Let Me Tease You Chapter 1-10

Chapter 1

[Translator note : Infodump chapter so hope you guys can be patient with it]

The flowers outside the window were blooming brilliantly. As if to express their anger to someone else, they bloomed with the most dazzling colors basking in the cold moonlight. Just like a charming and enchanting female dancer, very pleasing to the eye.

Just like the person leaning by the window, but unpleasant.

JiYuan was holding a cup of hot tea, then he used the cover of the cup to poke the floating tea leaves making a ‘tik tik’ sound. His expressionless face shifted away his line of sight.

Against the person leaning at the flowerbed while holding out a flower to him, the beauty even more charming than flowers, turned a blind eye on him. That pair of pale-colored eyes was like glazed tile, emotionless without happiness or sadness. The delicate face carved from ice resumed its original expression, so cold that a layer of frost can be scraped out from it.

Seeing JiYuan’s pair of light-colored eyes turning away without a glance, the man who was waving his hands from the flowerbed blinked and couldn’t help but sighed. Walking slowly to the window side, he slide the flower onto JiYuan’s hair and smilingly said, “The moonlight is so nice tonight, how about we get married ba?”

JiYuan’s gaze was wondering around, not sure what he was looking for but finally, the pair of eyes paused for a moment and fell onto the man spoken earlier.

Laurel tree was planted outside the window. The tree, dense with leaves blocked most of the moonlight, cutting the moonlight into countless smaller version of itself like a sieve. Bits of the moonlight scattered onto the man’s body. His ink-colored long hair floated in the wind, shone on by the moonlight, it looked gorgeous like silk.

In his heart, JiYuan couldn’t help but sounded a praise. But on the outside, his face was getting colder. He took the flower out from his hair and threw it aside. Using an indifferent gaze like ‘a mother-in-law picking out son-in-law’ to pierce the man, he icily opened his mouth.

“Ye Junchi, stop daydreaming. It’s not day time right now.”

Upon finishing his words, JiYuan flung out the cup in his hand and immediately shut the window.

Ye Junchi was not surprised, he floated the cup in the air with a swish from his finger. Reaching out, he took the cup and touched it with his slender fingers. His thin lips lightly touched the place where JiYuan has drunk the tea earlier. Then he drained the tea with a chuckle and leisurely turned away.

The boundary between humans and demons intersected, striking fear into the people’s heart. Rumored to be a cruel demon lord reeking of blood, his temperament in front of the little woman he captured to force-marry to him was so good, it makes people wonder if they have grown a pair of fake eyes and seen the situation wrongly. Ye Junchi was really calm and unruffled.

Well, for an ice cold beauty ….. he couldn’t go against ‘her’ head-on. Using this method, either one of them will sink, then the end result would be very unsatisfactory. Gradually melting down a person’s icy cover, now that would be fun.

JiYuan who was squatting inside the room didn’t know what was in the demon lord’s mind as he walked away. He nervously rubbed his own ‘fake’ chest but feeling not calm enough, he reached in and pulled out a peach in front of his chest. After taking a few ‘kacha kacha’ bites from the peach, he calmed down and asked, “System, how was my performance just now? I didn’t OOC right?”

[T/N: OOC = Out of Character. Do Google it for more info yo]

Leaving after splashing other people was really exciting!

A cold voice sounded in his head, “No. Good performance. Keep going.”

Shifting into a more comfortable posture, JiYuan continued to munch on the peach.

“The task to splash tea is completed, what is the next one?” System went silent for a moment, then gave a hum. “Refreshing for tasks right now.”
Finishing his peach with a few bites, JiYuan looked at his half-deflated chest. Might as well take the other peach out to eat.

With a cold voice, System said, “This is the territory of Ye Junchi. Anyone may come in anytime. You better take note of your image. Don’t let anyone find out that you are not a noble, icy cold beauty but a creep pretending fake lady.”

JiYuan furiously roared, “What creep?! You thought I happily volunteered to pretend as a lady?!”

System went silent for a moment, then replied with some sympathy in its tone, “Condolence.”

Spitting out the peach’s pit, JiYuan went to pick two peaches from the fruit bowl and shoved it into his clothing in front of his chest. The wide expanse of flatness at his chest just now immediately grown into full bulges, giving his body a beautiful curve. The only downside of this was it felt quite heavy and it shifted around with his movement. But it was covered by his clothing so it only looked like moving waves from the outside. Still, he has to be careful to prevent ‘them’ from falling out.

JiYuan : “……” sighed

All these started from three days ago. After a whole night of drinking with his pack of friends, JiYuan woke up to an expanse of darkness in front of him. There was a persistent ‘zizi’ sound of electric current beside his ears, causing his head to suffer a tight headache. Not sure how long has passed and a clear and indifferent voice finally sounded in his head.

“Welcome to experience the ‘OOC Endurance System’. System Serial number 2333 is here at your service.”

JiYuan : “…… what did you said you are again?”

Indifferent voice : “2333.”

JiYuan was not able to react on this, just thinking it was just a dream and couldn’t help but laughed out loud in strange sounds, “23333…..”

System coldly corrected him, “It’s 2333.”

Rolling his eyes, JiYuan didn’t intend to continue chatting with this strange creature. He closed his eyes, preparing to sleep but 2333 didn’t plan to let go of him.

System : “Hello, host. Please accept the mission’s character profile.” A panel of information immediately appeared in front of JiYuan’s eyes. Name : JiYuan
Gender : A girl with big ‘bird’*

Personality : Cold and silent, a person of few words, calm, not afraid of authority…. Current plot : Being forced to marry by the young master from Zhao family which is one of the four families from the cultivation sect, Ye Junchi passed by and abducted JiYuan then requested JiYuan to marry him as a token of appreciation for saving him.

Just by the personalities alone caused JiYuan to feel dizzy, but what make him tightened up was the gender.

“…. what? What the Hell is a girl with big ‘bird’?”

System calmly replied, “Means a fake lady, what so strange about it?
For more detailed info, please see Life Experience.”

JiYuan massaged his temple caused by the headache. The moment he finished reading the information, he sneered.

“Superstition. What with the ‘because there are strange signs calculated in life, if don’t act like a female, will die’? As someone who adhere to socialism, can I abolish this setting?”

[T/N : Sentence might sound a bit weird because I was trying to make it as short as possible for the impact. The word calculated means fortune- seller foreseen death in the future and recommended raising as different gender to confuse/escape fate :v]

System : “Number one, as someone who drink and fight the whole day, and a wastrel second generation. You are a bourgeoisie, the society and people don’t need you.”

System : “Second, if you dared to OOC, you will be immediately destroyed by the system.”

The tone of the voice sounded gloomy; it didn’t sound like a joke so JiYuan couldn’t help shivering.

System : “Let me further explain. September 6, 2035 – You died from alcohol poisoning. Now there are two roads in front of you. The first one, follow the personalities of the original character and complete 2,333 tasks given to you. After you completed the mission, you will be able to be resurrected in your original world.”

System : “Second, OOC and then I destroy you.”

JiYuan : “…” What?

The amount of input was too much, he couldn’t react in time…. Squatting down for a long time, JiYuan finally realized that System didn’t crack any joke on him. Indeed he caused his own demise and now gotten contracted by the system, so he must listen to System’s words or get destroyed like a virus. He need to play his role as an icy sister with big bird.

This sister, er no, this brother here was born from a difficult birth and his mother died in the process. Due to his fate was not good, he need to be raised and known to the public as a girl from young. He rarely went out from the house out of fear from being found out his real gender. His father on the other hand was so busy with work that you can’t even see his shadow. So he grew up in his small courtyard alone, his character became cold and lonesome.

