle Fu said confidently. “Seeing this Jiang Lan’s Realm that is even able to control the proportions of time, that person who created the Jiang Lan’s Realm was definitely a Godking. Furthermore, he also has a certain level of comprehension toward the temporal laws. These sort of people, there are only that many in the Divine Realm…. thus, master’s Uncle Lan was a person of revered status was something that’s completely obvious. For even him to be unable to settle the things for you and Jiang Li, it clearly showed that Li’er’s family is extremely powerful. Thus, her family ought to be one of the Eight Great Families.”
Qin Yu lightly nodded his head. He agreed with Uncle Fu’s speculation.

“Master, you can rest assured. As long as you reach the level of artifact craftsmanship at the old master’s level and become the number one artifact craftsman in the entire Divine Realm, even the Eight Great Sage Emperors would also rush to you to insist on marrying their daughters off to you.” Said Uncle Fu with a smile. “Back then, quite many Godkings have gifted their daughters to the old master. Unfortunately, old master was infatuated with only artifact refinement and creation. His lifelong goal was to create a Exalted Celestial’s Spiritual Treasure. Other than that, he simply did not have the mindset to be placed in love and whatnot.”
Qin Yu slightly nodded.

“It is also extremely difficult to become an artifact craftsman expert. However, the more difficult it is, the more enthusiasm I have for it. Back then, I was merely a kid that was unable to even train in the Internal Techniques. Yet, even that kid was able to reach this current stage. What else would be impossible?” Qin Yu’s eyes shined.

Hou Fei, Hei Yu and Wu Lan all looked at Qin Yu.

“In order to become an expert artifact craftsman, the most important aspect was knowing formation techniques and barriers. Good… in the thousand years that I will be in this mine, I shall be in the Jiang Lan’s Realm’s second layer space and train in the ‘Array Path.’ A thousand years outside means that I would have a hundred thousand years in the Jiang Lan’s Realm.” Said Qin Yu.

“Uncle Fu.”  Qin Yu looked to Uncle Fu. “Do you have any Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones? Every thousand years, we must hand over three thousand six hundred Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. If you can help me with that, I would not need to waste time on digging them in the outside world.”
Uncle Fu was startled. “Low Quality? Low Quality?” Uncle Fu said that twice.

“What’s wrong?”  Qin Yu looked to Uncle Fu in confusion. “Could it be that there aren’t any in the Bewitching God Temple?” As he said that, Qin Yu proceed to use his awareness to search the entire Bewitching God Temple. As the master of the Bewitching God Temple, it was extremely easy for him to inspect the Bewitching God Temple.

Suddenly, Qin Yu’s eyes were open wide and round like a ball.

In the Artifacts Palace where the Divine Spiritual Stones are kept, there were a lot of Divine Spiritual Crystal Essence, an extremely large amount of Top Quality Elemental Spirit Stones and some High Level Divine Spiritual Stones. However, there was not a single Mid Level Divine Spiritual Stone. Much less a Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stone.

Qin Yu suddenly realized.

“Senior  Chehou  has  truly  neglected  me.”  Qin  Yu  smiled bitterly.  “He  possessed  too  many  treasures  that  he  actually didn’t even bother to store the most basic Low Quality and Mid Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. Could it be that I am to bring the High Quality Divine Spiritual Stones to pay the obligation? While it might be fine once, but if I were to do it twice or three times, how would other not suspect me?”
As long as the person has half a brain, they would grow suspicious.

The Divine Elemental Stones that were mined from this mine were mostly Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. Only occasionally would a Mid Quality Divine Spiritual Stone appear. For a High Quality Divine Spiritual Stone to appear was extremely unlikely. As for Top Quality Divine Spiritual Stone? From the entire time of the existence of this mine, only a single Top Quality Divine Spiritual Stone has appeared.

If Qin Yu were to use Top Quality Divine Spiritual Stones to pay his dues every single time, how would others possibly not be suspicious?

“Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stone, Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stone… “ Uncle Fu mumbled a couple times. Suddenly, Uncle Fu patted his head and said. “Ah, I remember now.”
Uncle Fu waved his sleeve. Suddenly a mountain appeared on the meadows before Qin Yu and them. It was a mountain of things gathered together in a mess.

“That is?…”  Qin Yu and them looked to that ‘mountain’  in surprise.

Uncle  Fu  laughed  and  said.  “When  I  am  bored,  I  would usually research formation arrays and barriers. When researching formation arrays and barriers, I am required to use crystal stones to set up the formation arrays and barriers to conduct experiments. I didn’t wish to use High Quality Divine Spiritual Stones to set up formation arrays and barriers due to their expensiveness. As I am merely conducting experiments, why should I go and use the good Divine Spiritual Stones? Thus, back then, I had exchanged for a large amount of Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. Using Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones to set up formation arrays and barriers to experiment with, that I do not feel pained when doing.” “In this pile of stuff, other than Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones, there are also many common crystal stones of all different kinds of attributes. These are merely a portion of them. There are a lot more in my Storage Divine Artifact Ring.” Uncle Fu rubbed his ring as he smiled and said those words.

Qin Yu looked to Uncle Fu’s ring. The more he looked to it the more happy be became.

“Haha… good, Uncle Fu, from today on, I shall wholeheartedly research those nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path.’ Fei Fei, Xiao Hei, the two of you can concentrate on training. Uncle Fu, please remind us every time a hundred years have passed so that we can go and deliver those three thousand six hundred pieces of Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones.” Qin Yu ordered.

Mining in the mine for a thousand years. However, Qin Yu and his brothers had instead decided to train in the second layer of the Jiang Lan’s Realm for a hundred thousand years.

Chapter 4: God Sealing Pagoda

“Yes, master.” Uncle Fu bowed and accepted the order.

Qin Yu lightly nodded. He then looked to Hou Fei and Hei Yu. “Fei  Fei,  Xiao  Hei,  your  weapons.  Other  than  the  Cloud Piercing Spear and the Black Stick, do you two want more powerful weapons?”
“Big brother, you have more powerful weapons?”  Hou Fei’s eyes shined.

With a flip of Qin Yu’s hand, a little boat appeared and started to float in the air. At the same time, a pair of transparent gloves and a very tall stone pagoda also appeared. Seeing this scene, Uncle Fu looked to Qin Yu with a shocked expression.   “Master,   these   are   the   Grandmist   Spiritual Treasures that the old master had left for you!”
“Grandmist Spiritual Treasures? The legendary Grandmist Spiritual Treasures?” Wu Lan who stood to the side said with an  unbelieving  expression.  “Furthermore,  three  Grandmist Spiritual Treasures?” “As they are left for me, they’re mine now. Thus, I have the authority to distribute them as I see fit.” Said Qin Yu with a smile.

Ever since he obtained these three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, Qin Yu had never planned to refine all three of them himself. If he were to refine all three of them, how would his brothers be able to move about unhindered in the Divine Realm?

Let alone, Qin Yu possessed the Jiang Lan’s Realm as well as Chehou Yuan’s most prided High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact Divine Spear Waning Snow. Qin Yu was not lacking in any powerful treasures.

Furthermore, if one were to compare the battle power.

“If one were to compare the battle power, then if one does not possess the strength of a Godking, then even if one possessed powerful treasures, it would still be impossible to be recognized by the Eight Great Sage Emperors and become Li’er husband.” Qin Yu was very certain of this.

To experts at the level of Godkings, only other people that are also at the Godking level or the legendary Exalted Celestial would cause them to see them face to face.

Thus, Qin Yu must focus his strength on two aspects. The first was training and the second was researching the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’ and strive to reach the level of the ‘Craftsman God.’
“Big brother, we cannot accept those treasures.” Said Hei Yu solemnly. Hou Fei also wanted to say something but he was instead interrupted by Qin Yu.

“Do not decline so fast. Let me first introduce these three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures to you two. The first one is the Divine Craft Flying Yamen. It is a flying type Spiritual Treasure. Its speed was extremely and matchlessly fast. Once you possess it… it could be said that if you wish to flee for your life in the Divine Realm, there would not be many people that would be capable of capturing you.” Immediately, Hei Yu and Hou Fei looked to the Divine Craft Flying Yamen with blazing gazes.

The Divine Spiritual Energy of the Divine Realm was extremely violent. Furthermore, the space was so stable and tenacious. Teleportation was simply an impossible to do thing in the Divine Realm. One could only teleport after reaching the Godking level and achieve complete comprehensions of the Spatial Laws.

For experts of the Heavenly Deity level, all they could do was fly and not teleport.

Thus, it was evident how precious a flying type Grandmist Spiritual Treasure like the Divine Craft Flying Yamen was.

“The  second  Grandmist  Spiritual  Treasure  is  called  the Snowthread Gloves. The Snowthread Gloves possesses the strongest attack power among the three. Once one manage to refine it, one’s hands would become extremely tough and durable. One would then be able to fight against others with empty hands. Furthermore, the Snowthread Gloves also possess many additional functions. One of which was its ability to increase the attack power. There are some other special abilities… it possesses the strongest attack power among the three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures.”
Hou Fei and Hei Yu glanced at each other. They both determined that this attack type Grandmist Spiritual Treasure was too precious.
“The third Grandmist Spiritual Treasure is called the God Sealing Pagoda. The God Sealing Pagoda could be said to be… a higher level Ten Thousand Beasts Atlas! The Ten Thousand Beasts Atlas could only be considered as a toy in the Divine Realm because it could only at the most subdue Demon Emperors. However, the God Sealing Pagoda is different. Regardless of men or demon beasts, as long as they have yet to reach the Godking level then once they become unable to resist the God Sealing Pagoda and are absorbed into it, they will become the slave of the master of the God Sealing Pagoda!”
Qin Yu looked at his two brothers. “These three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, the Snowthread Gloves and the Divine Craft Flying Yamen could be considered as second-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. As for this God Sealing Pagoda, it could only be considered as third-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasure… that was because it could only seal others when they are completely unable to resist the attractive force of the God Sealing Pagoda. Thus, its true usefulness was not very large. For people that are stronger
than yourself, it would be extremely hard to use the God Sealing Pagoda on them.” Qin Yu explained.

There was not a single thing within the God Sealing Pagoda.

It was unlike the Ten Thousand Beasts Atlas that Qin Yu obtained back then where there are powerful Demon Emperors and Demon Kings right after he obtained it. That was the reason why the Ten Thousand Beasts Atlas seemed powerful. Had there not been a single demon beast within it and he would have to capture them all himself, how would the Ten Thousand Beasts Atlas be powerful?

As for the God Sealing Pagoda, in order to imprison people or demons into it, he must at the very least defeat or seriously injure those people or demons so that they would be unable to resist the attractive force of the God Sealing Pagoda. After all, the attractive force of the God Sealing Pagoda was not very strong.

The might of the attractive force of the God Sealing Pagoda was determined by how refined it was and the strength of its master.

“Big brother, you keep the Snowthread Gloves.” Hou Fei and Hei Yu said.

Qin Yu smiled and shook his head. “The Snowthread Gloves could be considered as a second-rated Spiritual Treasure. As for the High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact, the Divine Spear Waning Snow that I possessed, its strength was also about that of a second-rated Spiritual Treasure. You must remember that Waning Snow is His Lordship the Craftsman God’s most prided High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.”
If something does not contain Grandmist Spiritual Energy, then it is not a Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. Originally, a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts would possess the strength of a third-rated Spiritual Treasure. However, Qin Yu’s Waning Snow was a tier stronger than ordinary High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts. However, Heavenly Divine Artifacts are only separated into three tiers.
Thus, it could only be summarized as being a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.

Without using Grandmist Spiritual Energy yet was able to refine and create such a powerful weapon that was comparable to a second-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasure, that was also the reason why Chehou Yuan had determined the Divine Spear Waning Snow as his most prided weapon.

“Master…” Uncle Fu grew impatient.

“Uncle  Fu.”  Qin  Yu  frowned.  Uncle  Fu  could  only  resist himself.

Qin Yu also knew about what Uncle Fu wanted to tell him. This Snowthread Gloves was actually extremely compatible with the Divine Spear Waning Snow. Wearing the Snowthread Gloves and then using the Divine Spear Waning Snow to attack, one’s attack strength would increase by several times. If using the two together, then their might would not be far away
from a first-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasure.

However, Qin Yu didn’t want to say it or let his brothers know about it.

“Mn, in that case big brother you should take the Divine Craft Flying Yamen.” Said Hei Yu.

Among the three Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, the Snowthread Gloves and the Divine Craft Flying Yamen was comparatively better whereas the God Sealing Pagoda was relatively useless. After all, there was not a single thing inside the God Sealing Pagoda. If one wanted experts, one must personally go defeat and capture them.

“Divine Craft Flying Yamen? I possess the Jiang Lan’s Realm, it’s even easier for me to use that to flee.” Said Qin Yu with a smile. 
Hei Yu was startled.

Compared to the Jiang Lan’s Realm, the Divine Craft Flying Yamen’s ability to save one’s life was indeed inferior.

“Haha, it’s better that I tell you all myself. This God Sealing Pagoda shall be mine. Fei Fei’s agility and speed is inferior to Xiao Hei. Fei Fei, this Divine Craft Flying Yamen shall be yours. Xiao Hei, this remaining Snowthread Gloves shall be yours.”
After Qin Yu finished saying that, he pointed to the God Sealing Pagoda. A trace of his blood dripped onto the God Sealing Pagoda.

That enormous stone pagoda immediately started to rapidly reduce in size. At the same time, it started to assimilate into Qin Yu’s body.

“Remember, first drip your blood on it to become its master. Then absorb it into your body and slowly refine it. The two of you do not possess a high level soul, I reckon it’ll take you two at least ten thousand years to refine those Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. Do not make haste.” Entrusted Qin Yu.

Hou Fei and Hei Yu looked at the ‘Divine Craft Flying Yamen’ and the ‘Snowthread Gloves’ not far away. Then they looked at Qin Yu. The two of them were unable to say anything for a long time.

“Well then, the two of you can casually find a place and start training. I will also go and start my training.” Qin Yu slightly smiled. He then disappeared.

“Big brother…”  Hou Fei and Hei Yu looked as Qin Yu left.
They were still unable to say anything.

With a thought, a house appeared on the ground. Outside the house was a short and thick osmanthus flower tree. Qin Yu walked into the house and sat down in a cross-legged position. As for Uncle Fu, he was right next to Qin Yu.

“Sigh… strange.” Qin Yu sighed. 
He had originally wanted to get a trace of ‘flour paste energy’ from the Stellar Space for his brothers so that they would be able to refine the Grandmist Spiritual Treasures faster. However, a strange thing occurred.

Regardless of how hard Qin Yu tried to control the ‘flour paste energy,’ it would at the very most move about in the Stellar Space. It was simply unable for the flour paste energy to pass through the Black Hole Channel and come out.

“Master, is there something?”  Seeing Qin Yu’s expression, Uncle Fu asked,

Qin Yu woke back up. He smiled and shook his head. “Uncle Fu, for the time being you can stay outside. Wake me up after a hundred years.” After Qin Yu finished saying that, Uncle Fu left the house.

Inside the house. Qin Yu started to refine the God Sealing Pagoda.

Inside the Stellar Space. It was the same as before, densely packed traces of flour paste energy were gathering toward the Origin in the middle of the Stellar Space. That dark gold colored bead would absorb a shocking amount of flour paste energy at every moment. Merely, the change on the dark gold colored bead was extremely slim.

An enormous stone pagoda appeared in the Stellar Space. At the same time, a trace of flour paste energy had already landed and covered the peak of the pagoda.

The God Sealing Pagoda was currently absorbing the flour paste energy with an extremely extremely slow speed.

Qin Yu clearly sensed that as the God Sealing Pagoda absorbed the flour paste energy, it was being refined unceasingly with a sensible level of change. This sort of refinement did not require him to spend a lot of effort. Thus caused Qin Yu to have the leisure to think about other things. “It would seem that I had thought myself to be too infallible before. I had thought that my body would be comparable to the toughness of a High Quality Divine Artifact. However, it would appear that only a Divine Artifact that has been instilled with Divine Energy would be able to display its true might. The
method in which the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm used Divine Artifacts were truly….” Qin Yu can’t help himself from sighing.

If one was viewing the sky from the bottom of a well, how would one be able to tell the vastness of the sky?

His current body’s toughness was merely that of a Mid Level Deity’s level.

“Evidently, the Divine Realm places an immense importance to one’s body. Only through possessing a tough enough body would one be able to bear enough Divine Energy. My soul, with the assistance of the Meteoric Tear, is already close to the Low Level Heavenly Deity level. The reason why I was only able to absorb that small amount of Divine Energy was because my body was not tough enough.” Qin Yu was able to sense that the dark gold colored Divine Energy within his body was slowly permeating into his muscles and bones.

His body was slowly and gradually increasing in strength.

“My body that was no longer able to level up in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm is actually being easily leveled up here.  As  expected  of  the  Divine  Realm.”  Qin  Yu  gasped  in admiration. He then separated his mind to do two tasks. While paying attention to the refinement of the God Sealing Pagoda, he started reading the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path.’
With a flip of his hand, the first scroll of the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’ appeared in his hand.

After sweeping it with his Divine Awareness, Qin Yu began researching on the ‘Array Path.’ The amount of information contained within each golden scroll was all astonishingly large. As time passed, Qin Yu came to understand more and more about the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path.’ ‘Array Path’ was primarily divided into: Killing Array, Trapping Array and Defensive Array.

These three different types of arrays were also respectively subdivided into different arrays. For example, the Killing Array could be subdivided into the illusion type which contained the attacking through using Heart’s Devils. There is also the amplification type which uses energy to attack and the overlapping type which overlaps one’s attack power.

As for the Trapping Array, it was also divided into numerous different types.
The nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’ primarily talked about these three major types of formation arrays. What was strange was that this nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path,’ only a bit more than a hundred scrolls talked about ‘Killing Array.’ For ‘Defensive Array,’ there are over two hundred scrolls. The remaining scrolls, over five hundred scrolls, all talked about the ‘Trapping Array.’
The information contained within a golden scroll was much more numerous compared to the jade slips of the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm.

Qin Yu originally could not imagine why the ‘Array Path’ would require nine hundred golden scrolls.

However, after merely reading three scrolls, Qin Yu came to understand it completely.

Of these nine hundred scrolls, it was likely that only one percent of its contents talked about how to set up formation arrays or break through a formation array. As for the rest of its contents, they were all examples and details explanations of numerous different types of formation arrays.

It started from the simplest Five Phases Formation Array. It explained how to set up a Five Phases Formation Array, how to break apart a Five Phases Formation Array, what part of the Five Phases Formation Array was its weak point, what part of the Five Phrases Formation Array was important and so on..

Like that, the nine hundred scrolls of ‘Array Path’ explained examples of formation arrays one by one. 
Different types of pairing methods would give birth to different types of formation array examples. It started from the most simple most basic formation array and then continue to go into harder ones. As one proceeded, the formation array examples became more and more complicated.

At the beginning, Qin Yu was reading the contents in regard to the ‘Killing Array.’
In the entire hundred years, Qin Yu was able to easily understand the principle and essentials of the simple formation arrays that he started with first. However, as he continued to read deeper, when he reached those more complicated formation arrays, it would take him several months or even longer to understand a single formation array.

“That’s right. I can coerce others into entering the illusion barrier like that. This I understand. However, how would eighteen overlaying attack formation arrays be able to combine into  one?”  Qin  Yu  was  still  pondering  unceasingly.  He  was using his Divine Awareness to calculate all sort of circumstances with lightning speed. 
The speed at which a Deity’s Divine Awareness computes was hundreds of thousands of times faster than the Mortal Realm’s science and technology cosmos’s so called supercomputers.

“Master, it has already been a hundred years. A year has already passed outside.” Uncle Fu’s voice suddenly sounded.

Qin Yu was suddenly woken up by Uncle Fu’s noise.

“It’s already been a hundred years?” Qin Yu had a surprised expression on his face. As he was completely emerged in the computations of the formation arrays, he did not even notice the passage of time at all. “Eh, the God Sealing Pagoda also finished refining.”
Qin Yu smiled a self-mocking smile.

Originally, he had decided to double task and pay attention to the God Sealing Pagoda while studying the ‘Array Path.’ However, as time passed, Qin Yu began to feel that his Divine Awareness’s calculation speed was too slow and started to wholeheartedly emerge himself into the study of the ‘Array Path.’ Thus, he did not pay attention to the God Sealing Pagoda at all.

By the time he woke back up, the God Sealing Pagoda had already been finished binding.

Chapter 5: Endless Deductions

Only after he completely refined the ‘God Sealing Pagoda’ did Qin Yu realize its true power. When the ‘God Sealing Pagoda’ absorbs its target, it would both attack the target’s soul and devour its target.

If one’s soul were too weak, one would experience a very miserable state after encountering the God Sealing Pagoda.

“In the Divine Realm, one’s strength is directly proportional to one’s soul’s level. Those Heavenly Deity level experts, each and every one of them possesses souls that have reached the ‘Embryo’ stage. When attacking with the soul, I am still inadequate by far.”
[TL: I have decided to change pre-infant soul stage to Embryo soul stage.]

Qin Yu understood in his heart that the so called soul attack was the same as causing the target to be in a muddle headed state and then devour his opponent. 
“Even though I’ve managed to completely refine it, my soul’s level is too weak. If I were to rely only on the God Sealing Pagoda, I suspect that I would only be able to handle High Level Deities.” Qin Yu estimated in his heart.

Attacking with the soul was the same as attacking with one’s Divine Awareness. Under the assistance of the Meteoric Tear, Qin Yu’s Divine Awareness has already reached the Low Level Heavenly Deity level. He was able to completely subdue a High Level Deity.

“Big brother.”
Hou Fei and Hei Yu’s voices sounded from outside. Uncle Fu’s voice also sounded. “Master, I have already brought Hou Fei and Hei Yu over. The three sets of three thousand six hundred Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones that need to be delivered have also been prepared.”
Only then did Qin Yu walk out from his house. “Fei Fei, Xiao Hei, how is the refinement of your Grandmist Spiritual  Treasures  going?”  Said  Qin  Yu  as  he  smiled.  The current Hou Fei and Hei Yu seemed more confident compared to before.

Hou Fei smiled and said. “Although I have only refined thirty percent of the Divine Craft Flying Yamen, its speed is already extremely fast. In the Jiang Lan’s Realm, if we aren’t using teleportation or greater teleportation, I am able to throw off Mixed Hair Bird in a blink of an eye.”
Hei Yu lightly smiled and said. “Regarding the Snowthread Gloves, I too have refined about thirty percent. However, it has already increased my strength tenfold. Currently, when confronted with me, Monkey is only able to run away.”
“That powerful?”
Qin Yu was slightly shocked.

With merely thirty percent refinement, it had actually increased Hei Yu’s strength by that much. However, once he thought about it, Qin Yu understood why. The reason why it increased Hei Yu’s strength tenfold was because Hei Yu was too weak to begin with. This made it seem as if the amount of strength it had increased with was a lot.

“Mixed Hair Bird is too powerful. Those Snowthread Gloves are too crazy! Not only did they increased his attack power by many times, they can also shoot out transparent threads to attack.” Hou Fei sounded helpless.

Hei Yu said confidently. “Not only can it shoot out threads to attack, it can also condense those threads into an inescapable net. These Snowthread Gloves indeed possess an amazing level of offensive power. However, I am still unable to execute the true inescapable net. My level of refinement is still not enough.”
Hou Fei and Hei Yu’s strength had increased by quite a lot.
However, their gap with Qin Yu was still extremely evident.

Even if Qin Yu didn’t use his Divine Spear Waning Snow and only used his God Sealing Pagoda, he would still be able to easily seal Hei Yu and Hou Fei, who had just reached the Golden Soul Pellet Stage, into the God Sealing Pagoda. They were simply not at the same level.

“Although    Grandmist    Spiritual    Treasures    are    very important, one’s own cultivation level is even more important. The  two  of  you  need  to  earnestly  continue  your  training.” Entrusted Qin Yu. He then smiled. “Well then, let’s go and deliver those Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones.”
Qin Yu first spread out his Divine Awareness from the Jiang Lan’s Realm and inspected the surroundings. Only then did Qin Yu and his brothers appear out from the end of this mine cave.

“Let’s go.”
Qin Yu and his brothers were all carrying a few Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. They calmly proceeded to walk toward the outside. After all, the three of them couldn’t just carry a large number of Low Quality Divine Spirit Stones out with them. Following the tunnels, Qin Yu continued forward unceasingly. Fortunately, Deities for the most part possessed very good memory. Although they had only been here once, the three of them still remembered the route completely. After passing through a tunnel, Qin Yu noticed a lot of miners.

“Hey, big brother, look over there.”  Hou Fei said in a low voice. “Each and every one of them has a tool in their hand.”
Qin Yu looked over. Sure enough, each and every one of the miners was holding a small pouch. Within the pouch was a tool. Some of the miners were holding that tool. It was a tool with the appearance similar to a shovel.

“Is it for mining?” Qin Yu frowned.

Qin Yu suddenly remembered. When he first came to the Divine Realm, that little squadron captain Huang Xu had said that ascenders are weak and cannot use their hands to split open the stones of the Divine Realm. At that time, Huang Xu had demonstrated that with a battle blade. “Mining, it cannot be done using hands. There is a need for tools. However, why don’t the three of us have tools?” Thought Qin Yu puzzled.

“Big brother, there’s a place that we haven’t been to yet.”
Hou Fei flipped his hand and took out a thing. It was the key that they had been given when they arrived here!

“Hopefully no one noticed that we have never been to our housing location.”  Qin Yu and his brothers immediately sped up. They quickly passed through the subterranean mine tunnel and arrived above ground. They started to proceed directly toward the location of their housing.

The housing region was extremely vast. Numerous rooms were densely packed and placed in picturesque disorder. There was a number on the door to each room.

Qin Yu and his brothers easily found their rooms. The three of them had rooms right next to each other. In front of their doors was a hexagonal hole. Qin Yu and his brothers all placed their hexagonal keys into their respective hexagonal holes.

With a ‘ka!’ sound, the three doors were all opened.

In all three rooms was a bed, a praying mat, a large bag, a small pouch and a shovel. Qin Yu and his brothers went into a single room.

“This  shovel  is  a  Low  Quality  Divine  Artifact.”   Qin  Yu pointed to the shovel and said. “In the Divine Realm, the status of the Low Quality Divine Artifacts is like that of my hometown Hidden Dragon Continent’s extremely ordinary metal weaponries that are present everywhere. As for Mid Quality Divine Artifacts, they possess the same status as those of Metal Essence Weaponries. They are much more precious. As for the High Quality Divine Artifacts, they are comparable to the Mortal Realm’s Mystic Metal Weaponries.”
Once Qin Yu said those, Hei Yu and Hou Fei managed to easily understand the difference between the three levels of Divine Artifacts. 
All of Qin Yu’s knowledge regarding the Divine Artifacts was obtained from back when he flipped through some of the golden scrolls that gave a rough summary of refinement knowledge, back in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm.

“Big brother, it would seem that in the Divine Realm, the Low Quality Divine Artifact is the most ordinary one that even ordinary Deities are capable of using. However, in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, they are held in extreme importance.” Gasped Hou Fei.

Qin Yu lightly smiled and said. “That’s right. In the Divine Realm, if one knows how to create artifacts, then one could casually create Low Quality Divine Artifacts. If one is a bit proficient in the art of creating artifacts, then one would be able to create Mid Quality Divine Artifacts. Those that are more amazing would be able to create High Quality Divine Artifacts. Only a great master would be able to create a Heavenly Divine Artifact.”
“Generally, Deities will use Divine Artifacts. The higher the position the person is, the stronger the Divine Artifact he will be using. As for experts of the Heavenly Deity level, they will generally use Heavenly Divine Artifacts. There might be some Heavenly Deities in dire straits that would use High Quality Divine Artifacts instead.” Said Qin Yu as he smiled.

There were also differences between Heavenly Deities. Those poor and low status Low Level Heavenly Deities might not particularly be better off than a High Level Deity that possesses both status and background.

For instance, people like Qin Yu. They had only reached the Deity stage but already possessed Grandmist Spiritual Treasures.

Qin Yu and his brothers all held mining shovels. After all, they must give off an appearance of doing work. As for that large and small bag, the three of them also knew the reason for those two bags. The small bag was for storing Divine Spiritual Stones when mining and the large bag was used to store the Divine Spiritual Stones when delivering them every year.

“Look, there’s a jade slip in this bag.” Hou Fei pointed to the inside of the large bag and said with a surprised expression. 
Jade slips, they were the major instruments for storing information in lower realms like the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm. But in the Divine Realm… jade slips were extremely cheaply-priced goods. As for the golden scrolls that possessed both greater capacity and better construction, they were something that only people with wealth would use.

Qin Yu swept through the jade slip with his Divine Awareness. He soon became aware of the contents within the jade slip.

It turned out that this jade slip had explained in details the things to take note of when mining in the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine. Furthermore, it had especially mentioned that these two bags, the mining shovel and this jade slip were all items that were lended to the miners and must not be damaged. They were items that were meant to be passed on to the next miner.

“Truly frugal.”  Qin Yu didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. Hou Fei also took the jade slip and swept through it with his Divine Awareness. “Hell, they even want us to break up the larger Divine Spiritual Stones into a uniform size. Truly annoying.” Hou Fei looked to the Divine Spiritual Stones in his hand. “Fortunately the ones Uncle Fu gave us are of uniform size.”
In the Divine Realm, the Divine Spiritual Stones are counted through ‘pieces.’
However, there are large ‘pieces’ and small ‘pieces.’ This Divine Realm has a very definite size regulation for a Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stone. At the same time as they mined, the miners are to break up the Divine Spiritual Stones into the correct sizing. Fortunately, the Divine Spiritual Stones are not very hard and can be easily cut apart using the mining shovels.

Three thousand six hundred pieces of Divine Spiritual Stones were placed into the large bag. It filled up over half of the bag.

Hou Fei and Hei Yu also returned to their own rooms. They retrieved their large bags and also loaded it with three thousand six hundred pieces of Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. Like this, the three brothers each carried a bag and proceeded to walk toward the ‘payment office.’
When they arrived at the payment office, Qin Yu and his brothers encountered some soldiers in charge of this place.

“You’re  here  to  deliver  the  Divine  Spiritual  Stones?  Oh, follow me.” Said a captain like ringleader indifferently.

Time passed…
As this was the first time for Qin Yu and his brothers to deliver the Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones, they were a bit interested. However, the times after that were boring like routine business.

Inside the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm. Qin Yu had been wholeheartedly studying the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path.’ Qin Yu did not casually skim over these nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path.’ Instead, he had been carefully studying and comprehending each and every formation array example.

After about sixty thousand years.

Qin Yu had finally finished reading the entire nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’ once. He did not read the nine hundred scrolls without thinking. Instead, he had read them and carefully and completely make sure he understood every single formation array example.

Qin Yu put away the final golden scroll. He heaved a long sigh of relief.

Qin Yu felt as if he had wandered about unhurriedly in a boundless ocean. In this boundless ocean, each and every droplet of water within it was a formation array. In this ocean of formation arrays, Qin Yu continued to study each and every droplet without stopping.

However, Qin Yu felt that the numerous examples that were presented in the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’ was merely a billionth region of the entire formation array ocean.

The Array Path was truly too complicated, too extensive. To completely control it was truly too difficult.

“Master.” Uncle Fu appeared outside Qin Yu’s house. “I heard master’s voice. I assume master has finished reading the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path?’”
“That’s right.” Qin Yu’s eyes shined. He knew that Uncle Fu had some comprehension regarding the ‘Array Path.’ Immediately, he asked. “Uncle Fu, is there anything that you can teach me regarding the ‘Array Path?’”
Uncle Fu smiled and said. “Master, I’ll say some of the stuff that old master told me back then. The ‘Array Path’ is like an ocean of formation arrays. Each and every formation array is nothing more than a droplet of water within the ocean. As for all those examples of formation arrays that are mentioned in the nine hundred scrolls, with all of them combined, they are no more than a small corner of the formation array ocean. According to the old master, in order to comprehend the ‘Formation Array,’ one must push forward from the small corner to reach a larger area. After that, one could arrange the gathered information, sum them up and then comprehend the
quintessence of the entire formation array ocean.”
Qin Yu nodded in approval.

Formation array started from the simple to the complicated.. They become more and more difficult, more and more profound…
As for how profound and complicated the formation arrays would become, Qin Yu was unable to imagine it. It was just like the overlaying formation array, the complication of the formation array could overlay each other infinite times. Of course, this was under the premise that one was able to control all those layers of formation arrays in harmony. “The  old  master  had  once  said  that  all  the  examples  of formation arrays given in the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’ are the easiest and most basic formation arrays to the ones that possessed a slight difficulty. In order to comprehend the first stage of the ‘Array Path,’ one merely needs to use the formation arrays presented by the nine hundred scrolls of ‘Array Path,’ and then extrapolate into more and more complicated formation arrays. The more formation arrays you can extrapolate, the more accurate the first stage of the ‘Array Path’ that you comprehended will be.” Said Uncle Fu solemnly.

Qin Yu came to remember.

Uncle Fu had once said that the Craftsman God Chehou Yuan had originally spent a million years to comprehend the first stage of the Array Path. He then spent ten million years to comprehend the second stage of the Array Path. However later, he gave up all his knowledge of the array path and began to study it from the beginning again. This time around, he spent a billion years to comprehend the first stage and then merely two hours to comprehend the second stage of the Array Path. “Perhaps I understand the correct method to study the ‘Array Path.’” Qin Yu nodded.

The current him had merely taken the first step. As for his next step, it required him to continue to derive and continue to develop the various branches of formation array…
“Master, I have another thing to tell you. Another hundred years have passed. Master, you need to deliver the Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones.” Said Uncle Fu with a smile.

Chapter 6: Subterranean Cave Dragon

On a certain dark and deep corner tunnel located in the underground mine. Qin Yu and his brothers had secretly appeared out of thin air. After that, the three others all held a mining shovel in one hand and a small pouch on the other. They were even dressed like miners.

Hou Fei and Hei Yu both had a confident smile on their faces.

After nearly sixty thousand years, the two of them have completely refined their respective Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. Had it not been for the fact that Chehou Yuan left these two Grandmist Spiritual Treasures for his successor so they were relatively easy to refine, then it was likely that even if Hou Fei and Hei Yu spent even more time on them, it would still be very unlikely for them to be able to refine them successfully.

As for Qin Yu, although he had been researching the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’ the entire time, a single Dao (Path) was ten thousand Daos. Chehou Yuan had precisely reached the High Level Heavenly Deity level with researching the ‘Array Path.’ As for Qin Yu, when he was researching the ‘Array Path,’ his level had also increased slightly. The current Qin Yu, his soul’s level had already completely reached the High Level Deity level. With the assistance of the Meteoric Tear, his comprehension and control of the spatial laws had also reached the general level of Low Level Heavenly Deities.

“The current me is already capable of flying.”  Qin Yu had a smile on his face.

Flying in the Divine Realm was not merely using one’s energy to resist the gravity of the ground. Instead, it was through using the comprehension of the spatial laws to control the space and eliminate the gravity of the ground. Once one started to fly, one would not have to consume any energy to fly.

“This Meteoric Tear is truly peculiar. I am merely at the High Level Deity stage. However, with it, I instead possess the remarkable ability of a Low Level Heavenly Deity.” Qin Yu was unable to refrain himself from becoming even more curious of the Meteoric Tear. Who was this person called Zuo Qiumei that had left the Meteoric Tear behind? 
Qin Yu had also asked Uncle Fu before as to whether he knew of this ‘Zuo Qiumei.’ However, Uncle Fu’s response was instead… “Zuo Qiumei? I’ve never heard of her. Master, the big shots of the Divine Realm all possess titles. Their true names are something only certain upper tier people know of.”
The Divine Realm’s Godkings, they mostly possessed some resounding titles.

For example, the Utmost East Sage Emperor of the Eight Great Sage Emperors was only called the Utmost East Sage Emperor. As for his true name, there are not many people that know about it.

As the three brothers chatted, they had casually walked past a couple underground tunnels and made a couple turns. They had encountered quite many miners. The further they go toward the exit, the more miners they encountered.

“Hey,  Shi  Tian.”   Hou  Fei  saw  a  man  afar.  His  eyes immediately started to shine and he yelled. 
Qin Yu also looked over. The man and woman from afar was precisely Shi Tian and Song Hui that had ascended together with them. At this moment, Shi Tian and Song Hui also walked over with smiles on their face.

“Brother Qin Yu, Brother Hou Fei, Brother Hei Yu, it’s been about six hundred years now. We have finally meet each other again.” That Shi Tian’s speech was extremely etiquette.

To run into each other once in six hundred years, the probability of that was indeed awfully low.

Actually, it wasn’t that the probability was low. Instead, it was because Qin Yu and his brothers hardly show themselves inside the mine. Thus, it was naturally hard for people to encounter them.

“Do the three of you know which villages you’ll be assigned to in the future?” Song Hui suddenly asked. “Village? What do you mean?”  Hou Fei said with a puzzled expression.

Shi Tian and Song Hui were startled. They then glanced at each other. It seemed that their eyes were filled with shock and confusion.

Shi Tian explained. “Could it be that others have not mentioned it to you when you three were mining? All ascenders, once they finished their thousand years of mining, they would be distributed to villages.”
Qin Yu came to a realization.

“However, there are also differences between villages. The closer the village is to the city, the more tranquil the Divine Spiritual Energy surrounding it would be. As for the villages that are further from the city, their Divine Spiritual Energy is even more violent.”  Shi Tian explained in details. “Thus, for ascenders like us, if we were to be able to be assigned to villages that are closer to the city, then even though the Divine Spiritual Energy is still violent, but their violentness would be relatively low which would allow us to be able to absorb some Divine Spiritual Energy.”
Qin Yu and his brothers completely understood now.

There are only twenty million people within the Yuchi City. However, there are two hundred million people outside of the city. Some of the villages are closer to the city whereas some of the villages are further away. Of course, everyone wanted to cram into the closest village.

“You all still didn’t know about that? Quickly, go and gift some Divine Elemental Stones to that Lord Yan Yu who assigns people  to  different  villages.”   Advised  Shi  Tian  with  good intentions. “If you were to gift him more Divine Elemental Stones, then Lord Yan Yu would assign you to villages that are closer to the city, Otherwise…. you’ll only be assigned to remote villages far from the city. In those remote villages, it would be impossible for you to even absorb the slightest amount of Divine Spiritual Energy.”
Qin Yu and his brothers were all unable to refrain their smiles. 

They who possessed that many Divine Spiritual Stones, was there a need for them to go through all that trouble?

“Thank you Brother Shi Tian for informing us.” Said Qin Yu with a smile.

Suddenly, at this moment…
The ground started to shake. A lot of the Divine Realm’s miners started to sway back and forth. With a rumbling sound, an underground tunnel not far away from where Qin Yu and them stood had started caving in.

At the same time, a numerous stones on top of the mine tunnel started falling down. All of the Deities started to rush to dodge the falling rocks. Those that were smashed by the stones, even if they did not die, they would still have to spend a large amount of Divine Energy to restore their bodies. 
“Ah~~~~” A miserable scream sounded.

“Roar~~~”  A frightening roar was heard. At the same time, another miserable scream was heard. Shi Tian and Song Hui’s expression had taken a huge change. Shi Tian said hurriedly. “Brother Qin Yu, you all should leave quickly. There seems to be some sort of danger here.”
Qin Yu and his brothers did not move. Seeing that Qin Yu and them did not have any reaction, Shi Tian and Song Hui started running away.

However, at the direction that Shi Tian and Song Hui rushed out to, the wall on top of the tunnel started cracking. Following the unceasingly sound of wall cracking, numerous stones started crashing down. Following a ‘boom’ sound, this tunnel had also completely caved in.

Shi Tian and Song Hui immediately turned around and started running toward the opposite direction. They ran past Qin Yu and his brothers and started running toward the underground tunnel to their right.

“Everyone, run, quickly! It’s a Subterranean Cave Dragon!”
“Ah~~~” The miserable screams continued unceasingly.

The sounds of chaos rose in succession. All of the Deities were rushing toward the safe underground tunnels. A lot of the underground tunnels in their surroundings had already caved in. A lot of the Deities had rushed toward the tunnel to the right of Qin Yu.

“Why aren’t you all running? The Subterranean Cave Dragon is an extremely powerful demon beast of the Divine Realm. Even a High Level Deity would find it very hard to deal with it.” Said a youth wearing a soldier’s armor to Qin Yu and his brothers. Once he finished saying these words, he stopped caring about Qin Yu and them and proceeded to escape for his life at a rapid pace.

“Roar~~~” The sounds of roars and screams continued to rise and fall in succession. Qin Yu even saw blood splashing in the depths of the tunnel to his left. Qin Yu and his brothers were all looking at that direction. The left tunnel had also started to shake.

“Subterranean Cave Dragon?” A smile appeared on Qin Yu’s face.

Hou Fei and Hei Yu also displayed an eager expression. The three of them had all finished refining their Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. They all wanted to test out their Grandmist Spiritual Treasures on this demon beast.

Within the field of vision of Qin Yu and his brothers, several hundred people were frantically running toward the safe tunnel that Qin Yu and his brothers were in. However, right at this moment, the tunnel wall above these people had suddenly split open.

A claw came crashing out from the stone wall. “Bang!” That claw had instantly caught a middle-aged man. With a pitter-patter sound of bones breaking, that middle aged man’s eyes were filled with dismay. However, all the bones in his entire body had been broken apart. In a blink of an eye, that middle-aged man had turned into bits of crushed bones and flesh. His Golden Soul Pellet had also been completely crushed by the claw.

At the moment when that claw crushed a person to death, the stone walls above the tunnel actually started to give birth to one claw after another.

Each and every claw was a greenish black color. They were all two to three meters tall. Each of the claws possessed ten fingers. At the same time, the ten fingers all had numerous, densely packed, short blade-like barbs.

In merely a blink of an eye, seventy to eighty claws had penetrated through the wall and crushed numerous Deities to death. All the people that were captured by the claws and crushed to death have turned into bits of bones and flesh.

“Bang!” The stone wall on top of the tunnel had completely shattered. An enormous monster had appeared.

Subterranean Cave Dragon!

It was several hundred meters long. Its appearance was like an enormous centipede. Merely, it possess a slender tail. This tail that it possessed was at the very least over a hundred meters. The numerous greenish black colored claws underneath its body numbered at least in the several hundreds.

That pair of ice-cold eyes were coldly looking at the group of Deities who were losing their heads out of fear. Its claws were rapidly flying over.

“Ah~~~”  Those Deities have all lost themselves with fear. However, there were also many Deities that had grown angry and took out their battle blades or long swords. However, those battle blades and long swords did not manage to do anything when hacking at the Subterranean Cave Dragon. Just by looking at the Subterranean Cave Dragon’s body, its tortoise shell-like carapace, one would be able to know how powerful its defense was.

Although it seemed that a lot of time had passed, the Subterranean Cave Dragon had only just appeared and started attacking. The Deities had also only just started defending themselves. The total amount of time that had passed was merely about ten breath’s time.

“Truly powerful enough. Big brother, I’ll go first.”
Hei Yu’s hands started to shine. The Snowthread Gloves had already been worn on his hands. After that, Hei Yu grabbed his Cloud Piercing Spear and rushed toward the Subterranean Cave Dragon. A dark golden colored light was flowing on the surface of the Cloud Piercing Spear.

Hei Yu violently stepped onto the ground. Like a sharp arrow, his body was shot forward.

“Hooh!” Hei Yu’s gaze was like lightning. The muscles in his arms violently bulged. His pair of hands became completely sparkling, translucent and transparent. That Cloud Piercing Spear that he held in his hands had also started to shine.

Heaven Startling Single Spear Strike!

That black spear silhouette brought with an endless amount of power. It ripped apart the air and produced a sharp whistle as it firmly smashed upon the tortoise shell-like torso. Following a painful roar, that protective carapace had been split open.

That Subterranean Cave Dragon’s ice-cold gaze was burning with rage. It stared at Hei Yu. It actually spoke. “You, shall die!”
Qin Yu’s expression changed. This Subterranean Cave Dragon’s defense was even more powerful than what Qin Yu had anticipated. Hei Yu had currently refined the Snowthread Gloves and even attacked with the Cloud Piercing Spear. However, the Subterranean Cave Dragon was unexpectedly only injured.

Toward the enormous body of the Subterranean Cave Dragon, such a mere amount of injury would only incur its wrath.

“Xiao Hei, retreat.”
Qin Yu shouted. At at this moment, the Subterranean Cave Dragon that had its concentration fixed on Hei Yu stopped chasing the other Deities to kill. Those Deities immediately ran for their lives. Not a single one of them remained here to help Qin Yu and his brothers.

“Big brother, this guy’s defense is too strong.” Hei Yu rapidly retreated back. As for the Subterranean Cave Dragon, with the movement of its several hundred claws, it had instantly reached Qin Yu and his brothers.

Qin Yu’s eyes shined. 
So fast!

At the same time, Qin Yu grabbed Hou Fei and Hei Yu. With a lightning like speed, he flew toward the air.

“Big brother, you can fly?” Hou Fei and Hei Yu looked to Qin Yu with shocked expressions.

“The two of you, step aside first.” Qin Yu released his hands. Hou Fei and Hei Yu landed on the ground. As for Qin Yu, he looked to that Subterranean Cave Dragon with a smile on his face. That Subterranean Cave Dragon also stared at Qin Yu.

Divine Realm’s demon beast. Although it had yet to undergo the tribulation, it still possessed the soul level of a level nine Demon Emperor. Thus, it naturally also possessed wisdom.

The person before him could fly! He was a Heavenly Deity!
That was the response from the Subterranean Cave Dragon.

As Qin Yu continued to float, he flipped his hand and took out a miniature stone pagoda. Qin Yu lightly smiled to the Subterranean Cave Dragon. “Subterranean Cave Dragon? You shall be the first servant of the God Sealing Pagoda.”
An invisible ripple shot out from the God Sealing Pagoda to the Subterranean Cave Dragon.

“Humph, although this God Sealing Pagoda cannot take care of a Heavenly Deities, but it is extremely easy for it to take care the demon beasts of the Divine Realm that possess extremely low soul level.” A smile appeared on Qin Yu’s face.

A simple soul attack from the God Sealing Pagoda had instantly brought the Subterranean Cave Dragon to a muddleheaded state. After that, without any resistance, it was easily absorbed into the God Sealing Pagoda. Hou Fei and Hei Yu were dumbstruck as they saw the Subterranean Cave Dragon disappear into thin air before them.

“It’s  gone?”  Hou  Fei  and  Hei  Yu  looked  to  Qin  Yu  with shocked expressions. They then looked at the God Sealing Pagoda in Qin Yu’s hand.

Qin Yu landed on the ground. He glanced at the tunnel behind him where majority of the people had fled toward. “They are truly slow in coming.” Qin Yu did not wish to create trouble. He directly absorbed the God Sealing Pagoda into his body.

Hou Fei and Hei Yu immediately walked to Qin Yu’s side.

“Big brother, did the God Sealing Pagoda absorb it?”  Asked Hou Fei excitedly.

“What do you think?” Said Qin Yu as he smiled. “Well then, the army of the mine is coming. Let’s leave quickly. Mn…. seems like we can’t leave.” Qin Yu lightly smiled as he looked to the depths of the tunnel behind him. 
A figure had turned into a blur. In an instant, it had passed through a distance of several miles. Like lightning, it had arrived before Qin Yu and his brothers.

Qin Yu and his brothers all managed to recognize the person that appeared before them. It was precisely that Heavenly Deity that they had seen before, the person in charge of the mine…. Heavenly Deity Yuchi Yang.

Yuchi Yang wore a black gown and had a very stern and indifferent appearance.

Yuchi Yang looked at the ground in the distance that was filled with bits of bones and flesh. He then coldly looked at Qin Yu and his brothers. His brows frowned. He said. “Did the three of you manage to see the Subterranean Cave Dragon?”
Qin Yu nodded and said. “Your Lordship, that Subterranean Cave Dragon had massacred along its path. It then ran away with a lightning like speed.” “Oh? Those people that had managed to flee said that there was a person welding a spear fighting with the Subterranean Cave Dragon here. Did you all manage to see it?” Yuchi Yang looked to Qin Yu and his brothers coldly.

Chapter 7: Three Golden Scrolls

A person holding a spear was fighting against the Subterranean Cave Dragon?

Qin Yu wanted to curse out in rage. How could those people that they saved be such blabbermouths? And right when Qin Yu and his brothers were looking at each other, a rumbling sound could be heard.

It was the sound of a large number of troops.

Qin Yu and his brothers looked to the depths of the tunnel. They saw numerous Divine Realm’s soldiers running towards them at a high speed. That closely packed army gave off an oppressive sensation.

“Your Lordship, the one thousand soldiers of the Third Great Army are all present.” Said a tall and robust man respectfully. Yuchi Yang nodded indifferently. His gaze was however still on Qin Yu and his brothers. “Speak, where is that person who held a spear and fought against the Subterranean Cave Dragon?”
“Your Lordship, we did not see him.” Qin Yu said with a light bow. As for Hou Fei and Hei Yu, the two of them merely stood behind Qin Yu without saying anything.

Yuchi Yang closely examined the three with his gaze. He then turned around and looked at the battlefield, filled with bits of bones and flesh. He then looked at the stone walls of the tunnels that had collapsed through the Subterranean Cave Dragon’s claws.

“Where were you three at earlier? How come you didn’t see it?” Yuchi Yang asked with a frown.

Qin Yu pointed to a tunnel that had already collapsed. He said. “Your Lordship, earlier when that Subterranean Cave Dragon came killing everyone, I knew that it was merely a demon beast, so although its attack strength was strong, its soul’s level was much inferior to that of a Deities’. Thus, the three of us hid ourselves within that pile of collapsed and crushed rocks and stones. Only when the Subterranean Cave Dragon left did we come back out.”
“Mn, you’re pretty intelligent.” Yuchi Yang nodded.

With the way Qin Yu explained himself, it was very easy for him to explain about why they didn’t see who it was that battled against the Subterranean Cave Dragon. Hiding within the piles of fallen rocks and stones, how would they be able to see the battle?

Using Divine Awareness to search?

That pile of crushed rocks and stones was located several hundred meters from the battlefield. To allow one’s Divine Awareness to spread out several hundred meters from one’s body was something only a Low Level Heavenly Deity could do.

“The Subterranean Cave Dragon has hidden itself again?” That Yuchi Yang stared at the surrounding collapsed tunnels. His brows deeply creased. Even if the Subterranean Cave Dragon were to be killed, it should at the very least remain a carcass. Even if it were a Heavenly Deity level expert, it would still not be that easy for him to kill a Subterranean Cave Dragon.

As for Qin Yu and his brothers, from Yuchi Yang’s inspections, only the leader among them, Qin Yu, possessed a soul at the High Level Deity level. The other two were merely Low Level Deities. They were practically not people that can handle a Subterranean Cave Dragon.

“You all can leave now.”
Said Yuchi Yang indifferently.

“Yes,  Your  Lordship.”   Said  Qin  Yu  with  a  humble  yet courteous tone. After that, the three brothers followed the non collapsed tunnel and quickly left the mine. After Qin Yu and his brothers paid their three thousand six hundred pieces of Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones, they entered a new tunnel of the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine. The three of them continued to walk to the deepest part of the region and then entered the Jiang Lan’s Realm.

In the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm.

“Big brother, I was so anxious when that Heavenly Deity was questioning us to see if we managed to see someone battle against the Subterranean Cave Dragon. Who knew that big brother is capable of figuring out an answer to that so quickly.” Laughed Hou Fei with a gaga sound.

Hei Yu also nodded with a grave and stern expression. “That Yuchi Yang, his strength is indeed powerful.”
“He’s a Heavenly Deity.” Qin Yu understood in his heart that although he can fly now, it was only because of the Meteoric Tear. The energy within his body… was still just Divine Energy and not Heavenly Divine Energy. “The Deities that possess Heavenly Divine Energy are still stronger than me, unless I use the Divine Spear Waning Snow.” Said Qin Yu with a light smile.

Once he used the Divine Spear Waning Snow, it would not be that hard for Qin Yu to kill a Low Level Heavenly Deity.

“Well then, let’s not waste any more time. Let’s continue training. How far along are you two in the training of the Divine Realm’s body cultivation martial technique that Uncle Fu gave you?” Asked Qin Yu with a smile.

The Divine Realm’s body cultivation martial techniques were something that was relatively precious. However, there was a vast collection of such body cultivation martial techniques in the Bewitching God Temple.

Qin Yu was instead fretting over the fact that there was not enough time. He had practically spent all his time on researching the ‘Array Path.’ Thus, he had temporarily not trained in the body cultivation martial techniques and could only allow his body to increase in strength through absorbing Divine Spiritual Energy. Only, such a primitive method was truly too slow.

Hou Fei shook his head and said. “I haven’t started training in it yet.”
“Neither have I.” Hei Yu also shook his head.

“What’s going on? I ordered Uncle Fu to give those body cultivation martial techniques to the two of you, so why aren’t you training in them? In the Divine Realm, especially at the Deity stage, it is still extremely important to train your body.” Qin Yu said with a confused expression.

The different types of energy in the Divine Realm were primarily separated into Divine Energy and Heavenly Divine Energy.

Among them, Divine Energy was a more violent and savage energy. When training in Divine Energy, the burden on the body was extremely large. One could only attain a higher level Divine Energy through obtaining a stronger body. 
However, Heavenly Divine Energy was different. Heavenly Divine Energy was extremely pure and gentle.

Thus, when training one’s body, one merely needs to train to a level where one would be capable of shouldering the Divine Energy of a High Level Deity. That would be sufficient. Of course, there were some Heavenly Deities that would search for an even more valiant body. However, those are extremely few in number.

To Heavenly Deities, the best method for them to increase their strength was through better comprehension of the spatial laws.

“Big brother.”  A smile appeared on Hei Yu’s face. “During these nearly sixty thousand years, Monkey and I did not train in the body cultivation martial techniques, but the two of us have been quietly training to increase our soul’s level at a faster speed.” Hou Fei added. “The bodies of Mixed Hair Bird and I are still relatively good. At the very least, we have not yet reached a level where we would become unable to shoulder the Divine Energy. Thus, we wanted to increase our souls’ level and then train our bodies.”
“Increasing the soul level, that’s good too.”  Qin Yu thought about it and then nodded.

From Qin Yu’s point of view, it was a lot easier to train the body than to increase one’s soul’s level. When training the body, one merely needs sufficient amounts of Divine Energy and some time. However, training the soul was much harder.

Usually, it would require several tens of millions of years for a Deity to reach the Mid Level Deity stage.

Although Hou Fei and Hei Yu might be faster because they possessed the Cloud Piercing Spear and the Black Stick, it would still likely take them several hundred thousand years. Since his brothers wanted to wholeheartedly increase their soul’s level, Qin Yu also did not bother to force them. Qin Yu then returned back to his house and started his comprehension of the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path.’ Hou Fei and Hei Yu also went to do their respective trainings.

The nine hundred scrolls of ‘Array Path.’ Killing Array, Trapping Array, and Defensive Array; the three main types.

After spending sixty thousand years, Qin Yu managed to carefully read through the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’ once. And now, Qin Yu did not hurry to analyze some higher level and more complicated formation arrays. Instead, he started to re-study the formation array examples presented by the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path.’
In the past sixty thousand years, Qin Yu had merely managed to achieve a basic understanding of the ‘Array Path.’
And now, Qin Yu wished to used the examples presented in the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’ to achieve complete understanding and then deduce many things from one case. He wanted to completely understand those examples. 
Time passed. Qin Yu continued to unceasingly study the most basic, the most fundamental and some of the slightly difficult formation arrays. They were the foundation of the formation array pyramid. Qin Yu was studying them one by one.

After about thirty thousand years.

Qin Yu put away the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path.’ His closed eyes had also opened. An excited expression was in his eyes.

“Uncle Fu.” Qin Yu shouted.

Hearing Qin Yu’s voice, Uncle Fu immediately walked into Qin Yu’s room. Respectfully, Uncle Fu said. “Master, is there something you need me to do?”
“Uncle Fu, let me ask you, is the first stage of the ‘Array Path,’ the comprehension of the foundation of the formation arrays so that one could be able to figure out any formation arrays in an instant regardless of whether it’s simple or complicated?”
Qin Yu was somewhat excited.

That was because Qin Yu sensed that he seemed to have reached the stage of complete comprehension for the first stage of the ‘Array Path.’ At this moment, Qin Yu had a feeling that all of the different kinds of formation arrays’ arrangements were in his mind. When he closed his eyes, he was able to clearly see thousands upon thousands of formation arrays in his mind. At the same time, he was capable of figuring out the strong points, weak points and the way to break the formation arrays in an instant.

This sensation of everything being within his control gave Qin Yu an extremely delighted feeling.

Uncle Fu looked to Qin Yu with a smile on his face. “Master, as far as I know, among all the experts that have comprehended the first stage of the ‘Array Path,’ the fastest one spent about a hundred thousand years. Even the old master spent a million years before he managed to comprehend the first stage of the ‘Array Path’. However, master has comprehended it in merely ninety thousand years. It would appear that master’s aptitude in the field of ‘Array Path’ is indeed exceptional.”
Qin Yu was unable to refrain from smiling.

“The old master once said, that if when one closes his eyes, he is able to envision millions upon millions of formation arrays in his mind, with all these arrays being arrays that he has studied till perfection, and at the same time have a feeling that he would easily be able to figure out even more complicated formation arrays, then, and only then, would he be able to declare that he has comprehended the first stage of the ‘Array Path’ . Master, is that how you are feeling?”
“That’s right, that’s exactly it. I also even have a kind of sensation that if you were to give me enough time, I would be able to deduce formation arrays that are tens of millions of times more complicated.” Qin Yu said in succession.

That was the sort of sensation that he had. 
“The first stage of the ‘Array Path’  is the foundation of the ‘Array Path.’ However, the foundation of the ‘Array Path’ that everyone manages to comprehend is different. Master, do you feel as if you can easily decipher and break any formation array?” Said Uncle Fu with a smile.

Qin Yu was startled.

Qin Yu wanted to nod because that was precisely the sensation that he had at the moment. After comprehending the foundation of formation arrays, Qin Yu felt as if he would be able to use the basis of the formation arrays to decipher and break any formation array. After all, all formation arrays were developed through the basic formation arrays.

However, Qin Yu’s wisdom was telling him that it was simply impossible for him to achieve a state where he could decipher and break any formation array in merely ninety thousand years. “Master,  I  do  not  possess  a  soul  and  am  incapable  of comprehending the first stage of the ‘Array Path.’ All I can do is analyze more and more complicated formation arrays through using  the  simplest  and  most  basic  formation  arrays.”  Said Uncle Fu with a smile.

QIn Yu looked to Uncle Fu with a confused expression. He does not understand what Uncle Fu meant by that.

Uncle Fu continued. “Master, I followed the old master for an extremely long period of time. The amount of time I have spent analyzing formation arrays is extremely long. Back then when I first started, I was capable of analyzing formation arrays in my brain. However, as the formation arrays became more and more complicated, I started having to utilize the golden scrolls to analyze a single formation array.”
Qin Yu nodded.

This was something that was easily explained. For example, the mathematical problems that mortals have. They are capable of calculating the simple mathematical problems in their mind. However, when the mathematical problems became complicated, they needed paper to calculate on.

“After researching all these years, I have recorded some of the more complicated formation arrays onto some golden scrolls. Master… during the time I have spent in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, plus the ninety thousand years we have spent here, I have recently just designed a Killing Array. Master, please have a look at it.”
Uncle Fu flipped his hand and took out three golden scrolls.
He then handed them over to Qin Yu.

“Uncle  Fu,  don’t  tell  me  that  a  single  formation  array required   three   golden   scrolls   to   record?”    Qin   Yu   was overwhelmed with shock.

Even the most complicated formation array within the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’, would only occupy one ten thousandth of a golden scroll. 
Uncle  Fu  nodded  respectfully.  “Master,  this  is  one  of  the strongest killing array formations that I have designed. It has precisely required three entire golden scrolls to record. Master, please appraise the formation array.”

Chapter 8: The Change In The Stellar Space

Qin Yu looked at Uncle Fu for a long time. Only then did he take the three golden scrolls.

To ordinary Deities, the golden scrolls are precious goods. However, to the Bewitching God Temple… items like the golden scrolls which are used to record information numbered in the tens of millions.

Qin Yu immediately used his Divine Awareness to carefully inspect the three golden scrolls.

Exactly how large was the capacity of three golden scrolls? Even if he wasn’t studying them and was only skimming through the three golden scrolls, it still took Qin Yu four entire years to finish reading these four golden scrolls.

“Killing Array?” Qin Yu closed his eyes. All the contents that he had read in the past four years emerged in his mind. Instantly, an enormous formation array appeared before Qin Yu’s mind. That formation array was so complicated that Qin Yu was unable to tell how it was formed at all.

“I have completely understood the fundamentals. So why is it that I am unable to see through this formation array?” Qin Yu was somewhat anxious.

Qin Yu tried to analyze and break the formation array. However, it immediately started to change. Flames filled the sky. In the middle of the flames was a large amount of lightning violently crashing down.

Qin Yu immediately discarded all the contents in his mind.

After opening his eyes, Qin Yu who had a pale complexion looked to Uncle Fu before him. With a confused expression on his eyes, Qin Yu said. “Uncle Fu, why is it that even though I had originally not discovered any fire element or lightning element attacks, i was still attacked by both of those elements when I touched it?” If one did not have any understanding of formation array, one would not know exactly how powerful this formation array was.

However, Qin Yu could still be considered someone who had stepped into the palace of formation arrays. Although he could not understand the true might of this killing array, the moment the formation array activated, the malevolent killing intent that was displayed was something that Qin Yu could still sense and understand.

“Master, I once asked the old master regarding an issue. I asked the old master why he ended up restarting his research of formation arrays and spent a billion years to re-comprehend the first stage of the ‘Array Path’ when he had already comprehended the first stage and even the second stage of the ‘Array Path.’”  Uncle Fu looked to Qin Yu with a smile on his face. “Master, do you know how the old master answered that question of mine?”
Qin Yu shook his head. Uncle Fu continued. “The old master said that when one learned only how to write a single strike called ‘one,’ two strikes called ‘two,’ and then three strikes called ‘three’ yet already declared oneself to know all the writing of numbers, isn’t that truly ridiculous?”
[Philip: Right, that fable of that boy who tried to write the character for ten thousand ( 万) when he thought he knew how to write numbers after learning one two and three. XD]

Qin Yu nodded.

“The old master also said that the ocean of formation arrays is boundless. Many people had merely researched a portion of the boundless ocean of formation arrays and then comprehended their foundation of the formation arrays from that small portion. Is that a true foundation then?”
Qin Yu somewhat understood it now.

As he had only learned the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path,’ it was likely that what he had comprehended was incorrect.

“A lot of people had determined by themselves that they had comprehended the first stage of the ‘Array Path’ and thought themselves to be amazing…however, it would be extremely extremely hard for those people to comprehend the second stage of the ‘Array Path.’ That is because a mistaken first stage of the ‘Array Path’ is insufficient in helping them comprehend the second stage of the ‘Array Path.’” Uncle Fu seemed to have recalled the words that Chehou Yuan had said back then.

Qin Yu carefully listened.

At this moment, it was like Chehou Yuan was borrowing Uncle Fu’s mouth to tell Qin Yu some of the essential points of the ‘Array Path.’
“Old master once said, that as an expert of formation arrays’ level of comprehension increases, he will also slowly understand how incredibly vast the ocean of formation arrays is. The old master had managed to comprehend the third stage of the ‘Array Path’. This allowed him to become the number one formation array expert in the Divine Realm, and also the number one artifacts craftsman in the Divine Realm. Yet even after he comprehended the unprecedented third stage, he still told me that he only felt as if the ocean of formation arrays had gotten even larger, he even said that the third stage definitely wasn’t the final destination of the ‘Array Path’.”
A sea of learning without any horizon!

Qin Yu had a strong shock in his mind. He also felt ashamed.

He was shocked because the number one ‘Array Path’ expert of the Divine Realm that had managed to comprehend the third stage of the ‘Array Path’ had said that the third stage was not the final destination.

He was ashamed because he had merely researched for ninety thousand years yet believed that he had managed to comprehend the true foundation of the ‘Array Path.’
“A full bottle does not sway whereas a half-full bottle rocks.” Said Uncle Fu with a smile. “My old master told me that there are a lot of experts in the Divine Realm that research the ‘Array Path.’ There are many people in the Divine Realm that had researched the ‘Array Path’ for an even longer period of time compared to the old master. However, because of the fact that they had taken the wrong path when they first started comprehending the first stage of the ‘Array Path,’ they had spent numerous resources and time to comprehend the second stage of the ‘Array Path.’ Yet, the third stage was something that was completely impossible for them to comprehend.”
Qin Yu slightly nodded.

“My older master had continued to research. However, no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to achieve a comprehension for the fourth stage of the ‘Array Path.’ Yet, my old master was extremely certain that he was able to feel the existence of the fourth stage of the ‘Array Path.’ Unfortunately, he was unable to reach it.” Sighed Uncle Fu.

Chehou Yuan did not have any relatives. He merely had Uncle Fu as his servant. Usually, the only person he could talk about the helplessness that he experienced was Uncle Fu.

All Qin Yu could do was sigh. 
The fourth stage of the ‘Array Path,’ what sort of stage was that?

“I understand now. The more formation arrays I manage to analyze, the larger the portion of the ocean of formation arrays I’ll manage to comprehend which would in turn allow for an even more accurate comprehension of the foundation of formation  arrays.  Isn’t  that  right?”    Qin  Yu  completely understood now.

He had merely finished understanding the contents of the nine hundred scrolls of ‘Array Path.’ The foundation of the ‘Array Path’ that Qin Yu managed to comprehend was already incorrect. It was mostly because the number of formation array examples that he knew was too few.

Uncle Fu nodded.

“In that case, I’ll start analyzing numerous profound and complicated formation arrays. I believe that the more formation arrays I manage to analyze, the more accurate the first stage of the ‘Array Path’ that I end up comprehending in the  future  will  be.”   Qin  Yu  had  directly  cast  away  the foundation of the ‘Array Path’ that he had just managed to comprehend a while ago. With a peace of mind, Qin Yu had stepped onto the path of analyzing even more formation arrays.

Upon seeing this scene, Uncle Fu smiled.

When Qin Yu began analyzing, he suddenly thought of a question. “The Craftsman God Chehou Yuan said that there was a fourth stage to the ‘Array Path.’ However, he was still unable to reach that fourth stage. Could it be that the one billion years he spent comprehending the first stage of the ‘Array Path’ the second time were still not enough?”
Upon thinking of this, Qin Yu was unable to keep his heart from shivering.

A billion years was still not enough? Qin Yu felt as if he didn’t dare to continue thinking. If it was truly like that, then how much time would he have to spend analyzing more complicated formation arrays? After discarding all of his diverted thoughts, Qin Yu started to wholeheartedly calmly analyze more formation arrays.

The time they had for mining was merely a thousand years. That was merely a hundred thousand years in the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm. When Qin Yu was called awake by Uncle Fu, he even sighed and said. “Why is mining merely a short thousand years?”
Researching the formation arrays was indeed a thing that required a lot of time.

After analyzing more formation arrays for another ten thousand years, Qin Yu became more and more aware of the vastness of the ocean of formation arrays. At the same time, he felt even more ashamed of the so called foundation of the formation arrays that he had previously comprehended.

Only by standing at a higher place would one be able to better realize the vastness of the world. 
This was precisely how Qin Yu was feeling. The more he managed to comprehend, the more boundless he felt that the ocean of formation arrays was.

Inside the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm. Hou Fei and Hei Yu were waiting outside the house. As for Qin Yu, he was still inside the house and had yet to come out.

“Fei Fei, Xiao Hei, wait for me a while outside.”  This was what Qin Yu had told Hou Fei and Hei Yu when they arrived outside of his house. After that, the two of them started waiting outside.

However, a long period of time had already passed now.

“What is big brother doing inside the house?” Puzzled, Hou Fei said.

Hei Yu shook his head to show that he didn’t know either. 
After a hundred thousand years, Hou Fei and Hei Yu’s souls had reached the Mid Level Deity stage. To be exact, they had spent ninety thousand years to reach the Mid Level Deity stage. When Qin Yu first discovered that, he was even shocked for a long period of time.

Although the Cloud Piercing Spear and the Black Stick allowed Hou Fei and Hei Yu to comprehend the spatial laws easier, to reach the Mid Level Deity stage in merely a hundred thousand years still surpassed Qin Yu’s expectations.

He only realised after asking the two of them.

The method which Hou Fei and Hei Yu used to comprehend the spatial laws these hundred thousand years was…. fighting!

The two of them battled each other frantically. They comprehended the Dao through battles. They had originally comprehended the Heaven Startling Single Stick Strike through battles. And now, for the two of them to comprehend the spatial laws through battles with each other, their speed was extremely fast.

Hou Fei and Hei Yu were outside the house. Qin Yu was still sitting cross-legged on the praying mat inside the house. At the moment when the allotted time of a hundred thousand years was reached, Qin Yu stopped his derivation of the formation arrays. After that… Qin Yu decided to go to the Stellar Space to check it out.

After a hundred thousand years, how exactly had the ‘Stellar Space’ changed?

Inside the Stellar Space.

The current Stellar Space was composed of an extremely vast area. Numerous traces of ‘flour paste energy’ were flowing in from all directions. They flowed through the separation membrane between the Stellar Space and the flour paste space and gathered to the Origin in the middle. Currently, the core of Qin Yu’s cultivation, the Origin, had instead decreased in size. In the past, it was the size of a fist. However now, it was only the size of an egg. Furthermore, it was no longer dark gold colored. Instead, it was completely gray in color.

That was to say… it had turned to a color similar to the ‘flour paste’ of the ‘flour paste space.’
“I had already reached the Late stage Origin Stage twenty thousand years ago. In these twenty thousand years, its size has merely decreased by a bit.” Qin Yu’s awareness was observing the Origin with confusion.

Qin Yu did not bother to prevent the evolution of the Origin.
Instead, he allowed it to develop on its own.

Qin Yu had observed the Origin twenty thousand years ago. At that time, the Origin had already reached the Late Stage. However, what sort of change had occurred in the twenty thousand years? “Its size had decreased slightly. Furthermore, its color had turned closer to that of the ‘flour paste.’ Eh?” Qin Yu was suddenly shocked. Surprised, Qin Yu discovered a peculiar matter.

A very small space surrounding the egg sized gray sphere was actually distorted.

“A rotating distorted space?” Qin Yu completely realized that this was a distorted space. That was because the limitless amount of flour paste energy was being absorbed with a rotation to them. Qin Yu did not discover this distorted space in the beginning.

Qin Yu carefully observed the distorted space. Gradually… Qin Yu’s Awareness had completely fused with the Stellar Space.

The Stellar Space was created by Qin Yu, thus it was not hard for Qin Yu to completely fuse his Awareness with the Stellar Space. Upon fusing himself with the Stellar Space, Qin Yu managed to more clearly sense the change that had occurred to the entire Stellar Space. With the Origin as the center, that tiny revolving distorted space was gradually expanding its range with a hard-to-detect speed.

Qin Yu only managed to sense this change after fusing his Awareness with the Stellar Space.

“Could it be that… this sort of revolving distorted space would at the end occupy the entire Stellar Space?”  Thought Qin Yu in his heart.

The current Qin Yu did not possess a high comprehension of the spatial laws. However, he still had a vague understanding. This vague understanding was telling Qin Yu that the current change of the Stellar Space ought to be following the greatest path to perfection. If he were to forcibly change it, it would only cause the Stellar Space to develop following an incorrect route.

Qin Yu’s Awareness returned to his body. He opened his eyes and stood up. 
After opening the doors to his house, Qin Yu walked out with a smile on his face. He immediately saw the green meadows outside his house that were brimming with life as well as the clear-like-mirror lake. His mood was extremely good.

“Fei Fei, Xiao Hei, sorry that I’ve made you two wait.”  Said Qin Yu with a smile on his face.

Hou Fei laughed out loud. He said. “It’s fine. Big brother, let’s go. We can finally leave the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine now. C’mon, let’s go quickly.”
Qin Yu and his brothers did not wish to overstep the bounds too much. According to their plan, before they reach Heavenly Deity level, the three of them would only follow the rules inflexibly like everyone else. And in this short period of time, Qin Yu and his brothers had used the Jiang Lan’s Realm’s second layer to greatly increase their strength.

Qin Yu and his brothers all delivered their respective three thousand six hundred Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. After that, a woman led them to an elegant building. There were a couple beautiful women in this elegant building.

“Qin  Yu,  Hou  Fei  and  Hei  Yu,  right?”  A  purple  clothed woman among them took out a jade slip. She read the jade slip with his Divine Awareness. She then raised her head and looked at Qin Yu and then. Then she said indifferently. “Mn, you all have delivered enough Divine Spiritual Stones in this past thousand years. From today on, you all are official members of the Divine Realm. Wait a moment, our people had already left to pick up your identity title plates.”
After she finished saying that, that purple clothed woman stopped paying attention to Qin Yu and his brothers.

Qin Yu and his brothers could only glance at each other and smile helplessly. In all these years, they had delivered the Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones numerous times and had already grown accustomed to the coldness of the staff.

“Sis Li, I’ve heard that the Mid Captain Wang of the mine wanted to marry you? Mid Captain Wang is pretty good. At the very least, he’s a Mid Captain with a very high salary. He also owns a house in the Yuchi City for training.”  Said a white clothed woman that was currently arranging the jade slips with a smile on her face.

The purple clothed woman from earlier said indifferently. “I currently do not have any interest in that.”
“Sis Li, stop always training to become a Heavenly Deity. Among all those High Level Deities, how many are capable of becoming a Heavenly Deity? The probability of becoming a Heavenly Deity is definitely too low. You can’t possibly spend all your time alone, right? It’s not bad for you to accept Mid Captain Wang’s proposal, no? Didn’t Mid Captain Wang ascend here from the same cosmic space as you? He has already chased after you for several hundred millions of years now.” Advised that white clothed woman.

The purple clothed woman said indifferently. “Marriage? It is not impossible for me to marry him either.”
“What must he do to make it possible?” That white clothed woman’s eyes immediately started shining. 
The purple clothed woman’s face still had an indifferent expression.   “Only   if   he   became   a   Heavenly   Deity!” Immediately, that white clothed woman grew silent. If one becomes a Heavenly Deity, then there would be many people that would want to become his wife.

That was because when a couple trains together, their souls would harmonize with each other allowing the other person to borrow the comprehension of the person with a higher soul to reach the Heavenly Deity level faster. Of course, borrowing the comprehension of others would merely reduce the troubles of becoming a Heavenly Deity, it was not a hundred percent successful.

Qin Yu and his brothers glanced at each other. They could only remain silent.

At this moment, a woman walked in from the outside. This woman handed the purple clothed woman three title plates. “Sis Li, here are three identity title plates. The village the three of them will be arranged to is also determined. It’s the Sealfeel Village!” The purple clothed woman received the three title plates. She then looked to the woman who handed her the title plate with a puzzled and surprised expression. “What did you say? They’re arranged to the Sealfeel Village? Are you certain?”

Chapter 9: The Former Acquaintance In The Sealfeel Village

“That’s right, it’s the Sealfeel Village.” Said the woman who came to deliver the title plates with absolute certainty.

The purple clothed woman nodded. She handed over the three title plates to Qin Yu and his brothers. “You all need to drip your blood on these three title plates in order to become their masters. Furthermore, by all means, do not lose them. As for you three going to the Sealfeel Village…”
The purple clothed woman frowned as she glanced at Qin Yu and his brothers. “Did the three of you not give the person who allocates others to villages any Divine Spiritual Stones?”
Qin Yu was startled.

He still remembered the time when he met Song Hui and Shi Tian. That couple had even told Qin Yu and his brothers to bribe the person who allocate the people to the villages. However, Qin Yu and his brothers did not care about it. However, from what it appears now, it would seem that this Sealfeel Village ought to be an extremely lacking village.

“That’s right. Why? Is this village located very far away from the Yuchi City where the Divine Spiritual Energy is extremely violent and incapable of being absorbed?” Qin Yu asked with a smile.

“You knew.”  This purple clothed woman looked to Qin Yu with a shocked expression. “You knew yet you still deliberately did that?”
Seeing the youth before him still smiling even in such a situation, the purple clothed woman was instead shocked. Immediately after that, the purple clothed woman resumed her indifferent appearance. “Sealfeel Village, not only is it located far from the city where one cannot absorb the Divine Spiritual Energy, there is something even more important.”
Qin Yu and his brothers were unable to help themselves from raising their brows in surprise. Seeing the three of them acting like this, the purple clothed woman instead felt a burst of comfortable sensation. Without giving Qin Yu and his brothers a chance to question her, she said. “Gao Xiaqi, come in quickly. Here are three newly promoted ascenders that are set to go to the Sealfeel Village.
This mission shall be left to you.”
A blond haired youth wearing a battle armor walked in. He frowned as he looked at the purple clothed woman. “You said the Sealfeel Village?”
“That’s right. What? You don’t want to do the task?”  The purple clothed woman looked at this Gao Xiaqi.

Gao Xiaqi humped coldly. “I am not that afraid.”
“If you have the skills, then change that General’s Army’s standardized battle armor.” Laughed that woman who was arranging the jade slips. This Gao Xiaqi however did not respond. Instead, he looked at Qin Yu and his brothers. “The three of you, follow me.” Qin Yu and his brothers followed this Gao Xiaqi. Right when they left the range of the mine, they saw a scene that surprised them… The standardized battle armor that Gao Xiaqi wore had changed. It turned into a robe.

Qin Yu and his brothers all recalled the words that white clothed woman said when they were leaving… ‘If you have the skills, then change that General’s Army’s standardized battle armor.’
“Brother Gao, why did you remove the standardized battle armor?” Qin Yu asked.

This Gao Xiaqi glanced at Qin Yu. Instead of answering, he asked.  “Are  the  three  of  you  new  recruits  that  have  just ascended a thousand years ago?”
“That’s right, what about it?” Qin Yu asked in confusion.

Hou Fei and Hei Yu also stared at this Gao Xiaqi. Gao Xiaqi however looked to Qin Yu for a long time with an unbelieving expression. “Nothing. It’s just, in a mere thousand years, these two people have reached the Mid Level Deity level. And you… I am unable to even see through you. I reckon you’ve reached the High Level Deity level, right? How is that possible? It’s only been a thousand years. Could it be… that the three of you have ascended from the Heaven’s Will Realm?”
“Ascended from the Heaven’s Will Realm?”  Qin Yu and his brothers were all puzzled.

Gao Xiaqi however, sighed without a concern for the confused Qin Yu and them. “The same level cosmic spaces in the lower realm still possesses some differences. In the weaker ones, for example the Green Devil Realm, there would only be one that ascends in several hundred millions of years. As for the stronger ones like the Heaven’s Will Realm, one would ascend here every couple hundred years.”
Qin Yu and his brothers glanced at each other.

In the cosmic spaces, the Mortal Realms were all of the same level. The Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, the Dinosaur Realm and other cosmic spaces were also of the same level. Then the Divine Realm was another level. The number of cosmic spaces of the same level as the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm was very large indeed. However, even though they were of the same level, there was still the difference of weak and strong.

For there to be an ascender every couple hundred years, the frequency was indeed very high.

The Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, in normal circumstances, including even the Dark Star Realm, would only have an ascender in several millions of years.

“Some of the powerful experts of the Heaven’s Will Realm, they would reach the Mid Level Deity in a mere thousand years after ascending to the Divine Realm… I saw that the three of you were all this powerful. That’s why I thought you were from the Heaven’s Will Realm.” Said Gao Xiaqi with a smile.

