Peerless Chapter 51-60

Chapter 51

Where is the last city?

It is located on the vast Gobi, not in front of the village, not in the store, the nearest Liugong City, the fastest if it takes two days to reach, of course, the court will deliberately recapture this place and include it in the layout, so sent Gao 懿, first name Occupy, and then move on easily. No one knows that Gao Xun will not fight, and even if Xing Mao and Duan Qiao take up half of the country, he dare not squeak. He shrinks his head every day to live on his own. He hopes that Duan and Xing will not let themselves be caught up.

Feng Xiao and the four of them came here to go to the further San Mishan to meet Abo Khan. He persuaded him to fall down completely to the Sui Dynasty. After he came to Qiemo City, the head of the Zuoyue Bureau Cui did not go to Cui Daochang. He couldn't hold back his heart that was so eager to do something.

He couldn't be bothered by it, and he wanted to do something big as soon as he did it. He was ready to take down the last city that even the imperial court had no time to take over, and he made it a county under the direct jurisdiction of the Sui Empire.

Rao is a man who is not afraid of the sky like Feng Xiao, and who has to make a hole in the sky without a hole in the sky is also shocked by his spirit.

"Your appetite is not small!"

If it was a general, a martial art, or a martial arts person who raised it, it would be normal. The problem is that Cui did not go into illness, and he was as ambitious as he is today and tomorrow.

Cui didn't go lightly: "The owner of Fengfu is afraid?"

Feng Xiao laughed and said, "In this life, I don't know how to write the word" Fear, "but such a thing, you must not be able to do it alone, do you want to drag me down?

Cui didn't go weirdly: "How can this be called dragging the water? Obviously it is a blessing to share. If this thing is done, it is naturally a great achievement. Do n’t you want to give credit to your heart? This trip has not only persuaded Apo's work, but also It has the ability to open up new territories, and although the end city now has a county order, it has not been under the jurisdiction of the Central Plains dynasty since ancient times. If it can be won, it will be far more effective than regaining its homeland. "

Of course, Feng Xiao knows this, but the great profit also means that the risk is great.

Xing Mao and Duan Qiao are not vegetarian, and will not give up their territory and forces in vain.

Feng Xiao: "What are you going to do?"

Cui did not go: "The three parties originally had contradictions. The birthday feast would inevitably become a thorn in their hearts. Duan Qi did not say on his lips. He definitely felt that Xing Mao had instructed San Guan to poison himself, and he could only kill him if he failed. Three things have disappeared. "

Feng Xiao: "Using Duan Qi's domineering style in the border city for decades, maybe Xingmao will be defeated first. Xingmao will worry about this, and he may be the first to do it."

Cui didn't go: "Yes, so our opportunity is here. Just talk about Gao Yan, wait for one side to be weak, take it off when it is not ready, and then integrate the troops, and the remaining side is nothing."

Feng Xiao: "Gao Ye is a passable and one-day monk who beats the clock for a day. How can he venture to fight Duan and Xing with you?"

Cui did not smile secretly: "Everyone has weaknesses. I have already figured out how to win Gao Ling. But those people Gao Ling alone are not enough."

Feng Xiao: ...

"It's getting late, let's bathe and change clothes, let's turn off the lights earlier!" He suddenly got up and was about to go out, but his sleeves were tugged.

"The sun has not set, why are you so anxious?" Cui did not go. "Why not gossip about it again?"

Feng Xiao was expressionless: "I'm afraid that if you gossip anymore, you will be used up by the old man."

Cui did not laugh: "There is a government soldier in Liugong City, and Gao Ling has no right to move, but I know that the master of Fengfu has the title of General Zhenxi, and the soldier's gift from Heavenly Son. There aren't many soldiers. It's not a problem to tune in a thousand. "

Feng Xiao: "Did you think about these arrangements when you were in Liugong City?"

Cui did not go innocently and said, "How is it possible, I am not an unknown prophet, how can I know that this will happen at the birthday party?"

Feng Xiao chuckled, saying that she didn't believe a word.

"Give me your token and owe me a favor."

Cui refused to say: "The token cannot be given, but the human relationship can be owed. In the case of the future, it is necessary to seek the cooperation of Xiejianfu. And now you also have credit for this matter."

"Credit?" Feng Xiao snorted, "Although I have the right to transfer troops, if the matter is not done in the end, the blame does not fall on me, you want to be beautiful!"

Not good enough, let's stop trying to impress Lao Tzu!

Cui didn't sigh, and found a small and exquisite seal from his sleeve: "This is my private seal, hold it with you first, and when it's done, you can return the seal to me, so that's always OK Right? "

Feng Xiao took the private seal, turned it over, and engraved with the words Cui not going to print.

"You really told Cui not to go?" He was a little puzzled.

For a long time, Feng Xiao thought that Cui didn't just go under the pseudonym or his name, but if even the private seal was Cui not going, it means that it is indeed the other party's real name.

Cui does not go: "Of course, I have called this name since I was ten years old."

Feng Xiao: "What about before ten years old?"

Cui did not lightly wrote: "Forget."

Feng Xiao smiled, and did not go any further, putting private seals in his sleeves.

"Well, since you are full of sincerity, I am disrespectful. From Liugong City to this, it will take two days to get the horses up. If I leave, within two days, Buddha's ear will come to the door to find trouble. The three of you are afraid to cope. No. "

This is indeed a problem. Cui didn't laugh. "I have a solution."

Feng Xiao: "No."

Cui does not go: "I haven't said yet, how do you know?"

Feng Xiao: "You don't need to say, I don't know either. You want Qiao Xian to take my soldiers to Liugong City to relocate."

Cui does not go: "Qiao Xian is a credible person."

Feng Xiao: "You can believe it, I can't believe it."

The two eyes were opposite each other and they were speechless for a while.

Cui didn't go and was not sad because of Feng Xiao's candid words. If his heart was so easily injured, let alone Zuo Yuezheng, he was afraid that he would not even be able to enter the gate of Zuoyue Bureau.

He and Feng Xiao, although cooperating at the moment, are also on the same boat, but in the final analysis, it is only a temporary alliance. The beloved queens still guard against each other. If the lone queen trusts the emperor wholeheartedly, he will not betray him. She didn't need to set up a left month bureau to fight the court, let alone Feng Xiao and Cui could not go. The two are now watching each other in harmony, Feng Xiao also escorted Cui not to go to Turk as a lobbyist, but not long ago, they also calculated each other and both pitted each other to death.

Feng Xiao didn't believe that Cui would easily forget Nai Hexiang's affairs if she didn't go.

Cui didn't laugh suddenly, he joked: "I was hostage beside the host of Fengfu, wasn't he afraid Qiao Xian could not escape with a soldier?"

Feng Xiao: "You are a person who is cruel to others, even crueler to yourself. In order to win the trust of me, even the poison of He Xiang is willing to try, let alone a soldier?"

Cui couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "I can only do things with confidence, not an irrational lunatic. Honestly, are you afraid of me?"

Feng Xiao was simply neat: "Yes."

Cui does not go: ...

Feng Xiao said: "I will give the soldiers an undercover detective in the city, and let him go to Liugong City to dispatch troops with him."

He finally took a step back.

Cui didn't go back this time, it was quite easy: "The deal."

However, Feng Xiao was very skeptical that Cui would not use anything to persuade Gao Yong, who was as timid as a rat and reconciled to the status quo. Unless something happened that prompted him to make a decision, Gao Yong would never be able to blend in.

"Are you sure you can persuade Gao Yun?"

Cui didn't reach out three fingers: "I have three strategies to deal with Gao Yi."

Feng Xiao: "Say the next best thing."

Cui did not go: "We went directly to the door to prove our identity, took a knife holder around his neck and forced him to take orders."

Feng Xiao shook her head: "You can't be sure that Xingmao and Duan Qixuan will fight. Even if Gao Xuan is coerced, it's useless. His talents are the least among the three parties. What about Zhongce?"

Cui did not go: "You give Xingmao and Duan Qiyu a bit of fragrant incense, let them cry and beg to come to the door, we can defeat the soldier without fighting."

Feng Xiao: ...

He carefully looked at Cui not going for a while, as if a flower had suddenly grown on his face.

"Are you wondering how to pit me all day long?"

Cui does not go: "Is the Lord of the Fengfu a fool? I've been pitted all day?"

Feng Xiao sneered coldly: "Do you think Nai Hexiang is a siu kebab on the street? How much is it for a penny? The recipe for that thing is extremely cumbersome. I brought a small half bottle together, even if it was in Xiejianfu, Not necessarily. "

The implication is that the small half of the bottle was used for Cui Buqu.

Cui did not spread his hand: "Then there is nothing better."

When Cui didn't finish his method, Feng Xiao just sighed.

He does not think that Cui does not go wrong, but that Cui does not know how to see any changes in the depths of human nature, so Cui does not use those people's weaknesses to achieve their goals.

Such Cui would not go, but unfortunately could not practice martial arts, otherwise, there would be no one in the world who could not deal with it, and things he could not do.

Feng Xiao sighed, feeling sorry.

Do not regret for Cui.

He doesn't regard Cui as an opponent. Some people hope that the weaker the better, but he wants the stronger the better.

In this way, life is fun.

That night.

Everything is silent.

At the end, although merchants from all directions gathered and there was no curfew, most of the people now rested early. Even if they were indulged, they were mostly in the Qinlou Chu Hall. It was more than halfway around the time. It was already empty. Occasionally a few dog barks came from afar, and every family turned off the fire and covered their quilts, and they were dreaming.

Feng Xiao is also sleeping.

Although he is highly skilled in martial arts, he is not an immortal and naturally needs rest.

But he didn't sleep well, because those who practice martial arts had great hearing ability and could be clearly introduced into the ear with a little movement.

There was a disturbing sound coming from outside the inn.

Save me ... save me ... please ... help ...

If there is a soundless female voice, with hate and resentment, listen carefully, as if you can hear the endless grievances inside.

Although it is early summer and the night is cold, this sound can make people chill from the bones.

In the middle of the night, who would yell outside?

Who shouted that he could not go to the county to scream and ran to the well behind the inn?

So it's clear that it's not people, but ghosts.

Feng Xiao sighed, she couldn't sleep, she just sat up.

If anyone disturbs his good sleep, he can beat the opponent so that he can't even be a ghost.

But before that ...

He patted the man by the pillow.

"Arise, ghost."

If he can't sleep, don't even want to sleep.

Cui's response was to roll over, turn his back to him, pull the quilt up, and cover his head.

Forcing a wake up is not impossible, but Feng Xiao knows that Cui doesn't like to be awakened when he sleeps, and his temper will become very bad. As soon as the other party has a bad temper, he likes to give Feng Xiao a set.

Feng Xiao is not afraid of being tricked. On the contrary, he likes to fight with Cui not to fight for wisdom, but he just won a round in the daytime and got the private seal of the other side. When you see it, take it and rest for two days.

So he thought about it and switched to another strategy.

Feng Xiao walked to Mu Shi, who was wearing a coat, picked up the foot wash used before going to bed, walked to the side where the sound came, splashed the water basin in the direction of the dry well, and squeezed his throat sharply—

"Who's crying in the middle of the night has disturbed the old lady's dreams!"

The author has something to say:

The ghost was scared away by Feng Xiao, and the show ended.

Well, not skinned, it's not over yet.

Good night, sweet dreams!

kiri threw a mine tossing time :: 07: 06

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 09: 01

Acid Sour Tossed A Mine Throw Time :: 09: 29

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 09: 57

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 10: 02

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 10: 10

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 10: 17

qwe threw 1 mine time :: 10: 36

qwe threw a mine throw time: 10:41

qwe threw a mine tossing time :: 10: 47

. Thrown a landmine throwing time :: 14: 46

Lanze threw a rocket launcher at the time: 18:22

qwe threw a mine tossing time: 18:58

enkidu. Throwing a grenade Throw time :: 23: 57

Ordinary killer threw a mine. Time to throw :: 28: 52

Suffocating Gummy Bear Threw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 34: 46

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 38: 56

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 39: 13

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 39: 34

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 40: 09

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 40: 15

Cheng Sanfeng threw a mine tossing time :: 59: 54

qwe threw a mine throw time: 00:23

Qingjin threw a mine tossing time :: 03: 24

Qingjin threw a mine tossing time :: 31: 53

Nai He Xiang threw a mine tossing time :: 36: 03

Yu Bing tossed a mine tossing time :: 39:58

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 52: 54

27656051 Throwing a mine throwing time :: 55:40

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 55: 54

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 55: 56

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throw time: 56:00

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 56:10

Feng Er's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 56: 11

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 56: 16

Feng Er's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 56: 18

Feng Er's Little Black Room Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 56:24

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 56: 27

Dongyue threw a mine tossing time :: 05: 17

Smiley Chunfeng threw a mine tossing time :: 08: 17

Ai threw a mine tossing time :: 16:57

Wall Climbing Professionals Throw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 20: 22

Lan Yi threw a mine tossing time :: 33: 45

Concubine Ben threw a mine tossing time :: 46: 39

The small fish threw a mine. Throwing time :: 37: 47

Lu Jinxuan threw a mine tossing time :: 11:59

Flower er kissed you and threw a mine. Throw time :: 14: 25

Rain threw a mine tossing time :: 33: 44

Fangcao Feifei 28 threw a mine tossing time: 45:42

Ducker threw a mine for throwing time :: 05: 18

Throws a landmine with time: 15: 56

Throws a landmine with time :: 16: 02

Shuangzheng threw a mine to the King Meow every day. Throw time :: 46: 20

Mo Yun Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 55: 34

Flower & La Pradorou threw a mine tossing time :: 03: 09

Flower & La Pradolu threw a mine tossing time :: 03:28

Flower & La Pradolu threw a mine tossing time :: 03:34

The protagonist was able to hit and throw a mine. Throwing time :: 09: 15

26193029 Throwing a mine throw time :: 50: 12

Deer threw a mine for a while. Time :: 07: 40

The rate system throws a mine throw time: 11:01

Deer threw a mine for a short time.:12:37

decadem threw a mine throw time: 43:09

decadem threw a mine throw time: 43:27

I threw a rocket launcher back at time :: 44: 33

Cheng Sanfeng threw a mine tossing time :: 05: 14

Unknown Old Thrown 1 Mines Throwing Time :: 14: 07

Unknown Old Thrown 1 Mines Throwing Time :: 14: 14

Cheng Sanfeng threw a mine tossing time :: 30: 25

Chapter 52

Ye Han was dewy, sobbing and weeping.

In the middle of a dream and awake, the people at Yansu Inn can basically hear the sound of distant and near, accompanied by the cold wind, drifting from the outside into the quilt, into the ears, let people wake up from their sleep.

Until Feng Xiao stopped drinking, let alone a person, even the ghost was so scared that there was no sound.

Cui didn't go to death, but he also lived in the same room with Feng Xiao, and he was naturally forced to wake up.

He was in poor health, and suddenly woke up with a heartbeat like a drum, and this time was no exception.

Fengxiao turned around and looked innocent: "Are you awakened? Sorry, I was shouting to the outside, you can sleep again."

He thought that Cui would get angry if he didn't go. Who knew that he had waited for a long time, and then the other person was still sitting in bed with a daze, his expression was blank, and his sleepiness still existed.

Feng Xiao said in her heart that she could not be fooled by her own throat, and walked over, pinching Cui's chin and holding the other person's head to himself.

He knew that this would happen every time Cui did not get up. The length of the daze depended on whether the sleep was sufficient or not, and now he was obviously suffering from severe lack of sleep.

At this time, Cui does not go, it should be the time of the weakest vigilance and the best bullying.

Feng Xiao teased her heart, and touched the other side's head. Cixiang said, "Good boy, get up and watch the ghost."

Cui did not finally wake up, knocked his hands, and sighed quietly.

"Not only do we have to see ghosts, we have to be ghosts."

Others may not know what he is talking about, but Feng Xiao knows that he finds it interesting.

"Will anyone come up with the same method as you?"

Cui did not answer the question: "Do you still remember, when we first checked in to this inn, the guide Cheng Cheng said, Haunted behind the inn, did anyone ever find the body from the well?"

Feng Xiao: "Later, I asked about it again. It is said that there were still a few dead bones in the well. I don't know what year, month or person left it. I don't know if it was thrown in after the death, or after it was thrown in. He died because of his age and no one claimed it.

Cui didn't rub his eyes, he seemed to want to rub away his tiredness.

"I even remember Cheng Cheng's inexplicable reaction when he mentioned that dry well that day."

Feng Xiao said meaningfully: "When other people talk about it, they are more curious than fearful."

Cui does not go: "Dry well, Cheng Cheng, Li Fei, San Guan Shi, Duan Qiao, will there be any connection between these people?"