JiYuan was a bit bitter. His own family was rich, very rich, extremely rich and his father was a big womanizer. All day round he went around chasing woman as if he’s on a mission to save the world, fearing that if he stopped ‘sowing seeds’ one day, mankind would perish. Although he is the son from the main wife, and appeared on the surface as the only inheritance heir, there are half brothers and sisters the amount of two football teams plus reserve members fiercely staring at him, wanting to X him to replace his position.

[T/N : X means kill]

Under the tremendous pressure, he decided to withdraw from the battle for inheritance and just make friends with other hedonistic young masters, indulging in pleasures and getting into fights all day. Wanting him to not OOC as a cold beauty … is a bit difficult. JiYuan carefully asked, “Big brother, what is the standard of the OOC checking?”

System replied, “It is up to my decision.”

Upon hearing that, JiYuan wanted to bribe System but a moment later realized that he is penniless at the moment so he could only sadly give up the idea. 2,333 tasks sounded really scary at first but it was actually quite simple tasks. For example, strange and trivial daily tasks like these :

“Go out and walk around but don’t let anyone finding out your real gender (0/1)”

“Need to squat down in the toilet to do small business (0/1)” “Use big mantous to replace the peaches as fake chest (0/1)” “Use hot tea to splash on the demon lord (0/1)”
JiYuan was full of confidence, he believed that he would be able to fulfilled 2,333 tasks and return to his rich home to continue being a wastrel.

He returned to his senses after munching on a few peaches to find out that he accidentally ate his ‘chest’ again. Embarrassed, he went to pick two peaches to stuff his chest again. Then he noticed that the new task has appeared after a refresh so he flopped onto the bed without taking off his outer garment and read the information.

After a night of pleasant dream –

Upon waking up, JiYuan’s hand reached out out of habit and murmured, “Thirsty….” A glass of water was immediately handed to his hand. JiYuan suddenly shuddered and sobered up. With his heart pumping from fear, he asked System whether his action just now was considered OOC. Only after he received ‘Negative’ as an answer that he opened his eyes. Seeing the demon lord smiling happily beside his bed, JiYuan held back his yawn and adjusted his emotion. He coldly asked, “Why are you here?” Ye Junchi laughed and said, “This is my demon palace, I can be anywhere I wanted to be.”

JiYuan’s heart started to shiver when he saw Ye Junchi took another step towards him but due to his personality setting as ‘not afraid of authority/not bowing down to the pressure of power’, he could only stared directly at Ye Junchi. He asked System while his heart thumped away, “Is the task out yet? I am very sc-scared with him staring at me like that….”

Although JiYuan is gay, the person in front of him was not his type. He felt very dangerous when Ye Junchi stared unblinkingly at him; causing him to feel cold at his back.

2333 quickly replied, “There is a dagger at the side of your waist.”

JiYuan felt a bit headache with the reply, “You’re asking me to give Ye Junchi a stab? He can fly eh, plus his skills are very good. Though he is not my type but he looked so handsome, I couldn’t bear to hurt him ah….”

Interrupting his thoughts, 2333 replied, “Better than stabbing your own neck.”

JiYuan : “…… Big brother, are you giving up on me? I really still can be saved….”

A task suddenly appeared in front of his eyes and JiYuan gave it a glance.

“When Ye Junchi gets nearer, take out the dagger and threaten him to leave (0/1)”

JiYuan felt relieved, he raised his head and looked at Ye Junchi who was leaning down with an unknown motive. His(JY) gaze abruptly turned serious and he swung out the dagger saying, “This dagger can slice through gold like mud.”

Ye Junchi gave a smile, “Oh?” Slowly pushing the dagger against himself, JiYuan asked, “Do you think this dagger can kill you?”

Ye Junchi seriously considered the possibility, then replied with an unfortunate expression, “No, it can’t.”

JiYuan : “But it can kill me.”

Ye Junchi : “….”

JiYuan continued to press the dagger against his own neck. Then he snapped out, “Get out.”

Ye Junchi narrowed his eyes with a dangerous aura.

[* You have no idea what research I did to understand and translate the
word ‘bird’ in this story. The original word is which directly
translated to big chirp. I was like wth is that? then googled/read about a short story of an alpha [NSFW] futanari … orz Oh, ‘bird’ huh //// ]

The author has something to say: Was late to start spicy novel ( ̄︶ ̄)) hug hug~ Actually, the reason for being late was the first chapter… everything is difficult at the beginning. What you guys read was the 5th
edition of the beginning, the original settings were slightly changed…. (:з」
∠) Not sure if there are any angels waiting so long for this novel, then felt disappointed after it came out. If there are… please don't say it out.
*smoothed hair I will work harder in the future.


Chapter 2

[Translator note : Infodump chapter so hope you guys can be patient with it]

The flowers outside the window were blooming brilliantly. As if to express their anger to someone else, they bloomed with the most dazzling colors basking in the cold moonlight. Just like a charming and enchanting female dancer, very pleasing to the eye.

Just like the person leaning by the window, but unpleasant.

JiYuan was holding a cup of hot tea, then he used the cover of the cup to poke the floating tea leaves making a ‘tik tik’ sound. His expressionless face shifted away his line of sight.

Against the person leaning at the flowerbed while holding out a flower to him, the beauty even more charming than flowers, turned a blind eye on him. That pair of pale-colored eyes was like glazed tile, emotionless without happiness or sadness. The delicate face carved from ice resumed its original expression, so cold that a layer of frost can be scraped out from it.

Seeing JiYuan’s pair of light-colored eyes turning away without a glance, the man who was waving his hands from the flowerbed blinked and couldn’t help but sighed. Walking slowly to the window side, he slide the flower onto JiYuan’s hair and smilingly said, “The moonlight is so nice tonight, how about we get married ba?”

JiYuan’s gaze was wondering around, not sure what he was looking for but finally, the pair of eyes paused for a moment and fell onto the man spoken earlier.

Laurel tree was planted outside the window. The tree, dense with leaves blocked most of the moonlight, cutting the moonlight into countless smaller version of itself like a sieve. Bits of the moonlight scattered onto the man’s body. His ink-colored long hair floated in the wind, shone on by the moonlight, it looked gorgeous like silk.

In his heart, JiYuan couldn’t help but sounded a praise. But on the outside, his face was getting colder. He took the flower out from his hair and threw it aside. Using an indifferent gaze like ‘a mother-in-law picking out son-in-law’ to pierce the man, he icily opened his mouth.

“Ye Junchi, stop daydreaming. It’s not day time right now.”

Upon finishing his words, JiYuan flung out the cup in his hand and immediately shut the window.

Ye Junchi was not surprised, he floated the cup in the air with a swish from his finger. Reaching out, he took the cup and touched it with his slender fingers. His thin lips lightly touched the place where JiYuan has drunk the tea earlier. Then he drained the tea with a chuckle and leisurely turned away.

The boundary between humans and demons intersected, striking fear into the people’s heart. Rumored to be a cruel demon lord reeking of blood, his temperament in front of the little woman he captured to force-marry to him was so good, it makes people wonder if they have grown a pair of fake eyes and seen the situation wrongly. Ye Junchi was really calm and unruffled.

Well, for an ice cold beauty ….. he couldn’t go against ‘her’ head-on. Using this method, either one of them will sink, then the end result would be very unsatisfactory. Gradually melting down a person’s icy cover, now that would be fun.