Qin Yu lightly smiled and said. “There are numerous lower realm cosmic spaces. For the people that cultivate very fast, they are not necessarily all from the Heaven’s Will Realm.” “Hey, Brother Gao, why did you change the appearance of the battle armor that you wore?” Hou Fei asked. Qin Yu and Hei Yu also looked to Gao Xiaqi. This was something they were all confused about.

Gao Xiaqi looked to Qin Yu and his brothers. He said helplessly. “Could it be that the three of you do not know about it? Allocating ascenders to the villages at the beginning was an extremely important matter. You all ought to have given some appreciation fee. If you did, then you would not be arranged to some remote village far from the city like this Sealfeel Village.”
“What’s  wrong  with  the  Sealfeel  Village?  What  does  that have to do with you changing the appearance of your battle armor?” Hou Fei continued to ask.

Gao Xiaqi gulped a mouthful of saliva and said. “You all need to be a bit more careful. For such a remote village like the Sealfeel Village, not only must villagers pay taxes to the City Governor once every thousand years, they also have to pay taxes to some powerful influential bosses!” “Powerful  influential  bosses?”   Qin  Yu  and  his  brothers glanced at each other.

“That  is  to  say,  the  Mountain  Rulers!”   Said  Gao  Xiaqi explicitly. “Think about it, only twenty million people can live in the Yuchi City. The remaining two hundred million people are all living outside. The people living outside all live a much more difficult life. Furthermore, those that have ascended here, who among them was not a formidable person in their original cosmic space before they ascended? Thus, a lot of them decided to go to remote regions and occupy a mountain and claim themselves the ruler!”
Hei Yu frowned. Hou Fei instead blurted out. “Motherfucker, aren’t they just becoming bandits?”
Qin Yu however understood it very well.

For all those experts that had ascended to the Divine Realm, if they were to be at the lowest level the entire time, it was extremely normal for people to revolt. “The City Governor doesn’t care about that?” Qin Yu asked.

Gao Xiaqi laughed grimly and said. “City Governor? The City Governor would only occasionally put up an appearance. As long as those powers do not affect the rule of the City Governor, the City Governor would not bother dealing with them. Furthermore, the number of cities in the Divine Realm is fixed. There are too many people in the Divine Realm, if those people were to kill each other, the City Governor could care less about them.”
“It is not easy to occupy a mountain and claim oneself as a ruler as all the villages are filled with Deities. If those Mountain Bandit Rulers force the village residents too hard, won’t the residents also rebel against them?” Qin Yu said.

Gao Xiaqi sighed and said. “You’re mistaken. While there are many that have occupied mountains and claim themselves rulers, only the large powers would dare to ask the villages to pay taxes. Most of the small powers would not dare to do such a thing.”
“Large powers? How large are they?” Qin Yu frowned. 
Gao Xiaqi sighed and said. “There are three large powers outside of Yuchi City. If the City Governor wanted to, he would indeed be able to eliminate these three large powers. However, the City Governor doesn’t want to do that. That is because if he wants to eliminate these three large powers, at the very least several tens of Heavenly Deities would die. Tell me, for the City Governor who possesses a total of over a hundred Heavenly Deities underneath him, would he be willing to spend such a large price to eliminate them?”
Qin Yu and his brothers were shocked.

It would actually require the death of several tens of Heavenly Deities to eliminate these three powers?

“As far as I know, the Sealfeel Village is within the territory of one of the three large powers, the Black Dragon Pool. And the leader of the Black Dragon Pool is one of the top five super experts within the territory of Yuchi City!” Gasped Gao Xiaqi. Qin Yu and his brothers immediately removed all thoughts of resisting.

A super expert that was one of the top five super experts among the territory of the Yuchi City, why would he be a boss of bandits?

“I suspect you all understood the reason why I changed the appearance of the standardized battle armor now, right? Although that Black Dragon Pool would not truly become enemies with the City Governor, but for nobodies like us, we are their favorite target to bully. As for ordinary people like you three, they would at the very most rob you and would not take your lives.” Said Gao Xiaqi helplessly.

After leaving the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine, under the guidance of Gao Xiaqi, Qin Yu and his brothers walked for three entire days and night before they arrived at the remote Sealfeel Village. At the same time, Qin Yu had also came to learn a bit about the territory under the Yuchi City.

The closer one was to the Yuchi City, the safer one would be. For remote regions further away from the Yuchi City, they are territories that belonged to different large bandit groups. The status of these mountain bandits were all different too.

For example, the three large bandits powers like the ‘Black Dragon Pool’ dared to collect taxes from all the major villages of the remote region. They naturally were the ones that lived the most comfortably. As for some of the small bandit powers, they instead relied on robbing and killing.

For remote villages like the Sealfeel Village, they were the unlucky ones. Not only must they pay taxes to the City Governor, they must also pay taxes to the Black Dragon Pool.

The Sealfeel Village occupied an extremely vast area. From a single glance, one can see at the very least several thousands of houses. Qin Yu and his brothers nodded in their hearts. At least this Sealfeel Village was not too desolate.

“There are over ten thousand people living in the Sealfeel Village. It classifies as a small scale village. Large scale villages all have populations of several hundred thousands.” Gao Xiaqi said. 
Qin Yu nodded in agreement. There were two hundred million people outside of the Yuchi City. For two hundred million people, a village of over ten thousand being considered a small village was extremely normal.

“This is the house of the Village Chief. The Village Chief will tell you three all you need to know.” Gao Xiaqi walked to a courtyard manor in a very familiar sense. The doors to this courtyard manor were wide open. There were currently three middle aged men chatting and laughing within the courtyard manor.

Gao Xiaqi walked over. He went to the tallest middle aged man among the three and said. “Village Chief Fan Xu, you ought to have received the notification already. These are three new ascenders that have been appointed to this village. From today on, they will be members of your Sealfeel Village.”
Fan Xu was at least two meters tall. Although his size was extremely huge, his appearance was that of a gentle and quiet person. Holding a feathered fan, Fan Xu walked over to Qin Yu and his brothers with a smile on his face. “I am the Village Chief of the Sealfeel Village, Fan Xu. You three ought to be Qin Yu, Hei Yu and Hou Fei, right? These are the things that you all must pay attention to in the village. I’ve already prepared them for you.” As he said that, Fan Xu handed Qin Yu and them a jade slip.

Qin Yu received the jade slip. “Village Chief Fan Xu, I am Qin Yu. This is my second brother Hou Fei. This is my third brother Hei Yu.”
Qin Yu swept through this jade slip with his Divine Awareness. He then cupped his hands respectfully and said. “Village Chief, in that case us three brothers shall not disturb you anymore. Goodbye. Brother Gao Xiaqi, thank you for bringing   us   here.   Goodbye.”    Qin   Yu   and   his   brothers straightforwardly left.

“Eh? Seeing what I had written on my jade slip about paying taxes twice, he was actually not shocked in the slightest and left so straightforwardly. Truly strange.”  Said Fan Xu with a confused expression as he flipped his feathered fan. He then looked to Gao Xiaqi. 
“That’s right, I’ve told them about it on the road.” Said Gao Xiaqi with a smile on his face. “Village Chief Fan Xu, I shall also take my leave, goodbye.”
Fan Xu nodded. He then turned around and proceed to walk back  to  his  two  friends.  He  was  still  muttering.  “Three brothers? Three brothers ascending together? That’s truly rare.”
After seeing the information in that jade slip, Qin Yu came to know about some important things.
The taxes were to be paid once every thousand years. For the City Governor, they were to pay a thousand Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones once every thousand years. As for the Black Dragon Pool, they were to pay a thousand and five hundred Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones once every thousand years.

There are primarily three methods for an average person to earn Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. The first was to be like the ascenders and mine in the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine. After a thousand years, other than the Divine Spiritual Stones being paid for fees and taxes, one would usually have quite many remaining. The second was to weed out Divine Spiritual Stones from exhausted mines. If one were lucky, one would also be able to find them from those mines. As for the third
method, it was… working.

One could work for the City Governor. One could work for those that are rich and powerful. There were many different kinds of work. As for the salary, they’d be paid in Divine Spiritual Stones.

Of course, other than these three methods, there were also other ways. For example, going to the wilderness and searching for rare materials or precious medicinal herbs, ores and such. One could find those and then bring it to the city and sell them.

Merely, jobs like that were relatively dangerous. One must also possess a great eyesight in order to find rare materials or precious medicinal herbs. It was not a task that ordinary people could do. Qin Yu and his brothers thus began living peacefully in the Sealfeel Village. The three of them casually build a courtyard manor. There would usually also be a lot of villagers coming over to greet them. For the majority of the time, Qin Yu and his brothers spent their time in the Jiang Lan’s Realm. However,
they would still occasionally come out from the Jiang Lan’s
Realm and their courtyard manor once everyday. Thus, they had also become familiar with quite many villagers.

Soon, three hundred years have passed.

Qin Yu and his brothers had spent their days very peacefully. And today, it was the date of the tax payment. This time around, they are to pay taxes to the Black Dragon Pool. The date of the tax payment for the Black Dragon Pool was different from the date of the tax payment for the City Governor.

All of the villagers of Sealfeel Village had gathered in front of the entrance of the Village Chief’s house. Not a single person dared to not pay the taxes for the Black Dragon Pool. If they were to not pay taxes to the City Governor, they would only be punished. However, the people of the Black Dragon Pool would instead directly kill those who refused to pay taxes. “Brother Li Liao, how is it?”  Two men who were walking next to each other started talking.

“Xing Yuan, I am truly at a loss. Zi Yun’s parents are truly too stubborn. Although you and Zi Yun love each other, her parents are determined that they will only marry their daughter to you if you manage to purchase a house in the Yuchi City.” Said Li Liao helplessly.

Xing Yuan took a deep sigh.

This Xing Yuan was precisely the previous Gold Punishment Lord of the Dark Star Realm. When the Gold Punishment Lords of the Dark Star Realm ascend to the Divine Realm, they too would become only an ordinary person. He did not bribe the people who allocate others to the villages and was thus allocated to this location.

Back in the mine, Qin Yu and his brothers had come out too infrequently. Thus, they did not manage to encounter Xing Yuan. “Two million Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones, I won’t be able to pull out that amount even if you threatened to kill me.” Xing Yuan clenched his fists. He was filled with anger.

All those years in the Dark Star Realm, he had never fallen in love. After arriving to the Divine Realm, he had never thought about falling in love either. He merely wanted to train. However, after meeting Zi Yun, the two of them, male and female, both started feeling hot in their heads and became frantically in love with each other.

Zi Yun had grown up in the Divine Realm. Zi Yun’s parents were extremely and completely determined that they wanted their daughter to live a better life and not worry about everyday life in the Sealfeel Village. They were determined that they wanted Xing Yuan to purchase a house in Yuchi City before coming to them to ask for their daughter’s hand in marriage.

“Xing Yuan, don’t be too heartbroken. As men, we merely need to continue training. Once we reach the Heavenly Deity level one day, won’t there be so many women who will wish to marry you that they’ll cram your doorsteps apart.” Li Liao consoled. However, Li Liao himself also knew how hard it was to become a Heavenly Deity.

Xing Yuan sighed. “Brother Li Liao, you don’t understand my frame of mind.”
Once one had fallen in love, it is impossible for one to climb back out.

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

“Eh? Brother Xing Yuan?”
Xing Yuan turned his head around to look at the voice. He saw three youths walking over together. The smile as well as the manner of the youth who lead the three, Xing Yuan immediately recognized who he was. With astonishment, he said. “Liu Xing, it’s you. You’ve also ascended to the Divine Realm?”

Chapter 10: Lending A Hand

The moment when Qin Yu saw Xing Yuan, he was completely surprised.
There was a vast number of villages outside of Yuchi City, never had he expected that they would actually be allocated to the same village. Furthermore, he had actually never run into Xing Yuan in the past three hundred years in the village. Qin Yu understood that this was mostly because he had come out too infrequently as he had spent the majority of his time researching the ‘Array Path’ in the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm.

“Xing Yuan, you also know Qin Yu and his brothers?” Li Liao said in surprise.

Qin Yu and his brothers all knew Li Liao as Li Liao was the sort of person that one becomes familiar with right away as he would be able to chat a whole lot with anyone.

“Qin Yu?” Xing Yuan was slightly surprised. 
Qin Yu smiled and said. “Brother Xing Yuan, I actually have two names. In the Immortal Realm, Devil Realm and Demon Realm, I was called Qin Yu. When I was in the Dark Star Realm, I was called Liu Xing. You can just call me Qin Yu in the future.”
“So that was the case.” Xing Yuan nodded.

Even now, Xing Yuan did not suspect Qin Yu’s identity. He had thought that Qin Yu created the name Qin Yu because he had frequently wandered the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm.

“Brother Xing Yuan, let me introduce you to them. This is my second brother Hou Fei. This is my third brother Hei Yu.” Seeing Xing Yuan, Qin Yu’s mood had become extremely good. Hou Fei and Hei Yu both greeted Xing Yuan with a smile.

Xing Yuan also squeezed out a smile and greeted them. Qin Yu had already felt that Xing Yuan had some sort of difficulty when he first saw him. And now, he was even more perceptive of that. Immediately, he asked. “Brother Xing Yuan, I see that you have something you’re worried about?”
“Xing Yuan, look.” Li Liao suddenly said as he pointed to a distant place.

They saw a middle aged couple bringing a purple clothed woman walking over to the Village Chief’s house. Xing Yuan’s gaze immediately fixed onto that purple clothed woman. His gaze was fixed onto her for a very long time, not leaving her for a second.

“Big brother, this Xing Yuan has fallen for that girl.” Hou Fei giggled and said beside Qin Yu in a low voice.

Qin Yu and Hei Yu also had smiles on their faces.

“Brother Xing Yuan, never had I expected that in such a short period of time after your ascension to the Divine Realm, our Dark Star Realm’s Gold Punishment Lord would’ve found a woman that he loves. This is truly something that I must congratulate you for. Haha…” Said Qin Yu in a jokingly tone.

Contrary to Qin Yu’s expectations, Xing Yuan instead gave a long sigh. “Gold Punishment Lord? In the Divine Realm, regardless of what position one had in the lower realm, it is all useless.”
Qin Yu nodded in understanding. “For the experts of the Divine Realm, there are those that have grown up in the Divine Realm, as well as those that have ascended from a lower realm. There are tens of thousands of cosmic spaces like the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm. In the Divine Realm, the status one had in the lower realm is indeed of no use.”
“However, Brother Xing Yuan, if you like that woman, why are you sighing?” Qin Yu asked in curiosity.

Li Liao who stood to the side also shook his head. Xing Yuan shook his head, sighed and said. “I am ashamed. Regarding this, it was during the first day that I arrived on this Sealfeel Village. At that time, I ran into…” “Zi Yun and I are both interested in each other. However, her parents’ demands. You must know of my difficulty.” Xing Yuan had a face filled with bitterness.

Qin Yu, Hou Fei and Hei Yu glanced at each other.

The magnificent Dark Star Realm’s Gold Punishment Lord was actually vexed to such an extent because of two million Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones.

“Xing Yuan, leave this matter to me.”  Said Qin Yu directly with his Divine Awareness Voice Transmission.

Hearing the voice in his mind, Xing Yuan was unable to refrain himself from looking at Qin Yu in shock. In the Divine Realm, if one wanted to send a voice transmission via Divine Awareness, one must at the very least be able to extend one’s Divine Awareness past one’s body. However, in order to accomplish extending one’s Divine Awareness past one’s body, one must at the very least reach the Mid Level Deity stage. Qin Yu had ascended later than him. In merely over a thousand years, how was it possible that Qin Yu had reached the Mid Level Deity?

What Xing Yuan didn’t know, was that Qin Yu’s soul’s level was not that of a Mid Level Deity but instead that of a High Level Deity.

“Xing Yuan, do not be surprised. A house in the Yuchi City. Good. After we finish paying the taxes, I’ll go to the Yuchi City with you and purchase a house. What do you think?” Qin Yu continued to talk to Xing Yuan via Divine Awareness Voice Transmission.

Xing Yuan was unable to do Divine Awareness Voice Transmission. Thus, all he could do was nod his head thankfully.

Merely, Xing Yuan was puzzled in his heart as to how Qin Yu was able to take out a large amount like two million Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones? Outside the courtyard manor of the Sealfeel Village’s Village Chief. At this moment, more than ten thousand people were gathered. Who would dare not to come to the tax collection from the people of the Black Dragon Pool?

When Qin Yu and them arrived, they discovered that there were thirty men wearing battle armors standing at the frontmost location. The leader of those thirty men, a youth, was looking at everyone present with a chilly gaze.

“Everyone, like before, everyone that has managed to pass the Divine Tribulation will have to pay a tax of a thousand five hundred Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones every thousand years. Come one at a time.” That youth said in a clear voice.

Immediately, the villagers of Sealfeel Village walked forward one by one. Once a person paid their taxes, that youth accepted the Divine Spiritual Stones with a flip of his hand.

“Storage Divine Artifact.” Seeing this scene before him, Qin Yu was unable to refrain his shock. “A mere subordinate of the Black Dragon Pool actually also possesses a Storage Divine Artifact. This Black Dragon Pool is indeed amazing.” What Qin Yu didn’t know, was that although the Black Dragon Pool was a very enormous power, they still did not possess that many Storage Divine Artifacts. Only during the moments when collecting taxes would the group that goes to collect taxes be entitled to use them for the time being. After
they had finished using it, they were to return it back to the higher authorities.

“Big brother, look.” Hou Fei pulled Qin Yu’s shoulder. Qin Yu looked to the location where Hou Fei pointed to. Qin Yu saw that Zi Yun and Xing Yuan were currently being extremely intimate with each other. Qin Yu was unable to refrain from smiling.

One by one, the villagers went up to pay their taxes.

Zi Yun and Xing Yuan also walked up one after the other.

“Little  sister  Zi  Yun.”   Upon  seeing  Zi  Yun,  that  youth immediately started smiling. “You haven’t forgotten your big brother Qiyan right?” Zi Yan wore a purple gauze jacket. Her long ink-colored fine black hair poured down her shoulder like torrents. She was indeed a very classy beautiful woman. Zi Yun lightly smiled and said. “How could I possibly forget about big brother Qiyan? Never had I expected that in just a million years, big brother Qiyan would manage to reach such a level in the Black Dragon Pool.”
“Little Yun, you do not have to pay taxes.” Liu Qiyan laughed and said.

Xing Yuan who stood beside Zi Yan frowned. That Liu Qiyan glanced at Xing Yuan and laughed. “Little Yun, who is this Low Level Deity? Is he a new servant that your family has hired?”

Xing Yuan and Zi Yun’s expressions both slightly changed. “Little Yun, I have personally come to the Sealfeel Village this time around for two things. First is to collect taxes and the second is to purpose for your hand in marriage from your parents. The two of us are childhood sweethearts who have grown up together in the Divine Realm. And now, I could also
be considered as having achieved some success. I presume you’ll surely not refuse that, right?”
Liu Qiyan completely ignored the existence of Xing Yuan as he spoke.

Zi Yun’s parents from behind them walked forward. A smile was on their faces. They seemed to be extremely easy to get close to. The gazes they looked at their daughter Zi Yan with were also extremely loving.

“Qiyan, we cannot allow our Zi Yun to go to the Black Dragon Pool and suffer hardships with you.” Zi Yun’s mother said.

Liu Qiyan immediately said. “Aunty, you are someone who have watched me grow up. You also know of my feelings for Little Yun. Tell me, do you think I would let Little Yun suffer hardships? After all these years of being in the Black Dragon Pool, I can be considered to have attained a position for myself. In the East City District of the Yuchi City, I have just recently purchased a house. In the future, Little Yun could just go and live comfortably there.”
Zi Yun’s mother’s eyes immediately shined. Zi Yun’s father also nodded his head lightly.

Liu Qiyan immediately turned his gaze to Zi Yun.

“I cannot.” Zi Yun immediately said.

Liu Qiyan did not say anything in response. Instead, he looked to Zi Yun’s mother. Sure enough… Zi Yun’s mother frowned. She reprimanded her. “Little Yun, your big brother Qiyan has grown up together with you. Could it be that all the years of feelings that you two have for each other is inferior to the one that you have together with this Xing Yuan who has just ascended from the lower realm? Instead of training hard, he decided to pursue love and affection. What sort of accomplishment would such a person attain in the future?” Xing Yuan was stunned by her speech.

“Aunty, Little Yun might just be momentarily deceived by that man’s graceful words and flowery speech. For such a person that have just ascended to swindle Little Yun like so, this man who lives off a woman, his sweet speech and honeyed words skill is truly too amazing. You cannot blame Little Yun for falling for this man’s lies.”  Liu Qiyan had a set of sincere expression as he said those words.

Zi Yun was so angry that her complexion had turned deathly white. As for Xing Yuan, he was looking at Liu Qiyan coldly.

“Little Yun, this man is merely a Low Level Deity, how would he be able to protect you? Anyone in the Divine Realm is capable of easily ravaging him. This sort of man is unworthy of you to act like so.” Liu Qiyan persuaded.

“Not long ago, I reached the High Level Deity stage. Although a High Level Deity cannot be considered as anything much in the Divine Realm, at the very least I have the ability to defend myself. Furthermore, standing behind me are the Heavenly Deity level experts of the Black Dragon Pool. At the very least, in the range of the Yuchi City, no one would dare to humiliate any one of us from the Black Dragon Pool.”
Liu Qiyan’s tone was extremely gentle. However, everyone could sense the disdain he had for Xing Yuan in his speech.

The residents of the Sealfeel Village also started discussing among themselves. An overwhelming majority of the people were in favor of Liu Qiyan. They believed that Zi Yun should go with Liu Qiyan. As for the number of people that supported Xing Yuan, they were extremely few. As for Qin Yu and his brothers, they were standing on the side watching.

Xing Yuan clenched his fists tightly. His finger joints had turned pale.

However, could he resist? His opponent was a High Level Deity. Furthermore, he had a small squadron beneath him composed of mostly Mid Level Deities. What could a Low Level Deity like him who had just ascended be able to do? “A bandit from the Black Dragon Pool actually dares to talk so big like so. It seemed that being a bandit is a glorious thing.”
“Who is it?!”  Liu Qiyan’s expression immediately changed. He immediately looked to the direction where the voice came from.

Qin Yu was smiling. Hou Fei and Hei Yu were beside Qin Yu. The three of them walked over like so. “What? Could it be that what I said was wrong? A little Black Dragon Pool’s bandit underling like you actually dares to act so arrogant, truly…” As Qin Yu said that, he even shook his head and sighed a couple times.

Liu Qiyan frowned as he looked at Qin Yu. “Who are you? I have grown up in the Sealfeel Village, I know almost everyone from the Sealfeel Village, where did you come from?”
Liu Qiyan was able to sense that Qin Yu possessed strength no weaker than his. Thus, he had grown a bit cautious and did not talk to him with the disdain that he possessed when talking with Xing Yuan. 
“Ascender.”   Qin  Yu  smiled  and  said.  “A  Deity  that  has ascended a bit over a thousand years ago. What about it?”
“Little  Yun,  follow  me  home.”  Zi  Yun’s  mother  suddenly frowned and said.

Qin Yu immediately turned to Zi Yun’s mother, he slightly bowed and said. “Aunty, I am a good friend of Xing Yuan. Brother Xing Yuan had managed to find a precious medicinal herb in the wilderness a while ago. The name of it was ‘White Feeler Grass.’ I also possess some connections in the Yuchi City and have just sold this White Feeler Grass and obtained three million Low Level Divine Spiritual Stones for it. I have yet to give these three million Low Level Divine Spiritual Stones to Brother Xing Yuan yet.”

Qin Yu flipped his hand and a bag appeared out from thin air into Qin Yu’s hand.

“Storage Divine Artifact?”  Upon seeing this scene, Zi Yun’s parents, Liu Qiyan and a large number of people all opened their eyes wide in shock.

Liu Qiyan was extremely shocked. “A High Level Deity after ascending over a bit over a thousand years? Storage Divine Artifact? Furthermore, having the means to sell medicinal herbs in the Yuchi City? What sort of background does this guy have exactly?”
Liu Qiyan was merely a low level underling in the Black Dragon Pool. He knew that the Black Dragon Pool’s Lord Black Dragon would not take care of someone with power for a mere underling like him.

“Brother Xing Yuan, what are you standing there for? Since you’ve given me the White Feeler Grass, I naturally have to pay you after I sold it. Here are a total of three hundred High Level Divine Spiritual Stones, you’d best count them properly.”  Qin Yu urged.

Xing Yuan woke back up. He immediately said. “Brother Qin Yu, you truly have my thanks. I am merely shocked that this White Feeler Grass actually sold for such a high price.” As he said that, Xing Yuan outstretched his hand and received that bag of Divine Spiritual Stones. He opened the bag and looked at it slightly. No matter how calm Xing Yuan was, he was still unable to refrain his hands from shaking.

“Big   brother   Xing   Yuan,   let   me   see.”    Contrary   to expectations, Zi Yun was extremely excited. She promptly opened the bag to see. The only reason why her parents didn’t agree to her being together with Xing Yuan was because he possessed no house.

Somewhat emotional, Xing Yuan raised his head and looked to Qin Yu and his brothers. What he saw was Qin Yu and his brothers winking at him.

Chapter 11: Cultivator Of Mount Dazzling Gold

That Liu Qiyan could be considered as being calm as he did not flip out and act violently. After he finished receiving the taxes, he decided to go to Zi Yun’s house. After that, he brought his subordinates with him and left the Sealfeel Village and returned to the Black Dragon Pool.

As for what exactly this Liu Qiyan had talked about in Zi Yun’s house, Qin Yu wasn’t sure. However, what Qin Yu did know was, that in the end, Zi Yun’s family had agreed to the marriage between her and Xing Yuan. That was because on the third day of the tax collection, Zi Yun’s parents, Zi Yun and Xing Yuan had invited Qin Yu and his brothers to go to Yuchi City with them.

What good was it to pay taxes once every thousand years? In the past, Qin Yu was unable to understand the reason for the taxes. He now however understood it…. at the very least, there was a completely maintenanced government road. Furthermore, there were army troops stationed along the road to ensure that the people traveling the road would not be robbed by bandits. 
“Little  brother  Qin  Yu,  I  have  walked  down  this  road numerous times in my lifetime. However, this time around is the happiest I’ve been. Haha…” Zi Yun’s father, Zi Futian laughed and said.

At this moment, Xing Yuan said in a slightly respectful tone. “Lord Father, how much longer will it take for us to reach Yuchi City?”
Upon hearing this, Qin Yu and his brothers started to smile.

“Hell,  you’ve  already  started  saying  ‘Lord  Father’  before you’re even married. Not bad.” Hou Fei patted Xing Yuan’s shoulder and said in a jokingly tone. Zi Futian instead started laughing and said. “Sealfeel Village is located very far away from Yuchi City. I estimate that it’ll still take two more days of travel.”
As the group of people journeyed to Yuchi City, Zi Yun had been walking next to her mother and chatting with her. Contrary to expectations, she was not together with Xing Yuan. 
After about two days, Qin Yu and them could finally see Yuchi City in the distance. Yuchi City was like an enormous vicious beast that has been lying in wait the entire time. That sort of ancient aura caused Qin Yu’s heart to be completely stunned.

“Uncle Zi, do you know how many years of history Yuchi City possesses?” Suddenly, Qin Yu asked curiously.

Zi Futian smiled and said. “Of course, Yuchi City’s history is as long as the Divine Realm’s. They are both about a two quadrillion and a hundred million years old.”
“Truly ancient.” Qin Yu gasped in admiration.

“All the major cities of the Divine Realm have been in existence since the Divine Realm first appeared. They have also never been destroyed before. Furthermore, the Divine Spiritual Energy within the cities is extremely tranquil and gentle. One can easily absorb them to train. As for the reason why these cities are so peculiar, even now, no one knows about the secret to it.” Zi Futian said with a sigh.

Qin Yu, Hou Fei, Hei Yu and the rest all nodded.

Merely, Qin Yu had another theory in his mind. “I suspect it isn’t that no one knows about the secret but rather that those who know have never told others.”
“Lord Father, can you tell us a bit about the Divine Realm? We know too little about the Divine Realm.”  Xing Yuan said with extreme modesty.

Qin Yu and his brothers also looked to Zi Futian.

“Haha, I am merely an ordinary resident of the Divine Realm, how much more would I be able to know about the Divine Realm? I merely know a bit about the eastern region of the Divine Realm.” Zi Futian started to talk about it slowly. “Of the Eight Great Sage Emperors of the Divine Realm, the Utmost East Sage Emperor’s power range is located in the eastern region of the Divine Realm. As for the Utmost East Sage Emperor himself, he lives on top of ‘Mount Dazzling Gold.’”
“Mount Dazzling Gold?” Qin Yu and the rest were all surprised.

They did not know anything about this.

“You all know how special the Divine Realm’s space is. In the Divine Realm, flying is a sort of extravagant hope. One can only fly when one has reached the Heavenly Deity level. Furthermore, for non-living things to float in the air, it is something that is even harder to imagine. However, Mount Dazzling Gold is precisely a floating mountain!” Said Zi Futian solemnly.

Floating mountain, Mount Dazzling Gold? The dwelling place of the Utmost East Sage Emperor?

Qin Yu remembered it in his heart. “There are a total of sixty four cities underneath the Utmost East Sage Emperor. These sixty four cities are all of the same type. As for the core of the eastern region of the Divine Realm, it is Mount Dazzling Gold. Of course, it is impossible for regular people like us to go to Mount Dazzling Gold.”
Zi Futian laughed and said. “Now that I’ve talked about Mount Dazzling Gold, let me talk about Yuchi City. Yuchi City, a long long time ago, was not called Yuchi City. The reason why this city is currently called Yuchi City is because the city’s governor is Lord Yuchi. The number one clan in Yuchi City is the Yuchi Clan! The governor of this Yuchi City is also the number one expert in the region surrounding Yuchi City!”
“Number one expert? How strong is he?” Qin Yu asked.

“Big brother Qin Yu, the governor of Yuchi City is extremely powerful. Even that Lord Black Dragon of the Black Dragon Pool is greatly inferior to the governor of Yuchi City.” That Zi Yun had also walked over. She smiled and said.

Qin Yu lightly nodded to Zi Yun. “Zi Yun, do you know what level expert that Lord Yuchi is?” “I think, I think he’s a High Level Heavenly Deity.”  Said Zi Yun without absolute certainty. She then said with definite certainty. “However, the governor of Yuchi City is extremely powerful. In the entire range of Yuchi City, there is no one that can rival him.”
Zi  Futian  lightly  smiled  and  said.  “The  boss  of  the  Black Dragon Pool… Lord Black Dragon, although he can also be regarded as being very powerful, he is different from the governor of Yuchi City. Back then, Lord Yuchi followed the Utmost East Sage Emperor to numerous wars and achieved great contributions. In the end, Utmost East Sage Emperor bestowed this city to Lord Yuchi.”
“Numerous wars? There are also large scale battles in the Divine Realm?” Qin Yu was slightly surprised.

“Of course there are.” Said Zi Futian with a smile. “It would be impossible to not know this as long as one has lived for several billions of years in the Divine Realm. In the Divine Realm… every six billion years, all of the major powers of the Divine Realm will go to war with each other. The war is extremely bitter and desperate…” Zi Futian gasped in admiration.

Every six billions years, a large war that extends through the entire Divine Realm would occur?

“Lord Yuchi is a great expert who has moved through the Divine Realm unhindered. There are also a large number of Heavenly Deities that have died by his hand. How could someone like the boss of the Black Dragon Pool be comparable to Lord Yuchi?” Gasped Zi Futian with admiration.

In Zi Futian’s heart, this boss of the Black Dragon Pool was simply not someone that could match up to the governor of Yuchi City.

“Come, let’s go into the city.”
At this moment, Qin Yu and them had already arrived at the entrance of the city. The soldiers who guarded the entrance inspected the group’s identity title plates and then received the fee to enter into the city before allowing Qin Yu and them to enter into the city.

Upon entering Yuchi City, Qin Yu and them all felt the tranquility and docility of the Divine Spiritual Energy within the city. Absorbing and refining such Divine Spiritual Energy was simply incomparably effortless. Inside Yuchi City, Qin Yu and them directly proceeded towards the City Governor’s Palace’s Property Selling Bureau.

All of the houses and buildings inside Yuchi City were controlled by the city. Thus, everyone would naturally have to go to the same location to purchase houses.

This was Qin Yu’s first time in Yuchi City. Upon viewing the different kinds of constructions and buildings in Yuchi City, Qin Yu had to admit that the arrangement of the city was truly good. Although they were all different and irregular, they gave off a charming effect and were not disheveled in the slightest.

Medicinal Herbs Store, Weapons Store, Leisure Teahouse, Stone Carving Store, all sorts of stores appeared before Qin Yu. Qin Yu was surprised to discover that there were actually a lot of places in the Divine Realm for leisure and enjoyment.

“Step aside!”
Following a shout, a line of troops that numbered at the very least in the several hundreds were running in perfect harmony on the street. In the sky above this group of people was a man wearing a standardized golden battle armor, flying with his hands behind his back.

“It’s a Heavenly Deity.” Zi Yun pointed to the man in the sky in surprise.

Qin Yu and the rest also raised their head up to look.

“That man is definitely a Division Commander or a Legion Commander of the Yuchi City Army.” Zi Futian said to Qin Yu and them. “In Yuchi City, ten soldiers compose a small squadron. A hundred soldiers compose a mid squadron. A thousand soldiers compose a large squadron. Ten thousand people compose a division. A hundred thousand soldiers compose a legion. Among them, in order for one to become a Legion
Commander, the requirement is that one must reach the Heavenly Deity level. There is no such requirement for the Division Commander. However, a lot of the Division Commanders of Yuchi City are Heavenly Deities.”
Zi Futian had already lived for several billions of years. The knowledge he possessed was clearly very vast.

“Ahead  is  the  Property  Selling  Bureau.  Let’s  go  buy  the house.” Qin Yu said.

Just like that, Qin Yu and them entered into the City’s Property Selling Bureau. The Property Selling Bureau was a very large two storied building. When Qin Yu and them walked into the Property Selling Bureau, there were already a lot of of people inside it. There was only a single service personnel in the Property Selling Bureau. It was a yellow clothed woman.

“There are jade slips over there. They contain information on the empty houses inside the city. You all can go and check it out for yourselves. If you manage to find any that you like, just tell me about it.” The yellow clothed woman did not look at Qin Yu’s group at all. She merely said those words indifferently.

“Big brother, this woman’s attitude is truly lacking.” Said Hou Fei to Qin Yu via Divine Awareness Voice Transmission.

Qin Yu nodded and smiled. “There’s nothing we can do about it. All the properties in Yuchi City belong to the Governor. Even though her service attitude is lacking, there is nothing that we can do about it. All we can do is to tolerate her attitude.”
Qin Yu thought of a thing.

For a number one artifacts craftsman like the ‘Craftsman God’ Chehou Yuan, if he were to act arrogant against those major powers of influences, those major powers of influences would still have to tolerate him. Wasn’t this the same principle?

While Qin Yu and his brothers were chatting with each other, Xing Yuan, Zi Yun and them had gone to the jade slips to inspect the currently available empty houses.

After a living discussion, Xing Yuan, Zi Yun and them finally decided. Xing Yuan walked to that yellow clothed woman. With a smile on his face, he said. “We have decided. We would like to purchase Yuchi City’s North City District’s number 8793043 house.”
“There  are  only  thirteen  houses  left  in  the  North  City District. This house that you chose is the best among them. You  all  truly  have  good  eyesight.”  Said  that  yellow  clothed woman with a light smile. “You can pay the price now. It’s a total of two million two hundred eighty thousand Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones.”
Xing Yuan and Zi Yun glanced at each other. They smiled as they took out two hundred twenty eight High Quality Divine Spiritual Stones.

That yellow clothed woman received the two hundred twenty eight High Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. She nodded and then flipped her hand and took out a hexagonal key. At the same time, she also took out a jade slip. However, right at this moment…
“Little Yan.” Following a voice, a golden battle armored man walked in.

“It’s that Heavenly Deity from earlier.”  Said Hou Fei to Qin Yu via voice transmission. Qin Yu nodded. He naturally remember that Heavenly Deity that they saw earlier. However, the person that Qin Yu took note of was another person.

Right after that golden battle armored man walked in, a white clothed youngster also walked in following him.

“That youngster is an expert. A Heavenly Deity level expert.” Qin Yu was able to clearly sense the aura from that white clothed youngster. 
When that white clothed youngster walked in, he proceeded to walk to the jade slips and start inspecting the housing situation in Yuchi City. As for the golden battle armored man, he had walked to the yellow clothed woman.

“Ah, Legion Commander Liu, is there anything you need?” That yellow clothed woman’s smile had instantly turned brilliant. She completely ignored Xing Yuan and Zi Yun.

That Legion Commander Liu nodded. He said. “I remember that in the North City District, there was a house close to the ‘Empty Condor Pavilion.’ I shall take that house, remember that for me.”
“Yes,  Legion  Commander  Liu.”   Said  that  yellow  clothed woman at once.

Zi Yun said to Xing Yuan in a low voice. “Big brother Xing Yuan, of the thirteen houses in the North City District, wasn’t ours the only one that’s close to the ‘Empty Condor Pavilion?’” Xing Yuan also remembered. He immediately said to the yellow clothed woman. “Young lady, we have already purchased that house. We have even handed over the two hundred twenty eight High Quality Divine Spiritual Stones to you.”
“Mn?” That golden battle armored man frowned. “Little Yan, what’s going on?”
That yellow clothed woman called ‘Little Yan’ said with a smile. “It’s nothing.” As she said that, she looked to Xing Yuan. “His Lordship Legion Commander Liu have decided to take this house. Furthermore, I do not have any records of the selling nor have I given you all the key to the house yet. That house is technically still not yours yet.”  As she said that, the yellow clothed woman placed the two hundred twenty eight High Quality Divine Spiritual Stones on the table.

“Take those Divine Spiritual Stones back first. Look for a different    house.”      Said    the    yellow    clothed    woman straightforwardly. Zi Yun and Xing Yuan glanced at each other. They then glanced at that Lord Heavenly Deity. They felt anger in their hearts. However, what can they do? Are they to fight over a house against a Heavenly Deity?

“What  a  Heavenly  Deity!”   Qin  Yu  frowned.  He  did  not interfere. His gaze was suddenly cast toward that white clothed youngster that had been inspecting the houses the entire time.

“North City District? All of the thirteen empty houses in the North City District, I’m taking them all.” Said the white clothed youngster with a smile as he raised his head.


Not only Xing Yuan, Zi Yun and them, the yellow clothed woman, the Legion Commander Liu and the other people who were inspecting the houses all looked to the white clothed youngster. Qin Yu and his brothers also looked to the white clothed youngster. “You  are…”  Legion  Commander  Liu  looked  to  the  white clothed youngster with a frown. Only now did he discover that there was such a super expert behind him.

That white clothed youngster lightly smiled. He flipped his hand and took out a golden colored title plate. “I am a large squadron captain of the Mount Dazzling Gold’s cultivators, Huang Jing. I have brought my subordinates to Yuchi City and might be staying for a relatively long period of time. These thirteen houses are barely enough for us to live in.”
“Mount Dazzling Gold’s cultivator!”
Legion Commander Liu’s expression took a huge change. That yellow clothed woman’s expression also took a huge change.

“A large squadron captain from the Mount Dazzling Gold?” Legion Commander Liu only felt a burst of pressure on his chest. He immediately squeezed out a smile and said respectfully. “So it’s actually senior Huang Jing. His Lordship the City Governor has already ordered this junior to receive senior. Never would I have expected that senior had already arrived. This junior has already made arrangements beside the City Governor’s Palace…”
“No need. I’ll take the thirteen houses in the North City District. You can just go and inform Uncle Yuchi about it. What?  Is  there  a  problem?”  This  white  clothed  youngster called Huang Jing looked at Legion Commander Liu.

“Of   course   not!”    Said   the   Legion   Commander   Liu straightforwardly.

“Uncle Zi, how powerful is this Huang Jing? Does the large squadron captain of the Mount Dazzling Gold’s cultivator possess  a  very  high  status?”   Asked  Qin  Yu  via  Divine Awareness Voice Transmission to Zi Futian.

At this moment, Zi Futian was looking at Huang Jing with a blazing expression. He replied back to Qin Yu via Divine Awareness Voice Transmission. “In the Eastern Region of the Divine Realm, over half of the Heavenly Deities are on the Mount Dazzling Gold. They number about ten thousand people. The cultivators of the Mount Dazzling Gold, the weakest among them are Low Level Heavenly Deities. The cultivators of the Mount Dazzling Gold are already people who possess special privileges. However, this Huang Jing is actually a Large Squadron Captain of the Mount Dazzling Gold.”
Qin Yu was unable to refrain himself from looking at this seemly gentle and quiet white clothed youngster. Exactly how powerful was this white clothed youngster? Qin Yu didn’t dare to determine that at all.

Chapter 12: A Mysterious Man

“There are about ten thousand people belonging to the entire Mount Dazzling Gold. According to the logic that a large squadron is composed of a thousand people, this Huang Jing being a large squadron captain ought to make him classified as a high status person on Mount Dazzling Gold.” Thought Qin Yu in his heart.

Qin Yu didn’t know that in the armies of Mount Dazzling Gold, the highest position was that of the ‘Large Squadron Captain.’
As for this Legion Commander of Yuchi City, he was merely a Low Level Heavenly Deity and couldn’t hope to compare to a Large Squadron Captain of Mount Dazzling Gold.

“Hand me the keys.” Huang Jing smiled as he looked at the yellow clothed woman.

The yellow clothed woman immediately flipped her hand and took out thirteen keys. “Lord Huang Jing, these are the keys for the thirteen houses in the North City District.” This yellow clothed woman’s attitude was incomparably respectful.

With a wave of his hand, Huang Jing received the thirteen keys.

“Senior  Huang  Jing.”   That  Legion  Commander  Liu  was beaming from ear to ear. “Senior Huang Jing, I don’t know how many cultivators of the Mount Dazzling Army senior have brought with you this time but will those thirteen houses of the North City District be enough for you?”
Huang  Jing  smiled  mildly.  “It’s  good  enough  if  I  have  a couple of them share a house.”
“How could we possibly allow you to crowd several into a single …”
“You don’t have to speak anymore.” Huang Jing interrupted Legion Commander Liu’s speech. “Return and tell Uncle Yuchi that I have arrived. Also, tell him that during the time that I am in the Yuchi City, do not allow others to come disturb me.” “Yes.” Legion Commander Liu said respectfully.

Huang Jing nodded. With a movement of his foot, he disappeared from the sight of everyone present.

On the first floor lounge of the Property Selling Bureau. The group of people were all looking at the location where Huang Jing previously stood before disappearing. They remained silent for a long time.

“That man, I reckon that even if I were to use my Divine Spear Waning Snow, I would still not have the slightest chance of victory over him.” Qin Yu was absolutely certain. “For this man to be able to become a Large Squadron Captain of Mount Dazzling Gold, is he a Mid Level Heavenly Deity or a High Level Heavenly Deity?”
Hou Fei and Hei Yu had also been silent for quite some time. Legion Commander Liu frowned. He then stopped mentioning the thing about purchasing a house and rapidly left the Property Selling Bureau.

“Mount Dazzling Gold.” Xing Yuan was still remembering these words. “If only one day I can become a cultivator of Mount Dazzling Gold!” Xing Yuan remembered the disdain that ‘Liu Qiyan’ had for him as well as the grandeur of that ‘Huang Jing’ from earlier.

Xing Yuan glanced at Zi Yun beside him. His conviction for training hard became even more resolute.
Soon after, Xing Yuan and Zi Yun had picked a house on the South City District. This house was a bit cheaper. It required only a total of one million nine hundred and eighty thousand Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones. After finishing purchasing the house and obtaining the key, Qin Yu and them then proceeded to leave.

Nine Crane Restaurant. The Nine Crane Restaurant was a very well known restaurant in Yuchi City. As Xing Yuan and Zi Yun had purchased a house, they decided to go to the Nine Crane Restaurant and enjoy themselves. As for Qin Yu and his brothers, they naturally also followed them into the restaurant.

Qin Yu and his brothers, Xing Yuan and Zi Yun’s family numbered a total of seven people. The seven of them just happened to fill a table.
“Let’s enjoy ourselves this time around.” Zi Yun frowned her nose and ruthlessly ordered a great deal of dishes. The dishes of the Nine Crane Restaurant were all incomparably tasty and elegant. A lot of their dishes originated from many different cosmic spaces. Furthermore, the ingredients they used for the dishes were also extremely peculiar.

In a single breath, Zi Yun ordered sixteen dishes. They cost over eight hundred Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones.

“Your mother and I have only been here once when the two of us married. Never had we anticipated for so many years to have passed in a blink of an eye. And now, Little Yun you are also going to settle down and get married.” Said Zi Futian while smiling.

Zi Yun smiled happily. She even glanced at Xing Yuan.

Xing Yuan was also smiling and laughing.

“Brother Xing Yuan, soon, I most likely will be leaving the Sealfeel Village and also won’t be in Yuchi City. Today, I shall accompany you and drink to our fullest.”  Said Qin Yu while smiling.

“You’re leaving?’ Xing Yuan said in shock.

Hou Fei laughed and said. “In the future, when we have time, we will come back and visit you. Haha… Mn?” Right when Hou Fei was halfway through his sentence, his gaze shifted towards the stairs. Qin Yu and them also followed Hou Fei’s gaze and looked to the stairs. They heard a series of footsteps. A group of people walked up from the stairs. The person leading them was precisely Huang Jing.

The footsteps continued. One after another, a total of over thirty people had walked in.
“They are all cultivators of Mount Dazzling Gold.”  Qin Yu had determined that in his heart. These thirty plus people, each and every one of them were Heavenly Deity level experts. Because of the arrival of this group of people, the entire restaurant had instantly grown silent. Even if they did not deliberately reveal their strength, but for thirty plus Heavenly Deities to arrive at the same time, that sort of aura had already stunned the majority of the people in the restaurant.

“Large  Squadron  Captain,  please  sit  here.”  Quickly,  those Heavenly Deities had seated themselves on five tables. As for the white clothed youngster Huang Jing, he saw Qin Yu and was unable to refrain his eyes from shining.

“Mn,  what  a  coincidence.”   The  white  clothed  youngster Huang Jing smiled to Qin Yu and said. 
The thirty plus Mount Dazzling Gold’s cultivators all looked to Qin Yu.

“Truly a coincidence.” Qin Yu lightly nodded.

The white clothed youngster Huang Jing said no more. He directly sat down on his own seat. These five tables of people had also ordered some dishes. For this group of people to arrive, they instead caused Xing Yuan, Zi Yun and them to be uncomfortable eating.

“Large Squadron Captain, how long are we staying this time around? I think it’s better for us to stay here for a shorter period of time so that we can return back earlier.” As they were eating, a cultivator of the Mount Dazzling Gold suggested.

“Shorter? While I might be willing to do that, that younger brother of mine might not be willing.” Said Huang Jing with a light smile. Huang Jing appeared to be a very gentle and quiet youngster. Even his smile expression appeared like that of a woman’s. However, none of those thirty plus cultivators of the Mount Dazzling Gold dared to act impudent in front of him.

“Little young master is too powerful. If we were to go, we’ll only be trampled upon. Large Squadron Captain, please just accompany little young master for us. After all, he is no match against you.” Said a female cultivator of the Mount Dazzling Gold.

Huang Jing shook his head and said. “My younger brother refuses to fight with me. Otherwise, why would I bring you all over?”
“But, the little young master…”
“Fine. This time I will try my best to reduce the time. You bunch.” Huang Jing shook his head helplessly.

“You all, quiet down!” A cold and clear voice had suddenly resounded through the entire restaurant. Everyone in the restaurant had suddenly stopped talking. Huang Jing and the thirty plus people with him have all looked to the location where the voice sounded from.

“Truly someone with enough courage.” Hou Fei, Hei Yu and them also looked to the originator of the voice in excitement.

The person who spoke was a gray clothed man who sat on the corner of the restaurant. This gray clothed man had a short beard and appeared to be a bit dispirited. Just by looking at this gray clothed man, one would involuntary feel a sense of ‘sadness.’
“Is he an expert?” Qin Yu was also unable to ascertain it.

“Hey, who are you? Did our conversation hinder you?”  A robust cultivator of the Mount Dazzling Gold stood up. He shouted at that man in a loud voice. “Everyone, let’s continue our chat. Don’t bother with that lunatic.” That robust man sat back down. He did not care about that gray clothed man at all.

Immediately after, those thirty plus cultivators continued their conversation. As the cultivators of the Mount Dazzling Gold, there were not many people in the Eastern Region of the Divine Realm that would dare to stop them from talking. At the very least, they have all seen those few big shots before.

Huang Jing however frowned and glanced at that gray clothed man a couple times.

“Quiet down!”  That gray clothed man raised his head and said in a cold voice. “This is a restaurant, not your Mount Dazzling Gold. You all are customers and other people are also customers. Do not be too overly rude.”
The thirty plus cultivators of the Mount Dazzling Gold had all grown angry. However, Huang Jing instead stood up. “You knew that we are from the Mount Dazzling Gold? Looking at your strength, you’re a Mid Level Heavenly Deity. However, you’re not from the Mount Dazzling Gold; which one of the sixty four cities are you from?”
That gray clothed man continued to drink his wine. He had completely ignored Huang Jing.

Qin Yu continued to watch the scene as it unfolded before him.

“Big brother.” Hou Fei’s voice sounded in Qin Yu’s mind. Qin Yu looked to Hou Fei. Hou Fei’s complexion was a bit pale. He said via voice transmission. “Big brother, I kept feeling that gray clothed man is looking at me.”
Qin Yu turned around to look at that gray clothed man. The gray clothed man was currently drinking.

“But he’s not looking at you.” Qin Yu frowned. 
Hou Fei’s complexion turned even more pale. “No, I am able to sense that he’s looking at me. Furthermore, he has been oppressing me with his aura.” As Hou Fei said that, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.


Qin Yu was unable to sense any sort of aura in the surrounding. He was unable to refrain himself from being confused and looking at Hou Fei and then that gray clothed man.

Huang Jing stood and looked at that gray clothed man. He frowned. As for those thirty plus cultivators of the Mount Dazzling Gold, they were quietly staring at Huang Jing and awaiting his orders. Because of this, the entire restaurant had grown silent.

“Huff, the wine’s pretty good.” The gray clothed man raised his head up as he finished drinking his wine. He then stood up. His gaze was cast toward Huang Jing and them. He sighed and then shook his head.

“Motherfucker, a Mid Level Heavenly Deity dares to be this arrogant!”  That loud voiced man shouted. He directly rushed toward the gray clothed man. Huang Jing did not prevent his subordinate. That was because he too felt a burst of strangeness.

Qin Yu and them promptly retreated themselves to the corner.

“Zzk zzk~~~” With this loud voice man’s body as the center, countless golden rays of light shot out. Like threads, the golden rays of light formed an enormous cocoon that covered this gray clothed man.

Qin Yu and them were simply unable to see what was occurring within the golden cocoon.

“Bang!” The golden cocoon suddenly shattered. That loud voiced man spurted a mouthful of blood. He flew backwards to where he previously stood. As for the gray clothed man, he continued to stand there. It was as if he had never attacked at all.

“Little girl, did you know that I hate people being noisy the most?”  The gray clothed man’s gaze was cast toward Huang Jing.

“Little girl?” Qin Yu also looked to Huang Jing in shock.

Although Huang Jing had appeared to be gentle and quiet, his voice still sounded like that of a man’s.

“You…” Huang Jing eye’s were wide open and displayed a face filled with shock and disbelief.

“I have also came here today because of an important matter. Originally, my mood was pretty good. However, I am unable to even drink in peace. Thus, I believe that… I shall give you all a punishment.” The gray clothed man slightly smiled.

A buzzing noise of air vibration was heard.


Regardless of whether it was Huang Jing, the loud voiced man or the rest of Mount Dazzling Gold’s cultivators, all of them were standing there motionlessly. It was as if they were frozen. That loud voiced man still had his mouth open. However, no matter what, he was unable to close his mouth.

All thirty plus cultivators of the Mount Dazzling Gold were in shock.

Huang Jing, a genius of the Mount Dazzling Gold, possessed strength at the level of High Level Heavenly Deity. A super expert like Huang Jing, against the gray clothed man, was actually unable to resist at all. “Ka, chi…”
A sound like that of glass shattered sounded. Black space cracks actually appeared in the space surrounding Huang Jing. Dazzling golden light was revolving around Huang Jing’s entire body.

The amount of black space cracks became even more and more numerous. At the same time, the width of the space cracks became wider and wider.

“Little   girl,   you   possess   some   strength   and   some perseverance.”    The   gray   clothed   man   slightly   nodded. “However, you should stop resisting.”
Right after the gray clothed man said those words, all of the space cracks had disappeared. Huang Jing resumed the state of immobility like that of earlier. Everything was done in vain. Huang Jing looked to the gray clothed man with a gaze asking for forgiveness. Clearly, Huang Jing also found out that they had encountered a man above them.

“Mn, my mood today is pretty good. I’ll forgive you all.” The gray clothed man slightly laughed. Immediately, Huang Jing and the other thirty plus people suddenly jolted. They had all regained their mobility. However, they all looked to the gray clothed man with gazes filled with shock and horror.

“This  time  around,  it  is  this  junior’s  fault  for  being disrespectful. Thank you senior for your generosity. Let’s go!”
Huang Jing’s voice had actually turned very crisp and mellow. It was clearly that of a woman’s.

Those thirty plus people didn’t dare to speak rubbish at all. They immediately followed Huang Jing and promptly left the restaurant. And at this moment, in the restaurant, other than Qin Yu and his brothers, all of the rest of the people had disappeared. Even Xing Yuan, Zi Yun and the rest had fled downstairs. Qin Yu felt extremely helpless in his heart.

“Why is this gray clothed man blocking us?”  It wasn’t that Qin Yu and his brothers didn’t want to flee.

At the moment when they saw that the gray clothed man managed to stop Huang Jing and them in an instant, Qin Yu and them have immediately felt that the situation had turned bad. All of the people started running downstairs. Zi Yun and them managed to flee downstairs. However, no matter how Qin Yu and his brothers tried, they were unable to flee downstairs. It was as if something was blocking them.

“You three little guys don’t need to worry.” The gray clothed man looked to Qin Yu and his brothers with a smile on his face. “The reason why I have came today is to find the three of you.”
“What might senior have in mind, finding us three brothers for?” Said Qin Yu with a bow.

“All three of you have came from the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, right?” Said the gray clothed man with a smile. 
“Precisely.” Qin Yu replied.

The gray clothed man slightly nodded. “Do you all still remember… that there was a sentence left in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm’s Monkey and Ape Clan’s Inherited Prohibited Area… ‘anyone that managed to master the Heaven Startling Single Stick Strike at the moment of their ascension to the Divine Realm shall become my disciple.’”
Qin Yu and Hou Fei glanced at each other. They looked to the gray clothed man before them with shocked expression.

“You are, you are that senior that had left behind the Inherited Prohibited Area?” Hou Fei said stammeringly.

“That’s right. Hou Fei, I already known everything that has occurred in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm. You are a descendent of my Monkey and Ape Clan. Furthermore, you’ve managed to master the Heaven Startling Single Stick Strike. I naturally would comply with my promise. From today on, you shall become my disciple. Prepare yourself, we shall be leaving right after.” The gray clothed man said indifferently.

Qin Yu and his brother’s were all in a state of confusion.

Becoming a disciple? Furthermore, leaving with this gray clothed man?

“But I already have a master!” Hou Fei said hastily.

“You have a master? How come I don’t know about it? Who is your master?” The gray clothed man said with a frown.

“It’s Uncle Lan, oh, Jiang Lan. My master is called Jiang Lan!” Hou Fei said hurriedly.

Chapter 13: Asura Sea

“Jiang Lan?” The gray clothed man frowned as he muttered the name.

Qin Yu and his brothers glanced at each other. They then looked back at the gray clothed man. The strength of this gray clothed man had already completely stunned them. It was simply impossible for them to escape in front of this man.

“You  are  Jiang  Lan’s  disciple?”   The  gray  clothed  man frowned as he looked to Hou Fei. “You’d best not lie to me!”
Upon hearing this, Hou Fei had a sigh of relief in his heart. “It seemed that master’s great name is still extremely useful.”
“That’s right. My master is Jiang Lan. I already have a master and thus cannot bow again to a new master. You also cannot bring me with you.” Hou Fei said in succession. Hou Fei didn’t wish to be separated from his brothers. Qin Yu and Hei Yu could only remain silent.

“Haha, little monkey, don’t try to play tricks to get around it. Regardless of whether you’re Jiang Lan’s disciple or not, I am still going to bring you with me. Even if you are his disciple, you do not know even a tiny bit of his skills. What do you call that? If I were to help Jiang Lan teach his disciple, I believe he would also not have any disagreement.” The gray clothed man smiled openly.

Hou Fei’s expression had instantly turned bitter.

Uncle Lan’s remarkable abilities, it was true that Hou Fei didn’t know any of them.

At this moment, Qin Yu had instead grew somewhat impatient. He immediately spoke out. “Senior, Hou Fei is my brother. We three brothers have ascended to the Divine Realm together. Senior, must you really separate us three brothers?”
The gray clothed man smiled and said. “Things don’t always go as planned in this world. Ever since this Hou Fei managed to master the Heaven Startling Single Stick Strike, he was fated to become my disciple. Well then, once this kid manages to achieve accomplishment in his training, I will naturally allow him to return to see you two.”
As he said that, the gray clothed man waved his hand and Hou Fei’s body stopped moving.

Hou Fei’s two eyeballs were watery. He was staring at the gray clothed man in anger unceasingly. However, no matter what, Hou Fei was unable to say a single word. All he could do was to try to resist with his gaze.

“What a fierce personality, I like it.” The gray clothed man slightly smiled. He then proceeded to walk towards the window of the restaurant. As for Hou Fei, his body started to involuntarily follow behind the gray clothed man.

Qin Yu and Hei Yu wanted to chase after them. However, there appeared to be a transparent membrane stopping them in the front. “Senior, if we want to find Hou Fei, where do we go to find him?” Qin Yu hurriedly asked.

And at this moment, the gray clothed man had already flown out the window. As for Hou Fei, he was also flying behind the gray clothed man involuntarily. The gray clothed man turned his head around and lightly smiled. “If you want to find Hou Fei, then go to the Asura Sea!”
After he finished those words, the gray clothed man turned into a ray of light and shot toward the horizon. Hou Fei also followed behind him. The two dots of light had instantly arrived at the horizon and then disappeared.

“Asura Sea, Asura Sea?” Qin Yu muttered to himself.

At this moment, Hei Yu spoke and said. “Big brother, the invisible obstruction in the surroundings have completely disappeared. Big brother, don’t think too much about it. That gray clothed man’s strength was a lot stronger than us. If he wanted to kill us, he could do that with a single intention. Furthermore, he is that familiar with the Monkey and Ape Clan’s Inherited Prohibited Area, he is most likely a senior from the Monkey and Ape Clan. He would definitely not bring harm to the Monkey.”
Qin Yu also nodded.

How would Qin Yu not understand this aspect? Thirty plus Heavenly Deities were unable to even move in front of this gray clothed man. How would such a powerful expert possibly come to deceive nobodies like them?

“From that man’s tone of speech, it is evident that he knows Uncle  Lan.”  Qin  Yu  sighed  regretfully.  “Earlier,  I  was  only worried about Fei Fei and actually forgot to ask if that senior knows where Uncle Lan is.”
“Big brother, don’t think too much of it. Let’s leave the restaurant first.”  Hei Yu immediately followed behind Qin Yu and left the restaurant.

Right when they walked down the stairs and then to the street outside, Qin Yu and Hei Yu immediately saw Xing Yuan, Zi Yun and Zi Yun’s parents waiting for them on the street. 
“Qin Yu, what happened earlier? Where’s Hou Fei? Did anything happen to him?” Asked Xing Yuan impatiently.

Xing Yuan was located in the front of the restaurant. However, that gray clothed man had flown off with Hou Fei through a window located in the back of the restaurant. Thus, Xing Yuan did not see the scene of the gray clothed man flying off with Hou Fei.

Qin Yu comforted. “It’s nothing. That is a certain senior of Hou Fei. He had come to find him for an important matter.”
“In that case I am relieved.”  Xing Yuan smiled an ashamed smile. “Qin Yu, earlier when we came downstairs, we noticed that you all did not come down and had been worried the entire time that something might’ve happened to you all. Merely, that man’s strength is too powerful so we didn’t dare to go back upstairs either. I hope you will not take offense.”
Qin Yu smiled carefreely. “That cannot be blamed on you. Brother Xing Yuan, I must tell you something. Hei Yu and I will not be returning to Sealfeel Village. In the future, you also do not have to come find us. If there is something, we would come and find you all. After all, I know the address of your new house.”
“Not  returning?  You’re  buying  a  house?”  Said  Xing  Yuan with a puzzled expression.

Hei Yu who stood beside Qin Yu spoke and said. “No, we’ll be going out of the city.”
“You’re  going  to  try  to  occupy  a  mountain  and  declare yourselves rulers?” Xing Yuan guessed in a low voice.

Qin Yu shook his head and said smilingly. “No, not that. We are merely going to find a quiet place and train. Originally, the reason why we came to the Sealfeel Village was just so that we could familiarize ourselves with the general information regarding the Divine Realm.”
Currently, Qin Yu could be considered as having complete understanding of everything within the range of the jurisdiction of the Yuchi City.

“Oh, in that case, when you all are training outside, be careful to not be discovered by bandits.” Xing Yuan reminded.

Qin Yu and Hei Yu lightly smiled.

In the Jiang Lan’s Realm, what sort of bandit would be able to discover them?

After bidding their farewells to Xing Yuan and his family, Qin Yu and Hei Yu proceeded toward the East City Gate. Following the main road, they continued on eastward. After travelling a thousand miles eastward, this main street had turned into many smaller roads. Qin Yu and Hei Yu continued onwards, following one of the smaller roads.

After walking half of the distance of the smaller road and seeing that there were no people either before or after the road, Qin Yu and Hei Yu disappeared. Inside the Jiang Lan’s Realm’s second layer space.

“Uncle Fu.” Qin Yu had called for Uncle Fu directly.

“Master, is there anything you need?” Said Uncle Fu with a slight bow.

Qin Yu asked. “Uncle Fu, I have been in the Divine Realm for so long now. I now know about the Eight Great Sage Emperors. However, I do not know anything about the other Godkings. Today, I encountered an expert. I believe that he should be a Godking. He said he had come from the Asura Sea. Uncle Fu, is it possible for you to tell me what sort of place the Asura Sea is?”
“Asura Sea?” Said Uncle Fu in shock.

Hei Yu stood beside Qin Yu, quietly listening. “Uncle Fu, you know of the Asura Sea?” Qin Yu was rejoicing in his heart. “Uncle Fu, quickly, tell me all that you know.”
Uncle  Fu  said  helplessly.  “Master,  the  old  master  once entrusted me to make sure that when the new master is still not strong enough, he would not go and provoke any major power and not even allow him to know about them.”
Qin Yu shook his head and smiled. Chehou Yuan was pretty thoughtful.

“However, since master has asked, I shall tell you.” Uncle Fu said respectfully. “The Divine Realm is composed of primarily two great factions. The first consists of the native powers of the Divine Realm and the other is the power composed of ascenders from the lower realms.”
“Oh?” Qin Yu’s eyes shined. “The native powers of the Divine Realm, it means the original residents of the Divine Realm, right?” Uncle Fu nodded. “The eight greatest of the old powers of the Divine Realm, that is, the Eight Great Sage Emperors, are the native powers of the Divine Realm. They have been in existence since the day when the Divine Realm was formed.”
Qin Yu slightly nodded.

“Other  than  these  Eight  Great  Powers,  there  has  been  a gathering of more and more ascenders over the countless years. Among those ascenders, some heroic people have also appeared. Ultimately, they gave birth to Three Great Powers that belong to the lower realm’s ascenders!”
Uncle  Fu  said  slowly.  “These  three  great  powers  are respectively the Asura Sea, Mount Blood Demon and the Dual Domain Island!”
“Asura  Sea,  Mount  Blood  Demon  and  the  Dual  Domain Island?”  Qin  Yu  engraved  these  three  names  deeply  in  his mind. Uncle  Fu  continued.  “The  old  master  once  evaluated  the Asura Sea, Mount Blood Demon and the Dual Domain Island. He had determined that each of the three were a match against one of the Eight Great Sage Emperors!”
Qin Yu understood it now. From all that had been said, the powers that belonged to the lower realm’s ascenders were still a lot weaker.

There were only three powers that belonged to lower realm’s ascenders whereas there were eight powers that belonged to the natives. It was clear that they were not at the same level.

Qin  Yu  exclaimed  in  his  heart.  “The  Eight  Great  Sage Emperors are extremely old and ancient powers. They have been in existence for two quadrillion and one hundred million years. For these three great powers to be able to develop to a stage where they can match the level of a Great Sage Emperor, it is already an extraordinary feat.”
“However, among the Asura Sea, Mount Blood Demon and the Dual Domain Island, my old master had once said that… the Asura Sea was the strongest among the three!” Said Uncle Fu solemnly.

Qin Yu was unable to refrain himself from being a bit shocked.

“Master, do you still remember the general map of the Divine Realm?” Said Uncle Fu with a smile on his face.

Qin Yu nodded. “The Divine Realm is primarily an enormous and vast area of land. In the center of this area of land is an internal sea. And in the surroundings of this vast area of land is a boundless ocean.”
Upon saying this, a scene started to emerge in Qin Yu’s mind… ‘A round flat cake floating on the river. In the middle of the round flat cake was a hole. The round flat cake was the dry land of the Divine Realm. The hole is the internal sea. As for the river that the round flat cake was floating on, it was the boundless ocean.’ “That’s right. This internal sea has another name, it is the Asura Sea!” Uncle Fu said with a smile.

Qin Yu was greatly surprised.

“The internal sea is the Asura Sea?” Qin Yu did not expect for the Asura Sea to be the internal sea. He had thought that it would just be a large lake.

The internal sea of the Divine Realm was extremely vast. Merely its area was about an eighth of the entire Divine Realm’s land mass.

“The  Eight  Great  Sage  Emperors  of  the  Divine  Realm respectively occupy the regions of land in the Divine Realm’s East, South, West, North, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest and Northeast regions. In the middle of them all is the Asura Ocean! As for Mount Blood Demon, it is crammed in between the Utmost North Sage Emperor and the Northwest Sage Emperor’s territories. As for the final one, the Dual Domain Island, it is an island located outside of the Divine Realm’s land, in the boundless ocean.” Uncle Fu had explained the geographical locations of all eleven great powers of the Divine Realm in a single stretch.

Qin Yu managed to clearly visualize the locations of the eleven great powers in his mind. Upon remembering that Uncle Fu had said that the Asura Sea was the strongest among the three major powers, Qin Yu felt a bit more at ease. “There are actually people who dare occupy the internal sea located in the center of the Divine Realm and even name it the Asura Sea. It would appear that the Asura Sea definitely possesses exceptional strength. For Fei Fei to be there, it should definitely be of benefit to him.”

Chapter 14: Two Great Selections

Qin Yu and Hei Yu continued to stay in the Jiang Lan’s Realm’s second layer space and didn’t return to Sealfeel Village. Originally, Qin Yu had come to the Sealfeel Village just so that he could obtain a general idea of the Divine Realm. And now, Qin Yu had decided to prepare to undergo a deep level training.

There would always be a lot of people missing in the Divine Realm every day. This was merely a trivial matter. If Qin Yu and Hei Yu wanted to reinstate their ordinary lives, they merely have to pay some Divine Spiritual Stones to the Yuchi City’s Governor.

In the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm. There were currently five people sitting together drinking and eating. These five people were Qin Yu, Hei Yu, Uncle Fu, Wu Lan and a extremely huge and dark skinned man.

“Wu Lan, how much longer will it be before your Divine Tribulation arrives?”
QIn Yu asked with a smile on his face. 
“My Divine Tribulation? I’m not sure. Even now, I do not have any sensation of it.” Said Wu Lan helplessly. Although it had not been a long time since he had arrived to the Divine Realm with Qin Yu, he had stayed in the Jiang Lan’s Realm’s second layer space the entire time. Thus, the actual amount of time that had passed was over a hundred thousand years.

To be unable to sense the arrival of the Divine Tribulation even after having been a level nine Demon Emperor for over a hundred thousand years, this had caused Wu Lan to feel extremely helpless.

“Brother Wu Lan, do not worry about it. When the time comes, this Old Wu shall accompany you and undergo the Divine Tribulation with you.” Laughed that huge and dark skinned man. “Master’s Jiang Lan’s Realm is the best after all. It’s like another world. In here, I do not even feel the slightest restriction. I actually can take a human form here, truly delightful.”
Wu Lan lightly smiled and said. “The Divine Realm’s demon beasts are restricted by the Divine Realm when they’re in the Divine Realm. Before they pass the Divine Tribulation, they are unable to take on a human form. However, when the Divine Realm’s demon beasts reach the lower realm, they would all be able to take on a human form. This is the same principle in the Jiang Lan’s Realm.”
Qin Yu understood it very well in his heart.

Those eighty plus house pets that he saved were all in their true forms when they were in the pet cages. However, once they were set free, they all managed to take on a human form.

“If I were to appear in the Divine Realm now, I would change into my true form of a Blackstain Ant.” Wu Lan shook his head helplessly.

This was also the reason why Wu Lan had not left the Jiang Lan’s Realm all these years.

This Wu He, the large dark skinned man, was none other than the Subterranean Cave Dragon that Qin Yu caught in the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine. The Subterranean Cave Dragon was restricted in the Divine Realm and could not take on a human form. However, when it came to the Jiang Lan’s Realm, it took on a human form. Wu He was the name of the Subterranean Cave Dragon.

After they finished drinking and eating.

“Wu He, Wu Lan, the two of you can continue training. Xiao Hei and I will also be training now.” Said Qin Yu.

Said Wu He and Wu Lan respectfully. The two of them proceed to leave together. Wu He and Wu Lan possessed very good relationship with each other. Among the Divine Realm’s demon beasts, both the Subterranean Cave Dragon and Blackstain Ant were Emperor level demon beasts.

The Subterranean Cave Dragon’s best strength was in its individual fighting strength. As for the Blackstain Ant, its best strength was in the fact that it could control Ant Swarms which filled the entire sky and earth to attack their enemies. When compared to the Subterranean Cave Dragon, the people from the Divine Realm feared the catastrophe-like Ant Swarms even more.
Seeing that the two of them had left, Qin Yu turned to Hei Yu and said. “Xiao Hei, Fei Fei is gone now, so there’s no one to accompany you to compare techniques and train now. Follow Uncle Fu into the Bewitching God Temple and check out the martial arts technique books that are in the Bewitching God Temple. There are a lot of battle technique books in the Bewitching God Temple. They might be beneficial to you.”
“Don’t have anyone to compare techniques and train? No, there is one.” Hei Yu lightly shook his head.

“Oh?” Qin Yu looked to Hei Yu with a surprised expression. “There’s not that many people in the Jiang Lan’s Realm. Who would you be able to spar with?”
“Uncle Fu.”  Hei Yu turned around and looked to Uncle Fu. “Uncle Fu’s speed is faster than even that of a Heavenly Deity. His attacks are also extremely sharp. If I were to spar with him, it would definitely be of great aid to me.” Uncle Fu looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu naturally knew of Uncle Fu’s strength. Uncle Fu was extremely fast and his attacks were extremely straightforward. With Hei Yu’s current strength, he was simply no match against Uncle Fu at all.

“Uncle Fu, what do you think?” Qin Yu looked to Uncle Fu.

Uncle Fu smiled and said. “I do not have any comprehension of the spatial laws. However, the old master once taught me a set of battle techniques. This battle technique relies purely on speed and power. I think that it will be sufficient for me to spar with His Highness Hei Yu. I will also keep my power under control.”
“Good.” Qin Yu thought about it for a bit and then also agreed. “Xiao Hei, if you were to feel that you’re bored and lonely, then go and trample upon Wu He and Wu Lan.” “Trample upon them?”  A smile appeared on Hei Yu’s grave and stern face.

As someone who had reached the Mid Level Deity and possessed a completely refined Grandmist Spiritual Treasure, the Snowthread Gloves, Hei Yu’s attack power was much greater than before. When Hei Yu fought against Wu He in the Divine Spiritual Stone Mine, he was still only a Low Level Deity. However, he was able to wound Wu He by relying on his Cloud Piercing Spear and Snowthread Gloves.

And now, Hei Yu, who possessed strength ten times what he had back then, was now capable of piercing through Wu He with a single spear strike of his.

“If I’m bored, I’ll go and trample upon them.”  Said Hei Yu with a jokingly smile.

Qin Yu smiled and nodded.

In the following days, Qin Yu was training in his room peacefully. He had wholeheartedly submerged himself into the analyzation of the ‘Array Path.’ The Killing Array, Trapping Array and Defensive Array were separated into many different categories. Within each category was numerous other branch categories.

He continued to analyze formation arrays unceasingly. One to two, two to four, four to eight… just like that, he continued to endlessly analyze!

Qin Yu’s Divine Awareness’ analyzation speed was extremely fast. Numerous formation arrays automatically appeared within his mind. At the same time, formation array symbols of different attributes were also changing unceasingly. In an instant, tens of millions of marks and seals disappeared and tens of millions formed.

However, when looking from the outside, Qin Yu merely continued to sit like so.

“Delightful, delightful.” Qin Yu suddenly opened his eyes. He had a wide smile on his face. The moment earlier, he had finally managed to successfully comprehend a complicated Trapping Array that he had tried to comprehend for three thousand years.

This sort of unceasing studying and researching, this sort of non stop hard work, the feeling of obtaining success gave Qin Yu a feeling as if he had managed to conquer something difficult.

It was like conquering one mountain top after another. At the same time, Qin Yu started to realize the strength that Uncle Fu had in the ‘Array Path’ even more clearly. The Killing Array that Uncle Fu had shown him earlier, Qin Yu had only managed to barely see through a portion of it at his current level. However, he still didn’t understand a bit of the true principles within it.

Every single time Qin Yu conquered a difficult problem, he wouldn’t rest until he solved it.

“Is it correct for me to wholeheartedly submerge myself into the research of ‘Array Path?’” Qin Yu suddenly frowned. He began to doubt his actions.

Having been in the Divine Realm for so many years, Qin Yu had spent practically all his time and efforts on the research of the ‘Array Path.’ ‘There are only two ways for me to stand up straight in Li’er’s family. The first is to reach the Godking level and the second is to become a character with status like the Craftsman God.’
Qin Yu knew of his own advantage.

His advantages were the ‘Meteoric Tear’ that was left behind by Zuo Qiumei, the Bewitching God Temple, the large amount of scrolls regarding the ‘Array Path’ and experiences left behind by Chehou Yuan.

If he were to indulge himself in the comprehension of the spatial laws left behind by Zuo Qiumei, how long would it take for him to reach the Godking level?

Qin Yu pondered for a long time. His answer was… he didn’t know how many years it’d take! 
That was because Qin Yu had spent three thousand years to reach the Mid Level Deity stage from the early Golden Soul Pellet stage. According to Qin Yu’s estimation, he had estimated that if he were to spend ten thousand years to comprehend, he’ll be able to become a High Level Deity.

As for reaching the Heavenly Deity level from the Deity level, as it was a threshold, Qin yu had estimated that it’ll take several tens of thousands of years to surmount it. As for the Low Level Heavenly Deity, Mid Level Heavenly Deity and High Level Heavenly Deity, each stage was harder than the previous. The amount of time required for Qin Yu to reach those stages was definitely much longer than the previous. Furthermore, the amount of time would be increasing by over ten folds or more.

Qin Yu believed that if he wanted to reach the High Level Heavenly Deity stage, it’d require him at the very least ten million years.

And that was assuming the most fortunate circumstances. In the Divine Realm’s history, had there even been a single person who had managed to reach the High Level Heavenly Deity stage in merely ten million years? In the Divine Realm, the High Level Heavenly Deities were all people who could call upon the wind and summon the rain. Each and every one of them had experienced all kinds of difficulties and only managed to attain their success after countless years of bitter hardships and

However, this was not even the hardest aspect.

The hardest was reaching the Godking level from the High Level Heavenly Deity stage!

The number of Godkings in the Divine Realm was extremely low. The Eight Great Sage Emperors were all Godking-level experts. As for those Eight Great Sage Emperors, they were all people who had existed for who knows how many hundreds of millions of years.

Would it truly be possible to reach the Godking level relying merely on the comprehensions left behind on the ‘Meteoric Tear?’ Qin Yu did not believe that was possible.

If it were that easy for one to reach the Godking level, then there would not be so few Godkings in the Divine Realm. Qin Yu believed that… even though he possessed the comprehensions left behind by Zuo Qiumei, if he did not possess sufficient time, sufficient experience and a trace of luck, then it would still be extremely hard for him to reach the Godking stage from the High Level Heavenly Deity stage.

The amount of time it would require for him to reach the Godking stage was something that Qin Yu was uncertain about.

Thus, the first path that he could take has been blocked up!

The second path… become an artifact craftsman expert comparable to the number one artifact craftsman, the ‘Craftsman God’ Chehou Yuan.

Qin Yu was sufficiently confident in himself. There are a couple essential points in becoming an artifact craftsman expert.
Firstly, one must have someone to teach you how to create artifacts. Creating artifacts was a skill. If you had no one to teach you and you decided to mess around like a blind person, you would not be able to achieve success. Qin Yu possessed the large quantity of books that the Craftsman God left behind, as well as Uncle Fu, who had followed the Craftsman God for numerous years. Thus, it would naturally be easy for him to learn how to create artifacts. As for the rest of the people, only a small number of talented individuals were able to find experts artifact craftsmen to guide them.

Secondly, one must possess sufficient supply of materials to use to experiment, refine and create artifacts with.

Creating artifacts was the same as creating other materials - practice makes perfect. Regardless of how good one was in theory, one must still start by experimenting with ordinary Divine Artifacts. One could ultimately only become an artifacts crafting expert after accumulating enough experience. Equivalently, in order to experiment, one required a large supply of materials. If one did not possess enough wealth, would one dare to exhaust his money for such a large supply of materials? However, Qin Yu dared to do that. That was because he possessed the large amount of wealth left behind by the Craftsman God.

Thirdly, one must be proficient in the control of flames. In other words, one’s Divine Awareness must be of high level.

As he possessed the Meteoric Tear, Qin Yu’s current Divine Awareness was comparable to that of a Low Level Heavenly Deity. Exactly how many Heavenly Deities were there in the Divine Realm? Are all Heavenly Deities going to try to create artifacts?

Fourthly, one’s body’s true flame’s level!

In order to dissolve some materials, the use of flames was required. Qin Yu was currently at the late Origin Stage. His true flame was still the Black Divine Flame. But, he merely needed to move forward a single step and his body’s true flame would become the White Pure Flame, the flame that Heavenly Deities possessed. Furthermore, Qin Yu possessed the Refining Flame Wristband. There was likely no one that could compare to him in his ability to supply flames.

Fifthly, the final aspect, the comprehension of the ‘Array Path.’
Qin Yu had managed to comprehend the first stage of the ‘Array Path’ after spending about ninety thousand years. Although he hadn’t comprehended the true foundation of the ‘Array Path,’ in the history of the Divine Realm, the fastest person to comprehend the first stage of the ‘Array Path’ had also spent a hundred thousand years. As for Chehou Yuan, he had even spent a million years the first time he comprehended his first stage

There was no need to talk about Qin Yu’s talent in the aspect of ‘Array Path.’ Adding on the experiences and warnings left behind by Chehou Yuan, this had allowed Qin Yu to not stray from the correct path.