Feng Xiao: "Li Fei and San Guan affairs are Xingmao people. It stands to reason that Duan Qixuan has no side at all."

Cui did not go: "But the three managements secretly colluded with Yu Xiu and wanted to be unfavorable to Duan Qiyu. This is definitely not out of Xingmao's intention. Therefore, it is not surprising if other people have any relationship we don't know yet. "

It wasn't just Cui Bing who was awakened by Feng Xiao's throat, and many people were complaining.

Words like who is so lacking in morals drifted in from outside, making the night very lively.

There are also bold and not afraid of things, get up and want to go to the well to see what happened.

The creators sat at the table and drank the cold tea.

He asked Cui not to go: "Look at me now, to be a ghost, will it be more like the ghost just now?"

Feng Xiao took off the makeup that Qiao Xian had put on him, and her hair was not combed. It was scattered over her shoulders, and she was wearing single clothes. She didn't seem to feel cold.

Under the candlelight, a handsome face shimmered almost flawlessly.

Cui didn't go and looked for a moment: "Apply another layer of pearl powder, it's like."

Feng Xiao groaned with a smile: "It makes sense, I'll get some pearl powder from Qiao Xian."

He said that he really stood up and walked out. When he came to the door, he seemed to think of something and looked back.

"By the way, when I came back in the evening, I saw that room in Yuxiu. There was no one lived. He should have left."

Cui frowned slightly without hearing the words.

Yuxiu was a ghost, and his whereabouts became a mystery.

If there are people in this world who Cui does not think about, then Yuxiu will undoubtedly be one of them.

Tianchi Yudan's case has come to an end. Yuxiu did not continue to have any need to stay in Liugong City. He should reasonably return to Beijing and return to King Jin.

But Duan Qizhen did not know Yuxiu.

What's the grudge between Yuxiu and Duan Qiao?

What is his purpose?

The inn is haunted, can it also be related to him?

If it has nothing to do with Yuxiu, who did it?

A small Qimo city has hidden so many secrets, and after many years of fermentation, all of them suddenly erupted.

With his joining with Feng Xiao, it will surely be more lively.

Cui didn't think about it, and slowly opened the quilt and bent over to wear shoes.

A gust of wind came in from outside, and the doors and windows were shouted, and the candle swayed violently and extinguished, and the thin moonlight shone out of the pale face outside the door.

"Go ... Go ..."

Cui does not go: ...

He said blankly, "I told you to scare Gaoyou, I didn't let you scare me."


In front of Duan Qiao, there was a pot of wine.

He was born of a horse thief, and plainly he was also a robber.

People in the green forest like to say that eating large bowls of meat and drinking in a bowl is a good way to show their revenge.

However, Duan Qiyi did not like drinking.

He felt that drinking would damage his mind and even kill him without knowing it.

When he was young, Duan Qiao had several companions who lost his life under such circumstances.

So after that, he didn't touch the wine.

But today, he is more upset than ever, and has reached the point where he urgently needs a pot of wine to get drunk.

He has struggled from nothing with nothing, to the present, he has lost a lot, got a lot, a lot of friends, and a lot of enemies.

Many enemies are anxious to die, but Duan Qiyi never puts those people in his eyes, even raising them with a scornful smile.

Because those enemies are not worth mentioning in Duan Qiao's eyes.

However, today is different.

When Ai Yi came in holding a cup of stewed pears with rock sugar and came in, she saw Duan Qiyi looking at the table with a grim look, as if something extraordinary had been placed on it.

"Langzhu-" She prolonged her tone slightly, bringing a little coquettishness.

At this time, as soon as she heard her voice, Duan Qizhen smiled and stood up happily.

At this moment, he didn't listen and remained motionless.

Ai Yi was a little dissatisfied, came down and set down the stew, ready to snuggle up.

The sound of the collision between the porcelain and the woodware was not loud, but Duan Qiao was shocked slightly, and seemed to be startled.

When I saw Ai's face close at hand, Duan Qi's entire body leaned back, his face muscles twitched slightly, almost embarrassed.

Ai Yi has never seen him look so frightened and could not help but startled.

The next moment, she only felt severe pain in the abdomen, and her eyes passed by the foreground, but she was kicked out of the door by Duan Qiao.

The door was knocked open, and Ai fell heavily to the ground. She spit out blood, and her face was horrified.

The vigils outside the door were all scared, thinking that something was going on in the house, but swarmed in to see, Duan Qiyu was still sitting there, but his face was pale, his chest was undulating, and he was panting.

"the host?"

"Go down! Nothing." Duan Qiyi waved his hand. "Drag people down."

Duan's wife also rushed to hear the news, only when the waiter annoyed Duan Qiao because of something.

This uncle's servant is usually quite favored. The other party does not even look at Duan's wife. Duan's wife has been dissatisfied for a long time. Although she is worried, her heart is secretly happy.

Duan Qiao has no interest in fighting for a woman's favor. He uttered Duan's wife in a few words, and did not call other servants to take care of him. He got up and went to the garden to relax.

Late at night.

But lanterns still hung in the garden, which illuminated this place to one side.

This shows that the wealth of Duanjia is rough.

Duan Qizhen walked for a while and calmed down slowly, but his mood was still not good.

He didn't tell anyone that the moment when the waiter looked up, he saw another face.

Maybe it's too tired.

Perhaps it was the influence left by the day's birthday feast.

Duan Qiyu thought of the dead three affairs, and the Yan Xuexing mentioned by Disciples of Qiyueguan, his brows slowly frowned again.

"Duan ... Xiyu ..."

Just then, there was a long, sobbing voice in his ear.

It was as if a woman was pinching her neck and moaning barely |

As if dying and still trying to open his eyes, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, stained his teeth, and cursed from the edge of hell.

"Who! Get out of me, and pretend to be a ghost!" Duan Qiyi flattered with anger.

The two servants behind him looked at each other.

They didn't hear anything.

The author has something to say: something is happening today, the word count is low, I will make up tomorrow!

Crab cute message and nutrient solution, good night good dream, see you tomorrow!

Throwing a mine tossing time: 54:29

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 58: 35

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 58: 39

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 58: 43

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 58: 50

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time: 58:54

kiri threw a mine tossing time :: 02: 23

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 04: 47

Grass Toss Threw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 08: 42

Nai He Xiang threw a mine tossing time :: 23: 29

Wall Climbing Professionals Throw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 24: 36

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 27: 04

Jie Xiaoka threw a mine tossing time :: 28: 13

Jie Xiaoka threw a mine tossing time :: 28: 56

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 29: 38

Throws a landmine with time :: 36: 39

Lime tree threw a mine. Time to throw :: 46: 24

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 39: 21

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 39:30

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 39: 33

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 39: 37

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 39: 43

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 39: 47

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 39: 54

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 39: 57

Feng Er's Little Black Room Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 40: 03

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 40: 06

Healer threw a mine tossing time: 45:48

Suffocating Gummy Bear Threw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 50: 09

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 01: 08

enkidu. Throwing a grenade Throw time :: 18: 57

Xiaohuayan threw a mine tossing time :: 35: 22

Mu Tianhan, aged, waited for Lan to throw a mine. Time :: 53: 42

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 54: 16

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 54: 25

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 00: 46

Cheng Sanfeng threw a mine tossing time: 00:52

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 03: 24

. Thrown a landmine throwing time :: 05: 54

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 13: 24

Deer threw a mine for a short time.:14:54

Ai threw a mine tossing time :: 17:40

blueljworld threw a grenade at time :: 40: 31

Ye Xiyu threw a mine. Throwing time :: 10: 59

Frenzy Throws a Grenade Throwing Time :: 34: 17

Fuyao threw a mine. Throwing time :: 10: 28

decadem threw a mine throw time :: 46:33

Rain threw a mine tossing time :: 36: 25

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 57: 14

cliolee threw a mine throw time :: 23: 46

Shuangzheng threw a land mine to King Meow every day Throw time :: 16: 27

Rolling Sugar Snowball Throws 1 Mine Throwing Time: 00:01

A tumbling sugar snowball threw a mine tossing time :: 23: 52

A tumbling sugar snowball threw a mine. Throwing time :: 24: 34

Unknown Old Thrower Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 35: 02

Liu Rutian threw a grenade at time :: 04: 10

Liu Rutian threw a mine tossing time :: 04: 40

Liu Rutian threw a mine tossing time :: 04: 48

A tumbling sugar snowball threw a mine tossing time :: 09: 20

Listen with a side ear and threw a mine. Time :: 51: 13

chris threw a mine tossing time :: 34: 28

I heard that I threw a mine. Throwing time :: 35: 31

Grandma's Blue Rabbit Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 54: 16

DaDa Watermelon threw a grenade at time :: 06: 55

Pippi was not a shrimp and threw a mine. Throw time :: 10: 15

Pippi was not a shrimp and threw a mine. Throw time :: 10: 38

Pippi is not a shrimp and threw a mine. Throw time :: 10: 47

Chapter 53

Xun You's resentment did not stop because of Duan Qi's quitting.

It's still intermittent, if there is a seemingly unreachable, 初 at first is right in front, 是 then the left-hand side, right-hand side ... so that in all directions, Duan Qi 鹄 can't tell where it came from.

It's weird that he only heard this voice, but the two servants behind him were bewildered, not knowing who he was talking to.

Something is wrong.

It's so wrong!

Someone must be pretending to be a ghost!

Duan Qiao reluctantly calmed himself down. He was breathing heavily, his eardrums were slamming and drumming, and his heart was anxious to burst out. He was pressed and held by him. His mood was not improved, but he became more anxious after suppressing his red eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "Master He Fang wants to see Duanmou. He just shows up. Why should he use such sneaky means to make the gangster a joke!"

Duan Qiyu ... Do you remember ... you owe me a life ...

"Lao Tzu owes more lives, not everyone can be ranked!" Duan Qiyi sneered, and the Jinyihuafu couldn't conceal the gangster's demeanor that had been standing side by side for decades, and the arrogance and domineering were revealed.

He seemed to speak into the air of nothingness, and no one but him could see it.

The two servants looked at each other in the same manner, their faces were horrified, and they felt that the master was afraid of evil.

Duan Qiyu didn't feel that he was in evil.

He believes that the other party is a master of martial arts, and he is confusing the audiovisual with the inner force and pretending to be a ghost.

Duan Qiao closed his eyes slightly and listened for a while, then stood up limily, and jumped towards the laurel tree in the garden.

There is no osmanthus at this moment, and it is not even suitable for planting osmanthus here, but money can make the ghosts grind, not to mention that osmanthus trees in Duanjia Garden are like Jiangnan courtyards, especially in the border town, such a garden, only I am afraid that it will cost much more than the mansion of Jiangnan giants.

The osmanthus swayed slightly in the night breeze, and Duan Qiyu fell on the tree in an instant.

If Feng Xiao is here, he can definitely see that he not only has a good fingering, but also has a lot of accomplishments in light work. The seven-foot man is standing on a finger-thick branch, and the branch has not shaken, let alone broken. As far as this effort is concerned, it has already ranked among the first-class masters.

But he looked around and found nothing but flowers and trees and the two servants who followed him.

Duan Qiyu ... Twenty years ... Twenty years ...

Condescending, Duan Qiyi did not believe that someone could hide nearby and avoid his glance.

Silent around.

The servant looked up under the tree and was at a loss: "Master, villain is here to call someone ..."

Duan Qiao didn't answer because he stood on the tree for a long time, and the female voice that passed into his ear had been repeating these words for twenty years.

Twenty years ago--

At that time, Duan Qiyu had just become a horse thief and was an unknown character in the village. He was eager to climb up, meritorious, and hugged the right and left like the people in the Dazhai, and he was full of boxes of gold and silver.

Therefore, Zhaizi ran down the mountain and plundered. He always rushed to the first one. Although he suffered a lot of injuries and gained appreciation from the top, he later replaced the three Zhaizhu and went up step by step, making Zhaizi a force in this area. The largest gang of horse thieves gradually took over the power, and finally got Duan Qiyu today.

No one who has achieved success does not have blood on his hands, and Duan Qilu believes that even those who live in temples are also heavily indebted, even today's Great Sui Emperor, Nan Chen Emperor, which is not a killer such as chopping vegetables and melons, otherwise How can we wake up to the power of the world?

Duan Qizhen sneered sneer.

Twenty years ago, he had killed too many people. If he really has a ghost and wants to get revenge, he has to wait in line. Where can I get this female ghost who doesn't know where to come from?

He folded a twig of cinnamon, jumped from the tree, his wrists vibrated at the same time, and the leaves on the branch shot in all directions. The two servants were unprepared. They were immediately pierced by the young leaves and their throats were too late. under.

Blood spread from under the corpses of the two, and faintly drifted away, but the wailing and resentment stopped abruptly.

Sure enough, pretending to be a ghost.

Duan Qin said in his heart that his face remained unchanged, and he waved people to drag the bodies of the two servants away.

Needless to say, someone will clean the garden after he leaves. When tomorrow comes, the blood will not be left, and it will be as clean as never before.

Duan Qiao recovered his mood a bit. Duan's wife heard that he had killed someone and came to inquire.

Since suffering, his wife has followed him. Although Duan Qiyu rarely goes to his wife to spend the night, the respect for sending his wife is naturally different from that for petting him. When he saw his wife coming, he did not drive him away. Husband and wife The two were sitting for a while, and the wife was concerned: "If the husband is upset, indulgence is not helpful, but he can also listen, and if he does not help, it is always okay to replace him with one another."

Duan Qi's mood was not comforted by this remark. He frowned and asked his wife, "Do you remember what happened to me twenty years ago?"

Duan's wife thought hard for a long time and said, "I just remember that at the end of that year, you came back from the outside and said that you had done a big vote. It didn't take long to become the owner of Sanzhai. From then on, our family's Life is better every day ... "

However, Duan Qizhen only remembered that he became the master of Sanzhai. This was an important turning point in his life, and he could not forget it.

But every time he went out, his wife didn't accompany him and didn't know much.

Duan's wife said: "I remember that when you went back far away, you were happier than usual. When I asked you, you only said that you had made a big sale this time. Nothing else would say, hey, I know what you did for a living at that time. Now I just look forward to the heavenly incense and pray for you in the presence of the Bodhisattva, so as to avoid your past sins. If there is retribution, it will be revenge on me ... "

Duan Qiyi was a little impatient. He was about to get up and leave, but when he heard the word "retribution" at the end, his body changed slightly and his face changed.

But Duan's wife was unaware that she was getting old, and it was inevitable that she was still babbling.

"do not talk!"

Duan Qi stood up stupidly. "It's too late, just rest, I'm going back!"

"Fu Jun!" Duan's wife couldn't stop it. She could only watch him go away, but she didn't know what she said wrong. It was clear that the other party was fine.

Duan Qiao returned to the room, waved everyone back, lay on the bed, and looked at the veil above his head.

I don't know how long it has been, he gradually has drowsiness, his eyes are half open and closed, and if there is no accident, he should soon enter light sleep.

But at that moment, that voice rang again.

Duan Qiyu ...

Also my life ...

Duan Qi opened his eyes warily and sat up.

"I ca n’t help my life, I ca n’t even take my life from the sky, you do n’t want to think about it! You ’ve been dead for so long, you do n’t blame me, do n’t blame me for fighting your soul and wanting to be born No way! "

His eyes flushed and he gritted his teeth toward the outside.

But the other side ignored what he said, and was still far and near, repeating the same words all the time.

Duan Qiyu ...

eye for eye……

A gust of wind came, faintly bloody.

Duan Qiyu ...

From the direction of the garden pond!

Duan Qiyu was never a person waiting to die, otherwise he would have died ten or eight times.

He called the guards on the outside, the two guards he trusted most, and all three rushed towards the garden pond.

The closer you got, the heavier the **** smell seemed.

"Master, look!" The guard yelled lowly.

Duan Qiao saw it, and there was a corpse by the side of the pond. A closer look was exactly one of the two servants who had just died.

"Did I just let them clean up!" He was furious, thinking he was lazy and moved the body here again.

At the next moment, the back of the neck seemed to be stared at by a sticky, wet look, and Han Mao was standing upright.

It's a subconscious reaction when people are in danger.

Duan Qiyi said nothing, turning around was a palm shot!

It's gone!

A cold female voice sounded at the same time.

Duan ... Qi ...

And it was supposed to be where the guard was standing.

Duan Qiyu walked through countless nights, experienced many winds and waves, and struggled on the edge of life and death. But at this moment, he finally couldn't hold back the fear in his heart, exposing his almost embarrassed face, growling--

"What the **** are you! Get out of me!"


Qiemo County.

Gao Yong reached out and took the tea the maid had brought. As a result of his discomfort, his hand slipped, the tea cup fell to the ground, hot tea splashed on his shirt, and even the back of his hand was burned.