JiYuan who was squatting inside the room didn’t know what was in the demon lord’s mind as he walked away. He nervously rubbed his own ‘fake’ chest but feeling not calm enough, he reached in and pulled out a peach in front of his chest. After taking a few ‘kacha kacha’ bites from the peach, he calmed down and asked, “System, how was my performance just now? I didn’t OOC right?”

[T/N: OOC = Out of Character. Do Google it for more info yo]

Leaving after splashing other people was really exciting!

A cold voice sounded in his head, “No. Good performance. Keep going.”

Shifting into a more comfortable posture, JiYuan continued to munch on the peach.

“The task to splash tea is completed, what is the next one?” System went silent for a moment, then gave a hum. “Refreshing for tasks right now.”
Finishing his peach with a few bites, JiYuan looked at his half-deflated chest. Might as well take the other peach out to eat.

With a cold voice, System said, “This is the territory of Ye Junchi. Anyone may come in anytime. You better take note of your image. Don’t let anyone find out that you are not a noble, icy cold beauty but a creep pretending fake lady.”

JiYuan furiously roared, “What creep?! You thought I happily volunteered to pretend as a lady?!”

System went silent for a moment, then replied with some sympathy in its tone, “Condolence.”

Spitting out the peach’s pit, JiYuan went to pick two peaches from the fruit bowl and shoved it into his clothing in front of his chest. The wide expanse of flatness at his chest just now immediately grown into full bulges, giving his body a beautiful curve. The only downside of this was it felt quite heavy and it shifted around with his movement. But it was covered by his clothing so it only looked like moving waves from the outside. Still, he has to be careful to prevent ‘them’ from falling out.

JiYuan : “……” sighed

All these started from three days ago. After a whole night of drinking with his pack of friends, JiYuan woke up to an expanse of darkness in front of him. There was a persistent ‘zizi’ sound of electric current beside his ears, causing his head to suffer a tight headache. Not sure how long has passed and a clear and indifferent voice finally sounded in his head.

“Welcome to experience the ‘OOC Endurance System’. System Serial number 2333 is here at your service.”

JiYuan : “…… what did you said you are again?”

Indifferent voice : “2333.”

JiYuan was not able to react on this, just thinking it was just a dream and couldn’t help but laughed out loud in strange sounds, “23333…..”

System coldly corrected him, “It’s 2333.”

Rolling his eyes, JiYuan didn’t intend to continue chatting with this strange creature. He closed his eyes, preparing to sleep but 2333 didn’t plan to let go of him.

System : “Hello, host. Please accept the mission’s character profile.” A panel of information immediately appeared in front of JiYuan’s eyes. Name : JiYuan
Gender : A girl with big ‘bird’*

Personality : Cold and silent, a person of few words, calm, not afraid of authority…. Current plot : Being forced to marry by the young master from Zhao family which is one of the four families from the cultivation sect, Ye Junchi passed by and abducted JiYuan then requested JiYuan to marry him as a token of appreciation for saving him.

Just by the personalities alone caused JiYuan to feel dizzy, but what make him tightened up was the gender.

“…. what? What the Hell is a girl with big ‘bird’?”

System calmly replied, “Means a fake lady, what so strange about it?
For more detailed info, please see Life Experience.”

JiYuan massaged his temple caused by the headache. The moment he finished reading the information, he sneered.

“Superstition. What with the ‘because there are strange signs calculated in life, if don’t act like a female, will die’? As someone who adhere to socialism, can I abolish this setting?”

[T/N : Sentence might sound a bit weird because I was trying to make it as short as possible for the impact. The word calculated means fortune- seller foreseen death in the future and recommended raising as different gender to confuse/escape fate :v]

System : “Number one, as someone who drink and fight the whole day, and a wastrel second generation. You are a bourgeoisie, the society and people don’t need you.”

System : “Second, if you dared to OOC, you will be immediately destroyed by the system.”

The tone of the voice sounded gloomy; it didn’t sound like a joke so JiYuan couldn’t help shivering.

System : “Let me further explain. September 6, 2035 – You died from alcohol poisoning. Now there are two roads in front of you. The first one, follow the personalities of the original character and complete 2,333 tasks given to you. After you completed the mission, you will be able to be resurrected in your original world.”

System : “Second, OOC and then I destroy you.”

JiYuan : “…” What?

The amount of input was too much, he couldn’t react in time…. Squatting down for a long time, JiYuan finally realized that System didn’t crack any joke on him. Indeed he caused his own demise and now gotten contracted by the system, so he must listen to System’s words or get destroyed like a virus. He need to play his role as an icy sister with big bird.

This sister, er no, this brother here was born from a difficult birth and his mother died in the process. Due to his fate was not good, he need to be raised and known to the public as a girl from young. He rarely went out from the house out of fear from being found out his real gender. His father on the other hand was so busy with work that you can’t even see his shadow. So he grew up in his small courtyard alone, his character became cold and lonesome.

JiYuan was a bit bitter. His own family was rich, very rich, extremely rich and his father was a big womanizer. All day round he went around chasing woman as if he’s on a mission to save the world, fearing that if he stopped ‘sowing seeds’ one day, mankind would perish. Although he is the son from the main wife, and appeared on the surface as the only inheritance heir, there are half brothers and sisters the amount of two football teams plus reserve members fiercely staring at him, wanting to X him to replace his position.

[T/N : X means kill]

Under the tremendous pressure, he decided to withdraw from the battle for inheritance and just make friends with other hedonistic young masters, indulging in pleasures and getting into fights all day. Wanting him to not OOC as a cold beauty … is a bit difficult. JiYuan carefully asked, “Big brother, what is the standard of the OOC checking?”

System replied, “It is up to my decision.”

Upon hearing that, JiYuan wanted to bribe System but a moment later realized that he is penniless at the moment so he could only sadly give up the idea. 2,333 tasks sounded really scary at first but it was actually quite simple tasks. For example, strange and trivial daily tasks like these :

“Go out and walk around but don’t let anyone finding out your real gender (0/1)”

“Need to squat down in the toilet to do small business (0/1)” “Use big mantous to replace the peaches as fake chest (0/1)” “Use hot tea to splash on the demon lord (0/1)”
JiYuan was full of confidence, he believed that he would be able to fulfilled 2,333 tasks and return to his rich home to continue being a wastrel.

He returned to his senses after munching on a few peaches to find out that he accidentally ate his ‘chest’ again. Embarrassed, he went to pick two peaches to stuff his chest again. Then he noticed that the new task has appeared after a refresh so he flopped onto the bed without taking off his outer garment and read the information.

After a night of pleasant dream –

Upon waking up, JiYuan’s hand reached out out of habit and murmured, “Thirsty….” A glass of water was immediately handed to his hand. JiYuan suddenly shuddered and sobered up. With his heart pumping from fear, he asked System whether his action just now was considered OOC. Only after he received ‘Negative’ as an answer that he opened his eyes. Seeing the demon lord smiling happily beside his bed, JiYuan held back his yawn and adjusted his emotion. He coldly asked, “Why are you here?” Ye Junchi laughed and said, “This is my demon palace, I can be anywhere I wanted to be.”

JiYuan’s heart started to shiver when he saw Ye Junchi took another step towards him but due to his personality setting as ‘not afraid of authority/not bowing down to the pressure of power’, he could only stared directly at Ye Junchi. He asked System while his heart thumped away, “Is the task out yet? I am very sc-scared with him staring at me like that….”

Although JiYuan is gay, the person in front of him was not his type. He felt very dangerous when Ye Junchi stared unblinkingly at him; causing him to feel cold at his back.