With higher talent than Chehou Yuan and not straying from the correct path. On top of that, practically all of the other factors were perfect for Qin Yu. If Qin Yu were to fail becoming another ‘Craftsman God,’ then it could only be because the Heavens wanted him to fail.

Qin Yu possessed a resolute conviction. Wholeheartedly, he analyzed the ‘Array Path.’ As time passed, Qin Yu’s comprehension of the ‘Array Path’ grew deeper and deeper At the same time, he began to feel even more of how boundless the ocean of formation arrays was.

A hundred twenty thousand years.

This time around, Qin Yu had spent a hundred and twenty thousand years to research the ‘Array Path.’ The reason why he stopped his research was because he had reached a bottleneck.

“Uncle Fu.” Qin Yu shouted.

Uncle Fu lived in a house beside Qin Yu’s. Hearing Qin Yu’s shout,  Uncle  Fu  immediately  walked  in.  “Master,  is  there something that you need me for?” “Uncle Fu, I was studying a Trapping Array earlier. However, I am unable to determine the might of this Trapping Array myself. I feel that there are many different kinds of attack that this Trapping Array could have. Yet, I am unable to determine which kind. What should I do?” Qin Yu said somewhat anxiously.

Uncle Fu smiled.

“Master has finally reached this point.”  Once Uncle Fu said those words, Qin Yu immediately felt a burst of relaxation. It was evident that Uncle Fu had been waiting for this to happen entire time.

“Master,    everything    you    have    been    analyzing    and comprehending regarding the ‘Array Path’ in your mind was merely fantasization. They are all based upon theories. Actually, a lot of things are not necessarily going to happen like the theories. In the past, perhaps you might be more certain about the effects of a formation array. However, as the formation arrays become more and more complicated, master’s Divine Awareness can no longer determine the results. At a moment like this, what master needs to do is to experiment!” Uncle Fu looked to Qin Yu with a smile.

“Master, do you still remember when you asked me for the Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones, I took out a large amount of Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones as well as all kinds of other Crystal Stones from my Storage Ring?”
“I do.” How could Qin Yu possibly forget about that?

Uncle Fu nodded and said. “Those formation arrays that I have designed myself, even now I am unable to determine their might because they have already reached the limit of complications. Thus, I would always use some Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones to set up the formation arrays so that I can conduct experiments with them.”
“You mean, I should start experimenting with formation arrays? How shall I do it?” Qin Yu started pondering. Hei Yu? Wu Lan? Wu He? Have them come and experience the formation arrays?


Some of the formation arrays were too powerful. What if the three of them were to seriously get hurt or lose their lives? Furthermore, I cannot waste other people’s time. After all, Xiao Hei and them also have to train themselves.

Have Uncle Fu help?

Uncle Fu doesn’t possess a soul. Some of the soul based attacks were completely useless on him. He would also be unable to inspect the power of the formation arrays.

Test out the might of the formation arrays myself?

That’s no good either. Although I would not be harmed in the slightest in the Jiang Lan’s Realm, if I were to use the power of the Jiang Lan’s Realm to cancel out the attack from the formation array, how would I be able to inspect the might of the formation array?

“Master, this is very simple. Just do what the old master did. You merely need to randomly find a place where bandits are gathered and then set up the formation arrays at some places and use those bandits to experiment with the formation arrays.” Uncle Fu said his suggestion.

Qin Yu’s eyes shined.

“Good. In that case, I’ll go with…” Qin Yu smiled and said. “A location at the edge of the power influence range of the Black Dragon Pool.”
Suddenly, Qin Yu’s body shook. An aura started to spread out from Qin Yu’s body. Qin Yu became dazed for a moment. Soon after, his eyes were filled with ecstasy. “After a hundred and twenty thousand years, this Stellar Space has finally evolved successfully.”

Chapter 15: Journey Together

Inside the Stellar Space.

The entire Stellar Space was like an angry ocean. It was hysterically spinning. The entire space was spinning in distortion… and the core of these revolutions was that ‘Origin’ that now had the same color as the ‘flour paste energy.’
“Sure enough, it is just like I anticipated.”
Qin Yu’s awareness had completely fused with the Stellar Space.

Last time around, Qin Yu discovered that in the surroundings of the Origin was a small area of space that was distorted and spinning. At the same time, that area had been slowly expanding with a hard to detect speed. After all these years, that distorted space had finally extended to the entire Stellar Space. The entire Stellar Space was now in a state of vibrating revolution.

“What will the next stage after the Origin Stage be?” Qin Yu started to ponder.

Qin Yu’s awareness was touching the ‘Origin’ on one hand and touching the liquid-like flowing ‘flour paste’ outside of the Stellar Space. That extremely ancient and ever-existing aura of the flour paste space had caused Qin Yu to feel very peaceful.

“So that’s it…”
Qin Yu’s awareness had suddenly became clear-headed.

Qin Yu’s awareness was able to feel that the ‘Origin’ was expanding and contracting like a heart. Although the range of the expansion and contraction was extremely small, so small that Qin Yu was only able to barely sense it after fusing his awareness with the Stellar Space. “The Origin is becoming smaller!”
After all these years, although the Origin had become smaller over time - it was merely the size of a quail egg now - Qin Yu was unable to notice the change in the Origin when he fused his awareness with the Stellar Space.

However, he was able to notice it now.

The Origin was expanding and shrinking. After every single expansion and shrinkage, its size would become a trace bit smaller.

He did not discover it in the past but managed to discover it now. What did that signify?

It meant that the degree at which the Origin was shrinking had become larger. It had become so large that Qin Yu was now able to detect it. In an instant, Qin Yu’s awareness had completely returned back to his body.

Qin Yu opened his eyes. A smile was on the corner of Qin Yu’s mouth.  “This  Stellar  Space  has  completely  evolved.  The evolution of the Origin will soon reach its destination. The next stage should be…”
Like a lightning bolt flashing through his mind, scenes appeared in Qin Yu’s mind…
There was a scene where the Origin has shrunk to the peak and suddenly exploded. It formed countless stars. It evolved into an entire cosmos.

There was another scene where the Origin has shrunk to the peak and turned into a black hole.

There was another scene where the Stellar Space exploded and the Origin entered into the ‘flour paste space.’ All these scenes represented the comprehensions that Qin Yu had obtained throughout the years. Each and every one of these scenes may become the next stage of the Origin Stage.

Each of the stages shown in the scenes represented an evolutionary path. However, among all of the evolutionary paths, only a single one was the most perfect and would allow Qin Yu to ascend to the final evolutionary path. Which path would that be?

Qin Yu was uncertain about it.

“If I were to take a stray path and reach the final evolution through that path, although it might not give the best and most perfect evolution, the increase in attack power would definitely still be extremely powerful.”  Qin Yu thought in his heart.

From Qin Yu’s point of view, if he were to condense the ‘Origin’ to the pinnacle and then evolve it into a new ‘Black Hole.’ And then form a new ‘Origin!’
He suspected that at that moment, the Origin Energy would be condensed to a frightening level. However, Qin Yu had determined that this was a loop path and was merely a stray path. Although if he were to reach the end of this stray path, the attack power would definitely not be weak.

Qin Yu felt that if he were to take this path, he would definitely not fail. However, it could also not be considered as being successful.

“Exactly which one is the most correct and best path?” Qin Yu sighed in his heart. He had thought through all kinds of different evolutionary paths. However, not a single one of them gave him the feeling of perfection.

What Qin Yu was pursuing was the ‘clear comprehension’ sensation that he had when he comprehended the Black Hole Stage like he did back then. Qin Yu believe that if he were to have a feeling of ‘clear comprehension’ when he thought of an evolutionary path, then it perhaps would be the most successfully evolutionary path.

“The Origin is still shrinking. According to the rate that it is shrinking at, it’ll should take several hundred more years for the Origin to shrink to the limit. I still have a few hundred years to prepare myself.” Qin Yu thought in his heart. “In these couple hundred years, if I am unable to comprehend the best evolutionary path, then I could only go down another path.”
Qin Yu understood very well in his heart.

He knew that at the moment when the Origin had shrink to its limit, he must make a decision to lead the Origin to the next stage.

“Master, what’s wrong?” Uncle Fu said.

Qin Yu woke back up. He smiled and said. “Nothing. I have decided from today on, for the next several hundred years, I will stop researching the ‘Array Path.’ I will first go find a place on the edge of the territory of the Black Dragon Pool and experiment with some of the formation arrays that I managed to analyze.”
Several hundred years was a very short period of time for formation array analyzation.

At Qin Yu’s current level. All the formation arrays that he would require to spend effort on analyzing would all require him several thousands of years or even longer to succeed. A time of several hundred years was simply not of much use to him at all.

During these several hundred years, Qin Yu had decided to experiment with his formation arrays and comprehend the next stage of the ‘Stellar Transformation.’
“Uncle Fu, you can continue to stay in the Jiang Lan’s Realm. I will go to the edge of the Black Dragon Pool’s territory to find a place. There is no need to bother Xiao Hei with this matter.” Qin Yu said to Uncle Fu and then disappeared from the Jiang Lan’s Realm. 
After determining with his Divine Awareness that there was no one on the remote side road that the Jiang Lan’s Realm was on, Qin Yu then proceeded to appear on the side road and continued to walk forward.

Finding a mountain top after leaving Sealfeel Village to train, this was their original plan. Thus, Qin Yu naturally had already purchased a map of the powers distribution in the surroundings of Yuchi City when he was in Sealfeel Village.

A map like this was extremely cheap. It cost only a single Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stone. That was because the territory of bandits in the surroundings of the Yuchi City was common knowledge.

“Back then, I had even planned together with Fei Fei to pick a mountain top and quietly train on that. Never would I have expected that he would go to the Asura Sea.” Qin Yu sighed in his heart. He then held back this sort of emotional feeling that he had. Qin Yu’s pace was not fast. However, he had a special rhythm. Keeping up with the rhythm of his speed, Qin Yu had walked for two days straight. If anyone were to notice Qin Yu’s eyes, they’d notice that there was no spirit within his eyes.

That was because Qin Yu had only slightly paid attention to walking. Practically all of his attention and spirit were focused on thinking of the next stage of the ‘Origin Stage.’
In the past two hundred thousand plus years, Qin Yu had been researching and analyzing the ‘Array Path.’ This had allowed Qin Yu’s soul’s level to increase a bit. His Divine Awareness was now a lot more powerful and his ability to analyze things was also a lot better.

Inside Qin Yu’s mind.

The scene of a spinning nebula. The scene of a shooting meteor. The scene of a floating galaxy. The scene of a planet. The scene of a star. Then the scene of the star exploding and turning into a black hole and then the back hole into the Origin… Numerous scenes flashed through Qin Yu’s mind like lightning.

The scenes in Qin Yu’s mind then started changing with a lightning like speed. All sorts of possible evolutionary paths were emerging unceasingly. They then started to be filtered by Qin Yu unceasingly. One by one, the different possible paths of evolution emerged in Qin Yu’s mind.

The evolutionary paths that would end up giving a weak increase of power were directly discarded by Qin Yu. Qin Yu then spent even more effort in researching those evolutionary paths that would increase the power by a greater amount.

As Qin Yu continued to ponder, suddenly…
“Mn? You are?” A voice sounded in Qin Yu’s ears.

Qin Yu was merely pondering. He still paid a trace of attention to his surroundings. The deduction of the next evolutionary path for the Stellar Transformation that Qin Yu was thinking in his mind had suddenly come to a halt. Qin Yu’s eyes had also instantly grown bright with spirit.

He raised his head and looked to the sky to his left.

A white clothed youngster was flying in the sky. That white clothed youngster smiled and nodded to Qin Yu. He then flew next to Qin Yu. “This seems to be the third time that we met.”
“That’s right, it’s the third time.” Qin Yu smiled as he replied.

This white clothed youngster looking person was precisely Huang Jing!

“Haha, that day you were also in the restaurant and came to know that I am a female. There is no need for me to conceal myself anymore.” Huang Jing lightly smiled. The white colored warrior outfit that she wore had instantly turned into a yellow colored gauze robe. Right in front of Qin Yu, a gentle and quiet looking youngster had turned into a gentle and quiet looking girl.

“Lady Huang Jing, my humble name is Qin Yu.” Said Qin Yu respectfully.

Qin Yu remember that this Huang Jing was a Large Squadron Captain from Mount Dazzling Gold. The status of a Large Squadron Captain was one of the top-notch high level sorts in the eastern region of the Divine Realm. Furthermore, this Huang Jing ought to be a High Level Heavenly Deity.

Qin Yu still remembered that with an intention from the gray clothed man, thirty plus Mount Dazzling Gold cultivators were frozen still. Only Huang Jing managed to struggle a bit. Although the gray clothed man managed to suppress Huang Jing by merely adding on a bit more strength, Huang Jing’s strength was still not something that could be looked down upon.

“Do not call me Lady Huang Jing. I am not used to hearing that. You can just call me Huang Jing.” Said Huang Jing while smiling. 
Huang Jing’s smile easily gave off an amiable sensation.

Qin Yu nodded. “Huang Jing. As far as I know, it has been over a thousand years since I last met you. Could it be that you have stayed in Yuchi City the past thousand plus years?”
A hundred thousand plus years in the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm was only a thousand plus years outside.

“No. Last time I had brought some subordinates to accompany my younger brother. This time around, I have come by myself to see my younger brother.” Explained Huang Jing with a smile on her face.

“Oh.” Qin Yu nodded. “Huang Jing, aren’t you from Mount Dazzling Gold? How come your brother’s here?”
QIn Yu clearly remembered the information that was leaked by the conversation of Huang Jing’s subordinates in the restaurant the last time around…Huang Jing’s younger brother was extremely powerful. He was even more powerful than ordinary Mount Dazzling Gold cultivators.

Huang Jing lightly smiled. “Although my younger brother has also reached the Heavenly Deity stage, he does not like the atmosphere of Mount Dazzling Gold. Thus, he had decided to live over at Yuchi City. Well then, let’s not talk about this anymore. How are things going with you?”
Qin Yu and Huang Jing continued to walk side by side like so. They walked past the lake and the forest. The two of them were casually chatting with each other and what they were doing. Qin Yu did not hide anything. He merely slightly changed some of the more important things.

“Ah, we’re about to arrive.”  Huang Jing suddenly looked at her surroundings. She then looked at Qin Yu and smiled. “Never would I expect that unconsciously, we have arrived at the fork in the road. I am now going toward the north. Where will you be going?”
“The south.” Qin Yu replied. 
The Black Dragon Pool’s headquarters was indeed located in a distant area in the south. Qin Yu continued onward toward the south. As they were still on the government’s road, there were no bandits here.

Huang Jing seemed to be a bit disappointed. She lightly smiled and said. “In that case, we shall meet again if the time comes in the future. I shall go to my brother’s location first.”
“Farewell.” Said Qin Yu as he nodded with a smile.

Huang Jing had immediately started flying. Her gauze robe also started to flutter in the wind. Right when she started flying, Huang Jing suddenly turned around and looked at Qin Yu. “Qin Yu, to be honest, when I was walking with you earlier, the sensation that I had when I was with you was very comfortable.”
“Very comfortable?” Qin Yu was startled. “Don’t take it the wrong way. It just felt pretty comfortable. My mind felt very peaceful. I think that if I were to be by your side often, my cultivation speed would also become much faster. Well then, farewell.” Huang Jing smiled to Qin Yu and then started rapidly flying toward the north.

Qin Yu looked at Huang Jing’s figure it disappeared into the horizon.

“Comfortable?”   Qin  Yu  smiled  self  mockingly.  He  then continued to proceed toward the south.

In Qin Yu’s mind, encountering Huang Jing was merely a small matter in his journey. However, for them to meet each other three times in a row. Furthermore, to meet each other after a separation of a thousand years. The two of them could indeed be consider fated.

This time around, Qin Yu sped up. He even started to exercise control over the space surrounding his body to counteract the gravity. His speed had turned extremely fast. In merely two hours, he had traveled more distance than he did in the past two days.

Qin Yu had instantly moved past the power territory of the Black Dragon Pool. He had arrived at a location south of the Black Dragon Pool. There was no sign of human habitation in the south of the Black Dragon Pool. As there were no villages located here, there was usually no one in the vicinity.

Qin Yu thus chose a location in the south of the Black Dragon Pool’s territory. Although this location was considered as being at the edge of the territory of the Black Dragon Pool, there were still many people from the Black Dragon Pool passing through here. In Qin Yu’s plan, these people were to become the people he shall test out his formation arrays on.

If these people wanted to blame someone for their fate, then they could only blame the fact that of the Three Great Bandit Powers outside of the Yuchi City, Qin Yu was most familiar with the Black Dragon Pool and also possessed the most ‘reason’ with the Black Dragon Pool. “Mn, not bad. Although this mountaintop is relatively small, it could also be considered as possessing an enchanting scenery!”
Qin Yu looked at the mountain before him. This mountaintop was verdant and lush with many plants, trees and vegetations. Although the mountain was not tall, its height being only two thousand meters, Qin Yu was very fond of its appearance.

“From today on, I could be considered as ‘having occupied a mountain and declared myself a ruler.’ This mountain shall be called…  Mount Bewitch You!”  A smile appeared on Qin Yu’s face. He then proceed to walk toward Mount Bewitch You with large strides.

Chapter 16: The Eight Levels Of Formation Arrays

Mount Bewitch You possessed enchanting sceneries. There were even some demon beasts living in the mountain’s forest. There were no traces of human activity in the entire mountain. It was an extremely peaceful location. Following Qin Yu’s arrival, this mountain located at the southern edge of the Black Dragon Pool’s territory now had a new master.

The pond water was so clear that even the bottom could be seen. There were glossy stones at the bottom of the pond as well as all sorts of fish swimming in it.

Beside this pond was a wooden house.

Outside of the wooden house stood a black gowned long haired youth. Beside this youth was an old man with a respectful appearance and a face full of smiles.

“Uncle Fu, from today on, I shall be living on Mount Bewitch You. I will temporarily not enter the Jiang Lan’s Realm. For a short couple hundred years… it’s better to be outside than inside. This way, Xiao Hei and them will also have more time to train.” Said Qin Yu with a light smile.

“Yes, master.” Said Uncle Fu respectfully.

Qin Yu swept his gaze at his surroundings. He couldn’t help but feel carefree and relaxed. “This place is very decent. Soon, I shall arrange formation arrays in the surroundings of this Mount Bewitch You so that the people from the Black Dragon Pool can experience them.”
“Master, before you start experimenting with the formation arrays, I have a thing that I need you to see.”  Said Uncle Fu suddenly.

“Oh?” Surprised, Qin Yu looked to Uncle Fu. “What is it?”
Uncle Fu said respectfully. “When the old master left, he left behind some things with me. He had instructed me that when master’s ‘Array Path’ has stepped into the palace of formation arrays, master shall be allowed to view these scrolls.” Suddenly, a golden scroll appeared in Uncle Fu’s hand.

“Stepped into the palace of formation arrays?”  Qin Yu was unable to refrain himself from smiling. Indeed, when he compared his achievement on the ‘Array Path’ with Uncle Fu, Qin Yu had only taken the first step into the palace of formation arrays even though his comprehension in the ‘Array Path’ was much stronger now, than hundred thousands plus years ago.

“What are these scrolls?” Qin Yu asked curiously.

Uncle Fu smiled and said. “Master will know about their contents once you read them. These could be considered as some lighthouses to guide master in the ‘Array Path’.”
With curiosity, Qin Yu send his Divine Awareness into the golden scroll. “Hello, my successor. By the time you see these scrolls, I reckon you’ve already opened the Artifacts Palace and obtained control of the entire Bewitching God Temple and have also reached a certain level in the comprehension of the ‘Array Path.’ This scroll that I have left behind is merely there to let
you know about some of the finer points of the Array Path so that you’ll know better as to your own standing.”
“The  ocean  of  formation  arrays  is  boundless.  Even  now, there is no one who has managed to see the end of it. There are experts that have mistakenly determined and separated the ‘Array Path’ into different stages - first stage, second stage, third stage. However, I believe this sort of classification is incorrect. That is because every person possess a different first stage ‘Array Path.’ For example, myself. When I first comprehended the first stage of the ‘Array Path,’ its strength, when compared to my second comprehension of the first stage of the ‘Array Path,’ was over a hundred times weaker.”
“For example, my servant ‘A’Fu.’ Although A’Fu has been on the road toward the comprehension of the first stage of the ‘Array Path’ the entire time, his ability in formation arrays is comparable to ordinary second stage ‘Array Path’ experts. Thus, it is impossible to differentiate the level one has in the formation array with merely three stages. This was also the reason why I decided to issue my own classification of the different levels of array path!”
“All the formation arrays that have emerged since the birth of the Divine Realm, their levels could all be found within my classification standings.”
“The formation array examples that are shown in the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’ are numerous and range from easy to difficult. However, all those formation array examples are merely grade one formation arrays. That is to say, they are the most primary level!”
Reading till here, Qin Yu’s mind was stunned.

Back then, he had finished studying the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path,’ comprehended a first stage of the ‘Array Path’ and thought himself to be exceptional. But, he now knew that those were merely the lowest level formation arrays.

“As for the different ranks of formation arrays, I have, for the time being, classified them into eight different levels! The strength of the formation arrays of these eight different levels, I have written about them in detail in the other golden scrolls.”
“Level  one  formation  arrays  could  be  considered  as  the foundation. When one is able to set up level two formation arrays, then one could be considered as having stepped onto the palace of formation arrays. When one is able to set up level three formation arrays, then one could be considered an expert of formation arrays. As for being able to set up level four formation arrays, one would then be considered as a master of formation arrays! As for being able to set up level five formation arrays…. in the Divine Realm, if one wants to be able to craft a Heavenly Divine Artifact, then one’s training in the formation arrays must be at the very least at the level five formation array level.”
Qin Yu remembered it in his mind.

One could only craft Heavenly Divine Artifacts after being able to set up level five formation arrays.

“In the Divine Realm, there are not many people who can set up level five formation arrays. And for those that are capable of setting up level six formation arrays… Haha, I reckon that there are five or less people among all of the Divine Realm’s great artifact craftsman masters that are able to do that. As for level seven and level eight formation arrays, in the entire history of the Divine Realm, only I, Chehou Yuan, have managed to set up those formation arrays!”
Qin Yu breathed in a mouthful of cold air.

From the classification of the different grades of formation arrays, Qin Yu came to understand clearly the strength that Chehou Yuan possessed in the ‘Array Path.’
The Eight Levels of Formation Arrays. Chehou Yuan was actually the only person capable of setting up level seven and eight formation arrays.

Qin Yu tried his best to quiet down his emotional mind. He proceeded to continue reading.

“Within the Eight Levels of Formation Arrays, I am the sole person who has managed to reach the seventh and eighth level. Thus, we can temporarily ignore those two levels. From level one to level six, they can already classify all of the formation arrays that the experts of the Divine Realm use. Level one to level six all start from simple to complicated formation arrays. Even a great master who could set up level six formation arrays thought that the more overlaying, the more mixed, the more complicated the formation array was, the more powerful it would be.”
“Back then, I too believed that to be the case. However, after I reached the third stage of the ‘Array Path’ and managed to set up level seven and eight formation arrays… I discovered that level one to level six formation arrays go from simple to complicated. However, from level seven on, the formation arrays become more and more simple. Reaching the Greater Dao, perhaps this is the principle behind it.”
Qin Yu firmly remembered these words.

However, Qin Yu was also a bit confused. The more overlaying a formation array was, its power would naturally become stronger. A formation array required each and every section of it to integrate together perfectly. For example, if a formation array was composed of ten overlays, its strength was naturally inferior to one that was composed of sixteen overlays.

However, why was it that level seven and eight formation arrays started to become more simple from more complicated?

“This is truly profound.” Qin Yu smiled bitterly in his heart. The current him was unable to understand the reasoning behind it. However, he believed that perhaps he would be able to understand it in the future.

“As for the effects of the Eight Levels of Formation Array, I have written detailed case examples on the other golden scrolls. They include the weakest and the strongest formation arrays of each level of formation array. Successor of mine, I suggest that it’s best for you to not research level seven and level eight formation arrays. After all… if you start researching them without first having a solid foundation, it might instead be harmful to you.”
“Of course, the Eight Levels of Formation Array is merely my own classification. It is not the accepted classification by the entire Divine Realm. Furthermore… I believe that above level eight formation arrays are level nine formation arrays and even level ten formation arrays. Only thing is, the current me is unable to achieve any more breakthroughs. Successor of mine, the Bewitching God Temple is yours now. I hope that you will also be capable of succeeding my title of the ‘Craftsman God.’
Successor of mine, try your best!”
After placing away the golden scroll, Qin Yu grew silent for a moment.

“Uncle Fu, give me the golden scrolls that Senior Chehou Yuan left the detailed explanation of the Eight Levels of Formation Array.” Qin Yu looked to Uncle Fu.
Uncle Fu smiled as he nodded. “Master, there is one golden scroll that contains the detailed explanation of level one to level three formation arrays. There are three golden scrolls that contains the detailed explanation of level four formation arrays. There are twelve golden scrolls that contains the detailed explanation of level five formation arrays. There are ninety eight golden scrolls that contains the detailed explanation of the level six formation arrays. As for the level seven and eight formation arrays, there is a single golden scroll!” As he said that, a pile of golden scrolls appeared before Uncle Fu.

Qin Yu immediately did a rough inspection of the contents with his Divine Awareness.

Qin Yu did not carefully read the contents. He merely roughly skimmed through them.

Chehou Yuan had recorded the weakest and the strongest formation arrays of every level in the golden scrolls. That was to say…. there were only two levels per formation array, one weak and one strong. Only the level eight formation array possessed a single one.

“These ninety eight golden scrolls actually only recorded two formation arrays.” Qin Yu exclaimed in his heart.

It was indeed very frightening when the formation arrays became so complicated. 
“Master, the other people of the Divine Realm, when they craft Divine Artifacts, they would add and maintain formation arrays. That was because the formation arrays were excessively complicated. This in term caused there to require an especially large amount of time to craft an artifact. Thus, crafting a
Heavenly Divine Artifact would require immense time. However, the old master… could create Heavenly Divine Artifacts extremely easily.” Said Uncle Fu proudly.

The title of Craftsman God, how could it possibly be a trifling matter?

“Uncle Fu, I have not carefully read through those golden scrolls. Can you tell me what level my current formation arrays are at?” Asked Qin Yu.
Uncle Fu said respectfully. “Master is extremely talented. In merely two hundred thousand plus years, master have already stepped into the realm of level three formation arrays. Although master would still be considered relatively weak among other level three formation array experts, it is still extremely exceptional.” “Level three formation arrays?” Qin Yu lightly nodded.

This sort of speed was still pretty good.

“Uncle  Fu,  what  about  you?”   Qin  Yu  suddenly  asked curiously.

Qin Yu knew that in the entire Divine Realm, there were only five or less individuals that managed to reach the sixth formation array level. As for the fifth formation array level, it was most definitely extremely sparse too. After all, when one reached the fifth formation array level, one would be able to craft Heavenly Divine Artifacts.

Uncle Fu smiled modestly. “Back then, the old master would frequently give pointers to this old servant. This old servant also didn’t dare to slack off in the slightest. After all these years, it could be said that I have entered the fifth formation array level.”

Chapter 17: The Master Of Mount Bewitch You

“Level five formation array, isn’t that the level at which you can create Heavenly Divine Artifacts?”  Somewhat surprised, Qin Yu asked.

Uncle    Fu    shook    his    head    and    said.    “Possessing comprehension of formation arrays at the fifth formation array level is merely one of the requirements for creating Heavenly Divine Artifacts. There are also other requirements in regards to flames, materials and so on. As I do not possess a soul, I am naturally unable to control flames and thus also cannot create any Heavenly Divine Artifacts.”
Qin Yu started to feel pity for Uncle Fu.

To not possess a soul was indeed a great binding.

“Uncle Fu, you can go and rest first. I will now be setting up the formation array.” Said Qin Yu with a smile on his face. He then started flying in the air. Soon after, with his hands like mirages, rays of lights started to fly out from his hands. At the same time, an abundant number of seals, marks, talisman and symbols were being shown.

The bright and clear Divine Spiritual Stones suddenly started flying out from Qin Yu’s hands.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces… twenty four pieces! A total of twenty four pieces of Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones started flying in all directions of Mount Bewitch You. Each and every one of the Low Quality Divine Spiritual Stones was radiating a magnificent brilliance.

Qin Yu, who was currently setting up the formation array, was elegantly executing one divine spiritual hand seal after another. The speed at which he executed the hand seals was sometimes fast, sometimes slow. The amount of Divine Energy contained within the hand seals was both abundant and scarce. Ingeniously, the numerous hand seals were harmonizing the entire formation array.

This formation array was merely a level one formation array. It was a relatively strong illusion formation array among the level one formation arrays.

The Black Dragon Pool was actually a beautiful lake of a hundred miles circumference. There lived not a single fish in this beautiful lake. This lake was an impasse of life. The only thing that grew in it was some aquatic plants.

Besides the Black Dragon Pool was a luxurious and enormous palace. This palace was the ‘Black Dragon Palace.’
Surrounding the Black Dragon Palace were three more palaces. These three palaces were the palaces of the three great experts underneath the boss of the Black Dragon Pool, Lord Black Dragon. Usually, those three palaces were a lot more lively than the Black Dragon Palace.

That was because… there were only several servants in the Black Dragon Palace. Those servants were in the Black Dragon Palace only to maintain its cleanliness. As for Lord Black Dragon himself, it had already been a very very long time since he last appeared in the Black Dragon Palace. The three great experts underneath Lord Black Dragon: Xiong Hei, Taoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji.

Other than these three great experts, the rest of the large number of subordinates in the Black Dragon Pool had never met Black Dragon before. Where exactly is Black Dragon at? Why did he never appear? Has he died?

No one dared to ask. As for the people who knew about the answer, it was only those three great lords.

The Black Dragon Pool possessed a very large sphere of influence. The number of subordinates it had was extremely numerous. Each and every one of these three great lords was able to casually put forward a hundred thousand troops. If one were to compare the power and influence of the three lords, then Xiong Hei would be the one who possessed the most power and influence.

Lord Xiong’s Palace. This was the palace among the three palaces that belonged to Xiong Hei. Xiong Hei controlled over half of the troops of the Black Dragon Pool. He was the person who decided the majority of the things in the Black Dragon Pool. However, in these past couple months, Xiong Hei was somewhat distressed.

It was because several tens of his subordinates had gone missing without cause or reason. Had they been killed, then Xiong Hei would not mind about their death that much. He would merely immediately send troops to avenge them. However, he was unable to determine if his subordinates had been killed or not.

Inside the main hall of the Lord Xiong’s Palace. A robust black skinned man with a height close to three meters sat on the main hall. He had his hand underneath his chin and was frowning.

Clear sound of footsteps were heard. A black clothed woman rapidly walked in. Seeing that this black skinned man’s gaze had shifted toward her, this black clothed woman hurriedly said. “Lord, after our numerous investigations, we have finally found something suspicious.” “Speak.” Said Xiong Hei indifferently.

The black clothed woman said respectfully. “Although these forty plus people had left in three different groups, they all possess a common ground. They had all left and proceeded onward toward the south. This subordinate has dispatched troops to search along the route and finally managed to discover a thing.”
“Mn?” Xing Hei groaned with his nose. His gaze was concentrated on that black clothed woman.

“At a location several thousand miles south to our Black Dragon Pool’s headquarters lies a small mountain. When I dispatched people to search along the route, they discovered that whoever that entered that small mountain would become lost within it and would no longer be able to come back out. We know that because during this investigation, three people among our investigation group had been lost to that mountain.”
After the black clothed woman finished her report, she started to quietly await for Xiong Hei’s orders. 
“A small mountain?” Xiong Hei stood straight. He stared at the black clothed woman directly. “What is the name of that mountain?”
The black clothed woman frowned. “Milord, the investigation group has reported back a very strange thing. We have originally never paid attention to that mountain and have considered it to be a nameless mountain. However, this time around when they proceed to investigate, they had discovered a stele located at the foot of the mountain. On the stele were three words…. Mount Bewitch You!”
“Mount Bewitch You?” Xiong Hei started to frown.

“Milord, that stele appears to be newly placed. Adding on the fact that the entire mountain possesses a strange ability to entrap others, this subordinate thinks that… perhaps someone or a small power has occupied that mountain and also set up a formation array in the surroundings of that Mount Bewitch You.” The black clothed woman said the thoughts in her mind. Xiong Hei coldly humped. “Someone? Some power? Truly daring. Could it be that they do not know that the surroundings of our Black Dragon Pool is not a place that permits any other power to step in?”
The Black Dragon Pool was extremely tyrannic.

There existed not a single power in the edge of its territory. In the past, there were. However, all of those powers were eradicated by the Black Dragon Pool.

How could one allow another to sleep soundly on the side of one’s narrow bed?

“They dare to entrap my people and not return them. Good… A’Yi, when your subordinate discovers people who are astute and people who are proficient in the arts of formation arrays, have them go and break that formation array in that so called Mount Bewitch You. After that, kill the person who set up the formation array.” Said Xiong Hei coldly.

The black clothed woman said respectfully. “Yes, milord.” As the number of troops underneath the Black Dragon Pool is extremely large, there are naturally people proficient in all sorts of fields.

“Lady Yi, please rest assured. This subordinate will definitely kill all of the enemies in Mount Bewitch You.” Liu Qiyan bowed as he said declared his undertaking of the task to the black clothed woman.

“Qiyan, I know that the way you handle things are extremely well done. However, this time around, you must be careful. The formation array set up on the Mount Bewitch You should not be weak. You must make sure to not repeat the disasters that  have  fallen  upon  the  others.”   Said  the  black  clothed woman coldly.

“Yes.” Liu Qiyan was extremely respectful.

After leaving the Black Dragon Pool’s headquarters, Liu Qiyan brought with him his twenty some subordinates and proceeded toward the Mount Bewitch You. This group of people could be considered as being pretty fast. After spending two days, they had arrived in the vicinity of the Mount Bewitch You.

“Halt!”   Liu  Qiyan  waved  his  hand  and  commanded  his subordinates to stop.

Liu Qiyan was born in the Divine Realm and had grown up in Sealfeel Village. However, he felt that as the Sealfeel villagers have to pay that much tax everyday, there were not even enough Divine Spiritual Stones to train with. Thus, he joined the Black Dragon Pool. After all these years of struggles, he had managed to reach a status of a small squadron captain in the Black Dragon Pool.

Last time around, when Zi Yun who had grown up together with him married Xing Yuan, he did not use force to handle this matter. It was not that he didn’t want to but rather that he was unable to see through Xing Yuan’s three good friends.

Liu Qiyan was such a cautious and timid person. For him, emotions were merely something secondary. In his heart, power and strength was the most important. Emotions were merely abstract theories.

“Lord Liu, on that stele are the words ‘Mount Bewitch You.’” A middle aged man among the twenty some subordinates said.

Liu Qiyan lightly nodded. “”Everyone. This is Mount Bewitch You. This Mount Bewitch You is covered by a kind of formation array. Brother Sanyang, among all of us, you are the one who is most proficient in formation arrays. Please go and check the mountain out.”
A middle aged man with a goatee walked forward.

He casually picked up a couple rocks on the ground and then threw them into the Mount Bewitch You. Everyone was carefully watching his actions. Those rocks rolled to a stone on the mountain.

“There appears to be no change. Brother Sanyang, do you know what sort of formation array this is?” Liu Qiyan asked. 
The man with the goatee did not speak. Instead, he shot out a ray of Divine Energy into the Mount Bewitch You. An enormous membrane of light suddenly appeared surrounding the Mount Bewitch You. At the same time, an unmeasurable amount of seals, marks and symbols were floating within the
membrane of light.

The man with the goatee had a solemn expression on his face. “Lord Liu, if my guess is correct, this formation array ought to be a Divine Realm’s formation array! Furthermore, it is one of the more profound Divine Realm’s formation arrays.”
Liu Qiyan felt that the situation had turned bad. He looked to the other people in the group.

“Lord Liu, what Brother Sanyang said is correct. This formation array is indeed extremely profound.” All the rest of the people also expressed their agreement.

“The scrolls containing information of formation arrays of the Divine Realm, in all these years that I have been in the Black Dragon Pool, I have only seen a single golden scroll before. According to my understanding of formation arrays from the lower realm, I have managed to attain some success after studying through that formation array golden scroll. However, it is still not enough to break through this formation array.” The goatee man had an extremely serious expression.

Liu Qiyan and them did not know at all that at this moment, Qin Yu was watching them with his Divine Awareness.

With the assistance of the Meteoric Tear, Qin Yu’s Divine Awareness could now extend to a range of a thousand meters. And at this moment, Qin Yu was standing on top of a tree in Mount Bewitch You. He was only three hundred plus meters away from Liu Qiyan and them.

“Scrolls   containing   information   of   formation   arrays? Furthermore,  a  single  golden  scroll?”   At  the  beginning, hearing the conversations that these people had, Qin Yu had thought that this Sanyang might be extremely powerful. However, now that he heard what was said… this guy had only seen a single Divine Realm’s formation array scroll. “Lord Liu, I can only use foolish means to feel the might of this formation array.”
This Sanyang looked to Liu Qiyan. “Lord Liu, please tie a long rope around my waist. You all wait here outside the mountain. I will go in myself. After ten breaths of time, regardless of what might happen, you all are to pull me back out.”
Liu Qiyan pondered for a moment and then also nodded.

“He really came in. Haha…. ropes, they are things that can break!”
A smile appeared on Qin Yu’s face. He then fell down like a gentle wind. Uncle Fu had instantly appeared beside Qin Yu. One in the front and one behind, the two of them proceeded toward the foot of the mountain.

“Remember, in ten breaths time, regardless of what happens, you all are to pull me back.” Sanyang reminded them. 
“Brother Sangyan can rest assured.” The others immediately guaranteed him.

Only then did Sanyang who had a rope tied around him walk into the mountain. Right after Sanyang entered the mountain, he felt that the scene in his surroundings had changed completely.

“What an amazing formation array. The person who set this formation array up must definitely be a Divine Realm’s great master of formation arrays.” Exclaimed Sanyang in his heart.

The scrolls that contained information regarding formation arrays were extremely precious in the Divine Realm. How could the ordinary people possibly be able to see them? Much less study them? This Sanyang did not know at all that this formation array was merely that of a level one formation array.

“It’s already been ten breaths time, why aren’t they pulling me back?” Sanyang had grown confused. “Pull me back!” Shouted Sanyang loudly.

At the current moment, Sanyang didn’t know at all that he was already unable to go back out. Regardless of how hard he shouted, the rope tied around his waist would not give any response.

“Eh?” Sanyang turned around. He looked at the rope that connected him with the outside world. His expression immediately changed. He started muttering. “No, it’s an illusion. It’s not real. You can’t believe it. You can’t believe it.”
Liu Qiyan and then violently pulled on the rope. However, what they managed to pull out was merely a severed rope.

“The  rope  has  been  cut.”  Upon  seeing  that,  Liu  Qiyan’s expression instantly changed.

“Brother Sanyang has also been caught. What should we do now?” Immediately, some people grew anxious. “Liu Qiyan, you’ve come to my territory, how could I possibly not invite you in as a guest?”  A voice sounded from Mount Bewitch You. Liu Qiyan and them immediately looked to the Mount Bewitch You in shock and terror.

What they saw was that the misty brilliant light has once appeared on the Mount Bewitch You. Numerous and densely packed mark, seals, and symbols have once again started floating on the membrane of light. At the same time, this membrane of light suddenly grew in size. The range that it covered had instantly increased by a hundred meters.

In an instant, while Liu Qiyan and them were still shocked, they had been covered by the membrane of light.

“Liu Qiyan oh Liu Qiyan, you’ve brought someone who merely knew about the skin and hair depths knowledge of the Divine Realm’s formation arrays to come break my formation array. Truly… The Divine Realm’s formation arrays, they are able to alter their range along with the change in energy that is given to them. You all don’t even know about this most basic point.” Qin Yu took back the Divine Energy that he had poured into the formation array. The formation array immediately returned to its original range. At this moment, the energy of the formation array was being completely provided by Divine Spiritual Stones.

As for Liu Qiyan and them, they had become completely trapped within the formation array.

“Ah! Let me out! Scoundrel! Let me out!” At a certain location on the Mount Bewitch You, a golden haired old man was frantically shouting. He had already been trapped for several months now. And at this moment, Liu Qiyan had walked past this old man. Yet, he did not discover the crazy old man at all.

“Currently, there are several tens of personnels to test out formation arrays with on the Mount Bewitch You. However, it’s still  not  enough.”  Qin  Yu  stood  on  top  of  a  tree.  He  was watching the people that have lost their minds in fear and muttering  in  their  mouth.  “These  people  possess  relatively weak strength. However, after a period of time, it is likely that the experts of the Black Dragon Pool also can not stay seated anymore. At that time, I would be able to test out some of the more powerful formation arrays.”

Chapter 18: Two Fish

Mount Bewitch You. At the shallow pond located before Qin Yu’s wooden house.

Qin Yu currently had his trousers rolled up and was standing in the pond. His bare feet were touching the smooth and slick stones under the water. Qin Yu had his eyes wide open as he looked at the fish in the pond. He extended his hands. It was as if he were planning to capture the fish.

“Haha…” Uncle Fu was on the shore. When he saw what Qin Yu was doing, he started laughing happily.

Qin Yu did not use his Divine Awareness to lock onto the fish in the pond. Instead, he was using the most primitive and ancient method - using his eyes to see and then catching the fish with his hands. Every time Qin Yu tried to catch the fish, splashes of shining white water also started flying.

“Hey, I do not believe that I won’t be able to catch a single fish!” Qin Yu rolled up the sleeves on his arms. 
Actually, Qin Yu merely needed a thought and the clothes that he wore, a Divine Battle Armor, would automatically roll up. However, right now, as if having returned to his childhood, Qin Yu was enjoying that sort of pleasure.

“Master, the Divine Realm’s fish are not the same as the Mortal Realm’s. All those fish are demon beasts. Although they are only low level demon beasts of the Divine Realm and possess very low attack power, they all possessed intelligence. The way you are trying to catch them, it will be very difficult for you to catch one.” Advised Uncle Fu from afar.

Upon hearing Uncle Fu’s voice, the fish in the pond even jumped out from the pond and then fled back into the water. Evidently, they were trying to provoke Qin Yu.

“So sly.” In anger, Qin Yu slowly exhaled. He then stared at those fish with a lightning like gaze. His hands had turned into blurs as he violently thrust them towards the pond water. Immediately, the fish started to rapidly flee. They were extremely fast and slick in the water. Qin Yu was unable to catch any of them at all.

“Good, good, good!” Qin Yu said three ‘good’s in a row.

Those fish were actually jumping out unceasingly from the other side of the pond.

“Humph humph…” Qin Yu smiled brilliantly.

Suddenly, the pond’s water disappeared. The fish that were originally swimming in the water of the pond all fell to the stones that were at the bottom of the water. Without water, even if they are fish from the Divine Realm, they were also only barely capable of moving.

“Let’s see how you all can flee now!” Qin Yu walked over with a smile on his face. He then grabbed a fish. Those fishes all opened their fishes eyes widely. They were staring at Qin Yu angrily.

“Master, you used the Jiang Lan’s Realm to catch fish?” Uncle Fu opened his eyes wide.

Qin Yu turned around and smiled brilliantly to Uncle Fu. He then looked at the two fish in his hands. “Humph, you all dared to act so arrogant to me. Be careful that I don’t cook the two of you.”
The two fish immediately grew worried…
“Please spare us, please spare us!”  These two fish actually spoke. Their voices were extremely sharp and clear.

Qin Yu was stunned for quite a moment. He only managed to wake back up to reality later. These were fish from the Divine Realm, they were not fish from the Mortal Realm. The environment of the Divine Realm, even the people that had just ascended would have to stabilize their bodies to endure the restriction of the Divine Realm. Regardless of how weak the fish of the Divine Realm were, it was still logical for them to be able to speak.

“You two must not resist now. Otherwise, I’ll barbecue you.” Qin Yu threatened.

“We will not resist, will not resist.” A green and pink fish said repeatedly.

Qin Yu smiled and nodded. With but a thought, Qin Yu absorbed the two fish into the Jiang Lan’s Realm.

“Never had I expected that master has such a childish heart.” Said Uncle Fu on the side with a smile on his face.

With a wave of his hand, the pond water that had originally been absorbed by the Jiang Lan’s Realm returned back to the pond. Qin Yu walked to the shore. The rolled up trousers and sleeves had automatically gone back to their original appearance. Qin Yu no longer had the smile and relaxed expression that he had earlier. 
“Master, what’s wrong?” Uncle Fu already sensed the change in Qin Yu’s mood.

Qin Yu’s gaze turned misty. He said indifferently. “I too wish to have a childish heart. Unfortunately… It’s already been a long long time since i had it. Did you think that I was catching the fish for fun?”
“Uncle Fu, I will usually not allow myself to stop for a rest by myself. If I am not training, I will be analyzing formation arrays or accompanying my brothers. I am rarely by myself not doing anything. Do you know why?” Qin Yu looked at uncle Fu.

Uncle Fu shook his head.

Qin Yu gave a self-mocking smile. “You won’t understand. It’s because if I am by myself, not doing anything, then I would start thinking, I would start thinking about a lot of things. And what I would end up thinking the most about would be Li’er.” “I want to meet her. But I am unable to meet her. I want to love her. However, I can only endure. Day after day, year after year, ten thousand years after ten thousand years… all of this has been deep in my heart for all these years.” Qin Yu held his chest. “Heavy. It is extremely, extremely heavy.”
Qin Yu raised his head and looked up at the sky. A smile appeared on his face.

“A smile could allow one to slightly relax one’s heart. Doing something childish could also loosen one’s mind. I am not someone who loves to smile. However, I will sometimes make myself smile. I am not someone who possesses a childish heart. However, I will still do some things that only children would do.”
“Like that, my heart is a bit more at ease. The deep and heavy sensation that I have will also be a little bit more relaxed.”
The corners of Qin Yu’s eyes were a bit moist. However, Qin Yu started smiling again. His eyes squinted with his smile. “Usually, I will either analyze formation arrays unceasingly or train incessantly. I do not have the time to leisure at all. However, these days, if I stop analyzing formation arrays and training. My mind would start to randomly think uncontrollably….”  Qin Yu smiled a self-mocking smile as he shook his head.

Uncle Fu stood to the side and looked at Qin Yu. He didn’t know what to say.

“Haha, don’t be like this. I am actually still very happy.” Qin Yu smiled to Uncle Fu. “Compared to the time when I was in the Mortal Realm, my current strength is countless times stronger. And now, I have also ascended to the Divine Realm. Li’er is also in the Divine Realm. I am not able to sense Li’er existence…”
Qin Yu pointed to the north. “That’s right, she’s over there!”
Qin Yu pulled back his hand. He said to Uncle Fu. “All these years have passed, would I care about trying my best for a short period of time longer? I will continue to walk the path that I am walking now. No one can stop me.” Qin Yu’s tone of voice was extremely ordinary. There was no vigor to it. A trace of smile was also on his face.

However, Uncle Fu was able to clearly feel the confidence that originated from his heart.

“Master,  no  one  will  be  able  to  stop  you.”  Uncle  Fu  also nodded and voiced in certainty.

“Ha!” Qin Yu suddenly shouted loudly. His entire person was filled with vitality. “Uncle Fu, let’s go. Let’s go into the Jiang Lan’s Realm and check out how those two fish will look after taking a human form. “
In the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm. At Hei Yu’s residence.

This time around, Qin Yu had directly placed the two fishes outside of Hei Yu’s house. At this moment, when Qin Yu and Uncle Fu arrived, they were already able to hear the sounds of conversations. Furthermore, the number of people wasn’t low either.

“Eh? Wu Lan, Wu He, you two are also here?” Qin Yu looked at Wu Lan and Wu He in shock. They were standing together with Hei Yu.

Immediately, the five people in the courtyard manor all looked to Qin Yu and Uncle Fu.

“Big brother, where did these two little ladies come from?” Hei Yu asked immediately.

Only then did Qin Yu look at the two women. These two woman were pretty, like delicate fine jewels. Their heights were only 1.5 or 1.6 meters. At this moment, those two women were blinking their eyes as they looked to Qin Yu in excitement.

“Lord Qin Yu.” These two women bowed to greet Qin Yu. The two of them were extremely excited. In the Divine Realm, ordinary fish like them would become unable to move the moment they leave the waters. They would only be able to move if they have passed the Divine Tribulation. However, after coming to the Jiang Lan’s Realm, they were able to take on a human form as there was no restriction from the Divine Realm.

“What are your names?” Qin Yu asked.

The big guy Wu He immediately said. “Master, the one with the green clothes is called ‘Lu Shui.’ The one with the pink clothes is called ‘Hong Yu.’”
[TL: Lu Shui → Green Water. Hong Yu → Red Rain.]

“Lord Qin Yu did not ask you.” Lu Shui and Hong Yu immediately shouted at Wu He delicately. They then looked to Qin Yu happily. “Lord Qin Yu, I am am Lu Shui, she is Hong Yu.”
Qin Yu nodded his head while smiling. 
With these two chattering and lively girls, even Hei Yu, Wu Lan and them started smiling more often. Qin Yu had determined that his decision was truly the right one.

Qin Yu stood on top of the tree and looked at his surroundings.

“Master, the Black Dragon Pool has already sent people to attack us four times in a row. The previous three times, they were all easily trapped by us. However, this time around, they have already broken through half of the formation array.” Said Uncle Fu underneath Qin Yu.

Qin Yu nodded. “Rest assured, this man’s strength in the ‘Array Path’ is not up to much. He is merely at the level of level one formation arrays… It’s good that they managed to break through the formation arrays. With their speed, by the time they finished breaking through the entire formation array, my second formation array will already have been deployed.” The Black Dragon Pool seemed to have truly been enraged. They have started to dispatch one formation array expert after another to break the formation array. However, these formation array experts, in Qin Yu’s mind, were truly too weak.

Just by merely knowing a bit about the Divine Realm’s formation arrays they are already considered experts of formation arrays? This was truly a laughing matter to Qin Yu.

However, those people also possessed some strength. They actually managed to break through two of Qin Yu’s formation arrays in a row. These two formation arrays were both relatively weak level two formation arrays. And Qin Yu, he was finally going to be fierce now.

This time around, Qin Yu planned to use a level two formation array’s relatively weak… Killing Array!

In the past, all the formation arrays were Trapping Arrays without any killing attack and wounding powers. Thus, others could slowly take their time on breaking the formation arrays. 
“Lord Gongsun, please.”
Liu Qiyan was respectfully following behind a middle aged man. Last time when Liu Qiyan was trapped by Qin Yu’s illusion array, he was lucky that Qin Yu did not kill him and had only merely trapped him. Later on, when the expert of formation array managed to break through Qin Yu’s formation array, Liu Qiyan got his life back.

This Gongsun Jin, Lord Gongsun, could be considered as the number one formation array expert of Lord Xiong’s Palace’s camp. His status was much higher than that of Liu Qiyan’s. Furthermore, he had already managed to break through two of Qin Yu’s formation arrays in a row. This had caused Lord Xiong Hei to greatly reward Gongsun Jin.

However, every single time, after Gongsun Jin managed to break through the formation array after immense effort, a new formation array from Qin Yu would immediately be deployed. This had caused the Black Dragon Pool to be unable to capture Qin Yu.

“You all stay outside. Be careful. I will go in and break the formation array.”  Said Gongsun Jin indifferently. Merely, the results from his inspection this time had caused him to hesitate for a long time.

However, after some time, Gongsun Jin still walked into the formation array.

Liu Qiyan and several other subordinates were only watching Gongsun Jin inside the formation array and executing numerous hand seals one after another. However, Gongsun Jin merely managed to persist doing that for several breaths worth of time.

A sky covering amount of black flames suddenly bombarded Gongsun Jin. There was even a trace of white flame within those black flames. 
As Liu Qiyan and the rest of them stood stupefied, Gongsun Jin’s body had been burned to ashes like leaves. Just like that, he had been burned to nothingness.

“Run away, quickly, run!”  Liu Qiyan still remembered the time when the range of the formation array suddenly increased.

This time around, Liu Qiyan was very fortunate. Qin Yu did not try to kill them. Instead, he was standing on top of the tree and watching Liu Qiyan and them panicking and fleeing for their lives like stray dogs.

“They called you Lord Gongsun? However, you truly do not know the immensity of heaven and earth. You’ve spent that much time breaking my two previous Trapping Arrays. The speed at which I set up formation arrays is faster than speed you break them; could it be that you still can’t tell the difference between our levels?” Qin Yu sighed. 
Destroying something was easier than creating something.

In order to set up a formation array, it must be perfected from every angle. As for breaking a formation array, one merely needed to break some significant parts of the formation array. When they do, the formation array would naturally break apart. Qin Yu’s speed at setting up formation arrays was even faster than the speed at which Gongsun Jin broke them, the gap between the two in the ‘Array Path’ was too obvious.

Lord Xiong’s Palace.

“Gongsun died?”  Xiong Hei’s almost three meter tall body was radiating a frightening domineering aura. His two eyes were wide open with fury like two fists. He was staring at the shivering Liu Qiyan below him. “You, how are you still alive?!”
Liu Qiyan was able to sense the anger that Lord Xiong Hei had and was frightened to an uncontrollable shiver. “Aiyoh, hey Big Brother Xiong, I’ve heard that you’ve taken a huge tumble on a little mountain and have lost many subordinates.” A red clothed seductive woman walked in with light steps.

“Lil Sister Mei Ji. You cannot talk about Big Brother Xiong Hei like that. Big Brother Xiong Hei was careless, he was careless. Granted he had lost only seven or eight times.”  A handsome male with snow white skin walked in.

These two people were the other two great experts underneath Lord Black Dragon… Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu.

Seeing how Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu were mocking him, Xiong Hei was unable to refrain from becoming angry.

“Mei Ji, Liu Xu, that person is merely relying on the fact that his ability in formation arrays is amazing. Humph… I shall see how his formation arrays would continue to not break when I twist the space that it’s in. Ten Descending Powers, this Heavenly Divine Artifact of mine feeds off of blood!” [TL: the original raw said ‘not a vegetarian.’ to describe the heavenly divine artifact. not a vegetarian is a chinese term saying it’s something powerful because well, as we all know, my food craps on your food.]

Xiong Hei’s eyes were wide open. He shouted angrily. “A’Zi, bring the troops. I will personally go and crush that Mount Bewitch You flat!”

Chapter 19: Xiong Hei’s Might

“Yes, milord.” The black clothed woman, A’Zi, bowed as she accepted the order. After that, A’Zi immediately departed from the main hall and started to gather a large group of people, a large army, to clear the path for Lord Xiong Hei.

On the main hall, Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji were both looking at Xiong Hei with smiles on their faces.

The handsome Daoist Liu Xu said with a lot of enthusiasm. “Big  Brother  Xiong  Hei  taking  off  personally  and  with  the Heavenly Divine Artifact bestowed by Lord Black Dragon on top of that, a mere Mount Bewitch You is definitely going to be a walk in the park. I, your little brother, is also very bored staying over here at the Black Dragon Pool. I might as well proceed to Mount Bewitch You together with Big Brother Xiong Hei so that I can watch Big Brother Xiong Hei’s might from the side.”
“What Big Brother Liu said is interesting. I shall go together with you and watch Big Brother Xiong Hei’s might from the side too.” Mei Ji lightly shook her sleeve and said in a sweet voice. 
Xiong Hei walked down from the seat he sat on above the main hall. He stood beside Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu. His nearly three meter tall body made Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu have to raise their heads up in order to look at him.

“Mei Ji, Liu Xu, since the two of you wish to go and see, then let’s go together.”
Xiong Hei slightly lifted his head. The ominous glint from his eyes passed through the entrance of the main hall and was cast toward the south. “Humph, Mount Bewitch You…” Xiong Hei then started walking out of the main hall with large strides.

After a short moment, close to ten thousand troops had been gathered outside of Lord Xiong’s Palace.

Ten thousand troops were merely a very small portion to the Black Dragon Pool. However… when the amount of people gathered was ten thousand, it appeared to be an extremely vast amount of people. All of the gathered Deities were discussing with each other outside. It was extremely noisy. 
“Boom!”  “Boom!”  “Boom!”  The  sound  of  heavy  footsteps were heard. Xiong Hei’s gigantic figure appeared on the high platform. He gazed at the people gathered below.

After some shouting by some of the leaders of the Black Dragon Pool, the ten thousand troops immediately became quiet. All of them were looking at Lord Xiong Hei above them with respectful appearances.

“Lord Xiong Hei.”
Nearly ten thousand people have all kneeled down on one knee simultaneously. Their voices were incomparably resonate.

Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu also flew up to the high platform. The two of them stood on either side of Xiong Hei. Mei Ji said in a low voice with a smile on her face. “Big Brother Xiong, so impressive.” Xiong Hei did not bother to pay attention to Mei Ji at all.
Instead, he waved his hand and shouted. “Set off.”
Instantly, the ten thousand troops split into numerous units. Methodically arranged, they began to rapidly advance toward the south.

The boss of the Black Dragon Pool, Lord Black Dragon, had not shown himself in many years. Thus, Xiong Hei’s status could be considered as the highest standing in the Black Dragon Pool. If he wanted to personally set off to do a task, how could the display of his grandeur possibly be light?

Xiong Hei was sitting on a recliner contentedly. Four robust men with builds comparable to Xiong Hei’s were carrying the recliner. All four of these robust men possessed strength of High Level Deity.

As for Mei Ji and Liu Xu who have come to watch the show, they too were being carried by others on recliners. The only difference was that the four High Level Deities that carried either of them were all beautiful women. 
The journey was about three days long. The army had finally arrived by Mount Bewitch You.

Qin Yu stood on top of a certain tree. He was looking at that long queue of troops coming from afar. The front army of this army had just arrived at the Mount Bewitch You. The middle army and the rear army would still take some time longer before they arrive.

“What a huge show of extravagance.” Qin Yu had a smile on his face. With a movement of his foot, he had arrived at the edge of a cliff.

Qin Yu sat on the edge of the cliff. Uncle Fu was standing behind him.

“Master,  it  appears  that  there  are  about  ten  thousand troops.”  Uncle Fu managed to guess the approximate amount with a single gaze. “Against  a  great  formation  array,  having  more  people  is useless. The more they come, the more they die. Hopefully the leader of this Black Dragon Pool would not be enraged and think calmly. Otherwise, if too many people were to die here, that too would not be my wish.” Said Qin Yu with a smile on his face. “Uncle Fu, say, do you think this Killing Array of mine would be able to stop them?”
Uncle Fu smiled and shook his head. “Although the Killing Array is powerful, an attack of this level would likely not be able to kill a Heavenly Deity level expert. And this time around… I reckon that the Heavenly Deity level experts of the Black Dragon Pool would also have gathered here.”
The front army possessed a total of two thousand troops. The rear army also possessed two thousand troops. As for the middle army, there were close to six thousand troops. As for Xiong Hei, Liu Xu and Mei Ji, they were all situated in the middle army.

By the time the entire army had all arrived by the foot of the Mount Bewitch You, Qin Yu had already waited close to an hour. All of the troops were gathered on the ground. At this moment, a robust man flew out from the nearly ten thousand concentrated troops. He wore a body of black battle armor. His facial appearance was extremely fierce-looking. His imposing and overbearing aura was able to be felt from very far away.

“Flying?  Sure  enough,  the  Heavenly  Deity  experts  have come.” Qin Yu stood up.

Against Heavenly Deity level experts, Qin Yu cannot be as casual as he was before. However, right when Qin Yu stood up, two more people surprisingly flew up behind that robust men wearing a black battle armor.

“Three Heavenly Deities. They are truly giving me face!” Qin Yu  started  to  feel  a  trace  of  excitement.  “Three  Heavenly Deities, they should be able to allow me to experiment with a lot of formation arrays.”
Right when Qin Yu began to consider the three Heavenly Deities as ‘guinea pigs’ to experiment formation arrays on, the three Heavenly Deities however started standing in the sky. Xiong Hei stood to the front whereas Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji stood behind him.

“People of the Mount Bewitch You, listen carefully. I am Lord Xiong Hei from the Black Dragon Pool. If you are smart, then you’d best behave yourselves, give yourselves up and come out from the Mount Bewitch You. Otherwise… do not blame me for being vicious and merciless.” Xiong Hei had a face filled with disdain.

Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu glanced at each other.

“Xiong Hei? Never heard of him.”
A clear and sonorous voice sounded. A figure flew out from Mount Bewitch You. He stood in the airspace above the Mount Bewitch You.

Seeing that someone had actually flown up, Xiong Hei’s expression \instantly changed. Even Mei Ji and Liu Xu no longer had their relaxed expression from earlier. Instead, they grew serious. Merely, the gaze that they looked at Xiong Hei contained within it a trace of laughter.

“Ah, it’s a Heavenly Deity.”
“It’s actually a Heavenly Deity, it’s going to be a large battle this time around!”
The ten thousand Black Dragon Pool’s troops had become noisy. Seeing that the enemy was actually a Heavenly Deity, the atmosphere had immediately started to boil. Even Xiong Hei no longer had the domineering aura that he displayed from the beginning.

“Him? How did he became a Heavenly Deity?” Liu Qiyan was within the crowd. He was looking at Qin Yu who stood in the air with a dumbfounded expression. The appearance of the person before him was something that Liu Qiyan remembered very clearly. This man was Xing Yuan’s friend, a person called Qin Yu. “Handsome little brother, I am called Mei Ji. That big guy over there is our Black Dragon Pool’s Lord Xiong Hei. This person is Daoist Liu Xu. May I know what little brother’s name is?” Said Mei Ji with a sweet voice.

“I am called Qin Yu!”
Qin Yu directly declared his name. The name Qin Yu had brought about quite a bit of troubles in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm. However, in the Divine Realm… there was not much reason for Qin Yu to hide his name.

Xiong Hei frowned. He then humped coldly and said. “Qin Yu? I did not expect that you were a Heavenly Deity. Since you’re a Heavenly Deity and have occupied the Mount Bewitch You, if you have sent our Black Dragon Pool a greeting, our Black Dragon Pool would naturally be very magnanimous and not mind it. However, the conducts and deeds that you have done in these past days have set yourself against our Black Dragon Pool. Speak, how do you plan to satisfy our Black Dragon Pool?” Xiong Hei, Liu Xu and Mei Ji were all Low Level Heavenly Deities.

The number of Heavenly Deities in the Divine Realm was extremely few. Usually, all the large powers would try to rope in Heavenly Deity level experts. Xiong Hei was unable to determine at all whether if… Qin Yu was by himself or if he possessed a large backing behind him. Although the Black Dragon Pool was a relatively large power in the territory of the Yuchi City, when compared to big cities like the Yuchi City, they were much weaker.

“Satisfy you guys? That’s right, my formation array would satisfy you guys.” Said Qin Yu with a smile on his face.

Xiong Hei’s expression grew cold.

“That is the way you plan to satisfy us?”  Murderous aura started to burst forth from Xiong Hei’s eyes. At this moment, Qin Yu said with a smile on his face. “That’s right. Xiong Hei, Mei Ji, Liu Xu, let me warn you three. What I have set up in the outer regions of the Mount Bewitch You is a Killing Array. I have also placed formation array in the middle region of the Mount Bewitch You. I welcome you all to come and try to break through them!”
After he finished saying that, Qin Yu flew into the forest of Mount Bewitch You. He had disappeared from everyone’s eyes.

“Mei Ji, Liu Xu, the two of you stay to the side.”
Xiong Hei’s expression had grown cold and heavy. With an extension of his hand, a nearly four meter long scarlet colored spiked club appeared in his hand. Jade green colored Heavenly Divine Energy started pouring into the spiked club from Xiong Hei’s hand. The entire spiked club started vibrating.

Mei Ji and Liu Xu glanced at each other.

“Big  Brother  Xiong,  with  the  ‘Mountain  Crusher’  in  his hand, he will definitely be able to easily capture that Qin Yu.” Said Mei Ji with a smile on her face. Xiong Hei took a step forward and instantly entered into the Killing Array.

Right when he entered into the Killing Array, lumps of black flames started rushing toward him. They covered Xiong Hei from all directions. However, to Low Level Heavenly Deities, the Divine Flames did not cause them much harm.

Xiong Hei violently shouted. The space surrounding him grew completely distorted. His large and thick hands were grabbing the spiked club. The spiked club started to radiate jade green colored Heavenly Divine Energy from its exterior.

Pouring Heavenly Divine Energy into Heavenly Divine Artifact. This was the way to allow a Heavenly Divine Artifact to display its utmost might.

“Mountain, Crusher!” Xiong Hei’s spiked club ferociously smashed on the ground of the Mount Bewitch You. Qin Yu who was on the top of the Mount Bewitch You and watching this scene unfold was shocked to discover that the Mount Bewitch You slightly trembled.

Qin Yu managed to sense the tremble even when he was located on the top of the mountain. Then what about Xiong Hei’s surroundings?

With Xiong Hei as the center, all the mountain stones in a ten meter circumference surround him had been crushed into fine dust. The mountain in the surrounding hundred meter circumference also cracked open. Furthermore, a formation array’s foundation that Qin Yu had placed at that location had also been destroyed.

The spiked club, carrying the strength of tens of thousands of catties, smashed onto the mountain like ripping apart space. All the mountain stones in the circumference over a hundred meters surrounding the area that the spiked club smashed at cracked open.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”….

Like an earthquake, it continued to shake several tens of times. All the formation array’s foundations in the outer region of the Mount Bewitch You had been destroyed.

The Killing Array had dissipated!

“This Xiong Hei, how come his might with the Heavenly Divine Artifact is that powerful?”  Qin Yu suddenly stood up. He looked to Xiong Hei who carried the enormous spiked club on the bottom of the mountain.

“Master,  when  a  Divine  Artifact  has  been  instilled  with Divine Energy, its might is much stronger than when in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm. With the same logic, a Heavenly Divine Artifact would be most powerful when being instilled   with   Heavenly   Divine   Energy.”    Said   Uncle   Fu respectfully. 
At this moment, Xiong Hei held the enormous spiked club with a single hand. He was walking up the Mount Bewitch You step by step. Every single step of his was so heavy that the ground started shaking. The murderous aura on his extremely fierce face had grown even more frantic compared to before.

Chapter 20: The Strongest Killing Array

“Xiong  Hei,  three  steps  in  front  of  you  will  be  the  next formation array. If you are able to break through that, then you’ll be qualified to experience my strongest Killing Array.” Qin Yu’s clear and sonorous voice sounded through the Mount Bewitch You.

Xiong Hei turned around and looked to the mountain top of the Mount Bewitch You. He shouted domineeringly. “Qin Yu, you best hide yourself well on top of the mountain. By the time this third great lord here breaks through all your formation arrays, I shall use this Heavenly Divine Spiked Club of mine to crush your skull and destroy your True Spirit!”
After he finished saying that, Xiong Hei proceeded to once again advance in large strides.

Mount Bewitch You was close to two thousand meters tall. Qin Yu was located near the peak of the mountain. Once Xiong Hei entered into the formation array, due to the formation array, he was unable to see Qin Yu. However, because the formation array was set up by Qin Yu, once Xiong Hei stepped into it, Qin Yu was able to see his each and every movement extremely clearly.

“Destroy  my  True  Spirit?”   Qin  Yu  muttered.  Qin  Yu understood very well that True Spirit was one’s consciousness.

Uncle Fu said to Qin Yu respectfully. “Master, to ordinary Deities and people that are weaker, once their soul becomes scattered, their True Spirit would automatically dissipate with it. That is because the True Spirit one possessed at that moment is too weak and is unable to exist by itself. However, once one’s soul reach the Embryo Soul stage and one becomes a Heavenly Deity, even if one’s soul were to be scattered, the True Spirit can still exist by itself assuming it is not damaged.”
“So what if one’s True Spirit remained? Could it be that one could still be reborn?” Qin Yu looked to Uncle Fu.

Uncle Fu answered respectfully. “If one’s True Spirit remains, although regenerating one’s lost body would be very hard, in the Divine Realm, there are most precious medicinal pellets. Those sort of medicinal pellets would allow one to be resurrected.” “Aside  from  that,  those  who  only  have  their  True  Spirit remaining, an expert at the Exalted Celestial level would also be able to resurrect them.”
Qin Yu shook his head and smiled. “Exalted Celestial? The legendary Exalted Celestials, how many people have actually met one?”
“Actually, it is not just Exalted Celestials who can do that. A long time ago, back when old master was still in the Divine Realm, there was an extremely well-regarded Godking in the Divine Realm. She was called the ‘Godking of Life.’ This Godking of Life was capable of resurrecting people who possess only a True Spirit!” Replied Uncle Fu respectfully.

“Oh? Godking of Life? She actually possessed the remarkable ability of resurrection. Are you telling me that there were no restrictions to her using this remarkable ability?” Qin Yu asked in surprise. To be able to resurrect someone who only had a True Spirit remaining, this was something equivalent to going against the Heavens and defying the natural order. To be able to do such a thing, how could there not be any restrictions?

“There  shouldn’t  be  any  restrictions.  My  old  master  said before that in the Divine Realm, amongst all the Godkings, there was no one who could match the Godking of Life in her ability to save someone’s life.”  Said Uncle Fu with a sigh of sorrow. “Unfortunately, the Godking of Life has died.”
“How did she die?” Qin Yu asked curiously.

How could an expert at the level of Godking die that easily?

“War!” Said Uncle Fu. “In the Divine Realm, every six billion years, a battle that extends through the entire Divine Realm occurs. Ordinarily, the Godking level experts would rarely die from the battle. However, there are still Godkings that have died throughout history.”
Qin Yu lightly nodded. 
“Uncle Fu, how much longer till the next Divine Realm’s War?” From Qin Yu’s point of view, once the war started, if he were to become an expert artifact craftsman by then, his benefits would be even greater.

Uncle Fu said respectfully. “There ought to be another billion years before the battle.”
“Too long.” Qin Yu sighed in his heart.

“Mn?” Qin Yu’s eyes suddenly shined. At this moment, Xiong Hei had already entered the formation array set up in the middle section of the Mount Bewitch You. That formation array was an illusion array. Against the illusion array, Xiong Hei was evidently caught unprepared.

“Haha…  this foolish Xiong, to break an illusion array with brute force, that is very hard to do.” Qin Yu smiled as he looked to Xiong Hei within the formation array. Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu who stood in the sky had also grown confused.

“Why is Xiong Hei running around in a circle around that three step range the entire time? He’s even smashing the ground unceasingly. To constantly smash the ground within a range of three steps, how much damage could that possibly cause?” Mei Ji started to frown.

The person who was most proficient in the formation arrays in the entire Black Dragon Pool was Daoist Liu Xu.

Even that Gongsun Jin would frequently ask Daoist Liu Xu for guidance. Daoist Liu Xu’s strength in the formation array could already be considered as having reached the pinnacle of level two formation arrays. Merely, researching formation arrays was truly complicated. If one did not have others to provide guidance, it was extremely easy for one to lose his way when analyzing formation arrays in this extremely vast ocean of formation arrays, thus entering a stray path.

Not everyone possessed the careful guidance of the scrolls left behind by the ‘Craftsman God’ Chehou Yuan. 
“Xiong  Hei  ought  to  have  entered  an  illusion  array.  The current him likely still doesn’t know that he’s been running around in circle, nor does he know that he’s been smashing the same area the entire time.”  Daoist Liu Xu was still staring at Xiong Hei within the formation array.

It was truly as Daoist Liu Xu had guessed, Xiong Hei did not know that he had been smashing the same area the entire time. At this moment, what he saw was a vast piece of land. He did not care for anything else and solely focused on smashing the ground.

The enormous spiked club brought about a huge crater every time it smashed onto the ground. Xiong Hei would run a short distance and then smash another crater.

Just like that, he continued to smash craters… He had smashed over a hundred craters already.

“Huff, huff…” Xiong Hei was gasping. The spiked club was a heavy attack weapon. Furthermore, he instilled a large amount of Heavenly Divine Energy into it every single time he smashed it. If he didn’t, how would he be able to smash a large crater out of the stones from the Divine Realm?

To angrily smash the ground for over a hundred times in a row, it have truly consumed a great amount of Xiong Hei’s Heavenly Divine Energy.

“What’s going on?”
The veins in Xiong Hei’s forehead were bulging. His gaze was cast toward the east and then the north. “Formation array, I’m actually still within the formation array! I have smashed several hundred times already. I should’ve smashed half of the entire Mount Bewitch You by now. Why is it that the formation array is still here?”
Xiong Hei looked to the grassland that covered his entire field of vision. He had grown somewhat angry.

“The most effective method of breaking an illusion barrier is…”  Xiong Hei put away his spiked club ‘Mountain Crusher.’ He started to float in the air. His body was completely covered by jade green colored Heavenly Divine Energy.

With Xiong Hei as the center, the space ten meters surrounding him started to distort.

The great grassland that Xiong Hei had originally seen had also started to distort. It turned into mountain stones that had been smashed into powder. In other words, the surrounding ten meters space with Xiong Hei as the center had turned back into the true Mount Bewitch You. As for the larger space, it was still covered by the illusion array.

“Haha…  illusion array. Formation arrays are merely minor arts unworthy of a gentleman. In front of the power of space, wouldn’t  it  still  only  be  defeated?”   Said  Xiong  Hei  as  he laughed heartily. He started flying toward the front. Anywhere he flew past, the area within ten meters from him turned real. The illusion array was no longer able to affect his senses anymore.

Just like that, Xiong Hei casually passed through the illusion array. 
After passing the illusion array, Xiong Hei had reached the waist of Mount Bewitch You.

“Qin Yu, you’d best prepare yourself, for I am coming to kill you.” Shouted Xiong Hei with a clear voice.

At this moment, Qin Yu was standing on the summit of Mount Bewitch You with hands behind his back. He also said in a clear voice. “Xiong Hei, you being able to break through the Illusion Array is nothing significant. If you are to continue forward, you’ll encounter my strongest Killing Array. Let me see how you shall try to break that.”
“Killing  Array?  Haha.  Simple,  simple!”   Xiong  Hei  was extremely confident.

Although a Killing Array possessed attacking power, it would at the very least not cause him to lose his directions. From Xiong Hei’s point of view, he believed that he merely needed to endure the pain for a bit, then smash the mountain apart with his spiked club and destroy the foundations of the formation array to break through it.

“Simple?” A light smile was on Qin Yu’s face. “Do not be too confident. Overconfidence could cause you to lose your life.”
Qin Yu was extremely confident in this Killing Array. This Killing Array was Qin Yu’s strongest achievement in the Killing Arrays. It was a level three formation array. Furthermore, if one were to compare the might, then this Killing Array was stronger than even ordinary level three formation arrays.

That was because this level three formation array was primarily using fire attribute attacks!

Qin Yu possessed the ‘Refining Flame Wristband.’ The Refining Flame Wristband was composed of nine ‘Purple Origin Flame Beads.’ With the assistance of the Refining Flame Wristband, Qin Yu’s fire attribute Killing Array was his most powerful type of formation array! “I do not believe that you will still live under the attack from White  Pure  Flames!”   Qin  Yu  had  an  extremely  confident expression on his face.

White Pure Flame was the True Flame that Heavenly Deities possessed. Qin Yu had perfected layered twenty six layers of formation arrays. Adding on that, he possessed the assistance from the Refining Flame Wristband. It allowed him to be able to use White Pure Flames to attack.

When confronted with White Pure Flames, even if one were a Heavenly Deity, one’s body would still be unable to resist it continuously unless one possessed a Heavenly Divine Battle Armor!

It was extremely rare that Xiong Hei possessed a Low Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. How could he possibly possess a defensive Heavenly Divine Battle Armor? Thus, this battle… once Xiong Hei enters the formation array, he’ll be burned clean by the White Pure Flames. Even his True Spirit would not be able to remain. Under the gaze of Daoist Liu Xu, Mei Ji and nearly ten thousand Deities, Xiong Hei walked into Qin Yu’s strongest Killing Array.

“Killing Array, break for me!”
In excitement, Xiong Hei extended his large tongue. He licked his thick big lips. He held the spiked club with his two hands and ferociously smashed it on the ground. However, right at this moment…
Lumps of white flame appeared on the ground.

“White.” Xiong Hei was startled. He then violently woke back up. “Ahhh, White Pure Flames!”  Like a madman, Xiong Hei violently moved back. However, at this moment, a lump of White Pure Flame was flying toward him from the back.

Xiong Hei was dodging unceasingly. He didn’t dare to approach the ground at all. That was because lumps of White Pure Flames were being emitted by the ground. Furthermore, there were also lumps of White Pure Flames in the sky. 
The sky, the ground, front, back, left and right! There were White Pure Flames in all directions flying toward him. As time passed, the number of White Pure Flames grew more and more. Furthermore, they were turning into a cage as they gathered toward Xiong Hei.

“White Pure Flames, how could there be this many White Pure Flames? Even if he is a Heavenly Deity, it should still be impossible for him to send out so many White Pure Flames.” Xiong Hei was about to cry.

One merely had a small number of True Flames in his body.

Who would be able to attack someone with this many White Pure Flames? However, Qin Yu was able to do that. He had relied on the Grandmist Spiritual Treasure ‘Refining Flame Wristband’ and his strongest Killing Array, to set up this fire attribute Killing Array.

“This formation array’s level is still too low. Had it been a level four or level five formation array, I reckon the entire range of the formation array would be covered full with an endless number of White Pure Flames unlike the lumps of White Pure Flames like how it is now.”
“My strength right now is also too low. Although I’ve completely refined the ‘Refining Flame Wristband,’ the number of White Pure Flames the Refining Flame Wristband emits is too small. If I were stronger, than with merely the Refining Flame Wristband, I’d be able to create an inferno of White Pure Flames!”
Qin Yu was sighing in his heart.

However, Xiong Hei had already given up all hope.

Against the White Pure Flames that had been surrounding him and growing closer from all directions, Xiong Hei was already at a loss as to what to do. He was merely a Low Level Heavenly Deity. Had he been a Mid Level Heavenly Deity, then with the comprehensions of the spatial laws that Mid Level Heavenly Deities had, he would be able to create an ‘absolute domain’ and easily escape. 
However, he was a Low Level Heavenly Deity. The restriction given by the Divine Realm’s space was too great. In the Divine Realm, all he could do was to allow himself the ability to fly and distort the space surrounding him.

“White Pure Flames…”
Xiong Hei looked at the High Quality Divine Battle Armor that he wore and smiled bitterly. Against White Pure Flames, a High Quality Divine Artifact was unable to resist it at all. Xiong Hei had sunk into despair and given up all hope!

The densely packed white pure flames were flying toward Xiong Hei. They were only several meters from him.

However, at this moment, a scene that stupefied everyone present had occured.

“Bang!” As if they had grown confused, the lumps of White Pure Flames seemed to have lost control and started flying in all directions at random. Furthermore, after flying for several meters, all of the flames had extinguished.

“This,   this…”    Xiong   Hei   watched   this   scene   with   a dumbfounded expression.

There was a large hole on both his thigh and chest. Blood was flowing out from them unceasingly. However, he did not care for them in the slightest.

The White Pure Flames that were flying chaotically earlier, two of them have flown into his body. As for the rest, some of them have extinguished before they touched him. Xiong Hei was at a loss as to what had happened.

“The  overlaying  of  twenty  six  layers  of  formation  array, according to the conclusions of the deduction, this Xiong Hei ought to have died. However, it appears that the energy from the White Pure Flames was too great. Both the third layer and the eighth layer formation array were affected. The Killing Array that had originally taken shape surprisingly collapsed just like that?”
Qin Yu was found it hard to accept such a result.

Setting up a formation array was an extremely cautious matter. Especially a multilayered formation array like this one. As long as a single formation array layer within it had a problem, the entire formation array would collapse.