The maid quickly pleaded guilty, and Gao Ling directly waved the person away, and did not let her pick up the pieces.

He carefully took out the fortune-telling turtle shell, but instead of praying and meditating as usual, he started to stay.

Until the servant came and informed that a visitor was visiting.

"See no see!" Gao Yan said impatiently.

He couldn't have thought of meeting any guest now.

The servant said in amazement: "Lang Jun, here comes the self-proclaimed nephew of King Guiz. He said he unexpectedly saw a sudden vision over the city last night. The corresponding direction is exactly this place!"

Gao Yong's heart jumped: "Invite them!"

Xu Yan, Cui did not go with Feng Xiao.

When the former saw Gao Ling, the first sentence was: "Mingfu, you are full of air between your eyebrows, and Yintang is black. I'm afraid you got something filthy last night?"

The author has something to say:

Have a nice weekend, get a red envelope in the first 50 messages!

Too sleepy, fell asleep, the result is even later, and strive for early change tomorrow, Duan Qiyi's matter has an important relationship with the case, good nightmare = 3 =

Crab crab cute message and nutrient solution!

kiri threw a mine throwing time :: 20: 37

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Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 24: 56

Fuji's little black room threw a mine. Throwing time :: 25: 10

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qwe threw a mine throw time :: 35: 17

enkidu. Throws a grenade. Throw time :: 37: 44

Why can't I see the land I cast and threw a mine: 1

Moqiao Snow threw a mine tossing time :: 47: 16

Throws a landmine with time :: 03: 47

Suffocating Gummy Bear Threw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 05: 41

Deer threw a landmine for a short time.:14:10

A cotton mine spore threw a mine. Time to throw :: 15: 09

bobo 啵啵 啵 threw a mine throw time :: 16: 07

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 18: 13

Xiao Er Xi ~ Throw 1 mine throw time :: 20: 52

. Thrown a mine throw time: 21:04

Randomly threw a mine throwing time :: 21: 24

Sour sour threw a land mineThrow time :: 35: 39

Grandma threw a mine. Throwing time :: 04: 22

May I throw a landmine lightly at time :: 12: 34

Clear Sky Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 16: 45

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 55: 53

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 26: 05

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 26: 46

Love's Xiaolongbao Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 10: 24

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 27: 37

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Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 27: 54

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 28: 02

Chapter 54

Gao Gao heard this sentence, and his first reaction was unhappy. Who would say that the other person's nasty atmosphere was entangled when they met?

But after being unhappy, he suddenly felt an excitement, and he couldn't take it anymore. He asked, "Where does this come from!"

Cui did not go: "I had a coincidence since I was a kid. I learned the art of mystery, and I was able to look at qi, so when I came in, I saw that the forehead of the Ming government was black and suffocated. I'm afraid it was something that happened yesterday. It's tangled. "

Based on the friendship between the two sides, Cui did not undoubtedly talk too much, but after Gao's fright last night, he now urgently needs to tell his inner feelings to him, and he ca n’t care so much. Hold back and obey your heart's desire to confide.

He asked, "Did you encounter anything weird last night?"

Cui didn't really nodded: "Yes. It's true. We came to see Mingfu early in the morning, and it was because of this."

Gao Yan: "Come on!"

When Cui didn't go, he briefly spoke of the ghost cry I heard last night.

Of course, he didn't mention Feng Xiao's earth-shattering stop drinking, nor did he mention the basin of foot washing.

Gao Yan changed his color suddenly: "Did you hear what the ghost said?"

Cui didn't go: "Jomo didn't say that he died badly, that he had grievances. Did Mingfu hear it last night, and the ghost was crying?"

Since he didn't hear it by himself, Gao's doubts have dissipated a lot, and there is even a kind of luck that is unfortunate but he is backed up. He lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "Not only I heard, I saw it!"

Cui did not look at Feng Xiao with a look, his face was startled: "What does it look like, really a female ghost?"

Gao Yan: "I didn't see it clearly. I wore white clothes and wore a shawl. It was thin and tall, and my voice was not male or female. Then, that ghost appeared directly beside my bed. After I let people in, it disappeared. Every time I lay down, the voice rang, far and near, saying that I had died miserably and wanted to ask me to sue him. "

Feng Xiao grabbed Cui's sleeves, revealing a shocked expression: "Fu Jun, even Mingfu was not spared. Will we bump into ghosts again when we return at night? Fu Jun, Fu Jun, shall we change the inn?"

Cui didn't go dignified, "No wonder I got a hexagram before going out. The hexagram shows a big evil. It seems that this is not only a sign of the big evil, but also a city full of ghosts crying."

Gao Ling felt embarrassing when he heard the name, and he asked quickly: "What does Wangui cry city mean?"

Cui did not go: "If there was a great grievance 20 years ago, then there was no court official in the end city, and the bitter master had nowhere to complain. Until now, day by day, the grievance has deepened, and Duan Qiao is unwilling to leave, so we went yesterday. The Xing family went to the banquet, and he was also infected by the deep grievances on Duan Qi's body. Naturally, it was easy to see the filthy things! "

Gao Yong felt that this wicked ghost was too incomprehensible: "If you have a debt and a debtor, if you want revenge, you should find an enemy. What use is it for us? It is unreasonable!"

Feng Xiao is in charge: "Father, as you say, things will get worse?"

Cui did not go: "Naturally, we just said that if the case is not clarified one day, the grievances will only deepen day by day. Last night, it was not only Mingfu. The entire inn we were in was hit by ghosts, and we will continue to do so, I am afraid Even the luck of other people will be affected. It will not be the city of ghosts crying. "

Gao Yan was very concerned about one of them and asked, "What will happen to air transport?"

Cui does not go: "Fortunately, fortune is low, unlucky everywhere, and evil is haunted by evil spirits, the mind is confused, the influence of businessmen on the fortune, and the official career."

Feng Xiao exclaimed: "Father, shouldn't we also have to follow the bad luck? The good passing is to invite whoever provoked, let's go quickly, we can't leave them, we are not here, let them be themselves Let it be bad luck! "

Gao Yan: ...

Feng Xiao: "Fu Jun, I'm really scared. If I go on like this, will I wake up at night and turn around and see, it's not you who sleeps on the pillow, but a ghost?"

Gao Yan: ...

Cui stared at Feng Xiao without a trace and motioned to him: it's almost enough, it's enough, it will go too far if he twists it.

Feng Xiao: Look at Gao Yan's fright, and wait for me to add two more sentences to make him sleepless tonight.

The two made eye contact while Gao Ye still had one or two points of doubt, but he already believed seven or eight points.

It was replaced by a self-made sloppy man such as Duan Qiao, I was afraid it was impossible to be so credible, but Gao Ling originally believed in Gua Divination and believed in good and bad. Most of the people in Qicheng knew that the three regardless of the county order every day If there is a vicious hexagram, you can't go out on this day, let alone see the ghost with your own eyes this time, and have been upset all night by the fierce horror. At this moment, they are scared by the two again. It really does n’t make sense.

When Cui didn't go to see the fire, he said, "Did the Ming government ever think about it and find out the case so that the deceased can rest in peace? It would be better to completely resolve the matter."

Gao Yan smiled bitterly: "You said it lightly, where did you start, and who did you start to investigate? Could it be that I went straight to the door and asked if Duan Qiao had killed anyone? The case was at least 20 years old. The last city is only a few years, let alone the bones, not even the files. "

Cui does not go: "Since several haunts have come out of the inn in Jingjing, if someone sends them to search the Jingjing, maybe they will find something. There is no clever masterpiece in the world to find clues from the bones. This matter is not just about The luck of the whole city is also related to the luck of Mingfu personally. You don't want to stay here forever as a county magistrate? "

Gao Yan frowned. "What do you mean?"

Cui does not go: "Taking advantage of this opportunity to investigate the dwellings in Xuanmao, you will be able to get rid of the two major forces of Qiemo City in one fell swoop. Naturally, you can get rid of the name of the Shexian County Order and make great achievements, let alone promotion. Fenghou Also a possibility."

Gao Yong shook his head again and again. He came here for a few years, knowing that Duan Qiyu and Xingmao are deeply entrenched. Unless the army sends a siege, it is impossible for him to kill one of them.

Cui did not go: "At the birthday party yesterday, the people under Xing Mao poisoned Duan Qiyu, and the incident was revealed. Afterwards, Xing Mao firmly denied that it was related to himself. Do you say Duan Qiyi believe it or not? Xing Mao must know that Duan Qiyi believes it. In order to protect himself, I also choose to start first. Gaoming, how do you know that the next one is not you? "

"Don't say it, don't say it, I can't ..." Gao Yue said half of it, and suddenly came to his senses, sinking his face, "You're not King Guiz's nephew, who is it?"

Guizi has never been involved in Qiemo City. How did his nephew encourage Gao to deal with Xingmao and Duan Qiyu?

"I am indeed not a Turtle."

Cui didn't go coldly: "Gao Ye, you're dying, do you think you can stay away?"

He took out a small lacquered wood seal and threw it to Gao Yan. "Look what this is."

Gao Zheng picked it up with doubt and wonder.

Officials nowadays, if they have multiple positions, they usually make multi-faceted seals for easy carrying. If Cui does not leave this seal to Gao Ling, there are as many as six sides.

The seal is real. Cui does not usually reveal his identity in Zuoyue Bureau, but like Feng Xiao, he has a lot of other official positions on his body, but a series of them are still quite bluffing at first glance.

For example, on the two official seals of Cui Bugo, there are Doctor Yin Qingguanglu and Supervisor Yushi. The former has no real power. To put it bluntly, it has a false name, but Tianzi generally gives such officials to the meritorious minister, while the latter supervises History, just established last year, the grade is not high, many people are still unfamiliar, but Gao Ling heard from friends in Beijing that this official position is a violent affair with corrupt officials. He has the three officials and three officials in the province. It's unheard of. Although the supervisor Yu Shi met many officials to salute, but his authority also made many people afraid of it.

Doctor Yin Qing Guanglu is the first three grades, and the supervisory royal history is only eight grades. From high to low, Gao Ye saw Cui not to go, naturally he had to salute.

However, he suspected that he was dazzled. He was a small town here, not to mention that the senior officials were stunned. People who were slightly pampered and honoured would not come here to eat sand. Why would a third-ranking official suddenly emerge?

Cui did not go: "Going out to investigate the case, passing by here, in order to hide people's eyes, Fang walked as the nephew of King Guiz. Go Gao, see this seal, what questions do you have?"

Gao Ling had been deceived once before, and naturally refused to be easily fooled again: "Dare to ask where you are going, and what case do you want to investigate? What does it have to do with me?"

The implication is that even if you are monitoring Yushi, you can't control me.

Cui didn't go and looked at him coldly: "I am under the imperial order of the imperial court. It is San Mishan and West Turkic. Do you understand?"

Gao Yan was so occluded that he didn't know that the court had a lot of encounters with Turks in the past two years. Therefore, it must be a big event to be able to get in touch with Turks. He thought about it and seemed to understand something.

Feng Xiao patted him on the table in front of him in time.

He didn't use much intensity, Gao Yan didn't even hear any sound, and saw that the entire table turned into powder, fell to the ground, and piled up the powder on the floor.

Feng Xiao said gently and gently, "Gao Mingfu, what do you think of my skills?"

Gao Yan swallowed a spit, and said, "It's rare in the world."

Feng Xiao laughed: "Who can send a master like me, where can the world go? Even as a liar, don't you think that you are a genius? If Cui Langjun is special, how can I be around?"

Previously, when Cui did not take out the official seal, Gao Ling had already believed for seven or eight points, and was shocked by Feng Xiao, he finally believed.

He got up and saluted, "I don't know what Lang Jun is calling?"

Cui does not go: "Shan Cui, Cui does not go."

Gao Kun: "Cui Langjun, you are a sergeant, and you are also deadly. I shouldn't have asked too much, but your errand seems to have nothing to do with Duan Qi's case."

Cui does not go: "My errand is naturally not related to this place, but I don't want to wait until the return journey to find that you are dead, and even the end city has become a new Shanshan country."

Gao Yan smiled, disapproving: "This is alarmist."

"Rich! Do you know that there are more than 5,000 armors on Xingmao's house? There are two granary treasuries, each hidden somewhere in the city. Do you know if these things add up, they are enough The whole Qiemo city ?! "

Cui didn't want to shoot the case and started to increase his momentum. However, the table had just been smashed into powder by Feng Xiao, so he had to use pressure to suppress the other side and scold Feng Xiao by the way.

Gao Zheng was hesitant: "Impossible?"

Cui did not go coldly: "For a long time, the imperial court has set up secret strongholds in Qimen City to investigate intelligence. Although it has not been found out where the two granaries in Xingmao are, it is possible that Jiayu You are sure, you still deceive yourself until you think he will not send troops, or do you think that he will let you go even if he sends troops? "

Even if Xingmao didn't want to tear his face with the Sui Dynasty, bundle Gao Ling into a mule and send it out of the city as a gift, Gao Ling would not be able to continue being an official, and he would be convicted by the court, and losing the city and the land would always be a major crime.

Takahata's face suddenly turned white.

He thought of Duan and Xing's tit-for-tat at the birthday party yesterday, and the dark tide was surging. For a while, he thought of the vicious hexagrams he had occupied over the past few days. Then he thought of hitting ghosts last night, and the ghostly crying city that Cui did not say. Half will be undecided, and even some six gods have no master.

Cui did n’t know that Gao Ye was an unbearable fighter. Instead, he had already left his sleeves without saying a word, but now they have n’t reached the army. These people ca n’t do it alone. Gao Ye is still after all The imperial court officials have a reputation for making things easier.

As long as Gao is willing to cooperate.

"However, even if Xingmao really kept armored armor, he might not even think of soldiers? After all, his ancestor was King Shanshan, and it was normal for these armored soldiers to pass down to him. Besides, soldiers and horses in this area are chaotic, and they are close to Turks. He should also think Protect yourself ... "Gao Ling began to think of various reasons for Xing Mao.

Cui did not go: "I heard that Xingmao held a banquet. When drinking three times, I often sang Han Gaozu's" Song of the Wind ". The wind was rising, and Weijia returned to his hometown.

Gao Yan was weak and weak: "This ballad is widely spread. Folk sings are familiar with Chinese studies. It is no different from the Han people. This can't explain anything."

Cui did not sneer: "I also heard that when Gao Mingfu first arrived, the new official took office, Xing Mao and Duan Qiao sent a white fish and a sword, respectively."

The Baiyudian recorded what Liu Xiang recorded in the Han Dynasty, and a few words told by the Spring and Autumn Period Wu Zizheng to my king, alluding to the white dragonfish costume and the nobleman's micro-clothing hiding the folk.

And the sword was Duan Qiyi's dismissal to Gao Ling, warning him that the dragon was hard to crush the snake, and he shouldn't be troubled when he came here, otherwise, even Sui Dynasty officials, he would kill him.

Gao Yan read the scriptures and naturally could see the meaning of the two.

The latter threat may seem arrogant, but it is not out of fear to show publicity. The former is not to show his aspirations to Gao Ye, but to test what Gao Ye will do.

As timid as Gao Yan, although Xing Mao's ambition was reported in Zou Shuli, but because the court had no time to take care of it at the time, he was so relieved that he had passed it. He never thought of working between Duan Qiyu and Xing Mao. And the last city was brought back.

Xing Mao found out Gao Yan's character from this matter, and naturally he was even more unscrupulous and did not take him seriously.

Cui did not think that it was not his own losses, otherwise he would have been asked to throw Qiao Xian into the river to feed the fish.

If there is a list of masters in the world, Gao Yan will be able to make the list, and he may be in the top three.

Gao Ling didn't expect Cui to remember these things. When he looked embarrassed, he smiled bitterly, begging for mercy: "Cui Langjun's Jian Jian, you are not willing to contribute. You came here for a few days and you saw it yourself, Xingmao The potential is huge, Duan Qiyu is arrogant. Instead of blending in, it is better to wait for the two tigers to compete, and then sit back and reap the profits! "

He thinks so, it seems to have some reason, but Xingmao and Duan Qiao are not stupid, will they wait for Gao to sit and collect profits?

Cui didn't know that this man was stubborn and timid like a rat. He was too lazy to talk to him, and he rose up and said, "You don't have to be involved, I will come forward to this matter, but you must use your name."

Gao Yan opened his mouth to refuse, and his words were frozen to his lips, and he couldn't even speak a word.