2333 quickly replied, “There is a dagger at the side of your waist.”

JiYuan felt a bit headache with the reply, “You’re asking me to give Ye Junchi a stab? He can fly eh, plus his skills are very good. Though he is not my type but he looked so handsome, I couldn’t bear to hurt him ah….”

Interrupting his thoughts, 2333 replied, “Better than stabbing your own neck.”

JiYuan : “…… Big brother, are you giving up on me? I really still can be saved….”

A task suddenly appeared in front of his eyes and JiYuan gave it a glance.

“When Ye Junchi gets nearer, take out the dagger and threaten him to leave (0/1)”

JiYuan felt relieved, he raised his head and looked at Ye Junchi who was leaning down with an unknown motive. His(JY) gaze abruptly turned serious and he swung out the dagger saying, “This dagger can slice through gold like mud.”

Ye Junchi gave a smile, “Oh?” Slowly pushing the dagger against himself, JiYuan asked, “Do you think this dagger can kill you?”

Ye Junchi seriously considered the possibility, then replied with an unfortunate expression, “No, it can’t.”

JiYuan : “But it can kill me.”

Ye Junchi : “….”

JiYuan continued to press the dagger against his own neck. Then he snapped out, “Get out.”

Ye Junchi narrowed his eyes with a dangerous aura.

[* You have no idea what research I did to understand and translate the
word ‘bird’ in this story. The original word is which directly
translated to big chirp. I was like wth is that? then googled/read about a short story of an alpha [NSFW] futanari … orz Oh, ‘bird’ huh //// ]

The author has something to say: Was late to start spicy novel ( ̄︶ ̄)) hug hug~ Actually, the reason for being late was the first chapter… everything is difficult at the beginning. What you guys read was the 5th
edition of the beginning, the original settings were slightly changed…. (:з」
∠) Not sure if there are any angels waiting so long for this novel, then felt disappointed after it came out. If there are… please don't say it out.
*smoothed hair I will work harder in the future.


Chapter 3

[Translator note : Infodump chapter so hope you guys can be patient with it]

The flowers outside the window were blooming brilliantly. As if to express their anger to someone else, they bloomed with the most dazzling colors basking in the cold moonlight. Just like a charming and enchanting female dancer, very pleasing to the eye.

Just like the person leaning by the window, but unpleasant.

JiYuan was holding a cup of hot tea, then he used the cover of the cup to poke the floating tea leaves making a ‘tik tik’ sound. His expressionless face shifted away his line of sight.

Against the person leaning at the flowerbed while holding out a flower to him, the beauty even more charming than flowers, turned a blind eye on him. That pair of pale-colored eyes was like glazed tile, emotionless without happiness or sadness. The delicate face carved from ice resumed its original expression, so cold that a layer of frost can be scraped out from it.

Seeing JiYuan’s pair of light-colored eyes turning away without a glance, the man who was waving his hands from the flowerbed blinked and couldn’t help but sighed. Walking slowly to the window side, he slide the flower onto JiYuan’s hair and smilingly said, “The moonlight is so nice tonight, how about we get married ba?”

JiYuan’s gaze was wondering around, not sure what he was looking for but finally, the pair of eyes paused for a moment and fell onto the man spoken earlier.

Laurel tree was planted outside the window. The tree, dense with leaves blocked most of the moonlight, cutting the moonlight into countless smaller version of itself like a sieve. Bits of the moonlight scattered onto the man’s body. His ink-colored long hair floated in the wind, shone on by the moonlight, it looked gorgeous like silk.

In his heart, JiYuan couldn’t help but sounded a praise. But on the outside, his face was getting colder. He took the flower out from his hair and threw it aside. Using an indifferent gaze like ‘a mother-in-law picking out son-in-law’ to pierce the man, he icily opened his mouth.

“Ye Junchi, stop daydreaming. It’s not day time right now.”

Upon finishing his words, JiYuan flung out the cup in his hand and immediately shut the window.

Ye Junchi was not surprised, he floated the cup in the air with a swish from his finger. Reaching out, he took the cup and touched it with his slender fingers. His thin lips lightly touched the place where JiYuan has drunk the tea earlier. Then he drained the tea with a chuckle and leisurely turned away.

The boundary between humans and demons intersected, striking fear into the people’s heart. Rumored to be a cruel demon lord reeking of blood, his temperament in front of the little woman he captured to force-marry to him was so good, it makes people wonder if they have grown a pair of fake eyes and seen the situation wrongly. Ye Junchi was really calm and unruffled.

Well, for an ice cold beauty ….. he couldn’t go against ‘her’ head-on. Using this method, either one of them will sink, then the end result would be very unsatisfactory. Gradually melting down a person’s icy cover, now that would be fun.

JiYuan who was squatting inside the room didn’t know what was in the demon lord’s mind as he walked away. He nervously rubbed his own ‘fake’ chest but feeling not calm enough, he reached in and pulled out a peach in front of his chest. After taking a few ‘kacha kacha’ bites from the peach, he calmed down and asked, “System, how was my performance just now? I didn’t OOC right?”

[T/N: OOC = Out of Character. Do Google it for more info yo]

Leaving after splashing other people was really exciting!

A cold voice sounded in his head, “No. Good performance. Keep going.”

Shifting into a more comfortable posture, JiYuan continued to munch on the peach.

“The task to splash tea is completed, what is the next one?” System went silent for a moment, then gave a hum. “Refreshing for tasks right now.”
Finishing his peach with a few bites, JiYuan looked at his half-deflated chest. Might as well take the other peach out to eat.

With a cold voice, System said, “This is the territory of Ye Junchi. Anyone may come in anytime. You better take note of your image. Don’t let anyone find out that you are not a noble, icy cold beauty but a creep pretending fake lady.”

JiYuan furiously roared, “What creep?! You thought I happily volunteered to pretend as a lady?!”

System went silent for a moment, then replied with some sympathy in its tone, “Condolence.”

Spitting out the peach’s pit, JiYuan went to pick two peaches from the fruit bowl and shoved it into his clothing in front of his chest. The wide expanse of flatness at his chest just now immediately grown into full bulges, giving his body a beautiful curve. The only downside of this was it felt quite heavy and it shifted around with his movement. But it was covered by his clothing so it only looked like moving waves from the outside. Still, he has to be careful to prevent ‘them’ from falling out.

JiYuan : “……” sighed

All these started from three days ago. After a whole night of drinking with his pack of friends, JiYuan woke up to an expanse of darkness in front of him. There was a persistent ‘zizi’ sound of electric current beside his ears, causing his head to suffer a tight headache. Not sure how long has passed and a clear and indifferent voice finally sounded in his head.

“Welcome to experience the ‘OOC Endurance System’. System Serial number 2333 is here at your service.”

JiYuan : “…… what did you said you are again?”

Indifferent voice : “2333.”

JiYuan was not able to react on this, just thinking it was just a dream and couldn’t help but laughed out loud in strange sounds, “23333…..”

System coldly corrected him, “It’s 2333.”

Rolling his eyes, JiYuan didn’t intend to continue chatting with this strange creature. He closed his eyes, preparing to sleep but 2333 didn’t plan to let go of him.

System : “Hello, host. Please accept the mission’s character profile.” A panel of information immediately appeared in front of JiYuan’s eyes. Name : JiYuan
Gender : A girl with big ‘bird’*

Personality : Cold and silent, a person of few words, calm, not afraid of authority…. Current plot : Being forced to marry by the young master from Zhao family which is one of the four families from the cultivation sect, Ye Junchi passed by and abducted JiYuan then requested JiYuan to marry him as a token of appreciation for saving him.