“Master,  this  is  the  importance  of  experimenting  with formation arrays. Deduction is merely theory. It is merely the most ideal circumstance. However, in reality, the more complicated a formation array, the harder it is to attain the outcome from the deduction.” Said Uncle Fu beside Qin Yu.

Qin Yu smiled and nodded. “I understand this logic. I just didn’t expect that… that Xiong Hei actually managed to keep his life from the collapse of the formation array.” In the past, Qin Yu had always been looking forward to testing his formation array and discover the mistakes in his deduction.

However, at the moment when the mistake occurred, Qin Yu had felt a bit of the bitter unwillingness. After all, that Low Level Heavenly Deity Xiong Hei was about to lose his little life in just a little bit longer. However now…
“Huff, huff, the Heavens is helping me, oh the Heavens is helping  me!!!”  In  excitement,  Xiong  Hei  roared  twice.  His entire forehead, face and even his back was covered with cold sweat.

Xiong Hei recovered his injuries using the remaining Heavenly Divine Energy that he had. To Heavenly Deities, the injuries of their bodies were mere trivial matters. They merely need to use some Heavenly Divine Energy to recover them. As for the Heavenly Divine Energy they used, they could replenish it with Divine Spiritual Stones.

With a flip of his hand, Xiong Hei took out a High Quality Divine Spiritual Stone. In a short amount of time, Xiong Hei had recovered his injuries.

“Xiong Hei, your life is truly huge!”
[TL: this means the same as Xiong Hei, you are truly lucky.
I’m assuming having a huge life means it’s hard to take.]

Xiong Hei raised his head and looked over. Qin Yu was standing in the sky. At this moment, he was merely two three hundred meters from Xiong Hei.

“Qin Yu, even the Heavens is helping me!”  Xiong Hei was filled with confidence. “Even your strongest formation array is done for. What other method do you have to kill me? Haha… prepare to die!”
Xiong Hei started rushing toward Qin Yu with a rapid speed.

Seeing Xiong Hei flying toward him, Qin Yu recalled a speech written in the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path.’ “Killing Array, Trapping Array, and Defensive Array. Of the Three Great Formation Arrays, the most powerful among them is the Trapping Array!”
Of the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path,’ over five hundred of them talked about Trapping Arrays. As for the the number of scrolls that talked about the Killing Array and Defensive Array, they only numbered close to four hundred scrolls combined.

Chapter 21: Locked In A Stalemate

Among the Three Great Types of Formation Arrays, the Killing Array’s main purpose was to increase the attack power and also make one’s enemy have nowhere to escape to. As for the Defensive Array, its purpose was to increase one’s defensive ability.

As for Trapping Arrays, they would use everything that can be used to trap the enemy.

Although it might sound simple, it is extremely hard to accomplish. Although it might be easy to trap a Mortal, what about trapping a Deity? What about trapping a Low Level Heavenly Deity? A Mid Level Heavenly Deity, a High Level Heavenly Deity?

The Trapping Arrays were extremely complicated. It would also require a lot of effort when researching them. However, because of how much importance the nine hundred scrolls of the ‘Array Path’ had placed on Trapping Arrays, Qin Yu had spent half of his time studying Trapping Arrays. Qin Yu’s achievements in Trapping Arrays were actually higher than those of the Killing Arrays and Defensive Arrays. 
Like a floating wind, Qin Yu was drifting in the sky unceasingly. As for Xiong Hei, he had been chasing after Qin Yu frantically. With furious glaring eyes, he violently shouted. “Qin Yu, if you have the skills then do not run! Battle me honorably!”
Qin Yu was changing his direction unceasingly. He said. “Xiong Hei, do not get angry. I am a researcher of formation arrays, I am not fond of using martial force.”
Qin Yu said those words with an extremely dignified tone. At the same time, his hands were executing one hand seal after another. A countless number of hand seals flew out from Qin Yu’s hands. Rays of red, green, gray, white, black and numerous other colors of light have started to appear in the sky.

Although Qin Yu had been dodging Xiong Hei’s pursuit unceasingly, he had only been flying in circle around the sky above the Mount Bewitch You. Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu were standing in the sky. They were chatting with each other.

Daoist Liu Xu shook his head, sighed and said. “Although Big Brother Xiong Hei possesses very powerful strength, his agility and speed is much inferior than Qin Yu’s. Look at how ingenious that Qin Yu’s movements are. Look at how clear-cut his turns are. Even when Big Brother Xiong Hei uses Heavenly Divine Energy to increase his speed to violently catch up to Qin Yu, Qin Yu is still able to suddenly turn in fast flight. However, Big Brother Xiong Hei is unable to do that!”
“That  Qin  Yu  is  not  only  flying,  he  is  also  executing numerous hand seals. What is he doing?”  Said Mei Ji with a frown.

Daoist Liu Xu smiled and said. “That Qin Yu also knows that although it would be more relaxing, for the person setting up the formation arrays, to use Divine Spiritual Stones to set up the foundations of the formation array, once the enemy breaks through the foundations, the formation array breaks. Thus, that Qin Yu is planning to use his own body to supply the energy and not use the Divine Spiritual Stones.” “Oh, Big Brother Liu is truly insightful.” Mei Ji praised. “In that case, if Qin Yu is not using Divine Spiritual Stones, Xiong Hei would not be able to break through the foundations of the formation array using his Spiked Club. Would that mean that, he would have no way to break the formation array?”
“No. One does not necessarily have to break the foundations of the formation array to break the formation array.”  Daoist Liu Xu explained. “What Qin Yu is doing, although he would no longer have Divine Spiritual Stones as his formation array’s foundations, he himself would become the foundation!”
Mei Ji shook her head and said. “Once Xiong Hei is trapped in the formation array, how would be be able to attack Qin Yu?”
“To provide the energy oneself has some weak points. The weak points are… he himself must always remain in the formation array. He will not be able to leave and will not be able  to  use  a  large  amount  of  Divine  Energy  to  attack.” Explained Daoist Liu Xu.

What Daoist Liu Xu said was correct. 
What Qin Yu was currently doing was setting up a Trapping Array. Furthermore, he was using his own body to supply the energy needed for the formation array.

Setting up a Trapping Array was extremely complicated. Qin Yu only managed to set up it after spending a day and half a night’s time. A day and half a night, although it might sound like a long time, in the Divine Realm, it could not be considered much.

The battles of Heavenly Deity level experts in the Divine Realm, it was extremely common for them to fight for several hundred years or even thousands of years.

This was especially true for Heavenly Deities of the same level who possessed the same level of comprehension of spatial laws. It was extremely hard for them to kill each other. Thus, their battles would be extremely lengthy… To people who can live for an infinite amount of time, several hundreds to thousands of years was nothing significant. “Xiong Hei, prepare to have a taste of my great formation array!” Qing Yu laughed loudly. He then stood up in the sky.

Countless marks, seals, symbols and all sorts of different colored lights were floating around Qin Yu. They have already covered the area within a circumference of ten miles. This was a relatively large Trapping Array.

Four rays of dark golden colored Divine Energy flew out from Qin Yu’s body. These four rays of Divine Energy had assimilated into the Trapping Array. They started to provide energy to the Trapping Array.

“Haha, you’ve stopped. Are you planning to die now?” Seeing that Qin Yu had stopped, Xiong Hei immediately rushed toward him to kill him.

However, suddenly…
Qin Yu disappeared from his sight. Those marks, seals, symbols and lights that were visible before had also disappeared. Xiong Hei looked to his surroundings, surprised, he saw only a world of lights.

Red, black, white, green… the numerous different colors walls formed an extremely vast world.

“This, what is going on?” Xiong Hei could still be considered as being calm. After some time, Xiong Hei had a smile on his face. “This is an illusion array. But why didn’t this Qin Yu use the same Killing Array from last time?”
“Xiong Hei, I have yet to give this formation array of mine a name. Today, I shall give it a name. It shall be called, Xiong(Bear) Trapper. If you are able to break this formation array of mine, then I will admire you.” Qin Yu’s voice have sounded through the entire formation array.

Formation array… ‘Xiong Trapper!’
To name his formation array with such a childish name, Qin Yu also started to smile. However, Xiong Hei, on the other hand, had grown furious. 
“Qin Yu, you wait and see how I shall break through your illusion array!” Xiong Hei roared. Jade green colored Heavenly Divine Energy started to drift through the surface of his body. At the same time, the space surrounding him started to distort.

Xiong Hei discovered that something was amiss.

In the past, the ‘illusion’ birthed by the illusion array would automatically be broken when it encountered the distortion of space. However, these numerous colored walls and ground were actually very hard to break apart.

“The reason why an illusion array is called an illusion array is because it is mainly composed of illusions. Furthermore, the illusions could change unceasingly. However, these multicolored walls could be considered as true existences.” Qin Yu’s voice sounded in the formation array. There was another person watching all this unfold in Mount Bewitch You.

It was Uncle Fu!

“Old master, master has used merely two hundred plus thousands of years to research the Trapping Array to such a level. He is able to completely harmonize the power of the five elements and the power of light and dark. Through the harmonization of numerous different formation arrays, he formed this level three Trapping Array. Surely… master will be able to reach the target that you had in the future too.” Uncle Fu looked to the great formation array in the sky and thought of this in his heart.

“That Qin Yu, the energy that he emitted earlier was Divine Energy, dark golden colored Divine Energy. I saw that very clearly. What’s going on?” Daoist Liu Xu who was watching the battle had grown confused.

When Qin Yu was setting up the formation array earlier, he had dispatched four rays of Divine Energy to supply the energy for the formation array. Daoist Liu Xu and the rest of them had all witnessed that scene.

Before, when Qin Yu flew, he had caused everyone to believe that he was a Heavenly Deity. However, why would a Heavenly Deity emit Divine Energy?

Mei Ji was also confused. “Perhaps, perhaps this Qin Yu’s soul has only just reached the Heavenly Deity level and his energy has yet to completely transform.”  This was the only explanation that Mei Ji could find.

To go from being a High Level Deity, to the Heavenly Deity Stage, one’s soul must first reach the Embryo Soul stage. Only then would the energy within one’s body transform into that of Heavenly Divine Energy.

However, usually those people who had just reach the Heavenly Deity Stage would hide themselves somewhere and wait till their energy completely transformed before coming out. This Qin Yu, why did he show himself when his Divine Energy hadn’t even transformed into Heavenly Divine Energy? 
This was the only explanation that Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu had.

Flying was the magical ability that only Heavenly Deities possessed. In all these years, there had never been anyone who had violated this rule.

“They’re real? Good!” Xiong Hei humped coldly. Holding the spiked club on one hand, he ruthlessly smashed it to a red colored wall. From the smash of the spiked club, the red colored wall actually shivered and vibrated several times. However, it did not break.

Xiong Hei opened his eyes wide.

As for Qin Yu who stood in the middle of the formation array, he was nodding in his heart. “The five elements complement one another. Adding the numerous harmonization of various layers of formation arrays in this great formation array and then adding the principle of the defensive arrays, the defensive power of this formation array is strong as expected.” “I  refuse  to  believe  this.”   Xiong  Hei  changed  from  one handed to two handed. He grabbed the spiked club with both his hands and ruthlessly smashed it toward that red colored wall. The red colored wall trembled violently. However, it was still standing.

Rapidly, Xiong Hei smashed it two more times. The wall was unable to withstand the force of the smashes anymore and a large hole appeared within it.

Rapidly, Xiong Hei passed through the red wall.

However, the moment he passed through this layer of red wall, what he saw was a layer of white wall. There were also some passageways in the surroundings of this white wall. Everywhere were composed of all kinds of monotone colors.

“I shall see how many layers of wall this Trapping Array of yours possesses!” Xiong Hei humped coldly. Then, grabbing the spiked club with two hands, Xiong Hei started to frantically smash the light walls. What Xiong Hei didn’t know, was that the light walls in the Trapping Array had integrated the restrictions of Defensive Arrays. This had caused the light walls to possess an extremely powerful defense and made breaking them to be hard to do.

Furthermore, Xiong Hei did not discover that by the time he started smashing another wall, the wall that he had smashed and shattered had already recovered.

However, because Qin Yu had used ‘Divine Energy’ to create the light walls, this had caused the power of the formation array to be a bit weaker.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” …
The people outside, such as Daoist Liu Xu, Mei Ji and them, were unable to see what was occurring in the formation array at all. They were only able to hear the rumbles sounding nonstop. These rumbling noise sounded for three days and three nights. 
The Light of Daytime, the Dark Curtain of Light, the two of them alternately covered the entire Divine Realm.

Finally, the rumbling sound stopped.

Inside the Trapping Array, Xiong Hei was softly gasping for air. Smashing the walls frantically for three days straight had caused him to be worn out.

“Fuck, I have smashed over ten thousand walls, furthermore, I have been going forward the entire time. No matter how big this formation array is, it should have been broken by now!” Xiong Hei felt as if he was about to go insane.

In the entire Trapping Array, there were only those several different colors.

The walls were also only two different colors, red and white. As for the winding roads, they were only black and green. The doors that would sometimes appear, they were only gold… Basically, there were only that many colors.

Regardless of how far Xiong Hei managed to travel after smashing the walls, he still sense that… he had not been making any headway.

That was because every location was about the same. Even the layout was completely the same.

“Am I running around in circle? No, that can’t be. I am very certain that I have been smashing the front the entire time.” Xiong Hei was unable to understand. He looked to his surroundings that had not changed in the slightest.

Red wall, black winding road.

Xiong Hei understood that once he smashed apart the red walls he would reach a white wall and a green winding road. After that, it would be another red wall and a black winding road. Like so, they would appear in alternation… It was like he was walking back and forth in the same place the entire time. 
The walls not only covered his front, back, left and right, there were also walls above his head.

Xiong Hei once tried to smash the walls on top of him or below him. However, regardless of how hard he tried to smash them, he was still unable to leave this desolate and monotonous place.

“What exactly is going on? Had it not been for the gravity of the ground, then I would perhaps not know my top from bottom.” Xiong Hei raised his head to look to the walls above him. He then looked to the walls to his left and right.

They were exactly the same!

Going insane!

Xiong Hei was truly about to go insane. After a year.

“Let me out! let me out! Fuck! Let me out!”  It was the first time Xiong Hei asked Qin Yu to let him out. This signified that he had admitted defeat.

“It’s very simple, I will not take your life. You merely need to kowtow with your head banging on the ground three times to admit your defeat. If you do, I will immediately let you out from this Trapping Array.” Qin Yu’s voice sounded in the great formation array.

“Fuck you! Bullshit!”
Xiong Hei cursed in rage and stopped saying anymore.

It was merely a single year. Back then, when he sparred with Daoist Liu Xu, they fought for seven hundred plus years straight. To reach the Heavenly Deity level, one must possess the ability to endure loneliness. Merely… in front of him were still red colored or white colored walls, black colored or green colored passageways. The layout was also exactly the same.

A monotonous scenery. This had already caused Xiong Hei to feel dizzy.

Although he had merely been trapped for a year, it was more exhausting then when he fought Daoist Liu Xu for seven hundred plus years.

After ten years.

Xiong Hei had discovered that the dull days were gone. That was because those walls were no longer letting him smash them like before. Once he smashed a wall, the shattered wall would burst forth flames, lightnings or other kinds of attacks.

The more time passed, the more strange the different kinds of attacks became. Qin Yu sat cross-legged in the middle of the formation array with a smile on his face. What Qin Yu was doing right now was trying his best to merge the ‘Killing Array’ into the ‘Trapping Array.’ Merely, it was extremely hard to merge them perfectly. In all these years, Qin Yu had been attempting to do that unceasingly.

As for the pitiful Xiong Hei, he had became the experimental subject.

Neither Daoist Liu Xu nor Mei Ji dared to enter the great formation array. That was because Daoist Liu Xu, who had researched formation arrays, knew that if they were to enter the formation array and were unable to break it, then they would have no choice other than allow Qin Yu to trample upon them.

Xiong Hei had been trapped in the great formation array for over two hundred years now.

A part of the ten thousand strong army had already returned. However, there were still many people waiting here. Ordinarily, these people would even spar with each other to kill time.

“Mei Ji, when you returned to see Lord Black Dragon, what did he say?” Daoist Liu Xu looked to Mei Ji.

Mei Ji had just gone back to the Black Dragon Pool to report the matter regarding ‘Xiong Hei.’
To ordinary people of the Black Dragon Pool, Lord Black Dragon had already disappeared a long time ago. However, Daoist Liu Xu, Mei Ji and Xiong Hei all knew that Lord Black Dragon had been in the Black Dragon Pool the entire time.

“Lord Black Dragon had said that this matter is merely a trivial matter and what he handles nowadays is a huge matter! Furthermore, Xiong Hei is still alive. Thus, Lord Black Dragon is not going to bother with this matter for the time being.” Said Mei Ji.

Daoist Liu Xu nodded. Lord Black Dragon’s response was exactly as he had anticipated it to be. 
“Mei Ji, say, what sort of great matter is Lord Black Dragon doing for the past hundreds of millions of years?”  Daoist Liu Xu asked Mei Ji.

Mei Ji shook her head. “I don’t know. You should not think too much about it. Hm? Xiong Hei has started smashing again. He’s trying unwavering.”  Mei Ji’s gaze was cast toward the great formation array on the sky.

The sounds of rumbles had once again started sounding.

Chapter 22: Kowtow

The sky was azure like a first-rated celadon pottery. The enormous formation array, with a circumference of ten miles, was still floating in the sky like two hundred plus years ago. Year after year… the sound of rumbles would occasionally sound from within the formation array.

Evidently, Xiong Hei who was trapped within it was still alive!

Below Mount Bewitch You were several thousand troops from the Black Dragon Pool. All of these Deities were chatting or training due to boredom. Other than that, there were some others who had boiled over with rage and started cursing and such.

“It has already been over two hundred years now. Really, this Lord Xiong Hei, why doesn’t he just admit his defeat? Or perhaps he could save some of his strength, why must he continue to resist? He has been unable to come out for over two hundred years now, does he think that he will still be able to come out?” Said an old man with lush green short hair discontentedly as he sat cross-legged on top of a stone.

Beside this old man were several tens of Deities. Among them, a purple haired woman coldly humped and said. “Old Green Head, do not argue unnecessarily over here. Lord Xiong Hei is not someone who you can evaluate as you wish. Look at how Lord Xiong Hei has been unceasingly attacking, even though he is trapped in the formation array. It has been over two hundred years and he still hasn’t given up. Do you think you’re capable of possessing the perseverance that Lord Xiong Hei has? If you do, I would also admire you.”
“He knows that he cannot break it, yet he still continues to try. Others have said that Lord Xiong Hei’s true form is that of a bear. In the past, I doubted it. However now, mn… it would appear that it is true.”  Said a scholarly looking man with a smile on his face as he reclined his back on a large tree.

[TL: Xiong Hei → Black Bear. So Xiong Trapper could actually mean Bear Trapper. But hey, I didn’t want to make assumptions :) ] 
To the bored Deities who possessed extremely long life spans, when they happened to see their bosses take a deep fall, it would also bring them quite a bit of delight. Even though they were ordinarily extremely respectful before Xiong Hei.

Qin Yu was sitting cross legged on a lump of green light. That lump of green light appeared like a cloud. Qin Yu had sat like this for over two hundred years already. In the past two hundred plus years, Qin Yu had never moved from this position at all.

Qin Yu’s brows were slightly raised. A trace of smile appeared on his face. He said. “Xiong Hei, it has already been over two hundred years. How much longer are you planning to firmly resist this? As I have said, if you were to kneel and then give me three sounding kowtows with your head banging on the ground to admit your defeat, I would directly let you out.”
Xiong Hei, who was trapped in the great formation array, was currently wearing only a large pair of underpants. His chest, filled with black chest hair, was completely exposed. His exposed thighs were also filled with black hair all over. If one did not look at his face, he really did appear the same as a bear. 
“Huff, huff…”  Xiong Hei placed his spiked club to the side.
He was sitting on the ground gasping for breath.

Xiong Hei turned his head around and looked to the white wall before him. The wall was so white that it was glaring at him. He then looked to the green passageway beside the wall. It was so green that he wanted to puke. They were too monotone. He had been trampled upon for over two hundred years.

“This Qin Yu is truly too crazy.” Xiong Hei clenched his fists in anger. His body was shivering. “Fuck, a couple years ago it was still good. However, why is it that in these couple years, he has been attacking me even though I’m not smashing the walls?”
As time passed, Qin Yu had became more and more proficient in integrating the methods of ‘Killing Array’ to the ‘Trapping Array.’ Experimenting was the best method of learning. This learning of over two hundred years was much more effective than when Qin Yu had analyzed formation array theories for several tens of thousands of years. If this Xiong Hei were to really kowtow and beg for forgiveness, Qin Yu would actually hate to let such a great experiment subject go.

Where could one possibly find another Heavenly Deity to experiment on? Furthermore, this Heavenly Deity didn’t die easily.

“How long do you really plan to imprison me here for?” Xiong Yu suddenly raised his head and roared. His gaze was filled with anger, grief and indignation.

“Don’t worry, I still have a lot of tricks I haven’t used yet. The path of formation arrays is a boundless path. If you were to allow me to take my time and experiment, then even if I were to experiment for ten thousand years, a million years, or a hundred million years, I would still not reach my limit.” Qin Yu’s words contained an unique sense of tone. It was as if he had become infatuated with formation arrays. “Xiong Hei, for you to be able to experience all these formation arrays, you should be proud.” Xiong Hei was about to collapse.

If he were to enter seclusion training, he would be able to train for millions of years without caring at all. If he were fight at a high intensity with someone, he would be able to fight for several thousands of years with no problem.

However, when being trapped in this Trapping Array, he was mercilessly tormented unceasingly. It was tormenting his mental state. The dry and dull monotonous scenery in his surroundings had caused him to get a headache the moment he looked at those colors. His head hurt so much that it felt like it were about to explode. All of this had caused Xiong Hei to reach his crumbling point.

Especially when he thought of how these sorts of crazy and tensed days would continue for infinity without end.

Xiong Hei was trembling. Even his soul was trembling. Xiong Hei clenched his teeth. Suddenly, he raised his head and said decidedly. “Qin Yu, Lord Qin Yu, I beg of you, please forgive me. Ah, please forgive me. It is I who had eyes but failed to recognize Mount Tai. It is I who offended you!”
Xiong Hei was unable to resist anymore.

“Oh? Begging for forgiveness? But don’t you forget that I have already said that you have to kowtow with your head banging on the ground three times.” Said Qin Yu with a smile on his face.

Qin Yu still remembered the time how tyrannical and arrogant Xiong Hei was when he commanded his army and arrived at the Mount Bewitch You. He had frantically smashed everything with his spiked club. However now, his pitiful appearance was truly something that would let one sigh endlessly.

“Kowtow?” Xiong Hei was shivering all over. His dark face had turned deep red like the buttocks of monkeys. “In that case, you can wait another hundred or two million years. Perhaps my spirit might be high and I might even research for more than a hundred million years. You can just continue to slowly wait in this ‘Xiong Trapper’ great formation array.” Qin Yu’s voice was still as indifferent as before.

A hundred million years?

Sweats the size of beads were dripping down Xiong Hei’s forehead and cheeks. Xiong Hei rubbed his face with his thick and dark hand. His sweat dripped onto the floor. Xiong Hei still had his head down toward the ground, it was unknown as to what he was thinking.

After a long silence.

“Qin Yu, if you agree to a request of mine, I will kowtow at once.”  Xiong  Hei  raised  his  head.  His  gaze  was  filled  with determination.

Qin Yu was surprised. This foolish Xiong was really planning to kowtow? In Qin Yu’s mind, he had thought that Heavenly Deities are usually extremely arrogant. It was extremely hard to knock them down from their arrogance.

“Speak, what kind of request is it?” Qin Yu said with a smile.
Qin Yu was curious as to what Xiong Hei wanted to request.

“If I were to truly kowtow to you, then you must promise me to not tell others of me kowtowing to you.” Said Xiong Hei solemnly.

“Good, I promise you.” Said Qin Yu straightforwardly.

“Lord Qin Yu, please make a pledge so that I will be at ease.” Xiong Hei continued with his request. Qin Yu however started smiling. “Fine, fine, I’ll promise you. I swear upon the Heavens that if I were to speak of Xiong Hei’s kowtow to me today to others, then I shall be met with the Heaven’s wrath!”
Only then did Xiong Hei had a sigh of relief. “Lord Qin Yu, I admit my defeat.” Xiong Hei violently stood up. He then kneeled down on his knees. Loudly, he knocked his head down onto the ground three times. “These three kowtows with my head banging on the ground, I wish that Lord Qin Yu will forgive me. Please forgive me.”
After he said those words, Xiong Hei’s forehead was still firmly touching the ground. He was waiting for Qin Yu’s response.

At this moment, Xiong Hei’s heart was soaring with rage. “Qin Yu, once I get out, I will definitely make you regret your conduct and deeds today. I shall make you pay a hundred fold, a thousand fold, for what you have done to me today!”
“Haha…  to receive a Heavenly Deity’s three head banging kowtows is a much harder achievement than killing a Heavenly Deity. Haha….”  Qin Yu’s loud laughter sounded. Xiong Hei’s face immediately grew even darker.

And at this moment, the Trapping Array that was composed of red, white, black, green and gold colors, started to collapse. The countless number of walls turned into numerous lights. The countless number of marks, seals and symbols had also started dissipating.

Xiong Hei raised his head and looked to the sky. He saw an azure sky and spotlessly white floating clouds…
He lowered his head and looked to the ground. Verdant and lush forest covered the mountain. There were several thousand Deities looking up with their heads raised in shock. Among them were Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu.

“I finally have my freedom back!”
Upon obtaining freedom, Xiong Hei felt a burst of delight. He was unable to refrain himself from raising his head and howling. His voice was like thunder rumbling through the entire world.

“Xiong Hei was able to tolerate what others cannot. Qin Yu admires  that.  Xiong  Hei,  you  can  return.”   Qin  Yu’s  voice sounded. 
Xiong Hei looked into the distance.

Roughly several hundred meters away from Xiong Hei, Qin Yu was standing in the sky. His long black hair was drifting in the wind. His gown was fluttering.

And at this moment, Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji had flown up from below. In only a short moment, they arrived beside Xiong Hei. Daoist Liu Xu asked curiously. “Big Brother Xiong Hei, what did you tolerate?”
Xiong Hei’s eye muscles trembled. A burst of fierceness flashed through his eyes. He said via Divine Awareness Voice Transmission. “Liu Xu, Mei Ji, that Qin Yu’s flying ability is extremely keen. His speed is extremely fast. The three of us shall join hands hands and kill him from three sides! The two of you both possess faster speed than me. If the three of us join hands, we should definitely be able to kill him.”
Liu Xu and Mei Ji glanced at each other. “Big  Brother  Liu,  what  do  you  think?”  Mei  Ji  asked  via Divine Awareness.

“It is feasible. Qin Yu would require some time to set up his formation array. The Trapping Array that he had set up earlier has already dissipated. If he wants to set it up again, it would require him a day or two. That is enough time for us to kill him.” Daoist Liu Xu said.

Xiong Hei looked to Liu Xu and Mei Ji. Liu Xu and Mei Ji nodded with smiles on their faces. Xiong Hei’s face immediately bloomed to a full smile.

Xiong Hei coldly glared at Qin Yu who stood afar. He shouted angrily. “Qin Yu, you dared to humiliate me like so. Today, I shall  avenge  myself!”   After  finished  saying  that,  like  a meteorite, Xiong Hei rushed toward Qin Yu with an aura that could bring about landslides and crack mountains.

As for Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu, they had turned into two light winds and proceeded to surround Qin Yu from two sides. Upon seeing this scene, Qin Yu merely nodded with a smile on his face.

“Sure enough, this is just as I anticipated. However…  to be able to force this Xiong Hei to kowtow to me in the last couple months, it could also be considered as being worth it.” Qin Yu had a feeling… that he was only several months away from reaching the breakthrough of the Origin Stage.

Actually, even if Xiong Hei did not beg for forgiveness, Qin Yu would still have to disband his formation array after a couple more months so that he could wholeheartedly devote himself to making the breakthrough from the Origin Stage.

Like a sharp arrow, Qin Yu shot downward. “Where do you think  you’re  fleeing?!”   Xiong  Hei’s  blood  filled  eyes  were extremely sinister. Like an artillery shell, he smashed downward. As for Mei Ji and Liu Xu, they were also flying downward chasing after Qin Yu.

However, the moment Qin Yu entered the forest, the three of them discovered that… “He’s gone?” Mei Ji and Liu Xu were filled with confusion.

“He’s gone? Impossible!” Xiong Hei was like a blind man that had gone berserk. He started charging around violently through the entire Mount Bewitch You. Ferociously, he roared angrily. “Qin Yu, show yourself! Get out here!!!”

Chapter 23: Splitting The Heaven And Earth Apart

“Rumble~~~”  The forest was trembling. The entire Mount Bewitch You was trembling unceasingly. Shattered stones were rolling down the mountain, never stopping for anything. The large trees were smashed apart. The flowers and plants were stepped upon… The entire Mount Bewitch You had become a mess.

“Qin Yu, show yourself!”
The furious Xiong Hei was frantically clearing out the entire Mount Bewitch You with his spiked club. The entire ‘Mount Bewitch You’ was trembling under the overflowing rage that Xiong Hei was displaying. “Boom!”  “Boom!”  “Boom!”…  The numerous large craters left by the spiked club caused the entire Mount Bewitch You to seem like a face overgrown with scars.

Xiong Hei flew to the foot of Mount Bewitch You. He stood beside Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji. Xiong Hei was gasping in a low voice. He held his spiked club with one hand. His pupils appeared to be burning with a luminous frantic rage. He was looking through the entire Mount Bewitch You. It seemed as if he was trying to find out where Qin Yu was hiding.

“Big  Brother  Xiong  Hei,  don’t  be  angry.”   Daoist  Liu  Xu advised.

However, Xiong Hei seemed to have not heard what Daoist Liu Xu said and continued to look at the Mount Bewitch You.

“Big Brother Xiong, isn’t it merely a single Qin Yu? It’s not worth it for you to be so angry over him.” Mei Ji advised with a soft voice.

Xiong Hei’s furious gaze ruthlessly stared at Mei Ji. This caused Mei Ji to immediately grow silent. Seeing that Mei Ji had grown silent, Xiong Hei once again looked back at Mount Bewitch You.

“Big Brother Liu, what’s going on with Xiong Hei? Is it worth being so berserkly angry just because he was trapped for over two hundred years?”  Said Mei Ji to Daoist Liu Xu via Divine Awareness Voice Transmission. 
Daoist Liu Xu glanced at Xiong Hei. He replied to Mei Ji with his  Divine  Awareness  Voice  Transmission.  “Logically,  he shouldn’t be. However, Mei Ji, do you still remember the words that Qin Yu had said?… ‘Xiong Hei, you have tolerated what others cannot tolerate.’ Say, what do you think Xiong Hei tolerated in that great formation array? For him to be so angry right now, could it be that it have something to do with what he had tolerated?”
“That’s right. It’s very possible.” Mei Ji voiced her approval. “However, what sort of humiliation did Xiong Hei endure?”
Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji could never imagine that the extremely haughty Xiong Hei would kowtow to Qin Yu.

“Liu Xu!”  Xiong Hei’s gaze have suddenly shifted to Daoist Liu Xu.

Xiong Hei’s terrifying gaze had caused Daoist Liu Xu to become extremely cautious. “Big Brother Xiong Hei, is there something you need me for?” Daoist Liu Xu did not wish to anger this crazy bear. Especially now when this crazy bear was in a berserk state.

Daoist Liu Xu still remembered the time when Xiong Hei didn’t have his Heavenly Divine Artifact. At that time, he was able to fight against him for several hundred years while holding the upper hand the entire time. And now, after Xiong Hei had been bestowed a Heavenly Divine Artifact by Lord Black Dragon, his strength had become the strongest among the three. This was also the reason why Xiong Hei became the one with the most influence among the three.

“Liu Xu, aren’t you pretty proficient in formation arrays and such? Immediately set up a large formation array and burn down the entire Mount Bewitch You completely!” The gaze that Xiong Hei looked to Mount Bewitch You contained savage cruelty. “I must definitely find this Qin Yu. Even if I can’t find him, I must destroy his mountain.”
Although Xiong Hei was uprooting the entire Mount Bewitch You earlier, he had at the most managed to create some large craters and break apart some large trees on the Mount Bewitch You. As for the entire mountain, it was still standing. “Destroy  this  Mount  Bewitch  You?  This  would  be  quite simple to accomplish. We merely need to use Extremely Silent Heavenly Flames.” Said Liu Xu with a smile on his face.

As a Low Level Heavenly Deity, Liu Xu’s strength could not be regarded as being powerful. However, he was proficient in some of the minor arts. For him, destroying Mount Bewitch You was extremely easy.

“Big Brother Liu, let’s see your skills.” Said Mei Ji sweetly.

Daoist Liu Xu’s body started to float. He casually threw thirty six Mid Quality Divine Spiritual Stones off from his hands. These thirty six Mid Quality Divine Spiritual Stones landed all around Mount Bewitch You and covered it completely.

Magnificent marks, seals and symbols were being unceasingly emitted by Daoist Liu Xu’s hands.

To outsiders, those peculiar marks, seals and symbols, were extremely profound and complicated. However, to those who were proficient in the formation arrays, they would be able to tell what use each of the marks, seals and symbols had, with a single glance.

After spending almost two hours, a great formation array, that covered the entire Mount Bewitch You, had finally taken form.

“Chi chi~~~” The entire great formation array was emitting rays of golden light. At the same time, countless golden flames had engulfed the entire Mount Bewitch You like a flood. Among these golden flames were some blue flames.

Extremely Silent Heavenly Flames!

Had this been in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, then an ordinary level nine Immortal Emperor or Demon Emperor would be unable to resist these flames. However in the Divine Realm, the Extremely Silent Heavenly Flames would only at the most burn down trees, plants and some ordinary demon beasts of the Divine Realm. The ordinary demon beasts of the Divine Realm were beasts that had not reached even the Deity stage. When they encountered the Extremely Silent Heavenly Flames, they would only be burned to death as they uttered their miserable shrieks.

All sorts of miserable shrieks were sounding unceasingly. The animals of the Mount Bewitch You that had originally hidden themselves from the disaster before, had now been met with a new disaster. Had it been Black Divine Flames, then they would be able to die instantly and not suffer. However, Extremely Silent Heavenly Flames were only able to slowly burn them to death and causing them to suffer for even longer.

The trees had been reduced to ashes. The lake water had dried up. Even the plants on the rocks had been completely burned to nothingness. All that remained were some stones that had cracked apart from being burned. The stones of the Divine Realm were deserving to be called the stones of the Divine Realm, the most the Extremely Silent Heavenly Flames managed to do to them was to split them open; they were unable to burn them to ashes. After burning for about an hour, the overflowing flames reflected a golden color to the several thousands of people standing at the foot of the mountain.

The Extremely Silent Heavenly Flames started to dissipate. The entire Mount Bewitch You had turned bare. All that remained were the ugly stones. Merely looking at the scene before them, one cannot imagine how enchanting the scenery this mountain possessed before was.

“Big Brother Xiong Hei…” Daoist Liu Xu looked to Xiong Hei beside him.

Even though they had burned down Mount Bewitch You, they still had not seen Qin Yu. Just like that, Qin Yu had disappeared. He had disappeared before everyone’s eyes.

Xiong Hei’s eyes radiated a dark black shine as he ran his eyes over the bare Mount Bewitch You. He then said coldly. “Humph, while he might be able to escape once, he will not be able to escape for a second time. Let’s go, we’ll return to the Black Dragon Pool.” “Yes, Big Brother Xiong.” Said Mei Ji sweetly.

Right after walking two steps, Xiong Hei saw the stele. On the stele were the words ‘Mount Bewitch You.’ Because of the fact that this stele was located on the foot of the mountain, it had not taken any damage.

Upon seeing this stele, Xiong Hei was immediately reminded of the master of this Mount Bewitch You, Qin Yu. Upon thinking of Qin Yu, he started to feel a heart-piercing sense of disgrace and humiliation.

“Humph!” With a kick like an enormous hatchet, Xiong Hei struck that stele.

“Bang!”  The stele split apart. It split into four pieces. Only the ‘Bewitch’ word remained intact. The thousands of troops of the Black Dragon Pool, without suffering any damage, left under the leadership of the three Heavenly Deities. All that remained was a burned-to-bare Mount Bewitch You and a shattered stele. 
Inside the second layer space of Jiang Lan’s Realm.

Outside of an elegant courtyard manor. There was a thick and solid large tree filled with leaves. Below the large tree were three cyan colored stone tables. Uncle Fu, Hei Yu, Wu Lan, Wu He, Lu Shui and Hong Yu were sat in the two tables. All six of them possessed gazes of worry.

It was because before Qin Yu entered the courtyard manor, he had told them…  “Everyone, this time, I will be entering seclusion training to achieve a breakthrough. This time’s training is extremely important to me. It also possesses some dangers. Furthermore, I do not know how long it will take for me to achieve a breakthrough, nor do I have certainty that I will be able to accomplish it. I wish that you all do not worry about me. At the very least… this time’s training does not possess any dangers to my life.”
After he finished saying that, Qin Yu patted Hei Yu’s shoulder and walked into the courtyard manor. Not posing any danger to his life?

Hei Yu did not believe that. He believed that Qin Yu deliberately said that to console him and let him be at ease. Hei Yu looked to the couple people here and said in a solemn tone. “In the time that big brother undergoes his breakthrough, I shall wait here. From today on, you all cannot be noisy here so as to not disturb big brother.”
Uncle Fu and them also nodded.

Ever since then, the five of them did not say a single word.
They quietly waited.

Hei Yu looked to the quiet courtyard manor and started worrying. “Big brother, you must definitely not lose your life over the ‘Stellar Transformations.’”
Inside the quiet courtyard manor. Inside Qin Yu’s room. Qin Yu sat cross-legged on the praying mat, quiet and motionless.

Actually, it was still months away from the time of his breakthrough. However, Qin Yu had already finished his preparation. However, even now, Qin Yu had yet to discover the most perfect evolutionary path.

“Will I die?”
Qin Yu asked himself.

If he did not pursue perfection and proceed on toward the safest evolutionary path, he would definitely not die. However, the safest evolutionary path was also the weakest one.

To create an unprecedented martial technique was dangerous to begin with. This was especially true for an utmost top-notch martial technique. Inside the Stellar Space. The entire space had been distorted and was revolving because of the ‘Origin.’ Like an angry ocean, it was moving up and down unceasingly. At this moment, Qin Yu’s awareness was sensing this sort of fluctuation.

His awareness had completely fused with the Stellar Space. He was feeling the change within the space, the change within the Origin, from the inside while also feeling the entire flour paste space on the outside.

“What exactly is the flour paste space?’  Qin Yu’s awareness came in touch with the flour paste space. Rays of ancient aura entered Qin Yu’s awareness. They caused Qin Yu to feel more and more calm.


Tranquility. It was so calm that it seemed that there were no movement at all.

As time passed, Qin Yu suddenly felt as if the entire Stellar Space had turned into an ‘embryo.’ At the same time, the Stellar Space was also Qin Yu. Qin Yu had turned into an ‘embryo.’
As for the ‘flour paste space,’ it was the abdomen of the mother.

This was the sort of sensation that Qin Yu was feeling. Although this sort of sensation was strange beyond belief, for some unknown reason, Qin Yu was enjoying the aura of the ‘flour paste space.’ His awareness even had the sensation of sleepiness. In such a state, time passed…
The time of a couple months passed in a blink of an eye.

The evolution of all these years; at this moment, the Origin had shrunk to its limit. If one were to use one’s eyes to see it, then one would only see that the Origin had turned into an extremely small black hole. Because of the fact that the Origin was too small, it had caused the surrounding space to completely cave in. As for Qin Yu, he was still in that sort of drowsy state. Qin Yu’s was even displaying a peaceful appearance on his face. It was like the innocent smile of a baby.

However, under this sort of state, different scenes were unceasingly flashing through Qin Yu’s awareness.

Nebula, Meteor, Stellar Core, Planet, Star… The scenes of the evolution of the cosmos was flashing through Qin Yu’s mind unceasingly. The speed at which these scenes were flashing through Qin Yu’s mind was tens of millions times faster than Qin Yu’s speed of deduction.

At the same time, when his deduction reached the ‘Origin Stage,’ his awareness was still deducing. At this moment, the speed at which his awareness was conducting the deduction was billions of times faster than before. All of this was happening when Qin Yu was in a drowsy state.

“Boom!” It was as if a lightning had struck in Qin Yu’s awareness. It had instantly woken Qin Yu up.

At the moment when Qin Yu woke up, the Stellar Space had already reached the pinnacle of its development. The Origin had already shrunk to its limit. If Qin Yu did not wake, then perhaps the Origin would’ve exploded. Without any guidance, the primitive explosion would cause Qin Yu’s awareness to also crumble with it.

“Origin, Origin… so, so it was actually a, it was actually the most primitive bit!”
Qin Yu had a feeling of enlightenment. Although he did not understand the principle behind it, there was a voice roaring in the bottom of Qin Yu’s heart. “That’s right. That is the most correct path! That is the most perfect evolutionary path!”
It was that path!

At this moment, Qin Yu’s physical body that was sitting cross- legged inside the room suddenly disappeared. That’s right, Qin Yu’s physical body had disappeared.

Inside the Stellar Space.

Qin Yu’s physical body suddenly appeared. At this moment, Qin Yu’s hands were spread open. His eyes were closed. He was standing in the middle of the Stellar Space. At this moment, Qin Yu was immersed in a kind of extremely profound and extremely extraordinary state of mind.

“Break apart!”
Qin Yu still had his eyes closed. However, he pointed at the Origin with a single hand.

Like a peanut being split open, with a ‘kacha’ sound, the Origin split open in half. The upper half of the Origin started emitted a cyan stream of air. The cyan colored stream of air was suring out. In an instant, it had engulfed the entire Stellar Space.
 As for the other half of the Origin, it started emitting a turbid gray stream of air. The gray stream of air was also frantically engulfing the entire Stellar Space. In the Stellar Space, these two streams of air, the cyan and the gray, had started to tangle together. It was like they were fighting each other.

Qin Yu’s eyes were still closed.

A tranquil smile suddenly appeared on Qin Yu’s face. With a hand to the sky and another hand to the ground, Qin Yu softly shouted.  “Splitting  the  Heaven  and  Earth  apart!”  After  he finished shouting that, Qin Yu abruptly opened his eyes.

“Huff!”  The cyan colored and gray colored streams of airs that were tangling with each other, seemed to have received guidance. The cyan colored stream of air started flying upwards whereas the gray stream of air started flying downwards.

Qin Yu’s body was increasing in size. It was growing unceasingly. 
The bigger Qin Yu’s body became, the higher the cyan colored stream of air was lifted upward… as time passed, the cyan stream of air had finally condensed into a cyan colored layer. As for the gray stream of air, it had turned into the boundless earth.

In an instant, Qin Yu had returned to his original size.

He raised his head and looked to the sky. That cyan colored sky was pure like a celadon pottery. He then looked to the ground under his foot. The ground was boundlessly vast. Like that, it continued to spread… Its area was so huge that Qin Yu was unable to determine how big it was at all. That was because the range of this land was spreading unceasingly.

“Is this what it meant by splitting the Heaven and Earth Apart?”  Only now did Qin Yu come back from that profound and mystic state of mind. Seeing what he had done, Qin Yu also felt it to be hard to believe. [TL: Splitting the Heaven and Earth Apart is in reference to the creation myth of Pangu where he created the world by disconnecting the heaven and earth from each other. Basically, Qin Yu has created a world?] [ED: To be more specific, before the creation of the universe, there was only chaos(flour paste) and then it condensed into the cosmic egg(the origin), then Pangu(Qin Yu) woke up(the lightning part) inside the egg(and Qin Yu also felt it was like an embryo, so…) and then split the egg apart, creating the yin energy(described as murky, known here as gray) which formed the earth, and creating the yang energy(described as clear, known here as blue) forming the sky.]

Chapter 24: The Universe Stage

The vast earth spread as far as the eye can see. However, Qin Yu was able to clearly sense the change that had occurred in this world after he ‘split the Heaven and Earth apart.’ The earth was spreading unceasingly. The area of this world was increasing endlessly.

“This earth is much greater than even a thousand Purple Mystic Stars.” Qin Yu gasped in his heart.

As he stood on this piece of land, his heart felt extremely peaceful. This world belonged to him. The entire world was his to control.

“Since splitting the Heaven and Earth apart has created a new universe, then this tenth stage of the ‘Stellar Transformation’ shall be called the… The Universe Stage!” Qin Yu had decided the name for the tenth stage in his heart.

[TL: The name for the tenth stage is 乾坤之境 which could mean the Heaven and Earth Stage or the Universe Stage. Essentially, Qin Yu created a world within the Stellar Space.] 
The ‘limit of this world’ that Qin Yu had created was actually the membrane of the Stellar Space that surrounded it. This world was unceasingly absorbing the ‘flour paste energy’ from the outside world and increasing in size without end.

“Never had I expected that I would actually be able to evolve it to such a state. Even my body managed to come in.” Qin Yu was somewhat stunned.

Originally, Qin Yu was only able to bring his awareness into the Stellar Space. It was impossible for him to bring his physical body in it. Who knows what had happened in the evolution that caused him to be able to bring even his body into the Stellar Space.

“This world is too monotonous.”  As Qin Yu said that, the Universal World that he had created immediately started to change.

Rivers, mountains, wetlands, oceans, lakes, deserts, trees, plants, flowers… the world that was originally monotonous was transforming with an astonishing speed. As all this was happening, Qin Yu merely smiled.

At the moment when this world was successfully created, Qin Yu already knew what sort of magical ability he possessed here.

Within his own Universal World, Qin Yu can be said to be omnipotent.

However, he could only be ‘considered’ omnipotent and not completely omnipotent. That was because this Universal World that he had created was still in a state of growth. It had not yet reached the state of perfection. At this moment, Qin Yu was only able to barely utilize the Spatial Energy from this Universal World and not the Temporal Energy.

However, this Universal World was created by Qin Yu. Even if a Godking were to show up here, although Godkings could control the Spatial Laws, if Qin Yu wished for it, then even Godkings would be unable to use the Spatial Energy of this world. That was because Qin Yu was the owner of this world. “Eh?”
Qin Yu exclaimed in surprise. His body instantly disappeared.
He reappeared in the middle of the sky.

At the moment, this place of the Universal World, a dark and yellow colored gas was being generated. The speed at which it was generated could not be considered fast. However, it was still being generated. A half man’s size dark and yellow colored gas was floating in the middle of the air here.

[TL: Dark and Yellow → Color of the Heaven and Earth. Dark/Black is the color of the heaven whereas Yellow is the color of the earth… I guess that makes sense sometimes (night and dry land)?]

As the dark and yellow colored gas was being birthed, as the owner of this world, the information regarding this dark and yellow gas naturally appeared in Qin Yu’s mind.

“Dark and Yellow Energy are born during the creation of the world. Once one merges the Dark and Yellow Energy into a weapon, that weapon’s hardness and defensive ability would reach its pinnacle.”
Qin Yu’s face immediately blossomed into a smile. “Who could’ve known that such a thing would actually appear with the creation of this Universal World. Hardness and defensive power? Good.”
Qin Yu stretched out his hand. The Divine Spear Waning Snow appeared in his hand.

In the Divine Realm, if one did not utilize Grandmist Spiritual Energy, then the strongest weapon one could create would be a ‘High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact’ that generally possessed the same power as a third-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. As for the Divine Spear Waning Snow, although it did not possess Grandmist Spiritual Energy, its might was comparable to that of a second-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. It was also the most prided work of the Craftsman God.

Missing Grandmist Spiritual Energy, yet still comparable to a second-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. 
How powerful would the Divine Spear Waning Snow become if it were to fuse with the Dark and Yellow Energy that was birthed from the creation of a world?

The Divine Spear Waning Snow floated out from Qin Yu’s hand. It then continued to float straight in the air like so. That lump of Dark and Yellow Energy the size of half a man completely wrapped around the Divine Spear Waning Snow.

Qin Yu was able to sense the speed at which the Dark and Yellow Energy was assimilating into the Divine Spear Waning Snow. He was unable to help himself from gasping. “What a slow assimilation speed. With such a speed, who knows when it would complete the fusion.”
“Forget about it, I don’t have any use for this Divine Spear Waning Snow at the moment anyway. I’ll just let it stay in this Universal World and slowly fuse with the Dark and Yellow Energy.” Qin Yu was able to sense the connection between this Universal World and Jiang Lan’s Realm. He was able to sense the connection point between the two worlds. It was the place where Qin Yu had previously disappeared from. Controlling the Spatial Energy, Qin Yu directly came back to that location in Jiang Lan’s Realm.

Qin Yu understood that once the Spatial Energy of the Universal World covers a location, he would be able to instantly arrive at that place.

In the second layer space of Jiang Lan’s Realm. Outside of Qin Yu’s courtyard manor. Hei Yu, Wu Lan and them had waited here quietly for many years now. In all these years, none of them had said a single word.

They merely waited quietly…
“Big brother, you must definitely succeed.”  Hei Yu had an extremely grave expression on his face. His heart was very heavy. That was because under normal circumstances, the time it take for one to breakthrough a stage to another was extremely short. However, Qin Yu had been in his courtyard manor for many years already. Fortunately there was no change to Jiang Lan’s Realm. Thus, at the very least, it signified that Qin Yu was still alive.

A creaking sound was heard.

“The door to the room has been opened?” Hei Yu, Wu Lan, Wu He, Hong Yu, Lu Shui and Uncle Fu stood up at practically the same time. The six of them glanced at each other with pleasantly surprised expressions. After that, all six of them immediately proceeded towards Qin Yu’s courtyard manor.

Hei Yu took the lead. He was the first to open the door to the courtyard manor. Sure enough, he saw Qin Yu walking out from his room. At this moment, he had already arrived in the courtyard.

“Haha…  I’ve successfully broken through.”  Qin Yu saw Hei Yu’s worried gaze; he immediately smiled and said. 
Hei Yu and the others immediately displayed a relaxed smile. The two girls, Lu Shui and Hong Yu, immediately started chattering. “Didn’t I say that Lord Qin Yu would definitely succeed? Isn’t it just like I said?”
“I think we should celebrate this. In these past years, I’ve been so scared that I couldn’t even breathe properly.”  Said Hong Yu who was dressed in all pink as she held her chest.

“Good, let’s celebrate this.”  At this moment, Qin Yu’s mood was also extremely good.

After a lively feast of drinking and eating, Qin Yu and Hei Yu talked about a lot of things. In the couple hundred years that Qin Yu had been outside, Hei Yu had been in the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm for several tens of thousands of years. The current Hei Yu was much more powerful than before. Merely, he was still at the Mid Level Deity level.

“Big brother, after your breakthrough, how much did your strength increase?” Hei Yu asked. 
Upon hearing Hei Yu’s question, Qin Yu displayed a strange smile on his face.

How much did his strength increase?

Even Qin Yu himself felt strange. Back when he was at the Origin Stage, he possessed the Origin Energy. However, after reaching the Universe Stage, he became only able to at most utilize the Spatial Energy of his Universal World.

Spatial Energy, Qin Yu was uncertain as to how powerful the Spatial Energy was.

Furthermore, would the ‘Spatial Energy’ of the Universal World be rejected by the Divine Realm? After all, the Divine Realm was a completely different world from Qin Yu’s ‘Universal World.’
Other than this, there was also another unusual aspect. 
A transformation had occurred in Qin Yu’s dantian. The ‘Black Hole’ that was originally in his dantian had disappeared. Qin Yu did not know when it disappeared, but he suspected that it had most likely disappeared during the period of time when he was creating the Universal World.

Other than this, a lump of White Pure Flames was surprisingly burning in his dantian.

When Qin Yu was at the ‘Origin Stage,’ his body’s True Flame was that of the ‘Black Divine Flame.’ However, when he reached the ‘Universe Stage,’ his True Flame had turned into ‘White Pure Flame.’ Merely, Qin Yu never expected for the White Pure Flame to be in his dantian.

However, Qin Yu still did not appear to be any different from other people from the outside.

Although he no longer had the connection of his dantian to his ‘Black Hole,’ after creating the ‘Universal World,’ Qin Yu’s soul had become connected with the Universal World. He was able to even teleport to the Universal World with merely a thought now.

“When compared with Jiang Lan’s Realm, it’s likely that the Universal World is even more safe.”  Qin Yu thought in his heart.

After all, when hiding in the Jiang Lan’s Realm, the true form of the Jiang Lan’s Realm would still remain in the original location. At the very most, it could turn itself into a speck of dust, mountain rocks or other objects. However, the Universal Space… was a true world. Once he hides himself in that, no one would be able to find Qin Yu.

“If my enemy were to be able to get into the Universal Space, then that’s even better.” Qin Yu’s face was filled with smiles.

In the Universal World, Qin Yu was unequalled.

“Big brother, what are you thinking? I was asking you how much your strength increase this time!” Hei Yu said. 
Qin Yu woke back up from his thoughts. He immediately smiled and said. “This time, mn, my soul’s level has increased slightly. It’s about at the High Level Deity’s peak. I am merely a step away from reaching the Heavenly Deity level.”
“Peak?” Hei Yu’s eyes have instantly opened wide into circles.

“I have bitterly trained for over two hundred thousand years and only reached a level near the peak of the Mid Level Deity. Big brother, I believe that you haven’t trained much.” Hei Yu felt a bit dispirited. The gap between their cultivation speed was too great.

Qin Yu helplessly shook his head and said. “Before I had reached the Universe Stage, I was merely at the ordinary High Level Deity level. Perhaps when I broke through to the Universe Stage, my soul improved somewhat. However, I didn’t really feel it myself.”
However Qin Yu understood that the hardest mountain pass was breaking through the High Level Deity stage and reaching the Heavenly Deity stage. There were countless people in the Divine Realm who were trapped at the peak of the High Level Deity stage, unable to step across and enter the Heavenly Deity level.

“It appears that I will have to train even harder.”  Hei Yu nodded. He then smiled to Qin Yu and said. “Big brother, I will be leaving first.”
Qin Yu stood up and saw Hei Yu off.

After Hei Yu left, Qin Yu stood on the outside of his door. He looked to the boundless Jiang Lan’s Realm. “This Jiang Lan’s Realm was originally Uncle Lan’s. Furthermore, it is Uncle Lan’s first Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. Compared to Jiang Lan’s Realm, my Universal World is only unable to control the time. It is primarily because the Universal World has yet to finish maturing. Mn… when I see Uncle Lan again, I’ll return the Jiang Lan’s Realm back to him.”

Chapter 25: Flame

With a slight intention of his mind, the location of where Uncle Fu was appeared before Qin Yu’s mind.

At this moment, several miles away from Qin Yu’s courtyard manor, beside two pavilion buildings, one green and one red, Uncle Fu was smiling and chatting with Hong Yu and Lu Shui. Seeing Uncle Fu smiling wholeheartedly, it was evident that he was in a very cheerful mood.

With a step, Qin Yu’s figure disappeared from the courtyard manor. When he reappeared, he had already arrived beside the three.

“Master.” Upon seeing Qin Yu, Uncle Fu immediately greeted him with a bow.

The two girls, Hong Yu and Lu Shui, were beaming with smiles. They bowed and said with crisp voices. “Lord Qin Yu.” The two girls, Hong Yu and Lu Shui, already knew about Qin Yu’s strength. In the Divine Realm that possessed as many experts as the clouds in the sky, the two of them were extremely excited to follow such an expert like Qin Yu.

Qin Yu discovered that Hong Yu and Lu Shui were actually also level nine Demon Emperors.

“Hong Yu, Lu Shui, have the two of you managed to sense your Divine Tribulation?” Qin Yu asked.
With a scarlet red face, Hong Yu said in succession. “Lord QIn Yu, Lu Shui and I have already reached level nine Demon Emperor level a long time ago. Although neither of us have sensed our Divine Tribulation yet, according to the time the others from our Fish Clan have stayed in the level nine Demon Emperor level, we estimate that our Divine Tribulation would be coming soon.”
Lu Shui opened her bright and intelligent eyes wide and said while looking at Qin Yu. “Lord Qin Yu, I have a matter that I wish to request Lord Qin Yu’s help. May I know if it’s possible for you to help me?” “Go ahead.” Said Qin Yu with a light smile.

Qin Yu wanted to know what exactly these two girls wanted to ask him.

“Hehe… us two sisters, back when we were still in that pond, we were bullied by the other male fish all the time. It was mainly because us sisters were the sort of fish that possessed extremely weak fighting power. Lord Qin Yu, is it possible for you to also bring them in here… so that we can properly teach them   a   lesson?!”    Lu   Shui’s   eyes   were   radiating   with excitement.

Hong Yu also looked to Qin Yu with hope and expectation.

“Male?” Qin Yu was surprised.

How did he catch them so accurately? There were numerous fish in the pond. Back then, Qin Yu merely casually captured two fish Who would’ve expected that they would be the only females among those fishes and that all the rest of them are males. 
“Sure, leave this matter to me.”  Qin Yu didn’t mind about doing it. “May I ask how the two of you plan to punish them? If the hatred wasn’t great, then a small punishment should do.”
Hong Yu bulged her chest and said confidently. “Lord Qin Yu, you can rest assured. We would definitely not take their lives… humph humph.” After she said those words, her nose frowned and she humphed twice.

Qin Yu shook his head and smiled.

Ever since Hong Yu and Lu Shui, these two girls, came to Jiang Lan’s Realm, it was unknown if it was because there were scarcely any females in Jiang Lan’s Realm, but Wu Lan and Wu He, the two ruler level demon beasts of the Divine Realm, were extremely good to the two girls. Qin Yu believed that once he got those other fish into Jiang Lan’s Realm, Wu Lan and them would definitely help them out in teaching them a lesson.

“Hong Yu, Lu Shui, the two of you can return and rest first. Uncle Fu and I will be leaving Jiang Lan’s Realm.” Qin Yu said with a light smile.

“Yes, Lord Qin Yu.”
Lu Shui and Hong Yu bowed respectfully. After that, the two of them returned back to their own pavilion buildings.

Uncle Fu was smiling with his eyes narrowed. “Master, these two girls, Hong Yu and Lu Shui, are extremely lively. In these past days, I’ve seen that even Young Master Hei Yu frequently displays a smile on his face.”
“Mn, the number of people in Jiang Lan’s Realm is too small. Hong Yu and Lu Shui possess very lively temperaments, they indeed brought a better mood to everyone here. Seeing their lively and quirky appearance, even my mood has become a lot more relaxed.” Qin Yu looked to Uncle Fu. “Uncle Fu, let’s go out. I have still yet to finish experimenting with my formation arrays.”
“Yes, master.” Uncle Fu nodded respectfully. 
Just like that, Qin Yu and Uncle Fu disappeared from Jiang Lan’s Realm.
The current Mount Bewitch You was incomparably desolate. It had been burned to the ground by the Extremely Silent Heavenly Flames. The entire mountain had turned barren. The rocks and stones that were burned by the flames had decayed to a grayish black color. A lot of the stones and rocks were also cracked by the burning.

All the trees had turned to ashes. Those large craters on the mountain were completely visible.

On top of this bare and desolate Mount Bewitch You, Qin Yu and Uncle Fu suddenly appeared. Qin Yu and Uncle Fu looked to their surroundings. Both of them displayed a disbelieving and shocked expression.

“Master, here…” Uncle Fu’s brows were completely creased. Qin Yu looked at the extremely desolate Mount Bewitch You before him. The former enchanting sceneries of this mountain appeared before his mind. The rumbling waterfall, the clear pond water and the animals running around the mountain forest.

“This is Mount Bewitch You?” Qin Yu looked at some of the stones that had been split apart by the burning. He suddenly turned his gaze towards his house that was on Mount Bewitch You.

Like a sharp arrow, Qin Yu flew towards the location of his previous house. As for Uncle Fu, he was like a wind elegantly drifting through Mount Bewitch You. Easily, the two of them arrived by the location where Qin Yu’s house used to be.

“This was the pond that Hong Yu and Lu Shui used to be in.” Qin Yu looked to that large pit. The form of the pond was still present, however the pond water, as well as those fish, were gone.

Qin Yu felt a burst of anger. 
Ever since he started experimenting with the formation arrays, Qin Yu did not have the intention to kill those from the Black Dragon Pool. For the majority of the time, he had spared them when he could spare them. For example, those that had originally been trapped in his Trapping Array were all able to leave with their lives intact.

Even that Heavenly Deity Xiong Hei, Qin Yu also did not kill him.

When he said that he wanted him to kowtow, that was merely a joke. However, Xiong Hei ended up really kowtowing to him. Qin Yu didn’t mind about that either. To the current him, that was merely a game.

If he truly wanted to kill Xiong Hei?

If he wanted, he would’ve been able to easily kill Xiong Hei just by utilizing his Divine Spear Waning Snow. After all, Qin Yu’s ability to control space was equivalent to that of Xiong Hei’s. Yet, with the Divine Spear Waning Snow, his attack power would greatly surpass Xiong Hei’s!

“Master, Hong Yu and Lu Shui, those two girls asked you to…” At this point, Uncle Fu stopped talking.

Qin Yu also frowned. It was likely that Hong Yu and Lu Shui still didn’t know that the fish that used to fool around with them and bully them, had already been burned to nothingness and their souls scattered.

“Master, there is no need for you to be compassionate and merciful in the Divine Realm. You spared their lives yet they came and burned down your entire Mount Bewitch You. What you should do now is to demonstrate your might.” Said Uncle Fu beside Qin Yu in a light voice.

Uncle Fu understood in his heart that this master of his, although he cannot be considered as being extremely compassionate and merciful, he was still not quite fierce enough. Had it been the Craftsman God Chehou Yuan, he would’ve long since killed those that dared act disrespectful towards him, without a care of other things. This was something that those who had reached the higher level of cultivation all understood… the law of the heavens was merciless, to kill and not to kill; one’s nature, whether treacherous or kindhearted, did not matter when comprehending the laws of the heavens.

All the roads were interlinked.

Among the Three Great Ascenders Powers of the Divine Realm, the Asura Sea and the Mount Blood Demon were both famous for their slaughter. Actually, slaughtering others was a method that allowed one to increase one’s strength even easier. It was a way that allowed one to reach the Great Dao easier.

“Master, although we still cannot determine which one of the Eight Great Families Jiang Li is from, but master, if you wish to obtain the acknowledgement from the Eight Great Families, you must possess sufficient strength and status. As for now, what you should do is to create fame for yourself through might.” Advised Uncle Fu. The Divine Realm was a place where the strong ruled. No one in the Divine Realm would have pity upon a compassionate and merciful person. A person could only rely on himself. Likewise, one’s status could only be won over by oneself. One’s honor could only be defended by oneself.

“Uncle Fu, let’s go. We’ll be going to the Black Dragon Pool!”
Said Qin Yu coldly. He turned around and looked to the north. The Black Dragon Pool was located several thousand miles to the north. This time around… Qin Yu had finally decided. The current him still did not have the qualifications to receive the acknowledgement from the Eight Great Families. However, a mere Black Dragon Pool actually dared to look down upon him?

“Don’t force me to use Waning Snow.” Qin Yu thought in his heart.

The Divine Spear Waning Snow possessed strength of a second-rate Grandmist Spiritual Treasure to begin with. And now, it had started absorbing the Dark and Yellow Energy. Although it had merely absorbed a very small portion, Qin Yu was still able to clearly sense the increase in power that the Divine Spear Waning Snow had.

“Yes,  master!”  Uncle  Fu  immediately  displayed  an  excited expression.

Uncle Fu felt as if he had returned back to the days when he was together with Chehou Yuan where they would move about unhindered in the Divine Realm and no one would dare to be disrespectful to them.

Qin Yu and Uncle Fu left the Mount Bewitch You one following the other. As they were leaving the Mount Bewitch You, Qin Yu saw the shattered ‘Mount Bewitch You’ stele.

Qin Yu was flying a foot above the ground. As for Uncle Fu, he was gracefully drifting. If one were to compare speed, much less Qin Yu, even a High Level Heavenly Deity would be inferior to Uncle Fu.

The two of them were relatively fast. In merely two hours, they had arrived at the main area of the Black Dragon Pool. 
“This Black Dragon Pool also possesses quite an enchanting scenery.”  Qin Yu raised his head and looked to the unending mountain range before him. He was unable to refrain from smiling lightly. When they were flying over, Qin Yu and Uncle Fu have already discovered numerous troops of the Black Dragon Pool. Merely, because the two of them were flying so fast, they were easily able to pass through without alarming those troops and arrive outside of the Black Dragon Pool.

Uncle Fu pointed to the mountain range ahead and said. “Master, the Black Dragon Pool is located in the ravine within those highest mountains. Inside the ravine is a large lake. That lake is called the Black Dragon Pool. To the side of the Black Dragon Pool are four palaces. The one in the middle is called the Black Dragon Palace. As for the other three, they are the palaces of the other three Low Level Heavenly Deitieis.”
“There is no need to bother with the small fries. We shall proceed  directly  towards  those  four  palaces.”  After  Qin  Yu finished saying that, his speed reached its peak. Like a rapid specter, he followed the mountain range and entered the ravine. As for Uncle Fu, he was effortlessly following behind Qin Yu. 
Flying in the mountain range, without alarming anyone, Qin Yu and Uncle Fu had arrived outside of the ravine.

Standing on a mountain top outside of the ravine.

Qin Yu was able to see the ravine located between the couple mountains with a single glance. This ravine was enormous. It possessed the circumference of a hundred or two hundred miles. The Black Dragon Pool had occupied more than half of the entire ravine. Such a large ravine was truly something that was rarely seen.

“Uncle Fu, from today on, in front of others, I shall pretend to be an expert who is extremely proficient in utilizing flames. My body’s True Flame has already reached the White Pure Flame level. Using flames… should be sufficient.” Said Qin Yu with a smile on his face.

Having reached the Universe Stage, the True Flame within Qin Yu’s body had turned into White Pure Flame. This had caused Qin Yu’s strength when using his Grandmist Spiritual Treasure ‘Refining Flame Wristband’ to be even stronger. The power that the Refining Flame Wristband displayed was determined firstly by the degree of its refinement and secondly by the level of one’s True Flames.

Uncle Fu nodded in approval. “Master, you are now capable of covering the entire heaven and earth with Black Divine Flames. Even the White Pure Flames, I reckon you’re capable of creating several tens of meters of White Pure Flames. Furthermore, you are now capable of emitting a small amount of ‘Void Flames.’ Back then, when my old master utilized flames, he too had only reached this level.”
Chehou Yuan was a High Level Heavenly Deity. His body’s True Flame was also White Pure Flame. Even though he possessed the Refining Flame Wristband, he was only capable of emitting a small amount of ‘Void Flames.’ However, even though it was only a small amount, it was sufficient enough to create artifacts with.

Flames: Black Divine Flame, White Pure Flame, Void Flame. The Void Flame was the True Flame of Godking level experts. The Refining Flame Wristband that was created through using nine Purple Origin Flame Beads, was sufficient enough to allow a Heavenly Deity level expert to emit a very small amount ‘Void Flames.’
“Hey, who are you? How come I have never seen you before?” Suddenly, a man in the ravine saw Qin Yu who stood above the ravine. He immediately shouted at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu lightly smiled. Like a great Peng spreading its wings, Qin Yu flew past the sky above the ravine and arrived outside the four palaces. With an illusion-like speed, Qin Yu was executing numerous hand seals with his hands. A countless amount of black colored light started to drift above the four palaces.

In an instant, all the troops of the Black Dragon Pool within the ravine became noisy. Countless Deities started gathering here from all directions.

“Heavenly Deity, it’s a Heavenly Deity. My wife, quickly, hide ourselves. We cannot interfere in a battle between Heavenly Deities.”  A  youth  pulled  a  woman  beside  him  and  started fleeing far away.

“I have never seen this Heavenly Deity before. He’s not a Heavenly Deity from Mount Cold Gold nor is he a Heavenly Deity from the Mount Three Crosses. When did our Black Dragon Pool make a new enemy?” Said a bald headed old man in confusion.

“That person seems to be the Heavenly Deity from Mount Bewitch You.” Said a youth that had gone to Mount Bewitch You with the army close to ten thousand people last time around.

The three bandit groups outside of Yuchi City were respectively the Black Dragon Pool, Mount Cold Gold and Mount Three Crosses. These three powers would frequently battle each other.

Amidst the noise, the three Heavenly Deities of the Black Dragon Pool… Xiong Hei, Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu had all rushed out from their respective palaces. Once they saw that Qin Yu was in the sky, Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu’s expression changed. As for Xiong Hei, he had instantly exposed anger on his face.

“Qin Yu, you actually dared to run over to our Black Dragon Pool. You truly have balls!” Xiong Hei extended his arm and the enormous spiked club appeared in his hand.

Qin Yu had also finished arranging his hand seals. Suddenly, a black cover lay over the area, concealing the sky. The cover was enormous. It covered all four palaces. Suddenly, an unfathomable amount of black flames started appearing from the black cover…
“A simple Trapping Array supplemented by the attack of Divine Flames.” Said Qin Yu with a light smile. “Xiong Hei, you people have burned down my Mount Bewitch You. Today… I shall burn down your Black Dragon Pool!”

Chapter 26: Divine Sword ‘Scarlet Blood’

That black cover had covered all four palaces and even the area ten miles surrounding the four palaces. On top of the black cover were soaring Black Divine Flames. The countless number of Black Divine Flames were like vipers, as they charged towards the four palaces and the people inside the cover.

There were about several thousands of people surrounded by the cover. Among those people were the three Heavenly Deities.

All these several thousand peoples were enduring the Divine Flames. Each and every one of them were trying their best to search for a way out of this ‘Trapping Array.’ With the strength of these Heavenly Deities, they were capable of withstanding the Divine Flames for some time.

Mei Ji, Daoist Liu Xu and Xiong Hei were together.

“This  formation  array  is  completely  covered  with  Divine Flames. Furthermore, these Divine Flames possess such an intense color.” Mei Ji frowned. Covering the surface of her body was a layer of jade green colored Heavenly Divine Energy.

With the protection of the Heavenly Divine Energy, the Divine Flames could not do any damage to her. Daoist Liu Xu and Xiong Hei also had their bodies covered in a layer of Heavenly Divine Energy.

“There are not many Heavenly Deities in the Divine Realm that are proficient in using flames to attack. This Qin Yu let out this many Divine Flames using his formation array, furthermore, looking at how densely black those Divine Flames are, they are definitely extremely strong.”  Gasped Daoist Liu Xu.

Although they might all be Black Divine Flames, there still existed qualitative differences between the might of the flames. Would the True Flame of a High Level Deity be the same as that of a Low Level Deity?

Even the ‘color’ black had different shades. They were separated into grayish black, black and dense black. 
“Liu Xu, enough of the useless words, quickly break apart this formation array so that we can get out.” Said Xiong Hei discontentedly.

Daoist Liu Xu was the number one expert of formation arrays in the Black Dragon Pool. However, he shook his head and said. “If I want to break this formation array, I would require at least an hour of careful inspection. However, if we merely want to get out of this formation array, then it’s actually not too hard.”
“In that case, let us out of it quickly.” Xiong Hei shouted. The deaths of the other several thousands of people of the Black Dragon Pool was not something that Xiong Hei cared about.

To the Black Dragon Pool, the loss of several thousand people was not significant at all. What Xiong Hei wanted to do the most right now, was to get out of this great formation array and then go and kill Qin Yu.

“Okay, in that case I’ll… get out of the way!” Daoist Liu Xu’s expression suddenly changed. Not only him, even Mei Ji and Xiong Hei’s expression had changed. They all rushed to dodge.

Two half a man sized White Pure Flame fireballs were flying toward them rapidly. Right after the three of them dodged the two White Pure Flame fireballs, the two fireballs brushed past them and flew into the countless number of Black Divine Flames several tens of meters behind them.

“It’s White Pure Flames. Last time in the Mount Bewitch You, that Qin Yu also used White Pure Flames to attack me. This Qin Yu is an expert of using flames. Quickly, we need to get out.” Xiong Hei grew anxious.

Mei Ji also looked to Daoist Liu Xu anxiously. “Big Brother Liu, quickly, bring us out of this formation array. That White Pure Flame is too powerful.”
Inside the formation array, the Black Divine Flames had covered the entire place. As for the White Pure Flames, they were only able to be barely noticed when they were several tens of meters away from them. If they were careless for just a second, it would be possible for them to be burned by the White Pure Flames. 
“Okay, wait a moment.” Daoist Liu Xu breathed in a mouthful of air. He then executed several tens of hand seals in succession. Suddenly, marks, seals, and symbols appeared on the black cover. Daoist Liu Xu carefully inspected those marks, seals and symbols.

Mei Ji and Xiong Hei didn’t dare to urge or disturb Daoist Liu Xu. All they could do was to wait anxiously.

“Okay.   Remember   to   follow   behind   me.”    The   space surrounding Daoist Liu Xu started to distort. The space ten meters surrounding him became a burst of ripples.

Mei Ji and Xiong Hei followed behind Daoist Liu Xu. The three of them rapidly proceeded onward. After moving for a short time, Daoist Liu Xu would throw out a couple Divine Seals to examine and inspect ahead.

“Rumble~~~” The palace with the strongest defense, the final palace, the Black Dragon Palace, also started to loudly collapse. Under the burning of the Black Divine Flames, the palace’s protective barrier had been completely destroyed. The black pillars and golden steps of the Black Dragon Palace… have all turned to ashes as they were burned by the Black Divine Flames.

As for Lord Xiong’s Palace and the other two palaces, they had long since been burned to ashes at the beginning.

Inside the Black Divine Flames, there were still over a thousand people struggling for their lives. As for the Low Level Deities and Mid Level Deities, they had been burned to ashes after enduring for a short amount of time. As for the High Level Deities, they managed to endure for a longer period of time. Although they were consuming their Divine Energy rapidly, their bodies were extremely valiant. It was only as time passed that they started to gradually become unable to withstand the flames anymore.

“Ahh~~~” After persisting for a long time, a High Level Deity that had already exhausted all his Divine Energy and still continued to persist for a cup of tea’s time, was finally unable to withstand the Divine Flames any longer. 
Like a burned up piece of rock, his body started to crack. As his blood started bleeding out from the cracks, the Black Divine Flames rushed into his body. His internal organs instantly turned to ashes. Even his brain was burned to ashes.

“Second brother Yang!”
A black clothed middle aged man beside him was howling with grief. The black clothed middle aged man’s dark golden colored Divine Energy was continuously resisting the Divine Flames. However, as the Divine Flames were continuously burning, even though his strength had reached the peak of High Level Deity, his Divine Energy was still close to being completely exhausted.

When undergoing the Divine Tribulation, one merely had to resist the Divine Flames for close to a breath’s time. Furthermore, the Divine Flames from that time were not that powerful. However now, the Divine Flames had burned for half an hour already. Furthermore, the might of these Divine Flames was much stronger than that of the Divine Tribulation… Even a High Level Deity was unable to resist being burned by the Divine Flames for so long.

“Second brother Yang, Lord Xiong Hei has actually given up on us.” That middle aged man’s heart was filled with grief and indignation. He knew that he was about to be unable to resist the Divine Flames anymore.

At the moment before his death, he clearly remembered the days that he had spent with his second brother Yang in the Black Dragon Pool. They killed, robbed, and pillaged treasures from ascenders…
“Second brother Yang, it had always been us killing others and robbing their things. Never would I have expected that today, we would be burned to death.”  The middle aged man sighed. And at this moment, a lump of White Pure Flames was rapidly shot at him from behind. The middle aged man did not have enough time to dodge at all. His skull was directly vaporized by the White Pure Flames.

In the great formation array, other than the omnipresent Black Divine Flames, there were also a small number of White Pure Flames. By the time Daoist Liu Xu guided Mei Ji and Xiong Hei out from the great formation array, there were less than a hundred people alive in the formation array.

The sounds of miserable shrieks and raging curses persisted continuously.

There were those that cursed the Heavens, those that cursed the person who set up the formation array and even those that cursed Xiong Hei… the majority of these people did not know of Qin Yu’s name. Thus, they could only curse ‘that scoundrel who had set up the formation array.’
Once Xiong Hei, Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji managed to escape the great formation array and felt the refreshing wind of the ravine, they were unable to help themselves from feeling a bust of relaxation. 
“Xiong Hei, you son of a bitch!”
The raging curses were still sounding in the great formation array. Although the number of people who were cursing was decreasing continuously, there were still people cursing.

Xiong Hei turned around and looked to that cover filled with Black Divine Flames. He coldly humped and said. “You do not have the strength to escape, what does your death have to do with me?” Xiong Hei did not care about those people who were still trapped or had already been burned in the formation array.

Suddenly, Xiong Hei turned his head around and looked to the location where Qin Yu was previously at. Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu have also looked over there.

At this moment, Qin Yu was standing in the sky. His black gown was drifting in the wind. “Xiong Hei, you’d best listen carefully. Last time, I spared your life in my Trapping Array. Granted you are not grateful but actually dared to burn down my Mount Bewitch You. Today, I have came to let you know that since I am able to trap you once, I am capable of trapping you for a second time.
Furthermore… as I can trap you, I can also kill you!”
Qin Yu’s gaze was extremely cold.

“Qin Yu, humph, you have let me go but you also want me to be grateful of you? Haha. You dumb fool. So long as I can catch you, I will definitely kill you.” Xiong Hei loudly laughed.

Qin Yu sneered in his heart. This Xiong Hei actually thought that he was unable to capture him and kill him?

Qin Yu then pointed to a formation array of a mile circumference below him. “You have also seen this Killing Array before. This is the same fire attribute Killing Array from Mount Bewitch You. This formation array has already been improved by me. If you have the ability, try charging into it again.” After he finished saying that, Qin Yu flew into the formation array. When Qin Yu flew into the formation array, the formation array did not attack him.

During the period of time when Xiong Hei and them were trapped, Qin Yu had plenty of time to set up this Killing Array. As it was the second time Qin Yu set up this Killing Array, it was much easier and faster for him to set it up.

“If you have the ability, then charge in. I shall wait for you in this Killing Array.” Said Qin Yu with a light smile.

Xiong Hei looked at the great formation array before him. His eyes started to narrow. Daoist Liu Xu hurriedly said. “Big Brother Xiong Hei, this formation array is a fire attribute great attacking array. Its attack might is definitely much stronger compared to the Trapping Array from earlier. That formation array ought to be filled with White Pure Flames.”
“I know. I experienced it last time myself.” Xiong Hei shouted with a low voice. He still remembered the scene where White Pure Flames had covered him from all directions. Had it not been for the fact that the great formation array malfunctioned and collapsed on its own, then he might’ve already lost his life.

Having experienced it once and almost losing his life, how would Xiong Hei dare to enter it again?

As for Qin Yu, he just looked at Xiong Hei from within the great formation array. Qin Yu had already anticipated, that this Xiong Hei would likely not dare to charge into the formation array. The reason why Qin Yu arranged this formation array was merely there to horrify the Black Dragon Pool.

“Qin Yu, if you have the skills then come out and fight me!” Xiong Hei held his spiked club with one hand and shouted angrily. At the same time, Xiong Hei was sending a voice transmission via Divine Awareness to Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji. “Liu Xu, Mei Ji, when that Qin Yu comes out from his great formation array and fights me, the two of you are to seize the opportunity, surround him and kill him with me.”
One against one? 
Xiong Hei had tried it before. With Qin Yu’s flying speed and agility, Xiong Hei was simply unable to catch up to him at all. Even if Qin Yu didn’t attack him, it would likely still end up with Xiong Hei being trapped in Qin Yu’s formation array.

Thus, he could only attack from all sides with three people!