Feng Xiao took it easy: "Gao Ye, don't toast or eat or drink, we want to do something to you, it's a sentence, but after all, everyone is the same official, but there is still some incense, please? If you continue this way, you Every day you are trapped by ghosts, you do n’t have to wait for Xingmao to kill you, you will run out of yang and die. "

In Gao Yong ’s heart, it may be more terrifying than the ghost stalking him than Xing Mao ’s. He finally felt a little moved when he heard this. After a while, he said, “I ’m not feeling well in these days. No right to question. "

The implication is to acquiesce to Cui's behavior.

Coming out of the county, Feng Xiao asked Cui not to go: "How do you know that using ghosts to make him compromise?"

Cui did not go: "Two months ago, when I was traveling to Liugong City, I already had people bring Liugong City to West Turkine, and the personnel files that could be found were placed on my desk, including this mediocrity. Afraid of things, he still believed in Wuji's Qiemo County Order. "

Feng Xiao couldn't help from head to toe, and Zai carefully looked at Cui not.

As early as two months ago, Cui didn't even go through all of this, remembering Gao's preferences and weaknesses, and then in Liugong City, he started thinking of provoking Duan Qiyu and Xingmao.

"Don't admire me too much, I'm just a few more steps than you think." Cui did not tone lightly, his face reserved.

Feng Xiao shook her head: "No, I'm just thinking, no wonder you are shorter than me, and you are so bad, and you dare to spend all your time thinking about counting others."

Cui didn't raise his mouth and said ironically, "You just say that I'm in poor health. I really can't compare with you. I'm idle all day long. But are you sure you are taller than me? Isn't it your millennial Dete Is it thicker than others? "

Feng Xiao smiled strangely: "I'm sure I'm taller than you, because I'm longer than you."

Cui didn't stare at Feng Xiao, and didn't speak for a long time.

Feng Xiao threw a papa, pretending to be coy, "Why does Lang Zhu see people like this? I am so scared that you look at it, and my heart is pounding!"

Cui does not go: ...

He remembered that he had fallen into Feng Xiao's hands and was burned by Nai Hexiang. He was often drowsy regardless of day and night. His clothes were changed by the maid at regular intervals, but he must have been hit by Feng Xiao. The wall of the Great Wall is even thicker.

Cui didn't go numb to this, he was expressionless and skipped the topic.

"Let Gao Mingfu hit another ghost tonight."

Feng Xiao: "Are you sure that Xing Mao will do something?"

Cui did not go affirmatively: "If our guess is correct, there are two groups of people who are going to kill Duan Qiyu now. One group is Sanguanshi and Yuxiu, the other is poisoned in wine, and There may be some connection between the poisoners, and Xingmao is waiting for an opportunity. Then we simply help the situation and make this city of ghosts cry even more. Xingmao has waited for so many years and can't wait. He will definitely do it! "

The author has something to say:

Happy weekend, see you tomorrow night!

Crab lovers' messages and nutrient solution = 333 =

Ducker threw a mine for throwing time :: 41: 26

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 46: 25

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 46: 33

irene Ye Weiyang threw a mine tossing time :: 47: 22

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 51: 23

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 56: 17

The suffocating gummy bear threw a mine tossing time :: 01:38

Shuangzheng threw a mine to the King Meow every day. Throw time :: 07: 47

Rot threw a mine for the delay: 13:22

28900451 threw a mine throw time :: 36: 17

Deer threw a mine for a short time.:04:20

Wall Climbing Professionals Throw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 16: 42

smile, Ye Weiyang threw a mine tossing time: 20:05

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 21:55

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time: 22:00

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 22:08

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 22: 13

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 22:20

Nai He Xiang threw a mine tossing time :: 14: 18

Mohan threw a mine tossing time :: 35: 03

Yibai threw a mine tossing time :: 09: 35

Curtain West Wind threw a mine tossing time :: 34: 29

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 28: 12

Ye Xiyu threw a grenade. Throw time :: 29: 08

Oops, he threw a mine. Throwing time :: 56: 25

Mo Xi threw a mine tossing time :: 10: 34

Three days without a day, the house was unveiled! 1 mine was thrown

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 39: 59

Feng Er's Little Black Room Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 40: 03

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 40: 09

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 40: 13

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 40: 17

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 40: 20

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 40: 24

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 40: 28

Houji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 40: 32

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 40: 36

I threw a mine back to throw time :: 15: 57

The most timeless little wife ~ Throwing a landmine Throw time :: 53: 45

The most timeless little wife ~ Throwing a land mine Throw time :: 53: 57

Nabeikawa threw a mine tossing time: 04:06

Ah Feng threw a mine tossing time :: 12: 31

28900451 threw a mine throw time :: 42: 13

Zushi Er threw a mine tossing time :: 06: 39

qwe threw a mine throwing time :: 31: 33

qwe threw a mine tossing time :: 50: 57

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 51: 01

enkidu. Throws a grenade. Throw time :: 28: 06

enkidu. Throw 1 mine Throw time :: 30: 28

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 21: 57

Mohan threw a mine tossing time :: 36: 40

1111 threw a mine throw time :: 25: 26

A Feng threw a mine tossing time :: 53: 48

27245270 threw a mine throw time :: 35: 19

Junliu threw a mine tossing time :: 28: 27

Ai threw a mine tossing time :: 56:35

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 37: 34

27245270 threw a mine throwing time :: 09: 32

Chapter 55

When it comes to making waves, no one is better than Cui.

They had just left the prefecture's forefoot, and rumors that "Gao Mingfu heard a ghost cry at midnight, and a strange case surfaced" began to spread in Qimen City.

Among them, Zuoyue Bureau and Xie Jianfu's covert investigations are indispensable. Human nature always likes to be lively. This kind of ghost story always spreads faster and is more popular than others.

Soon, Hao's haunted incident last night also spread. When Cui didn't go back to the inn from Gao, they heard a guest talking to friends in the hall on the first floor, talking about the situation last night.

"The well in the back, you just saw it, right? The cry came from the inside, I was so embarrassing, I could hear the cry when I was covered with quilt, hey, I am too miserable, I do n’t know which one The girl was killed like that? "

"No, I just took a look at the well, and I did n’t know how deep it was. I did n’t know if it was really out of water. He said that the inn was really evil. He was haunted at three or five, and it is not his head today. Once, I ca n’t say anything about it. The county aunt is so far away from here, how did the ghost go to Gaoming? ”

"That does n’t mean that the grievances are serious. There is nowhere to apply for grievances, and the ghosts have become fierce ghosts. Are they getting more and more fierce? Are you Gaoming government officials sent by the court? It would be normal for him to file an injustice. Do you say Gaoming will take this case? "

"Come on, this Gao Mingfu has never been here before, and has never done anything serious! You are not a local, maybe you do n’t know, even the last two quarrels selling vegetables caused a life. He did n’t care, but he still managed it. Matter? Maybe if you go to King Shanshan, he will manage it! "

Cui didn't go with Feng Xiao and sat at the adjacent table, listening to him clearly.

King Shanshan is Xingmao. Although he left his hometown and backed up the well, he still lives as the Queen of Shanshan. Those who stubbornly happily called the king to come up to please him. Over time, this informal title spread, whoever belongs here anyway It is not uncommon for the land to be controlled by the king.

Last night, Gao Ling bumped into ghosts, which Cui did not go with Fengxiao, but the ghosts in the inn did not concern them.

It can only be said that more than one Cui wants to go to trouble by ghosts.

Cui is not afraid that someone will make trouble, just that things are not big enough and the water is not muddy enough.

So he said to Feng Xiao: "Gao Ye took the imperial court of the imperial court, and we should help him."

Feng Xiao would understand: "Are you afraid of being robbed by Xingmao first?"

Cui did not smile a little: "Yes, such an injustice was tried by Gao Ling, and it was the most justified one."

He got up and went to the inn of the inn, took out a sum of money, and let the other party find someone to look for the bones under the dry well.

In recent years, the haunted rumors of the inn are not that people who do n’t have good things want to go to the well, but the owner of the inn is afraid that he really digs something out of nothing, and set up the relationship himself. There is no official government anyway, he is not happy Events, people directly move a large stone to press it, which eliminates the onlookers of good people.

But now Cui didn't go out with enough money, and claimed that Gao Ling had let him come. The other party was so excited that she soon found someone to move the stone. The man volunteered to tie a rope around his waist and went looking for it.

Many people have heard about this and have come to see it lively.

In fact, with Fengxiao ’s martial arts, he can complete this errand even without a rope, and it must be faster to find other people, but I do n’t know how many years under the dry well, even if there is no water, there will be many mosquito fish , The Lord of the Phoenix House was determined not to go on.

He leaned on Erlang's legs and sat down with Cui Buqi at the window on the second floor of the inn. He asked Cui Buqi, "How about we make a bet?"

"What bet? Can you dig out the bones in the well? No need to bet, you must lose."

Cui didn't cough twice, the wind and sand in the border city was dry, and the climate was dry. He did not take care of Qiao Xian beside him. He didn't care about his own body. He stayed here for two days, and the cough returned to his original state, and his throat became hoarse when he got serious. Dry pain.

Feng Xiao: "Why?"

Cui didn't go blankly and said, "Because just after we got here, after hearing Cheng Cheng's rumor about haunting in the well, I lost a corpse, so I can definitely dig it out."

It does n’t matter whether the bones are old or new. Ordinary people do n’t care. They only know that if the bones can really be dug out of the well, it means that the haunting is real. This old case does have a grave grievance, and the victim will die. Turning into a ghost to seek revenge and grievances, the more the story spreads, the more trouble it gets.

Gao Yan picked up a hot potato, and could not stay out of it. Duan Qizhen was also grilled on the fire.

If the original situation of Qiemocheng was a pot of warm water, then Cui did not go, just added a handful of firewood under the pot, and then ignited and boiled the water.

When an old-fashioned fox is not difficult, the hard part is to take one step and look at three steps. When this is the plan, Feng Xiao can be regarded as convinced.

What else is Cui not going to count?

Feng Xiao wanted to ask this sentence, but didn't ask.

He suddenly laughed.

Cui does not go somehow: "What are you laughing at?"

Feng Xiao: "Nothing."

If there is one thing that Cui doesn't think he has the winning ticket in the end, isn't it interesting?


Just as many people ran to the inn to watch the excitement, Duan Qiyu was watching the letter from Cui Buqi sneer at home.

The letter was written by Cui not in Gao's name, but covered with Gao's official seal.

Gao Kun refused to come forward, but under the intimidation of Cui Bing, he finally wrote this letter, referring to an old case 20 years ago, and asked Duan Qi to comment on it.

There are no files, no victims have stated their grievances, and everything comes from guesswork.

It was rumored that Duan Qiyi had failed a woman when he was young, causing her to hang herself. Some people also said that it was Duan Qiyi's blood debt that he owed when he was a horse thief.

Duan Qiao sleepless all night.

Last night the hostel was haunted, and Gao Ling saw a ghost. He was also disturbed by the ghost. Although he didn't see ghosts in the middle of the night, he always felt that someone was talking in his ear.

He is a man of martial arts. He is strong and fit, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep overnight. Now he is in a bad mood and can only explain one thing.

Duan Qiao has a ghost in his heart.

"Will the master go to see Gao Ling?" The governor of Duanfu asked.

He is Duan Qi's confidant. From the day Duanfu was built, the steward has been Duanfu steward.

Duan Qin said: "Naturally! What is his high-mind, others call him Mingfu, because of the big Sui behind him, is it true that he has this face?"

Lin Guanshi nodded. He was absolutely loyal to Duan Qiyu, and had no doubts. He just asked what he was doing, and asked: "Would you like to reply or ignore it?"

Duan Qiyi: "Send someone to say something, just say I'm in poor health, I'm sick in bed, and I'll come to the door another day."

He paused. "What did you hear and what did you see last night?"

Lin Guanshi said: "The villain didn't see anything, but he heard the cry. The other party should be a master, the villain couldn't catch up with him."

Duan Qizhen Lengheng: "Xing Mao didn't know when he got to such a master-"

After he said that, he found something wrong.

Even if the ghost was Xingmao looking for someone to pose, how did that ghost know the old things of twenty years ago?

Thinking of three deaths, Cheng Cheng, Li Fei, and others dying one after another, Duan Qiao felt his skin tight.

Lin Guanshi said: "I heard that Gao Ling and Yang Ji Inn were haunted last night."

Duan Qiyi sneered: "Where there are so many ghosts in this world, this must be a conspiracy!"

Forest steward doesn't understand.

Duan Qiyi said: "He wanted to hit me a long time ago, but he never found a chance. The poisoning of the Shouban failed last time. If he failed, he would have another chance. By haunting, he would stir up the storm and send people. Come to kill me, pretending to be a ghost to kill, can you stay out of it? "

Just as the two servants and the servants spoke, a report came from outside, saying that a dead bone had really emerged from the dry well behind the Yangji Inn. It seemed to have been dead for a long time, and all the flesh was assimilated with the dust, only For the rest of the bones, the nearby people ran to see the excitement.

I heard that the nephew of King Guiz, who lives in the inn, will now send the bones to the county, leaving Gao to take charge.

Lin Guanshi frowned: "Master, how to deal with this matter, otherwise, let the villain talk to Gao Yong?"

He also saw that Duan Qiyu had a lack of confidence. Twenty years ago, something must have happened to Duan Qiyi, but Duan Qiyi was unwilling to say that he could not follow up, and could only help his master to solve his problems.

Duan Qiyi gritted his teeth and said, "No, Gao is timid, but Xingmao will definitely take the opportunity. I have n’t reported the last revenge. It ’s better to let him pay it back together now. Since he ca n’t wait, then we will come. The first one is strong. After midnight tonight, you take fifty people to Xing's house, and you must kill Xingmao in one shot! "

Lin Guanshi was taken aback: "Can this matter be considered in the long run?"

Duan Qiao has an indescribable sense of anxiety, just like he knows where the enemy is, but cannot rush to kill him.

"It's too late. Xingmao wants to dominate the city for a long time. The first step is to get rid of me. Fortunately, we are not unprepared. These fifty elites I have trained you over the years, although it is not a master. But Xingmao can also be among the popular ones. Without being prepared, Xingmao alone is not your opponent, even if he is a ghost.

The patience and superiority of these years have gradually obliterated Duan Qiao's ambitions, but now, as these words come out, he gradually regains a little confidence.

"As long as Xingmao dies, look at Qiemo, who else is my opponent?"

Duan Qiyi firmly believes that his judgment is not wrong, because he is relying on the decisiveness that he almost never makes mistakes, and has come to this day step by step.

Lin Guanshi no longer disputes, but just worried about Duan Qiao's safety: "We are all gone, who will protect you?"

"Leave Bingding, and the rest will follow you." Duan Qixi smiled coldly, "Xing Mao probably wouldn't react so quickly, even if it is a ghost, it will always be pulled out, I will see See, who can be harmless under my Vajra finger! "



Xingmao was full of spring breeze and looked very good.

"Although Duan Qiyu is awesome, he is old, after all, a tiger with a tooth pulled out is not to be feared." He looked at the person in front of him, his face became more friendly. "What's more, he has betrayed all his relatives, and you have even deserted him. What qualifications are there to be my enemy?"

"Xinggong's words are extremely true." The person standing in front of him answered with a hand.

"In the past, there were three thousand monkmen in Mengchang. He all looked like relatives and friends, Corporal Lixian, and now I do the same to you. Duan Qiyu has high self-esteem. Why can he sit on an equal footing with me in Qiemo? "

Xing Mao stood up and walked over to help the other person, "Mr. Lin will not have to be so polite in front of me in the future."

The other side was grateful: "Thanks to Xinggong for being valued, but the fifty elites under Duan Qiyi are loyal to his dead men. This trip has two other henchmen. I'm afraid I can't fully control the producer."

Xing Mao smiled slightly: "Anyway, he sent everyone out, wouldn't the Duan family become an empty city? It was a good opportunity to win."

"After tonight, the last city will be changed to Xingxing." The monk in white sitting under his head looked like a compliment and a congratulation, but his attitude was not overbearing, and it was hard to see that he was half charming.

Xingmao laughed and said, "Then I will thank Mr. Yu for his good words in advance!"

The author has something to say:

Cui does not go: Our slogan is--

Qiao Xian: Do something! Do something! Do something!

Feng Xiao: I, the world is unparalleled, make money.