Just by the personalities alone caused JiYuan to feel dizzy, but what make him tightened up was the gender.

“…. what? What the Hell is a girl with big ‘bird’?”

System calmly replied, “Means a fake lady, what so strange about it?
For more detailed info, please see Life Experience.”

JiYuan massaged his temple caused by the headache. The moment he finished reading the information, he sneered.

“Superstition. What with the ‘because there are strange signs calculated in life, if don’t act like a female, will die’? As someone who adhere to socialism, can I abolish this setting?”

[T/N : Sentence might sound a bit weird because I was trying to make it as short as possible for the impact. The word calculated means fortune- seller foreseen death in the future and recommended raising as different gender to confuse/escape fate :v]

System : “Number one, as someone who drink and fight the whole day, and a wastrel second generation. You are a bourgeoisie, the society and people don’t need you.”

System : “Second, if you dared to OOC, you will be immediately destroyed by the system.”

The tone of the voice sounded gloomy; it didn’t sound like a joke so JiYuan couldn’t help shivering.

System : “Let me further explain. September 6, 2035 – You died from alcohol poisoning. Now there are two roads in front of you. The first one, follow the personalities of the original character and complete 2,333 tasks given to you. After you completed the mission, you will be able to be resurrected in your original world.”

System : “Second, OOC and then I destroy you.”

JiYuan : “…” What?

The amount of input was too much, he couldn’t react in time…. Squatting down for a long time, JiYuan finally realized that System didn’t crack any joke on him. Indeed he caused his own demise and now gotten contracted by the system, so he must listen to System’s words or get destroyed like a virus. He need to play his role as an icy sister with big bird.

This sister, er no, this brother here was born from a difficult birth and his mother died in the process. Due to his fate was not good, he need to be raised and known to the public as a girl from young. He rarely went out from the house out of fear from being found out his real gender. His father on the other hand was so busy with work that you can’t even see his shadow. So he grew up in his small courtyard alone, his character became cold and lonesome.

JiYuan was a bit bitter. His own family was rich, very rich, extremely rich and his father was a big womanizer. All day round he went around chasing woman as if he’s on a mission to save the world, fearing that if he stopped ‘sowing seeds’ one day, mankind would perish. Although he is the son from the main wife, and appeared on the surface as the only inheritance heir, there are half brothers and sisters the amount of two football teams plus reserve members fiercely staring at him, wanting to X him to replace his position.

[T/N : X means kill]

Under the tremendous pressure, he decided to withdraw from the battle for inheritance and just make friends with other hedonistic young masters, indulging in pleasures and getting into fights all day. Wanting him to not OOC as a cold beauty … is a bit difficult. JiYuan carefully asked, “Big brother, what is the standard of the OOC checking?”

System replied, “It is up to my decision.”

Upon hearing that, JiYuan wanted to bribe System but a moment later realized that he is penniless at the moment so he could only sadly give up the idea. 2,333 tasks sounded really scary at first but it was actually quite simple tasks. For example, strange and trivial daily tasks like these :

“Go out and walk around but don’t let anyone finding out your real gender (0/1)”

“Need to squat down in the toilet to do small business (0/1)” “Use big mantous to replace the peaches as fake chest (0/1)” “Use hot tea to splash on the demon lord (0/1)”
JiYuan was full of confidence, he believed that he would be able to fulfilled 2,333 tasks and return to his rich home to continue being a wastrel.

He returned to his senses after munching on a few peaches to find out that he accidentally ate his ‘chest’ again. Embarrassed, he went to pick two peaches to stuff his chest again. Then he noticed that the new task has appeared after a refresh so he flopped onto the bed without taking off his outer garment and read the information.

After a night of pleasant dream –

Upon waking up, JiYuan’s hand reached out out of habit and murmured, “Thirsty….” A glass of water was immediately handed to his hand. JiYuan suddenly shuddered and sobered up. With his heart pumping from fear, he asked System whether his action just now was considered OOC. Only after he received ‘Negative’ as an answer that he opened his eyes. Seeing the demon lord smiling happily beside his bed, JiYuan held back his yawn and adjusted his emotion. He coldly asked, “Why are you here?” Ye Junchi laughed and said, “This is my demon palace, I can be anywhere I wanted to be.”

JiYuan’s heart started to shiver when he saw Ye Junchi took another step towards him but due to his personality setting as ‘not afraid of authority/not bowing down to the pressure of power’, he could only stared directly at Ye Junchi. He asked System while his heart thumped away, “Is the task out yet? I am very sc-scared with him staring at me like that….”

Although JiYuan is gay, the person in front of him was not his type. He felt very dangerous when Ye Junchi stared unblinkingly at him; causing him to feel cold at his back.

2333 quickly replied, “There is a dagger at the side of your waist.”

JiYuan felt a bit headache with the reply, “You’re asking me to give Ye Junchi a stab? He can fly eh, plus his skills are very good. Though he is not my type but he looked so handsome, I couldn’t bear to hurt him ah….”

Interrupting his thoughts, 2333 replied, “Better than stabbing your own neck.”

JiYuan : “…… Big brother, are you giving up on me? I really still can be saved….”

A task suddenly appeared in front of his eyes and JiYuan gave it a glance.

“When Ye Junchi gets nearer, take out the dagger and threaten him to leave (0/1)”

JiYuan felt relieved, he raised his head and looked at Ye Junchi who was leaning down with an unknown motive. His(JY) gaze abruptly turned serious and he swung out the dagger saying, “This dagger can slice through gold like mud.”

Ye Junchi gave a smile, “Oh?” Slowly pushing the dagger against himself, JiYuan asked, “Do you think this dagger can kill you?”

Ye Junchi seriously considered the possibility, then replied with an unfortunate expression, “No, it can’t.”

JiYuan : “But it can kill me.”

Ye Junchi : “….”

JiYuan continued to press the dagger against his own neck. Then he snapped out, “Get out.”

Ye Junchi narrowed his eyes with a dangerous aura.

[* You have no idea what research I did to understand and translate the
word ‘bird’ in this story. The original word is which directly
translated to big chirp. I was like wth is that? then googled/read about a short story of an alpha [NSFW] futanari … orz Oh, ‘bird’ huh //// ]

The author has something to say: Was late to start spicy novel ( ̄︶ ̄)) hug hug~ Actually, the reason for being late was the first chapter… everything is difficult at the beginning. What you guys read was the 5th
edition of the beginning, the original settings were slightly changed…. (:з」
∠) Not sure if there are any angels waiting so long for this novel, then felt disappointed after it came out. If there are… please don't say it out.
*smoothed hair I will work harder in the future.


Chapter 4

JiYuan was expressionless while lying down on the bed, staring upwards and not thinking anything.

If not for System, who set the rule that his default expression was ‘No expression’, then his current expression would be a lifeless one.

System comforted him, “The task is done anyway, it’s just a marriage.
Who is afraid of who ah?”

Continued zoning out, JiYuan asked, “Can you guarantee that after Ye Junchi saw my two pomegranates chest and the little brother down there, he won’t strangle me to death, then proceed to the body owner’s home to strangle the whole family to death?”

System : “….” Not sure. JiYuan : “….” Shut up.
All of a sudden, JiYuan slapped the bed and sat up angrily.

“It’s all your fault! What kind of stupid tasks?! What with the tasks keep asking to escape?! Now I couldn’t even get out of the room; it’s all Ye Junchi’s men out there waiting to send me to Hell tomorrow!”