“Big Brother Xiong Hei, you can rest assured. We will definitely capture and kill him.” Said Daoist Liu Xu via Divine Awareness Voice Transmission. Mei Ji also voiced her approval. “Big Brother Xiong, my ‘Poisonous Soul Hook’ is no joke.”
Xiong Hei’s face was filled with confidence. He shouted to Qin Yu. “Qin Yu, what’s wrong? You don’t dare to come out?”
Qin Yu flew out from the formation array with a smile on his face. He extended his hand and a scarlet sword appeared in his hand. A drop of blood appeared in Qin Yu’s fingertip. He dripped it on that scarlet sword. Qin Yu had obtained sixty eight Heavenly Divine Artifacts from the Artifacts Palace of the Bewitching God Temple. He had also obtained a series of Low Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts from the Bewitching God Temple’s courtyard. Among them, the ones from the Artifacts Palace was possessed
stronger attack power. Among these sixty eight Heavenly Divine Artifacts, four of them were High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts.

Among the four High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts, one was a sword. Its name was ‘Scarlet Blood.’
The Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood was scarlet all around. It was a fire attribute Divine Sword and possessed the special effect of ‘sharpness.’
Usually, only High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts and a small part of Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts would possess special effects. These special effects also determine the Heavenly Divine Artifact’s might. ‘Sharpness’ was a pretty good special effect. However, the Divine Spear Waning Snow was much more amazing. It possessed two special effect…. ‘Body Break’ and ‘Devouring Soul.’ Furthermore, ‘Devouring Soul’ was a special effect that usually only amazing Grandmist Spiritual Treasures possessed.

“You have a Heavenly Divine Artifact?” Xiong Hei opened his eyes wide in shock. He looked at the Divine Sword Scarlet Blood that Qin Yu held in his hand.

Qin Yu smiled and nodded. “This sword is a Heavenly Divine Artifact. It’s name is ‘Scarlet Blood.’ Xiong Hei, last time when I fought you I merely did so to experiment my formation arrays. Since you wanted to fight to the death with me, then I shall also use my Heavenly Divine Artifact to give you enough face.”
Qin Yu didn’t dare to mention that Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood was a ‘High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.’ He was afraid that this Xiong Hei would be scared running. Having a powerful weapon was sufficient enough to allow one to skip levels and fight someone stronger than oneself. “Big Brother Xiong, be careful.” Mei Ji and Liu Xu were both a bit tensed. They were no longer as relaxed as they were earlier.

Heavenly Divine Artifacts, in the Black Dragon Pool, were items that only Lord Black Dragon and Xiong Hei possessed. Xiong Hei’s Heavenly Divine Artifact was bestowed to him by Lord Black Dragon. As for Mei Ji and Liu Xu, the two of them did not have any Heavenly Divine Artifacts at all.

Thus, one could see how precious a Heavenly Divine Artifact was!

There was even less of a need to mention how precious a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact that possessed might comparable to a third-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasure was. Even among the Eight Great Families, unless one possessed enough strength and status, one would not be able to obtain a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.

“Are you scared?’ Qin Yu lightly smiled and said. And at this moment, there were several hundreds of thousands of people surrounding them and watching. Over half of the entire Black Dragon Pool’s troops had gathered in the surroundings to watch the upcoming battle.

“Scared?’ Xiong Hei sneered. “Come at me!” Xiong Hei, who was close to three meters tall, was holding the spiked club in his hand while emitting a domineering aura.

Qin Yu glanced at Daoist Liu Xu. “I remember that you’re called Daoist Liu Xu! Earlier, you led Xiong Hei and Mei Ji and escaped the great formation array that I had set up. You ought to be relatively proficient in formation arrays. It is you who have created a formation array and burned down the Mount Bewitch You, right?”
“Precisely.” Said Daoist Liu Xu with a smile on his face.

“Fuck, enough of this bullshit.”  Xiong Hei cursed in rage. Like a lightning, Xiong Hei streaked across the sky. His spiked club arrived before Qin Yu. Qin Yu effortlessly moved his body and gracefully made an arc in the sky. His movement was extremely graceful and quick, causing the people surrounding and watching them to become unable to help themselves from acclaiming. And at this moment, Qin Yu had already arrived in the airspace above Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji.

Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu glanced at each other. The two of them both said to each other via Divine Awareness Voice Transmission. “An opportunity!”
At this moment, Xiong Hei was roaring in rage. With an boundless amount of power, as if ripping apart the space, Xiong Hei was rapidly charging toward Qin Yu. His spiked club that was shining with an ice-cold light, ruthlessly came smashing downwards towards Qin Yu’s head.

At this moment, Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji also suddenly soared to the sky.

“What!”  The  several  hundred  thousand  people  who  stood around and was watching the fight bursted into a clamor. They’re actually fighting three against one? 
Qin Yu discovered this scene with his Divine Awareness. A smile, however, appeared on his face. His figure started flying backwards rapidly. At the same time, the Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood in his hand streaked across the sky. Like a waterfall, an unfathomable number of sword silhouettes
streaked across the spiked club before him.

“Break!” Qin Yu lightly shouted.

Xiong Hei’s complexion suddenly turned pale like white paper.

That enormous spiked club with a size close to four meters had actually been split in half. The roughly half a meter long piece that was cut off actually started falling from the sky. With a ‘Bang!” it smashed into the ground.

The several hundred thousands of people that surrounded the ravine of the Black Dragon Pool, watching the battle, had all grown silent.

Chapter 27: Poisonous Soul Hook

The boss of the Black Dragon Pool, Lord Black Dragon, had long since disappeared. Usually, it would be the three Heavenly Deities that controlled the entire Black Dragon Pool. Among the three Heavenly Deities, only Xiong Hei possessed a Low Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. The other two did not possess a Heavenly Divine Artifact at all. Usually, Mei Ji and Liu Xu would even be envious of Xiong Hei’s Heavenly Divine Artifact.

In the hearts of everyone in the Black Dragon Pool, Heavenly Divine Artifacts were things that were indestructible!

However today, in front of several hundred thousand people, the indestructible Low Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact Spiked Club ‘Mountain Crusher’, had been cut in half by that scarlet colored sword.

A section close to a meter long had smashed onto the ground.
However, it felt as if it had smashed onto Xiong Hei’s heart. “How   is   that   possible?”    Xiong   Hei   was   completely dumbfounded. His complexion turned deathly pale.

Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji who were originally planning to surround Qin Yu also abruptly stopped in their tracks. The two of them flew to Xiong Hei. They looked to the scarlet Heavenly Divine Sword that Qin Yu held in his hands. Their gazes were filled with astonishment!

They were frightened still.

The entire ‘Black Dragon Pool’ ravine had grown silent for a long period of time. Suddenly, clamor like thunder rolls started sounding. Everyone had grown excited. With blazing hot gazes, they all looked to the scarlet Heavenly Divine Sword that Qin Yu held in his hand.

“Only an even more powerful Heavenly Divine Artifact would be able to cut apart a Heavenly Divine Artifact!” All the Deities watching the battle from below were all discussing with one another. These Deities only knew that Heavenly Divine Artifacts were the most powerful weapon. With the status that these people possessed, they simply did not have the qualifications to know of the existence of Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. Thus, they had determined that the scarlet Heavenly Divine Sword that
Qin Yu held in his hand was a stronger Heavenly Divine Artifact than the Spiked Club ‘Mountain Crusher.’
The gale whistle through the ravine. Qin Yu’s long hair was gracefully drifting in the wind. In his hand held the Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood. He looked at the three people before him.

“Are you afraid?” Said Qin Yu with a smile on his face.

The gazes that Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji looked to Qin Yu, and the Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood that he held, contained both shock and fear. As for Xiong Hei, he was shivering as he continued to look at the spiked club that he held in his hand that was missing a section.

The badly damaged spiked club’s might had already been decreased greatly. However, if one were to just compare its might, then it was still a bit stronger than a High Quality Divine Artifact.

“If you all aren’t going to attack, then I’ll take the initiative.” Qin Yu held the Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood with one hand. Suddenly, a layer of white flames started to burn on the surface of the Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood. As a fire attribute Heavenly Divine Artifact, it was capable of using flames to attack.

Upon seeing the White Pure Flames, Mei Ji and them were once again shaken.

The hundreds of thousands of people watching below had once again held their breaths. This was a battle that was worthy enough for them to flaunt to others about in the future. Even though they were merely watching from the sidelines.

“Mei Ji, Liu Xu, let’s risk it all, with all our strength. Mei Ji… all we can do now is to see whether that move of yours would be successful. If it isn’t, then we can only violate the orders given by Lord Black Dragon.” Said Xiong Hei via Divine Awareness Voice Transmission. 
Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji both nodded.

Unless it was the final moment, they did not wish to bother Lord Black Dragon. That was because in order for them to get into contact with Lord Black Dragon, they must do so at a designated time. If they were to go and suddenly disturb him, the fury that Lord Black Dragon would display was not something that they could bear.

Mei Ji and Liu Xu’s figure suddenly moved. Like the wings of a butterfly, with an extremely natural appearance, the two of them drifted to the two sides. Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji’s bodies were immediately covered with jade green colored radiance.

A violent roar. All Xiong Hei’s muscles had bulged up violently.  The  ‘tss  tss~~~”  sound  continued  to  echo.  Those muscles that swelled to two or three times their original size were reddened with blood. Furthermore, Xiong Hei’s bones had also started to echo eerie sounds. 
Slowly, his body started to lengthen, his muscles started to expand. Xiong Hei was also howling in a low voice. The corners of his eyes started to rip apart. The veins on his face appeared like blue snakes swimming about his face. They were completely bulged up.

“Seems like they’re giving their all!”  Qin Yu gazed at his surroundings and displayed an excited expression.

It had been a long time since he fought others!

Stopping in the airspace left to him was Daoist Liu Xu. Daoist Liu Xu held a green willow branch like item in his hand. His eyes had turned dark green. It was extremely peculiar.

Stopping in the airspace right of him was Mei Ji. At this moment, a dark black colored battle armor had appeared on Mei Ji’s body. Her eyes had turned ice-cold. She no longer displayed even the slightest amount of the seductive appearance that she had before. Holding the badly damaged spiked club with two hands, Xiong Hei’s biceps were so bulged that even the veins and arteries were clearly visible.

A loud shout. Xiong Hei turned into a blur. In a snap of a finger’s time, he had moved a hundred meters and arrived before Qin Yu. The damaged spiked club came smashing downwards at Qin Yu.

And at the same moment, Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu’s attacks had also arrived at Qin Yu.

Daoist Liu Xu instantly threw out ten soft green willow branches. He was trying to bind Qin Yu.

As for Mei Ji, she held an extremely ordinary High Quality Divine Sword and slashed towards Qin Yu. “That Daoist Liu Xu’s attack technique is so strange.” Qin Yu’s figure twisted strangely. He moved a distance of around twenty centimeters and avoided the incoming spiked club. At the same time, he moved Scarlet Blood in his hand. The scarlet sword silhouette soared into the air. Like a phantom… it was trying to come down and split Xiong Hei’s body in two.

Xiong Hei’s eyes instantly widened to a circle.

He violently altered the trajectory of his spiked club and changed it from smashing to defending. At the same time, he desperately flew backwards.

“Pfff~~” Even though he spat out blood and risked his life in changing the trajectory of the spiked club, even though he risked his life changing the direction of his path to flying backwards… the Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood still managed to sever a meter long section off from the spiked club and then continued to hack into Xiong Hei’s body.

Fortunately for Xiong Hei, he managed to block the incoming attack with his spiked club initially. Thus, he managed to survive the sword attack. However, a large cut had appeared on Xiong Hei’s abdomen area. His intestines were gurgling out from his body.

Jade green colored Heavenly Divine Energy instantly started to circulate through Xiong Hei’s body. Without regard to how much Heavenly Divine Energy he was consuming, Xiong Hei managed to recover from his injuries in a short period of time.

Qin Yu sighed in his heart.

Had it not been for Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji attacking him from the two sides, he would’ve already killed Xiong Hei.

“Eh?” Qin Yu hd dodged numerous times already. However, he was shocked to find out that this Daoist Liu Xu’s movement technique was actually not inferior to his own at all. A soft green willow branch had covered Qin Yu’s arm.

At this moment, Qin Yu was unable to move his arm at all. “What is this thing?” Qin Yu looked at this green willow branch with a shocked expression. The attacks from this Daoist Liu Xu were too strange. Furthermore, this willow branch was extremely tough and strong.

At the same time, the other nine willow branches also suddenly came flying toward Qin Yu’s head. It seemed as if they were trying to cover his head.

On top of that, Mei Ji’s attack had also arrived!

Both Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu displayed excitement in their eyes. Even Xiong Hei who had retreated back to recover his injuries displayed an expression of seeing the hope of victory.

“You’re trying to kill me with just this?” Qin Yu sighed in his heart and displayed a slight smile on his face.

“Hooh!’ White flames suddenly burst forth from Qin Yu’s body. That green willow branch that had originally wrapped around Qin Yu’s arm, was instantly burned to ashes. Even the green willow branch was no match against the White Pure Flames.

The other nine green willow branches that were flying toward Qin Yu’s head also started retreating!

“You won’t even dare to attack even if I let you attack me!” Qin Yu glanced at Daoist Liu Xu. At the same time, he had completely ignored Mei Ji’s attack. Instead, he started to rapidly chase after Daoist Liu Xu.

First kill Daoist Liu Xu.

Mei Ji was chasing after Qin Yu, Qin Yu was chasing after Daoist Liu Xu and Daoist Liu Xu was fleeing!

“How is he able to use such a flame? The White Pure Flames are the True Flames of Heavenly Deities, how is it possible for him to create so many of them at once?’ Daoist Liu Xu was unable to understand how such a thing was possible. 
Qin Yu was laughing in his heart. “Daoist Liu Xu, how would you possibly know, that the two weapons that I am using right now,  the  stronger  one  is  the  Refining  Flame  Wristband.” Although the Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood appeared to be powerful, it was still only comparable to a third-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. The Refining Flame Wristband, on the other hand, was a second-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasure.

When going against White Pure Flames, even Heavenly Deity level experts could not take them on.

Qin Yu saw how fast Daoist Liu Xu was fleeing from him and then looked behind to see Mei Ji who was chasing after him. He was unable to refrain himself from laughing coldly. At once, without any warning, Qin Yu suddenly stopped and hacked his sword down towards Mei Ji behind him!

His sword silhouette was like a screen ripping through the sky! Like a tofu, that High Quality Divine Sword that Mei Ji had was cut in half. Mei Ji’s eyes were overwhelmed with shock. In the crisis of life and death, Mei Ji violently twisted her head.

The sword silhouette slashed Mei Ji’s body into two. Fortunately, at the final moment, she twisted her head. This allowed her head to remain whole.

Mei Ji’s head rapidly fled. She then started to radiate a large amount of jade green colored Heavenly Divine Energy. She once again recovered her physical body. Mei Ji’s complexion was extremely pale. To create a physical body required her to consume a lot of her energy.

The several hundred thousands of Black Dragon Pool’s troops below were all staring at the battle above in awe.

Their three Heavenly Deities were actually being ravaged to such a miserable state by a single person. Xiong Hei’s Heavenly Divine Artifact was chopped into three and his stomach had also been sliced open. Mei Ji’s entire body was cut in two. She had technically lost her life once. Even Daoist Liu Xu, who appeared to be in the best state among the three, was only able to flee after being chased by Qin Yu!

Weak! The three of them were absolutely weak compared to Qin Yu.

“No wonder senior ‘Craftsman God’ was so revered in the Divine Realm. A single High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact is powerful enough to allow me, a High Level Deity that has yet to even reach the Heavenly Deity stage, to easily defeat three Low Level Heavenly Deities.” Qin Yu came to better sense the revered status that expert craftsmen possessed.

Actually, it was not the same as what Qin Yu believed it to be.

The reason why Qin Yu was able to defeat these three was mostly due to the assistance of his Meteoric Tear that allowed his spatial comprehension to be at the same level as these three Low Level Heavenly Deities. Had he not possessed the assistance of the Meteoric Tear then even if he possessed a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact, it would still be impossible for him to defeat a Low Level Heavenly Deity! After all, a High Level Deity couldn’t even fly! 
Qin Yu was shocked to discover that Daoist Liu Xu, Mei Ji and Xiong Hei were actually not discouraged in the slightest. They were still radiating fighting spirit from their bodies.

“Could it be that they still possess some sort of hidden trump card that they have yet to use?” Qin Yu started to be on guard. Had the other three Heavenly Deities not had a trump card, it was likely that they’d have already fled for their lives by now.

Xiong Hei, Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji all coldly stared at Qin Yu.

Xiong Hei roared loudly. His loud roar acted like an order and all three of them immediately proceeded to surround Qin Yu at the same time. At this moment, the three of them were all displaying ice-cold gazes in their eyes. 
“Courting  death!”  Qin  Yu  decided  to  not  care  that  much anymore. He proceeded to rapidly charge forward.

Qin Yu’s rapidly charged toward Xiong Hei. This had caused Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji to be a bit slower.

“Die!” Qin Yu attacked at once.

At the same time, Qin Yu’s body started to burn with white flames. With White Pure Flames covering his entire body, Qin Yu completely ignored the attacks from Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji. He proceeded to directly deal with Xiong Hei.

However, right at this moment…
An extremely tiny and sharp hook rapidly pierced into Qin Yu’s body. That extremely tiny sharp hook then escaped with a lightning speed. However, Qin Yu had started to suddenly shiver. He was unable to slash down the sword in his hand anymore.

Like a block of wood, Qin Yu started falling down from the sky.

With a “Bang!,” he landed on the ground.


The several hundred thousand people of the Black Dragon Pool that were watching the battle all grew silent. At the same time, they were all astonished. How did Qin Yu, who originally possessed the upper hand, lose like so?

“Haha~~~” Xiong Hei’s loud laughter resounded through the sky. “Haha, Qin Yu, aren’t you still going to die under my hands?” Xiong Hei flew down towards the ground and descended beside Qin Yu. Daoist Liu Xu and the extremely pale Mei Ji also descended.

“Little Sister Mei Ji, I must thank you for your troubles this time around.” Xiong Hei said gratefully. The extremely pale Mei Ji shook her head. “Enough of the useless chatter. Earlier, my Poisonous Soul Hook was merely burned by the White Pure Flames for an instant yet it has already become fifty percent smaller. The loss that I had this time, I would require at least several million years of training to recover.”
The Poisonous Soul Hook was Mei Ji’s innate weapon. Mei Ji’s true form was that of a ‘Pink Reel Scorpion’ of the Scorpion Clan. The Poisonous Soul Hook was poisonous. The attack from the Poisonous Soul Hook did not attack anything other than the soul! When one’s soul was attacked, one would become extremely muddle headed for a period of time.

The might of the Poisonous Soul Hook was related to the strength of the Pink Reel Scorpion. The stronger the Pink Reel Scorpion, the stronger the Poisonous Soul Hook. “Roar~~~”
“Lord Xiong Hei!”  “Lady Mei Ji!”  “Lord Xiong Hei!”  “Lord Liu  Xu!”…  All  kinds  of  cheering  noises  were  rising  up  and down unceasingly. The entire ravine of the Black Dragon Pool had turned into an ocean of celebrations.

The several hundred thousands of people of the Black Dragon Pool were all cheering for Xiong Hei, Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu. Xiong Hei, Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu were also filled with smiles. They were extremely excited.

Xiong Hei loudly laughed and said. “Haha~~ I shall kill this Qin Yu for the time being!”  Xiong Hei brandished his badly damaged spiked club that was now only two meters long and smashed it toward the skull of Qin Yu who was currently lying on the ground!

Xiong Hei looked to the ground. Qin Yu’s body had unexpectedly moved half a meter. Xiong Hei’s spiked club merely smashed the ground. And at this moment, Qin Yu had already opened his eyes. He turned to Xiong Hei and said with a slight smile on his face.

“Xiong Hei, one cannot be overly arrogant.” Qin Yu’s Divine Awareness Voice Transmission sounded in Xiong Hei’s mind. And at the same time, hundreds and thousands of scarlet sword silhouettes appeared and slashed through Xiong Hei’s body.

At such a close range and with so many sword silhouettes!

In merely an instant, Xiong Hei had been cut into mincemeat. His soul had also been cut into pieces. As for his True Spirit, after a slight jolt from Qin Yu’s sword silhouettes, it too had shattered.

At the same moment when Qin Yu launched his sword strike, moving like a lightning fast sword, Qin Yu streaked across the air and arrived beside Daoist Liu Xu.

“Woosh…” A sword silhouette soared to the sky. 
Daoist Liu Xu rapidly retreated backwards. However, even though he was fleeing, his body was still chopped in half from his shoulder area. Daoist Liu Xu’s head started fleeing far away. Fortunately he managed to react in time. Otherwise, his life would’ve already been lost.

As for Mei Ji who was the furthest away from Qin Yu, her reaction speed was the fastest. She had also started fleeing far away.

When Mei Ji flew beside the Black Dragon Pool, she started to rapidly fall downward and landed on the side of the Black Dragon Pool. When one saw this scene, they might think that Mei Ji was seriously injured. However, Mei Ji was currently sending her Divine Awareness through the Black Dragon Pool to send a voice transmission.

“Lord Black Dragon, Xiong Hei has died in battle. At this moment, Liu Xu and I might also perish. Please come save us!”

Chapter 28: A Surprising Discovery

Qin Yu stood in the middle of the ravine with his hands behind his back. As for Mei Ji, she had fallen beside the Black Dragon Pool. Even Daoist Liu Xu, who was greatly injured, flew over to Mei Ji and laid onto the ground beside her after consuming a large amount of Heavenly Divine Energy to restore his physical body.

Silence, oppression!

The several hundred thousands of people who had gathered around the ravine, watching the battle, all held their breaths. Not a single one of them dared to gasp at all.

The situation had turned once again. Earlier it was Xiong Hei and them who were about to kill Qin Yu. However, Qin Yu, who had fallen to the ground, suddenly rose back up and, before many of the Deities could respond, had already killed Xiong Hei and greatly injured Daoist Liu Xu. Everything happened so fast, like an electric spark. “Mei Ji, earlier when I had fallen to the ground, I have heard that you mentioned a thing called ‘Poisonous Soul Hook’ to Xiong Hei? Is that little hook that you attacked me with the Poisonous Soul Hook?” Qin Yu lightly smiled as he walked over to a distance about ten meters from Mei Ji.

Mei Ji continued to lay on the ground. She merely nodded her head. At the same time, she asked in confusion. “You were inflicted by my Poisonous Soul Hook, how is it possible for you to recover so fast?”
Mei Ji was extremely certain about the attack power of her Poisonous Soul Hook.

Mei Ji does not possess any powerful attack herself. Only her Poisonous Soul Hook was relatively peculiar and special. Had her enemy been prepared against her Poisonous Soul Hook, then Mei Ji would be an extremely weak person.

“Recover so fast?” Qin Yu smiled. What does she meant by recovering so fast? Qin Yu was very certain that the Poisonous Soul Hook had merely jolted his Golden Soul Pellet. Before it affected him, his Meteoric Tear had already started to radiate green brilliance that canceled out the attack.

Earlier when he fell to the ground, he had merely done so on purpose.

Qin Yu suddenly saw that Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu’s expressions had turned strange. Thus, he had a strange feeling and was unable to refrain from smiling. “Mei Ji, Liu Xu, what’s with your expressions?’
Mei Ji and Liu Xu glanced at each other. The two of them lightly smiled.

Qin Yu felt a throbbing of his heart. His gaze instantly turned to the lake behind Mei Ji and Liu Xu…. the Black Dragon Pool. Qin Yu knew very well that it was this enormous lake of over a hundred miles long circumference that was called the Black Dragon Pool. 
The surface of the Black Dragon Pool had been extremely tranquil the entire time and was radiating an intimidating sensation.

However, at this moment, that surface that was tranquil like a mirror had actually started to fluctuate and tremble. At the same time, a burst of demonic and strange aura had started to burst forth from within it. Qin Yu’s first response was to fly backwards.

Qin Yu instantly flew back ten miles and arrived outside of the great formation array that he had set up earlier. This fire attribute Killing Array, once the formation array activates, it would give birth to an unlimited number of White Pure Flames. Qin Yu had determined that if the situation were to turn bad, he’d immediately run into the great formation array.

Although the White Pure Flames were threatening to others, they did not possess any menace toward Qin Yu. “What’s inside the Black Dragon Pool?”  Qin Yu was able to clearly sense that something dreadful was there. “Could it be… the boss of the Black Dragon Pool? The legendary Black Dragon who was said to be missing already?

Lord Black Dragon had not shown himself in a countless number of years.

“Buzz~~~: The Black Dragon Pool was vibrating.

The center of the lake started to boil. It started to boil more and more. Suddenly, a figure stood on top of the boiling lake water and ascended up through the lake.

This figure was about a meter and seventy centimeters tall. With streamlined muscles and dark colored skin, this man appeared to be extremely slender.

His head full of short scarlet hairs were spiking toward the sky like steel needles. His pair of scarlet eyebrows appeared like sharp swords. Underneath that pair of scarlet eyebrows was a pair of gloomy and baleful looking pair of eyes. 
“Lord Black Dragon!”
Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji both kneeled onto the ground with one leg and said respectfully with their heads lowered.

The several hundred thousands of people who were surrounding and watching the battle instantly grew silent. However, after a short moment, all of them also got down on one knee and said in unison with extremely respectful tones. “Lord Black Dragon!”
The voices of several hundred thousands of people soared straight through the skies!

This Lord Black Dragon was only about a meter and seventy centimeters tall. His appearance was like that of a youngster. However, his pair of gloomy and baleful eyes were enough to convince others that this person was definitely no youth.

Qin Yu was carefully inspecting this Lord Black Dragon. 
“That  battle  armor  that  he  wears  appears  to  be  pretty distinguishing.”  Qin Yu displayed a smile on his face. Divine Armors were items that could change in accordance to one’s will.

This Lord Black Dragon’s battle armor had only protected the majority of the vital parts of his body.

As for his thigh, arm and such, they were completely exposed. His dark and beautiful muscles were completely revealed. Furthermore, that scarlet red hair and scarlet sword brows were also relatively rare. With merely a glance from this Lord Black Dragon, Qin Yu felt a burst of oppression.

“His soul’s level is much higher than mine!”  Qin Yu was extremely certain.

This Lord Black Dragon was at the very least a Mid Level Heavenly Deity. “You, are you the one who killed my subordinate Xiong Hei? Are you the Qin Yu who is proficient in formation arrays?” Black Dragon looked at Qin Yu. His voice gave off an exotic metallic sensation. Once Qin Yu heard those words, he realized that this Black Dragon had already obtained information regarding him.

“That’s right.”
Qin Yu looked to Black Dragon directly. With his long hair drifting in the wind, a rare smile appeared on his grave and stern face. “Are you that legendary Black Dragon who has been missing for many years?”
“I am Black Dragon.”  Black Dragon’s expression was very grave. “Qin Yu, you have two paths before you, a path to survival and a path to death. The path to survival is… to serve me. I shall forgive you for killing Xiong Hei. The path to death… if you refuse to serve me, then you shall die.”
“Live or die, your choice!” Black Dragon’s scarlet red sword brows was raised. He was giving off an extremely unyielding domineering aura.

Qin Yu glanced at Mei Ji and Liu Xu. He then raised his head and looked to Black Dragon. “Black Dragon, my life and death is not something that others can decide. Not even Godkings can decide my fate, much less you… a mere bandit boss!”
Qin Yu pointed to the Black Dragon with his index finger. His voice was extremely indifferent and his gaze penetrating. He had completely ignored the oppression given forth by Black Dragon’s aura.

The corners of Black Dragon’s mouth slightly raised. “Then, you shall die!”
Black Dragon extended one of his hand. A black stick about two meters long appeared on his hand. Holding the stick, Black Dragon charged toward Qin Yu. Although his charging speed was not extremely fast, it gave birth to several tens of blurs. “Mn? This movement technique?” Qin Yu was shocked upon seeing Black Dragon’s movement technique.

Each and every step that Black Dragon took gave off an extremely uncomfortable sensation. They appeared completely unnatural. However, it also gave off the sensation of a bowstring being braced… It was as if he could display his strongest strike at any moment.

“What sort of movement technique is this? No, his aura is increasing.”  Qin Yu was shocked to discover that in the ten mile distance that Black Dragon was running toward him, his aura had been increasing nonstop.

He did not use his soul’s power to increase his aura. Instead, he had done so through his movement technique. Using the rhythm of his pace, he had created an increase in his aura.

Black Dragon firmly fixed his two gloomy eyes on Qin Yu. From the beginning till now, his baleful eyes appeared exactly the same. It was as if fighting Qin Yu was unworthy of him to use all his strength on. 
“How could I continue to allow him to store up aura? His soul’s level is higher than mine to begin with, if he continues to get more oppressive… “ Qin Yu felt a burst of pressure in his heart. It was as if his heart were flustered. Before him, Black Dragon was like an eminent and unapproachable mountain. Furthermore, this enormous mountain was increasing in height unceasingly.

At the moment when Black Dragon was about to reach Qin Yu, Qin Yu took a step and directly entered into the great formation array beside him. This was a step that Qin Yu had already prepared. It created an entrance and allowed him in.

Black Dragon glanced at the great formation array that Qin Yu had just entered. Without the slightest hesitation, he charged into the Killing Array.

Seeing Black Dragon entering the great formation array, Qin Yu  displayed  a  smile  on  his  face.  “Although  you  are  very powerful, I would like to see how you’re going to be able to resist omnipresent White Pure Flames?!”
As Qin Yu’s True Flame had increased to that of the White Pure Flames, this had allowed this formation array to be more powerful than last time. Furthermore, he had managed to improve this formation array compared to last time around.

Right after Black Dragon entered into the Killing Array, the entire Killing Array started to emit White Pure Flames. A magnitude amount of White Pure Flames started to rush forth toward Black Dragon.

The grave and stern youngster Black Dragon held his black stick in one hand and continued to look at the White Pure Flames with indifference.

“White  Pure  Flames?  Qin  Yu,  you  truly  are  an  expert  in formation  arrays.”  Black  Dragon’s  scarlet  red  sword  brows slightly raised. He continued to stand there without the slightest regard for the White Pure Flames. As Qin Yu was waiting in anticipation, a scene that shocked him occurred.

By the time when the White Pure Flames approached about a foot away from the surface of Black Dragon’s body, the White Pure Flames were unexpectedly unable to go any further. This sort of scenario was truly too strange. It was so unnatural and strange that Qin Yu could not believe what was occurring.

Qin Yu and Black Dragon were inside the Killing Array. At this moment, the people outside of the killing array were completely oblivious as to what was happening.

“What’s happening inside?” Said Daoist Liu Xu with a frown. Mei Ji also shook her head and said. “I cannot see clearly at all. Countless White Pure Flames have covered the entire great formation array; who knows what’s occurring inside? However, I believe that Lord Black Dragon will definitely win.”
“I also believe that Lord Black Dragon will win. However, very rarely would we ever obtain a chance to see Lord Black Dragon fight. Yet this time around, we cannot even see his fight. It is truly regrettable.” Sighed Daoist Liu Xu. 
Not only them, the several hundred thousands of people that were watching the battle from afar all sighed too.

Countless White Pure Flames had flooded the entire great formation array. It was like the great formation array was flooded with a thick fog. No one was able to see what was occurring inside!

“Qin Yu, you don’t even know about this?”  Black Dragon’s gaze had a trace of disdain. “It would appear that you do not know anything at all about how Heavenly Deities fight. I truly do not know how you managed to kill Xiong Hei.”
After he finished saying that, Black Dragon rushed toward Qin Yu with a lightning speed.

Qin Yu was shocked to find out that White Pure Flames were unable to harm Black Dragon in the slightest. However, Qin Yu calmed his mind in an instant. Holding his Divine Sword Scarlet Blood in one hand, without moving at all, Qin Yu looked to the incoming Black Dragon. 
Black Dragon’s charge brought forth a penetrating sensation.

“Huff!” The black stick in Black Dragon’s hand suddenly shot out. As if it had passed through space, it instantly arrived before Qin Yu. The black stick whirled as it thrusted forward like a viper.

Qin Yu also thrust out the Divine Sword Scarlet Blood that he held in his hand.

This sword strike of his contained the profound comprehensions behind the Heaven Startling Single Stick Strike. Qin Yu believed that regardless of what kind of weapon it was, he could use the same sort of Dao for them.

The spatial energy surrounding the Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood started to spin and distort. The tip of the Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood now possessed the power to pierce through everything that tried to block its path. A clear and sharp collision sound was heard. The long tip of the long stick against the pointed tip of the Divine Sword!

Qin Yu and Black Dragon both flew backwards.

“Mn?” Qin Yu was shocked to discover that the High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact Divine Sword Scarlet Blood that contained the special effect of ‘sharpness’ actually did not cause the slightest amount of damage to the stick when colliding with it head on.

“Your Divine Sword is a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact?” Black Dragon’s eyes that had been gloomy the entire time suddenly turned blazing. He firmly stared at the Divine Sword Scarlet Blood that Qin Yu held in his hand.

“Why do you think that is the case?”  Qin Yu felt that the situation had turned bad.

That cold and indifferent Black Dragon actually started laughing. “That’s because in the short amount of time that I have came in contact with you, I have already determined that… your strength is only at the Low Level Heavenly Deity level. For a Low Level Heavenly Deity to be able to match me with his Heavenly Divine Artifact; as my weapon is a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact, thus yours would definitely not be be a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact but instead is the even stronger High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.”
Only then did Qin Yu understood that the black stick that Black Dragon held was actually a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.

“Qin Yu, do not bother resisting anymore. Your strength is truly too weak.” Black Dragon had a smile on his face. It might be because he saw the High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact that Qin Yu held in his hand that caused him to be in an extremely cheerful mood.

Qin Yu coldly humped.

“You don’t believe that? If I want to kill you, it’s an extremely easy task.” Black Dragon slightly smiled. Immediately… With Black Dragon as the center, the White Pure Flames in a circumference fifty meters or so away from him had all been pushed away. There was not a single bit of White Pure Flame within this area. As Qin Yu was only about ten meters away from Black Dragon, he was naturally also within this area.

“How come I can’t move anymore?” Qin Yu felt as if his body were stuck, he was unable to move at all.

Black Dragon have a smiling expression on his eyes. “A High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact is sufficient enough for me to match against ordinary High Level Heavenly Deities. Haha… never had I anticipated that I would obtain a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact today.”
“Black Dragon, what exactly did you do?”  Shouted Qin Yu with a frown on his face.

Black Dragon was slightly astonished. He then smiled and said. “Qin Yu, I have said that you do not understand the way Heavenly Deities battles. In a battle among Heavenly Deities, the most important aspect is one’s comprehension toward the space. I… a Mid Level Heavenly Deity have enough comprehension of the space to allow me to utilize the ‘Spatial Domain.’ Within the range of my Spatial Domain, I am able to inhibit the movement of my opponents. Furthermore, I can also completely discard everything else within the Spatial Domain – for example, your White Pure Flames.”
Qin Yu instantly understood everything.

“Low Level Heavenly Deities possess enough comprehension of the spatial laws to allow them to counteract the gravity of the ground and fly. As for Mid Level Heavenly Deities, they possess enough comprehension of the spatial laws to form Spatial Domains. As for High Level Heavenly Deities, they are able to destroy a small region of space. A Low Level Heavenly Deity simply does not even have the ability to resist when facing a Mid Level Heavenly Deity. The same goes for a Mid Level Heavenly Deity when faced against a High Level Heavenly Deity.” Said Black Dragon with a light smile. “Are you confused as to why I said earlier that if I possessed a High Quality Heavenly Artifact, I would be able to fight against a High Level Heavenly Deity?”
Qin Yu was carefully listening. He indeed wanted to know. “Unfortunately for you, I do not wish to tell you. Now, I shall bestow you…  death!”  Black Dragon’s figure instantly arrived before Qin Yu. With a horizontal stick strike, it came crushing at Qin Yu’s head.

Qin Yu’s eyes shined.

Qin Yu’s physical body had appeared in the Universal World’ that Qin Yu had created.

Qin Yu was only able to control a portion of the spatial energy of the Universal World because of the fact that the Universal World was still growing.

Qin Yu controlled the spatial energy of the Universal World and passed through to the Universal World. He then connected the Universal World at the location where he was previously standing in the Divine Realm.

After the connection between the Universal World and the Divine Realm was set, the residual forces of the spatial energy spread roughly a hundred meters. 
Qin Yu had once again returned to where he was at before.

At this moment, Black Dragon was still searching for Qin Yu all over. Seeing that Qin Yu had suddenly appeared, he was unable  to  refrain  his  shock.  “You,  how  did  you  disappear? Could  it  be  that  you  know  teleportation?  No,  impossible.” Regardless of how calm Black Dragon was, he was still unable to understand what had happened.

“Teleportation?” Qin Yu was slightly startled.

He had merely entered into his Universal World and then returned back to the Divine Realm. However, upon hearing ‘teleportation,’ Qin Yu suddenly thought of something.

[TL: I would like to point out that I have translated Hei Long as Black Dragon because I do not know if that’s his title or his actual name. But Hei Long also means Black Dragon. So yeah, it might be that Black Dragon Pool was actually Hei Long’s Pool. If anyone want to blame anyone, blame IET. He loves creating names that uses moves or such that the characters refers to that makes it completely impossible to translate. For example, Xiong Hei could mean Bear Black. Xiong Hei acts like a bear and is filled with black hair all over. Hence, Black Bear or Bear Black. Mei Ji’s name means Charming Woman because well, she’s a seductive woman. Daoist Liu Xu’s surname Liu is the same word as Willow. And guess what, he uses willow branches to attack. If I am mistaken with Black Dragon and it should be his name (Hei Long) and not a title, then please excuse me.] [ED: If you guys have read the manhua Feng Shen Ji, then yes, this Hei Long is the exact same name as that one.]

Chapter 29: One, Another

The reason why Qin Yu returned from his Universal World to the Divine Realm was originally because his spatial energy from his Universal World not only could allow him to depart from the Divine Realm, it also connected the Divine Realm from the location that he left and would allow him to spread his his spatial energy from his Universal World to around a hundred meters around the location where he it connected.

According to what Qin Yu knew, as long as the spatial energy from his Universal World spread to those areas, he would be capable of instantly arriving at those areas.

He was able to instantly return from his Universal Space to his original location. Likewise… he was also able to instantly move from the Universal Space to any location in the hundred meter area that his Universal Space’s spatial energy has spread to.

“If I were to instantly enter into the Universal World and then instantly return back to the Divine Realm, then the location where the spatial energy of the Universal World has spread to would become regions where I could instantly reach. Doesn’t that mean… that I would be able to teleport within a hundred meter region?”
Qin Yu bursted forth in an ecstasy.

Teleportation, it was an remarkable ability that only Godkings possessed in the Divine Realm. Because of the fact that the spatial restrictions of the Divine Realm were too great, one could only accomplish teleportation after completely controlling the spatial laws.

However Qin Yu, as the creator of the Universal World, was able to use the spatial energy of the Universal World to accomplish short distance teleportation.
“No, there’s no need for me to go through the troubles of returning to the Universal World. I merely need to connect the spatial energy from the Universal World and connect it over here to the Divine Realm and spread it around my body. Like that, I would be able to teleport a distance around a hundred meters around my body!” A method to use the spatial energy had instantly emerged in Qin Yu’s mind.

“Not only this, the usage of the Universal World’s spatial energy is more than merely this. I can also use this spatial energy to restrict others. It is just like the ‘Spatial Domain!’”
Qin Yu’s eyes were shining brightly.

“Furthermore, the Universal World is still growing. It is still at its infancy stage right now. Yet, it was able to spread out to a distance of a hundred meters. Likely, after it matures, the range in which its spatial energy could spread would become greater and greater. With the small amount of spatial energy that can be connected to the Divine Realm right now, I reckon that the binding ability would not be very efficient.”
Qin Yu was pondering with a lightning fast speed.

This was the Divine Realm. The Universal World was a completely different independent world. 
The spatial energy from two completely different worlds. The spatial energy of the Universal World, their effects in the Divine Realm would certainly be greatly weakened and inferior to when being used in the Universal World. However, even though it would be greatly weakened, Qin Yu was still extremely satisfied with it.

“Using the spatial energy from the Universal Space to bind others, even if it cannot match the ‘Spatial Domain’ of Mid Level Heavenly Deities, it would still likely not be much weaker.” Qin Yu thought in his heart.

In merely a couple breaths worth of time, Qin Yu had already thought of a large amount of things. Similarly… the methods which Qin Yu could use to fight with others has increased tremendously.

“Qin Yu, speak. What sort of method did you used earlier that allowed you to instantly dodge my sure killing strike?” Black Dragon’s eyes which were originally brimming with bale and gloom have turned blazing hot as he firmly stared at Qin Yu. 
Qin Yu was able to instantly disappear.

Even if it wasn’t teleportation, it would likely not differ much from teleportation. Such a remarkable ability, if he was able to learn it, then it would be enough for him to fight against a High Level Heavenly Deity.

Why were the High Level Heavenly Deities powerful? They were powerful precisely because they are able to destroy a small region of space. As long as one was capable of instantly disappearing, the ability that High Level Heavenly Deities possessed, their ability to destroy a small region of space would naturally become useless.

Black Dragon’s heart had started to shiver. He truly wanted to obtain Qin Yu’s remarkable ability.

“What sort of method? This is a secret of my sect that we are not allowed to tell others.” Qin Yu said. At this moment, Qin Yu had already set his determination. “Regardless of what, an ability like teleportation is something that cannot be leaked unless during the moment of life and death.”  Qin Yu knew very well how abnormal the ability to ‘teleport’ that only Godkings possessed was.

With such an ability, once his Divine Spear Waning Snow finished absorbing the ‘Dark and Yellow Energy,’ he would be able to even fight against a High Level Heavenly Deity.

Such an abnormal ability, he most definitely cannot allow others to know of it unless he possessed sufficient strength.

“Secret not allowed to tell others? In that case, Qin Yu, what if I were to become a disciple of your sect, would that work?” Black Dragon’s eyes were shining as he looked to Qin Yu.

In order to obtain this remarkable ability to appeared to be ‘teleportation,’ Black Dragon did not care for anything else. This remarkable ability was even more important than a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. “Become a disciple of my sect?” Qin Yu shook his head. “My master had only accepted I as the sole disciple. Furthermore… did you think that you’ll be able to become a disciple of my sect just because you wanted to become one?”
Black Dragon was violently woken up.

“That’s right, this Qin Yu possesses a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. To be able to bestow upon one’s disciple a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact, how would such a person be an ordinary person? Furthermore, a Low Level Heavenly Deity is capable of using an remarkable ability similar to that of ‘teleportation.’ This Qin Yu’s master is at the very least a Godking level expert. In the entire Divine Realm, countless people want to become a disciple to a Godking. It is indeed not something where I could become a disciple just because I want to.”
Black Dragon’s scarlet red sword brows have frowned into a line. He was pondering unceasingly.

“In that case, Qin Yu, I, I want to become your disciple!” Said Black Dragon as he clenched his teeth. 
Qin Yu was much weaker than Black Dragon. Had it been before, he would refuse to become Qin Yu’s disciple even if he was to be killed. However, the move Qin Yu had displayed earlier was truly too abnormal. It was also too attractive to Black Dragon.

Qin Yu was unable to refrain his astonishment.

“Become my disciple?”  Qin Yu shook his head and smiled. “Black Dragon, this remarkable ability is called ‘so close yet worlds apart.’ It is a secret technique that is passed onto only the successive generations of disciples of my sect, the Universe Sect. Furthermore, if I want to impart this technique to you, I must obtain the consent from my master.”
Qin Yu had instantly created a story.

“So close yet worlds apart?” Black Dragon’s eyes shined. Qin Yu nodded. “That’s right. So close yet worlds apart was a technique that my master had researched numerous years to create. It was created specially for Heavenly Deity level experts to use. Although it is inferior to teleportation but the difference between them is not great.”
“That’s right, it’s not great.” Black Dragon felt as if ants were crawling on his heart. He truly wanted to learn this remarkable ability called ‘so close yet worlds apart!’
The stubborn pursue for strength that Black Dragon had was not something that Qin Yu could understand.

Black Dragon was an ascender from the Devil Murder Realm. The Devil Murder Realm was different from the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm. The Devil Murder Realm was a world of incessant massacres. Each and every infant that was born to that realm would, for either themselves or their relatives, pursued the path of killing incessantly.

Each and every big shot of the Devil Murder Realm were all valiant individuals proficient in killing and fighting. 
When Black Dragon came out from the Black Dragon Pool, the movement technique that he utilized when he rushed toward Qin Yu was precisely a movement technique that he comprehended in the Divine Realm. In all these years that Black Dragon has been in the Divine Realm, he aimed to become a strong person the entire time.

The people of the Devil Murder Realm were practically all sinister, fierce and cruel. Being refused by Qin Yu, Black Dragon’s scarlet brows had frowned to a line. As if natural, a sinister and cruel plan had emerged in his mind.

“If I were to continue to endure like so, who knows when I would become someone who could call upon the wind and summon the rain in the Divine Realm. However, once I obtain this ‘so close yet worlds apart’ ability, then I would be able to kill even the High Level Heavenly Deities!”
To be instantly appear beside a High Level Heavenly Deity and launch a surprise attack! The only reason why High Level Heavenly Deities were more powerful than Mid Level Heavenly Deities was due to their comprehension of the spatial laws. Their attack power, on the other hand, was not much different.

“Kill Qin Yu and then utilize the ‘Seize God’ technique to obtain his soul’s memory would allow me to naturally learn this ‘so close yet worlds apart’ ability. At the same time, I’ll be able to obtain that High Level Heavenly Divine Artifact!”
To take risks. The greater the benefit, the more willing some people would be to take risks. Even if the risk was a life threatening danger.

Once he killed Qin Yu, learned the ‘so close yet worlds apart’ ability and obtained the Divine Sword Scarlet Blood, he would become second to only Godkings.

“Humph, so what if his master is a Godking? Even a Godking cannot constantly use their Divine Awareness to search the Divine Realm. In the Divine Realm, there exists no way for one to send a transmission to another. Even if I kill Qin Yu, Qin Yu would also be unable to message his master about it! The probability that I would be discovered by his master is extremely low. Yet, if I were to succeed… “
Black Dragon’s heart started to become even more and more determined.

This so close yet worlds apart ability and the Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood was truly too seductive. Rather than becoming a mere bandit boss in the Divine Realm, Black Dragon would rather capture the opportunity that would allow him to move about unhindered in the Divine Realm.

“At that time, if I were to submit myself to a power like the Mount Blood Demon or the Asura Sea, then with my strength after I learned the so close yet worlds apart ability, those Godkings there, would definitely protect me. Even if Qin Yu’s master were to find out about it in the future, what could they possibly do to me?”
After a careful consideration, Black Dragon decided on the most significant decision that he had ever since he had ascended to the Divine Realm! 
Killing a Godking level expert’s disciple.

If he were to succeed, he would become a person second to only Godkings.

If he were to fail, then his soul would be scattered.

“Good, I shall do it.” By the time Black Dragon had determined what to do, when he looked to his surroundings, Qin Yu had already disappeared. At the moment when he was pondering, Qin Yu had already escaped.

Earlier, because Black Dragon wanted to request Qin Yu, he had pulled back his Spatial Domain to cover only the surroundings of his body. Seizing that opportunity, Qin Yu hid himself into the ocean of White Pure Flames.

In this great formation array, other than Black Dragon’s surroundings, the other places were all filled with a large amount of White Pure Flames. This had caused the visibility to be extremely low. Hiding himself in this ocean of White Pure Flames, Black Dragon was unable to discover where Qin Yu was at all.

In this great Divine Formation Array, even one’s Divine Awareness cannot determine what is what.

What was Qin Yu doing?

Within this ocean of White Pure Flames, Qin Yu’s figure was teleporting nonstop with a lightning like speed. He would instantly disappear here and reappear there.

As the master of this great formation array, Qin Yu naturally knew where Black Dragon was. Thus, he would definitely not teleport next to Black Dragon.

“It is indeed as I have anticipated. The spatial energy from the Universal Space can allow me to teleport perfectly. Furthermore, it can create a ‘spatial domain.’ Merely, the binding ability of this ‘spatial domain’ ought to be inferior to that of a Mid Level Heavenly Deity’s.” Qin Yu sighed in his heart.

The ‘spatial energy’ from the Universal Space, when in the Divine Realm, would suffer rejection from the spatial energy of the Divine Realm. Otherwise, it would not have only spread a mere hundred meter area.

“Eh?” Why did this Black Dragon exit the great formation array?” Qin Yu started to ponder.

This was a Killing Array and not an Illusion Array or Trapping Array. Thus, it was extremely easy for Black Dragon to leave the formation array if he wanted to.

“Qin Yu, do you dare to fight me head on?!” Black Dragon’s voice sounded. And at this moment, at the brink of the hundred miles circumference Black Dragon Pool, five blurs flew up from the bottom of the lake with a lightning speed. These five blurs started to surround the great formation array from the sides.

If one’s power was strong, then one would be able to clearly see that all five of these blurs possessed short scarlet hair, scarlet brows and have the appearance of an youth! That’s right, each and every one of them were Black Dragon! All five of these Black Dragons held a black stick in their hand!

Chapter 30: Tan Jiu

The five ‘Black Dragons’ were all Mid Level Heavenly Deity level. The black sticks that the five of them held were all Mid Level Heavenly Divine Artifacts. These five ‘Black Dragons’ were extremely fast. Before Qin Yu even came out from the formation array, they already surrounded the formation array.

“Six Lord Black Dragons!”
Everyone who saw this scene were dumbstruck. One Lord Black Dragon had appeared before and then five more Lord Black Dragons appeared for a total of six! Furthermore, their appearance and their weapons were exactly the same.

Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu who stood afar had their expression chang. They glanced at each other.

“Mei Ji, Lord Black Dragon actually possessed six clones? No, that’s not it. Lord Black Dragon had set up his strongest ‘Six Directions Extermination Array.’ Then, wouldn’t there be still…” Daoist Liu Xu stared at the ground where the six Black Dragons stood at. 
Mei Ji’s expression had also turned solemn. “That Qin Yu actually managed to force Lord Black Dragon to go all out and use the Six Directions Extermination Array! In the entire region of the Yuchi City, other than the master of the Yuchi City, that High Level Heavenly Deity Lord Yuchi Gonglan, there are no one else that possessed the strength to make Lord Black Dragon go all out.”
Six Directions Extermination Array!

It was Black Dragon’s strongest move. This great formation array of his could not be considered as being extremely profound. However, in Black Dragon’s hands, he was able to bring about an astonishing amount of power. That was because this formation array allowed Black Dragon to turn into nine people!

All nine of these Black Dragons were all clones. As long as a single clone survived, Black Dragon would not die. Black Dragon, his true form was that of a Nine-headed Black Dragon. In the Devil Murder Realm, he had once brought about an endless amount of carnage. As a variation demon beast, the Nine-headed Black Dragon have managed to refine nine different clones that could exist by themselves. Furthermore, each and every one of the clone possessed the strength of a Mid Level Heavenly Deity.

The six ‘Black Dragons’ have surrounded the ground.

Below the ground were three tunnels. These three tunnels just happened to be connected to the Black Dragon Pool. Three ‘Black Dragons’ stood at the end of each tunnel. These three tunnels were created in the short period of time by those three ‘Black Dragons.’
On the surface were six Black Dragons.

Below the surface were three Black Dragons.

At the location where these nine ‘Black Dragons’ were, they formed a perfect ‘Six Directions Extermination Array.’ Each and every one of them possessed a spatial domain of several tens of meters. With the nine of them together, their spatial domain was able to cover a distance of nearly a thousand meters.

The six Black Dragons above the ground were separated quite far from each other. Just like so, Qin Yu stepped out from the range of his Killing Array.

Once he got out from the great formation array, Qin Yu merely saw a single Black Dragon before him.

“Black Dragon, you wanted to fight me head on?”  Said Qin Yu. However, right after he said those words, he seemed to have sensed something and proceeded to look to his right. What he saw was that there was actually another person far to his right…
Scarlet hair, scarlet brows, with an appearance of a grim youngster and holding a black stick in his hand! “Another Black Dragon?”  Qin Yu turned his head back to look before him. He then violently turned his head to look behind him, to his front left, to his back left… this lightning fast inspection of his surroundings have brought Qin Yu cold sweat.

One, another and yet another Black Dragon. A total of six Black Dragons.

Furthermore, all six of these Black Dragons possessed a black stick. Even their aura was exactly the same.

“Six Mid Level Heavenly Deities and even six Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts?”  Qin Yu was completely confused. What exactly was happening? How could there be so many of the same Heavenly Divine Artifacts?

Was this an illusion?

Qin Yu was unable to think anymore. That was because at this moment, all six Black Dragons have attacked him at the same time. 
“Qin  Yu!”  With  a  large  shout.  The  six  Black  Dragons  all moved out at the same time. Each and every one of them created several tens of afterimages as they moved. In an instantly, several hundred after images appeared.

And at the same moment…
“Spatial Domain?” Qin Yu discovered that he was unable to move anymore. “That can’t be. I am over a hundred meters away from each and every one of them. How could the Spatial Domain have such a large range?”
Qin Yu still didn’t know that with the nine Black Dragons joining hands, their Spatial Domain possessed a range of a thousand meters.

“At this moment I am not in my formation array. Furthermore, there are several hundred thousands of people watching from the sidelines. If I were to use my teleportation, I would definitely be discovered by them. If this information were to be spread; no, I definitely cannot allow the information of teleportation to be spread out.”
Qin Yu absolutely do not want to expose his remarkable ability of ‘teleportation.’ That was because Qin Yu knew exactly what sort of outcome would happen if it was to spread.

Against a fatal blow, even if he cannot block it, Qin Yu had determined to at the very most hide himself into his Universal World and then come back after some time. He most definitely cannot teleport… If he were to suddenly disappear, others might suspect that he possessed a Spatial Divine Artifact.

Although Spatial Divine Artifacts were extremely precious in the Divine Realm, but it was less shocking than having a Heavenly Deity that could ‘teleport.’
“Qin Yu, you are going to die!” The nine Black Dragons were all extremely excited. At this moment, Qin Yu did not discover at all that there were three more Black Dragons located underneath the ground and was about to attack too. Suddenly, a sharp and clear voice sounded.

“Tan Jiu, stop!”
A yellow clothed figure drifted over through the air. It was precisely Huang Jing. Huang Jing slightly extended her right hand and did a grabbing motion toward the sky and then a close to ten meter space within the ‘Six Directions Extermination Array’ had been shattered. A black space crack appeared before Qin Yu.

The space have been shattered!

As if they have been frozen, the six Black Dragons were all motionless. They looked to the yellow clothed woman that easily drifted over in the air. “Who is this woman? She’s actually able to destroy the space. When did the Yuchi City have a female High Level Heavenly Deity?”
Black Dragon understood very well that this woman was already being very lenient toward him. Had she wanted to, she could destroy one of his clones. As long as she attacked him nine times, all nine of his clones would be done for.

Regardless of how unwilling he was, Black Dragon stopped his attack.

“Tan Jiu, there is no need for you to bother hiding your other  three  clones  underneath  the  ground  anymore.”  Said Huang Jing with a smile on her face.

At this moment, Black Dragon could only try his best to squeeze out a smile. His three great clones underneath the ground came out not far from where Qin Yu stood. Upon seeing these three ‘Black Dragons,’ Qin Yu started to sweat cold sweat from his back.

At this moment, one of the Black Dragon shouted a command to Daoist Liu Xu. “Liu Xu, order everyone to withdraw themselves. No one is to come and here and bother us.”
“Yes, Lord Black Dragon.” Daoist Liu Xu said hurriedly. 
The several hundred thousands of people, under Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji’s orders, immediately dispersed. Beside that great formation array that Qin Yu had set up, only nine Black Dragons, Huang Jing and Qin Yu remained.

“Qin Yu, we meet once again.” Said Huang Jing with a smile to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu expressed his thanks. “Miss Huang Jing, thank you for saving my life. That’s right, why did you call this Black Dragon as ‘Tan Jiu?’”
Huang Jing looked to Black Dragon. “Tan Jiu, you should tell him yourself.”
The nine Black Dragons actually assembled together. After that, the nine of them fused into one. This new Black Dragon that was formed held nine black sticks in his hand. These nine black sticks became a lot shorter. Each and every one of them were merely a foot long. With a movement of Black Dragon’s hand, these nine sticks have turned into a nine sectioned whip. 
“My true form is that of a Nine-headed Black Dragon. Thus, I call myself ‘Lord Black Dragon.’ During my birth, my parents named me ‘Tan Jiu.’” At this moment, the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu does not have the slightest aura of arrogance.

[TL: Black Dragon Tan Jiu used ‘this humble person/myself/this one’ to refer to himself. Basically, lowering his status when talking.]

When faced with a High Level Heavenly Deity, he did not dare to act arrogantly at all.

“So that was the case. Nine-headed Black Dragon…” Qin Yu could guess that it was likely that the parents of this Tan Jiu named him as ‘Jiu’ because he had nine heads.

[TL: Jiu → Nine]

Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu looked to Huang Jing. “May I know who Lady might be…” “I am surnamed Huang.” Said Huang Jing indifferently.

“Lady  Huang.”   The  nine  sectioned  whip  that  the  Nine- headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu held in his hand instantly turned into a single stick with a movement of his hand. “May I know how Lady Huang managed to know my name? In the Divine Realm, there are not many people that knew of my true name.”
Huang Jing smiled and said. “It is the army commander of the Yuchi City, Liu Yuxi, who told me your name.”
“Liu Yuxi?” Tan Jiu’s expression changed.

Huang Jing lightly smiled and said. “I only came to know after having a long chat with Liu Yuxi… that you, Tan Jiu, the bandit boss, actually ascended from the Devil Murder Realm together with Liu Yuxi. Furthermore, the two of you reached the Mid Level Heavenly Deity level at the same time. And now, one of you was a bandit boss whereas the other is the commander of the Yuchi City’s army. Haha, this matter is truly strange.” Qin Yu was unable to refrain himself from looking to Tan Jiu.

He was able to sense that Tan Jiu possessed some sort of special relationship with that army commander Liu Yuxi.

“Lady Huang, may I know what Liu Yuxi had talked to Lady Huang about that caused Lady Huang to personally come here?” Tan Jiu’s expression turned slightly unnatural. He was currently cursing in his heart. ‘Liu Yuxi, you bastard. If you have the ability, then come and fight me yourself. Why the fuck did you ask a High Level Heavenly Deity to come?!’
Huang Jing lightly smiled and said. “Regarding what he had said, I believe Tan Jiu you are able to imagine. Why did you hid yourself in the Black Dragon Pool for all these years, that was what he told me about.”
Tan Jiu’s eyes jumped. His scarlet sword brows have frowned into a line. His eyes were filled with bale. “Lady Huang Jing, are you truly going to fight over it?” Said Tan Jiu slowly.

Qin Yu managed to figure out as he continued to hear from the side. It appeared that this Tan Jiu had hid himself in the Black Dragon Pool all these years for a certain something. Furthermore, it appeared that only Tan Jiu and that Liu Yixu knew about it.

Huang  Jing  smiled  indifferently.  “Tan  Jiu,  although  that thing might be extremely important to you and Liu Yuxi and also possesses some appeal to me, but the two of you have spent an immeasurable amount of time due to it. Thus, I would also not seize it from the two of you. Naturally, I would not get involve with it. Between you and Liu Yuxi, as to who among the two of you would be able to obtain it, it’ll have to be depending on your respective abilities.”
Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu immediately relaxed.

At the same time, he started to ponder about the background of this yellow clothed woman. Even if she was a High Level Heavenly Deity, there are not many High Level Heavenly Deities that would not care about that treasure. Furthermore… Liu Yixu even told this secret to this woman.

“That bastard Liu Yuxi, how could he tell this woman of our secret? Could it be that he wanted to curry favor from this woman?” Tan Jiu looked to Huang Jing. Since the time back in the Devil Murder Realm, Tan Jiu competed with Liu Yixu the entire time. And even now, after countless years, the two of them were still equally matched. Thus, Tan Jiu naturally knew of Liu Yixu’s temperament.

“The reason why I came here today was actually to come and see this friend of mine.” Huang Jing looked to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu was unable to refrain his shock. “Miss Huang Jing, you…”
“I have obtained information stating that a Heavenly Deity appeared on Mount Bewitch You. The time when that Heavenly Deity appeared was close to the time when the two of us separated. Afterwards, I heard that this Heavenly Deity came massacring all the way to the Black Dragon Pool. I suspected it to be you, and sure enough, it was you!” Said Huang Jing with a smile on her face. “Qin Yu, you ought to have just reached the Heavenly Deity level right? By any chance do you have the interest to train at the Mount Dazzling Gold?”

Chapter 31: The Eight Great Families’

“Train at Mount Dazzling Gold?”
Qin Yu knew that at the eastern section of the Divine Realm, the center of the power was Mount Dazzling Gold, a mountain that floats in the air. The Utmost East Sage Emperor and close to ten thousand Heavenly Deities, were all gathered at that location.

“When chopping wood, it’s better to hone one’s blade first. It is better for me to wholeheartedly train in my ‘Array Path.’ It won’t be too late for me to proceed to Mount Dazzling Gold after I achieve some accomplishment in the ‘Array Path.’” Thought Qin Yu in his heart.

When researching the ‘Array Path,’ Qin Yu’s soul’s level would also slowly increase. According to the experience left behind by the Craftsman God Chehou Yuan, once one reached the level eight formation array stage, one’s soul would be at the peak of High Level Heavenly Deity. Qin Yu looked at the yellow clothed woman before him.
Distracted, he seemed to have seen the long haired Li’er.

“Ah!”  Qin Yu was suddenly woken up. “That’s right. This Huang Jing is the large squadron captain of the cultivators of Mount Dazzling Gold. She is also a High Level Heavenly Deity. She ought to be someone of status among the Utmost East Sage Emperor’s camp. She most definitely knows of the surnames of the Eight Great Families of the Divine Realm. It might even be possible for her to know about Li’er!”
Uncle Fu was merely the housekeeper of the Bewitching God Temple and a puppet created by the Craftsman God Chehou Yuan. It was natural for him to not know about a lot of the secrets.

However this Huang Jing was someone who held a high position within Mount Dazzling Gold, the power headquarters of the Utmost East Sage Emperor.

“Qin Yu, what are you still thinking about?” Said Huang Jing with a smile. “In this enormous Divine Realm, the Eight Great Sage Emperors each possess a region. And now, you have also reached the Heavenly Deity level, if you were to continue to trying your best in a small place like Yuchi City, it would be unlikely for you to achieve great accomplishments. In Yuchi City, a mere Low Level Heavenly Deity would be considered as someone extremely extraordinary. However, within Mount Dazzling Gold, everyone is at least a Low Level Heavenly Deity.”
Huang Jing stared at Qin Yu. “I believe that you ought to be someone who wouldn’t be content with staying merely at the territory of this Yuchi City, right?”
Hearing what Huang Jing said, Qin Yu’s heart had also moved.

When he first came to the Divine Realm, his strength was indeed relatively weak. However now, his ‘Stellar Transformation’ technique has reached the Universe Stage. He had split apart the Heaven and Earth and created a new world. As he now possessed his Universal World, Qin Yu could even accomplish teleportation using the spatial energy from the Universal World. On top of that, he possessed the Divine Spear Waning Snow that was currently absorbing the Dark and Yellow Energy. His attack power was extremely astonishing.

“Indeed. The current Yuchi City really does not possess any challenge to me. Those that I could consider as people worthy of challenging are countable with a single hand.” Qin Yu sighed in his heart. Ordinary Low Level Heavenly Deities were simply no match for him at all.

Even if his opponent were a Mid Level Heavenly Deity, he would still be capable of fighting them. If he were to risk his all and use ‘teleportation’… then it would truly be extremely hard for a Mid Level Heavenly Deity to kill Qin Yu in close combat.

Only at this moment did the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu manage to determine that the yellow clothed woman before him was actually from ‘Mount Dazzling Gold.’ Tan Jiu became even more cautious of this Huang Jing. At this moment, he also advised. “Qin Yu, Lady Huang Jing personally invited you. You should accept it.” “This, well, oka…” Qin Yu was about to accept but suddenly stopped.

“What’s  wrong?”   Huang  Jing  looked  to  Qin  Yu  with  a confused expression.

Qin  Yu  frowned.  He  remembered  something  bad.  “This Huang Jing had thought that I had reached the Low Level Heavenly Deity level. However, I am actually only at the High Level Deity level. I am only able to fly because of the assistance from my Meteoric Tear. The energy that I can use now is only the Divine Energy. Huang Jing is currently thinking that I have yet to transform my energy because I have just reached the Low Level Heavenly Deity level. However, if I were to go to the Mount Dazzling Gold and continue to use Divine Energy after a long time, I reckon I would bring about the suspicion of a large number of people.”
“Furthermore, the Mount Dazzling Gold is the territory of the Utmost East Sage Emperor. That Utmost East Sage Emperor is unfathomably strong. If he were to grow suspicious of me, it’d be very troublesome.” Qin Yu instantly thought of this issue.

The energy that he had at his disposal right now was Divine Energy. How could he conceal this from the people of Mount Dazzling Gold?

“Exactly how long would it take for one to reach the Low Level Heavenly Deity from the peak of High Level Deity?” Qin Yu was filled with helpless anxiety. This mountain pass of reaching the Heavenly Deity Stage from the peak of the Deity level, was a mountain pass that had trapped hundreds of billions of people of the Divine Realm.

If it takes too long for Qin Yu to reach a breakthrough, then he would definitely be suspected in Mount Dazzling Gold as he’d be using his Divine Energy for a long time.

“Miss Huang Jing, I too have been longing to go to Mount Dazzling Gold. However, the current me is still too weak. I have yet to even completely transform my Divine Energy into Heavenly Divine Energy. I think… it will not be too late for me to go to the Mount Dazzling Gold after my strength increases a bit.” Said Qin Yu. 
Huang Jing nodded. It seemed as if she was a bit disappointed. However, she still smiled and said. “Okay. In that case, when you want to come to Mount Dazzling Gold, you merely have to come over and then inform them of my name.”
“Thank you Miss Huang Jing.” Qin Yu said gratefully.

Although this was what Qin Yu said, he currently had a matter in his heart that had been vexing him. The Eight Great Families of the Divine Realm, what exactly were their surnames? Which family was Jiang Li from?

Qin Yu wanted to ask Huang Jing.

Qin Yu glanced Black Dragon, the lean youngster beside him, and then said to Huang Jing via Divine Awareness Voice Transmission. “Miss Huang Jing, I have a matter that I wish to ask you. Merely, I think it might be rude for me to ask you about it.” The Eight Great Families of the Divine Realm with the most power and history, their surnames had been a secret the entire time. Even if Huang Jing knew about it, would she tell an ordinary nobody like himself?

Seeing that Qin Yu had send a Divine Awareness Voice Transmission to her, Huang Jing was slightly surprised. She too realized that what Qin Yu wanted to ask her might be some sort of secret.

“Lady Huang Jing, the two of you can chat first. I still have some things to chat with Qin Yu about later.” Black Dragon Tan Jiu saw Qin Yu and Huang Jing’s expressions and managed to guess that Qin Yu and her likely had some sort of secret matter to talk about. At once, he proceeded to walk away to a distance several miles from them.

A burst of ripple appeared in the space surrounding Huang Jing. The space surrounding Huang Jing had instantly fell under her control.

“Qin Yu, go ahead and speak your mind. Inside this domain, others absolutely cannot hear what we are talking about.” Said Huang Jing with a slight smile. “I truly wish to know what exactly it is that you want to ask me!”
Qin Yu took a breath of air and then stared at Huang Jing.

Huang Jing also felt that the atmosphere had turned. She no longer had a smile on her face.

“Miss Huang Jing, I merely wanted to ask about the eight most ancient Great Families, that is to say, the Eight Great Families which the Eight Great Sage Emperors are from. I wish to know what their surnames are! And whether there is one that is surnamed Jiang?! And if there is, which Great Family is that?” Qin Yu said all that in a single breath. By the time he finished, he felt that his hands were slightly shivering. Standing there, he felt as if even his muscles were shaking.


Qin Yu was truly nervous. He continued to watch Huang Jing and was awaiting for her respond. 
Huang Jing’s expression had slightly changed. She looked at Qin Yu. Her pair of long, shapely eyebrows started to knit together. Confused, she said. “You want to know about the surnames of the Eight Great Families? Why are you asking this?”
Qin Yu’s face turned slightly red. He felt as if he was an ant on top of a saucepan lid.

“Miss Huang Jing, I merely wanted to know. This matter is extremely important to me. Is it possible for you to tell me? Can you tell me exactly which one of the Eight Great Families have the surname ‘Jiang?’” Qin Yu said hurriedly. At the same time, his speech have turned faster and faster.

Even Huang Jing could sense Qin Yu’s urgency.

“I’m sorry for being too anxious. Miss Huang Jing, if this matter is too important and you cannot tell me about it, then I won’t force you to tell me. If you are able to tell me about it, then I… I wish that you please do. I ask of you, please tell me. Please?” Qin Yu looked to Huang Jing with anticipation.

Huang Jing remained silent for a couple breaths of time. She then slightly smiled. “Okay then, I will tell you about this. Merely, I wish that you do not tell others about this. The surnames of the Eight Great Families are not things that can be spoken and spread as one wishes.”
“Thank you. I will definitely not tell others. I would definitely not!” Qin Yu said repeatedly.

Qin Yu naturally knew that the surnames of the Eight Great Families were things that he couldn’t spread as he wishes. For Huang Jing to be willing to tell him about them, he was extremely grateful to her.

“The most ancient Eight Great Families of the Divine Realm were created as the Divine Realm was created. The surnames of these Eight Great Families are a secret that only the upper echelons of the Divine Realm know of. As for the ‘Jiang’ surname that you spoke of, it is indeed one among the Eight Great  Families.”  As  Huang  Jing  said  to  this  point,  Qin  Yu lightly smiled.

Qin Yu’s deep and serene eyes were currently dazzling like the stars in the sky.

“Sure enough, sure enough.”  Qin Yu felt as if his heart was overhanging. He was in a state of extreme nervousness.

Huang  Jing  continued.  “The  Eight  Great  Families  of  the Divine Realm are respectively surnamed Huangfu, Tang, Mu, Jiang, Duanmu, Sentu, Putai, and Zhou. The Utmost East Sage Emperor’s clan is the Huangfu Clan!”
An thought flashed through Qin Yu’s mind. The Divine Realm’s Eastern Region was the territory of the Huangfu Clan. He then immediately cast this knowledge all the way into the depths of his mind. Qin Yu continued to stare at Huang Jing. He was waiting to find out exactly which of the Eight Great Families the Jiang Clan was. “The Eight Great Sacred Lands of the Divine Realm, to the utmost north is the Floating Snow City, to the utmost south is the Light Lens City, to the utmost east is Mount Dazzling Gold, to the utmost west is Mount Blazing Flame, to the northwest is the Thunder Punishment City, to the northeast is the Forest
Ocean City, to the southeast is the Subterranean City and to the southwest is the Jade Ripple Lake.”
Huang Jing said all that with a single breath. She then smiled and looked to Qin Yu.

Seeing that Huang Jing had yet to tell him which one was the Jiang  Clan,  Qin  Yu  grew  impatient  and  said.  “Miss  Huang Jing…”
Huang Jing smiled. “I know that you’re getting anxious. This Jiang Clan is the clan of the Divine Realm’s Utmost North Sage Emperor. Almost all of the Jiang clansmen reside in the Floating Snow City! Qin Yu, are you satisfied now?”
“Floating Snow City, Floating Snow City!” Qin Yu’s mind instantly became filled up with the words ‘Floating Snow City.’ All the blood in his body appeared to be boiling. At this moment, Qin Yu had lost his ability to think.

Seeing that Qin Yu’s skin had turned red and was displaying a blank expression, Huang Jing couldn’t help herself from being surprised.

Qin Yu’s body shivered. He then woke back up to reality. He immediately looked to Huang Jing and said impatiently. “Miss Huang Jing, I would like to ask if you know about a girl. Her name is Jiang Li!”
“Jiang Li, eh? You also know of little sister Jiang Li?” Huang Jing was surprised. “You’d best not tell me that you’re also planning to chase after little sister Jiang Li!?”

Chapter 32: Threat

Upon hearing Huang Jing’s question, Qin Yu instantly woke back up to reality.

Currently, Qin Yu still couldn’t allow others to know about the relationship between him and Li’er. His current strength was too weak! Qin Yu immediately asked instead. “Chase after Jiang Li? Miss Huang Jing, why would you say such a thing? Could it be that there are a lot of people chasing after Jiang Li?”
“Oh?” Huang Jing looked to Qin Yu with suspicion.

Qin Yu however had a lingering fear in his heart. Earlier when Huang Jing asked him that question, had he not woken back up to reality, then perhaps he would’ve said what he shouldn’t have.

“Miss Huang Jing, what are you thinking?” Said Qin Yu with a smile on his face. In merely a short moment, Qin Yu’s frame of mind had grown completely undisturbed. 
Huang Jing glanced at Qin Yu a couple times. She then said. “There are naturally a lot of people chasing after little sister Jiang Li. This involves a great secret. For the time being, I believe it’s best for you to not know about this matter.”
“Involved  a  great  secret?  What  sort  of  secret  is  this mysterious?” Said Qin Yu with a smile on his face.

Huang Jing shook her head and didn’t say anything. Actually, this secret couldn’t be considered to be a great secret. After all, all the upper echelons of the Divine Realm knew about this secret. Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been that many Heavenly Deities chasing after Jiang Li. However, Huang Jing didn’t want to tell Qin Yu about this secret!

“Actually, little sister Jiang Li is also quite pitiful.” Said Huang Jing with a sigh.

Qin Yu’s heart shivered. What’s wrong with Li’er? Why is she pitiful? However, Qin Yu was still feigning a curious expression. “Jiang Li is pitiful? How is she pitiful?” Huang Jing shook her head and said with a sigh. “Jiang Li is from the utmost north region’s Jiang Clan. Thus, her status could also be considered as being very high. Logically, she should be able to live her life carefreely and without worries. After all, things like forced marriage are extremely seldom nowadays. Likewise, there are rarely any people from the Divine Realm that would like someone to a frantic level. However, ever since that Heaven Startling Battle, little sister Jiang Li’s situation has turned for the worse.”
“The  number  of  people  chasing  after  her  is  immense. Furthermore, many of the people among them possess extremely high status. For there to be that many people chasing after her… does it illustrate her charm? It would’ve been fine had that been the case. The most lamentable thing was, this large group of people that wants little sister Jiang Li, not a single one of them likes her for who she is.” Huang Jing sighed.

A group of people that doesn’t like her yet chases after her.

This was truly lamentable.. 
Qin Yu felt a burst of fury rising from the bottom of his heart. He tried his best to maintain his tranquil expression. “Miss Huang Jing, why are those people chasing after Jiang Li if they do not like her?”
“It’s all because they want to have the opportunity to become a Godking! Humph, each and every one of those people wants to become a new Godking. Little sister Jiang Li is truly pitiful. If she were to marry any one of them… fortunately she has the protection of senior Jiang Lan. Otherwise, little sister Jiang Li would’ve already been forced to marry someone.” Huang Jing sighed.

Qin Yu’s heart shivered.

Forced to marry someone? Those four words have caused Qin Yu’s heart to tighten. Although he knew that this had yet to happen, just thinking about it caused Qin Yu to feel that his heart was tightening. Qin Yu didn’t know what to do if Li’er were to truly become someone’s wife!

“Uncle Lan, Li’er…”
Qin Yu’s clenched down on his teeth tightly. At this moment, his resolution seemed to be carving his soul. “Li’er, bear for it a bit longer. Once I have enough strength, I will definitely walk into the Floating Snow City straightforwardly and out in the open.”
At this moment, Qin Yu needed to suffer patiently but firmly resolve himself and continue to put in effort into his training.

He shall wait till the future when he achieves accomplishments before emerging and showing his magnificence.

“Miss Huang Jing, I, Qin Yu, cannot thank you enough for the things you have told me today.” Qin Yu bowed to once again express his gratitude. Huang Jing immediately smiled so hard that her eyes squinted. “It’s nothing much. In the future, once you’ve come to the Mount Dazzling Gold, these things would be things that you’d naturally come to know.”
Huang Jing turned around and looked at the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu who stood far away.

“This Tan Jiu says that he has something that he wants to chat with you about. You can go ahead and chat with him now.” Said Huang Jing with a smile on her face. At the same time, she removed the spatial domain in the surroundings.

With short scarlet hair like steel needles sticking out; with a pair of gloomy and baleful eyes underneath a pair of scarlet sword brows; with the appearance of a slender youngster was the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu. With a cold expression, he stood on the open land. The mountain wind of the ravine whiz past him. Although they crashed at his body, Tan Jiu’s appearance did not change in the slightest.

“This Qin Yu, I hope that he won’t make our conflict a life and death crisis!”  Tan Jiu had a matter that bothered him in his heart. 
Qin Yu’s identity!

From Tan Jiu’s point of view, Qin Yu possessed a High Level Heavenly Divine Artifact, knew of the ‘so close yet worlds apart’ remarkable ability and even mentioned that he possessed a master. Today, Tan Jiu tried to kill Qin Yu. However, at the final moment, his plan was destroyed by Huang Jing.

And now, Tan Jiu had begun to worry about what might happen if Qin Yu were to tell this matter of him trying to kill Qin Yu to his mysterious master behind him and have his master come and kill him. If such a thing were to happen, what could Tan Jiu possibly do?

Tan Jiu knew that Qin Yu had most definitely sensed the killing intent that he had in the Six Directions Extermination Array.

Tan Jiu believed that Qin Yu would definitely retaliate against him. 
Since Qin Yu would come for retaliation, he must extinguish the thought of revenge before it occurs!

Kill Qin Yu?

A scene of Huang Jing effortlessly breaking his strongest offensive formation array appeared in Tan Jiu’s mind. He immediately gave up the idea of killing Qin Yu. With Huang Jing here, it was impossible for him to kill Qin Yu.

“There’s only a single way out!” Tan Jiu thought in his heart.

“Tan Jiu, don’t you have something to talk about with Qin Yu?” Suddenly a voice sounded from the side. Tan Jiu was slightly startled. He proceeded to look to the side. Huang Jing who was still far away from him earlier, was actually beside him right now.

Tan Jiu immediately slightly bowed and said. “Lady Huang Jing. The matter that which I plan to chat with him about is extremely short. Please wait a moment.”
After he finished saying that, Tan Jiu turned into a blur and arrived beside Qin Yu after a short moment.

“Tan Jiu, go ahead and tell me what you wanted to say.” Qin Yu looked to the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu with a slight smile on his face.

Qin Yu was also pretty curious of this Tan Jiu. A Nine-headed Black Dragon actually took the appearance of a youngster after taking a human form.
Space ripple spreaded out from the space surrounding the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu. It covered an area a hundred meters surrounding him. Spatial Domain! Qin Yu did not try to escape the Spatial Domain at all. That was because Qin Yu believe that as Tan Jiu had experienced his ‘teleportation’ ability, he would definitely not do something stupid. “Qin Yu, I merely wanted to apologize to you.” Tan Jiu smiled as he bowed slightly.

Qin Yu looked to Tan Jiu with a confused expression on his face. Did this Tan Jiu have some sort of mental issue? Could he be trying to apologize for trying to kill me earlier? Could such a matter be settled with merely an apology?