The nutritional solution and message of the cute crabs ~~~

22504135 Throwing a grenade Throw time :: 36: 36

Acid Sour Tossed A Mine Throw Time :: 38: 33

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 39: 32

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 39: 40

Ye Xiyu threw a mine. Throw time: 40:00

qwe threw a mine tossing time :: 45:00

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 45: 07

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 45: 14

qwe threw a mine tossing time :: 45: 24

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 45: 37

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 45: 43

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 45: 52

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 46: 01

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 46: 40

Caoya threw a grenade at the time: 48:00

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 55: 07

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 55: 10

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 55: 23

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 55: 26

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 55: 34

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 55: 38

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 55: 42

Fuji's Little Black Room Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 55: 47

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 55: 53

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 55: 56

Qingjin threw a mine tossing time :: 07: 33

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 20: 11

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 25: 28

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 25: 36

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 32: 29

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 33: 18

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 33: 43

Nai He Xiang threw a mine tossing time :: 48:00

Jie Xiaoka threw a mine tossing time :: 12:37

A cotton mine spore threw a mine. Time to throw :: 48: 18

Wall Climbing Professionals Throw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 46: 33

What a idiot, you, you threw a mine tossing time :: 06: 12

Peach's Sky Throws 1 Mine Throw Time :: 06: 38

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 12: 06

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 12: 14

Suffocating Gummy Bear Threw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 32: 29

Little taro threw a mine tossing time :: 31: 57

The facial features are correct. Wang Jie threw a mine. Throw time :: 41: 38

The facial features are correct. Jessie threw a mine. Throwing time :: 41: 45

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 38: 47

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 39: 13

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 39: 27

Feng Yan threw a mine tossing time :: 44: 49

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 03

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 10

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 16

Deer threw a mine for a while. Throwing time :: 00:28

Deer threw a mine for a while. Throwing time :: 02: 20

Mu Jiu threw a mine tossing time :: 35: 07

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 10: 11

Ziyushan threw a mine tossing time :: 48: 23

Chapter 56

It was a snowless night.

The dark clouds completely shielded the sky, and He refused to fall into the rain and snow, and even the wind seemed to stand still. He actually made people feel a little bit hot and hot, and it was hard to sleep over and over.

Duan Qiao did not sleep.

He sent his wife and children to the backyard early, and sat alone in the main hall of the front yard. All his men surrounded Duanfu like an iron barrel. The Duanfu seemed to be the same as usual, but it was tight and tightly guarded.

Duan Qi's forefinger slightly bowed, and he banged on the table all at once.

He is waiting.

Waiting for the forest director to take the result of 50 assaults on Xingfu.

Also waiting to see if the daring "Li Gui" will come tonight again.

There was no endless resentment between Duan Qiyu and Xingmao, but they were not tolerated, and both knew that sooner or later, the end city could only accommodate one king, and both sides were accumulating strength, waiting for a fatal blow.

Now Duan Qiao could not wait, what happened at the birthday party made him feel an unprecedented crisis.

Xingmao must be removed, and he must not be dragged on.

Nights are long and many dreams, I should be early and not too late, and instead of sitting waiting for me, I should be pre-emptive.

Tonight, success is here.

He ordered someone to watch the hourglass, and was approaching his son.

It was almost haunted last night, tonight ...

Duan Qizhen smiled coldly.

Right now, Duan's house lights up everywhere, and there are people guarding everywhere. If he doesn't believe it, he won't see where the ghost comes from.

The cold wind rose from the outside, entangled in the hall with flowers and leaves, the cold and piercing bones coming from the face, and the guard at the door couldn't help sneezing.

The swaying lanterns intensified, the candles went out, and the eyes were dark.


The cry came from the northwest corner of Duanfu, where the family members of the backyard lived.

That exclamation was also familiar, and it should be Duan Qi's daughter just now and his sister.

Duan Qi rose to his feet, jumped out of the hall, and swept towards the direction of the exclamation sound.

As if by appointment, the lanterns over his head went out one by one wherever he went.

"what happened!"

"Someone over there!"

The voices of the guards kept coming and going, but they could only hear the wind and didn't know where the enemy was.

The wind is everywhere, as if someone is talking in the ear.

As far away as near.

Duan Qiyu ... Blood debt and blood compensation ...

Many people think of the rumors of haunting last night, the legend of Li Gui Crying City, and they can't help but panic.

"Ghost !!!"

Someone screamed in the dark, wondering what he saw and what he encountered.

The panic spread quickly, with exclamation and applause.

The Duanfu guards are fairly well-trained, and in this case they didn't run around.

Duan Qiyu rushed to the backyard to the northwest.

Just in time to catch up with her daughter again screamed.

Duan Qiao chuckled in his heart.

The next moment, he saw his daughter fall to the ground, her neck was red, her eyes were still open, her face was horrified, and she would not stare.

The slave women fled and the screams continued in the courtyard.

Duan's wife rushed over from the yard next door and saw her daughter so miserable that she passed out.

Duan Qiyi has never seen what a ghost kills, but he knows that the sword wound on his daughter's neck was definitely not caused by a monster.

"I have the ability to rush to me, what a skill to kill unarmed women and children!"

Like an injured lion, he growled angrily at the dark void around him.

"Xing Mao! I know it is you! Get out of me!"

The words were square, the wind rushed, with a murderous force that could not be ignored.

Duan Qiyu flickered sideways, raised his sleeve and swept out a touch of light to fly to the enemy.

The world only knows that his Vajra **** is extremely powerful, but few people know that his hidden weapon technique is also a must, only because of the people who know it, most have already gone to Huangquan Hell.

He had expected his secret weapon to be fast, even if the other party could avoid the key, he would certainly be injured. Who knew that the dark shadow suddenly disappeared in the air, making the secret weapon empty and directly immersed in the trunk not far away .

Is it really a ghost? !!

There can be no ghosts in this world!

Duan Qixi was startled, his back was sore, and people flew out involuntarily.

The guards rushed up and down, but they were not the enemy of each other, and they fell out.

Some were severed by breaking their necks, some were seriously injured and fell to the ground, wailing around.

But the opponent's goal was Duan Qiyu from beginning to end, so when Duan Qiyu fell to the ground, he rushed over again, so fast that he couldn't stop it!

The majesty from the mountains and the sea even caused Duan Qi's eardrums to bulge on both sides.

At this point, Duan Qiao has understood that the other party can't be a ghost, but a real person.

Even martial arts is higher than many of him!

At the height of his martial arts, he may still be able to retreat, but now—

His wife and children are here, he can't run, and he can't run.

"It's too cheap for you to die fast. I want you to watch your closest people die one by one."

A faint sigh sounded, accompanied by a sharp palm wind, and seemed extremely uncoordinated.

King Kong's **** has no use at this moment. Duan Qiyu can only perfuse the whole body's internal force on the palm wind, trying to do his best.

"Everyone should do their own thing, and it won't hurt his wife and children!" He gritted his teeth and tried to see the true colors of the other person.

The palm was stinging, a bite of blood spurted out, and Duan Qiyu fell back to the ground.

He was panting, and had not lost his consciousness, but the meridian was injured and he was already a toothless tiger.

"Who, who are you! Did Xingmao send you here!"

"My name is Yan Xuexing." The man in front of him, looking at him indifferently.

"You? People in Linchuan Academy?" Duan Qizhen remembered, "It's you who is poisoning the birthday party? Why do you do it!"

Duan Qiao is convinced that he has never seen each other.

He didn't offend Linchuan Academy in Nanchen far.

Yan Xuexing smiled coldly: "The person who poisons me is not me, I can only say that you have too many enemies, and the number of people who want you to die is countless! As for Peng Xiang, he did kill me, because he is as **** as you!"

Duan Qiyi: "I have no grievances with Linchuan Xuegong in the past, and I have no resentment recently!"

Yan Xuexing: "It has nothing to do with Linchuan Xuegong, you just need to remember me Yan Xuexing, it's enough."

Duanfu's guards couldn't stop him, and the few masters Duan Qiyu stayed with were not Yan Xuexing's opponents. The masters of Linchuan Academy really deserved their reputation. This person's martial arts are very high, and the leisure people are not opponents.

The girls and their children in the backyard were caught by him one by one and thrown in the yard. They clicked on the points, but they couldn't make a sound when they burst into tears.

Duan Qiyi only hated that he had sent out Lin Guanshi and the dead, otherwise at least he still has a lot of work to do.

"Who do you want to die first?" Yan Xue walked to Duan's family. "For a person like you, a woman is like a dress, and you can change it when you are gone. Then kill your favorite mortuary first?"

Duan Qiyu had a sore chest and was about to spit blood. He looked at his daughter's corpse lying on the ground and growled, "Even if you die, you have to let me know, why? You help Xingmao deal with me, don't you? You think Xingmao is such a good person, he will definitely cross the river and tear you down! "

Yan Xuexing shook her head: "I don't know Xingmao, and no one can tell me."

"Song Yan, since you have decided your heart, what are you talking to him about, kill them one by one, he will always understand." With a chuckle, a girl in yellow appeared on the roof, and she still caught With a bead, Duan Qiyi opened his eyes wide.

The bead was carved by jade, with two layers embedded in the hollow, which is equivalent to three beads. It is said to have been a secret treasure in the Western Jin Dynasty palace. After hundreds of years of exile in the people, it was transferred to Duan Qiyu. Duan Qizhen was very cherished and hid in a secret private bank, and occasionally took it out for play. Even Duan's wife didn't know where his private bank was hidden, but at this time she was actually found out by this woman.

The girl in the yellow clothes gathered her five fingers, and this precious jade ball instantly turned into powder, falling from her fingers, and drifting away with the wind.

She saw Duan Qi's eyes broken and smiled: "Distressed? But this is all the ill-gotten wealth you plundered, which originally did not belong to you."

"Twenty years, did you still remember the original blood debt?" The girl opened her mouth, her tone changed, and she was the ghost of last night.

Duan Qiao understands that this woman can imitate various voices.

Yan Xue walked towards Duan Qi's love, his face was frightened, his face was white, but he couldn't move. He looked extremely pitiful, but he had no pity for the fragrant and jade. He reached out and grasped each other's neck.

Suddenly, Yan Xuexing's face changed, she threw down the woman in her hand, and hurried back.

Even the young girl in the yellow suit sitting on the eaves disappeared in the same place, I do not know where to hide.

Everyone saw a flower in front of them, and Yan Xuexing was standing in the position just now.

Feng Xiao groaned with a smile: "I blame my husband's grind, and it made me come one step late. I didn't see the show open."

He was never a low-key person. Although he was still dressed in a woman's dress at this moment, his eyebrows were bright and flamboyant, and his broad robes and sleeves were screaming in the wind. He was so aggressive that there was no distinction between men and women. Can not help but take a few steps back.

"who are you!"

Feng Xiao laughed: "This brother, I said that you have a debt and a debtor. You have resentment against Duan Qiyu. You just kill him. Why do you drag? But since you did n’t do it, now you want to kill. Asked me. "

Yan Xuexing didn't talk to him at all, and attacked Feng Xiao without saying a word.

The two are extremely fast, blinking in mid-air and meeting ten times in a blink of an eye. The others saw the clothes flying, their palms changing, and they couldn't see exactly what they used.

Cui also came without going.

He has no martial arts, of course, cannot fall from the sky like Feng Xiao, but can only walk on two legs and walk in like ordinary people.

Duanfu's guard had been brought down by Yan Xuexing and the girl in yellow. No one stopped him, so he walked here easily from the gate.

Then he saw the girl in yellow.

"Girl Bingxian, long time no see." Cui did not go.

"Cui Dao grows up, but it hasn't been long." Bingxian smiled.

The two met at Duan Qiao's home without any embarrassment or discomfort, but reunited like old friends, familiar with nature.

Cui does not go: "I don't know when Hehuazong and Linchuan Academy have cooperated?"

Bingxian: "Cui Daochang misunderstood. Gongzi Yan has betrayed the teacher. This trip is purely personal revenge. He intends to join the Acacia sect. I naturally have to embrace the future elite to help him."

Cui does not go: "Private hatred?"

Bingxian laughed: "Do you want to hear the story?"

Cui does not go: "To make a long story short."

Bingxian: "Twenty years ago, a caravan accompanied by a family traveled to the end of Guizi and encountered thieves and robbers. The thieves robbed their belongings not only, but together, they were murderous. They killed everyone in the caravan, together with the family, and were not spared. Only a pair of sisters ran away from the killing, but they did not have martial arts and couldn't escape very far. The younger sister had to take more years Young brother, hiding in the house of Orion nearby. "

Cui does not go: "You speak as if you saw it with your own eyes. Is that your sister?"

Bingxian: "No, Ye Yan is the younger brother. As for her sister, she was already forced by several thieves | violent death. After hunting her sister, the hunter not only failed to help them hide it, but also did not let them escape. Instead, he caught his sister's brutality. During the violence of Orion, the robbers chased him up. Seeing this situation, they also joined in and took the sister as a booty. Enjoy it. Enjoy it. At this time, there is another expert businessman. Passing by, the gangsters had a good time, and they let the merchants join in to play with their sisters. The merchants did not want to do this, but he was afraid of being killed by the robbers, but he could not resist the evil inside, so he became the victim of the sister. Those who have sisters are too lazy to take care of the younger brother who was still a child at the time. They also feel that he cannot escape by himself. His younger brother escaped from the disaster and hid in the shadows. He saw this scene from beginning to end. "

Cui didn't go: "Duan Qiyu, was one of the robbers then?"

Bingxian laughed: "Not only is he one of the robbers, but he also ordered the sister-in-law's robber boss, should you say he should kill? Should he stay in the last kill? Should he let him die so happily? "

Not only did Cui not hear her words, Duan Qiyi also heard her words.

He had long remembered what happened 20 years ago, otherwise he would not have smelled it before.

It is just that he did not know this for a long time, and that those involved in the violence at that time were even less likely to reveal their shortcomings.

Who knew that the younger brother actually escaped from the dead and survived, even worshipped under the gate of Linchuan Xuegong, and practiced his own revenge.

Cui didn't nod his head, and said, "If that's the case, it's time to kill."

Duan Qixi yelled when he heard: "I was not the only one who did it that day, so why only I--"

His voice stopped abruptly, and his expression turned to panic.

Li Fei, Cheng Cheng, Peng Xiang, and him.

At that time, the traders, Orion, and several robbers.

Several people who did not know each other originally had an intersection because of this sister. After the elder sister's death, several people broke up and went their separate ways. No one took the matter seriously, and no one took it seriously. on.

They all died.

Together with Duan Qi's old men who participated in the incident, they also died in unsuccessful ways.

Duan Qiao didn't associate with this aspect at that time, but now they are linked one by one and found out-

Indeed, no one can escape.

The author has something to say:

Here are three things.

The younger brother's revenge is a case, Yuxiu colluded with the three officials to kill Duan Qiyu is the second thing, Xing Mao's grievance with Duan Qihao is the third thing.

There was no relationship between the three things, it just happened to be related to Duan Qiao.

all in all--

Feng Xiao: Just let it go, I'm going to pull b!

Cui does not go: ...

Crabs cute messages and overlord tickets, good night dreams!

Cheng. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 23: 13

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 24: 40

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 25: 32

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 25: 48

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 25: 58

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 26: 06

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 26: 33

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 27: 32

Foji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 27: 43

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 28:02

Houji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 28:10

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 28:24

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 28:31

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 28: 38

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 28:43

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 28:53

Fuji's little black room threw a mine tossing time :: 29: 24

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 31: 06

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 31: 18

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 31: 42

enkidu. Throwing a grenade Throw time :: 43: 17

Moqiao Snow threw a mine tossing time :: 10: 04

Wall Climbing Professionals Throw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 12: 22

Nai He Xiang threw a mine tossing time :: 40: 32

Suffocating Gummy Bear Threw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 39: 49

Fei Liben threw a mine tossing time: 03:18

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 32: 40

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 32: 46

qwe threw 1 mine time :: 32: 52

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 32: 59

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 33: 07

kiri threw a mine tossing time :: 41: 18

Lime tree threw a mine. Throw time: 01:45

Flower er kissed you and threw a mine. Throw time :: 20: 34

Dongyue threw a mine tossing time :: 51: 58

Hanamura? 6 wine threw a mine tossing time: 00:43

Hanamura? 6 wine threw 1 mine throwing time: 00:54

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 48: 12

qwe threw 1 mine time :: 48: 18

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 48: 28

Black Haired White Cat Throws 1 Rocket Cannon Throw Time :: 49: 41

Peach's Sky Throws 1 Mine Throw Time :: 44: 42

Grandma's Blue Rabbit Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 59: 13

Chapter 57

Just as Cui did not talk to Bingxian, the figures of Xun Fengxiao and Yan Xuexing were separated in mid-air, and the two of them fell on the diagonal eaves, each with their own side.

The layman who is not good at martial arts saw that the two are equally divided, but Yan Xuexing knows that, although he is the leader of the younger generation of Linchuan Xuegong, he is still inferior to the person in front of him.

He thought about it, I couldn't find out when such a female master appeared on the rivers and lakes.

"Dare to ask my maid Gao?"

Feng Xiao: "My last name is Cui, but my sister-in-law does not go."

Cui does not go: ...

Bingxian couldn't help smiling.

Yan Xuexing: "I don't know what Mrs. Cui came from, and who is her master?"