System corrected him, “It’s sending you to bridal chamber.”

JiYuan said, “Is there any difference?”

System became silent after a thought. Him fleeing to the mountain seemed to touch Ye Junchi’s nerves, this person no longer employ gentle attack method but directly locked JiYuan in the room and prepared him to be married. When JiYuan thought of the bridal chamber, he couldn’t help but felt that he was at death’s door and shivered.

On the other hand, the taskbar was still not giving any tasks so he doesn’t know what to do to deal with this problem. Plus he couldn’t escape so he could only sit and wait for death. The more JiYuan thought about it, the sadder he became. After sleeping like a corpse for one day and one night or was the second day, as the sky turned darker, he took the initiative to change into the wedding dress that has been sent in earlier.

Wearing wedding clothing and celebrating it in the palace, Ye Junchi carried it out because he took into accounts the custom in the human realm. Otherwise, JiYuan would be directly stripped naked and thrown onto Ye Junchi’s bed. Many of the complicated details of human marriage ceremony has been omitted. The moment JiYuan finished changing his clothes, he was taken to sit inside Ye Junchi’s room. They don’t even have to do the bowing ceremony, he just need to wait for Ye Junchi to finish drinking with his men out there.

JiYuan’s face was green, he poked System, “What to do?”

System was feeling helpless as well, “How about ….. you ‘bend’ him?”

JiYuan : “….”

One human and one system went silent for a moment, then the taskbar suddenly refreshed. JiYuan gave it a glance.

“Poke a finger and drip blood into the nuptial wine (0/1)”

Walking around inside the room, JiYuan broke a porcelain bowl to cut his finger and dripped blood into the wine pot. Just when the blood was dripped into the pot, the taskbar was updated again.

“Let Ye Junchi drink the nuptial wine (0/1)” Still looking at his own bleeding finger, JiYuan clucked his tongue.

“Could it be the original body’s blood is poisonous? That’s not very nice, Ye Junchi didn’t do anything bad to me and he even saved me.”

System : “Do you want to complete the task, get strangled to death, or ‘bend’ him?”

JiYuan : “…. everyone has their own fate, bad people usually live longer, he probably won’t die that easily.”

System : “Who told you that your blood can fatally poisoned a well- known strong demon?”

JiYuan : “….”

JiYuan felt like his anger was going off the chart because of System.

Noisy voices traveled from the outside and JiYuan listened to it for a while. Then, he returned his attention to ponder how he can complete his task. With a ‘creak’, the door was pushed open. The footsteps he has grown to familiarize with sounded endlessly around the jade folding screen, then stopped in front of him in less than ten feet away.

Why was he back so soon?

JiYuan’s heart felt like leaping up to his throat. Pretending to coldly lift up his eyes to look at him, JiYuan saw the slender tall man who was usually clad in black clothing now donned a long red wedding robe. That man leaned against the screen with a lazy posture, as if he was meditating. That face usually smiling and yet, there was nothing friendly about it. But now, without showing a pretentious gentle smile, he looked extremely charming. His looks were already there, plus his expressions were not bad.

In his heart, JiYuan said, “As long as you don’t smile, it’s all good.”

When this person laughed, it gave JiYuan the feeling almost similar to when System was speaking gently with him. Other than an unsettled feeling, there was also a feeling of them harboring malicious intentions. Most probably because Ye Junchi has drunk wine with his men, there was a lazy tone in his voice when he opened his mouth to talk; delicate yet indifferent.

“I thought you have escaped again. Really don’t know how to differentiate good from bad, obediently staying in the palace is the safest option.”

JiYuan continued to adhere to the original body’s character, remained silent.

Shaking his head, Ye Junchi stood up and went to the table to pour two cups of nuptial wine. He then went to stand in front of JiYuan, showing a faint smile.

“I heard from the human realm that couples getting married need to drink this. If you don’t drink it, I could only freeze you (by pressing acupuncture points) and help you drink it.”

Seeing Ye Junchi’s gaze swept over his lips when he said that, it was very obvious what method he would ‘help’ him to drink the wine. JiYuan thought for 3 seconds then decisively took the cup and drank the wine. On the other hand, he asked System if there are any side effects for him to drink this nuptial wine with extra ingredient…..

With a cold voice, System replied, “That is your own blood, what do you think?”

JiYuan : “…..”

The corner of Ye Junchi’s lips curved up when he saw JiYuan drank the wine. He then drained his wine too. Tasting the wine with his tongue, he smiled and asked, “What kind of poison has been put inside?”

JiYuan almost bit his tongue, speechlessly stared at Ye Junchi with a green face.

Ye Junchi sighed. “I forgot to tell Ah Yuan that I grew up tasting hundreds of poisons. I can almost say that I’m invulnerable to any poison. Ah Yuan has miscalculated.”

God his mother the Hell is invulnerable to any poison?!

[T/N : JY was cursing and I found directly translating the word rather than using the F-word sounds more funny XD].

Then, was there any meaning at all for the task just now? At least let Ye Junchi collapse so he can escape ah.

Ten thousands of horses were galloping in JiYuan’s inner heart as Ye Junchi stared meaningfully at him.

Ye Junchi’s finger gently caressed the rim of the cup. After some time, his eyes slightly narrowed.

“Time to enter the bridal chamber.”

In JiYuan’s eyes, Ye Junchi looked like the executioner in the execution site; patting his(JY) head with a kind face seemingly saying, ‘Time is up, should get on the road (to die)’.

JiYuan didn’t even get to ‘struggle before death’ but then, a light bulb suddenly lit up in his mind. He pursed his lip then said with an icy tone, “Since you and I are married, can you guarantee that you won’t harm the Ji Family?”

Not expecting JiYuan would suddenly say such words, Ye Junchi’s slender eyebrow rose. Calmly nodded, he said, “Naturally.”

“It’s your words as the Demon Lord, you can’t go back on it.”

Ye Junchi nodded again and leaned over to stare at the person in front of him. A bit of nervousness and fear was shown on that person’s indifferent cold face. Smiling again in silence, Ye Junchi took the advantage to push JiYuan down on to the bed. With an invading stance, he stuck his knee between JiYuan’s legs and pushed upwards until— “….”

Frowning, Je Junchi asked, “Ah Yuan, what is between your legs?”

JiYuan replied without any expression, “Gun.”

System quietly said, “You actually dared to crack a yellow (indecent) joke with him?”

Continuing with his expressionless face, JiYuan replied, “So you want me to tell him it’s a big ‘bird’?”

System : “….” Your win.

There was a strange look on Ye Junchi’s face. He keep pondering what kind of ‘gun’ that can be hidden there, it felt semi-hard and not soft. His hands slowly crawled to JiYuan’s waist, lightly pulling off his belt. Ye Junchi glanced at his(JY) taut body, his(JY) eyes were half-closed. A bit of pink shaded the pale white androgynous face of the beauty, Ye Junchi felt good for some reason. Originally he just thought to tease JiYuan, but he unconsciously moved by the sight. He leaned over to place a kiss on JiYuan’s forehead then lightly whispered, “I won’t hurt you, relax a bit.”

JiYuan continued maintaining his facial nerve paralysis state. JiYuan : “There should be a climax here.”
And then, the climax arrived.

Ye Junchi pulled away the beauty’s red wedding robe and saw the pomegranates rolling down, his expression was marvelous. Just that the air suddenly became still.