“The three subordinates of mine, you’ve killed Xiong Hei and seriously injured the other two. You’ve also destroyed a Low Level Heavenly Divine Artifact. I, as the boss of the Black Dragon Pool, have no choice but to handle you. If I were to let you go, how then would I be able to rule over my subordinates?”
Tan Jiu raised his pair of scarlet brows and then continued. “If I can kill you yet don’t kill you, then all my subordinates would refuse to obey me. Later on, when I used the Six Directions Extermination Array to attack you, it was easily broken apart by Lady Huang Jing. Through that, the close to a million Deities of my Black Dragon Pool also understand that it is not that I do not wish to avenge my subordinate but rather that I do not have the ability to avenge him. Thus, they also cannot blame me for it.”
Tan Jiu looked to Qin Yu. “Qin Yu, I believe you understand the intention behind my words.”
Qin Yu sneered in his heart. ‘Aren’t you merely trying to make me think that the reason why you, Tan Jiu, wanted to kill me was because you were forced into the situation and that you do not have the intention to kill me from the bottom of your heart?’
“Tan Jiu, I can understand your difficulties. As a boss, what you have done is completely understandable.” Said Qin Yu with an extremely ‘understanding’ tone.

“Qin Yu, for you to be able to understand my reasoning, I feel that my heart is a lot more relaxed.” Tan Jiu started laughing. Merely, he was still suspicious from the bottom of his heart. He did not believe that Qin Yu would let him off so easily. Qin Yu continued. “Tan Jiu, if there isn’t anything, I’ll be taking my leave first.”
“Qin Yu, I am not someone who can keep my mouth quiet. Earlier, when I learnt that you possessed the ‘so close yet worlds apart’ remarkable ability, I was unable to keep my mouth quiet and told about this information to my trusted aide.” Tan Jiu said continuously. “I am truly sorry about that. However Qin Yu, you can rest assured. This trusted aide of mine possesses a much tighter mouth than mine. As long as I am around, he would definitely not spread this information out.”
“Of course I believe in brother Tan Jiu.” Said Qin Yu with a light smile.

However, Qin Yu was actually cursing in rage in his heart. “Humph, isn’t this Tan Jiu threatening me saying that if I were to kill him, then his trusted aide would spread the information about my ‘so close yet worlds apart’ remarkable ability out?”
Tan Jiu said with gasp of admiration to Qin Yu. “However Qin Yu, that ‘so close yet worlds apart’ ability of yours is truly extraordinary. If all of the Heavenly Deities of the Divine Realm were to find out about it, then who knows how many of those ambitious Heavenly Deities would brave death to try to take the ability from you. There are very many Heavenly Deities in the Divine Realm that dare to take risks for their
Qin Yu grew even more enraged in his heart.

Tan Jiu’s intention was extremely clear. If he were to die, then the information regarding the ‘so close yet worlds apart’ ability would be spread out. This would in turn lead to a large number of ambitious Heavenly Deities to come for Qin Yu.

“Although they might be willing to take risks, since it’s a risk, they should definitely be prepared for the possibility of death. Killing me is not that easy of a task.” Said Qin Yu with a light smile.

“That’s right, this is also what I was thinking too.”  Tan Jiu said with a nod. Suddenly…
“Ha, Black Dragon, I’ve heard that even your Black Dragon Palace was burned down by someone!” A loud and brash roar was heard. Like the rumbling thunders, this loud roar resonated through the heaven and earth. A super muscular bearded robust man with height even more terrifying than Xiong Hei was flying downward from the sky above the ravine.

“Big brother, it’s not merely a single Black Dragon Palace, even  the  other  three  palaces  were  burned  to  nothingness.” Another robust bearded man with a similar size to the first one was also flying down from the sky above the ravine.

“I’ve heard that it’s a Heavenly Deity that was proficient in using formation arrays that did all this. Haha, I truly want to meet him, truly want to meet him.” Another robust man flew down from the sky above the ravine.

These three robust men with muscles like stone carvings, with bodies larger than even Xiong Hei’s, with auras ten times more domineering than Xiong Hei’s appeared to be almost exactly the same. 
“What overbearing auras!” Qin Yu looked to the three men. “These  three  robust  men,  I  reckon  they’re  all  Mid  Level Heavenly Deities!”
There was a strange matter regarding these three robust men
— all three of them possessed purple eyes!

Upon seeing these three people, Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu frowned. At the same time, he instantly created three clones from his body. All three of these Black Dragons that were created held a black stick in their hands.

Chapter 33: The Three Bandit Bosses

Upon seeing Tan Jiu’s reaction, Qin Yu opened his eyes wide.

Were these three boors Tan Jiu’s enemies?

The three purple eyed robust men descended on the ground one after another. The purple eyed robust man, who appeared to be the leader, looked at the original location of the Black Dragon Palace and the other three palaces. He then started laughing loudly. “It would appear that all the rumors were true. The four palaces were burned to nothingness. Aiyah, Black Dragon, you’ve truly been humiliated greatly this time around.”
“Eh? There’s a formation array here? Could it be a formation array created by that Heavenly Deity proficient in setting up formation arrays?”  Standing at the most rear, a purple eyed robust man proceeded to walk toward the great formation array that Qin Yu had created with a face filled with excitement. That great formation array was the Killing Array that Qin Yu had set up. It would attack others with White Pure Flames! 
“Third brother, be careful.” Shouted the leading purple eyed robust man.

“No problem!”  As he said that, the ‘third brother’  directly walked into the formation array. Once he entered the formation array, the entire Killing Array started to activate. White Pure Flames instantly flooded the entire Killing Array. “Aiyah, it’s White Pure Flames. This great formation array is truly crazy. Let’s go, let’s go. Even if I were to use Spatial Domain to stop the White Pure Flames, it’d still be very tiring to do that for a long time.”
As his voice was still resounding, that ‘third brother’ had rushed out from the great formation array.

“Blocking the White Pure Flames with Spatial Domain would be tiring after a long time?” Qin Yu shot a glance of suspicion at the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu beside him.

Not long ago, when this ‘Tan Jiu’ was in his Killing Array, Qin Yu had thought that one could easily keep the White Pure Flames away with Spatial Domain. However now, it appeared that it was not that easy to do.

After thinking about it, the White Pure Flames were also relatively powerful flames. For one to block those flames with Spatial Domain, one would surely have to use a certain amount of soul’s energy.

“Qin Yu, do you know these three people?” Tan Jiu looked to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu shook his head.

Tan Jiu looked at the three purple eyed robust men that were walking over. He said. “There are three relatively large bandit powers in the Yuchi City’s territory. One is the Black Dragon Pool. The other two are Mount Three Forks and Mount Cold Gold. These three boors are the three bosses of Mount Three Forks!”
“Mount Three Forks? So that’s who they are.” Qin Yu understood it now.

Back when he was at the Sealfeel Village, Qin Yu came to know about the rumors of the three bosses of Mount Three Forks from the villagers. In the eyes of the villagers of the Sealfeel Village, the three bosses of Mount Three Forks were three valiant and barbarous Heavenly Deities!

When comparing these three bandit powers, Mount Cold Gold possessed the best reputation.

The Mount Cold Gold possesses the least number of bandit troops. However, all of the bandit troops were elites. They rarely rob others. However, when they do, they would usually rob a large amount.

“Haha, Black Dragon, I have not seen you in all these years. I don’t even have the opportunity to spar with you even if I wanted to. This time around, we three brothers just happened to pass through here and came to learn that a major event had occurred over at your place. I guessed that you would’ve definitely appeared this time around. Haha, sure enough, my guess turned out to be correct.” The ‘third brother’ of the three purple eyed robust men said with a loud laughter.

Tan Jiu’s true body as well as his three clones, a total of four ‘Tan Jiu’s,’ were looking at these three people coldly.

One of the Tan Jiu’s frowned and said. “Man Fei, do not flaunt your cleverness in trivial matters here. The reason why you three brothers have come to my place is firstly to humiliate me and secondly to fight against me, right? If you want to fight me, then go ahead. I am already ready to take you on.”
“Three  clones?’  Said  the  leading  purple  eyed  robust  man with a frown. “Tan Jiu, with your three clones against us three brothers; could it be that you are so confident that you can match us three brothers with merely three clones?”
Another man beside this purple eyed robust man said. “Big brother, do not waste time on him. Let’s go and trample upon those three clones of his first. At that time, this Black Dragon would naturally become worried.” And at this moment, Huang Jing had also walked beside Qin Yu.

“Qin Yu, you should step aside. These three Mid Level Heavenly Deities all possess pretty decent strength. If they were to fight, it’s likely that their battle would spread to outsiders.” Said Huang Jing with a smile to Qin Yu.

“Eh, what a beautiful little girl. Come, give your three great rulers here some kisses.”  The third brother among the three bosses of the Mount Three Forks, Man Fei’s large ox eyes opened wide. He stared at Huang Jing and shouted at her.

The cold and indifferent Tan Jiu was unable to refrain himself from being startled. He then looked to Huang Jing.

Qin Yu also looked to Huang Jing.

Harassing a High Level Heavenly Deity? It was extremely easy for a High Level Heavenly Deity to kill a Mid Level Heavenly Deity. Neither Qin Yu nor Tan Jiu knew what sort of reaction Huang Jing would have.

The three Man brothers, upon seeing Qin Yu and Tan Jiu’s expression, also felt that that something’s amiss. Immediately, all three of them tried to use this Divine Awareness to inspect Huang Jing and the rest of the people.

When their Divine Awareness landed on Qin Yu, they grew confused. That was because they managed to discover that Qin Yu possessed the Divine Energy of a High Level Deity. Earlier, they had thought that Qin Yu was a Heavenly Deity.

However, when their Divine Awareness landed on Huang Jing, the three of them were frightened stiff. They were unable to see through Huang Jing. In the Yuchi City, there were no powerful female experts. That was the reason why Man Fei harassed Huang Jing earlier. However, never had he anticipated that he had instead kicked an iron board.

[TL: kicking an iron board, think of it literally. You think you’re kicking a ball but then you kick a piece of iron. Guess what happens if you don’t wear steel toe shoes? Well, your feet would hurt!]

“Third brother, you’re being impudent!”  The eldest among the three, Man Chou, was the slick and slyest amongst the three. He immediately shouted at his brother coldly.

The second brother Man Fan merely frowned without saying anything else. As for the third brother Man Fei, he was instead muttering. “Fuck, it’s just a random girl that I came across, yet she’s an expert.”
Huang Jing’s expression had turned somewhat unsightly.

Back at Mount Dazzling Gold, who would dare to harass her? Never had she anticipated that she would be harassed by a boor here.

“Slap yourself ten times.”  Huang Jing coldly stared at Man Fei and coldly said. Man Chou immediately cup his hands and said. “Miss, my third brother was too hot-headed. Please forgive him. I think that making him slap himself ten times is a bit too excessive. How about this, us three brothers would apologize to you and also offer gifts to express our regret. Would that be fine with you?”
Experts at the Heavenly Deity level wanted nothing more than face.

Although they would not care if you were to hack them down during battle, but if you want them to slap themselves in the face, then it would be an excessive punishment.

Huang Jing’s gaze have suddenly became even more cold. With a gaze like ice blades, she swept her gaze at these three brothers. In a low voice, she shouted. “Slap yourself a hundred times. Otherwise, today shall be the day the three of you perish.”
Tan Jiu was enjoying the show from the side. Qin Yu was however sighing in his heart. Never had he anticipated that Huang Jing who possessed a pretty good temperament would actually be this scary when angry.

Man Fei looked to his big brother and second brother. He then looked to Huang Jing. He roared. “It is I who have harassed you. If you want to kill me, then go ahead and kill me. However, do not involve my big brother and second brother.”
“Slap yourself a hundred times. Otherwise, all three of you brothers will die. Do not bother sprouting nonsense with me!” Huang Jing’s gaze have turned cold. Immediately, everyone in the surrounding felt a burst of terror.

“Huang…” Qin Yu wanted to say something but Huang Jing coldly stared him down.

Qin Yu smiled bitterly and no longer bothered to say anymore.

Actually, Qin Yu had quite a good impression of these three Man brothers. Seeing these three, he remembered his good brother from the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, the Purple Eyed Ox Demon King, Man Qian. Furthermore, all three of them possessed purple eyes and the surname ‘Man.’ Perhaps they might even be Purple Eyed Ox Demon Kings.

However the current Huang Jing had already displayed her extremely high and imposing dignity of someone of high status.

“Third brother, you must not.” The second brother Man Fan stared at Man Fei and said solemnly. “If it comes to it, us three brothers could join hands and risk our lives to fight against this woman. Although we cannot discover how powerful she is, but it might be possible for her to only be at the peak Mid Level Heavenly Deity level.”
Man Chou also looked to Man Fei. His gaze have also shown his intention.

Man Fei however shook his head. “This woman is too crazy. With merely her aura, I can assure that she’s a High Level Heavenly Deity. Fuck…” Man Fei cursed in rage. He then started to slap himself. 
“Pow!” “Pow!” “Pow!” “Pow!” “Pow!” …
The sound were extremely sharp and clear. It was like a lash hitting leather. When Man Fei was ruthlessly slapping himself, he even displayed a simple and honest smile to his brothers. Merely, at this moment, his face had already been split open from him slapping himself and blood have already started flowing down his face.

This Man Fei was not lenient at all at himself when he slapped himself. He slapped himself very hard!

A hundred slaps!

“I  am  sorry,  it  is  my  mistake.”  Man  Fei’s  voice  was  still extremely loud. However, Qin Yu noticed that on Man Fei’s lacerated face, his pair of eyes were bloodshot.

Huang Jing coldly humped. 
Huang Jing then calmed her frame of mind through breathing and proceeded to stand beside Qin Yu without saying anything anymore.

At this moment, Man Chou, Man Fan and Man Fei felt a bit awkward.

Man Chou ‘haha’ laughed to relief the atmosphere. He then said to Tan Jiu. “Black Dragon, we three brothers have come here today originally to spar with you. However, since there is this miss here today, then we should…”
“Do not mind me. If you want to fight, then fight.”  Chided Huang Jing.

Man Chou’s speech had been interrupted. Man Chou’s expression had turned somewhat unsightly. The three brothers glanced at each other and were about to turn around and leave. “Man Chou, are you brothers going to leave just like this?” Tan Jiu mocked.

Seeing how humiliated his old neighbors were, Tan Jiu was extremely happy.

Mei Fei opened his ox eyes wide. He shouted at Tan Jiu. “Humph,  we  three  brothers  are  in  a  bad  mood  today.  We originally wanted to come find you to vent our anger. However, with this miss here today, we don’t want to disturb. Tomorrow, we three brothers will come and find you tomorrow!” As Man Fei said those, his fierce wound on his face started to rip open like a monster opening its mouth.

“Third brother, deal with your wound first.” Said the second brother Man Fan. Man Fei nodded and then a layer of jade green radiance appeared on his face. The wound on his face instantly disappeared.

Tan Jiu coldly laughed and said. “Finding me to vent your anger? You surely talk big. You three brothers, even if you were to join hands, you would at the very most make me utilize three clones, yet you are still acting all arrogant here!” Tan Jiu was indeed entitled to be arrogant. After all, he was capable of turning into nine people!

“Haha… it’s so lively over here. And here I was thinking that it was only a battle of Low Level Heavenly Deities. Who would’ve expected that the Man Clan’s three dumb oxen and that nine headed bug that had been hiding the entire time would all appear!”
A clear and sonorous voice sounded. A golden clothed figure appeared in the middle of the air.

Qin Yu raised his head and looked. Upon seeing the incoming person, Qin Yu’s first impression was… extremely handsome!

The person who had arrived wore gold clothes from head to toe. He had the appearance of a youngster. His entire body was radiating like sunshine… Upon seeing this youngster, Qin Yu felt that this youngster was like the opposite extreme of the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu. Tan Jiu had extremely dark skin. However, this gold clothed youngster’s skin was so white that it seemed like the skin of an infant.

Tan Jiu’s gaze was extremely gloomy and baleful. This gold clothed youngster’s gaze was instead extremely bright and clear.

“Three dumb oxens of the Man Clan, I merely went to find the three of you to compare notes. Why do the three of you always avoid me? Furthermore, you, nine headed bug, why is it that I cannot find you whenever I wanted to find you? Now that I’ve managed to get all of you in one place, not a single one of you should think about escaping. Today, you all must fight me.” Said the golden clothed youngster as he laughed heartily.

Qin Yu was amazed.

Who was this golden clothed youngster who had suddenly appeared? From his tone of speech, it seemed that he was someone extraordinary. “Liushui!” Suddenly, a voice sounded from beside Qin Yu. It was precisely Huang Jing who stood beside him.

As for the golden clothed youngster that was previously displaying an extremely excited expression, his gaze suddenly stopped. He looked at Qin Yu with a confused expression. No, he looked at Huang Jing beside Qin Yu.

The golden clothed youngster only managed to see Huang Jing beside Qin Yu after he turned his head over.

“Ah, big sis!” The golden clothed youngster opened his eyes wide.

“Big sis?” Qin Yu was startled.

The Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu also looked to Huang Jing with a startled expression. He then looked at the golden clothed youngster. He was displaying a face filled with disbelief. As for the three Man brothers, they too have their eyes wide open. After a long time, Man Fei even muttered. “Never had I anticipated that this woman was actually that battle fanatic’s older sister. The younger brother is this powerful, yet the older sister was actually even more powerful.”
“Liushui, what did you promise me when I left your place? How come I just turned and left yet you’re out here again?” Huang Jing lowly shouted.

This golden clothed youngster placed his hands on his head. He looked to the couple people here and then his gaze landed on Qin Yu. Instantly, his eyes shined and he changed the subject. “Big sister, seeing how close you are standing to this person, do you know him? Eh? My big sister that usually despises men, how come she’s being so intimate with a man?”
Sure enough, Huang Jing stopped asking about why the golden clothed youngster came out. Instead, she started to hurriedly explain herself. “His name is Qin Yu. I have met him a couple times before. Liushui, you’d best not spread random rumors!” “Of course not, of course not. Hehe, I listen to my big sis the most.” Said the golden clothed youngster in succession.

The golden clothed youngster then walked to Qin Yu’s side. He cupped his hand and said. “Brother Qin Yu, I am one of the Three Great Bosses in the Yuchi City’s territory… Mount Cold Gold’s boss, Huangfu Liushui! I suspect you’ve also heard of my great name before.”
“Brother  Huangfu,  I  am  Qin  Yu.  Your  older  sister  has introduced me already.” Qin Yu immediately greeted him back.

Qin Yu came to know now that this golden clothed youngster was actually one of the Three Great Bandit Powers of the Yuchi City, the boss of Mount Cold Gold. However, regardless of how he looked at it, this youngster still did not appear like a bandit boss.

At the same time, Qin Yu had also grown suspicious. Huang Jing’s surname was Huang. This Liushui Surname was ‘Huangfu.’ Yet the two of them were siblings? Huang Jing smiled apologetically to Qin Yu. “Brother Qin Yu, I originally planned to return back from Mount Cold Gold. And now that I’ve seen that you’re also fine, I shall take my leave first. I hope that we can meet each other again on Mount Dazzling Gold.”
“Miss Huang Jing, once my strength increases a bit, I will definitely go there.” Qin Yu immediately said.

This Huangfu Liushui’s eyes immediately started shining. He laughed and said. “Big sis, take care!”

Chapter 34: Group Battle

Huang Jing cast a side-eye glance at Huangfu Liushui. Ultimately, she said. “Liu Shui, if you were to get bored, then stop staying in the desolate Mount Cold Gold and return back to Mount Dazzling Gold.”
“Mn.” Huangfu Liushui nodded obediently.

However, Huang Jing knew what she had said was likely going to be useless. Otherwise, this younger brother of hers would not have left his home. With her younger brother’s rebellious nature, all she could do was to try to urge him like so. If she were to try to force him to come back, then the result would be even worse.

“Good, then I shall take my leave. Qin Yu, farewell.” Huang Jing looked to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu also bowed. “Miss Huang Jing, let’s meet again on Mount Dazzling Gold.” Upon hearing what Qin Yu said, Huang Jing lightly smiled. She then soared into the sky and flew toward the east. 
“Huhu,  she  finally  left!”   Huangfu  Liushui  immediately started laughing happily.

“Brother Huangfu, no wonder you possessed a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. So you actually possessed an older sister with a high status at Mount Dazzling Gold.” Sneered Tan Jiu. Within Tan Jiu’s words contained jealousy and envy.

High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact, even if it was the Mount Dazzling Gold, it was likely that only those with high status would be able to obtain those.

As for Tan Jiu, he had only managed to luckily obtain a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact after paying a huge price. As for Man Chou, Man Fan and Man Fei, although all three of them were Mid Level Heavenly Deities, they were only able to barely possess a Low Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact each.

As bandits, it was no simple task for them to obtain a Heavenly Divine Artifact. For those three Low Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts, Man Chou and his brothers had spent an unmeasurable amount of mental and physical effort to obtain them. In the Divine Realm… the majority of the Low Level Heavenly Deities did not possess a Heavenly Divine Artifact. That was because the Heavenly Divine Artifacts were truly too precious.

This was also the reason why Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu were envious of Xiong Hei. Xiong Hei’s Low Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact ‘Mountain Crusher’ was originally the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu’s weapon. After obtaining his Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact, Tan Jiu bestowed his old weapon to Xiong Hei. However, that Low Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact had been destroyed by Qin Yu.

“What? Are you envious?” Huangfu Liushui flipped his hand and took out an… enormous hatchet!

That enormous hatchet was golden colored throughout. Right after Liushui took out this enormous golden hatchet, Qin Yu instantly sensed the frightening aura contained within it. If the Divine Sword Scarlet Blood were to possess a sharp aura, then this enormous hatchet possessed an incomparably thick and imposing aura. Huangfu Liushui gently caressed the enormous hatchet in his hand. He was caressing it so affectionately like how one would caress one’s lover. “Tan Jiu, if you’re envious, then just say it out clearly. This High Quality Divine Artifact of mine, I had spent quite some effort in order to obtain it. With your status,
you can only obtain a Heavenly Divine Artifact if you managed to reach the High Level Heavenly Deity level and then submit yourself to a certain power where the power would be able to grant a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. Otherwise, with your current strength, you can only obtain a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact within your dreams.”
Tan Jiu coldly humped and then glanced at Qin Yu beside him.

Tan Jiu cursed in his heart. “Huangfu Liushui, if it wasn’t for your sister, then I would’ve likely have obtained a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact by now. Furthermore, I might’ve even be able to learn the remarkable ability of ‘so close yet worlds apart.’”
“What’s there to envy you for? It’s not like you’re the only one here with a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact!”  Tan Jiu raised his scarlet brows and said coldly. 
“Who else is there?” Huangfu Liushui’s eyes shined.

Man Chou, Man Fan and Man Fei also looked to Tan Jiu with shocked expressions. Man Fei said. “There’s someone with a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact? Black Dragon, you’d best not sprout random lies around. High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts are no ordinary playthings.”
Qin Yu frowned.

Sure enough, that Tan Jiu looked at Qin Yu. He pointed at Qin Yu and said. “Brother Qin Yu possesses a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. It was bestowed to Brother Qin Yu by his master and was extremely powerful.”
Qin Yu felt extremely enraged in his heart.

Tan Jiu said to Qin Yu apologetically. “Ah, Qin Yu, I am unable to keep secrets. Earlier when I saw how excessively arrogant Huangfu Liushui was, I felt grievance for you and was unable to refrain my mouth from opening and speaking in your behalf.”
“Felt grievance for me?”  At this moment, Qin Yu truly did not know whether he should curse at how excessively shameless Tan Jiu was.

Huangfu Liushui’s eyes started shining. He looked to Qin Yu and said. “Qin Yu, you have a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact? When I used my Divine Awareness to inspect you, your body merely possessed the Divine Energy of a High Level Deity. If you possessed a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact, how would this nine headed bug not try to forcible take it from you?”
Huangfu Liushui gaze Tan Jiu a side eye. “I am quite familiar with the temperament of this nine headed bug. He would definitely be unable to resist himself from trying to take your High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.”
“I have just reached the Low Level Heavenly Deity level. The Divine Energy within my body still hasn’t managed to transform  to  that  of  Heavenly  Divine  Energy  yet.”  Qin  Yu immediately explained. This was the only sort of explanation he could provide.

Deities and Heavenly Deities, their souls were unlike that of the souls of Immortals and Mortals. When one’s soul had reached a specific level, a Deity’s soul would form a Golden Soul Pellet. As for the Heavenly Deities, their souls would turn into an Embryo.

Both the souls of Deities and Heavenly Deities were actual entities. They were hidden within the depths of the brain and cannot be investigated by others at all.

However, it was easy for one to determine the Divine Energy and Heavenly Divine Energy that Deities and Heavenly Deities possessed. Those who are more powerful are capable of using their Divine Awareness to hinder others from investigating them. As for those that are weak, they can only allow themselves to be investigated by those stronger than them.

“Oh,  so  that  was  the  case.”   Huangfu  Liushui  suddenly understood now. However, he shortly said in a puzzled tone. “However you’re only a Low Level Heavenly Deity, how is it that you can stop that nine headed bug with merely a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact? Although I don’t really like that nine headed bug, but to be honest, this nine headed bug’s battle prowess is extremely astonishing.”
Tan Jiu coldly humped.

“It is your older sister that saved me.” Qin Yu explained.

Huangfu Liushui immediately understood it now. He laughed out loud. “That’s right, with my older sister helping you, if this nine headed bug actually dared to attack you, he’ll merely be courting death. Oh, that’s right, do you really possess a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact?”
Qin Yu admitted that he possessed a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. He extended his hand and then the Divine Sword Scarlet Blood appeared within his hand. “This Divine Sword is called ‘Scarlet Blood.’ It is a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. It is bestowed to me by my master.” In Qin Yu’s heart, the Craftsman God Chehou Yuan did indeed provide him the grace of guidance like that of a master. Everything in the Bewitching God Temple was left behind to him by Chehou Yuan. To say that they were bestowed by his master was also correct.

“Master,  what  might  your  master’s  name  be?”   Huangfu Liushui asked. “Perhaps I know who he is.”
“My master has ordered me that I cannot tell his names to others. I am deeply sorry about that.” Qin Yu said somewhat regretfully.

Actually, Chehou Yuan had also left a message to Qin Yu telling him to not let others know about him becoming the successor of the Bewitching God Temple. Otherwise, merely the identity of the ‘successor to the Craftsman God’ would bring about the attention of many people.

Huangfu Liushui nodded. He was also someone who had seen the greater world. He was not someone who would bother to have wicked intentions merely for a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.

“Nine headed bug and you three dumb oxens, my sister has already left. There is no one else here either. Let’s have a great battle over here.” Huangfu Liushui held the enormous golden hatchet and started to wave it around unceasingly.

Man Chou, Man Fan and Man Fei glanced at each other.

The second brother Man Fan nodded and said with a hump. “That’s good too. Today, we three brothers wanted to fight against the Black Dragon anyways. Merely, our moods were wrecked by your older sister. Now that your older sister has left, it would be fine for us to have a battle.”
“That’s  right.  Fuck.  I’m  currently  full  of  anger  and  have nowhere to vent them.” Man Fei added.

“Vent anger? You’re planning to vent your anger on me? I too am  full  of  anger!”  Tan  Jiu’s  expression  turned  even  more gloomy. Today had been a bad day for him all day. He had just lost a Low Level Heavenly Deity subordinate earlier. Then, when he was about to kill Qin Yu, he was disturbed by Huang Jing. And now, he must worry about the retaliation from Qin Yu’s master.

How could he not be angry?

The three Man brothers stood at one side. Each of the three brothers held a long three pronged fork. These three long three pronged forks were all Low Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts. All of them were dark red in color and extremely heavy.

Huangfu Liushui held his enormous golden hatchet in his hand and smiled as he stood at once side.

The three Man brothers and Huangfu Liushui were all looking at the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu. At this moment, Tan Jiu had already turned into nine Tan Jiu’s.

Qin Yu was watching the battle from afar. The three Man brothers, Huangfu Liushui and Tan Jiu, they were all Mid Level Heavenly Deities. Although they were all Mid Level Heavenly Deities, there was disparity between their strength.

“I’ll go first!”
Huangfu Liushui laughed loudly. At the same time, he threw his enormous golden hatchet high up the sky. That golden hatchet suddenly became even larger and grew to the size of a large mountain.

As for Huangfu Liushui, his body was radiating a misty golden light. His body instantly charged sharply toward a Tan Jiu. His metal-like fist was directly smashed toward Tan Jiu’s head.

Tan Jiu and Huangfu Liushui started fighting at a lightning speed. Their after images were appearing unceasingly. The sounds of explosions were being heard nonstop. “Boom!”
The blade of the enormous golden hatchet instantly became about ten miles long. However, the blade was still as thin and sharp as it was before!

Exactly how large was a ten miles long blade? The speed that this enormous golden hatchet chopped down was extremely fast. In an instant, it had chopped down upon another Tan Jiu. That Tan Jiu held a black stick and could only firmly take on the incoming hatchet.

“Bang!” A sound like an earthquake. Qin Yu felt that even the ground was shaking.

A gigantic crack appeared on the surface. As for that Tan Jiu that was hacked by the enormous golden hatchet, he had been hacked deeply into the ditch. After some time, a blur flew out from the deep ditch. It was precisely that Tan Jiu clone that had been hacked into the ditch. At this moment, this clone’s complexion was already pale. He was already seriously injured.

“You only know how to rely on your High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact!” That Tan Jiu clone’s scarlet brows were raised as he shouted angrily. “Huangfu Liushui, even though you possess a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact, you still would only be trampled upon by me!”
At this instant, six of the nine Tan Jiu clones had rushed toward Huangfu Liushui. As for the remaining three clones, they were taking on one of the Man brothers each.

Tan Jiu, the three Man brothers and Huangfu Liushui were all Mid Level Heavenly Deities. All three of them are capable of creating ‘Spatial Domains.’ Perhaps it was because they knew each other very well and knew that if they were to use ‘Spatial Domains,’ they would only be wasting their energy. Thus, none of them had used their Spatial Domains.

Six against one! Holding his enormous golden hatchet in his hand, Huangfu Luishui’s entire body turned golden in color. His fists, legs, knees, elbows… each and every one of his body parts was able to execute an extremely frantic attack. As for the enormous golden hatchet in his hand, it was striking with a lightning speed.

“What a valiant body.” Qin Yu gasped in admiration.

He clearly saw that Huangfu Luishui managed to shatter one of Tan Jiu clone’s High Quality Divine Armor with a single fist strike. Qin Yu knew very well that… when a Mid Level Heavenly Deity used a Divine Artifact, the defense of the Divine Artifact would be astonishingly strong. Yet Huangfu Liushui still managed to shatter the High Quality Divine Armor.

“Six clones against one. Yet this Huangfu Liushui is actually able to keep up with them. This Huangfu Liushui’s speed is truly astonishing. And that enormous hatchet of his, those clones simply don’t dare to take it head on at all.” Qin Yu was able to clearly see that although Huangfu Liushui was fighting six Tan Jiu clones by himself, he was however dominating. Qin Yu turned around to look at the other battlefield.

Three clones against the three Man brothers.

“A clone against a single person. It seems that the three Man brothers hold the superiority by a slight margin. Mn… that’s true too. Tan Jiu’s clones all hold a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. Although they were merely a portion of a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact, they still possess an extremely powerful amount of might. On the other hand, the three Man brothers only possess Low Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts!”
The three Man brothers were roaring and frantically attacking. The three Tan Jiu’s were also trying their hardest to block the incoming attacks.

This battle continued for an entire day. Ultimately, Tan Jiu seemed to be unable to bear it anymore. After all, for him to take on four people by himself was indeed an extremely difficult thing to do. This held especially true for Huangfu Liushui. 
Tan Jiu knew that even if he was to fight against Huangfu Liushui one against one, he would only be able to win by a slight margin. Yet now, he had only sent six clones to fight against Huangfu Liushui. Thus, he had no other choice but to be trampled upon.

Tan Jiu suddenly roared angrily. The nine clones started to gather toward the center with a lightning speed. After that, the nine Tan Jiu’s fused into one. At the same time, the nine black sticks had turned into a single nine sectioned whip.

Tan Jiu was able to clearly sense the increase in thickness and strength of the power within his body.

“Huangfu Liushui and you three, if you have the ability, come at me again!” Tan Jiu held his nine sectioned whip in his hand and shouted angrily. “Haha… you’ve finally decided to go all out. Delightful, delightful!”   Huangfu  Liushui  laughed  out  loud  and  then charged toward Tan Jiu. As for the three Man brothers, they roared and then also charged over.

Four against one!

Qin Yu finally managed to experience the true strength of this Tan Jiu. After his nine clones combined into one, Tan Jiu’s speed and power were both increased greatly. Especially that nine sectioned whip that he held in his hand.

The nine sectioned whip was both flexible and firm. It could attack from around and turn into a stick to attack with a smash. It could also be both flexible for half of the whip and firm for the other half!

The nine sectioned staff could even increase in length to bind his enemies. Furthermore, it could even split apart into different sections to attack Tan Jiu’s enemy. In Tan Jiu’s hands, Qin Yu felt that he was dazzled by the nine sectioned whip. Perhaps Huangfu Liushui and the three Man brothers were not good at cooperating with each other. Although they were fighting Tan Jiu four against one, they were only able to slightly possess the upper hand and unable to defeat Tan Jiu at all.

“His energy is completely condensed into his weapon. The attack power is completely condensed. Each leg, each fist, all their attack power are extremely astonishing. Although it does not have a gorgeous appearance, its might is enormous.” More than half of Qin Yu’s concentration was focused on Huangfu Liushui.

After a battle of three days and three nights, Huangfu Liushui and them had no option but to admit that even if they were to battle for several hundred more years, it would still be impossible for them to win. Thus, they ended up giving up.

“Ha, delightful, delightful.”  Huangfu Liushui smiled as he walked to Qin Yu’s side. “Qin Yu, what do you think about coming to have some fun at my Mount Cold Gold?” Qin Yu however had his own plan. He immediately said. “I still have something to do. How about I go when I have time?”
“That’s good too.” Huangfu Liushui nodded. He then secretly said to Qin Yu via his Divine Awareness Voice Transmission. “Qin Yu, let me remind you. You’d best go to the Mount Dazzling Gold quickly and try your best to chase after my older sister. Perhaps you might become my older brother-in-law. Truly, I think that my older sister has a pretty good impression of you. You’re quite hopeful!”
Qin Yu was startled.

Seeing Qin Yu’s expression, Huangfu Liushui immediately started laughing out loud. As he was laughing, Huangfu Liushui flew away.

Chapter 35: Hiding

Qin Yu could only shake his head and smile.

Qin Yu was able to tell that Huang Jing at the very most only had a good impression of him. Furthermore, Qin Yu believed that Huang Jing was related to the Utmost East Sage Emperor’s Huangfu Clan.

“Huang Jing is siblings with Huangfu Liushui. The Utmost East Sage Emperor is from the Huangfu Clan. Perhaps this Miss Huang Jing, her true name might be Huangfu Jing.” Qin Yu thought in his heart.

Suddenly, Qin Yu’s gaze was attracted by the three Man brothers.

The leader of the three Man brothers, Man Chou, was currently walking toward Qin Yu. As for Man Fan behind him, he had an indifferent face. As for that Man Fei, he was muttering as if he didn’t want to bother speaking with Qin Yu. The eldest brother Man Chou walked over to Qin Yu. He smiled and said. “Brother Qin Yu, I am Man Chou. Let me introduce everyone, this is my second brother Man Fan and this is my third brother Man Fei. It is the first time we met. However, if you have the time, feel free to come stroll around our Mount Three Forks. We would definitely receive you enthusiastically.”
From Man Chou’s point of view, although Qin Yu had only reached the Low Level Heavenly Deity level, his proficiency in the formation arrays were already at an exceptional level. Furthermore, he possesses a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact and was related to Huang Jing. Thus, he had determined that Qin Yu’s background was certainly extraordinary. A person like Qin Yu was someone that he definitely has to befriend properly.

Man Fan lightly nodded to Qin Yu. He said. “Man Fan greets Brother Qin Yu.” As for Man Fei, he cupped his hand extremely unwillingly.

“My third brother is rude and unrefined, I hope that Brother Qin Yu won’t mind too much about it.” Said Man Chou with a smile. 
Qin Yu was instead confused in his heart. These three brothers looked exactly the same. Yet their temperaments were completely different. Man Chou was slick and sly. Man Fan was cold and indifferent. As for Man Fei, his temperament was exactly like his appearance.

“Brother  Man  Chou,  when  I  saw  the  three  of  you,  I  am reminded of a good friend of mine from the lower realm. May I know if the three of you were from the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm?” Asked Qin Yu with a face filled with smiles.

A trace of astonishment flashed through Man Chou’s eyes. The indifferent Man Fan also looked to Qin Yu. As for that Man Fei, his reaction was the most intense. In an instant, his eyes had turned round like balls. He stared at Qin Yu and said. “Ah, Qin Yu, you’re also from the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm? Ha, then have you heard about us Three Great Ox Demon Emperor’s back in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm? Oh, right, when did you ascend? When you ascended, who was the current Ox Demon Emperor? Man Tian? Man Yu? During the time when we ascended, they were the only two Super Divine Beasts of the Ox Clan.” Man Fei instantly said all that with a single breath. He only stopped when he saw Qin Yu’s astonished expression. He smiled embarrassedly and said. “To see a brother who had also ascended from the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, haha, I was a bit too excited.”
Qin Yu have managed to completely ascertain that these three Man brothers were from the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm. Furthermore, their true forms ought to be Purple Eyed Ox Demon Kings.

Man Tian and Man Yu were people that Qin Yu have never heard before.

Qin Yu knew that these three Man brothers might’ve ascended for a very long time already. It was possible for them to have ascended several billion years or tens of billions of years. The people from that time, Qin Yu never heard about a single one of them.

“Brother Man Fei, I have not ascended for a very long time. I think the gap between the time of our ascensions might be extremely large. Thus, I have never heard about that Man Tian and Man Yu.” Qin Yu explained.

“Oh, that’s very normal. Your level is lower than ours. It was possible for you to have ascended several billions of years later than us.”  At this moment, Man Fei’s face was covered with smiles. Clearly, he had became much more cordial.

Man Chou also have a face filled with smiles. “So Brother Qin Yu was actually also a brother that had ascended from the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm. That’s truly wonderful. How about… Brother Qin Yu joining our Mount Three Forks? Your status would be equal to us three brothers!”
This Man Chou actually started to climb a favorable pole right away. He actually even started inviting Qin Yu to join them.

“I would have to refuse. I still have things that I must do. Furthermore, I am used to being alone.”  Qin Yu refused the offer. After that, Man Fei chatted enthusiastically with Qin Yu for quite some time. Finally, the three brothers left.

“This Man Fei is straightforward. The second brother Man Fan is earnest and indifferent. As for the eldest brother Man Chou…” Qin Yu suddenly felt that he cannot see through the eldest brother Man Chou.

In the vast sky, the three Man brothers flew away.

“Big brother, I had even planned to have a drinking session with Brother Qin Yu. Why did you urge me to leave early with your Divine Awareness Voice Transmission?” Man Fei was a bit angry and asked dissatisfied.

Man Chou smiled and said. “Third brother, you should not trust others that easily. It is still hard to tell if that Qin Yu was really from the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm.”
“What do you mean by that?” Man Fei’s large ox eyes were spread wide open. 
Man Chou continued. “Although there are not many people in the Divine Realm that knew that us three brothers are from the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm, it is also not a secret. If this Qin Yu wanted to, he would also be able to obtain that information. It might be that he had deliberately acted like this
to us. I originally thought that he might have some sort of intention so I immediately tried to entice him to our Mount Three Forks so that I can see his reaction.”
“However, that Qin Yu refused my offer. In that case, he might actually not have any bad intentions.” Man Chou smiled and said.

“Doesn’t that solve the problem then?” Mei Fei immediately said.

“One must always have the intention to guard against others. This Qin Yu had suddenly appeared. We should wait some time and carefully observe his actions to determine what sort of person he is.” Said Man Chou with a light smile. “Third brother, what big brother said is reasonable.”  Man Fan who had been silent the entire time spoke.

Man Fei humped a couple times and then muttered for some time. However, the three of them were still blood brothers. Their relationship was extremely deep. Thus, they would naturally not hold grudge against one another.

Under the gaze of many people from the Black Dragon Pool, Qin Yu ascended to the sky and flew away from the Black Dragon Pool. Following the soft and gentle mountain wind, he flew within the mountain forest.

Qin Yu turned his head around and glanced at the location where the Black Dragon Pool stood. “That Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu had hidden himself inside the Black Dragon Pool for all these years. Hearing what Huang Jing had said to Tan Jiu, it seemed that he did it for a certain treasure.”
Regarding Tan Jiu, Qin Yu was already filled with the intention to kill him. The remarkable ability of ‘teleportation’ was truly too dreadful. Qin Yu did not want others to know about that at all. However, killing Tan Jiu was no easy task. For one, Tan Jiu was a Mid Level Heavenly Deity. Secondly… this Tan Jiu had nine clones.

As long as a single clone of his managed to escape, it would all be for naught.

“Mn, I’ll first go to the bottom of this Black Dragon Pool and carefully explore what sort of treasure is at the bottom and then see if I can have an opportunity to kill this Tan Jiu.” Qin Yu made his decision in his heart.

The Dark Curtain of Night that originated from the utmost north’s Floating Snow City had covered the entire Divine Realm. The entire Divine Realm had turned into darkness.

A night of darkness. The night was cold like water.

Within the ice-cold mountain wind, within the tranquil ravine of the Black Dragon Pool, a figure appeared like a phantom as it flashed and appeared next to the Black Dragon Pool. It was Qin Yu who was wearing a black gown.

“When using teleportation, I could practically ignore all of the ravine guards of the Black Dragon Pool.” A slight smile appeared on QIn Yu’s face.

His gaze turned to the Black Dragon Pool before him. The Black Dragon Pool possessed a circumference of a hundred miles. With a single glance, one cannot see the other end of the lake. On the range that one can see, it was covered with a boundless amount of water. Strangely, the surface of the water on the Black Dragon Pool always maintained its undisturbed state.

Usually, for a large lake, even if there was no wind, there would still be waves causing the water to move up and down. However, this Black Dragon Pool was without waves even if it was windy outside. It was truly very strange.

“That Tan Jiu is likely extremely on guard. If someone were to enter the lake, he’ll likely discover them through the motion of the water.”  Qin Yu was extremely careful. He immediately spread out the ‘Spatial Energy’ from his Universal World.

The ‘Spatial Energy’ from the Universal World was hindered by the space of the Divine Realm in the Divine Realm. Thus, it could only cover an area about a hundred meters. If it were to only spread toward one direction, it would only be able to cover a distance of two hundred meters.

The Spatial Energy permeated into the bottom of the lake.

The territory of the Spatial Energy was Qin Yu’s ‘Spatial Domain.’
Although it was likely inferior to the true ‘Spatial Domains’ of Mid Level Heavenly Deities, but it was at the very least half as powerful. Furthermore, controlling the water at the bottom of the lake to not move was still an extremely effortless thing.

Qin Yu lightly smiled. He jumped into the Black Dragon Pool. The strange thing was, although Qin Yu had jumped into the Black Dragon Pool, because of the fact that he was using the ‘Spatial Domain,’ there was actually no movement in the water.

The bottom of the Black Dragon Pool was pitch-black like ink. However, everyone in the Divine Realm was capable of easily seeing in pitch-black darkness. At the bottom of this lake, Qin Yu was spreading out his Spatial Energy the entire time. He was inspecting the Black Dragon Pool unceasingly.

The Black Dragon Pool was far too large.

Merely its depth was already five hundred meters. As for its circumference, that was a hundred miles… Qin Yu was carefully inspecting the bottom of the lake.

“This Black Dragon Pool is indeed strange. It’s such a large lake yet there’s actually not a single living animal here. There are only some underwater plants.” Qin Yu gasped in his heart. Such a strange scene caused Qin Yu to be even more certain that there should be some sort of treasure here. 
Qin Yu was extremely persevering. He continued to use his Spatial Energy to inspect every single location.

The circumference of a hundred miles was too great. Qin Yu was only able to inspect a range of about a hundred meters from him. Using this sort of method, Qin Yu searched for three entire days. However, he had only managed to inspect an extremely small section.

Just from going from one side of the Black Dragon Pool to the other side, even if Qin Yu was moving with his fastest speed, it would still require him two hours. It required him several hundred trips in order to completely inspect the entire Black Dragon Pool.

After a month.

Qin Yu had already arrived at the other end of the Black Dragon Pool. “Strange.  I  have  completely  inspected  the  entire  Black Dragon Pool. Why is it that I cannot find anything?” Qin Yu grew confused.

In this entire month, Qin Yu didn’t dare to use his Divine Awareness to inspect. Firstly, Divine Awareness’s inspection range underneath the water was extremely limited. Secondly… he was afraid that Tan Jiu would discover him.

However, the Spatial Energy from the Universal World was different.

When ordinary Mid Level Heavenly Deities controlled the Divine Realm’s Spatial Energy, it would create a small amount of movement that others could discover. The reason why the Spatial Energy would create a movements was because their ability to control the Spatial Energy was too low.

Had it been a Godking controlling the ‘Spatial Domain,’ then no one would be able to discover it at all.

This was the reason. 
The Universal World was Qin Yu’s creation. When controlling the Spatial Energy from the Universal World, Qin Yu’s control was as great as the control of Godkings controlling the Divine Realm’s Spatial Energy.

Even if the Spatial Energy from the Universal World were to cover Tan Jiu, Tan Jiu would still be unable to discover it. Thus, he would naturally also not discover Qin Yu.

This was also the reason why Qin Yu dared to spend an entire month to inspect the entire Black Dragon Pool.

“Mn? I’ve searched the entire Black Dragon Pool yet still haven’t discovered the location of Tan Jiu. It seemed that I can only wait.” Qin Yu frowned. Although he was standing underneath the lake, his body was not wet in the slightest.

“Based on Miss Huang Jing and Tan Jiu’s conversation from back then, that Liu Yuxi also knew that the treasure is here. It is likely that Liu Yuxi would also come here someday in the future.” Qin Yu nodded in his heart. He had made a decision. 
Qin Yu disappeared from the bottom of the pond.

Inside the Universal World.

Qin Yu was standing on top of a large mountain in his Universal World.

“Mn, the Spatial Energy of the Universal Space is extending outside constantly and has fused with the water flow of the Black Dragon Pool. Once there is any movement in the water flow of the Black Dragon Pool, I would naturally come to know about it.”
Qin Yu was relatively certain that once Liu Yixu entered the Black Dragon Pool, he’ll likely not be extremely careful like how he was. That was because both that Liu Yixu and Tan Jiu knew that the other person also knew of the location of the treasure. Even if he was as careful as Qin Yu, Liu Yixu would definitely create movements the moment he enters the Black Dragon Pool.

“I could only wait idly for opportunities.”  Qin Yu sat cross- legged on the plains on top of the mountain. This was the only way when there’s no other way.

Suddenly, Uncle Fu appeared behind Qin Yu. The restriction of the Universal World was too small, it was like the restriction of the Mortal Realm. In here, Uncle Fu’s speed was extremely fast.

Qin Yu had already brought Uncle Fu into his Universal World the moment he entered the Black Dragon Pool. Qin Yu had even placed Jiang Lan’s Realm inside his Universal World.

“Let’s return to Jiang Lan’s Realm!” Qin Yu said to Uncle Fu.

Qin Yu and Uncle Fu directly disappeared from the mountain top. A little green pagoda appeared on top of the mountain. It was the true form of the Jiang Lan’s Realm. However, as it was located in the Universal Space, Qin Yu was extremely at ease.

The Universal World was a world created by Qin Yu. Even if Qin Yu was within the Jiang Lan’s Realm, he was still able to sense the Spatial Energy of the Universal World that had spread to the Divine Realm’s Black Dragon Pool.

Inside the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm. Qin Yu started to train at ease.

The time in the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm was a hundred times greater than the outside world. And what Qin Yu needed the most right now was time!

Divine Realm. Black Dragon Pool.

Close to a thousand years had passed since the great battle from last time. The Black Dragon Pool had already constructed three new palaces. The Black Dragon Palace in the middle was even more dignified than the previous Black Dragon Palace. 

A blur streaked across the sky. A person appeared on the side of the Black Dragon Pool.

Short silver hair. Silver eyebrows. With a height of around only a hundred and seventy centimeters, this person have the appearance of a youngster. This person was precisely the army commander of the Yuchi City, a person who possessed status second only to the Yuchi City’s Governor, Liu Yuxi!

Liu Yuxi’s stature was practically the same as Tan Jiu’s. Even their attire was practically the same.

Tan Jiu was very dark skinned whereas this Liu Yixu was very light skinned. Other than the skin color, their hair color and the expressions in their eyes, the rest of them appeared exactly the same. “After calculating the days, it’s more or less the time. At the very most a couple years more.”  Liu Yuxi looked to the Black Dragon Pool before him and lightly smiled. “That idiot Tan Jiu has holed up down there the entire time. What use is that? It is only possible to pick the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus
when it’s ready to be plucked.”
Liu Yuxi was confused about this the entire time. Why would Tan Jiu wait in vain in the secret location underneath the lake?

With a leap, Liu Yuxi directly jumped into the Black Dragon Pool. Liu Yuxi was not extremely careful like Qin Yu because he wanted to be discovered by Tan Jiu. Like so, Tan Jiu would open the the secret channel underneath the lake for him.

Inside the Universal World.

Qin Yu suddenly appeared. He raised his head and looked to the sky. He had a slight smile on his face. “I’ve trained for close to a hundred thousand years. Finally, this day has come. I shall see what exactly is in the Black Dragon Pool!” Qin Yu disappeared from the Universal World and reappeared in the Black Dragon Pool.

In the space surrounding Qin Yu was a hundred meter range of Universal World’s Spatial Energy. Qin Yu’s body was unceasingly flickering within it. Every single time his body flickered, he passed a distance of a hundred meters. In a blink of an eye, he had traveled ten miles.

Unlike last time when Qin Yu had to carefully examine the lake, this time around he merely had to travel through the lake. Thus, Qin Yu’s speed was extremely fast.

Chapter 36: Sudden Change

After Qin Yu managed to travel some distance with his teleportation, he suddenly stopped.

At this moment, Qin Yu was not far away from Liu Yuxi. Qin Yu didn’t dare to get any closer to him because he feared that Liu Yixu might discover him. Using his Spatial Energy, Qin Yu observed the movement of the waters in the lake to determine the location of Liu Yuxi.

As Qin Yu continued to determine the locations of Liu Yuxi, he managed to create the trajectory at which Liu Yuxi was traveling in his mind.

“He’s directly going towards the center of the lake?” Qin Yu was slightly confused. “Could it be that Tan Jiu who had been hiding in the Black Dragon Pool the entire time had been hiding in the center of the lake?” Qin Yu stopped overthinking it and started to proceed toward the center of the lake.

Right after Qin Yu flew for some time in the bottom of the lake… Qin Yu felt another movement of lake water. That movement originated from the center of the Black Dragon Pool. Furthermore, that movement of water was following a very regular pattern.

Two movements of waters. One originated from Liu Yuxi. As for the other one, it naturally had to originate from Tan Jiu!

“Back then, I searched throughout the entire Black Dragon Pool and yet was unable to find him. Truly, I do not know where he had been hiding!”  Qin Yu quietly approached the center of the lake. There were numerous underwater plants at the bottom of the lake. Qin Yu was currently traveling in between some rocks and plants.

After some time, Qin Yu had arrived behind a large stone.

He spread out his Spatial Energy. Qin Yu was clearly inspecting the center of the lake a hundred meters away from him. At this moment, a tunnel actually appeared at the center of the lake. The tunnel connected all the way into the ground underneath the lake.

From the other side, Liu Yuxi also arrived at the center of the lake.

Tan Jiu walked out from that tunnel. He saw Liu Yuxi and said cold and indifferently. “As expected, you’ve come. Merely, you’ve come two years earlier than I had anticipated.”
“Although it would still take a couple more years for the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus to finish ripening, but I was afraid that there would be an error in the time. Thus, I decided to come ahead of time.” At this moment, Liu Yuxi had a smile on his face.

The scarlet haired and scarlet browed Tan Jiu humped coldly. “If you want to come in, then come in quickly.” After he said that, Tan Jiu once again returned to the underground tunnel.

The silver haired and silver browed Liu Yuxi lightly smiled. He also stepped into the underground tunnel. Right after the two of them stepped into the underground tunnel, Qin Yu also quietly followed behind them. He had spread his Spatial Energy down through the tunnel.

This underground tunnel was only several tens of meters deep. Around eighty meters underneath the bottom of the lake was an underground mansion.

At this moment, Liu Yuxi had arrived at the entrance of the underground mansion. As for Tan Jiu, he had pressed on the mechanism on the mansion. Right after that, the tunnel started to slowly close. It wasn’t the entrance of the tunnel that was closing but rather the entire tunnel was closing.

“No wonder I didn’t discover it the last time I searched.” Qin Yu gasped in his heart.

When Qin Yu searched with his Spatial Energy, he only covered an area of about a hundred meters and permeated his Spatial Energy a meter or two underneath the ground. He did not try to penetrate eighty or ninety meters with his Spatial Energy at all. If he were to continue to search, even if Qin Yu were to spend a couple more years, he would likely still not find anything.

“Eighty meters, that’s enough for me to get there through teleportation.” Qin Yu thought in his heart.

In front of the Spatial Energy from the Universal World, the underground rocks were unable to hinder them at all. Perhaps even a High Level Heavenly Deity cannot get down there without a word or movement. However, Qin Yu was capable of doing it!

“There’s actually no water in the underground mansion. Mn, it’s pretty huge. That room should do.” Qin Yu selected a room in the underground mansion. With one teleportation, Qin Yu disappeared from the lake.

Eighty meters underneath the bottom of the lake. Within the underground mansion.

Qin Yu appeared within a room inside it. This side room was very close to the courtyard in the middle of the mansion. It was only several tens of meters away from it. Within this room, Qin Yu was able to clearly hear the conversation between Tan Jiu and Liu Yuxi in the middle of the courtyard.

Liu Yuxi and Tan Jiu, due to the fact that they’re inside the underground mansion that they believed even High Level Heavenly Deities cannot come in without making a sound, were not attentive of their surroundings.

Qin Yu’s Spatial Energy was spread out. It covered over half of the entire courtyard. Liu Yuxi and Tan Jiu were both within the area where Qin Yu’s Spatial Energy had covered. However, the two of them weren’t aware of it in the slightest.

“Liu Yuxi, the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus was something that the two of us discovered together. We shall distribute according to the method that we have determined. For the two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses, I shall have one and you shall have one!” Said Tan Jiu indifferently.

Qin Yu was slightly startled upon hearing the conversation. “Seven  Colored  Magnificent  Lotus?”  Qin  Yu  remembered that he had seen the records regarding the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus before in the scrolls of the Bewitching God Temple that contained information regarding precious materials. “Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus, all seven lotus petals that it possessed could be used to concoct pills and medicines. The lotus core of the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus, through eating it, could revive those who have only a True Spirit remainding. If one were to use it to concoct pills, then its efficacy would be even greater!”
Qin Yu was surprised. That was because in the Divine Realm, magical pellets that are capable of reviving those who possessed only a True Spirit were extremely valuable.

In terms of value, it was even more precious than a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact and was approaching that of a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.

As for the ‘lotus core’ of the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus, it was even more precious. That was because eating it was merely part of its medicinal use. If one were to use it to concoct pills, then its effect would be much greater. This lotus core definitely valued as much as a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact or even greater.

“No wonder it would cause Tan Jiu and Liu Yuxi to care about it so much.” Qin Yu gasped in his heart.

Although the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus was precious, it would only be attractive to Qin Yu and was not something that would cause him to be emotionally excited for. That was because Qin Yu possessed the Bewitching God Temple which contained a lot of treasures.

IN the room that contained the materials and ingredients, although ingredients at the level of Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus were few, there were still several of them.

“So  it’s  all  for  merely  Seven  Colored  Magnificent  Lotus. However, they said that there are two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses? That is quite strange.”  Qin Yu frowned. Qin Yu clearly remembered that the records have listed that Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses were treasures borned from absorbing the Divine Spiritual Energy of the world. Thus, each Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus would absorb the Divine Spiritual Energy in its surroundings; how would it possible coexist with another Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus?

It was just like the mountain tigers. In every region, there could only be a single tiger.

The Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses were the same. For two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses to grow together was simply an impossible matter according to Qin Yu’s logic.

“Two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses, you shall have one and  I  shall  have  one?”  Liu  Yuxi  looked  to  Tan  Jiu  with  a confused  expression.  “Tan  Jiu,  when  did  you  turned  so generous? With your temperament, wouldn’t you be more greedy than that?”
Liu Yuxi was extremely knowledgeable of Tan Jiu’s character. Tan Jiu was someone with an extreme amount of greed. Back during the time when they were in the Devil Murder Realm, he would always try to obtain as much treasure as possible. Although the two of them said to distribute evenly back then, but as Tan Jiu had stayed here the entire time, Liu Yuxi believed that Tan Jiu would definitely want to seize more.

“I do want to get more, but would you be willing to give?” Tan Jiu coldly humped.

“Not at all.” Liu Yuxi replied.

“Well, that solved the problem then.”  Tan Jiu’s expression was still cold and indifferent. “I am very certain about your strength. If the two of us were to fight, neither of us would be able to win. These Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses, it just so happened that we can each have one.”
Liu Yuxi nodded while smiling. Merely, he was looking at Tan Jiu with a gaze like he just met someone new.

“You’ve changed greatly.” Liu Yuxi said with a smile. Tan   Jiu   coldly   humped   and   said.   “According   to   my estimation, it’ll likely take another three and half years for the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses to ripen. At that time, you can go to one of the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus whereas I’ll go to the other one.”
“Let’s go with that.”  Liu Yuxi’s smile have been extremely brilliant the entire time.

After Liu Yuxi said those words, he proceed to stand up and walk toward a corner of the courtyard. Part of Qin Yu’s Spatial Energy immediately changed direction and started to stretch toward another corner. Qin Yu discovered something strange!

Qin Yu knew everything from the locations where Qin Yu’s Spatial Energy managed to come into contact because he was the creator of the Universal World.

“Mn?” What an extremely cold aura. For the surface of the pond to be this cold, it seemed like that pond water is… Unitary Heavy Water! The Unitary Heavy Water that had formed a small pond, it appeared very similar to the golden bead on top of the Refining Dark Star of the Dark Star Realm.” Qin Yu’s attention was instantly focused upon that cold pond.

Unitary Heavy Water was extremely rare. For there to be such a pond here, there are definitely treasure within this pond.

“Seven  Colored  Magnificent  Lotuses  were  cold  attribute items. They grow on top of Unitary Heavy Water. The amount of Unitary Heavy was extremely sparse, it only required about enough  to  fill  half  a  cask.”   Qin  Yu  still  remember  the information regarding the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus in the golden scroll.

Ordinary casks were only the size of half a person. How much could a half cask contain?

As for this pond, its shape was round and possessed a diameter close to two meters. Such a large pond, the amount of Unitary Heavy Water in there would likely be enough to fill ten casks of Unitary Heavy Water. On the two sides of this pond of Unitary Heavy Water grew two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses. The appearance of these Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses were exactly like what was recorded in the golden scroll. There were seven lotus petals of seven different colors. The lotus seed head was extremely small. On top of it was the core of the lotus.

“Hm?” Qin Yu was suddenly surprised.

“There was a very small hidden illusion array placed in the middle of this pond.” Through using his Divine Awareness, Qin Yu managed to discover right away that there was something in the center of this pond that was hidden by an illusion array.

TIme passed, in the blink of an eye, over three years had passed. In the past three plus years, Liu Yuxi and Tan Jiu were both sitting cross-legged and have not said a single word to each other. As for Qin Yu, he too had been sitting cross-legged in the room and didn’t say a single word.

Qin Yu who had been in the state of peaceful training suddenly felt a dazzling radiance. Immediately, he opened his eyes. 
The entire underground was covered by dazzling seven colored lights. Qin Yu immediately covered the pond of Unitary Heavy Water with his Spatial Energy. At this moment, two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses were radiating seven colored lights like two suns on the two sides of the pond.

Liu Yuxi and Tan Jiu instantly rushed to the side of the pond.

“Haha, it has finally finished maturing.” Liu Yuxi’s eyes were filled with delight. The Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses are only completely ripen after they started radiating seven colored lights.

Tan Jiu also displayed a smile. He said at once. “Liu Yuxi, you go take that one first, I’ll take this one.” Compared to Liu Yuxi, Tan Jiu was a lot more calm.

At this moment, Liu Yuxi was actually on guard against Tan Jiu. He was afraid that Tan Jiu would sneak attack him and try to seize both of the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses. “Okay, I’ll go take this one.” Liu Yuxi said that and was about to pluck the lotus when…
The two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses suddenly started shining even brighter. Two amazingly dazzling lights were shot out from the two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses. The light then proceeded to gather in the center. With a visible speed, the two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses withered.

The two rays of eye dazzling light were gathered in the center of the pond.

The hidden illusion array had been opened. Tan Jiu’s expression took a huge change. He started muttering his unbelieving. “What, what’s happening? I thought it still hadn’t reached the date of ripening.”
“What is that?” Liu Yuxi’s gaze instantly locked on the center of the pond.

The hidden illusion array had been eliminated. What was hidden was now in clear view. It was a magnificent lotus a size smaller than the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus. Merely, it had nine lotus petals and was radiating a black light all over.

Qin Yu’s eyes were instantly opened wide like a ball. “Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus? Such a thing really exist?”
At this moment, Tan Jiu’s expression calmed down. He looked to the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus on the pond. A flash of frantic ruthlessness flashed through his eyes.

[TL: I took some translation liberty and change the lotus leaves to lotus petals. Because well, I think IET meant petals because Lotus have multiple petals and not leaves. The leaves aren’t even connected with the lotus flower…]

Chapter 37: Wretched

A Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus had nine flower petals.

As for the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus, it was also called the Seven Petaled Magnificent Lotus. Although the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus was larger than the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus only had a lotus core on top of the lotus seed head. As for the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, although its size was small, it had three sparkling and translucent lotus seeds on top of its lotus seed head!

The three sparkling and translucent lotus seeds were all milky white in colour and emitting a white light.

At the core of the lotus seed head of the nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, that is, the center region of the location of the three lotus seeds, was an ice-cube-like sparkling and translucent black lotus core. This black lotus core radiated a black light and an ice-cold aura. “No wonder two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses grew. So it was actually the aura radiated by the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus that produced the two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses. However, this Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus is truly tyrannic. It directly absorbed the essence of the two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses to ripen itself.”
Qin Yu finally understood the reason why two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses grew at the same place.

At the same time, the information regarding the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus written in the golden scroll appeared in Qin Yu’s mind. “Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus is a higher class material than the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus. It is considered a legendary treasure. In the history of the Divine Realm, only a single Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus has been discovered before. The most precious part of the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus is its lotus core. The lotus core of a Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus is nurtured through absorbing Grandmist Spiritual Energy. Upon refining the lotus core, it could allow one to create a Magnificent Lotus Clone! Its three lotus seeds are milky white in colour. Each of the lotus seeds possess the ability to revive one from the dead upon eating it. If one were to refine them, then their effect would be even greater…. The nine lotus petals are all precious medicinal herbs. Even its and stem is a treasure. The root is as precious as a single lotus seed.”
The Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, although it was a lotus, it could also be considered to be a Grandmist Spiritual Treasure.

“Once one refines the lotus core, one can actually create a Magnificent  Lotus  Clone!”   Qin  Yu  became  excited.  In  the golden scroll that was left behind in the Bewitching God Temple, there contained detailed information regarding all parts of the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus. Furthermore, it was also extremely detailed in how to create a Magnificent Lotus Clone and what uses it possessed.

The more detailed it was, the more excited Qin Yu became.

The preciousness of a Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus was greater than even ordinary second-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasures! Even Qin Yu who possessed the Bewitching God Temple wanted to obtain the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus badly. Qin Yu didn’t really care much about the efficiency of the three lotus seeds, nine lotus petals and the stem; what Qin Yu wanted was that black lotus core.

“The  information  regarding  the  Nine  Petaled  Magnificent Lotus is something that only the upper echelons of the Divine Realm know about. It is likely that Tan Jiu and Liu Yuxi still don’t know about the true preciousness of the Nine Petaled Magnificent  Lotus!”  Qin  Yu’s  attention  was  cast  toward  Liu Yuxi and Tan Jiu.

Just like what Qin Yu had anticipated, the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus had only appeared once in the entire history of the Divine Realm. How could two mere Heavenly Deities of the Yuchi City know about the uses of a Nine petaled Magnificent Lotus? Even a lot of the High Level Heavenly Deities didn’t know about it.

Liu Yuxi saw the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus and was shocked. “It actually absorbed the essence of two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses, it is definitely more precious than a Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus. Nine lotus petals? Could it… could it be the legendary Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus?”
During the time when Liu Yuxi and Tan Jiu discovered this location, they also discovered two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses that were still growing.

At that time, neither Liu Yuxi nor Tan Jiu knew about the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses. They had instantly assumed that these lotus flowers were definitely treasures the moment they saw the Unitary Heavy Water. Thus, Liu Yuxi proceeded to investigate using his connections in the Yuchi City when he returned.

In the end, he managed to obtain detailed information regarding how precious the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus was. This caused Liu Yuxi to be overjoyed. In that detailed information that he had obtained, it also slightly mentioned about the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus at the end. It said that above the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus was the legendary Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus. As for the usages of all the different sections of a Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, it did not contain any information regarding that. Neither Tan Jiu nor Liu Yuxi knew about the usages of the different parts of a Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus.

However, they were certain about one thing… the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus was definitely much more precious than the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus!

With two Seven Colored Magnificent Lotuses, Tan Jiu and Liu Yuxi was able to split them evenly among each other. However, with a single Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, how should they split it among themselves?

“Not good!”
Liu Yuxi who was planning to discuss with Tan Jiu about how to distribute this Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus suddenly has a change in his expression. He was planning to dodge back but an over twenty thousand kilogram strike ruthlessly smashed onto Liu Yuxi’s head.

“Bang!” Like a ball, Liu Yuxi was smashed flying. Ruthlessly, he smashed against the stone wall of the courtyard. Fissures instantly spread across the stone wall.

The strange thing was, Liu Yuxi’s entire skin’s surface was fluctuating like a ripple. That strike to his head surprisingly only managed to crack his head open. His blood flowed out.

With lightning speed, Liu Yuxi rushed out from the huge hole in the wall. On his hands appeared a pair of golden gloves.

Tan Jiu’s scarlet sword brows were raised. He sneered. “Liu Yuxi, your defense is truly powerful. During the time when we were in the Devil Murder Realm, I possessed the strongest offense and you possessed the strongest defense. And now, against my Mid Level Heavenly Divine Artifact’s attack, it actually only managed to wound you. Truly admirable, admirable.”
“Tan Jiu, you actually dared to sneak attack me for that Nine Petaled   Magnificent   Lotus!”    Liu   Yuxi’s   expression   was extremely unsightly.

Although others might think that Liu Yuxi’s injury wasn’t much when looking at him, but Liu Yuxi himself was very certain that he was extremely lucky to survive Tan Jiu’s sneak attack with all his strength.

The current Liu Yuxi merely had about sixty percent of his strength left.

A sparkle of red light flashed through the gloomy eyes underneath Tan Jiu’s scarlet brows!

“Liu Yuxi, I suspect your soul has been damaged, no? How much strength do you have remaining? Fifty percent? Sixty percent? Haha… Liu Yuxi, seeing that the two of us ascended from the Devil Murder Realm together and have fought each other for so many years, I also have some affection for you. If you were to leave here directly, I shall spare your life.” Said Tan Jiu generously. Liu Yuxi’s expression was extremely unsightly. His silver brows were furrowed into a line. He said in a low voice. “Tan Jiu, we have been enemies with each other since the time when we were both weak. The two of us have fought each other for billions of years now. We have ascended together and reached Heavenly Deity level at practically the same time. And now, the two of us are both Mid Level Heavenly Deities… To be honest, I have already considered you as an intimate friend of mine. I have even dreamed, dreamed of how interesting it would be if we were to become Godkings. However, I truly never have expected that for a mere Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, you actually went and sneak attacked me!”
“In all these years that we have been in the Divine Realm, the two of us have fought several times. During those times, I discovered that you never fought all out with me. That had led me to think that after all these years, you were thinking the same as me and have also considered me as an intimate friend. However now, it would appear that…” Liu Yuxi’s voice contained traces of grief.

“Intimate friends?” Tan Jiu was startled. His expression also changed. However, Tan Jiu started laughing coldly. “Haha… what sort of joke are you talking about? I, Tan Jiu, have an intimate friend? Humph humph, whoever it is that blocks my path shall be swept away. In the past, the reason why I have never gone all out with fighting you was because I am not certain that I can kill you and that I want a rival to allow me to improve even faster. Yet this time… the preciousness of the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, I reckon it is at the very least as precious as a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. For it, of course I have to be fierce and ruthless against you.”
“Are you going to flee or are you going to fight me for this treasure? You decide!” Said Tan Jiu coldly.

Liu Yuxi who possessed only sixty percent of his strength was still a threat to Tan Jiu. If Liu Yuxi was to fight with the intention of dying, then it was likely that Tan Jiu would only be able to kill him after sustaining serious injuries.

Liu Yuxi glanced at Tan Jiu twice. He slightly nodded and said. “Fine. This Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus is yours. Let me go.” Inside a room not far away from the courtyard was Qin Yu.
Qin Yu was currently watching all that was unfolding.

After understanding the course of events, Qin Yu can’t help but sigh. “This Liu Yuxi was likely thoroughly disappointed. He had originally thought that Tan Jiu was an intimate friend of his. However, who would’ve expected that Tan Jiu would actually ruthlessly attack him.”
Soon after, Qin Yu calmed his mind.

“Currently, the Divine Spear Waning Snow has yet to absorb even a thousandth of the Dark and Yellow Energy. However, if I want to kill Tan Jiu, I can only use the Divine Spear Waning Snow.” Qin Yu was prepared to attack.

Even though it had yet to even absorb a thousandth of the Dark and Yellow Energy, the Divine Spear Waning Snow’s might had already been increased greatly. Qin Yu was able to sense it very clearly. As Tan Jiu pressed on the mechanism button, the tunnel leading to the bottom of the Black Dragon Pool started to open.

Liu Yuxi directly proceeded toward the entrance of the tunnel.

The entrance of the tunnel was located right next to Tan Jiu. Right after Liu Yuxi walked to about three meters distance away from Tan Jiu, Liu Yuxi suddenly raised his fists and emitted a dazzling golden light.

At the same moment when Liu Yuxi attacked, Tan Jiu’s nine sectioned whip also turned into a stick and was once again smashed toward Liu Yuxi.

Liu Yuxi’s two golden fists smashed upon the nine sectioned whip simultaneously. The two people’s bodies were jolted. After that, they flew backwards simultaneously.

Liu Yuxi had a cold expression on his face. “Tan Jiu, you are ruthless indeed. You never planned to let me go. Instead, you were planning to sneak attack me again so that you can kill be even more easily. Isn’t that right?!”
Having been seen through, Tan Jiu did not feel embarrassed in the slightest. Instead, he sneered and said. “Liu Yuxi, there is no need to bother spouting nonsense. Although I have launched a sneak attack on you, weren’t you also trying to sneak attack me? All that intimate friend bullshit that you said earlier, I bet it was all just fake.”
Liu Yuxi said coldly. “Before you launched that sneak attack, I truly had considered you to be an intimate friend. However, once you sneak attacked me, I already knew… even though we knew each other for over billions of years, you were still as vicious and merciless as before. Thus, I knew that… you would definitely not let me go this time around. I wanted to sneak attack you before you do me. However, it would appear that it didn’t work.” Upon seeing this scene, Qin Yu was unable to refrain his shock.

These two people are truly ruthless. That Tan Jiu said he was going to let Liu Yuxi go but it was actually so that he could sneak attack him again.

Liu Yuxi stopped bothering to talk anymore. He proceeded to charge toward Tan Jiu. As for Tan Jiu, he also charged forward with his nine sectioned whip. These two people were extremely knowledgeable of their opponent’s strength. When they attacked each other, their speed was extremely fast.

“They both aren’t using Spatial Domain and the courtyard was surprisingly not damaged much!”
Qin Yu’s Spatial Energy was closely observing the astonishing power that the two of them were displaying at close combat fighting.

Everywhere the nine sectioned whip and the two fists passed, the space there would be completely distorted. Their Heavenly Divine Energies as well as their powers were completely condensed into their weapons. They were frantically attacking each other.

“Pow!” “Pow!” “Pow!” ….

From time to time, Liu Yuxi’s body would be whipped by the strange nine sectioned staff. However, the skin on Liu Yuxi’s body would occasionally fluctuate like a ripple. Through that, he easily blocked the attacks from Tan Jiu.

Truly an abnormal defense.

Several tens of after images appeared in the courtyard. It was like several tens of Tan Jiu’s were fighting against several tens of Liu Yuxi’s. In the instant of a lightning flash, the two of them had exchanged over a hundred hits.

“If they continued to fight like this, when will the battle end?” Qin Yu gasped in his heart. However, right at that instant!

Qin Yu’s expression suddenly changed. “Clones!”
That’s right, Tan Jiu suddenly brought out two clones. Due to the fact that they were battling too fast and created that many after imagines, having two more clones was something that one cannot distinguish with one’s naked eye.

Qin Yu managed to discover the clones and Liu Yuxi had also discovered the clones.

The two clones instantly rushed toward Liu Yuxi. Like madmen, they pressed onto Liu Yuxi from either sides.

As if several hundred Heavenly Lightning bolts sounded near one’s ears, parts of the underground mansion started to collapse. Qin Yu had hid himself into the corner of the room. A pillar above him smashed down beside him. However, he did not pay attention to it at all. All his attention was on the battle in the courtyard.

“This Tan Jiu is truly ruthless. He actually self detonated two of his clones.” Qin Yu was filled with shock.

The nine clones of Tan Jiu were all his true bodies. For him to give up two of his true bodies at once, he was truly determined.

“You’re  still  alive?”   Tan  Jiu’s  cold  and  indifferent  voice sounded.

In the middle of the courtyard, Liu Yuxi was kneeling on the ground on one knee. His body was covered with blood. He looked to Tan Jiu before him with an ice-cold gaze. “Tan Jiu, could it be that you think you’re capable of killing me with merely two clones? Did you forgot that my strongest strength is my defense?!” A mocking smile appeared on Tan Jiu’s cold and indifferent face.

Although his defense was very powerful, but through the self detonated of two of Tan Jiu’s clones, Liu Yuxi’s injury had become even worse.

Liu Yuxi suddenly raised his head toward the sky and shouted. His head started to shine. Instantly, the space in the entire courtyard seemed to have frozen. Tan Jiu’s expression also changed. “You…”
“Let’s  die  together.”  Craziness  flashed  through  Liu  Yuxi’s eyes.

Tan Jiu was very certain that at this moment, Liu Yuxi had ignited his Nascent Soul. The Nascent Soul was the materialistic existence of one’s soul’s energy. The amount of energy it contained was truly astonishing. When exploding the Nascent Soul’s energy at once, one’s Divine Awareness would instantly reach its strongest point and one’s control of the ‘Spatial Domain’ would become even greater.

At the same time, Liu Yuxi launched his final hysterical Divine Awareness attack at Tan Jiu!

Divine Awareness was a manifestation of the soul’s energy. One could attack another’s soul through using soul energy. Merely, with an attack like this, although one might be able to kill one’s enemy, one would still suffer eighty percent of the damage. It was something that no ordinary people would do unless one have the resolution of dying.

Tan Jiu snarled. He instantly turned into seven people. At the same time, three of his clones’ bodies started shining. Even their heads were shining. Those three clones rushed toward Liu Yuxi.

It was extremely hard for one to create clones in the Divine Realm. The reason why Tan Jiu was capable of having nine clones was because he had nine heads. This also allowed him to have nine souls. Only a clone that possessed a soul could be considered as a true clone.

Earlier, when his two previous clones self detonated, he had retrieved the souls from those two clones. However, as for these three clones, he had ignited their souls.

“Ah~~~” Liu Yuxi’s eyes were filled with frantic craziness.

As for the three clones, their eyes were also filled with frantic craziness. An explosion even louder than the one from earlier was heard. “Boom!”  The Mid Level Heavenly Deity Liu Yuxi and the three Tan Jiu clones had all perished.

At the same time, the entire underground mansion started to crumble even more severely. The entire underground mansion had turned into a mess.

Chapter 38: Divine Spear Waning Snow

Three clones had self detonated. On top of that, two clones had self detonated earlier. Tan Jiu had already self detonated five clones. Now, all he had remaining were four clones. These four ‘Tan Jiu’s’ were all watching attentively at the location of the explosion with bright expressionful eyes.

At the same time, they covered the entire courtyard with their Spatial Domain.

In an instant, all those rolling or falling crushed rocks, stones and whatnot all stopped moving. The entire courtyard had turned into an immobile state. Tan Jiu’s four clones frowned for a short moment and then slowly displayed smiles on their faces.

“Liu Yuxi, you’ve finally died!”
First Tan Jiu seriously injured Liu Yuxi with his sneak attack. He then self detonated five of his clones. Only through these methods did he managed to kill Liu Yuxi who possessed astonishing defense. At the moment when Liu Yuxi was killed, Tan Jiu felt sort of worry-free, sad, and all sorts of other kinds of complicated sensations.

The four clones instantly fused into one.

Tan Jiu walked to the location where Liu Yuxi self detonated. At this moment, a damaged battle armor, a Storage Divine Artifact as well as a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Gloves remained on the ground.

These were the remnants of Liu Yuxi. Only through discovering these remnants as well as the fact that Liu Yuxi had already ignored his Nascent Soul earlier did Tan Jiu become certain that Liu Yuxi had died. When one ignited one’s soul, even if others were to not attack, one would still likely only survive for a couple breaths time.

Qin Yu’s Universal World’s Spatial Energy had been locked on Tan Jiu the entire time.

“I must kill him with a single strike. This Tan Jiu has yet to let go of his guard. This is not the best opportunity to kill him. I’ll wait till the moment when he plucks the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, that will be the best moment to launch my sneak attack on him.”
Qin Yu slightly arched his back. His attention had been condensed to the max. He was able to execute his strongest strike at any moment!

Tan Jiu picked up the remnants of Liu Yuxi. He felt a burst of carefreeness. After killing Liu Yuxi, not only did he manage to obtain a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact and all his treasures, at the same time… the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus was completely his now.

Tan Jiu walked over to the pond where the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus was.

The intense battle from earlier did not spread to the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus at all. The Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus was still radiating a black light. Especially that sparking and translucent black lotus core, it was extremely alluring. Tan Jiu stepped into the pond. Although this Unitary Heavy Water was powerful, it was not powerful enough to kill a Heavenly Deity.

“This  Unitary  Heavy  Water  is  truly  cold!”   Tan  Jiu  was shivering.

He then thrust his hands into the bottom of the pond. Tan Jiu needed to pull out the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus from the bottom of the pond. He didn’t dare to nor did he want to pull the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus by its lotus flower.

At this moment, Tan Jiu’s attention was completely concentrated on the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus.

“This is the moment!”
A long spear suddenly appeared in Qin Yu’s hand. The Divine Spear Waning Snow that was completely black before now possessed some dark yellow color in both its shaft and tip. The amount of dark yellow was extremely tiny. It was like some small specks on the spear. 
Divine Spear Waning Snow. The Divine Spear Waning Snow that had absorbed a miniscule amount of Dark and Yellow Energy!


Behind Tan Jiu who have his back bent and hands inside the pond of Unitary Heavy Water suddenly appeared Qin Yu. Qin Yu’s Divine Spear Waning Snow flashed. Like piercing through leather, it pierced through Tan Jiu’s head.