Feng Xiao laughed: "Why should I tell you?"

Yan Xuexing exhaled slowly, and seemed to be suppressing his temper, so that he should not get angry.

On this way, he met more than one or two difficult women. Although the atmosphere has gradually opened up these years, after all, the world is still dominated by men, and the rivers and lakes are also rivers and lakes dominated by men. There are women walking rivers and lakes, and outstanding outstanding people also Few, but this time it seemed like an appointment, and Yan Xuexing was met.

For example, ice strings.

For example, the lady Cui in front of her.

Yan Xuexing didn't want to entangle with each other much. He had only one purpose: to torture Duan's family, kill Duan Qiyu, and let Duan Qiyu die in pain. He was blocked by Fengxiao, and he couldn't do anything about it.

He said in a deep voice: "Duan Qi crippled me and killed my sister. This revenge is not revenge. As a son of man, if Cui Niang has no reason with Duan Qiji, please let go. Today, Yan owes you a favor. In return. "

Feng Xiao raised an eyebrow: "What to return?"

Yan Xuexing endured anger: "Without ethics, you can do everything you can."

Duan Qizhen has been running around the border city for decades. He has always been flattered and flattered by him. Even Gao Kun sent by the Sui Dynasty was polite to him. How often did he become meat on a chopping board like he is now and let him be slaughtered?

When he was a horse thief, he was extremely brave. Zhenri licked his blood on the blade and suffered several serious injuries before getting rich and rich lives. The more he has, the more he wants to survive. Seeing Feng Xiao's remarks on Yan Xuexing's words, Duan Qiyu could not bear it anymore, and shouted, "Don't you want to know the secret, I tell you! Save me! I tell you all the secrets!"

Cui does not go: "So, do you really know Yuxiu?"

Duan Qiao: "Know!"

Cui didn't sneer: "Duan Qiyu, although I don't know how to martial arts, but I have the ability to observe and appreciate the color. I am afraid that few people in the world can reach it. You said that you had never heard of Yuxiu before. It ’s the truth. I deliberately deceived us to save our lives! What do you deserve to save you? "

Duan Qiyu shouted: "Yes! I have! Have you heard of the 13th floor of Yunhai, I know its secrets, save me! I tell you all!"

"The thirteenth floor of the sea of clouds?" Cui did not play with the taste. "I'm really curious about that place, but I'm not curious enough to keep your life unless you can prove that you are really worth so much money."

Duan Qiao's eyes were red. In order to save his life, he could not care so much: "The 13th floor of the sea of clouds, is not just what you think you should pay for your life! The 13th floor is actually 13 people, 13 forces, I rank among them Twelve, known as Mr. Twelve, this secret value is not worth your purchase ?! "

Cui does not frown.

He suddenly remembered something.

In the case of the messenger's murder, the awakening of one of the murderers had explained that they were all disciples of Fuyumen in Goguryeo. The people who sent them to the Central Plains were very high in Fuyumen. Wake and Qin Wooyu only knew that he was called "a Sir ", but I don't know who he is.

At the time, Cui did not speculate with Feng Xiao. One is the beginning of all things. People with this name must have a very high heart and an extraordinary status.

It seems that since there is one, does it also mean that there are two, three, four, or even eleven and twelve?

Is that Mr. Yi related to the 13th floor of Yunhai?

If it is, then the organization has a large layout and far-reaching plans. It is indeed quite amazing.

Imagine that they are not only related to Goguryeo, but even Duan Qiyu, who is far away in the border town, is also absorbed. Tiannandibei, everywhere in the east and west, north Sui and Nanchen, rivers and lakes, there is no other person.

The thought between the electric light stone fire immediately made Cui not decide to leave Duan Qiyu's life.

They originally thought that Duan Qiyu only had grudges with Yuxiu, and wanted to use this to dig out Yuxiu's intentions. Who knew that the yin and yang were wrong, they would hear the amazing secrets of the 13th floor of Yunhai.

Almost at the same time, Feng Xiao didn't even have to exchange eyes with Cui. The two had similar thoughts. He shook hands with Yan Xuexing: "You also heard that he used a secret to change his life. I know this secret Quite interested, why don't you sell me face today and come back to kill in a few days? "

Yan Xuexing said, "It's impossible. I waited for more than ten years, and finally until today, I will not only kill him, but also kill the Duan family in front of him. Let him also taste the death of his loved ones in front of him! "

Feng Xiao raised an eyebrow and said, "Even if you have a debt and a debtor, even if the Duan family would make a good fortune again on weekdays, wouldn't they have killed your family? Your disciples in Linchuan Academy did not call themselves disciples of Kong Sheng. Is it morally righteous, your Master allows you to do this? "

"Morality and kindness can bring my family back to life, so those scum do not insult my sister ?!" President Yan Xue laughed, his eyes glanced at the trembling Duanjia people, with an ironic expression: "Since they have enjoyed Duan Qiao The wealth and wealth that they brought to them, would it be reasonable to die together with Duan Qiao? If there is a real sense of discipline, I'm afraid I would have run away from home long ago, and I do n’t want to use his wealth of money! I ’m just Killing his daughter with one stab didn't make anyone imitate him. Ling in front of him | insulting his daughter was already benevolent! "

The words did not end, his figure was no longer in place.

Yan Xuexing knew that martial arts was not as good as Feng Xiao. Naturally, he wanted to kill Duan Qiyu. He wanted to find a chance. One was to vent his inner pain for many years, and the other was to distract his opponents. With Feng Xiao there, the plan of slowly torture and then kill Duan's would definitely not work. Yan Xuexing chose to kill him in one shot, so as to avoid night long dreams.

In the dark light of the night, Yan Xuexing was like Wu Guhong, almost completely turned into nothingness, let alone Cui did not go, it was too fast to even see Bingxian.

But no matter how Yan Xuexing moves, his ultimate goal must be Duan Qiao.

So Feng Xiao also moved.

He took a flat step.

The footwork is not worth mentioning, and his body is not like his peacock, he likes to show off, and pays attention to the blockbuster.

This trick is nothing short of ordinary.

Feng Xiao fell from the eaves and raised his sleeves, like Dapeng spreading his wings, just above Yan Xuexing.

Others looked at this trick without surprise, but Yan Xue was walking in it, only felt the huge pressure under his hood, as if to crush himself, he could not help but change his face, changed his rush, and turned to attack. Folded out, swiped on the ground with one palm, and then pressed back to Feng Xiao.

Blinking is more than ten tricks.

The confrontation of the top masters is not always visible. If it is not the right occasion, Cui Buqi will sit down and appreciate it slowly.

But Bingxian couldn't sit back and watch Yan Xuexing lose. After all, the latter was the one she wanted to envelop in Acacia, so she finally shot.

With her joining, the situation seemed to be tilted instantly, but Yan Xuexing did not expect Feng Xiao to be strong when strong, and did not fall in the slightest.

In other words, from the beginning, Feng Xiao had reservations and did not go all out.

Duan Qizhen was not injured lightly, but his heart of trying to escape has not rested. Seeing that the three men were struggling to care about himself, he slowly moved into the dark corner.

Suddenly, he found himself standing in front of him.

It is Cui who does not go.

Duan Qiyi didn't put Cui Bugo in his eyes, he knew that the other party would not martial arts.

But he is no better now than someone who can't martial arts.

He lowered his voice and said to Cui: "I have hidden a lot of treasures these years. You let me go and I tell you where they are hiding!"

Cui did not go: "I'm not interested in treasures, but you tell me the 13th floor of the sea of clouds, and I will spare you, not only that, my lady will help you stop them. After today, you can always escape Right? "

Duan Qiyi smiled bitterly: "People who have entered the 13th floor of the Yunhai must abide by everything in it and must not leak it out. I said that it is also a dead end."

Cui didn't go: "But you already said it."

He turned to Feng Xiao and shouted, "Mother, Duan Qizhen refuses to cooperate. You can just fight, let Yan Xuexing kill him!"

Feng Xiao responded with a one-to-two, but she still had time to spare: "No problem, I listen to my husband the most."

Duan Qisong even said: "I said! I said! What on earth do you want to know?"

Cui did not go: "Do you know Yu Xiu? Is Yu Xiu a person on the 13th floor of the Yunhai?"

Duan Qixuan: "I really don't know, I have never heard of this person! The 13th floor of Yunhai has a total of 13 principals. Each person is in charge of one party. Although I am one of them, I only know that I am in front I have never seen or heard the other two of them! "

There are thirteen people in total, and Duan Qiyi is listed as Mr. Twelve. Then he is Mr. Eleven and Mr. Thirteen behind.

Cui does not go: "Who are they?"

Duan Qiyu: "The eleven is Yuheng, a monk, and the thirteen is a woman, called Feng Xiaoli!"

Whether Yuheng is Yuxiu or not for the time being, but when hearing the name Feng Xiaoli, Cui did not go but was surprised.

"Gao Wei's concubine Feng Xiaoli?"

Duan Qiyu: "Exactly!"

The jade body crosses Feng Xiaoli, but whoever knows a little bit about the world, why haven't he heard the famous demon concubine?

It was only after Emperor Sui captured Zhou that Feng Xiaoli was rewarded to Sui Chen. According to Cui's knowledge, this woman should have died in the house fight, and a generation of beautiful women sighed and sighed. It's been a while.

But if she is really Mr. Thirteen on the 13th floor of the Yunhai, then her death, I'm afraid there is no insider.

The author has something to say:

Good night good dreams, =

Crab crab cute message and nutrition solution ~~

Meng ~~ Ling Yi ang Ling Yun threw a mine tossing time :: 40: 47

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 43:14

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 44: 36

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 44: 45

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 45:00

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 15

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 22

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 26

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 33

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 38

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 45: 52

Brother's Big Baby Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 46: 10

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 50: 47

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 51: 07

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 51: 25

. Thrown a landmine throw time :: 55: 10

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 56: 16

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 56: 29

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 56: 54

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time: 01:18

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time: 01:25

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time: 01:30

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time: 01:35

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time: 01:41

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 02: 08

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 02: 22

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 02: 29

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 02: 35

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 02: 44

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 02: 53

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 02: 58

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 03: 04

Suffocating Gummy Bear Threw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 04: 20

roco threw a mine tossing time :: 11:24

roco threw a mine for throwing time :: 11:38

咦 Who fell off the mountains and rivers and threw 1 landmine with time :: 16: 19

Wall Climbing Professionals Throw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 52: 45

25968853 threw a mine throw time :: 22: 29

25968853 threw a mine throw time :: 22: 44

Big Tail Fox Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 16:29

Big Tail Fox Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 16:42

Big Tail Fox Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 16:47

A cotton mine spore threw a mine. Time to throw :: 12: 32

Pear likes to eat watermelon and threw a mine. Throw time :: 30: 28

Jie Xiaoka threw a mine tossing time :: 56: 57

Astral Throws 1 Mine Throw Time :: 29: 57

Throwing a Throw 1 Mines Throwing Time :: 30: 17

Throwing a Throw 1 Mines Throwing Time :: 30: 28

Throwing a Throw 1 Mines Throwing Time :: 30: 38

Throwing a Throw 1 Mines Throwing Time :: 30: 48

Throwing a Throw 1 Mines Throwing Time :: 30: 56

A summer mine solstice and a winter solstice threw a mine. Time :: 35: 45

Flower er kissed you and threw 1 mine. Throw time :: 12: 56

? e ?? House's captivity ww threw a mine throwing time :: 50: 15

The bird threw a rocket launcher. Throw time :: 19: 33

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 20: 57

The bird threw a grenade at time :: 21: 07

The bird threw a mine tossing time: 21:15

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 21: 22

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 21:39

The bird threw a rocket launcher at the time :: 02: 25

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time: 13:25

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 13: 29

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 13: 34

. Thrown a landmine throwing time :: 15: 03

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 15: 13

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 35: 04

The protagonist can hit and throw a mine. Throw time :: 27: 21

Chapter 58

The opportunity for Duan Qiao to join the 13th floor of the Yunhai was purely accidental.

At that time, he had just changed his identity. He washed his hands from the robbed horse thief, Jinpen, and washed his hands. He began to settle in Qiemo City, and he started legitimate trading.

In fact, it is not necessarily true when it is justified. In the early years, the wealth of Qixu was all ill-gotten wealth, and he gathered a group of loyal subordinates. Even if he was doing business, he also wanted money and money. If someone wanted someone, he would soon change from a horse thief. In the end, there are powerful giants in the city.

When Cui didn't go, when they arrived at the end of the day, they found that Duan Qiyu and Xingmao had almost monopolized the business of more than half of Qicheng. Even the inn in the city, you are half of you and me, and I live in the semicolon under Duan Qi. There is almost no choice to live with Xingmao Inn.

However, when Duan Qiyu just got his foothold in Qiemo City, he was not like he is now. He could say nothing in Qiemo City.

Here, in addition to Xingmao, there are several other forces in Qiang. Although Qiang Duan has some strength, after all, the foundation is still shallow, and the strong dragon is hard to beat the snake, and it may not be as good as others. Others even united. Xingmao wanted to work together to drive him out of Qiemo.

At this time, someone came to the door, claiming to be Yuheng, who was the eleventh person in the 13th floor of Yunhai.

Before that, Duan Qiyi had never heard of the famous name on the 13th floor of Yunhai. Yuheng opened the door to see the mountain, and Zhangkou said that he could help him get rid of the remaining forces and allow him to gain a foothold in Qiemocheng, provided that he must join Yunhai. The 13th floor became the twelfth principal.

Duan Qiyu was suppressed by several parties at the time, and under the scorched head, holding a half-believing mind, he agreed to Yuheng and joined the 13th floor of the Yunhai.

Surprisingly, the other party really kept its promise, not only helped him assassinate several opponents, relieved Duan Qiyu's urgent need, but also brought Duan Qiyu to the south of the silk and porcelain business in Jiangnan, and let him associate with North and South businessmen and build up contacts. In a few years Within a short period of time, it has risen rapidly and become a parity with Xing Mao.

At the same time, the more he contacted the 13th floor of the Yunhai Sea, Duan Qiyu found that this organization was not simple. From south to north, the farmers and industry and commerce seemed to have no connections that they could not gather. Duan Qiji knew that the pie would not fall in the sky, and he himself What you get must inevitably pay, but the 13th floor of Yunhai has never asked him to do anything except to make him a twelve gentleman and to support him, even the thirteenth Mr. Feng Xiao at the end of the building. Lian also appeared in Qiemo City and had a relationship with Duan Qiyu.

The legendary fairy pet concubine, after removing her makeup, was just a woman with a beautiful face. Duan Qiao was always lascivious, but he did not dare to think of Feng Xiaoli because the other party was behind him, but the martial arts was really Not bad, but with him but Bozhong.

Then again, in the status of him and Feng Xiaoli, in the building is only to accompany the last seat, then how powerful are those people who are before them?

Duan Qiyi did not want to go deeper, knowing too much was not good for him, he chose to ignore it.

Until one day, Yuheng appeared again, asking him to try to bring Gao Ling down first, then destroy Xingmao, and become the true master of the end of the city, and said that the 13th floor of the Yunhai Sea will fully assist him. Ask for money, just talk.

However, Duan Qiyu didn't hesitate, but he hesitated in his heart, feeling like "it should always come".

He enjoys the present day very much. He doesn't have to live with his head every day, as he used to, and is comfortable every day.

Duan Qiyu is old, he will be afraid of death at the beginning, afraid to change the status quo, let him kill Xingmao, he may still reluctantly agree, but Gao Kun behind represents Da Sui, Duan Qiyu is not arrogant enough to feel that he can challenge the whole The Sui Dynasty.

Perhaps the Sui Dynasty is busy fighting against the Turks, and has not yet had time to ignore the small moves of the end city. Once the Sui Dynasty has freed up, Duan Qiao does not think that a single end city can be opposed to the Sui Dynasty.

From the proposal of Yu Heng, Duan Qiao seemed to see a huge and terrible plan. For the first time, he found that he could not see the depth of the pond on the 13th floor of the Yunhai Sea.

He was frightened, and declined Yuheng, saying that he had to think carefully, but actually wanted to use the deferred strategy to drag the matter over.

Yuheng's repeated visits failed to talk about Duan Qiao. Instead, Duan Qiao gave birth to the idea of escaping from the 13th floor of the sea of clouds.

He now has enough money and strength, and he can spend the rest of his life safely, so there is no need to take risks.

Yu Heng must have noticed his thoughts and did not come to him again.

Duan Qi sighed with relief and began to feel uneasy.

He felt that the 13th floor of Yunhai had invested so much in himself and would not easily let him go.

Duan Qiyu secretly trained a lot of dead men, and there was no shortage of expert protection around him. He even dug an authentic dark room at home, just in case, but the days passed day by day, Ye Heng, and the 13th floor of Yunhai, he didn't come to the door. Come.