The room fell into a confused silent and Ye Junchi stared at JiYuan’s flat chest with a complex expression. At a time like this, JiYuan didn’t feel afraid and he laughed out loud.

“Look, System. Don’t you think Ye Junchi looked like a hamster that dropped its melon seeds out of shock?” “…..”

System calmly said, “Even if he is a hamster, he won’t drop his melon seed. Because that is you, he wanted to swallow you whole— prepare yourself for reincarnation ba.”

Suddenly returned back to reality, JiYuan looked up to stare at the silent Ye Junchi and became terrified. He shrunk back his neck for fear of being strangled to death. It seemed like even the air has congealed to a deathly silent.

The bright candlelight from the ‘double happiness wedding candle’ swayed from unknown wind, giving the handsome man’s side profile a thin layer of gold and also masked the expression of his eyes.

JiYuan quietly edged himself backwards.

Ye Junchi saw JiYuan backing away and blinked. Suddenly, he straightened his back and reached out to tear away JiYuan’s skirt with a frosty expression.

His legs being exposed all of a sudden in the air couldn’t help feeling cold even though it was summer right now. JiYuan quickly whipped around to shrink further back but Ye Junchi grabbed hold of his ankle and pulled him back to his body. Ye Junchi grabbed his underpants and pulled. Indeed there was a ‘gun’ between the pair of white slender legs.

JiYuan looked at the person who stared at his little brother like some rare strange creature. His mouth twitched and his tone dropped a few more degrees, “Seen enough?”

Raising his head to meet his eyes, Ye Junchi looked unexpectedly calm,
“You are a man?”

Half sitting up and sneered, JiYuan revealing a ridicule look, “Didn’t you saw that already?” Having said to this extent, can he calmly say Ye Junchi won’t kill him and will let him go? Wouldn’t this be a beautiful ending?

System calmly punctured his dream bubble, “Stop dreaming. Ye Junchi just smiled right now. Even I felt creepy.”

A strange smile hung on Ye Junchi’s lips. He reached out to pinch JiYuan’s chin and his(YJC) eyes swept over his(JY) delicate beautiful face. Then faintly said, “No wonder.”

“….” What does he mean by that?

JiYuan silently swallowed. Then he quickly recalled the original body’s life experience, continuing his act with an icy voice.

“My fate was not good so I need to be raised as a female in order to grow up safely. Since the demon lord knows that I’m a man, you should let me go.”

“Let you go?” Ye Junchi whispered that question, and repeated it for two or three times.

Suddenly, JiYuan was pressed down on the bed, two young bodies stuck together without any spaces between them. Before JiYuan could react, his own lips has been lightly kissed by another person.

He was nearly naked with most of his clothes stripped off and his chest was rubbing against the other person’s cold clothing. His lower body was tightly imprisoned in an iron hold. A layer of goosebumps appeared on JiYuan legs as his sensitive legs were being continuously rubbed against the other person’s skin.

Caught off guard, a hand was placed on his waist and was tracing the lines of his slender smooth waist. The hand slowly knead his back while slowly inching down the tail of his vertebrae, inch by inch….

JiYuan quivered, in his heart he madly called out, “2333, quickly save me! The calm demon lord has gone crazy! He don’t discriminate between man and woman!”

System was powerless so it just comforted him, “You like men anyway….”

JiYuan angrily roared, “This old one is not that casual!!! Even though I has been a second generation wastrel for so long, I still haven’t pop my cherry!!!”

[T/N : People call themselves old regardless real age when referring to themselves to express superiority/seniority.]

“…” System struggled with its words, “You are actually…a virgin?”

JiYuan who accidentally revealed his secret, “….”

Ye Junchi found that the person below him was zoning out. Raising his long beautiful eyebrow, he retreated slightly from him. The other person’s rapid breathing blended with his own. In close proximity, that charming clear face was no longer cold as usual. Not sure whether it was from shame or anger, his(JY) face was flushed with a layer of red. And the light-colored eyes were misty, giving the solid cold eyes a few charming points.

Ye Junchi’s face was the usual calm, as if he was marking books, his tone was serene when he said, “You’re hard.”

JiYuan : “…..”

Any man would have reacted, being provocatively touched here and there.

JiYuan saw that Ye Junchi’s eyes were still the usual coldness, a deep pool of freezing water without the slightest hint of xx. It seemed that he(YJC) was just trying to embarrass and tease him. Feeling relieved in his heart, JiYuan wanted to persuade him to not hurt each other when Ye Junchi suddenly fell wordlessly on top of him.

[T/N : Another of the author’s xx words. My Chinese is not that advanced to be able to play ‘Guess this word’ with the author. But I’m quite confident the xx means horny this time. 0///0]

System who was watching the scene with gusto, felt slightly disappointed, “Such short time for the effect to show ah, too bad. Tsk tsk tsk.”

Being pressed down by a body, JiYuan was almost out of breath. He quickly pushed Ye Junchi away and went to get a new set of clothing from the closet. While listening to System’s explanation, he slowly get into his new clothes. Then his heart gave a thump, feeling a pair of burning eyes behind his naked back.

“…. so my blood restrained his power? He won’t be able to move temporarily?”

“Relax, he’s yours to do whatever within half a day time.”

JiYuan laughed with ‘heeheehee’ but the moment he turned around, he has already composed his expression. He locked eyes with the Ye Junchi who are unable to move at all. In that pair of eyes, there were only frost and astonishment.

JiYuan mildly asked, “Surprised?”

Yi hee hee hee, this big shot definitely wouldn’t understand why he suddenly suffered a defeat.

Staring at JiYuan for a moment, the cold in Ye Junchi’s eyes suddenly dissipated. He replied, “Your waist is very soft and slippery.”

JiYuan : “…..” really wanted to hit someone, what to do?

With difficulty, Ye Junchi’s tongue reached out to lick his own lips. In his dark eyes was a hint of mocking smile.

“Fragrant breath.”

JiYuan : “System! This rogue molested me!” System was very calm, “He can’t move now so he could only molest you using words. You can counterattack and molest his physical body.”

JiYuan : “Why is it I felt like you are here to make troubles?”

Giving a dry cough, System turned away from the topic.

“The new task has been refreshed. Escape from the demon world…. you still have to climb that mountain. But there are tips given by the task. You can take Ye Junchi’s sword away. By carrying that sword, no demon or ghost would dare to get close to you.”

“And then I wait for Ye Junchi to recover so he could come and hack me to death?”

“You want to get torn to pieces and eaten by the demons or get hacked to death by Ye Junchi?”

“…..don’t want either.”

In the end, JiYuan went to get a cloth to cover Ye Junchi’s eyes. Then, he found some rope to bind him tightly and covered him with the quilt. Immediately feeling guilty, he took Ye Junchi’s sword ‘Gui Chi’ away. Following the previous route, he slipped out of the palace.

The author has something to say: (???ω???) This is a relaxed and happy, without abuse HE story, really ah~ PS: Thanks to the fans for the cover, it fits the theme very well 23333 YJC : … I am hamster? JY : I am melon seed? Hamster Ye opened the shell of Ji Melon Seed, became silent for a moment. Hamster Ye became so scared and ate Ji Melon Seed. [Wait a minute, the fans clearly said little uke looked like hamster…]


Translator : If you read the whole thing purely from YJC’s POV, don’t you think YJC see JY as someone cunning? To run away ‘alone’, to somehow know that his own blood can poison YJC, know that YJC’s sword can protect himself from ghost and demons? XD

Chapter 5

JiYuan was expressionless while lying down on the bed, staring upwards and not thinking anything.