The two great auxiliary functions of the Divine Spear Waning Snow: Body Break and Devouring Soul!

Tan Jiu’s skull instantly turned to fine dust. As for Tan Jiu’s body, it turned into seven or eight fragments. However, those seven or eight fragments actually instantly turned into three Tan Jiu’s. 
Qin Yu was unable to refrain his shock. “How is he still alive? His head has turned into fine dust already. The soul within his head has also been shattered already. How is it that he still has three clones?”
Qin Yu was shocked. However, Tan Jiu was even more shocked.

Tan Jiu had never thought that he would actually have his head smashed to nothingness without even noticing it.

“It’s  the  so  close  yet  worlds  apart!  It’s  Qin  Yu!”  Tan  Jiu instantly understood what had happened. “Fortunately I would always put my nine soul sections into different parts of my body when I am not in battle.”
Tan Jiu was extremely crafty. His soul was in nine sections. Usually, he would only place a single soul section in his head. As for the other eight soul sections, he would place them in different places like his chest, dantian, arms and so on… This was the method that Tan Jiu used in order to prevent himself from being killed by a sneak attack. This time around, this method of his saved his life. Qin Yu only managed to destroy one of the soul sections as well as the ‘Jade Blood Golden Pellet’ of that soul. (When Divine Energy transform into Heavenly Divine Energy, it would create a jade green colored golden pellet. This golden pellet is called the Jade Blood Golden Pellet. The Jade Blood Golden Pellet is the source of Heavenly Divine Energy.)

The Nascent Soul was the core of the soul whereas the Jade Blood Golden Pellet was the source of the Heavenly Divine Energy.

The heads of Heavenly Deities would usually contain a Nascent Soul and a Jade Blood Golden Pellet.

Qin Yu glanced at the three clones. These three clones were all holding a three-sectioned staff. These three sectioned staffs was the nine sectioned whip divided into three parts. Even Qin Yu must admit that this nine sectioned whip was created extremely skillfully. “QIn Yu, you actually dared to sneak attack me and destroy a clone of mine. However, you would no longer have another opportunity now. Last time I did not kill you, this time…” Sneered a Tan Jiu clone.

Even now, Tan Jiu was still extremely confident in killing Qin Yu.

In Tan Jiu’s mind, Qin Yu was merely a Low Level Heavenly Deity. He was merely someone who relied on his remarkable ability of ‘so close yet worlds apart.’ Tan Jiu believed that if he were to go all out, then Qin Yu is certain to die.

“These three clones, I must kill them all. I cannot allow a single one to escape.” Qin Yu was thinking extremely fast.

“Mn, you’re not using that Heavenly Divine Sword?” Said the Tan Jiu to Qin Yu’s left with a frown on his face. And at this moment…
Qin Yu’s figure suddenly appeared beside the Tan Jiu to his right. 
With a movement of his right arm, the Divine Spear Waning Snow in Qin Yu’s hand started to twist as it was thrust forward. Wherever the Divine Spear Waning Snow passed, spatial cracks of the thickness of hairs appeared in the Divine Realm.

The Tan Jiu to the right confidently used the three sectioned staff in his hand to block the spear strike. Tan Jiu believed that he was able to block Qin Yu’s High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact using a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.

Tan Jiu’s expression suddenly changed. The three sectioned staff started to vibrate and then cracked apart. As for that spear, it pierced through Tan Jiu’s neck while he was in a state of shock.

“Split!” Qin Yu shouted angrily.

Tan Jiu felt a burst of exotic energy. Following along the wound in his neck, it spread all over his body. After that, both his head and his chest turned into fine dust! That Nascent Soul and the Jade Blood Golden Pellet had also turned into fine dust.

The other two Tan Jiu’s’ expressions instantly grew pale. At the same time, their eyes were open wide like balls.

The first reaction of these two Tan Jiu’s were… to escape!

The two Tan Jiu’s, one proceeded to flee toward the entrance of the tunnel whereas the other proceeded to run toward the opposite direction, the direction toward the inside of the underground mansion.

“What  sort  of  weapon  is  that?  It’s  not  a  High  Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact; is it something that’s even more powerful than a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact?” Tan Jiu felt that his heart was shivering. Could it be a legendary Grandmist Spiritual Treasure?

Tan Jiu was filled with fear and shock.

Ordinary Deities did not know about the great name of Grandmist Spiritual Treasures. However, Tan Jiu, a Mid Level Heavenly Deity, had heard about rumors of it before. Merely, he had never seen one before. Or rather… he wouldn’t know even if he had seen one.

“Trying to flee?”
Seeing the two Tan Jiu’s fleeing in opposite directions, Qin Yu instantly made his decision to first kill the Tan Jiu that was fleeing toward the tunnel entrance.

Qin Yu believed that it would require the Tan Jiu who fled toward the underground mansion to create a tunnel in order to run away. This amount of time was sufficient for him to kill the other Tan Jiu. 


After two continuous teleportations, Qin Yu arrived inside the tunnel and stopped the path of Tan Jiu.

“Hooh!” The first reaction Tan Jiu had when he saw Qin Yu was spreading out his Spatial Domain and then smash his weapon toward Qin Yu.

While rotating rapidly, the Divine Spear Waning Snow was thrust forward. Like a dragon flying out from the sea, with bits of dark black color to the tip of the spear, the Spatial Domain was unable to block the Divine Spear Waning Snow at all. When the attack was powerful enough, even Spatial Domain would be useless.

After all, the current Divine Spear Waning Snow was already capable of creating tiny spatial cracks.

“Bang!” The three sectioned staff was forcibly thrust apart by the Divine Spear Waning Snow from the inside. The Divine Spear Waning Snow continued to thrust toward Tan Jiu’s neck. Tan Jiu who already knew that he cannot block the incoming strike have directly let his Nascent Soul and Jade Blood Golden Pellet out from his body. However…
With a twist of the Divine Spear Waning Snow that Qin Yu held, a weak ray of Dark and Yellow Energy burst forth from the tip of the spear and directly bonded Tan Jiu’s Nascent Soul and Jade Blood Golden Pellet. In an instant, the Nascent Soul and Jade Blood Golden Pellet have turned to dust.

“There’s one left!” Qin Yu did not bother to care about the corpse before him.
He once again started teleporting!

After two teleportations, Qin Yu had arrived inside the underground mansion. Qin Yu started to spread the Spatial Energy from his Universal World. With lightning speed, Qin Yu teleported three more times and continued to search the underground mansion. Only then, did he discovered that the situation was bad.

With a movement of his body, Qin Yu appeared inside a study room behind the underground mansion.

At this moment, there was surprisingly a tunnel on the wall of this room.

Qin  Yu  immediately  grew  anxious  and  angry.  “What  a mistake, truly a great mistake. This Tan Jiu had stayed in the underground mansion for countless years, how could he only leave a single tunnel? Although barely any time passed, but with his speed, I suspect he’d already reached several tens of miles away. My Spatial Energy is only capable of searching a range of around a hundred meters; without an exact direction, how could I possibly find him?”
Qin Yu was at a loss as to what to do.

This study room was located at the back of the underground mansion. The room where Qin Yu hid himself in was far away from this place. Thus, Qin Yu had never discovered that there was another secret tunnel here.

Everything was in vain. A Tan Jiu clone managed to escape.

“Forget about it, even if this Tan Jiu managed to survive, what could he possibly do after fleeing?” Qin Yu didn’t really care about it either. “Although he had discovered my secret of ‘teleportation,’ but would others believe him if he were to tell them?”

Teleportation was a remarkable ability that only Godkings possessed. This was an ironclad law of the Divine Realm for the past a hundred million and two quadrillion years. 
Even if Tan Jiu were to tell others that there was someone who possess a remarkable ability similar to that of teleportation, how many people from the Divine Realm would actually believe him?

Although Qin Yu also knew that even if there weren’t going to be many people that would believe Tan Jiu, it would still make things troublesome for him. However, as Tan Jiu already escaped, Qin Yu could only comfort himself this way.

With a flash of his body, Qin Yu reappeared in the courtyard.

Seeing the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus on the pond of Unitary Heavy Water before him, Qin Yu started to smile. “For this Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, a Mid Level Heavenly Deity died and another Mid Level Heavenly Deity had lost eight of his nine clones.”
Qin Yu glanced at the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus. His gaze then turned to the Divine Spear Waning Snow in his hand. 
Although he had imagined the might of the Divine Spear Waning Snow before, but Qin Yu was still overjoyed to see how powerful it was in action.

A Mid Level Heavenly Deity using a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact against him who used the Divine Spear Waning Snow with Divine Energy. However, even though this was the case, the Divine Spear Waning Snow still broke apart his opponent’s Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.

“Originally, the Divine Spear Waning Snow was comparable to a second-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. And now, its might was much more powerful than before. It was likely that even if it was to be inferior to a first-rated Grandmist Spiritual Treasure, it would not be much inferior.” Qin Yu thought in his heart.

Furthermore, the current Divine Spear Waning Snow had only absorbed a very small amount of Dark and Yellow Energy. Exactly how powerful the Divine Spear Waning Snow would be once it finished absorbing it completely, Qin Yu was excited just thinking about it. 
“If I hadn’t use the Divine Spear Waning Snow and had only used the High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact Heavenly Divine Sword Scarlet Blood, then killing Tan Jiu would simply be a dream. However when I used the Divine Spear Waning Snow, I was able to trample upon him. A good weapon indeed provides a different result!”
Qin Yu became even more aware of the advantage of possessing a powerful weapon.

With an intention of his mind, the Divine Spear Waning Snow returned into Qin Yu’s Universal World and once again began absorbing the Dark and Yellow Energy.

“The Divine Spear Waning Snow is like teleportation, it’s best for me to only use them in important moments. Trump cards, the deeper I hide them, the better their effects.” Qin Yu thought in his heart. Qin Yu then looked to the pond before him. With merely an intention, the Spatial Energy from the Universal World covered the entire pond of Unitary Heavy Water and the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus. And then…
The Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus and the Unitary Heavy Water all disappeared. They had already arrived in the Universal World. As for Qin Yu, he too had disappeared from the underground mansion and entered into the Universal World.

Qin Yu stood on a piece of meadows. The Unitary Heavy Water and the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus was floating before Qin Yu. When inside the Universal World, everything changed according to Qin Yu’s intention.

With an intention of his mind, the Unitary Heavy Water separated from the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus.

“The lotus core of the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus could become a Magnificent Lotus Clone after refining it. The Magnificent Lotus Clone naturally possesses the Unitary Heavy Water Domain… its body’s toughness is even greater than that of a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.” Qin Yu’s heart was extremely relaxed.

What the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus attracted him the most was the lotus core.

It was extremely hard for one to refine a clone. That was because a true clone required a soul. Who among ordinary people are capable of splitting their souls?

However, the lotus core of the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus was different. The lotus core was born through absorbing Grandmist Spiritual Energy. The entire lotus core was a conscious-less soul body. After Qin Yu finished refining it, he merely needed to leave a bit of his consciousness in it in order to obtain a clone.

Furthermore, Qin Yu believed that the fighting strength of the clone might be even greater than his own body. “I shall combine this Unitary Heavy Water with the Unitary Heavy Water that I had obtained from the Dark Star Realm.” With an intention of his mind, a water ball of Unitary Heavy Water appeared floating in the sky. At the same time, beside this ball of Golden Elemental Heavy Water was another ball of Unitary Heavy Water and a golden bead.

This golden colored bead was extremely unusual. It was so cold that Qin Yu estimated that it was something that was impossible to refine unless one has reached the Embryo Soul level.

Right when Qin Yu was pondering…
“Mn?” Qin Yu opened his eyes wide in shock.

The golden bead voluntarily started flying toward the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus. At the same time, the black lotus core of the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus shot out a ray of black light. The golden bead also shot out a ray of golden light. The two lights actually started to wind together…

Chapter 39: Xiao Hei’s Cultivation Path

The black lotus core of the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, and the golden bead emitted lights simultaneously. The two of them were shining on each other. The black lotus core shot out a ray of black light whereas the golden bead shot out a ray of golden light. The two lights were twisting and fusing with one another like a water pipe. The two energies of different nature were actually fusing with each other.

The black light was being absorbed by the golden bead. The golden light was being absorbed by the black lotus core.

Seeing the scene before him, Qin Yu was extremely confused. “I’ve never heard of this golden bead before. So why is it that such a change occurred the moment it met the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus?”
In the numerous years, Qin Yu had read many of the golden scrolls in the Bewitching God Temple and remembered all the information regarding the various rare herbs, ores, and other materials. However, he had never come across any information regarding this golden bead. 
With an intention from Qin Yu, Uncle Fu appeared beside him.

Uncle Fu was previously in the middle of analyzing formation arrays inside Jiang Lan’s Realm. Seeing the scene before him suddenly changing and then seeing Qin Yu, Uncle Fu immediately bowed and said. “Master. What might master need me for?”
“Uncle Fu, look at this.”  Qin Yu pointed at the golden bead and the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus before him.

Upon seeing the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, Uncle Fu was immediately startled. In shock, he said. “This, nine petals, could it be the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus? And what might this golden bead be?” Uncle Fu was unable to cover up his shocked expression. He looked to Qin Yu and asked. “Master,  this  Nine  Petaled  Magnificent  Lotus  is  extremely precious. This golden bead also appears to be precious. How did master obtain these two items?” Hearing Uncle Fu’s words, Qin Yu felt a bit disappointed.

Clearly, Uncle Fu didn’t know anything about the golden bead.

However, Qin Yu still pointed at the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus and said. “Uncle Fu, I have luckily obtained this Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus in the Black Dragon Pool. As for this golden bead, I obtained it back in the Dark Star Realm’s territory, back during the time when I was in the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm. Uncle Fu… I would like to ask, have you ever heard about something like this golden bead?”
“I have seen golden beads before. However, although they’re both golden beads, they might not be the same item. Master, can you tell me about the property of this golden bead?” Uncle Fu asked.

Qin Yu felt a burst of happiness. It seemed that Uncle Fu might be able to know information about this golden bead. “This  golden  bead  is  extremely  cold.  It  is  surrounded  by Golden Elemental Heavy Water, which is even colder than Unitary Heavy Water, and that Golden Elemental Heavy Water is again surrounded by Unitary Heavy Water. However, as to what exactly this golden bead is, I have absolutely no idea, even
after searching through all the golden scrolls.”  Said Qin Yu helplessly.

In order to find out what this golden bead was, Qin Yu had spent a large amount of time and searched through all the golden scrolls.

“It was formed with Golden Elemental Heavy Water?” Uncle Fu looked to the golden bead with a shocked expression. He saw that this golden bead was actually exchanging energy with the lotus core of the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus. “Master, how did the lotus core of the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus come into contact with the golden bead? Did master control them?”
“No, it occurred naturally. Uncle Fu, do you know anything about this golden bead?” Qin Yu looked to Uncle Fu. Uncle Fu frowned and shook his head. “I don’t know. Merely, the fact that it was capable of forming Golden Elemental Heavy Water means that it should be a Grandmist Spiritual Treasure. However, in all the years that I have followed my old master, I have never once heard of a golden bead among the cold
attribute Grandmist Spiritual Treasures.”
Hearing Uncle Fu saying that he doesn’t know about it, Qin Yu grew a bit disappointed. However, he had already anticipated that. Thus, he merely nodded.

“Master, why don’t you refine this golden bead?” Confused, Uncle Fu asked.

“This golden bead is too cold. It actually has the ability to freeze the soul. Based on my estimation, I won’t be able to refine this golden bead until my soul reaches the Embryo Soul level.” Upon saying this, Qin Yu thought about his soul’s level. He couldn’t refrain from sighing. “Unfortunately, I have been at the peak of the High Level Deity stage for so many years and have researched formation array for over a hundred thousand years a while ago too. Although I managed to attain some progress in the formation arrays, my soul still has yet to reach a breakthrough.” Uncle  Fu  consoled.  “Master,  this  barrier  of  reaching  the Heavenly Deity state from the High Level Deity state, is extremely extremely hard to cross! Countless people in the Divine Realm are trapped at this barrier. Master, just look at how many High Level Deities there are in the Black Dragon
Pool and how many Heavenly Deities there are.”
Qin Yu lightly smiled.

He too knew about this reasoning. Merely, after being trapped in the peak of High Level Deity for so long, Qin Yu had grown somewhat anxious.

“It would seem that I will have to go and research the spatial comprehensions left behind by senior Zuo Qiumei.”  Qin Yu made  his  decision.  “Once  my  research  of  formation  arrays reaches the fourth formation array level, I shall break through to the Heavenly Deity level!”
Although Qin Yu had already reached the third formation array level a long time ago, after all these years of training, Qin Yu had at most been able to set up the high level l formation arrays at the third level. As for the formation arrays at the fourth level, they were still out of his reach.

Qin Yu was able to feel that the change in the golden bead and the Nine Petals Magnificent Lotus should be complementary to each other and would benefit both of them. Thus, Qin Yu did not try to block them either.

“Master,  when  you  are  refining  the  Divine  Spear  Waning Snow, why is it that you aren’t putting it in Jiang Lan’s Realm to refine it?” Uncle Fu suddenly asked.

Uncle Fu knew that Qin Yu had been using the Dark and Yellow Energy to increase the power of the Divine Spear Waning Snow. Uncle Fu believed that if Qin Yu were to refine the Divine Spear Waning Snow in the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm, it would go a hundred times faster. Thus, why didn’t Qin Yu do it in the Jiang Lan’s Realm?

Qin Yu shook his head helplessly and said. “It is true that I can place the Divine Spear Waning Snow in the Jiang Lan’s Realm, but… the Dark and Yellow Energy is incapable of leaving the Universal World.”
Regarding this, Qin Yu had also been extremely confused as to why that was the case.

In the over a thousand years that the Divine Spear Waning Snow had absorbed the Dark and Yellow Energy in the Universal World, it had absorbed less than a thousandth of the Dark and Yellow Energy. According to this speed, it would take an extremely long time to completely and successfully refine the Divine Spear Waning Snow. Qin Yu had tried to move the Dark and Yellow Energy into the Jiang Lan’s Realm to save time. However, the Dark and Yellow Energy was completely unable to leave the Universal World.

Qin Yu had a sort of feeling in his heart…
The Universal World that was still growing seemed to have some sort of connection with the Dark and Yellow Energy. Merely, the current Qin Yu was still unable to understand this connection. 
Qin Yu had a premonition in his heart that once the Universal World finished growing completely, he would likely be able to understand the secrets to the Dark and Yellow Energy. The current Qin Yu only knew that the Dark and Yellow Energy could be used to refine artifacts.

“Uncle Fu, let’s return to the Jiang Lan’s Realm first.”  Said Qin Yu to Uncle Fu. Immediately after, the two of them disappeared.

Inside the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm.

Qin Yu and Uncle Fu directly appeared outside of Qin Yu’s courtyard manor. Qin Yu turned around and was about to enter into his courtyard manor when Uncle Fu suddenly said. “Master, there is something about young master Hei Yu that I must tell you.”
Xiao Hei? Qin Yu suddenly stopped. He turned around and looked to Qin Yu. He frowned and asked. “You said Xiao Hei? What’s wrong with Xiao Hei?”
Uncle Fu wanted to speak yet was unable to get his words out. He hesitated for a moment before saying. “Master, I am also unable to speak clearly about the situation that young master Hei Yu is in. Merely, recently, young master Hei Yu’s cultivation entered a special state. This old servant, however, isn’t sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.”
Qin Yu immediately grew a bit worried. He stopped asking Uncle Fu and directly teleported with Uncle Fu to outside the location where Hei Yu was training.

On top of a lone mountain.

This lone mountain, one side seemed to have been cut by a blade and was extremely steep. Hei Yu wore a white gown and was standing on top of the lone mountain with his eyes closed. He held his Cloud Piercing Spear in one hand. Black spear silhouettes would occasionally burst forth.

Qin Yu merely observed for a short moment before discovering the strangeness. The restrictions of Jiang Lan’s Realm were extremely low. With Hei Yu’s speed, he was capable of instantly thrusting several tens of millions of spear silhouettes. However, the current Hei Yu’s spear thrusting speed was not fast at all.

Furthermore, among all the spear strikes thrust forth by Hei Yu, each and every one of them possessed a different speed.

“Master,  young  master  Hei  Yu  has  trained  with  his  eyes closed like this for over a hundred thousand years now. During these hundred thousand plus years, young master Hei Yu has been thrusting his spear like this the entire time. Young master Hei Yu’s spear thrusting speed isn’t fast nor is he using any Divine Energy. This old servant became a bit worried. That’s why I informed master about it.” Said Uncle Fu.

Qin Yu also couldn’t tell what purpose there was for Hei Yu to thrust his spear like this. 
There were indeed people in the Divine Realm that would continuously practice drawing their blades or thrusting their spears and the like. However, those people would always do that with their utmost speed. Those people all sought for the limit of speed.

However, what about Hei Yu? His thrusting speed was not fast. It was merely a mediocre speed. Furthermore, sometimes he would be a bit faster and sometimes slower.

Qin Yu was certain that Hei Yu had not gone mad!

However, what use was there for such a training method?

Qin Yu bursted into anger. He looked to Uncle Fu and said angrily. “Uncle Fu, why did you only tell me this now?”
Uncle Fu hurriedly said fearfully. “In the past hundred thousand plus years, master has been deriving formation arrays the entire time. This old servant didn’t dare to interrupt master. Furthermore, this old servant saw that young master Hei Yu was so concentrated in his training, so even though I found it problematic, I did not believe that he had gone mad. Thus, I had decided to tell master about it after master comes out from seclusion training. However, after master finished
your seclusion training, you left to the outside world right
away. Thus, this old servant only managed to tell master about it now.”
Seeing Uncle Fu’s reaction, Qin Yu knew that he was wrong to get angry. Furthermore, he had left right away after sensing the change in the Black Dragon Pool. Uncle Fu simply do not have the time to inform him about this at all.

“Uncle Fu, I am in the wrong. It’s just that Xiao Hei is a brother of mine that I have grown up together with.” Qin Yu looked to Hei Yu who stood on the mountain top far away with worry.

“Xiao Hei!” Qin Yu suddenly yelled.

Hei Yu did not have any reaction. He continued to stand on top of the lone mountain, thrusting his spear at different speeds.

“It would seem that Xiao Hei’s concentration has been completely focused and has entered a special state of mind.” Qin Yu did not have any other way to contact Xiao Hei other than using his Divine Awareness to send a Voice Transmission. His voice directly sounded in Hei Yu’s mind. “Xiao Hei, stop for a moment!”
Hei Yu suddenly stopped thrusting his spear. Hei Yu’s eyes then opened.

Seeing Qin Yu, Hei Yu had an extremely cheerful expression on his face. In an instant, Hei Yu arrived in front of Qin Yu, In ecstasy, he said. “Big brother, it’s been a long time since I’ve last seen you. However big brother, I have only trained for a short period of time, why did you interrupt me?”
“Short period of time? You’ve been in that state for over a hundred thousand years already.” Qin Yu said helplessly. “Over a hundred thousand years?”  Hei Yu opened his eyes wide. Hei Yu then closed his eyes to sense. He then nodded. “It has indeed been over a hundred thousand years. I truly didn’t realise time had passed by so quickly.”
Qin Yu suddenly discovered a change in Hei Yu.

“Xiao Hei, you’ve reached the peak of the High Level Deity stage?” Qin Yu only noticed Hei Yu’s improvements.

Qin Yu remembered very clearly that over a hundred thousand years ago, Hei Yu had only reached the peak of the Mid Level Deity stage. How was it possible for Hei Yu to instantly catch up to him?

“Eh…” Hei Yu himself was also startled. He was also confused for a long period of time. “Eh, how come I have reached the peak of the High Level Deity stage? Last time around, I was still at the peak of the Mid Level Deity stage. Although I sensed that I was about to make a breakthrough, how is it possible that I have reached the peak of the High Level Deity stage in merely a hundred thousand plus years?” Qin Yu suddenly recalled an issue.

The training method that Hei Yu was doing earlier seemed to be some sort of special kind of training method. Hei Yu’s extremely fast improvement might be related to that training method. Upon thinking of this, Qin Yu started becoming happy for his brother.

“Hei  Yu,  why  did  you  start  thrusting  your  spear  for  a hundred thousand years on top of a lone mountain?” Qin Yu asked.

Hei Yu shook his head and said. “I’m not sure. One day when I was training my spear techniques on top of the lone mountain, I suddenly felt a very mysterious and special sensation in my heart. I then proceeded to search for that sensation and began to thrust my spear incessantly. By today, I managed to have some accomplishments regarding that sensation. Furthermore, I feel that… this sort of training method, if I were to continue to train like so, ought to be very powerful.” Qin Yu’s eyes shined. He said. “Xiao Hei, try thrusting a spear strike toward me.”
Hei Yu’s eyes also shined. “Haha, okay. Big brother, have a taste of the things that I managed to comprehend in these years.” After he finished saying that, Hei Yu extended his hand toward the ground and grabbed. A stone was instantly cut into the shape of a spear. Holding this stone spear, Hei Yu stared at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu didn’t dare to be careless. He also grabbed a stone spear like Hei Yu.

“Big brother, you’d best be careful.” Hei Yu’s eyes burst forth with light. “Watch my attack!”  With a loud shout, the stone spear in Hei Yu’s hands was thrust forward.

At the moment when Hei Yu thrust his spear forward, Qin Yu felt as if his brain stopped moving.

Although the speed of the stone spear didn’t seem to be very fast, Qin Yu felt that his own speed was even slower. He tried his hardest to move the stone spear in his hand. Only through that did he managed to block the incoming spear.

Qin Yu suddenly said.

“Big brother, what’s wrong?” Confused, Hei Yu said. “How was my attack earlier? The bit of comprehension I managed to achieve in the hundred thousand plus years; I feel that the amount that I managed to comprehend is still very small. I believe that after more time passes, my spear technique will likely become a lot better.”
Qin Yu looked at Hei Yu with shock.

Even when fighting against Tan Jiu, Qin Yu did not have this sort of strange sensation. Although Hei Yu’s spear speed was not fast at all, it was extremely hard to defend against it. Qin Yu didn’t understand.

Qin Yu knew that if he were to fight against Hei Yu in the Divine Realm without using his Universal World’s Spatial Energy and only use the same sort of weapon as Hei Yu, he might actually be no match against Hei Yu.

“Xiao Hei, you’ve become stronger than me.”  Qin Yu said gratified.

“Big brother.” Hei Yu was unable to refrain his shock.

In all these years, in the path of cultivation, Hou Fei and Hei Yu had been watching Qin Yu’s back the entire time. They had always been finding that the gap between them and Qin Yu had been growing greater and greater. Never had Hei Yu expect for Qin Yu to admit his defeat today.

“Continue  to  train  property,  continue  to  walk  down  this path.” Qin Yu encouraged. Actually, what Qin Yu thought was incorrect. During the Origin Stage of his ‘Stellar Transformation,’ Qin Yu was capable of using the Origin Energy. When he reached the Universe Stage, he could only use the Spatial Energy.

The Universal World was also something that Qin Yu cultivated. It was Qin Yu’s ability. When he thought that he was no match against Xiao Hei without relying on the Universal World or weapons, this sort of thinking was actually a bit overly extreme.

Chapter 40: Being Well Known

Seeing Hei Yu returning back to the top of the lone mountain and once again starting to thrust his spear with varying speed, Qin Yu displayed a calm and joyous smile on his face.

Qin Yu knew that he who possessed the teleportation ability and the Divine Spear Waning Snow could be met with misfortune at any location. Furthermore, the faster his strength increased, the stronger the experts he would come across would be.

Although he might be able to fight against those experts, what about Hei Yu?

Seeing that Hei Yu had now walked down his own path, Qin Yu was happy for him. He grew relaxed in his heart.

“Uncle  Fu,  do  not  go  and  bother  Xiao  Hei.  Let  him concentrate on his training.” Said Qin Yu to Uncle Fu. He then returned back to his own residence by himself through teleportation. After walking into his room, Qin Yu sat cross legged on the praying mat and started to quietly derive the formation arrays.

The ocean of formation arrays was boundless. However, there were rules within the ocean that one could follow.
As Qin Yu was deriving the formation arrays, a branch diagram appeared within his brain. From simple to complicated, he derived the formation arrays one by one. There were very few first level formation arrays, they were only a couple different types. However, the number of second level formation arrays was a lot greater. As for third level formation arrays, they were astonishingly numerous…
As Qin Yu comprehended the ‘Array Path’ more and more, he became somewhat intoxicated with deriving formation arrays.

Every single time he managed to comprehend an even more profound formation array, Qin Yu would feel a sense of accomplishment, a sense of conquest. The branch diagram regarding the formation arrays in his mind also became more and more complicated. 
Ever since he created the Universal World, Qin Yu had placed Jiang Lan’s Realm in the Universal World whenever he derived formation arrays.

Under such circumstances, Qin Yu felt that his insights in the derivations of formation arrays were even greater and his speed of derivation also increased by a lot. The reason why such a thing happened, Qin Yu could only believe that it had to do with the fact that he was the creator of the Universal World.

While deriving formation arrays, one couldn’t sense the passage of time.

A profound formation array might require more than a thousand years of time to derive. Having reached this level, Qin Yu also understood the reason why Trapping Arrays were more important than Killing Arrays and Defensive Arrays.

If one were to completely fuse a Killing Array and a Defensive Array into a Trapping Array and make it into a single formation array. 
If one were able to fuse them together completely and perfectly, then, and only then could one be considered a great master of formation arrays. In other words, one must reach the fourth level of formation arrays!

In a blink of an eye, Qin Yu had already spent a hundred and eighty thousand years in Jiang Lan’s Realm’s second layer space. Qin Yu’s eyes that had been closed for a hundred and eighty thousand years were finally opened. He had a slight smile in his eyes.

“I’ve finally succeeded. It’s surprisingly hard to reach the fourth level of formation arrays from the third level.” Qin Yu gasped in his heart.

Having reached this stage, Qin Yu had an urge in his heart. Having deduced so many formation arrays, Qin Yu felt that there were not many secrets to the ‘Array Path’ anymore. He even felt a sort of sensation as if he had managed to discover the quintessence of the Array Path. This quintessence of the Array Path was a lot more complicated and profound compared to the one he discovered the first time after spending ninety thousand years.

“Is  it  the  first  stage  of  the  Array  Path?”  Qin  Yu  slightly smiled. He immediately discarded this first stage of the Array Path that he had just comprehended out from his mind.

That was because Qin Yu knew that the more formation arrays he deduced, the more perfect the first stage of the Array Path he would comprehend in the end would become, and the more perfect the first stage of the Array Path, the higher his future achievement in the Array Path would be.

“Master.” Uncle Fu’s voice sounded from outside of the room.

As the servant of Qin Yu, Uncle Fu was able to sense changes in Qin Yu’s state of mind. He naturally knew that Qin Yu had finished his seclusion deductions.

After opening the door of the room, Qin Yu walked out. With a face beaming with smiles, he said. “Uncle Fu, I’ve reached the fourth level of formation arrays. Oh, that’s right, how long did it take you to reach the fourth level of formation arrays and how long did it take for you to reach the fifth level of formation arrays?”
Uncle Fu had been unceasingly deducing formation arrays the entire time.

Uncle Fu replied. “It took me several hundred millions of years to reach the fourth level. As for reaching the fifth level from the fourth, it took me over a billion years.”
It was truly very slow.

Qin Yu gasped in his heart. He had only spend a total of less than five hundred thousand years, yet had already reached the doorsteps of the fourth level of formation arrays. His speed was several hundred to a thousand times faster compared to Uncle Fu.

“How long did it take for Senior Chehou Yuan to reach the fourth level of formation arrays?” Qin Yu asked. 
Uncle Fu shook his head and said. “This old servant doesn’t know how long his old master spent at the first level of formation arrays. All I know is that my old master spent a million years to comprehend the first stage of the Array Path the first time around. He then started his research from
scratch and spent a billion years to comprehend the first stage of the Array Path the second time around. When comparing old master and master’s speed, master is ten times faster than old master.”
Indeed, during the first time when Qin Yu comprehended the first stage of the Array Path, he had merely spent about ninety thousand years.

Qin Yu slightly nodded.

“According to this speed, if I want to reach the fifth level of formation arrays, it would likely take me a million years. I reckon that Senior Chehou Yuan had deduced all the way till he reached the sixth level of formation arrays before he actually started comprehending the first stage of the Array Path.” Qin Yu thought in his heart. 
Array Path; the first level of formation arrays till the sixth went from simple to complicated.

As for the seventh and eighth levels of formation arrays, they instead returned to being simple.

If one were to continue to deduce more complicated formation arrays, one would only reach the sixth level of formation arrays.

“Uncle Fu, I’ll go outside for a while to see if that Tan Jiu has returned. A hundred and eighty thousand years have passed, perhaps he might actually come back here.” Said Qin Yu with a smile on his face.

Weeding out the roots!

Uncle Fu said hurriedly. “Master, I have two things I need to tell you.” “Go ahead.” Qin Yu said.

Uncle Fu nodded. “Roughly thirty thousand years after master entered seclusion training to deduce formation arrays, the two girls Hong Yu and Lu Shui reached soul consummation. Their souls then condensed into Golden Soul Pellets. After sixty thousand years, Wu Lan also managed to form a Golden Soul Pellet. As for Wu He, he managed to form a Golden Soul Pellet after eighty thousand years.”
Qin Yu nodded.

These four people had been stagnating at the ninth Demon Emperor level for a long time.
“Ah, what about their Divine Tribulations?” Qin Yu asked in shock. Usually, ordinary people would always undergo the Divine Tribulation before their souls condense into a Golden Soul Pellet. The only exceptions are people like Qin Yu whose soul improved way too fast or people like the Cyan Emperor who deliberately suppressed their power. 
The four level nine Demon Emperors, neither of their souls improvement speed were extremely fast. Furthermore, they had all reached the ninth Demon Emperor level and had not been suppressing their powers.

“This  was  precisely  what  this  old  servant  wanted  to  tell master. The four of them have already formed Golden Soul Pellets. However, they are still unable to sense their Divine Tribulation. This matter is truly too strange.”  Uncle Fu said with a frown.

Qin Yu was startled.

They had already formed Golden Soul Pellets yet were still unable to sense their Divine Tribulations? Even he himself managed to sense his Divine Tribulation not long after forming his Golden Soul Pellet. However, Wu Lan and them had formed their Golden Soul Pellets over a hundred thousand years ago now. “Master, this matter has also caused the four of them to be restless and filled with worries. This old servant also cannot understand why such a thing was happening because one should be able to sense one’s Divine Tribulation regardless of where one might be.” Said Uncle Fu helplessly.

According to the way things works, regardless of whether one was in the Divine Realm, the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm or hiding in the Mortal Realm, it would be impossible for one to escape the Divine Tribulation.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Qin Yu’s mind.

“Could it be that… it was because of the Universal World?” Upon thinking of this, all of Qin Yu’s suspicions were dissipated completely.

At the moment when he created the Universal World, Qin Yu knew that…
When inside the Universal World, he was the master of the Universal World! When in the Universal World, nothing that violates his will are allowed to occur. Even the Divine Tribulation cannot descend upon the Universal World without first getting his approval.

“Jiang Lan’s Realm is in the Universal World. Although Jiang Lan’s Realm possesses three layers of spaces within it, it was still merely a Spatial Grandmist Spiritual Treasure and cannot be considered as another world. Thus, Hong Yu, Lu Shui, Wu Lan and Wu He would be restricted by the laws of the Universal World.”
Upon thinking of this, Qin Yu understood it completely.

In the Universal World that he had created, it was simply impossible for Divine Tribulation to descend. Or perhaps… the Divine Tribulation simply cannot sense this world. Thus, it naturally would not descend.

“Uncle Fu, I understand this matter now. After some time, I’ll have them return to the Divine Realm. I believe that they will be able to sense when their Divine Tribulation would come the moment they returned to the Divine Realm.” Qin Yu said to Uncle Fu.
Uncle Fu nodded. “Yes, this servant will immediately notify them about this.”
“Uncle Fu, did you have anything else you need to tell me?” Qin Yu remembered that Uncle Fu mentioned that he had two things he wanted to report to him about.

Uncle Fu immediately displayed a joyous expression. He said. “Master, this is a great joyous matter. Thirty thousand years ago, that is when master have trained for a hundred and fifty thousand years, young master Hei Yu stopped his training. That is because young master Hei Yu’s soul had reached the Embryo Soul level. Furthermore, after he spent several thousand years, he completely transformed the Divine Energy within his body to Heavenly Divine Energy and created a Jade Blood Golden Pellet.”
Xiao Hei has achieved a breakthrough?

“Xiao Hei became a Low Level Heavenly Deity?” Qin Yu had truly never expected that after Hei Yu stepped onto his unusual training path, his improvement speed would actually be this fast.

Uncle Fu also had an expression filled with awe. “Young Master Hei Yu’s cultivation speed is truly astonishing. This old servant had followed the old master for all those years, yet I have never seen anyone training so fast and with such a strange training method before.

“Logically, because there are that many geniuses in the Divine Realm, the various training techniques are generally created by their seniors. It is extremely rare for a new training technique to appear. I truly never would’ve anticipated that young master Hei Yu…” As Uncle Fu said this, he even gasped a couple times in admiration.

Qin Yu smiled.

He reckoned that there was likely no one who knew about his ‘Stellar Transformation’ martial technique in the Divine Realm. As for Hei Yu’s training technique, Qin Yu was still uncertain about it. However, he believed that it doesn’t matter even if he didn’t understand it because he believed that it was all fine as long as Hei Yu’s power increased.

“Where is Xiao Hei now?” Qin Yu have a rejoiceful smile on his face.

Uncle Fu said. “Young master Hei Yu has once again started training on top of the lone mountain. However, the speed at which young master Hei Yu thrust his spear now, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, has become even more strange.”
“There’s  no  need  to  worry  about  him.  Let’s  just  let  him continue training like so.”  Qin Yu chuckled. Perhaps Hei Yu would only be able to explain to everyone about his training method after achieving a better comprehension of it.

“Master is not going to see young master Hei Yu?” Uncle Fu asked.

“No, I will be going out.” Qin Yu lightly nodded his head. He then disappeared from Jiang Lan’s Realm. 
In the eastern section of the Divine Realm. Inside the ravine of the Black Dragon Pool, one of the three great powers in the territory of Yuchi City. At this moment, a person suddenly appeared in the Black Dragon Pool, the enormous lake with a circumference of a hundred miles. However, in an instant, this person disappeared.

After continuously teleporting several tens of times, Qin Yu arrived at a thick forest on the mountain.

As he stood on top loose dead leaves, he began to spread out the Spatial Energy from the Universal World. After a thousand and eight hundred years of growth, the Universal World’s Spatial Energy’s range had increased once again. Now, it was able to cover a range of around two hundred meters.

“That Tan Jiu is truly crafty. Not only was he not in the underground mansion, he’s not even inside the several palaces.” Qin Yu sighed. Earlier, Qin Yu had instantly used his Spatial Energy to cover the three palaces. Qin Yu only managed to discover Mei Ji and Daoist Liu Xu. As for the boss Black Dragon Tan Jiu, he did not discover him.

“From the way it looks, the Black Dragon Pool still possesses a lot of troops after all these years.” Qin Yu sensed that a little squadron had entered the range of his Spatial Energy.

Qin Yu started moving. He started to maintain a distance two hundred meters away from that small squadron. In the forest filled with trees and plants, two hundred meters was a distance that one couldn’t find another in.

This small squadron had a total of ten people. Qin Yu was able to clearly see these ten people, including even the hair on their faces.

Ten people, six men and four women.

The female who led the group sighed and said. “Sigh, ever since that Heavenly Deity Qin Yu fought over at our place, he disappeared. In the past thousand and eight hundred years, countless people were searching for him.”
The dark skinned man beside her said. “The rumors leaked from the Yuchi City a thousand and eight hundred years ago were truly astonishing. A Low Level Heavenly Deity actually possesses that many treasures… no wonder countless Heavenly Deities of the Divine Realm’s eastern region have rushed over here wanting to kill Qin Yu and seize his treasures.”
A dainty and delicate looking brown haired woman humped and said. “That Heavenly Deity Qin Yu best not show himself. If he were to show himself and be discovered by a Heavenly Deity, then likely all those Heavenly Deities that want his treasures would rush over. This information has spread through the entire eastern region of the Divine Realm. Rumor has it that there are even Heavenly Deities in the western region and the southwest region that know about this.”
The most thin and weak looking youngster in this patrol group said mysteriously. “Let me tell you all, this rumor was spread out from our Black Dragon Pool.” “Bullshit.” Immediately, someone voiced their distrust.

That youngster immediately said. “Don’t reject it so fast. This is something that my big brother told me personally. A thousand and eight hundred years ago, Lady Mei Ji and Lord Liu Xu had personally selected some of their trusted aides and then proceeded to have them spread this information in the Yuchi City. Oh, that’s right, you all best not tell others about this. Otherwise, Lady Mei Ji and them would definitely not let me go.”
The golden haired woman who led the group said. “Shut up, you’d best not mention this again in the future.”
“Yes, yes.”  That youngster immediately complied with the order. As a Low Level Deity, had it not been for the connection that he had from his big brother, it would have been impossible for this youngster to be accepted into the Black Dragon Pool. Usually, his status was relatively low. Thus, he could only talk about some secrets in order to attract the interest of others.

The golden haired woman then sighed and said. “That Heavenly Deity Qin Yu’s strength is pretty good. I truly don’t know who will be able to obtain those treasures in the end.”
“High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact and some sort of Magnificent Lotus. I think there’s also some sort of extraordinary ability. They caused all those Heavenly Deities to be green with envy. All those Heavenly Deities would be attacking him from all sides. I’ve heard that there are even High Level Heavenly Deities among them! However, all of this is of no concern to us Deities.” The dark skinned man shook his head and sighed.

As for Qin Yu who had heard all this, his expression had turned ashen!

The worst situation had finally occurred!

This sort of situation was something that Qin Yu had anticipated. Merely, Qin Yu was unwilling to let such a situation happen. That was because if such a thing were to happen, then he would be forced to massacre a lot of people. “Must I really walk down that extreme path?”  A cold light flashed through Qin Yu’s eyes.

Chapter 41: The Floating Snow City Of The Utmost Northern Region

Among the Eight Great Sacred Lands of the Divine Realm, the Floating Snow City located in the utmost north region of the Divine Realm was a floating city. The city walls of the city were about two hundred feet tall. It was predominantly composed of black boulders. The city appeared like a vicious beast lying in wait.
The Floating Snow City was formed at the same time as when the Divine Realm was formed. The Floating Snow City possessed various exotic features. The boulders appeared to be ordinary. However, even if a Heavenly Deity were to strike at it with all his might, he would still be unlikely to leave a mark on the city walls of the Floating Snow City. The Floating Snow City snows all year round. The snowflakes cover the entire Floating Snow City. Merely, the moment when the snowflakes fall to the ground, they would naturally permeate into the black colored ground and disappear.
There were not many citizens in the Floating Snow City. The number of people numbered only slightly more than ten thousand Heavenly Deity level experts. There was also the Utmost North Sage Emperor and his clan… the descendants of the Jiang Clan.
The clan of the Utmost North Sage Emperor was also called the Imperial Clan. The Utmost North Sage Emperor himself, as well as his clansmen, usually lived in the center region of the Floating Snow City, the Inner Castle. Only the Godkings of the Imperial Clan could be exempted and live outside of the Inner Castle!
Jiang Lan, one of the Three Great Godkings of the Floating Snow City.
He was the most low-key Godking among the Three Great Godkings of the Floating Snow City. Jiang Lan did not take part in any of the matters of the Utmost North Imperial Clan nor would he listen to the orders of the Utmost North Sage Emperor. He lived in a mansion on the eastern part of the Floating Snow City.
On the entrance of the mansion was a board. On the board were two words… “Wood Mansion.” This Wood Mansion was Jiang Lan’s residence in the Floating Snow City. This mansion had existed for close to the same amount of time that the Divine Realm had existed.
Snowflakes swirled in the air. A group of five people were walking on the streets of the Floating Snow City alongside each other. These five people were all mid squadron captains in the Floating Snow City’s army. One of them was a High Level Heavenly Deity, whereas the other four were Mid Level Heavenly Deities.
The five of them all wore the same sort of black silk gown. On their chests embroidered two golden snowflakes. At this moment, this group of five had walked to the entrance of the Wood Mansion and stopped. They all raised their heads and looked to the Wood Mansion.
“The Heavenly Stellar Prince’s Mansion is so lively. Its disciples numerous. However, the number of disciples at this Wood Mansion is so few. Furthermore, this Wood Mansion is truly too cold and cheerless. Oh, that’s right, Big Brother Gu Liang, when will the Wood Mansion accept more disciples?” A study looking man with a firm and persistent appearance turned around and asked a man beside him.
Gu Liang was the High Level Heavenly Deity among the five of them. He was a promising person who had the potential to be promoted to a large squadron captain in the Floating Snow City.
Gu Liang stroked his aquiline nose, shook his head and said. “The Wood Mansion rarely accepts new disciples. The last time it accepted a disciple was over a billion years ago. Even now, the Wood Mansion only has twelve disciples. Sigh… at the last selection, if I were a bit more careful, I might’ve been able to defeat Liang Yan and become a disciple of the Wood Mansion.”
“Twelve?” A youth among the four that possessed extremely fair skin like snow frowned and said. “The Heavenly Stellar Prince’s Mansion seems to have several hundred disciples. Furthermore, the Wood Mansion has existed for a not much shorter amount of time than the Divine Realm. This Lord Godking of the Wood Mansion…” Gu Liang coldly humphed and said. “Although the Heaven’s Heart Godking possesses a lot of disciples, exactly how long has he been a Godking? The Wood Mansion’s Godking reached the Godking stage at about the same time as His Majesty the Sage Emperor. Don’t you all know that although they might both be Godkings, there are still gaps between Godkings? If I were to be able to receive the guidance from the Wood Mansion’s Godking, I believe my progress would be extremely fast.”
“Big  Brother  Gu  Liang,  you  were  already  a  Mid  Level Heavenly Deity a billion plus years ago, right? I remember that time the Wood Mansion was planning to recruit two new disciples. The fight for those two disciples was pretty intense. Ultimately, among the two that managed to be recruited, one was a High Level Heavenly Deity and the other was a Mid Level Heavenly Deity. However, I’ve heard that among the twelve disciples of the Wood Mansion, six of them are only Low Level Heavenly  Deities.  Am  I  right?”  The  man  with  the  steadfast appearance asked.
Gu Liang nodded. “That’s right, I also do not understand why the Wood Mansion’s Godking suddenly accepted six Low Level Heavenly Deities as disciples. Sigh… Furthermore, I have obtained some inside information that the Wood Mansion’s Godking would only accept a maximum of twelve disciples. He would only once again accept new disciples should someone die in battle.”
Suddenly, Gu Liang’s expression changed. He glanced at the distance and then said hurriedly. “Those seemed to be disciples of the Wood Mansion. They’re being lead by the Wood Mansion’s Godking. Quickly, move to the side so that we do not block the path of Lord Godking.”
Upon hearing what Gu Liang said, the four other Mid Level Heavenly Deities were shocked jumping. The Wood Mansion’s Godking?
The Wood Mansion’s Godking rarely comes out. Thus, only a few people have seen the Wood Mansion’s Godking before. However, Gu Liang, a Heavenly Deity with a very high seniority, had still seen the Wood Mansion’s Godking before. The five of them immediately moved to the side of the road.
A male and a female. They both wore a cyan colored silk gown. The two of them were respectfully walking behind. These two are the personal attendants of the Wood Mansion’s Godking. They had followed the Wood Mansion’s Godking for a very long time now. The two of them were both High Level Heavenly Deities.
Before the two of them was a man with an indifferent smile on his face, the Wood Mansion’s Godking…  Jiang Lan. Jiang Lan wore a black and gold silk gown. He was radiating an ancient aura from his body.
The number of people in the Wood Mansion was extremely low. There were a total of only twelve disciples. However, no one dared to be disrespectful toward the people from the Wood Mansion.
When Jiang Lan reached the entrance of the Wood Mansion, he had slightly noticed the five people far away. He merely lightly smiled and then proceeded to walk pass the gates and into the inside of the Wood Mansion.
“Chu Ji, how is Li’er right now?” While walking in the winding corridor, Jiang Lan asked the male attendant behind him. Chu Ji had a smile on his face. He said. “Your Lordship, Miss Li’er has been extremely happy these past days. This was especially true after she obtained information regarding young master Qin Yu. However, young master Qin Yu had brought himself a relatively large situation this time around. He had caused numerous Heavenly Deities of the eastern region of the Divine Realm to want to cause him troubles. Even the western region, southern region, southwestern region and numerous other places have Heavenly Deities that have heard about this matter and proceeded toward Yuchi City. Miss Li’er has also been worried for young master Qin Yu because of that.”
The  female  attendant  Ji  Shao  also  smiled  and  said.  “Miss Li’er has truly been working real hard on her training these days. When she returned from the Mortal Realm, she was merely at the Low Level Heavenly Deity level. Never had I anticipated that in such a short amount of time, she had already reached the peak of Mid Level Heavenly Deity. For young master Qin Yu, Miss Li’er have truly bore a lot of hardships.”
Jiang Lan had a cheerful smile on his face. “What I admire the most about Little Yu is the trace of true emotions that still remains in the depths of his heart. It is no wonder that A’Mei would choose him.”  Having spoken up till here, Jiang Lan’s expression grew a bit bleak. “Your Lordship.”  Ji Shao and Chu Ji glanced at each other. The two of them both knew about how great of a shock what happened back then was to their Lord ‘Jiang Lan’.
Jiang Lan returned to the present after a short moment of time. He tranquilly smiled and said. “It’s fine. According to what I have investigated, Little Yu’s strength has yet to even reach the Low Level Heavenly Deity stage. However, he was able to create such a powerful prestige for himself. Little Yu’s potential is still pretty great. Merely, this child is still a bit softhearted. I am afraid that he might not be able to win against that child from the Zhou Clan.”
“Softhearted? Didn’t Your Lordship like young master Qin Yu precisely because of that?” Said Ji Shao with a smile.
Jiang Lan immediately smiled.
“Let’s not talk about this, let’s not talk about this. I am still extremely confident in Little Yu. He has succeeded the Bewitching God Temple and his comprehension of formation arrays is pretty good too. Furthermore, he has that mysterious and strange martial technique. I believe he is extraordinary… If he were to have sufficient time, he ought to be able to satisfy my big brother.”  Said Jiang Lan with a smile on his face. He then continued to walk.
The Wood Mansion was extremely large. It was a large mansion that possessed seven entrances and seven exits. There were a total of four gardens. As for Li’er, she lived in a pavilion building inside the Wood Mansion and had two maids attending her.
In the location that Li’er lived in, there was a garden before her building. This garden did not have any flowers or plants. It merely had a nearly ten meter tall black tree with a thickness that a person can hug.
At this moment, inside this garden, there were two maids chatting with each other. Because Li’er was undergoing meditation training, the two of them naturally couldn’t disturb her. “Big Sis A’Lian, this black tree that’s only ten meters tall is said to be as old as the Wood Mansion.” Said a purple clothed woman as she pointed towards the black tree.
The green clothed ‘A’Lian’ who was beside her shook her head and said. “That shouldn’t be very likely. This Wood Mansion is said to be ten quadrillion years old. It is about as old as the entire Divine Realm. What sort of tree would only be this big after growing for so long?”
[TL: 1*10^16 years old, I know that IET wrote that the Divine Realm was a hundred million and two quadrillion years old. I think this might be a mistranslation in my part due to his writing. This is the raws: ⼀ 亿 两 千 万 亿 which roughly translated to one hundred million twenty million one hundred million years. Which after some time I figured it was 1.000000002*10^24 years. However, it would appear that IET meant one hundred twenty million one hundred million years. Which means the Divine Realm was twelve quadrillion years old. (1.2*10^16). Don’t blame me, I don’t think IET knows how to number…] [Kulops: that had been bugging me for so long…] [Robin: Finally, clarity! :D] “Big Sis A’Lian, you shouldn’t doubt it. This was something that I heard Lord Chu Ji and other Lords mentioning while they were chatting. This black tree, I believe it’s name was something like Ancient Ironwood Tree!” Said that purple clothed woman.
“Liu Xiang, you said Ancient Ironwood Tree? What sort of tree is an Ancient Ironwood Tree?” This A’Lian has never heard about the great name of the Ancient Ironwood Tree.
That Liu Xiang was about to explain when she saw the three people walking in from the entrance of the garden. She immediately stood up. A’Lian also promptly stood up after seeing her standing up. The two of them respectfully stood to the side. “Your Lordship.”
Jiang  Lan  nodded.  He  glanced  at  that  Ancient  Ironwood Tree.
This Ancient Ironwood Tree was the oldest and most precious tree in the entire Divine Realm. At the same time, it was also the sole Ancient Ironwood Tree. Back then, when Jiang Lan reached the Godking level, he just so happened to find a sapling of an Ancient Ironwood Tree. After that, when he established his mansion, he placed this Ancient Ironwood Tree inside his Wood Mansion.
This Ancient Ironwood Tree was indeed as old as the entire Wood Mansion.
“Chu  Ji,  the  two  of  you  can  stay  down  here.”  Jiang  Lan ordered his attendants and then proceeded to walk up the stairs. He directly reached the pavilion and the entrance of the pavilion opened by itself.
Inside the pavilion was Li’er sitting cross-legged on top of a praying mat. On her body was a loose white gown. Her exposed skin was white like cream. Her pair of eyes were lightly closed. Her long beautiful hair reached the ground. She had an extremely serene expression.
The corners of Jiang Lan’s mouth was slightly raised. “Li’er.”
In an instant, a peculiar change occurred in space where the pavilion was located in. It was as if the space here have been isolated from the outside world. Li’er also naturally woke up.
At   the   instant   she   saw   Jiang   Lan,   Li’er   immediately blossomed to a smile. At the moment her smile blossomed, it was as if the entire world paled in comparison to her.
“Uncle Lan, you’ve returned? Did you manage to obtain information regarding big brother Qin Yu?” Li’er stood up hurriedly. Her long hair started to drift all the way down to her buttocks.
Jiang  Lan  smiled  and  nodded.  “Oh  you,  you  haven’t  seen your Uncle Lan in so long yet the first thing you do after seeing me isn’t asking how your Uncle Lan is, but instead you directly ask about your big brother Qin Yu. This is truly…”
“Uncle Lan!” Li’er’s face instantly turned red.
[TL: I would like to point out that IET used a very confusing word. He used 门⼈ which literally translates to gate/door man. So my first thought was that it should be gate guard or something similar. However, as I continued reading, it seems to be disciple and gate guard just seemed to be very off. This could make sense because 门 could also mean sect/school. So sect man → disciple. This is just extremely confusing because disciple is usually written as 弟⼦ in chinese… but this sounds a lot more logical than a doorman or twelve doormen…]

Chapter 42: Bad Situation

Jiang Lan was beaming with cheerful smiles. He walked to the side and sat on a chair. Li’er also walked over to Jiang Lan and sat on a chair beside him.

Jiang Lan closely looked at Li’er. He nodded satisfiedly and said. “Your cultivation speed’s pretty decent. Continue to train hard so that you can reach the High Level Heavenly Deity by the time you see Little Yu again.”
“Mn.” Li’er face was still slightly red. Soon after, she asked. “Uncle Lan, over a thousand years ago, that information that was spread out from the eastern region of the Divine Realm had provoked that many Heavenly Deities to want to chase and kill big brother Qin Yu. How is the situation now? Is big brother Qin Yu okay?”
Li’er was still worried about Qin Yu.

Jiang  Lan  chuckled  and  said.  “Rest  assured,  in  these thousand plus years, Little Yu has never shown himself. I have even searched the entire Divine Realm and also did not manage to discover him. I reckon that he must be in my Jiang Lan’s Realm.”
Even Jiang Lan could not imagine that Qin Yu was actually able to create his own world.

“Jiang  Lan’s  Realm…   Uncle  Lan,  thank  you.”   Said  Li’er thankfully. Li’er knew very well that Jiang Lan’s Realm was a major contributor to helping her big brother Qin Yu stay alive for so long. Furthermore, she also knew about the importance the Jiang Lan’s Realm held to Uncle Lan. How could Li’er possibly not be thankful of Uncle Lan giving his first Acquired Grandmist Spiritual Treasure to Qin Yu?

Jiang Lan shook his head and said. “Well then, let’s not talk about this anymore. You ought to know that with my strength… it is very unlikely for me to use Jiang Lan’s Realm. Only if a True Great War of the Divine Realm were to occur would I be forced to use the Jiang Lan’s Realm!”
“True  Great  War  of  the  Divine  Realm?”   Confused,  Li’er asked. “There are differences between the wars of the Divine Realm?” “The Great War of the Divine Realm that occurs once even six billions years is merely the battle that the masses of the Divine Realm know about. However, in actuality, there are a lot of things that ordinary people and even Heavenly Deities do not know about. Well then, when it is time for you to know about these things, I will tell you about them. What you need to  do  right  now  is  to  continue  training  wholeheartedly.” Comforted Jiang Lan.

“Mn.” Li’er nodded her head obediently.

Li’er suddenly said. “Uncle Lan, a while back, my Imperial Father came to my place and talked with me.”
The smile on Jiang Lan’s face have instantly vanished.

“When did this occur?” Jiang Lan asked.

Li’er pondered for a moment and then said. “Roughly three hundred years ago. At that time, Uncle Lan, you just happened to not be in the Floating Snow City. My Imperial Father conducted  a  heart-to-heart  chat  with  me…”   Li’er  had  an expression of helplessness on her face.

If her Imperial Father were to force her to marry someone, then Li’er would rather die than submit. In that sort of situation, there was nothing that her Imperial Father could do to her.

However, when her Imperial Father conduct a heart-to-heart chat with her, this instead caused her to feel helpless.

“Big brother still hasn’t given up?” Two streams of air were shot out from Jiang Lan’s nostrils. “Li’er, how about this. From today on, I will leave a clone in the Wood Mansion. I shall see if my big brother would come over again!”
Li’er immediately felt a burst of relaxation.

There were Three Great Godkings in the Utmost Northern Region’s Floating Snow City. Among them, the Utmost North Sage Emperor and the Wood Mansion’s Godking had reached the Godking level a very very long time ago. The two of them possessed the strongest strength. When compared to the other Godking of the Floating Snow City, the Heaven’s Heart Godking, their strength was a lot greater than his.

Li’er knew very well that while her Imperial Father might not give face to the Heaven’s Heart Godking, he would not genuinely fight with Uncle Lan.

This was especially true because her Imperial Father still owed her Uncle Lan!

[Robin: As in, Her father still owed Jiang Lan a favor, not as in he still owed her “a Uncle Lan” :P]

“Well then, Li’er, you can ease your mind and continue to stay here. There is no need for you to concern yourself with other matters.”  Jiang Lan stood up. Li’er also promptly stood up to see Jiang Lan off.

Jiang Lan smiled cheerfully and then walked out from the pavilion. He walked down the staircase and left. 
“Your Lordship.” Chu Ji and Ji Shao, the two attendants that had followed Jiang Lan for the longest time followed behind Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan still had the scene of Li’er training quietly in his mind. “Li’er looks exactly like her when she’s training!” Upon thinking of this, Jiang Lan felt a burst of heartache.

Even now, Jiang Lan was unable to forget…
The figure that had fallen from the sky, the two most sparking, translucent and dazzling tears that slid down her face and the desolate smile that she still had on her exquisite beautiful face before her death.

That scene was forever carved on Jiang Lan’s soul! Forever, he would never forget it!

“A’Mei, you’ve chosen Li’er and Little Yu. Thus, I will use my life to protect them!” Said Jiang Lan resolutely. 
Eastern region of the Divine Realm. Inside Yuchi City.

When the Dark Curtain of Night of the Utmost Northern Region’s Floating Snow City covered the Divine Realm, Yuchi City was also covered in a layer of darkness. According to the rules of Yuchi City, in night time, no one was allowed to walk the streets.

In the majority of the locations of Yuchi City, quietness resumed. However, there were privileged existences in any location. Likewise, there were some special places.

The Pity Fragrant Building was an extremely bustling place in the Yuchi City. Especially at night, this place would be brightly lit.

There was no army that would come here to investigate. That was because those who could step into the Pity Fragrant Building possessed either status or wealth. During any given day, there were always people from the upper echelons of Yuchi City gathered here. 
The Pity Fragrant Building occupied an extremely huge region. Within it were numerous different areas.

Inside the Guest Welcoming Hall of the Pity Fragment Building.

The Guest Welcoming Hall was the largest hall in the entire Pity Fragment Building. However, there were not many seats in the Guest Welcoming Hall. There were only a total of twenty four seats. One must spend an extremely large number of Divine Spiritual Stones in order to be qualified to sit in one of those seats.

At this moment in the Guest Welcoming Hall, there were eighteen females wearing extremely thin gauze dresses while dancing a special dance. The gauze dresses that these eighteen females were wearing were so thin that one could practically see through to their naked bodies.

However, the dance that these eighteen girls danced gave off a sense of relaxation. It was an exceptionally beautiful sensation that causes one to completely ignore one’s carnal desires.

There were twelve seats on either sides of the Guest Welcoming Hall. The seats were arranged in pairs.

At this moment, Qin Yu was sitting in one of the seats.

“Xi Shuang, to be honest, I truly admire that Qin Yu. He is merely a Low Level Heavenly Deity yet he dared to kill all the way to the Black Dragon Pool and even killed a Low Level Heavenly Deity of the Black Dragon Pool while seriously injuring the other two. Even that Lord Black Dragon has hidden  himself.  Amazing,  truly  amazing.”   Said  that  fatty beside Qin Yu to Qin Yu.

This fatty was called ‘Chu Liuqing.’ Or, according to the fatty, ‘one must always show mercy.’
[TL: This fat dude’s name is Chu Liuqing. Liuqing is his name, which also means show mercy or forgiveness. So this fatty’s name is basically, Chu SpareMe. Which he thus decided to make a pun out of his name saying ‘one must always spare others.’]

“Fatty Chu, I’ve heard that many people want to kill that Qin Yu for the treasures that he possesses.” Qin Yu said. Qin Yu had investigated the rumor in Yuchi City for some time now and had discovered that there were actually many different versions of the rumor.

The reason why rumors were called rumors was because even if the rumors were real at the beginning, the more they spread the more excessive they become.

“Heh, treasures?” Fatty Chu’s stealthy tiny black eyes glanced at the beautiful women that’s dancing before him. He then humped and said. “What sort of treasures does that Qin Yu have? No one knows for certain. There are people saying that Qin Yu possesses two High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts, a large number of other treasures, a Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus and a remarkable ability. Fucking hell, who do those people spreading the rumors think that Qin Yu is? He’s merely a Low Level Heavenly Deity. Did they think that he was a Godking? That many treasures! I don’t believe it one bit.” Fatty Chu pulled Qin Yu’s arm and said. “Hey, Xi Shuang, I’ve heard another version that’s even more exaggerated. There’s actually people saying that Qin Yu possessed a remarkable ability similar to that of ‘teleportation.’ Bullfuckingshit. Whoever it was that was spreading this rumor truly wasn’t even thinking logically. Truly laughable.”
Qin Yu slightly nodded.

However, Qin Yu was thinking in his heart. “Fatty Chu, I actually possess even more treasures than in the rumors that are being spread around. Furthermore, I also know how to teleport. Unfortunately for you, I cannot tell you about this!”
Among all the different versions of the rumors, there was some similarities… ‘Qin Yu definitely possessed a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact, Qin Yu possessed some treasures and Qin Yu was a Low Level Heavenly Deity!’
“Fatty Chu.” Said an old man beside him with a smile on his face. “I’ve heard you talking about that Qin Yu. Let me tell you, you’d best believe me, that Qin Yu definitely possesses a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact and possesses fire attribute treasures. He is merely a Low Level Heavenly Deity. For him to have that many treasures, there are definitely a lot of people that wanted to take them from him.”
Fatty Chu knew that old man. After all, the two of them frequently visit this Pity Fragrant Building.

“He  is  merely  a  Low  Level  Heavenly  Deity?  You  make  it sound so easy. If Qin Yu was in front of you, would you dare say the same thing?” Said Fatty Chu with a mocking tone.

Heavenly Deities; the number of Heavenly Deities in the Divine Realm was extremely small.

A Heavenly Deity would only appear among a million Deities. Over half of all the Heavenly Deities that originated from Yuchi City were gathered at Mount Dazzling Gold. The number of Heavenly Deities that ended up staying in Yuchi City was less than a hundred.

And among all those Heavenly Deities, the majority of them were in seclusion training. For the Heavenly Deities that would come to enjoy the pleasures of life in a place like the Pity Fragrant Building, it was extremely rare if a single one of them were to show up.

“That Tan Jiu plotted to try to kill me or perhaps he was trying to force me to not dare show myself. However, it would appear now that the might of the rumors are still within a limit that I can bear.”
Qin Yu gulped the wine in the wine cup in his hand.

What Qin Yu feared the most was having his ‘teleportation’ or the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus discovered.

However it would appear that the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus had never appeared in the rumors. There was merely rumors regarding the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus. Furthermore, among the different rumors, the ones regarding teleportation were the ones that had the least number of people believing it. “This  Tan  Jiu,  he  did  not  publicize  the  Nine  Petaled Magnificent Lotus and only mentioned the Seven Colored Magnificent Lotus, could it be…” Qin Yu had a thought. “Could this Tan Jiu be trying to become the oriole from behind that stalks the mantis as it stalks the cicada? He was afraid if he mentioned the Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus, experts too powerful would come and then he would not be able to obtain the treasures?”
This Nine Petaled Magnificent Lotus was definitely precious enough to attract High Level Heavenly Deities to come. It might even attract a Godking or two.

In the Guest Welcoming Hall, the eighteen practically naked female dancers had withdrawn.

What replaced them was a beautiful young woman who wore a crimson colored qipao looking gown. She looked around at everyone present and then said. “Everyone, please be quiet. Right now, we shall present the ‘Qin and Xiao Duet’ who have ascended from the Flying Rise Realm. I believe everyone knows about the skill these twin sisters have in the Qin and Xiao. Everyone should be very familiar with the two of them. Thus, I believe there is no need for me to further introduce the two of them. And today, it is the date of the once-a-year performance from the two of them.”
[TL: Qin is Guqin. A chinese plucked string instrument. Xiao is a chinese flute instrument.]

“Ha, the reason why I came today was precisely to hear the performance of the Qin and Xiao Dual.” Fatty Chu was the first to cry out.

In an instant, the Guest Welcoming Hall had grown bustling with noise and excitement.

As for Qin Yu, he started to drink wine out of his wine cup as he calmly looked to the two beautiful woman performing in the side hall beside the Guest Welcoming Hall. There was only a pearl curtain blocking the Guest Welcoming Hall from the side hall.

The sounds of the Qin and the Xiao resonated through the Guest Welcoming Hall like bird-cries. Everyone in the Guest Welcoming Hall felt as if they have entered into a world of Qin and Xiao. They were completely immersed in the music and have forgotten about their surroundings.

In the entire Guest Welcoming Hall, only Qin Yu remained sober.

While the music of the Qin and Xiao was sounding, Qin Yu suddenly saw two same looking males walking in from the entrance of the Guest Welcoming Hall.

“Two  Low  Level  Heavenly  Deities?”  Qin  Yu  was  slightly shocked as he looked over. The attendant outside the Guest Welcoming Hall was simply unable to block these two men at all. After the two of them had entered the Guest Welcoming Hall, they proceeded to quietly listen to the sound of the Qin and Xiao.

When the performance was over.

These two cold looking men both started clapping cheerfully. One of them spoke and said. “Never had I expected that the Yuchi City would actually have experts of music that reached such level with the Qin and the Xiao.”
The crimson gowned woman who was originally the program  hostess  promptly  walked  over.  “Lords  Heavenly Deities, welcome to our Pity Fragrant Building.” This woman’s eyesight was extremely pungent. She actually managed to tell that these two were Heavenly Deities.

“There are quite many Heavenly Deities coming to the Pity Fragrant Building recently. Practically all of them came from outside Yuchi City. They all came for that Qin Yu. These two Heavenly Deities ought to be here for Qin Yu too.” Said Fatty Chu to Qin Yu in a low voice while smiling.

Qin Yu’s eyebrows were raised.

It would appear that a lot of people thought him to be a Low Level Heavenly Deity that was easy to be bullied. 
“I’ve heard that the Heaven Numbered Pavilion of your Pity Fragrant Building was pretty famous. Prepare two Heaven Numbered Pavilions for us two brothers.” Proudly said a Low Level Heavenly Deity among the two.

That crimson gowned sweet and charming woman promptly said. “Lords Heavenly Deities, our Pity Fragrant Building only has a total of three Heaven Numbered Pavilions. As for these three Heaven Numbered Pavilions, they have been rented by three other Heavenly Deities for several hundred years already. Even many of the Earth Numbered Pavilions were rented by Heavenly Deities.”
“Go and tell them that we are the Wu Clan Brothers. I believe they  would  know  what  to  do  then.”  Said  one  of  the  men proudly.

That crimson gowned woman lowered her voice and said. “Lords Heavenly Deities, the three Lords Heavenly Deities that have rented the three Heaven Numbered Pavilions, two of them are Mid Level Heavenly Deities. As for the other one… he is the boss of the two Heavenly Deities!” These two Wu Clan Brothers were instantly startled.

Qin  Yu  cannot  help  himself  from  frowning.  “They’ve  all come for me? The two Heavenly Deities that lived in the Heaven Numbered Pavilions, two of them are Mid Level Heavenly Deities… and the other one, could he be a High Level Heavenly Deity?”
If it was a High Level Heavenly Deity, it would also be hard for Qin Yu to handle him.

Chapter 43: Appearance

Inside the Guest Welcoming Palace of the Pity Fragrant Building.

The Wu Clan Brothers, who were originally extremely haughty and grim, upon hearing that the three Heaven Numbered Pavilions were rented out by Heavenly Deities, with the weakest being a Mid Level Heavenly Deity, immediately no longer dared to act arrogant.

If a Low Level Heavenly Deity wanted to compete with a Mid Level Heavenly Deity, without Heaven-defying weapons like the Grandmist Spiritual Treasures, they’d practically be courting death.

“Lords  Heavenly  Deities,  have  the  two  of  you  finished deciding where to live?”  Said that charming crimson gowned woman with a soft voice. Her pair of bright and intelligent eyes were staring at the two people before her.

And at this moment, the other people in the Guest Welcoming Hall, including the fatty Chu Liuqing and Qin Yu under his alias of Xi Shuang, were all looking at these two Heavenly Deities. The Wu Clan Brothers’ expressions grew a bit unsightly after being watched by this group of people. Their faces had even turned a bit pale and purplish.

After all, their attitude earlier was a bit overly arrogant. And now, it had became hard for them to back off.

“Big brother, let’s just stay in the Earth Numbered Pavilions.” Wu Liu’s expression was unsightly. He looked to his older brother and said to him via Divine Awareness Voice Transmission.

Wu Gang nodded. He then looked at the people within the Guest Welcoming Pavilion with a fierce glare. Fatty Chu and them were so scared that they immediately started smiling. Only then did Wu Gan become satisfied. He then looked to the red gowned woman. In a cold voice, he said. “Prepare two Earth Numbered Pavilions for us. Furthermore, those maids that are to serve us, if they cannot please us, do not blame us for ripping them apart.” The red gowned woman immediately displayed a lovable smile and said. “Lord’s Heavenly Deities can rest assured. They will definitely please Your Lordships.”
“Humph.” Wu Gan coldly humped. He then walked out from the Guest Welcoming Hall together with Wu Liu.

After the Wu Clan Brothers left the Guest Welcoming Hall, the Guest Welcoming Hall that was under an oppressive atmosphere instantly became bustling with noise. Everyone in the Guest Welcoming Hall began to chat about the two Heavenly Deities from earlier. Then they also began to chat about the other Heavenly Deities that were staying in the Pity Fragrant Building. This conversation eventually lead to the goal of these Heavenly Deities… Qin Yu.

“That Qin Yu is most definitely afraid of all these Heavenly Deities gathered in the Yuchi City to kill him. That must be the reason why he hasn’t shown himself for over a thousand years.”  The conversation topic of the Guest Welcoming Hall turned to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu himself could only smile helplessly. 
“I fear others? During these past thousand and eight hundred years, I had absolutely no idea what was happening outside.” Qin Yu sighed in his heart.

“You all should stop chipping and chirping over here. That Qin Yu managed to create such a fame for himself in the Black Dragon Pool and had shown that ordinary Low Level Heavenly Deities are no match for him. If he doesn’t have some skills and tricks, how could he dare do such a thing? You all should wait for that Qin Yu to show up for it would definitely be a great show once he does show up.” Said Fatty Chu as he shook his head. As he continued to speak, he stood up.

“Well then, everyone, you all can continue to chat here. As for I, I shall be going to my pavilion to rest.” Fatty Chu cupped his hand to everyone present.

“Xi Shuang, let’s go. We shall go have a rest together.”  Said Fatty Chu to Qin Yu beside him. He then tried to pulled Qin Yu to leave the Guest Welcoming Hall. Qin Yu moved his hand and dodged the pull. He stood up and said with a light smile. “Fatty Chu, we can just walk together.”
There were not many Earth Numbered Pavilions Buildings. During the moment when Qin Yu and Chu Liuqing checked into the Pity Fragrant Building, it just so happened that there were only two Earth Numbered Pavilions Buildings remaining. This caused Chu Liuqing to be incessantly cheerful.

“The maids of the Man Numbered Pavilions Buildings when compared with those maids of the Earth Numbered Pavilion Buildings are practically of two different worlds. Xi Shuang, this building is mine and that building is yours. We shall see each other again tomorrow.”
Said Fatty Chu as he proceeded to walk toward his pavilion.

Vast and various flowers were blossoming. The creek water was babbling. Within the peach garden, there were a couple pavilion buildings. Qin Yu saw Fatty Chu walked toward the entrance of his pavilion building and began to hear the cheerful and noisy sound of women. 
“Maids? It seems more like the brothels of the Mortal Realm. Merely, they are of higher quality. Each and every one of those women are gorgeous enough to shame a nation.” Qin Yu thought in his heart. He then proceeded to walk towards his own pavilion building.

Having reached the Deity level, one could change one’s appearance however one wanted to. Thus, even the maids in the Man Numbered Pavilions possessed appearance that greatly surpassed the so called ‘national beauties’ of the Mortal Realm. At the same time, these people came from different cosmic spaces, possessed different circumstances, different fates and different temperaments.

Under the Dark Curtains of Light, only the hazy crimson light from the two sides of the entrance of the Pavilion Buildings remained open. Walking on the little pebble walkway, Qin Yu was able to see the reflection of the light from the lantern on the water surface of the brook.

The delicate fragrance of peach flowers. The blurry lights. In this sort of circumstances, Qin Yu saw two beautiful maids with skin as tender and soft as that of infants. The two maids walked out from the entrance of the pavilion with one on the left and the other on the right. With a soft voice, they greeted Qin Yu. “Your Lordship.”
Their voices was like those of kittens. Just hearing their voices brought about a comfortable sensation.

“No wonder Fatty Chu and them frequently visit this place.” Qin Yu lightly smiled. He then casually entered into the pavilion. Under the care of the two maids, he cleansed himself.

The light in the room was hazy.

Qin Yu glanced at the two maids before him. He lightly smiled and said. “Well then, the two of you should be tired too. You can withdraw yourselves and go rest. Do not come and disturb me without my permission.”
Qin Yu must admit that the Earth Numbered Pavilion’s maids were indeed extraordinary beautiful women and no ordinary people could resist their charms.

“Yes, Your Lordship.” The two maids said softly with a slight disappointment. Then they glanced at Qin Yu before started to walk away. As for Qin Yu himself, he started to lay down on the bed.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve slept like this.” Qin Yu cannot help but admit that after being served by the two maids, he had a sense of lazy coziness all over. Qin Yu lightly closed his eyes.

After the night.

The Dark Curtains of Light have departed. The Light of Daytime have arrived.

“It’s been a long time since I last had such a cozy feeling.” Qin Yu felt extremely relaxed. Ever since he started training, it had been an extremely long time since he had slept like this. The door to the room was opened. The two maids were already outside Qin Yu’s door. With a soft voice, they greeted him. “Your Lordship, please allow us to ready you.”
“There’s no need. The two of you can go rest. I still have important matters to take care of.” Qin Yu really does have matters that he must attend to. Thus, those two maids could only watch Qin Yu leave the place.

Qin Yu had already decided in his heart: “Since the rumors have already spread through the Divine Realm and have caused that many Heavenly Deities to cause me trouble, I also cannot continue to hide myself. Since they want to create troubles for me, I must take up their challenges.”
When Qin Yu walked out of the Pity Fragrant Building, he actually saw Wu Gang and Wu Liu in the road ahead of him. Wu Gang and Wu Liu have only arrived at the Yuchi City yesterday. Thus, the two of them have decided to first go check out the tracks of Qin Yu and continue to slowly wait for Qin Yu if they were unable to find any tracks. “Big brother, where should we go to find that Qin Yu?” Wu Liu asked.

Wu Gang had already thought about this problem before. He smiled and said. “Second brother, according to my estimation, that Qin Yu is either hiding in the region around Mount Bewitch You, or has already left the range of Yuchi City’s territory.”
“Oh?” Wu Liu was a bit confused by his older brother’s judgement.

Wu Gang displayed a confident expression. “If he dared to take on the killing intents of all these Heavenly Deities, then he would not run away and would naturally remain in the surrounding of his old headquarters. If he was afraid… then, after over a thousand years, he would’ve already left the territory of Yuchi City.”
Wu Liu nodded. “Second brother, we must definitely be careful when trying to kill Qin Yu. Although the two of us are both peak Low Level Heavenly Deities and have never lost to any Low Level Heavenly Deities when we join hands, this Qin Yu possesses a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. We cannot be careless.”
“Big brother, you can rest assured. I am well aware of this.” Wu Liu’s expression turned serious.

Soon after, Wu Liu and Wu Gang proceeded to leave Yuchi City and advanced towards the direction of Mount Bewitch You.

While Wu Liu and Wu Gang were still enroute, Qin Yu had already arrived at a wilderness region beside Mount Bewitch You. Of course, Qin Yu had used his teleportation to arrive there. After a thousand and eight hundred plus years, Mount Bewitch You, that had been burned to a barren mountain, already had new flowers, plants and trees growing.

However, the enormous mountain fire from back then caused a change in the structure of Mount Bewitch You. It had even created an enormous waterfall. 
“Back then, Mount Bewitch You was destroyed by fire. Today, I shall once again occupy this Mount Bewitch You and greet the guests that have come from all over the Divine Realm. I reckon that this group of guests will be arriving pretty soon.” Qin Yu had a smile on his face.

Standing in the air, Qin Yu directly flew to an alpine lake on top of the Mount Bewitch You. This alpine lake was also formed after the sudden change of the Mount Bewitch You. Qin Yu created a wooden house beside this alpine lake.

“It’s not that easy to fight with me. You must first be able to pass through my formation arrays.”
Qin Yu stood on top of a large tree beside the alpine lake. He looked to his surroundings. Qin Yu had a slight smile on his face. “It should be enough to use formation arrays to take care of ordinary Low Level Heavenly Deities. Only experts would require me to personally set out to take care of them…. I am now already able to set up level four formation arrays. Even if Mid Level Heavenly Deities were to show up, my level four formation arrays should be able to trap them for some time.” Qin Yu immediately started to sit cross-legged on top of the tree. He had started to set up great formation arrays.

Right after Qin Yu set up an enormous level three Trapping Array in the surroundings of Mount Bewitch You, and had begun setting up another great formation array, the Wu Clan Brothers arrived.