As soon as the haunted things came out, Duan Qiyu knew that it was not a ghost at all. The other party was just killing him under the name of a ghost. Maybe it was a trick conceived by Xing Mao. Maybe it was the 13th floor of the sea of clouds. Xingmao, the two are colluding together.

That's why Duan Qiyu can't wait to get started first.

But he didn't know that Yan Xuexing and Cui didn't go to their existence.

Thousands of counts, but still not a hit.

After Duan Qiyu said these intermittently, when Cui didn't go to his face and groaned, the three of them were fighting again. No one cares about him for a while, and he got up without a word, and ran to the dark.

The sound of breaking air came from behind. He screamed, and an arrow in his shoulder fell to the ground.

At the same time, several sharp arrows shot at Feng Xiaoyan Xuexing three people.

Cui did not stand behind the gallery post, avoiding the arrow rain, and looked up.

Several figures emerged from the roof, arm in arm, and aimed at everyone in the courtyard.

After a round of arrow rain, Xingmao took people, and Shi Shiran stepped in from the door.

Standing with him was a white monk.

This should be Mr. Eleven Yuheng on the 13th floor of Yunhai.

At first glance, the other person looked like a monk Yuxiu, but as soon as he spoke, Cui didn't know he wasn't.

The monk in white smiled at Duan Qi and smiled, and looked away indifferently, completely treating him as a dismal dog.

"Why don't you smell the mantis catching cicadas, and the carduelis is behind?"

The implication is that Duan Qiyu is a cicada, Yan Xuexing is a praying mantis, and Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao think that they are cardinals, but they do not know that Yuheng and Xingmao are the ultimate winners.

This is not Yuxiu's voice at all.

Previously, Cui did not follow Feng Xiao and followed him, and saw with his own eyes that he was talking to the three officials in Xingmao House, but they did not hear the other person.

They are also monks and their names are so similar. What is the relationship between Yuheng and Yuxiu?

Cui didn't frown slightly, thinking secretly.

He did not know how to martial arts. No one took him seriously except Bingxian, and he was happy to observe the situation behind the porch.

In addition to Yuheng beside Xing Mao, there are several masters of martial arts, all dressed differently, and it does not look like his men. It should be the guest secretary he took from the rivers and lakes.

In addition to these people, on the eaves and outside of Duanfu, all were surrounded by the guards of Xingjia.

On the other hand, Duan Qiyu, Lin Guanshi took the dead with nowhere to go, and the guards around him were also killed by Yan Xuexing. The rest of the estimates were only cleared when Xingmao came in.

The trend is gone.

"Don't be too happy!" Duan Qiao's face was blood-stained, his hair was disheveled, and he stared at Xingmao. Where is the half-dominated and overpowering power?

He fought with this old opponent for a long time, and for a long time, no one could do nothing, but did not expect to decide today.

Xingmao laughed and felt very comfortable: "Brother, are you talking about your dozens of dead men? They are waiting for you on Huangquan Road!"

Duan Qiao: "Impossible!"

Xing Mao: "After all, your dead men are training very well. If there was no ventilation of the forest steward in advance, I might really lose, but who made your loyal men betray you?"

Duan Qiao shouted, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his face was more red.

"Impossible! Impossible! Lin Feng will not betray me!"

Xing Mao froze for a moment, impatient to talk to him, waved his hand: "take down the Duan family!"


Yan Xuexing said coldly, "The Duan family's life is mine and I must handle it!"

Xingmao raised an eyebrow and said, "Your Excellency also came to kill Duan Qiyu? That ’s easy. When I cut off his head, the body belongs to you. As for the old and young Duanjia wives, when I dispose of them, you can also Look on. "

Yan Xuexing flatly refused: "No, I have a **** hatred with him, and I must handle it myself!"

Xingmao said impatiently: "Then you just have to look at your own skills!"

He said, looking at Yuheng beside him.

The monk nodded and smiled: "Duan Qiyu, he must die today."

Xingmao stepped back and arched his hands at the several Keqings, saying, "Please, everyone."

The scholar shaking the fan should step out first.

"Just let a certain apprentice who first meets Linchuan Academy!"

When Xing Mao was away, Yan Xuexing and Feng Xiao were enemies and non-friends. Now Xing Mao appears, and the situation is changing.

Feng Xiao and Cui did not want to temporarily save Duan Qiyu's life, and forced him to ask Yunhai the 13th floor for more secrets. Although Yan Xuexing wanted Duan Qiyu to die, but did not want him to die in Xingmao's hands, Feng Xiao followed Yan Xuexing reached a temporary implication of the Miao family, and when they agreed, the scholar dealt with Yan Xuexing, and Feng Xiao pulled away.

The appearance of the scholar is not amazing, but the martial arts are very two-fold. An iron-bone fan is even more impervious to the wind and directly seals the way of Yan Xuexing, but his internal skills are far worse than Yan Xuexing. At the same time, there were two shots beside Xingmao, one with a sword and one with a knife.

The sword of the former was black and rough and unremarkable, but the knife of the latter was glittering and scabbard at night, almost blinding everyone's eyes.

Feng Xiao's martial arts are extremely high, but he rarely walks on rivers and lakes, knowing nothing about the origin of these people.

But fortunately, there is a living treasure book that is familiar with the world.

"The person who uses the sword is called Wang Hong. The name of the sword is unknown. The sword is unknown and well-known. Cui didn't seem to perceive his thoughts, and his voice reminded him in time.

The words fell squarely, Yan Xue's head went a little, and a quiet breeze passed by her ears.

Bingxian flicked his finger, a black bug fell to the ground, and a silver needle was nailed to his body.

Yan Xuexing couldn't help but glance in the direction Cui couldn't go. Without the other party's reminder, he would probably lose his alert and win.

"The man who uses the knife is called Hu Yun, and he has both wealth and morality. He was born in the Shaanguan giant Jia family. He was anxious to eat and wear, and the gold was fragile. Cheng, ordinary swords do nothing, his sword can be called a second-class master. "Cui does not go without illness, and continues to identify each person.

Hu Yun was anxious when he heard: "Your mother is a second-rate master!"

The words fell, and Yan Xuexing was kicked in the abdomen, and the man flew straight out, and the golden sword fell to the ground.

The scholar chuckled: "Hu Yun, it seems you are out of luck!"

Cui did not go on: "A scholar is born next month, using an iron bone fan as a weapon, he has a close-handed move, but if he is far away ..."

Bingxian smiled, the silver needle in his hand popped out one after another.

At the end of the month, Yan Xuexing had to abandon Yan Xuexing and change his way to resist the silver needle. As a result, Yan Xuexing glanced into the gap and patted his palm on the back. He immediately spit out blood and was not injured.

Bingxian gave Cui Bu a gift: "Thank you for your guidance."

Cui does not go: "It is the maiden Bingxue smart."

Somehow, Feng Xiao felt a little unhappy.

He moved to Xingmao.

Xing Mao was shocked, and the two next to him also shot.

One man with five fingers slightly bent toward him, and one man with **** in his mouth made a flower-like shape. In fact, he held a very thin silk thread in his hand, which was sharper than ordinary swords. With internal force, he could easily cut the enemy's throat.

"The catcher, Pei Yuan, is a common disciple of Shaolin. He martial arts is open and closed. He is known for his rigidity and can be soft and soft. The magic soldier, the opponent who died under his hands, all looked down on him— "

When Cui did not go, he accurately pointed out everyone's weaknesses. With his words, the sleeves of Fengxiao robes were raised, and wherever he went, he cut off the white silk thread directly.

However, Cui did not finish this sentence without going.

Because he was choked in his throat.

Yuheng squeezed Cui Buqi's neck tightly, and smiled at Feng Xiao, who also caught Xingmao, "Do you want to save someone or kill someone?"

Pei Yuan and Bai Ye didn't even see how the other party came, they were thrown aside at the point of acupoint.

Xingmao was so horrified that he never expected that he already had a winning ticket, but he would encounter such a variable as Feng Xiao and Cui Bugo.

Without them, Yan Xuexing and Bingxian would be defeated now.

He was so resentful that he shouted to Yuheng: "Mr. Yu, can't you ignore me!"

The author has something to say: I've waited a long time, today I will send a red envelope to the first 50 messages!

I wish you all a happy weekend = 3 =

Crab cute messages and nutrition solution ~~~

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 42:45

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 42: 56

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 43: 43

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 44: 08

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 44: 16

Fuji's little black room threw a mine tossing time :: 44:28

Fuji's little black room threw a mine tossing time :: 44: 38

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 45: 06

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time: 45:30

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 35

Fuji's little black house threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 42

Brother's Big Baby Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 52: 07

Moqiao Snow threw a mine tossing time :: 52: 22

A deer threw a mine for a while. Throwing time :: 54: 46

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 55: 39

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 55: 48

Wall Climbing Professionals Throw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 55: 54

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 56: 06

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time: 56:45

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 57: 04

Coffee Addiction Throws 1 Mine Throw Time :: 09: 06

Dongyue threw a mine tossing time :: 11:40

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 14: 06

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 14: 12

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 14: 24

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 14: 29

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 14: 33

enkidu. threw 1 mine throw time :: 27: 02

Suffocating Gummy Bear Threw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 29: 35

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 50: 48

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 19

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 20

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 51: 12

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 51: 35

. Thrown a landmine throw time :: 52: 40

. Thrown a mine throw time: 53:00

Grandma I love tossed a mine throwing time :: 59: 55

Solution_Jianfu Dafuzhu threw a mine tossing time :: 09: 04

Astral Throws 1 Mine Throw Time :: 18: 21

Astral Throws 1 Mines Throwing Time :: 18:40

Astral Throw 1 Mines Throwing Time :: 18:48

Throwing a landmine throwing time: 18:58

Astral Throws 1 Mine Throw Time :: 19: 06

Astral Throw 1 Mines Throwing Time :: 19: 21

Empty nest old dragon threw a mine tossing time :: 03: 16

. Throw 1 rocket launcher throw time :: 09: 41

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 39:25

qwe threw 1 mine time :: 39: 33

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 39:38

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 39:47

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 39: 52

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 40: 31

qwe threw 1 mine time :: 40: 39

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 40: 59

Fuyao threw a mine. Throwing time: 41:00

qwe threw 1 mine: 45: 41

qwe threw a mine tossing time :: 45: 47

Fengyan threw a grenade at time :: 35: 03

Feng Yan threw a rocket launcher at time :: 35: 17

Encounter threw a mine. Throw time: 16:16:32

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine tossing time :: 33: 05

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine tossing time :: 33: 31

The emperor threw a mine. Throw time :: 45: 23

The emperor threw a mine tossing time :: 45: 32

The emperor threw a mine. Throwing time :: 45: 40

The emperor threw a mine. Throw time :: 48: 07

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine. Time :: 19: 06

Jun Ze threw a mine tossing time :: 23: 14

The protagonist can hit and throw 1 mine

Jinshan threw a mine tossing time :: 08: 44

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine tossing time :: 29: 43

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine tossing time :: 39: 22

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine tossing time :: 39: 29

Snow-loving little frog threw a mine tossing time :: 42: 30

Shuangzheng threw 1 grenade to King Meow every day Throw time :: 40: 43

Little Orange Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 15: 05

Little Orange Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 15: 42

Little Orange Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 16: 13

Junliu Xie threw a mine tossing time :: 50: 49

Lan Yi threw a mine tossing time: 43:20

Lan Yi threw a mine tossing time :: 44: 09

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine tossing time :: 26: 33

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine tossing time :: 31: 10

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine. Throwing time :: 50: 12

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine. Time :: 05: 27

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine tossing time :: 07: 38

Yan Wushi threw a mine in a small box. Time: 14:30

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine. Time :: 14: 39

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine tossing time :: 14: 46

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 37: 46

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 37: 54

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 38: 04

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 38: 10

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 38: 15

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 38: 20

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 38: 26

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 38: 34

. Thrown a mine throw time :: 38: 44

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine tossing time :: 44: 46

Yan Wushi's small box threw a mine. Throwing time :: 44: 45

Grandma threw a mine. Throwing time :: 00:08

Grandma threw a mine. Throwing time :: 01: 42

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time: 23:00

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 23: 06

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 23: 10

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 23: 21

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 23: 27

jnx threw a mine throw time :: 25: 40

jnx threw a mine throw time :: 25: 50

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 45: 22

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 07: 37

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 07: 42

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 07: 48

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 07: 50

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 07: 54

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 07: 59

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 08: 02

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 08: 08

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 08: 11

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 08: 14

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 53: 59

The bird threw a mine. Throw time :: 54: 26

The bird threw a grenade. Throw time :: 54: 36

The bird threw a mine tossing time: 55:00

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 55: 06

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 55: 12

The bird threw a mine. Throwing time :: 57: 38

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 57: 45

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 57: 53

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 57: 58

The bird threw a mine tossing time :: 58: 02

Xie couldn't throw a mine. Throwing time :: 54: 04

Chapter 59

Yuheng's eyes flickered, and he said to Feng Xiao: "The dignified left-moon bureau is in my hands. If you don't let Xing Mao go, I will kill him and see who loses more!"

Feng Xiao raised an eyebrow: "Since you know his identity, it should be no stranger to me?"

Yu Heng sneered: "The two leaders of Xiejian Mansion, Xun and Zuo Yue Bureau, Xun are both the left arm and right arm of Da Sui Tianzi.

Xing Mao, Yan Xuexing, and others knew that the real identity of Feng Xiao and Cui would not go, and they couldn't help showing surprise.

Feng Xiao: "It seems you know a lot, who told you this?"

Yu Heng: "I have my own source, and I ’m good at teaching both of you to know that the water in this world is very deep, not that you can cover the sky with one hand, and that the end of the city is not the territory of the Sui Dynasty. A couple of pounds! "

During the conversation, the people who had originally shot to attack Yan Xuexing had withdrawn, and the archers on the house were ready to go. The Duan family was surrounded by three layers inside and out. He could retreat from his whole body, but he wanted to keep Cui Buqu and Duan Qiyun, but it was difficult.

After being identified, Feng Xiao simply stopped talking and restored his original voice. Even at this moment, he still hangs himself, without any anger and anxiety: "Since you know our identity, you should know Xie Jianfu and Zuo Yueju has always been at odds. I chose to cooperate only this time because the temporary goals are the same. You killed him. I thank you so much for removing one trouble for me, so that I wo n’t have to bother with this old enemy in the future. Come and go. "

Yuheng taunted: "You can say easily, if I really killed him, how would you explain it to your emperor!"

Having said that, he increased his strength in his hands and tightened Cui's neck.

During the night, Cui's complexion was not clear, but he wouldn't see where he was going.

"And slow!"

But Bing Xian actually spoke first.

She asked Yuheng: "How do you want to let go?"

Yuheng: "Let him release Xingmao first!"

Bingxian: "He can't let Xingmao go, I can't be the master, but I know where Duan Qiyu's private storehouse entrance is. How can he exchange him for Cui Daochang's life? Duan Qiyi has been a hegemonist for a few years, and he has accumulated a lot of money. Xingmao is not inferior, should it be enough? "

Yuheng sneered: "Is Yangzi's blessing a blessed disease? There are still people rushing to save him. Wouldn't you fancy him?"

By asking this question alone, Feng Xiao knew that Yuheng would never be a monk Yuxiu, and a counselor who could win the trust of King Jin could not be so superficial.

But if Yuheng is not Yuxiu, how to explain the similarities between the two? How did Yuheng know their identity?

Feng Xiao was irritable for no apparent reason.

Yuheng was just not good enough to jump the clown, but the situation that he could have controlled by one hand was destroyed by the sudden emergence of the ice string.

Bingxian faintly said, "I just had to remind Cui Daochang, I am still personal, why not?"

"I'm very tempted, but I want Duan Qi's private library. I turned to him and asked him. I don't need you, it's you," Yuheng looked up and down. "Good looks, if you are willing to replace you, I might still think about it."

Feng Xiao impatiently urged: "Are you talking nonsense for a long time, can you kill it?"

Bingxian frowned slightly.

She used to think that Feng Xiao and Cui would not go all the way, and the two pretending to be husband and wife are bound to have a close relationship, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Cui didn't go for a little bit of martial arts. He followed Feng Xiao to get involved in the danger, but was abandoned by his companion. What should he think?

She could not help looking at Cui.

The other side was quiet from beginning to end, even with eyes closed slightly, as if others had decided not their own life or death.

Among many masters of martial arts, his response was exceptionally calm, calm enough to make him want to explore his heart.

Bing Xian's feet moved slightly, then stood still, followed by a sorrow in her heart.