“Master, they have come.” Said Uncle Fu respectfully.

Uncle Fu’s ‘One Aura Amplification Array’ possessed an ability to detect that was greater than even ordinary Heavenly Deities. This ‘One Aura Amplification Array’ was a level seven formation array taught to Uncle Fu by the Craftsman God Chehou Yuan. It was created by him and was extremely mystical.

“They’ve come?”  Qin Yu opened his eyes. “Well then, this shall be considered the first battle of me, Qin Yu, against those Heavenly Deities. Although the opponent of the first battle are merely two Low Level Heavenly Deities, I shall also give them some face and personally set off to fight them.”
Like the wind, Qin Yu descended to the ground.

The brothers Wu Gang and Wu Liu saw Mount Bewitch You in the distant. They immediately sensed that there was a surging aura at the mountain. That aura instantly caused the two of them to be on guard.

“Could it be that Qin Yu is here?”  Wu Liu’s face was filled with an unbelieving expression.

No one managed to find Qin Yu in over a thousand years. Wu Liu and Wu Gang originally thought that Qin Yu was hiding on a certain mountain in the surrounding of Mount Bewitch You. However, to their surprise, they discovered that Mount Bewitch You was actually surging with such an energy.

“Second  brother,  be  careful.”   Wu  Gang  had  a  cheerful expression on his face. 
Once they thought of the legendary treasures that Qin Yu possessed, the two of them were unable to refrain their hearts from shivering.

As they approached Mount Bewitch You, Wu Gang suddenly discovered that the scene before them had changed. Although it was originally a mountain forest, it had now turned into a desolate desert.

“Big brother!”  Wu Liu’s voice seemed to be slightly tensed. “We’ve entered an illusion array. It seems that it is truly Qin Yu.”
“An illusion array is nothing serious. Stay still for a moment.”  Wu  Gang  started  to  twist  the  space  surrounding him. He then slowly spread out the distortion. One could easily cause the surroundings to return to normal after controlling the change in space.

The desolate desert that originally surrounded them disappeared. Wu Liu also appeared beside him. 
“Second brother, we must stay close to each other. You follow behind me as we continue forward. I originally was not very certain, but after seeing this great formation array, I am certain that Qin Yu is definitely here!” Wu Gang’s gloomy eyes burst forth with a radiant light.

Wu Liu also nodded.

“Haha… welcome to Mount Bewitch You. As my first group of visitors, I, Qin Yu, will personally welcome the two of you.” A clear and bright voice sounded.

“Mn?” Wu Gang and Wu Liu’s expressions changed. Almost instantly, the two of them had their backs against each other. They were extremely alert.

Low Level Heavenly Deities do not possess a very strong control of the space. Thus, the range of their spatial distortion was not great either. Right when the Wu Clan Brothers were on their guards…
“Bang!”  A scarlet sword silhouette suddenly appeared from over ten meters away. The sword silhouette appeared too suddenly and was extremely fast. By the time the two brothers managed to discover it, they were only able to take out their curved blades and proceed to block the incoming swords alongside each other.

After blocking the scarlet sword for a short period of time, the scarlet sword silhouette chopped the two curved blades in half.

Low Quality Heavenly Divine Artifacts were simply unable to defend against a High Quality Divine Artifact with the special characteristic of ‘sharpness.’
Slashed apart at the waist! Wu Liu and Wu Gang were instantly chopped in half.

“Ah~~~ show yourself!” Wu Gang shouted. Wu Liu was also filled with fury. At the same time, they started to agitate their Jade Blood Golden Pellet to reform their bodies.

The brilliant scarlet sword silhouettes once again filled the entire view of the two people.

Wu Gang and Wu Liu did not have any power to resist at all. Merely, all of these sword silhouettes were horizontal. They continued to beat the two’s body for several hundreds of times and caused the two of them to vomit blood unceasingly. Even their Nascent Souls were trembling.

At the same time, a black clothed youth appeared.

Qin Yu had finally shown himself. Merely, at this moment, neither Wu Liu nor Wu Gang had the slightest power to resist. Qin Yu raised his left hand. A stone pagoda appeared in his palm. 
The stone pagoda was shot out. It flew following the wind and then started growing. In an instant, it had become enormous. Wu Liu and Wu Gang, who were originally heavily injured, began to feel drowsy after being attacked by the soul attack of the God Sealing Pagoda.

Qin Yu appeared behind them. He said a word to the two brothers… “Absorb!”

Chapter 44: Huge Ruckus

Wu Gang and Wu Liu, who were originally heavily injured, were knocked into a muddle headed state after taking on the soul attack from the Grandmist Spiritual Treasure God Sealing Pagoda. Thus, the two of them did not have the slightest amount of power to resist the absorbing energy of the God Sealing Pagoda.

Just like that, the two of them were absorbed into the God Sealing Pagoda.

Right after being absorbed into the God Sealing Pagoda, Wu Gang and Wu Liu were completely woken up right away. At the same time, the two of them also sensed the binding placed onto their souls by the God Sealing Pagoda.

They knew that they had already become Qin Yu’s servants!

“Big brother…” Wu Liu looked to his older brother. Usually, if something major were to happen, it would always be Wu Gang who makes the decisions. However, at their current situation, Wu Gang could only smile bitterly. 
Wu Gang sighed and said. “We had originally planned to follow behind other Heavenly Deities so that we could get hold of a chance to obtain a treasure or two. We can only blame ourselves for discovering Qin Yu… discovering that master was here and becoming greedy for the treasures that master possesses. We only ended up in this sort of situation because of our wishful thinking.”
The binding of the soul was an extremely serious matter. Even Godking level experts are unable to undo the binding. Only the legendary Exalted Celestials are able to undo the bindings.

The two brothers could only smile bitterly and agitate their Jade Blood Golden Pellets to recover their bodies of injuries.

After some time, Wu Gang and Wu Liu felt that they suddenly lost their ability to move freely. The two of them were sent out from the God Sealing Pagoda and appeared beside the alpine lake on top of the Mount Bewitch You. Seeing the black gowned youth before them, Wu Gan and Wu Liu were able to clearly sense the connection between their souls. Immediately, Wu Gan and Wu Liu said. “Master.”
Qin Yu looked at the two Low Level Heavenly Deities before him.

“Uncle Fu, say, with this many Heavenly Deities being greedy for my treasures this time around, with this many Heavenly Deities that want to kill me to steal my treasures, shouldn’t I try to seize this opportunity to capture some servants?” A trace of smile appeared in Qin Yu’s eyes.

Qin Yu felt that he had too few subordinates. Seeing as he cannot always personally appear to do things, he felt that capturing some Heavenly Deities as subordinates was a pretty good thing to do.

“Back then, my old master wholeheartedly sought after the path of artifact craftsmanship. That’s the reason why he did not capture any servants. The reason why my old master left the God Sealing Pagoda for master, this old servant thinks that it was precisely so that master could use it to capture some servants.” Said Uncle Fu respectfully.

Qin Yu slightly nodded.

He turned around and looked to Wu Gang and Wu Liu who were extremely respectful toward him.

“Wu Gang, Wu Liu, from today on, the two of you are my, Qin Yu’s, servants. In normal circumstances, I will not make the two of you do anything. The two of you can just set your mind at rest and train. If you need Divine Spiritual Stones, you merely need to ask Uncle Fu for it. Remember, you must treat Uncle Fu as if he were me.”  Contained within Qin Yu’s voice was a trace of imposingness.

Wu Gang and Wu Liu immediately bowed. “Yes, master!”
“Uncle  Fu!”  Wu  Gang  and  Wu  Liu  respectfully  bowed  to Uncle Fu. Uncle Fu nodded his head while smiling. Having two Low Level Heavenly Deities be respectful toward him was nothing extraordinary. Back during the time when he was beside Chehou Yuan, even High Level Heavenly Deities would have to treat him courteously. Otherwise, those High Level Heavenly Deities could not even enter through the gates of the Bewitching God Temple.

“Wu Gang, Wu Liu, right now I will be sending the two of you into the Jiang Lan’s Realm. Remember to behave yourselves in the Jiang Lan’s Realm!”  Said Qin Yu coldly. He then waved his sleeve and Wu Gang and Wu Liu disappeared while in a state of shock.

Inside the second layer space of the Jiang Lan’s Realm.

“Jiang Lan’s Realm?”
Wu Gang and Wu Liu glanced at each other. They then looked at the vast and boundless mountains surrounding them and then sensed the weak restrictions that the Jiang Lan’s Realm had toward them. 
“It’s a Spatial Divine Artifact. One actually cannot see the limit of this space. Furthermore, the binding this place have on us is extremely low. Our Divine Awareness is able to cover a distance of hundreds of millions of miles. Yet, we are still unable to detect the limit. This Spatial Divine Artifact is no
ordinary  Spatial  Divine  Artifact!”   Wu  Gang  displayed  a shocked expression.

Spatial Divine Artifacts were extremely rare in the Divine Realm.

Just by knowing the fact that even the Craftsman God Chehou Yuan did not like crafting Spatial Divine Artifacts, one would be able to guess that it would usually be Godkings that craft Spatial Divine Artifacts.

As for Godkings, there were only that many of them. And among them, those that are willing to craft artifacts were even fewer. Thus, one could determine how few Spatial Divine Artifacts there were. “Big brother, this master of ours is even more amazing than what we have anticipated. With this Spatial Divine Artifact, master can just hide himself directly into this Spatial Divine Artifact should he encounter any danger. Who would be able to capture him? I reckon it’ll be very hard to break through the Spatial Divine Artifact even if the person doing it were a High Level Heavenly Deity.” Gasped Wu Liu in admiration.
Wu Gang shook his head. He frowned and said. “No, High Level Heavenly Deities are capable of destroying a portion of the space. Once master hides himself in the Spatial Divine Artifact, the true form of the Spatial Divine Artifact is still located outside. Even if the High Level Heavenly Deity cannot break through the Spatial Divine Artifact, he would be able to create a spatial crack and throw the Spatial Divine Artifact into the spatial crack. There is still a possibility for that to happen.”
Upon thinking of this, Wu Liu was also startled.

“I hope that master does not encounter a High Level Heavenly Deity. Otherwise, we too would perish with him.” Said Wu Gang helplessly. However, Wu Liu and Wu Gang’s knowledge and experience was actually lacking. Although ordinary Spatial Divine Artifacts might be thrown into the spatial cracks, the Jiang Lan’s Realm was different.

As a Grandmist Spiritual Treasure, regardless of how great the absorbing energy of the Divine Realm’s spatial cracks was, they would still be unable to move it in the slightest.

The Jiang Lan’s Realm was located in the Universal World. Other than Qin Yu, there was no one else that are capable of discovering Jiang Lan’s Realm.

On Mount Bewitch You. Qin Yu was sitting cross-legged on top of a large tree beside the alpine lake. His hands were forming numerous hand seals. He was setting up various formation arrays that he had managed to deduce.

Qin Yu had sat like this for half a year already. 
In the half year’s time, Qin Yu had already set up several hundred formation arrays. These several hundred formation arrays were concentrated in the surroundings, the waist and various other locations of Mount Bewitch You.

Regardless of who it was, regardless of what direction they attack from, they would still be attacked by the formation arrays.

And at this moment, Qin Yu was wholeheartedly setting up a level four formation array!

All the various hundreds of formation arrays that he had set up before were level three formation arrays. To the current Qin Yu, setting up several hundred level three formation arrays was not a difficult task. As for level four formation arrays… it was instead extremely hard.

“Ah,  fuck,  let  me  out!”  A  short  robust  man  was  angrily yelling in a certain illusion array in the surrounding of Mount Bewitch You. This man was a small fry of the Black Dragon Pool. He was out to handle matters as per his orders, and fell into the illusion array after passing by Mount Bewitch You.

In a level three Killing Array. Occasionally, White Pure Flames would fire out. Several people had already lost their lives to the disastrous White Pure Flames in this location. That short and robust man that was trapped in an illusion array was actually in a much more fortunate situation compared to the people that have been trapped in this Killing Array.

“Big sis, be careful.”
In the Trapping Array, two women were walking while holding hands. The two of them were low level personnel of the Black Dragon Pool. The two sisters were lucky as they had stepped into a Trapping Array that does not possess any killing power.

In the half year’s time, the two Heavenly Deities of the Black Dragon Pool, Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji, already took note of Mount Bewitch You. From the various formation arrays that had appeared on Mount Bewitch You, Daoist Liu Xu and Mei Ji both had a premonition… that Qin Yu had returned.

Having fought Qin Yu before and especially after knowing that even their boss, the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu was also defeated by Qin Yu, how would the two of them dare to go and bother Qin Yu? The two of them merely relayed this information to Tan Jiu.

Yuchi City. Inside an Earth Numbered Pavilion of the Pity Fragrant Building.

A woman and three men were gathered together. These four Heavenly Deities had come from one of the sixty four cities of the Divine Realm’s eastern region, the Ouye City’s number one bandit power.

This woman’s name was ‘Chi Hongfeng.’ She was the boss among the four. Her power had reached that of a Mid Level Heavenly Deity. The three male subordinates underneath her were all Low Level Heavenly Deities. 
“Big sis, we have obtained news earlier that Qin Yu has shown himself. It was precisely at Mount Bewitch You!” Said a male among the group with excitement.

Chi Hongfeng was extremely beautiful. Her elegant almond shaped eyes swept past. She frowned and said. “You said that Qin Yu has appeared at Mount Bewitch You? Is he not afraid of death? Are you certain about this information?”
“Absolutely certain. This information is something I obtained from a person from the Black Dragon Pool. Many people from the Black Dragon Pool have been trapped in the great formation arrays at Mount Bewitch You. There were very few experts of formation arrays in the Divine Realm to begin with. I reckon that there would not be anyone bored enough to pretend to be Qin Yu here and run especially to Mount Bewitch You to set up formation arrays.” That man promptly said.

Among the three males, the youth with the shortest and smallest size said. “Big sis, I think what third brother said was very probable. If that Qin Yu didn’t run away from Yuchi City and actually dared to stay here, then it would be very probable for him to appear at Mount Bewitch You.” Chi Hongfeng pondered for a moment. She then stood up and said. “Good, we shall immediately set off!”
“Yes, big sis.”  The three males all stood up. They were all displaying excited expressions.

Not only them, this information was spread through the entire Yuchi City… The ‘delicious cake’ known as Qin Yu had returned! All the Heavenly Deities that obtained this news had started to move.

The Heavenly Deities obtained the news at different times. However, the gap between the time they obtained the news was at most several days.

The number of greedy Heavenly Deities in the Divine Realm was truly astounding. With merely those from the eastern region of the Divine Realm, close to a hundred Heavenly Deities had gathered in Yuchi City. There were also those from the other regions of the Divine Realm. When added together, they numbered close to two hundred. 
The first group of Heavenly Deities that obtained this information had already set off towards Mount Bewitch You!

Inside an ordinary building in Yuchi City, a person was currently sitting cross-legged.

This person possessed a head full of short red hair that was spiking like steel needles. With a lean and dark skinned body, this person was precisely the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu. From the battle against Qin Yu in the Black Dragon Pool, Tan Jiu had grown to fear Qin Yu.

“Spear,  what  sort  of  spear  is  that?”  Tan  Jiu  was  forever unable to forget about that black, with some dark yellow dots, spear.

When faced against that spear, adding on Qin Yu’s teleportation ability, Tan Jiu simply had no way to defend himself against Qin Yu. “Qin Yu, I thought that you had run back to your master. Humph, I truly never would’ve expected that you would have the balls to stay.” A fierce light shines through Tan Jiu’s eyes. “With this many Heavenly Deities gathered here, I refuse to believe that you can kill them all.”
Upon thinking about those Heavenly Deities that have gone to kill Qin Yu, Tan Jiu displayed a grim smile on his face.

“Go there, go there… Qin Yu doesn’t merely possess a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact. By the time you all discover that spear of his, it would be too late for you all to run.”
Tan Jiu was able to foresee, that among all those Heavenly Deities, many of them would definitely perish in Qin Yu’s hands. However, Tan Jiu also believed that Qin Yu would ultimately be no match against all those Heavenly Deities.

“I shall be the final oriole.” Tan Jiu stood up.

Back then, he had lost eight of his clones. The loss was extremely great. However, after over a thousand and eight hundred years of recovery, he had already recovered ninety percent of his strength.

This was because he was a Nine-headed Black Dragon. As long as one of his soul remained living, the other souls could be recovered.

The news regarding Qin Yu’s appearance reached the Governor of Yuchi City, Yuchi Gonglan, in a very short period of time. At the same time, it had also reached the Utmost Eastern Region’s Mount Dazzling Gold’s Huang Jing. The Utmost Northern Region’s Wood Mansion’s Jiang Lan and Li’er had also obtained this information.

A lot of the people of the Divine Realm had their eyes directed at this location.

There were those who were interested in watching the play and there were those who were paying extremely close attention to the situation. After all… it was extremely rare for over a hundred Heavenly Deities to battle in times of peace. In the surroundings of Mount Bewitch You. Eight Heavenly Deities were standing in the air. And at this moment, twelve more Heavenly Deities flew over from behind. Among these twenty Heavenly Deities, eighteen of them were Low Level Heavenly Deities and two of them were Mid Level Heavenly

This group of people was the first to obtain the information and the first to rush over.

“Friends,  please  do  not  be  anxious.  At  this  moment,  the entire Mount Bewitch You is covered with various different kinds of formation arrays. If we are to enter rashly, then at the very least the Low Level Heavenly Deities would definitely die.” A clear and sonorous voice sounded.

The person who spoke was a middle aged man with a goatee. He was also one of the two Mid Level Heavenly Deities among the twenty Heavenly Deities.

“So it’s actually old brother Xianyu.” Chi Hongfeng flew forward. Her tight fitting red colored battle armor was stuck to her skin completely, outlining her devil like body figure. 
“Seeing old brother Xianyu here, this matter will be easy to take care of now. I am quite familiar with old brother Xianyu’s accomplishments  in  formation  arrays.”   Said  Chi  Hongfeng with a smile on her face.

However, the Heavenly Deities gathered here are from all over the place. Not all of them were convinced about that Xianyu Yang.

Xianyu  Yang  coldly  smiled.  “You  all  wait  here  and  see!” Several hundred Divine Spiritual Stones started to float above Xianyu Yang’s palm. Various seals, marks and symbols were floating above the several hundred Divine Spiritual Stones.

Soon after, like sharp arrows, the several hundred Divine Spiritual Stones started to fly toward the various locations of Mount Bewitch You.

The moment when these several hundred Divine Spiritual Stones entered the great formation arrays. What occurred was…
“Chi Chi!” Lightning started flickering at a certain corner of the Mount Bewitch You. Countless electric snakes were roaming through that formation array.

“Boom!”  A  large  number  of  White  Pure  Flames  suddenly covered a large formation array in the surroundings of Mount Bewitch You. This caused all the Low Level Heavenly Deities present to have a great change in their expression. Low Level Heavenly Deities were practically unable to block White Pure Flames.

Flames, Lightning, all sorts of different attribute energy attacks…
The entire Mount Bewitch You was like hell. Traps had covered the entire place. There were some places that did not give off any reaction at all. However, those places instead caused one’s heart to palpitate even more. The unknown was even more scary. The facial expressions of all twenty of these Heavenly Deities had instantly turned extremely ugly.

Chapter 45: Advance Dauntlessly In Wave Upon Wave

Qin Yu was sitting cross-legged on top of the stone with his eyes closed.

“Finally finished.” Qin Yu opened his eyes. He face naturally displayed a smile. His body then moved and arrived beside the alpine lake.

Uncle Fu was currently beside the alpine lake. He immediately bowed and said. “Master, at this moment, twenty Heavenly Deities have already gathered below Mount Bewitch You. They seemed to be chatting right now. I suspect they are discussing how to break the formation arrays and come inside.”
Qin Yu slightly nodded.

“It would be a bit troublesome for me to take care of them if they were to unite. Mn, I must use some tricks now!” Qin Yu suddenly started flying. He flew to the sky above Mount Bewitch You. The twenty Heavenly Deities at the foot of Mount Bewitch You, all managed to clearly see Qin Yu.

“Is that black clothed youth, Qin Yu?”  Asked a female Low Level Heavenly Deity.

The twenty Heavenly Deities, including Xianyu Yang and Chi Hongfeng, all stopped their discussion and looked to the far away Qin Yu.

Chi Hongfeng flew upward and toward Qin Yu She then loudly shouted. “I am Mid Level Heavenly Deity Chi Hongfeng. Qin Yu, you, as a mere Low Level Heavenly Deity, ought to know about the gap between us. Even if you managed to hide yourself for a short while by relying on your great formation arrays, you would still end up dying by our hands in the end. As long as you hand over your treasures obediently, then I, Chi Hongfeng, shall swear upon the Heavens that I would definitely not kill you.”
“Hand over my treasures obediently?” Qin  Yu’s  voice  was  ice-cold.  “Has  there  ever  been  such  a charity like that? Although I, Qin Yu, might be a mere Low Level Heavenly Deity, do you all actually possess the ability to kill me?”
At this moment, the twenty Heavenly Deities started discussing with each other through Divine Awareness Voice Transmission.

“Big brother, this Qin Yu is currently in the sky and not in mountain. There are no formation arrays in the sky. As long as our speed is fast enough… we might be able to kill Qin Yu by seizing this opportunity.”
“That Xuanyu Yang and Chi Hongfeng are both Mid Level Heavenly Deities. If we were to follow behind them, we would definitely not be able to get any treasures in the end. Let’s go and capture Qin Yu with our fastest speed!”
At this moment, many Heavenly Deities had been aroused by Qin Yu’s appearance. After all, once Qin Yu hid himself inside the great formation arrays, they would be unable to find out where he would be at all. If they wanted to kill Qin Yu then, they would have to break through the formation arrays one by one. However, since Qin Yu was in the air, it meant that they had an opportunity to
kill him!

“Everyone, you must definitely not alert Qin Yu.” Said Xianyu Yang via his Divine Awareness Voice Transmission.

Xianyu Yang was naturally able to guess what everyone was thinking. However… would these Low Level Heavenly Deities listen to Xianyu Yang’s commands? Right when Xianyu Yang turned his head back to look at Qin Yu, six Low Level Heavenly Deities instantly entered into the ground.

The ground was filled with soil.

With the strength of Low Level Heavenly Deities, moving through the ground was not a difficult task. All six of them were proceeding toward the other side of Mount Bewitch You through the ground. All of them were thinking of rushing toward Qin Yu from a location that he cannot see and then killing him with a single move!

“A group of disgraces!” Xianyu Yang instantly discovered that six Low Level Heavenly Deities have disappeared and started to display an enraged expression. “These dumbasses truly do not know how the word ‘death’ is written.”
As for Chi Hongfeng, she remained silent. She merely smiled as she looked at Xianyu Yang.

In order to capture Qin Yu, she must rely on this formation array expert Xianyu Yang. Although he was considered a formation array expert, he was merely able to be considered as one amongst the group of bandits.
After all, ordinarily, one must learn through the scrolls of formation arrays in order to become an expert of formation arrays. Unless one possessed a significant background, it was simply impossible for one to learn those formation arrays of the Divine Realm. For true masters of formation arrays, they are either super experts themselves, possess a very powerful sect or were born into powerful clans. 
However, what about bandits?

It was truly hard to find a master of formation arrays among those bandits that could match up against Qin Yu.

“Old brother Xianyu, how much certainty do you have in breaking the formation arrays?”  Asked Chi Hongfeng as she smiled.

Xianyu Yang already had an idea about it when he tested the might of the formation arrays earlier. He immediately smiled and said. “As long as everyone listen to me, I have absolute certainty in breaking the formation arrays. Merely… it might take some time to break through them!”
Although Xianyu Yang did not have the guidance of formation array experts, he had researched the scrolls of formation arrays that he managed to obtain for over billions of years. Thus, he managed to, with great difficulty, reach the peak level of level three formation arrays. Xianyu Yang’s talent in the formation arrays was not high nor does he have the guidance of experts. He merely managed to reach his level of accomplishment through researching formation arrays for a long time.

However, the overwhelming majority of the formation arrays that Qin Yu had set up were level three formation arrays. Only the three formation arrays located in the most center region of Mount Bewitch You were level four formation arrays. For level three formation arrays, Xianyu Yang possessed enough strength to break them.

“Good. In that case we shall follow behind you, old brother Xianyu…” Chi Hongfeng only managed to speak half of what she wanted to say when she suddenly stopped. She looked to Qin Yu who was in the sky. That was because she saw two figures rapidly charging toward Qin Yu from behind him.

Qin Yu seemed to not have realized.

“If you all have the ability, then come and catch me.” Qin Yu said to the direction of Chi Hongfeng and Xianyu Yang. He then started falling downward. 
The two people that were charging at him from behind were startled.

“Wretched. This Qin Yu got lucky. Humph. He’s inside that great formation array, after him!”  Said the leader among the two people via Divine Awareness Voice Transmission.

Even now the two of them still thought that Qin Yu had yet to discover them and had merely been lucky.

And at this moment, from a different direction to the side and back of Qin Yu came four more people rapidly rushing toward him. They also proceeded to chase Qin Yu. A total of six people were chasing after Qin Yu.

At the moment when Qin Yu descended to the surface below him, his figure suddenly stopped. He raised his head and looked to the sky. Upon seeing the six people that were flying toward him rapidly, Qin Yu displayed a brilliant smile. The six people immediately stopped their movements. This Qin Yu had set up great formation arrays. The six of them didn’t dare to casually charge into those formation arrays.

“Everyone, what should we do now?” Asked one of the Low Level Heavenly Deity among the six.

The other five Low Level Heavenly Deities were also uncertain about what to do at the very instant. After a short moment, a golden clothed man among them said. “Won’t we still be required to charge into the formation arrays if we follow that Xianyu Yang? Let’s go and charge into that formation array. It’s nothing more than a mere formation array. The chances of it killing the six of us is extremely low. The six of us shall join hands and kill Qin Yu first.”
“That won’t do. What if it was the sort of formation array that used White Pure Flames to attack? What do we do then?” Said a white clothed woman as she frowned.

And at this moment, Qin Yu who stood before the surface of the formation array naturally knew what these six people were thinking. 
“This  is  merely  an  illusion  array.  I’m  giving  you  all  the chance to catch me.” Said Qin Yu with a light smile on his face. He then entered into the illusion array.

Upon hearing that it was an illusion array, the six Low Level Heavenly Deities glanced at each other. They then rushed to the surface of the great formation array. After that, one of them attempted to enter into the formation array while distorting the surrounding space.

“It’s an illusion array!”  Said that person to the other five people with a clear voice.

The five people immediately burst into happiness and rushed into the formation array.

Qin Yu did not deceive them. This was indeed an illusion array. Upon entering the illusion array, the six people immediately started to control the Divine Realm’s Spatial Energy to distort the space surrounding them and dissipate the illusions. 
The six of them stood very close to one another. Their combined range of spatial distortion was truly pretty huge.

“Where is that Qin Yu?”
“I can’t see him at all!”
These six people grew a bit anxious. Suddenly…
“He’s over there!” The white clothed woman was the first to charge toward the front. The other five people immediately followed behind her. However, by the time these six people rushed over, they entered into a great formation array beside the illusion array… they have entered into a Trapping Array!

While illusion arrays are easy to break through, Trapping Arrays are instead very hard to break through. “Oh  no!”  The  six  of  them  all  felt  that  the  situation  had turned bad.

Back when Qin Yu fought against Xiong Hei, he had a couple of his formation arrays smashed apart by Xiong Hei using brute force. From that, Qin Yu came to understand the importance of setting up a small scale defensive barrier in the foundations of the formation array. Regardless of how frantically these six people attacked the Trapping Array, they wereunable to take a step out of the Trapping Array.

The Trapping Array contained illusions within it. It also contained actual matters, attacks and various other things. These six people have already lost one another and scattered about after entering into the Trapping Array for a short period of time.

A Low Level Heavenly Deity was walking extremely cautiously. Cold sweat was dripping from his forehead.

“Pff!” A scarlet sword silhouette suddenly appeared out from the wall beside him. It instantly pierced through a Low Level Heavenly Deity’s throat. At the same time, a strand of aura was shot toward the Jade Blood Golden Pellet.

The Jade Blood Golden Pellet was jolted. Fortunately Qin Yu was lenient or else this Low Level Heavenly Deity’s Jade Blood Golden Pellet would’ve shattered.

Qin Yu suddenly appeared beside him. He held the God Sealing Pagoda in his hand. The God Sealing Pagoda emitted a soul attack. Actually, the God Sealing Pagoda only had one kind of attack, the soul attack. As for absorbing… it cannot be considered as an attack.

The heavily injured Low Level Heavenly Deity was easily absorbed into the God Sealing Pagoda.
“That’s one!” Qin Yu lightly smiled. With a movement of his body, Qin Yu disappeared. This great formation array was set up by him. Thus, it was extremely easy for him to come and go through the formation array. Furthermore, Qin Yu knew teleportation. Thus, he was moving about the formation array like a fish in water. 
In merely a short moment, all six Low Level Heavenly Deities were absorbed into the God Sealing Pagoda by Qin Yu.

Soon after, Qin Yu flew into the sky again. He looked to Xianyu Yang and them with a smile on his face like last time. With a clear voice, he said. “I’m giving you all an opportunity to catch me. The next time around, I will be hiding myself within the formation arrays.”
None of the fourteen Heavenly Deities dared to move. Although none of them saw the endings of the previous six Heavenly Deities, they were all able to anticipate what had happened.

“Everyone, follow behind me and watch me break through all of his formation arrays.”  Said Xianyu Yang with a clear voice. With the support of Chi Hongfeng, the two Mid Level Heavenly Deities and twelve Low Level Heavenly Deities started to move together.
 The fourteen Heavenly Deities were flying in the sky. Xianyu Yang smiled coldly as he looked at Qin Yu. “Qin Yu, if you have the skills then continue to stay within a formation array so that we can compete our formation array’s stage. Do you dare?”
“Compete  our  formation  array’s  stage?”  Qin  Yu  who  was standing in the sky was startled.

The level of formation array does not represent one’s strength. Especially the first stage of the formation array, it was different for everyone.

With a smile on his face, Qin Yu said. “What stage formation array are you?”
“I ought to have comprehended the first stage of the formation array. Although my stage cannot be considered as being high in the Divine Realm, but I am more than capable of breaking your formation arrays. What about you? What stage of formation arrays have you reached?” Xianyu Yang shouted. “I have yet to even reach the first stage.”  Replied Qin Yu honestly.

Xianyu Yang was startled.

Xianyu Yang did not believe that Qin Yu had yet to even reach the first stage in formation arrays. After all, when he first comprehended the first stage of formation arrays, it was absolutely impossible for him to set up formation arrays like the ones before him. And now, he had already walked the path of the first stage of formation arrays for a very long time now and his strength already increased by a lot.

“However, are you able to break my formation arrays?” Qin Yu lightly laughed. Then, like a falling meteor, Qin Yu descended into a formation array.

Xianyu Yang’s gaze swept through the formation array. He then said to the people behind him. “Everyone, listen carefully. Regardless of when, all of you must stay within my and Miss Chi’s Spatial Domains. Only through this would I be able to guarantee your lives!” Spatial Domain. The Spatial Domains of Mid Level Heavenly Deities.

If one were to step into a Spatial Domain, wouldn’t that mean that the person who possessed the Spatial Domain could kill them if they wished to?

Chi Hongfeng has four people in her camp. Xianyu Yang has five in his camp. The other five Heavenly Deities were from all over the place. These five Heavenly Deities glanced at one another. Ultimately, they could only endure it.

All fourteen Heavenly Deities were in Chi Hongfeng and Xianyu Yang’s Spatial Domains. The Spatial Domains were only able to guarantee their safety within the range of the Spatial Domains.

“Spatial Domain?” Qin Yu laughed coldly. In a clear voice, he said. “You all, listen carefully. It is indeed very easy for you to break those formation arrays with Spatial Domains. Good. In that case, I shall stay within this great formation array. As long as you all managed to break through this great formation array, I would stop fleeing!”
At this moment, Qin Yu arrived in the sole Trapping Array among the three level four formation arrays. Qin Yu did not want to lure them into his level four Killing Array because he wanted to capture these people.
Xianyu Yang saw the great formation array that Qin Yu was in. He was unable to refrain his heart from tightening. “This great formation is very complicated?” However, upon thinking that he had already reached the first stage of the formation arrays while Qin Yu have yet to even comprehend the first stage.

“I refuse to believe that I cannot break through it!”
With Xianyu Yang as the leader, a total of fourteen Heavenly Deities flew into that level four Trapping Array. Upon entering this level four Trapping Array, Xianyu Yang felt a burst of a headache. “Old brother Xianyu, how long would it take to break this formation array?” Chi Hongfeng asked impatiently.

She felt that the situation was far from good the moment she entered the great formation array. This Trapping Array contained various kinds of attacks. It even possessed matters and objects. Its defense was also extremely astonishing. If she were to maintain her Spatial Domain for a long period of time, it would also consume a lot of her energy.

“Don’t  worry,  it’ll  take  some  time,  it’ll  take  some  time.” Xianyu Yang was inspecting the formation array unceasingly. He was testing the response of the formation array unceasingly. Cold sweat started to seep out from his forehead. He had started to panic.

Just by looking at what Xianyu Yang did in this short period of time, Qin Yu had determined that Xianyu Yang most certainly does not possess the strength of level four formation array.

“An overly confident guy who thought himself to be infallible.” At this moment, Qin Yu had flew to the sky. “If he had the strength of level five formation arrays, then I reckon he wouldn’t even need to break the formation array and could already travel unobstructed within the formation array. Even if he possessed the level four formation array level, it would still not be that simple for him to break this Trapping Array of mine.”
Qin Yu didn’t care about Xianyu Yang and the others. Qin Yu was prepared to wait a while later when after this group of people was tormented by his level four Trapping Array to a certain extent and then go in and capture them one by one.

Qin Yu suddenly saw that, in the skies far away, there were numerous other Heavenly Deities flying toward Mount Bewitch You.

“Oh? There’s more Heavenly Deities coming? Exactly how many Heavenly Deities are there? Well, forget about it. My God Sealing Pagoda shall absorb as many as arrive.” Qin Yu lightly smiled. Just like that, he stood on the airspace above Mount Bewitch You.

Chapter 46: Crazily Capturing Servants

Qin Yu stood in the air. With a glance, he managed to determine the amount of incoming Heavenly Deities. The amount of Heavenly Deities were not great, there was merely nine of them. They were led by a man with long hair and beard and with the appearance of a lion. However, the hair was fiery red. Even his eye were fiery red. He was emitting a very imposing and overbearing aura.

This man was Lanshan Huo. He was the bandit boss of the largest bandit group of Yuanling City, one of the sixty four cities of the eastern region of the Divine Realm.

“Lord Lanshan, ahead is the Mount Bewitch You.” Said a Low Level Heavenly Deity respectfully.

Lanshan Huo’s fierce and fiery gaze swept through the entire Mount Bewitch You. His gaze was then fixed upon Qin Yu who was standing in the middle of the air. He immediately shouted. “Are you Qin Yu?” Qin Yu smiled. This overbearing man before him was truly straightforward.

“Precisely!  Which  Heavenly  Deity  are  you?  Speak  your name.” Said Qin Yu with a clear voice.

Lanshan Huo took a deep breath. His chest bulged outward. He then said proudly without a sense of fear. “I am the ‘Fire Lion’ of Yuanling City, Lanshan Huo. I reckon that you also knew about my prowess. There is a great gap between the two of us. It’s best for you to obediently hand over your treasures. If you don’t…”
[TL: Lanshan Huo’s name literally names Bluemountain Fire]

Lanshan Huo suddenly stopped in mid speech. That was because a Heavenly Deity subordinate of his have sent a Divine Awareness Voice Transmission to him. “Lord Lanshan, according to the information we’ve obtained, that bitch Chi Hongfeng already arrived before us. However, she is not here right now. I suspect she has fallen in the hands of this Qin Yu. Lord Lanshan, you must be careful.” Because of the fact that the majority of the people who had rushed over to the Yuchi City to kill Qin Yu have stayed in the Yuchi City for a period of time, they have all grew relatively familiar with each other. Thus, Lanshan Huo knew that Chi Hongfeng rushed over before them.

Lanshan Huo suddenly narrowed his scarlet eyes. Only a thin line remained from what was previously his eyes. A ruby like shine leaked out from his eyes.

“Even   that   bitch   Chi   Hongfeng   died?”    Lanshan   Hou immediately raised the status of Qin Yu in his heart by a lot. “That bitch Chi Hongfeng fought against me before. Even I am unable to do anything to that bitch Chi Hongfeng. Yet this Qin Yu…”

Lanshan Huo had grown hesitant.

“Lanshan  Huo,  why  did  you  only  speak  half  of  your sentence? Come, tell me, what would you do to me if I do not obediently hand over my treasures?”  Qin Yu was still smiling as he stood in the air with his gown fluttering in the wind.

Lanshan Huo took a glance at those formation arrays. He coldly humped. He was thinking in his heart. “Merely a Low Level Heavenly Deity. Wasn’t it only his formation arrays that are a bit strong? We aren’t even certain that bitch Chi Hongfeng arrived here before us. Maybe she changed her route in the middle of the journey. Even if that bitch Chi Hongfeng was trapped in the formation arrays, but with her Spatial Domain, it would also not be that easy for her to die!”
Right when Lanshan Huo was pondering…
“Boom!” A violent explosion was heard from one of the great formation arrays within the Mount Bewitch You. That great formation array was precisely the sole Trapping Array within Qin Yu’s three level four formation arrays.

“Qin Yu, all you could do is trap your granddaddy’s in here. If you have the skill, then come and fight us head on!!!” An angry roar sounded from within the great formation array. 
“Shut your mouth. Quiet down.” A rebuke was heard.

Lanshan Hou’s eyes shined. He was able to instantly recognize that familiar voice. “It’s that bitch Chi Hongfeng. She was indeed trapped in that formation array. Merely, even that great formation array cannot do anything to a Mid Level Heavenly Deity!”
Lanshan Hou instantly had an idea in his mind.

He then turned around to the Heavenly Deities behind him and shouted. “Everyone, Miss Chi is currently within that great formation array and is attacking that formation array unceasingly. Everyone, follow me to kill that Qin Yu. Even if we are to enter into that great formation array, we shall also attack it together. I do not believe that Qin Yu’s formation array would be able to handle it if there are too many people within the formation array.”
“Yes Your Lordship!”  Immediately there were people who loudly voiced their acceptance of the order. 
Among these eight Low Level Heavenly Deities, three of them were Lanshan Huo’s subordinates. As for the other five, they were merely with Lanshan Huo to rely on him.

“The five of you, listen carefully. After we enter into the great formation array, hide within my Spatial Domain. If you all are not at ease about that, then just stay here! Subordinates of mine, let’s go!”
Lanshan Huo shouted loudly. He immediately then took the lead and soared into the sky.

His three subordinate Low Level Heavenly Deities immediately followed behind him. As for the other five Heavenly Deities, they merely paused for a moment before also flying to the sky following Lanshan Huo. The eight Low Level Heavenly Deities, while being in Lanshan Huo’s Spatial Domain, rushed toward Qin Yu to kill him.

Seeing these nine people charging toward him, Qin Yu’s body did an arc. He had directly entered into the Trapping Array. 
“If there are too many people trapped within this formation array and if they are to attack it incessantly, then they would indeed be able to cause the collapse of the formation array should their attack power surpass the amount that the formation array can handle. However… this great formation array was able to handle this amount of people.”
Qin Yu was extremely clear about the situation of the Trapping Array.

Inside the Trapping Array.

Chi Hongfeng’s brows were slightly creased. She looked to Xianyu Yang beside her. Ever since they entered into the great formation array, Xianyu Yang had been trying his hardest to study this formation array the entire time. However, even now, Xianyu Yang was still unable to break through this formation array.

“How is that possible? Logically, shouldn’t it be at its maximum overlay? How is the water and fire elements, two completely different elements, able to fuse together? Furthermore, how did they fuse with the golden property defensive barrier? No, this is absolutely impossible…”
Xianyu Yang was unceasingly analyzing the formation array before him.

In Xianyu Yang’s point of view, according to the first stage array path, the quintessence of the formation arrays that he had comprehended, the formation array that Qin Yu had set up simply does not follow the ‘quintessence of the formation arrays’ that he had deduced.

In other words, in theory, this formation array before him should not exist at all.

Of course, this theory was merely Xianyu Yang’s personal theory.

Even now, Xianyu Yang did not know at all that the first stage of the formation arrays that he prided himself in was actually false and was a hundred and eight thousands of miles away from the true quintessence of the formation arrays.

[TL: a hundred and eight thousands of miles is a chinese term signifying a very large distance.]

“Old brother Xianyu, it’s been so long, is there any progress?”    Chi   Hongfeng’s   expression   turned   somewhat gloomy.

“Don’t  worry!”  Xianyu  Yang  shouted  lowly.  He  had  also grown anxious from trying to analyze the formation array. At the same time, Xianyu Yang once again created some barriers to test out the formation array.

A frantic lighting bolt ruthlessly struck down. Lighting flashes and thunder rolls. All sorts of water element, fire element and other element energies were frantically striking down from above.

Xianyu Yang and Chi Hongfeng were maintaining their Spatial Domains and incessantly blocking off the attacks from the outside.

Other than Chi Hongfeng, there were six other people in Chi Hongfeng’s Spatial Domain. As for Xianyu Yang, he also have six other people in addition to himself in his Spatial Domain.

“The three of you, leave my Spatial Domain.” Chi Hongfeng suddenly turned around and coldly said to three Low Level Heavenly Deities.

Chi Hongfeng only had three subordinates. As for the other three people, they were all lone operators. For Chi Hongfeng to resist all sorts of attacks with an expanded Spatial Domain, it consumed a lot of her energy.

Those three Low Level Heavenly Deities’ expressions immediately changed,

Telling them to leave the Spatial Domain, wasn’t that the same as telling them to die? “Chi…” Before the three of them could say anything, they sensed that the Spatial Domain decreased in size and had directly repelled all three of them out. At the same time, all sorts of energy attacks landed on their bodies.

Analyzing the formation array was a task that was exhausting to the mind to begin with. At this moment, Xianyu Yang also directly decrease the size of his Spatial Domain and repelled two Low Level Heavenly Deities that were not his subordinates.

The five Low Level Heavenly Deities looked to Xianyu Yang and Chi Hongfeng resentfully. After that, they could only try to rapidly flee.

Chi HongGeng expression as she looked to Xianyu Yang already turned extremely vicious. “Old brother Xian Yu, it’s already been an entire hour since we’ve come in.” Said Chi Hongfeng word by word.

Xianyu Yang turned around to look at Chi Hongfeng. His face was a bit pale and his forehead was filled with sweat. With a helpless expression, he finally sighed and shook his head. “Miss Chi, please forgive me. I am truly powerless. You should try to figure out for yourself.”
The three Low Level Heavenly Deities behind Chi Hongfeng immediately wanted to curse in rage. However, Chi Hongfeng extended her hand and stopped them. Chi Hongfeng coldly glanced at Xianyu Yang. She then lead her three subordinates and left.

Qin Yu knew very well about the situation of the things within the formation array. The Heavenly Deities within this formation array were primarily separated into four groups. The first group was four people led by Chi Hongfeng. The second group was five people led by Xianyu Yang. The third group was the nine people led by Lanshan Huo that have just charged in. The last group was the five Low Level Heavenly Deities that were just abandoned.

“I shall go and take care of these five Low Level Heavenly Deities first. Otherwise, the five of them will lose their lives soon.”  Qin Yu spoke out loud. “I better quickly accelerate my speed. I’ll directly use the Divine Spear Waning Snow.” When inside his Trapping Array, Qin Yu did not fear of others seeing his Divine Spear Waning Snow. Furthermore, the Devouring Soul ability and the Dark and Yellow Energy of the Divine Spear Waning Snow were both able to attack the soul which in turn allowed Qin Yu to take care of others even easier.

As time passed, Chi Hongfeng and her three subordinates were running around the Trapping Array in a sorry state as they tried to escape the formation array. Chi Hongfeng’s Spatial Domain’s range turned to only cover an area three meters surrounding her.

“Big sis, what should we do?”  Asked one of the men. This man’s face was filled with anxiety.

Chi Hongfeng surveyed her surroundings. At this moment, before her was a vast and boundless swamp. Clearly, it was an illusion from the Trapping Array. The reason why Trapping Arrays were powerful was because it was capable of integrating all sorts of different formation arrays.

“I do not believe that I, Chi Hongfeng, who have moved about unhindered in the Divine Realm for this many years, would  fall  to  a  mere  formation  array!”  Chi  Hongfeng  was emitting a real fierce and sharp aura from her body.

Although she was a woman, she was equally brave and possessed abilities a match for men.

“The three of you, listen carefully. Even if we are unable to escape, it would still be impossible for that Qin Yu to kill us.” Said  Chi  Hongfeng  confidently.  “We  merely  need  to  wait. There are a lot of Heavenly Deities that wanted to kill Qin Yu. Once more and more people arrive, there are definitely going to be someone capable of breaking through this formation array.”
Chi Hongfeng looked to her surroundings. “Right now, I will only form a Spatial Domain of a three meter circumference. With this amount, the consumption of the soul energy would be the same as the speed at which my soul energy recovers. We do not need to be worried that the Spatial Domain cannot last.”
“Big  sis,  you  mean…”   These  three  Low  Level  Heavenly Deities somewhat realized. 
Chi Hongfeng continued to proceed onward. They arrived at a maze formed by multicolored walls. She then directly sat down cross-legged and said calmly. “We’ll wait here. We’ll wait till a large amount of Heavenly Deities come!”  Although Chi Hongfeng spoke with confidence, she felt slightly anxious from the bottom of her heart.

However, she was unable to understand why she was anxious.

There was a prerequisite for her plan: Qin Yu being unable to kill her!

Was Qin Yu truly unable to kill her?

“That Qin Yu does not possess any means to kill me. Even if he possessed a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact, I am a Mid Level Heavenly Deity and possessed a Mid Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact!” Thought Chi Hongfeng. “Miss Chi, it is not good to be overly confident.”  A Divine Awareness Voice Transmission directly sounded in Chi Hongfeng’s mind.

Chi Hongfeng’s eyes immediately burst forth with light. She immediately held her soft sword straight. Chi Hongfeng had grown alert. She carefully looked to her surroundings. The three Low Level Heavenly Deities behind her have also became on guard.

Out of nowhere, a figure suddenly appeared before Chi Hongfeng. This sort of appearance had caused Chi Hongfeng to be shocked. At the same time, the Divine Spear Waning Snow that Qin Yu held in his hand was launched.

“Trying to kill me with a mere High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact? In your dreams!” Thought Chi Hongfeng in her heart. At the same time, she dramatically increased her Spatial Domain’s range and covered even Qin Yu. She was planning to use her Spatial Domain to bind Qin Yu and the spear that he held. 
Several hundred spatial cracks of hair strand thickness appeared in the space surrounding the spearhead of the Divine Spear Waning Snow. The Spatial Domain was simply unable to bind it at all.

Chi Hongfeng’s expression instantly changed. At the same time, she impatiently tried to block the incoming spear with the soft sword in her hand.

Like a whip, the soft sword immediately coiled around the Divine Spear Waning Snow. However, a layer of Dark and Yellow Energy appeared on the surface of the Divine Spear Waning Snow. With a vibration from the Dark and Yellow Energy, the soft sword was shocked loose.

“Puchi!” The Divine Spear Waning Snow pierced through Chi Hongfeng’s chest. At the same time, a burst of wave energy started to directly attack Chi Hongfeng’s Nascent Soul. This was one of the two great special abilities of the Divine Spear Waning Snow… Devouring Soul.

The strength of the Devouring Soul skill was something that Qin Yu could control. After absorbing the Dark and Yellow Energy, the Devouring Soul and Body Break abilities have grown much more astonishingly powerful.

Chi Hongfeng only felt that her mind have been shocked. After that, she weakly fell to the ground and sat there in a paralyzed state.

The three Low Level Heavenly Deities were unable to believe the scene before them. As for Qin Yu, he teleported three more times in succession. His Divine Spear Waning Snow was shot out three more times. The three Low Level Heavenly Deities also fell to the ground.

“Why  didn’t  this  Qin  Yu  kill  me?”   Chi  Hongfeng  was confused. And at this moment, a little stone pagoda appeared in Qin Yu’s hand.

The stone pagoda started growing later. Soon after, it became a three storied tall pagoda.

Qin Yu shouted. The four Heavenly Deities who already had their souls damaged from receiving the soul attacks was absorbed into the God Sealing pagoda.

“This is the first group. Next group, the Xianyu Yang’s group of  five!”   Qin  Yu  retrieved  his  God  Sealing  Pagoda  and disappeared. Qin Yu started to frantically attack the Heavenly Deities in this level four Trapping Array. Without restraint, he started to absorb these Heavenly Deities into his God Sealing Pagoda.

The amount of servants that Qin Yu possessed was being increased unceasingly. Over ten were absorbed. Gradually… over twenty were absorbed. Not a single Heavenly Deity was able to win against Qin Yu who possessed the Divine Spear Waning Snow and the teleportation ability in a one against one battle.

Qin Yu who was not hiding his strength at all was truly astonishingly terrifying.

Chapter 47: The Appearance Of A High Level Heavenly Deity

From the time when Qin Yu attacked Chi Hongfeng and her subordinates till the time he finished absorbing them, only a moment had passed. This time around, all twenty three Heavenly Deities that came to attack Qin Yu were captured by Qin Yu at once.

Adding on the six from earlier, and the Wu Clan Brothers, Qin Yu had obtained thirty one Heavenly Deity level servants.

Mount Bewitch You. Beside the alpine lake.

The water of the alpine lake was calm like a mirror, reflecting the sky. Occassionaly, mountain wind would blow past, causing a layer of ripples to form on the surface of the water. Qin Yu was standing beside the alpine lake with his hands behind his back, his long gown being blown adrift by the wind. With a wave of his hand, the twenty three Heavenly Deities who Qin Yu had just captured appeared before him.

Chi Hongfeng, Xianyu Yang and Lanshan Huo stood to the front whereas the other twenty three Heavenly Deities were behind them. At the moment the twenty three Heavenly Deities saw Qin Yu, they all bowed and respectfully said. “Master!”
Once one was captured into the God Sealing Pagoda, one’s soul would be bound. Thus, these twenty three Heavenly Deities could only accept their fate and follow Qin Yu.

Chi Hongfeng, Xianyu Yang and Lanshan Huo looked at Qin Yu with gazes filled with shock and awe. When they saw each other in the God Sealing Pagoda, they knew that the other person was also captured by Qin Yu.

Why was it that the three of them, all Mid Level Heavenly Deities, did not possess even the slightest power to resist when faced with Qin Yu, a Low Level Heavenly Deity? They were unable to understand why. Thus, the ‘master’ that stood before them appeared even more mysterious to them. 
Qin Yu glanced at everyone present. He then said. “From today hence, you all shall be my servants. As for all the matters that you all need to do, it will be in the care of Uncle Fu.” With an intention from Qin Yu, Uncle Fu appeared beside Qin Yu from the Jiang Lan’s Realm.

“Uncle Fu.” All twenty three of these Heavenly Deities were extremely respectful and modest.

Uncle Fu already knew about Qin Yu’s intention. Upon seeing this group of Heavenly Deities, Uncle Fu bowed to Qin Yu and said with a smile. “Never had I anticipated that in the blink of an eye, master would capture twenty three Heavenly Deities.”
“Uncle Fu, they shall be under your administration.”  Said Qin Yu with a light smile.

“This old servant will definitely manage them well.”  Uncle Fu looked at the twenty three Heavenly Deities. He nodded. Then, with an intention, Qin Yu moved Uncle Fu and the twenty three Heavenly Deities into the second layer space of Jiang Lan’s Realm.

Like a cat, Qin Yu was standing on top of a tree and looking to the distance.

“It will likely be a while before the next group of Heavenly Deities arrives.”  Qin Yu did not want to wait here in vain. Thus, he directly flew into the Trapping Array. Qin Yu proceeded to sit cross-legged in the center region of the Trapping Array.

Qin Yu didn’t care about when those Heavenly Deities would come, because he knew that in the end, those Heavenly Deities would definitely enter his Trapping Array to find him.

“I reckon that I will be able to reach a breakthrough in my soul within a hundred years. By the time my Divine Energy transforms into Heavenly Divine Energy, I reckon I’ll be able to open the third layer space of Jiang Lan’s Realm. At that time, I will be able to see Li’er again.” Qin Yu had a slight smile on his face. 
Qin Yu was very certain about his own soul’s level. Qin Yu had been at the peak of the High Level Deity stage for numerous years. When his comprehension of formation arrays reached the level four formation array level, it meant that Qin Yu had broken through the membrane that separated the High Level Deity stage from the Low Level Heavenly Deity stage.

A hundred years should be more enough for Qin Yu to completely surmount the threshold of Heavenly Deity.

Training in formation arrays was indeed also a means of increasing one’s soul’s level. With a flip of his hand, Qin Yu took out a golden scroll. This golden scroll was the scroll that contained the detailed descriptions of level seven and level eight formation arrays by the Craftsman God Chehou Yuan.

Qin Yu understood that for level one formation arrays to level six formation arrays, the method to deduce them goes from simple to complicated. Although he was currently only at the fourth level of formation arrays, Qin Yu was confident that as long as he had sufficient time, he would be able to reach the sixth level of formation arrays. 
However, the level seven formation arrays and the level eight formation arrays were instead extremely simple. One could tell how simple they were by the fact that a single golden scroll managed to contain the information regarding both level seven and level eight formation arrays.

“What sort of mysteries do the level seven and level eight formation arrays contain?”
Qin Yu began to read the scroll carefully once again. It would require a very long time just to set up ordinary level three or level four formation arrays. For level five and level six formation arrays, the amount of time it required to set them up was frighteningly long. However, for level seven and level eight formation arrays, one could set them up in a couple breaths worth of time.

“The level seven formation arrays seem to be very simple. However, how could such simple methods be able to contain such  great  amount  of  power?”   Qin  Yu  was  unable  to understand this. This was already not the first time Qin Yu read the information regarding the level seven formation arrays. He had read it time and time again, yet he was still unable to solve the mystery of its profoundness. Qin Yu then proceeded to look at the final formation array… the sole level eight formation array.

“Senior  Chehou’s  highest  accomplishment  in  formation arrays is truly astonishing. With the five elements of gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth as the foundation, yin and yang as the darkness and light, and lightning as punishment. It’s simple and logical. However, this great formation array formed through this method, its might seems to be overly powerful.”
Qin Yu was unable to set up this great formation array. Thus, he was unable to personally experience the might of this formation array.

He was only able to read the descriptions regarding this great formation array left behind by Chehou Yuan himself. According to Chehou Yuan, once this formation array finished being set up, there would be no need for foundations for this formation array. It would be able to absorb the frantic Divine Spiritual Energy of the Divine Realm and use it to create a miniature world. This formation array was so powerful that no one, other than experts at the Godking level, would be able to break through it.

Without the need for formation foundations. Capable of creating a miniature world. This formation array could be said as having no flaws.

“It truly is that powerful? Unfortunately I do not know whether Senior Chehou Yuan is alive or dead now. If Senior Chehou Yuan is still living, then I would be able to personally see the might of this great formation array.” Qin Yu sighed in his heart. Suddenly, Qin Yu’s ears moved. A smile appeared on his face. “More Heavenly Deities have come?”
At the foot of the Mount Bewitch You. At this moment, over a dozen Heavenly Deities were gathered. This group of Heavenly Deities were led by a pair of sisters. These two sisters were both very pretty and enchanting. The sisters were the only two Mid Level Heavenly Deities among these people.

“Big sister, why isn’t there anyone else other than us here? That shouldn’t be the case. There were many other Heavenly Deities that set off before us.” Le Yurao, who wore a pink gauze dress, frowned as she asked.

Le Yurao and Le Yuyao were the famous ‘Enchanting Sisters.’ These two Mid Level Heavenly Deities possessed strength that one cannot underestimate.

“That Xianyu Yang and Lanshan Huo all set off before us. Regardless of what happened, there should be many Heavenly Deities here.” Le Yuyao looked at Mount Bewitch You extremely cautiously. “If they were to fall to Mount Bewitch You, we most definitely cannot allow ourselves to also fall to it.”
Le Yurao nodded.

Right when these two sisters were bewildered by what was happening, another group of ten plus Heavenly Deities flew over from behind. In this group of Heavenly Deities, there was a single Mid Level Heavenly Deity.

“Little Enchanting Sisters, to see you two here is truly a happy occasion.” A clear voice sounded. The leader among the group of ten plus Heavenly Deities, a cultured and refined white clothed youth, took the lead and descended to the ground.

Le Yuyao and Le Yurao immediately greeted the incoming person  with  loud  and  clear  voices.  “Hello,  Young  Master Yigong.”
Le Yuyao and Le Yurao had long since heard about the distinguished name of ‘Yigong Shu.’ One must know that there were also distinctions between Mid Level Heavenly Deities. The strong ones among them were those like the Nine-headed Black Dragon Tan Jiu, Liu Yuxi and them. For them, even handling five or six Mid Level Heavenly Deities by themselves wouldn’t be too hard.

As for Yigong Shu, he was someone at the same level as Tan Jiu.

Wearing a scholar’s headpiece and a white gown, Young Master  Yigong  lightly  smiled  and  said.  “Little  Enchanting Sisters, why are you the only people here? Where’s Miss Chi? I know that she has arrived already.” “We haven’t seen her.” Said Le Yuyao.

Le Yurao continued. “When we set off from Yuchi City, we obtained information that Lanshan Huo and Xianyu Yang had already set off. However, when we got here, we couldn’t find a single person. We suspect that they are either dead or trapped in the great formation arrays.”
“Xianyu Yang?”  Yigong Shu frowned. “This Xianyu Yang is an expert of formation arrays. Even he has fallen to Qin Yu?”
Le Yuyao and Le Yurao also nodded. “That’s the only possible explanation.”
Yigong Shu turned around to look at Mount Bewitch You. He was able to clearly sense that the entire Mount Bewitch You was radiating energy from different kinds of formation arrays. His heart grew heavy. “It seems that the formation arrays that this Qin Yu has set up are very powerful.” “That’s right, they’re very powerful.” Le Yurao and Le Yuyao also looked at Mount Bewitch You.

This two groups of people, that numbered close to thirty, all quietly looked at Mount Bewitch You. They felt a sudden burst of shivering in their hearts. They were able to imagine exactly how many formation arrays there were around Mount Bewitch You.

The quiet Mount Bewitch You appeared like a vicious beast lying in wait. Whenever someone passed by this vicious beast, they would be swallowed up by it. For a moment, not a single one of the close to thirty Heavenly Deities dared to proceed onward.

As time passed, Heavenly Deities in groups of seven or eight, or two or three started arriving. The number of Heavenly Deity experts at the foot of Mount Bewitch You became bigger and bigger.

However, the more people arrived, the more certain they became of one thing… Chi Hongfeng, Xianyu Yang and Lanshan Huo, three Mid Level Heavenly Deities who possessed some reputation, had all fallen to Mount Bewitch You.

After half a day, the number of Heavenly Deities gathered here was already greater than fifty.

At this moment, there were also five Mid Level Heavenly Deities. Other than the Enchanting Sisters and Yigong Shu, there was also the ice-cold Heavenly Deity beauty Liu Bing and… Nine-headed Black Dragon ‘Tan Jiu.’
Tan Jiu who had hidden himself for so many years, had finally shown himself today.

“Are we are still waiting?” Liu Bing’s gaze was cast towards the other four Mid Level Heavenly Deities. Liu Bing was tall and possessed an amazing figure. Her silver hair increased her aura of coldness. Especially that pair of eyes of hers, they appeared to be eternally void of emotions.

Le Yuyao smiled charmingly. “Little sister Liu Bing, do not be anxious. Three Mid Level Heavenly Deities have already fallen inside those formation arrays. Unless we have absolute certainty, it’s best for us to wait a bit longer.”
“I think that we should set off to break the formation arrays.”  A shiny light flashed through the scholarly Yigong Shu’s  eyes.  “Those  three  Mid  Level  Heavenly  Deities,  their strength can only be considered mid-tier. However, us here… there’s Black Dragon and I. If even we are unable to kill that Qin Yu, then it would truly be strange.” Yigong Shu was filled with confidence.

Among the current five Mid Level Heavenly Deities, Yigong Shu and Tan Jiu possessed the strongest strength.

Yigong Shu and Tan Jiu each possessed strength that was greater than Xianyu Yang, Lanshan Huo and Chi Hongfeng combined. With the two of them, they indeed possessed a real great possibility of success.

“Since young master Yigong is in approval of setting off, then I shall also approve of it.” Said Tan Jiu coldly. Tan Jiu had come this time precisely to be the oriole behind the mantis. However, it required much skill to properly play the role of the oriole. If he were to wait to attack, till after everyone had already taken the treasures, then wouldn’t he be unable to get anything? Because of that, Tan Jiu had shown himself.

Yigong Shu smiled and said. “Good. Since Brother Black Dragon also approves of it, then this matter shall be simple. What is the most important now is who among our fifty plus Heavenly Deities shall be the leader, giving the orders and controlling the situation?”
Liu Bing, Le Yurao and Le Yuyao all looked towards Yigong Shu and Tan Jiu.

The leader of this group could only be either Yigong Shu or Tan Jiu. If one were to become the leader, then he would have the authority to order what everyone must do. Thus, this person would naturally have a higher chance of obtaining Qin Yu’s treasures.
 Yigong Shu looked at Tan Jiu. He knew that this ‘Lord Black Dragon’ was someone who was very hard to talk with. However, in order to obtain the treasures that Qin Yu possessed, Yigong Shu knew that he must certainly become the leader.

“I am not interested. Young master Yigong can be the leader.” Said Tan Jiu indifferently.

Yigong Shu was startled. He had even prepared many excuses and arguments to persuade Tan Jiu. Yigong Shu immediately smiled and said. “Good. Since Black Dragon has said so, then I shall be the leader of this group of fifty six Heavenly Deities. From now on, everyone must listen to me and do as I say.”
Yigong Shu’s gaze was cast towards all the Heavenly Deities.
None of them protested.

Even the cold and proud Liu Bing did not oppose it. After all, strength was the most important aspect. Tan Jiu glanced at Yigong Shu. He was laughing coldly in his heart. “Do you think that Qin Yu will be that easy to take care of? Humph… if you are careless, then you’ll only suffer death.” Tan Jiu was forever unable to forget about the spear that Qin Yu had.

At this moment, Yigong Shu had already started assigning what everyone would do with a smile on his face. “Enchanting Sisters, the two of you will lead twenty Low Level Heavenly Deities, after all…”  Yigong Shu stopped in the middle of his speech right after starting it.

Three figures were flying over rapidly.

“Everyone, listen up. My Lord has ordered, and you all must listen to my Lord’s order in how to break Mount Bewitch You’s great formation arrays and killing Qin Yu.” A loud shout sounded from far away.

The fifty six Heavenly Deities immediately looked over to the distant place. “Who dares to be this arrogant?”
“It’s only three people. They don’t seem to be very powerful.
Why should we listen to them?”
“Jin Kong, it’s Jin Kong and his brother!” Le Yuyao suddenly said in shock. “For them brothers to come, then… that Lord that they spoke of. Wouldn’t it be…”
Yigong Shu and Tan Jiu’s expression changed. Yigong Shu’s gaze turned cold. He then said two words. “Mister Qiuzhong!”
In the Divine Realm, Mid Level Heavenly Deities were generally extremely powerful beings in bandit powers. As for High Level Heavenly Deities, they were individuals that all the major powers fought each other for. How many High Level Heavenly Deities would actually go and become bandits?

In sixty four cities of the eastern region of the Divine Realm, the strongest person among all the bandits… Mister Qiuzhong was the sole High Level Heavenly Deity among all the bandits powers present. 
No one had ever imagined that Qin Yu was actually able to attract even Mister Qiuzhong. After all, Mister Qiuzhong already possessed a High Quality Heavenly Divine Artifact.

“Fuck. The situation has turned bad.”  Tan Jiu’s expression had grown gloomy.

He had hidden the fact that Qin Yu possessed the spear shaped Grandmist Spiritual Treasure and Nine Petaled Magnificant Lotus precisely because he feared that people too powerful would come. Now that a High Level Heavenly Deity have arrived, how would he, Tan Jiu, possibly be able to obtain the treasures?

Chapter 48: Formation Array ‘Universe’

When Qin Yu flew out from the formation array to inspect the surroundings, he was still thinking about the level eight formation array from the golden scroll.

“This level eight formation array, how, how…” Qin Yu had a sort of uncertain feeling that he was unable to explain.

This formation array seemed to be very familiar.

That’s right. It was extremely familiar. Qin Yu seemed to have a memory in his mind that was related with this formation array. However, regardless of how hard Qin Yu thought, he was unable to recall when he had seen this formation array before.

As he continued to think about the level eight formation array, Qin Yu saw the large group of Heavenly Deities located at the foot of Mount Bewitch You. “Mn, Tan Jiu has also appeared.” Qin Yu’s eyes shined. That dark skinned youngster with scarlet short haired and scarlet colored brows, wasn’t he Tan Jiu? And at this moment, Tan Jiu was bowing to a green clothed scholarly looking man.

“That Tan Jiu can already be considered as having reached the peak of Mid Level Heavenly Deity, why would he be that respectful to that blue clothed scholarly looking man?”  The scene that Qin Yu saw had shocked him.

To be able to make Tan Jiu this respectful, what sort of strength would this person have?

“Could it be that there are truly High Level Heavenly Deities that  have  come  for  me?”    Seems  like  this  has  turned troublesome.”  Qin Yu frowned. The current Qin Yu was no longer as relaxed as he was before.

Tan Jiu, Yigong Shu, Le Yuyao, Le Yurao and Liu Bing all respectfully bowed and said. “Mister Qiuzhong.” Qiuzhong Fu was a very prideful person. He disliked what the title that ordinary bandit bosses addressed themselves as: Lord, Boss, and such. Instead, he demanded other to address him as ‘Mister.”
Qiuzhong Fu wore blue clothes. Beside him were his two personal subordinates, Jin Kong and his brother Jin Long. In normal circumstances, these two brothers would follow Qiuzhong Fu wherever he goes.

“Mn.” Qiuzhong Fu lightly nodded. “In a short while, I will be breaking the great formation array and will then kill that Qin Yu. If there is anything in Qin Yu’s body that I do not fancy, I will gift them to you all. However, I do not wish for you all to take your own initiative and not listen to my orders. Understand?”
“Understood!” Even Yigong Shu and Tan Jiu were extremely respectful and didn’t dare to have the slightest amount of disrespect.

Qiuzhong Fu lightly nodded. He then ordered. “Jin Kong, you are in charge of the people here. Remember, allocate how many Low Level Heavenly Deities a Mid Level Heavenly Deities leads according to their strength.”
“Yes, my lord.”  Said Jin Kong respectfully. He then coldly looked at the other Mid Level Heavenly Deities. “Le Yuyao, you are to lead those six Low Level Heavenly Deities.”  Jin Kong pointed and marked six Low Level Heavenly Deities with his Heavenly Divine Energy.

“Yes.” Le Yuyao lightly smiled and accepted the order.

One by one, the orders continued. Le Yuyao, Le Yurao and Liu Bing ended up leading close to twenty Low Level Heavenly Deities combined. As for the rest, they were being led by Tan JIu and Yigong Shu. Tan Jiu and Yigong Shu were extremely powerful. Their skills in using the Spatial Domain was also much better than the three women.

“Brother Jin Kong, are you all not going to lead any Low Level Heavenly Deities?” Said Yigong Shu with a light smile on his face. As Jin Kong and Jin Long always follow Qiuzhong Fu, their status was naturally high. However, their own strengths were inferior to Yigong Shu. Thus, their attitude toward Yigong Shu when talking was still respectful.

“Of course we’ll be leading. Our men are still on their way. Their flying speed is much slower than ours.”  Said Jin Kong with a smile.

Yigong Shu and Tan Jiu started to curse in their hearts.

Doesn’t this mean that this Mister Qiuzhong has rapidly flown over here so that he can make everyone listen to his commands? Everyone was able to guess the intention of this Mister Qiuzhong. He did this precisely because he feared that Yigong Shu and them would be able to obtain Qin Yu’s treasures before him.

After a long period of time, twenty three Low Level Heavenly Deities had arrived. These twenty three Low Level Heavenly Deities were all Qiuzhong Fu’s subordinates. Yigong Shu and them were originally fifty six Heavenly Deities. With the addition of the twenty six new Heavenly Deities, Qiuzhong Fu, Jin Kong and Jin Long, they now numbered a total of eighty two Heavenly Deities.

The eighty two Heavenly Deities were separated into seven groups led by the seven Mid Level Heavenly Deities.

As for Qiuzhong Fu, he was standing in the air by himself and looking at Mount Bewitch You in the distance.

“Jin Kong, you seven groups are to cooperate in breaking the formation arrays. If you discover any formation array that you cannot break apart, you are to come and inform me about it.” Ordered Qiuzhong Fu indifferently.

“Yes.” Jin Kong, Jin Long, Tan Jiu, Yigong Shu and the rest of them all bowed to accept the order. While on the surface everyone was extremely respectful, Tan Jiu and Yigong Shu were actually madly enraged in their hearts. Who among them didn’t wish to obtain Qin Yu’s treasures? However, what could they do now? They had turned into Qiuzhong Fu’s lackeys. It was not that they wanted to be lackeys but rather that they had no choice but to be lackeys. If they dared to resist Qiuzhong Fu, Tan Jiu and Yigong Shu were a hundred percent certain that Qiuzhong Fu would directly kill them.

The seven groups took to the sky simultaneously. All seven of them spread out their Spatial Domains.

Although everyone was restraining their power, Tan Jiu and Yigong Shu’s Spatial Domains were still spread to a circumference of three to four hundred meters. As for the other five people, their spatial domains were only about a hundred meters circumference. With all of them working together, ordinary illusion arrays were simply unable to stop them at all. As for the Attacking Arrays, they too were unable to break through the Spatial Domains. With extreme ease, they destroyed the surface of Mount Bewitch You thoroughly and broke through the formation arrays with brute force.

One, two, three… in a blink of an eye, over twenty great formation arrays were broken through. 
At the moment when they broke through thirty great formation arrays, the groups finally stopped. Jin Kong said to Qiuzhong Fu who stood in the air. “My Lord, it is a bit hard for us to break through this great formation array.”
The formation array before them was a relatively large Trapping Array. It was a Trapping Array at the peak level of level three formation arrays. If Yigong Shu and Tan Jiu were to use a large amount of their energy, it was still possible for them to break through this formation array. However, at this moment, Yigong Shu and them did not want to exhaust a large amount of their energy.

“Oh?” Qiuzhong Fu glanced at this formation array. He smiled indifferently and said. “Merely a small formation array. You all, step aside.”
The numerous Heavenly Deities immediately stepped far away. Qiuzhong Fu merely grabbed the space before him a couple times as he stood in the air, and a couple places in that peak level three formation array completely shattered. In an instant, one of this Trapping Array’s foundations had been broken. 
A Trapping Array with a foundation broken naturally became a lot weaker. Even Mid Level Heavenly Deities were capable of easily breaking it now.

“You all, continue.” Said Qiuzhong Fu coldly.

Tan Jiu and Yigong Shu both felt shiver in their hearts. There was a difference in the area of space that a High Level Heavenly Deity could destroy. When they saw the area that Qiuzhong Fu had instantly destroyed, they knew right away that Qiuzhong Fu was a relatively powerful High Level Heavenly Deity.

“Spatial   Destruction?   As   expected,   he’s   a   High   Level Heavenly Deity.” Qin Yu who was within the vast forest of the Mount Bewitch You was quietly watching all that was unfolding.

Upon seeing that Qiuzhong Fu easily destroyed a small region of space, the small bit of hope that Qin Yu previously had also instantly vanished. 
“If I were to rely on teleportation and my Divine Spear Waning Snow, killing this High Level Heavenly Deity…” Qin Yu started to simulation the battle in his mind. In the end, he shook his head. “There’s no certainty of winning!”
Qin Yu knew very well that High Level Heavenly Deities knew more than just ‘Spatial Destruction.’ They also knew ‘Spatial Domain.’ Furthermore, the binding ability of their Spatial Domain was even greater than those of Mid Level Heavenly Deities.

Once Qin Yu were to get caught into his Spatial Domain, the Divine Spear Waning Snow would be caught into a very powerful restriction energy and its speed would definitely not be fast enough.

And at that moment, his opponent was totally able to come and attack him instead.

Although he could escape with teleportation, he would be unable to kill his opponent. Thus, it was not worth it for Qin Yu to disclose his hidden trump cards.

Qin Yu who was hiding within the center of the dense forest suddenly sent a binding gaze. In reaction, he turned to look over. It was precisely that Qiuzhong Fu who was standing in the sky.

“He discovered me?” Qin Yu was startled.

“Qin Yu!”
Qiuzhong Fu’s gaze turned cold. He suddenly shouted violently. Like thousands of rolling thunders, his voice sounded in Qin Yu’s ears. At the same time, an overbearing Divine Awareness directly rushed into Qin Yu’s mind.

Divine Awareness attack!

Qin Yu felt a burst of shock to his mind. And at this moment, that Qiuzhong Fu rushed downward with lightning speed. Qiuzhong Fu’s eyes were filled with confidence. “A mere Low Level Heavenly Deity, after receiving my Divine Awareness attack, by the time your mind becomes sober, I’ll already have caught you.”
Divine Awareness attack was the same as soul energy attack. If the gap between the two people’s soul levels were too great, using Divine Awareness attack would be an extremely fast type of attack. However, if there was barely any gap between the two parties, using Divine Awareness attack would injure both parties.

From Qiuzhong Fu’s point of view, as he was a High Level Heavenly Deity, if he were to use his Divine Awareness to attack a Low Level Heavenly Deity, he would at the very least cause this Low Level Heavenly Deity to be in a muddleheaded state for quite some time.

However, Qin Yu merely had his soul jolted for a moment. His Meteoric Tear emitted rays of green lights. In a blink of an eye, Qin Yu had woken up. “What a powerful High Level Heavenly Deity.” Gasped Qin Yu in his heart. With lightning speed, Qin Yu rushed into the level four formation array beside him.

“Mn?”  Qiuzhong Fu was startled. “He’s already recovered? Could it be that he’s a Mid Level Heavenly Deity and that the information gathered about him before was mistaken?”
If the gap between them was not great, and was instead only a single level, the Divine Awareness attack would not amount to much.

“You think you’ll be okay after hiding in the great formation array?” Qiuzhong Fu had a smile on his face.

Inside the level four formation array.

Qin Yu was now met with two choices. One was to fight against this Qiuzhong Fu. The second was to directly escape into his Universal World. Having stirred up the entire Divine Realm, Qin Yu truly do not wish to end up hiding himself. 
“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!” …
Sounds of explosions continued outside. Qin Yu knew that the formation arrays outside were being broken through one by one by the combined force of those Mid Level Heavenly Deities. Level three formation arrays were indeed unable to stop Tan Jiu and them for a long time.

“Qin Yu, are you truly planning to hide yourself in the great formation array?” Qiuzhong Fu’s voice sounded. “I suggest that you should come out. Otherwise, if you were to fall into the spatial cracks, there would be no one capable of saving you.”
Qin Yu smiled coldly as he stayed in the formation array.

“He  wants  me  out?”  Qin  Yu  completely  understood  what Qiuzhong Fu was thinking. If he remained in the great formation array, then this Qiuzhong Fu would not dare to rashly use his ‘Spatial Destruction’ to destroy this level four formation array. That was because Qiuzhong Fu didn’t know where in the formation array Qin Yu was hiding. If he were to destroy the area of space where Qin Yu was,while breaking the formation array, then not only would Qin Yu get sucked into the spatial cracks and be killed, the treasures that he possessed would also drift into the spatial cracks and Qiuzhong Fu would not be able to obtain them.

Thus, while Qin Yu could be killed, he couldn’t be sent into a spatial crack.

Outside the level four formation array.

Qiuzhong Fu had an ice-cold expression. Standing behind him awaiting the orders were the seven Mid Level Heavenly Deities and the large number of Low Level Heavenly Deities they led. Jin Kong asked in a low voice. “My lord, what should we…”
“You all are to stay here. I will go and break the formation array!” Like a meteorite, Qiuzhong Fu smashed into the great formation array. As a level four Trapping Array, although it only appeared to have a circumference of several hundred meters from the outside, it actually possessed greater than ten thousand meters circumference on the inside.

This was similar to the Bewitching God Temple.

“Not good.”  Sensing that Qiuzhong Fu had charged into his formation array, Qin Yu had a bitter smile on his face. “In order to kill me, this Qiuzhong Fu is actually willing to do such complicated things. There’s nothing I can do about it either.”
Qin Yu was able to anticipate what Qiuzhong Fu planned to do.

This Qiuzhong Fu was going to use his ‘Spatial Domain’ to search whether Qin Yu was in a region of space. If Qin Yu was not in that region of space, then Qiuzhong Fu would directly use his Spatial Destruction to destroy that region of space. The area Spatial Destruction could destroy was generally not great. However, when inspecting the great formation array from within, one must inspect a very large area. To break the formation array or coincidentally destroy a formation foundation was a very complicated process.

“Buzz~~” “Buzz~~” “Buzz~~” “Buzz~~” …
The sound of space being destroyed continually echoed out. Without stopping, that Qiuzhong Fu was destroying a small region of space after another. As many little things adds up to a great amount, he ultimately succeeded.

“It had been destroyed by a High Level Heavenly Deity this easily? Is there really nothing that could truly trap a High Level Heavenly Deity?” Qin Yu felt hatred in his heart.

Suddenly, the level eight formation array appeared in Qin Yu’s mind.

“That’s right, that level eight formation array is capable of binding High Level Heavenly Deities. Even High Level Heavenly Deities cannot escape it. Unfortunately, I am unable to deploy that…”
Qin Yu was suddenly startled.

He had a familiar feeling regarding the level eight formation array the entire time. However, he was unable to think of why it was so familiar. After thinking about it for so long, Qin Yu finally remembered at this moment.

“Splitting the Heaven and Earth apart. That’s right. It was splitting the Heaven and Earth apart!”
[TL: remember, splitting the heaven and earth apart refers to the creation myth of pangu and his Universe world.]

Qin Yu suddenly closed his eyes. At this moment, he began to feel the ancient aura like that of the flour paste space. The profound sensation that he had when he split the Heaven and Earth apart to create the Universal World once again descended upon him. 
Why did he have such a familiar sensation regarding this level eight formation array?

That was because the principle behind this level eight formation array was already relatively approaching the principle behind the Universal World that was formed through splitting the Heaven and Earth apart. During the time when he created the Universal World, Qin Yu merely knew about what how to do it but not what the principle behind it was.

Although he was unable to understand the principle, he remembered the profound sensation.

At this moment, after he entered that sort of profound state, the process of the creation of the Universal World emerged in Qin Yu’s mind.

The peak of formation arrays was merely creating a space through the comprehension of the spatial laws. Although Qin Yu had not comprehended the spatial laws, he had created his own Universal World. Thus, he naturally understood the spatial laws of the Universal World!

“So this was the case!”
A smile appeared on Qin Yu’s face. He lightly streaked his hand across the air. Several rays of light flew out from Qin Yu’s hand. Like meteors, they fell to various locations surrounding Mount Bewitch You.

“Formation array ‘Universe,’ form!”
Qin Yu lightly shouted.

In merely an instant, everyone in the surrounding several thousand miles, including even Qiuzhong Fu who had just broke the level four formation array, felt that their sky and earth was being turned upside down. The scenes before them all ceased to exist. Instead, what appeared in their surroundings was a vast and boundless land.
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