She had planned to be a bystander tonight and see if she could take advantage of it, but now she is going to swim in muddy water.

The other Yuheng heard Feng Xiao laugh and said, "If you don't do it, I'll do it first!"

During the conversation, Feng Xiao really tightened her hand a little bit. In the other hand, a dagger was added. He inserted the dagger directly into Xing Mao's shoulder, and blood splattered when Xing Mao screamed.

"Mr. Yu save me!"

Feng Xiao also clenched her dagger and slowly turned it to make the blade rotate in the flesh. The blood soon covered the entire shoulder. Xingmao screamed continuously. The eyes had begun to turn white. Feng Xiao still felt unhappy. He pulled out the dagger again and drew it into his other shoulder again.

Yuheng was stunned. He didn't expect Feng Xiao to do it, and he was so cruel, he didn't even care about the safety of Cui Bugo.

Do you have to do the same to Cui? But even if he did not kill Cui, would Feng Xiao release Xingmao?

Xingmao is half dead, and if he drags on, he will lose even his small life, and it will lose value.

Yu Heng was indecisive and had some confusion in his head. He caught Cui's hand and unconsciously released it.


There was a hint of alertness in the muddy head, pulling him back from the edge of the confused mind.

Just as they confronted, the people around them didn't respond at all, which was abnormal!

He looked closely, and it turned out that not only a scholar and others, even Xingmao's screams, had been maintained at the same volume, high and low, cyclical.

And Feng Xiao, the radian of the smile on the corner of his mouth has hardly changed.

It's illusion!

Extremely brilliant illusion!

Yuheng even found that Cui Buzhen, standing in front of himself, was motionless, just like a puppet.

At this moment, if he still can't find himself in illusion and is confused by his mind, then he is regarded as a martial artist.

He immediately bit the tip of his tongue, and the **** smell quickly spread from his mouth, but with the pain, Lingtai suddenly became clear, and everyone around him like a puppet revived. He felt empty of his hands, and Cui did not go. I don't know where to go, at the same time, a figure coming forward is rushing forward, the sleeves bulging up against the wind, like the Kunpeng eagle, the internal force is surging, as if surging waves, under the hood!

Under such an offensive, Yuheng had no time left to look for Cui Buqu and Xingmao.

As long as the others turned in, Duan Qiyu had already climbed behind the porch and wanted to leave quietly.

The Duan family is still in the hospital, but in the eyes of Duan Qiao, nothing is more important than keeping his own life.

Yan Xuexing kept staring at him. How could he easily let people go and catch him when he saw it.

Duan Qiyi sneered, instead of showing no fear, he showed malicious mockery, as if he finally found an opportunity to escape, and determined that Yan Xuexing could not help himself.

While Yan Xuexing wondered why he showed such a look, Duan Qiyu disappeared.

A big living person disappeared under his eyelids, Yan Xuexing was taken aback, he didn't care about other things, and immediately rushed forward, but he was so cold that he couldn't prevent his feet from falling, and the whole person even fell down in time!

While Yuheng was confused by Fengxiao, Bingxian hurt Yuheng's hand with a silver needle, helping Cui not to break free.

"Cui Dao, are you okay?" She stepped forward and helped Cui not go.

Cui didn't shake his head and looked around: "Where is Duan Qiyu?"

Bing Xian: "I saw him disappear behind the pillar just now, because I was worried about your side, I didn't look closely, Yan Gongzi has chased after him."

"Look for it in the past!" If Yan Xuexing caught Duan Qiyu first, that Duanshi would only have a dead end. He didn't want to ask anything from the other side. Of course, Cui didn't want Duan Qiyu to die.

On the other hand, Feng Xiao not only had to fight with Yu Heng, but also had to deal with a scholar waiting every month.

When he saw Cui not going to walk away with Bingxian, he couldn't help but feed him two times: "I'm helping you deal with the enemy, but you're running to a new encounter?"

Cui doesn't look back and doesn't look back: "The one who is capable can work harder, and you should bear more."

Xingmao got up from the ground, and his teeth grinned, "You can't escape one of them, the archers are ready!"

"Tigers don't show their might, really treat me as a sick cat?"

Feng Xiao laughed a long time and slammed into Yu Heng's palm, the latter flew straight back, hitting the body heavily on the pillar.

At the same time, Yue Xia and Hu Yun's weapons attacked Feng Xiao from the left and right sides at the same time. Under the spirit of cleansing, Feng Xiao's hair bun was shot away, and her long hair fluttered in the air. Although her face was still a woman, she looked at the moment. Zhang is arrogant and has a handsome figure, which will never make people mistake the gender.

This is the true owner of the Xiejian Mansion.

The previous practice of gagging was nothing more than a boring game where he had nothing to do. If anyone despised it, it would be a self-death.

For example, the talented Yuheng.

Feng Xiao did not escape, facing the pinch on both sides, his robe sleeve flew, and his qi flowed from the meridians to the palm, turning into a deep and overbearing palm, directly catching the iron bone fan and Hu Yun's golden sword with empty hands. .

With a bang, Hu Yun only felt that instead of cutting into the flesh and blood, his golden sword was numb to his wrist, but the golden sword was broken!

Looking at the fans under the moon, they also encountered the same fate.

Feng Xiao wouldn't give them the opportunity to react. When the lower body turned away and waved backhand, the broken knife and fan were twisted in the air, and turned back to their respective masters. Fengxia and Hu Yun each fell in pain. open.

Knowing the current affairs is Junjie, the unknown sword Wang Hong saw this situation, actually took two steps back directly, turned around and jumped, and ran straight.

Xing Maoqi was desperate. If Feng Xiao and Yan Xue were not touring them tonight, they would have held Duan's family in their hands, and the sun would rise tomorrow, and there would be no second person sitting on an equal footing with him in the end city. Will fail.

"Arrow! Kill them for me!" He no longer cares if he will accidentally injure Yuheng and others, and orders it directly.

But after shouting for a long time, the arrows never fell.

Xingmao looked up sharply, but saw that the archers of the eaves were motionless, and they didn't seem to be the ones they originally brought out of the house.

"Your people are lying down. Who else do you want to call an arrow?"

One person walked in from outside the gate, and it was Qiao Xian who had previously sent soldiers to Liugong City.

Xingmao was content with the mantis catching cicadas, but the cardinal was in the back, but did not expect that there was a hawk puppet after the cardinal.

Feng Xiao shook her mouth and shook her hands.

Holding his soldier amulet to pretend, the person in the left month bureau would really take advantage!

It was a pity that he had the style of one enemy and four opponents. Cui didn't go and couldn't see it, otherwise he would have to let the other party acknowledge this kind of love.

Thinking about this, he looked around and found that Cui did not go with Bingxian.

The author has something to say:

Feng Xiao: Damn, Lao Tzu worked so hard to fight, and came up with a b. Don't Cui go? Did he just see my power?

Cui does not go: I don't see it.

Have a nice weekend! Messages and nutrition liquids from the cute crabs!

Brother's Big Baby Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 04: 07

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 06: 35

Feng Er's Little Black House Throws a Deep-water Torpedo Throwing Time :: 06: 55

Mo Yan threw a mine tossing time :: 07: 46

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 07: 47

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 07: 53

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 08: 18

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 09: 01

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throw Time :: 09: 50

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 10: 24

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 10: 46

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 11:06

Fuji's little black room threw a mine tossing time :: 11:15

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 11:32

Fuji's little black house threw a mine tossing time :: 11:58

Fuji's Little Black House Throws a Mine Throwing Time :: 12: 04

Ginger Persimmon Throws a Rocket Cannon Throw Time :: 12: 07

What a idiot, you, you threw a mine tossing time :: 13: 13

. Thrown a mine throw time: 13:45

roco threw a mine tossing time :: 15: 18

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 16:22

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 16:42

Fengyan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 16:54

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 17: 13

Feng Yan threw a mine. Throwing time :: 17: 37

Ye Xiyu threw a mine tossing time :: 19: 24

Lime tree threw a mine. Throwing time :: 20: 35

qwe threw a mine time :: 24: 38

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 24: 53

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 25: 05

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 28: 16

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 30: 32

qwe threw a mine tossing time :: 30: 59

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 31: 22

qwe threw a mine tossing time :: 32: 30

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 34: 27

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 34: 43

qwe threw a mine tossing time :: 34: 58

When I saw you, I threw a mine. Throw time :: 39: 51

Qingjin threw a mine tossing time :: 44: 39

Ai threw a mine tossing time :: 04: 26

qwe threw a mine throw time :: 10: 58

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 13: 08

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 13:32

qwe threw a mine for throwing time :: 14: 25

Astral Throws 1 Mine Throw Time :: 36: 51

Astral Throws 1 Mine Throw Time :: 37: 05

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 37: 12

Astral Throws 1 Mine Throw Time :: 37: 12

Astral Throw 1 Mines Throwing Time :: 37: 21

Astral Throw 1 Mines Throw Time :: 37: 27

Astral Throws 1 Mine Throw Time :: 37: 37

. Throwing a mine: Throw time: 41:30

. Throw 1 mine throw time :: 42: 27

. Thrown a mine throw time: 45:08

Fly cotton spores threw a mine. Throw time: 18:36

Este threw a mine tossing time :: 20: 03

Haber threw a mine tossing time :: 41: 36

Wall Climbing Professionals Throw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 43: 20

Suffocating Gummy Bear Threw 1 Mine Throw Time :: 45: 49

Haiqi threw a mine for throwing time :: 43:10

A cat threw a mine on the climbing frame. Throw time :: 46: 45

Sui Sui threw a mine tossing time: 13:42

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 02: 47

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 02: 52

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time: 03:19

Nai Hexiang threw a mine tossing time :: 02: 20

Hangzhou Xinyu threw a mine tossing time :: 29: 22

Hangzhou City Xinyu threw a mine tossing time :: 29: 58

Nanhuang threw a mine. Throwing time :: 30: 21

The protagonist was able to hit and throw a mine. Throwing time :: 37: 50

Zushi Er threw a mine tossing time :: 36: 35

Three days have passed, and the house was unveiled! Throw a mine: Throw time: 53:50

Three days without a day, the house was unveiled! 1 mine was thrown Throw time: 54:00

Three days have passed, and the house was unveiled! Throw a mine. Throw time :: 54: 10

Cat demon Shang Shang threw a mine tossing time :: 04: 22

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 49: 53

Fengyan threw a mine tossing time :: 50: 09

Peach's Sky Throws 1 Mine Throw Time :: 50: 36

Chapter 60

A person like Duan Qiao, although he enjoys riches and riches now, he must have expected that he would encounter unexpected circumstances. He cunningly rabbits three caves. He really didn't get a secret passage or dark room agency as a retreat, just in case. It's a miracle.

However, Cui didn't expect that the entrance to the secret passageway of Qian Duan Qi was not on the common study or bed, but behind the trunk of the corridor in the courtyard.

People here come and go on weekdays, there is no reason to hide at all, but the most unlikely place at this time has become the first line of life for Duan Qiao. When Cui did not go down through the gap opened by the government, he was thinking about Duan ’s home except this entrance. In addition, there must be other entrances. Otherwise, Duan Qiyu is not in distress today in the yard, but he is in the study or bedroom. I am afraid there is only one way to go.

The entrance to the secret road is an oblique downward slope. The section of Qiu Qiu must have spent a lot of time on it. The tunnel was polished and smooth. He did not have rough stones that could easily hurt people. He did not slide for a while. Involuntarily followed the fall, at this time was gently supported by a gentle force in the waist, to avoid the fate of a big heel.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"Cui Daochang is more courteous." He didn't see his five fingers, and Bingxian was like him, and he was watching the situation around him.

But there was silence all around, and nothing could be heard.

In other words, the two of them should not be nearby.

"Go forward and see." Cui did not go.

Bingxian naturally has no objection: "It's dark here, and I can't see it clearly. Mr. Cui Dao, please follow me, so as not to be too late to save me if something happens."

Cui did not go: "Let me go in front of you."

It is wide and narrow at this time. It is obviously impossible to accommodate two people to walk side by side. If there is any danger, there is no time to hide. If Cui does not go behind the ice string, it is easy to hit the ice string in front because it is invisible. .

Bingxian smiled in the darkness.

When she saw more men who took advantage of others, she also had a lot of hypocrisy. When she saw the beauty, she couldn't move. She even admired Cui Buqi's lip service.

"No need," Bingxian said. "The leader is still behind me."

Anyway, she should step forward first, touch the side wall, and move forward slowly.

"There should be a candlestick on the wall, wait for me ... there."

Bingxian ignited the flame from the bosom, and a cluster of light emerged slowly within the line of sight. Both of them were relieved.

Darkness means unknown, and people are always afraid of the unknown. With this glimmer of light, even if there is any trap mechanism here, it is at least easier to find.

Bingxuan took the candlestick off the wall and wanted to light up the surrounding candlesticks, but found that all the candles were burned out, leaving the one in his hand, which was also drained by oil, and the end of the crossbow.

This shows that people often come here.

The place where they fell was a stone room that had been dug out by individuals. The square was flat, but empty, and there was nothing.

There are no beds, no seats, let alone desks.

Bing Xian frowned.

If someone comes often, isn't there anything to do? Just sit here on the floor, or just leave after standing and talking?

But the entrance is so steep and steep that it is not easy to climb back.

Cui didn't go but crouched down, reached out and touched the ground, then put it in front of his nose and sniffed.

"It's blood. They've been here just now."

Bingxian secretly embarrassed. She just looked around, but forgot about the dim feet. At the moment, she was busy squatting down, following the place said by the other side, and surely found a trail of blood trails.

Cui didn't ask Bingxian to pass the candlestick, almost lying on the ground to look carefully, and after a while, he pointed to a corner and said, "They disappeared there."

The blood was twisted and twisted, and the sand and gravel moved along. The traces were light and heavy, indicating that Duan Qi's injury was not a fake. He may not even stand up, his footsteps were sloppy, and Yan Xuexing chased him up and dragged him directly on the ground , And the two suddenly disappeared together.

There was nothing in the corner.

The agency should be hidden on the floor tiles or walls, without further ado, the two walked over and began to search separately.

Cui didn't go here and found nothing, then Bingxian snorted.

As soon as he could turn his head, the ground began to shake, Bingxian was startled, reached for the wall, and turned to catch Cui Bu, but he was still half a step behind. Cui Bu Qu had already fallen and they fell. His hand was worthy to be missed, Cui didn't go and grabbed it.

The next moment, his back slammed into the wall, causing severe pain, followed by a nasty wind, accompanied by a roar of beasts.

Cui didn't fall to the ground, and his chest was sore and painful, and he coughed subconsciously before exiting, and was roared back by this roar.

If it is Bingxian or Fengxiao, it is by no means difficult to avoid, but for Cui not to go, it is even more difficult.

Inevitably, he could only close his eyes. Rao was exhausted by the authorities. He did not expect that he did not die under the poisonous attack of Nai Hexiang. He was not killed by Yuxiu or Yuheng, but he was unknown in this place. In the back room, he was killed by a beast whose name was unknown.

Grab his arm stunned and drag it sideways!

Cui didn't go into one's arms, but was hugged by the other and rolled off.

The beast fluttered, roared, and rushed at them again.

Cui didn't just feel that the other party put himself down, the weapon screamed, and faced the beast.

In the darkness, one person and one beast wrestled into a ball. The beast was very interested in Cui not going. He had already regarded him as a mid-course meal. Anyone who had killed an obstacle halfway, repeatedly cut wounds on it, and the beast became increasingly impatient. , Snarled and rushed to the man, but was directly opened by a sword light and broke his belly, falling heavily from the air and making a muffled sound.

The beast can be scared, but for ordinary people, this beast is also not an opponent in front of people who are martial arts.

Moreover, this person is not weak in martial arts, and can even be called a master.

It's not Duan Qiao, nor is it Yan Xuexing.

Who will it be?

Feng Xiao is not using a sword.

Cui didn't think that he might be a little confused about the fall, and even thought and reacted a little slower than usual.

Until the other person talks to him: "Are you okay?"

Cui couldn't help but cough a few times, feeling the familiar **** smell rising from his throat, and said hoarsely, "Thank you very much, dare to ask Gao's name?"

The other said: "Xiao Lu."

Cui did not doubt, "grass head Xiao?"

The other laughed, "Yes, staggering."

Cui didn't help holding his dazed forehead frowning, only to find the name a little familiar, and then he remembered it.

Sure enough, he is another famous figure.

He is also a well-known person.

He Dehe, who is here in this section of the city, is a crowd of heroes overnight, from all directions?

The author has something to say:

Something happened today. I came back at night. The number of words was too low and it was too late.

Crab cute messages and nutrition fluid, good night good dreams, see you tomorrow night!

Overlord tickets will be released tomorrow = 3 =

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