If not for System, who set the rule that his default expression was ‘No expression’, then his current expression would be a lifeless one.

System comforted him, “The task is done anyway, it’s just a marriage.
Who is afraid of who ah?”

Continued zoning out, JiYuan asked, “Can you guarantee that after Ye Junchi saw my two pomegranates chest and the little brother down there, he won’t strangle me to death, then proceed to the body owner’s home to strangle the whole family to death?”

System : “….” Not sure. JiYuan : “….” Shut up.
All of a sudden, JiYuan slapped the bed and sat up angrily.

“It’s all your fault! What kind of stupid tasks?! What with the tasks keep asking to escape?! Now I couldn’t even get out of the room; it’s all Ye Junchi’s men out there waiting to send me to Hell tomorrow!”

System corrected him, “It’s sending you to bridal chamber.”

JiYuan said, “Is there any difference?”

System became silent after a thought. Him fleeing to the mountain seemed to touch Ye Junchi’s nerves, this person no longer employ gentle attack method but directly locked JiYuan in the room and prepared him to be married. When JiYuan thought of the bridal chamber, he couldn’t help but felt that he was at death’s door and shivered.

On the other hand, the taskbar was still not giving any tasks so he doesn’t know what to do to deal with this problem. Plus he couldn’t escape so he could only sit and wait for death. The more JiYuan thought about it, the sadder he became. After sleeping like a corpse for one day and one night or was the second day, as the sky turned darker, he took the initiative to change into the wedding dress that has been sent in earlier.

Wearing wedding clothing and celebrating it in the palace, Ye Junchi carried it out because he took into accounts the custom in the human realm. Otherwise, JiYuan would be directly stripped naked and thrown onto Ye Junchi’s bed. Many of the complicated details of human marriage ceremony has been omitted. The moment JiYuan finished changing his clothes, he was taken to sit inside Ye Junchi’s room. They don’t even have to do the bowing ceremony, he just need to wait for Ye Junchi to finish drinking with his men out there.

JiYuan’s face was green, he poked System, “What to do?”

System was feeling helpless as well, “How about ….. you ‘bend’ him?”

JiYuan : “….”

One human and one system went silent for a moment, then the taskbar suddenly refreshed. JiYuan gave it a glance.

“Poke a finger and drip blood into the nuptial wine (0/1)”

Walking around inside the room, JiYuan broke a porcelain bowl to cut his finger and dripped blood into the wine pot. Just when the blood was dripped into the pot, the taskbar was updated again.

“Let Ye Junchi drink the nuptial wine (0/1)” Still looking at his own bleeding finger, JiYuan clucked his tongue.

“Could it be the original body’s blood is poisonous? That’s not very nice, Ye Junchi didn’t do anything bad to me and he even saved me.”

System : “Do you want to complete the task, get strangled to death, or ‘bend’ him?”

JiYuan : “…. everyone has their own fate, bad people usually live longer, he probably won’t die that easily.”

System : “Who told you that your blood can fatally poisoned a well- known strong demon?”

JiYuan : “….”

JiYuan felt like his anger was going off the chart because of System.

Noisy voices traveled from the outside and JiYuan listened to it for a while. Then, he returned his attention to ponder how he can complete his task. With a ‘creak’, the door was pushed open. The footsteps he has grown to familiarize with sounded endlessly around the jade folding screen, then stopped in front of him in less than ten feet away.

Why was he back so soon?

JiYuan’s heart felt like leaping up to his throat. Pretending to coldly lift up his eyes to look at him, JiYuan saw the slender tall man who was usually clad in black clothing now donned a long red wedding robe. That man leaned against the screen with a lazy posture, as if he was meditating. That face usually smiling and yet, there was nothing friendly about it. But now, without showing a pretentious gentle smile, he looked extremely charming. His looks were already there, plus his expressions were not bad.

In his heart, JiYuan said, “As long as you don’t smile, it’s all good.”

When this person laughed, it gave JiYuan the feeling almost similar to when System was speaking gently with him. Other than an unsettled feeling, there was also a feeling of them harboring malicious intentions. Most probably because Ye Junchi has drunk wine with his men, there was a lazy tone in his voice when he opened his mouth to talk; delicate yet indifferent.

“I thought you have escaped again. Really don’t know how to differentiate good from bad, obediently staying in the palace is the safest option.”

JiYuan continued to adhere to the original body’s character, remained silent.

Shaking his head, Ye Junchi stood up and went to the table to pour two cups of nuptial wine. He then went to stand in front of JiYuan, showing a faint smile.

“I heard from the human realm that couples getting married need to drink this. If you don’t drink it, I could only freeze you (by pressing acupuncture points) and help you drink it.”

Seeing Ye Junchi’s gaze swept over his lips when he said that, it was very obvious what method he would ‘help’ him to drink the wine. JiYuan thought for 3 seconds then decisively took the cup and drank the wine. On the other hand, he asked System if there are any side effects for him to drink this nuptial wine with extra ingredient…..

With a cold voice, System replied, “That is your own blood, what do you think?”

JiYuan : “…..”

The corner of Ye Junchi’s lips curved up when he saw JiYuan drank the wine. He then drained his wine too. Tasting the wine with his tongue, he smiled and asked, “What kind of poison has been put inside?”

JiYuan almost bit his tongue, speechlessly stared at Ye Junchi with a green face.

Ye Junchi sighed. “I forgot to tell Ah Yuan that I grew up tasting hundreds of poisons. I can almost say that I’m invulnerable to any poison. Ah Yuan has miscalculated.”

God his mother the Hell is invulnerable to any poison?!

[T/N : JY was cursing and I found directly translating the word rather than using the F-word sounds more funny XD].

Then, was there any meaning at all for the task just now? At least let Ye Junchi collapse so he can escape ah.

Ten thousands of horses were galloping in JiYuan’s inner heart as Ye Junchi stared meaningfully at him.

Ye Junchi’s finger gently caressed the rim of the cup. After some time, his eyes slightly narrowed.

“Time to enter the bridal chamber.”

In JiYuan’s eyes, Ye Junchi looked like the executioner in the execution site; patting his(JY) head with a kind face seemingly saying, ‘Time is up, should get on the road (to die)’.

JiYuan didn’t even get to ‘struggle before death’ but then, a light bulb suddenly lit up in his mind. He pursed his lip then said with an icy tone, “Since you and I are married, can you guarantee that you won’t harm the Ji Family?”

Not expecting JiYuan would suddenly say such words, Ye Junchi’s slender eyebrow rose. Calmly nodded, he said, “Naturally.”

“It’s your words as the Demon Lord, you can’t go back on it.”

Ye Junchi nodded again and leaned over to stare at the person in front of him. A bit of nervousness and fear was shown on that person’s indifferent cold face. Smiling again in silence, Ye Junchi took the advantage to push JiYuan down on to the bed. With an invading stance, he stuck his knee between JiYuan’s legs and pushed upwards until— “….”

Frowning, Je Junchi asked, “Ah Yuan, what is between your legs?”

JiYuan replied without any expression, “Gun.”

System quietly said, “You actually dared to crack a yellow (indecent) joke with him?”

Continuing with his expressionless face, JiYuan replied, “So you want me to tell him it’s a big ‘bird’?”

System : “….” Your win.

There was a strange look on Ye Junchi’s face. He keep pondering what kind of ‘gun’ that can be hidden there, it felt semi-hard and not soft. His hands slowly crawled to JiYuan’s waist, lightly pulling off his belt. Ye Junchi glanced at his(JY) taut body, his(JY) eyes were half-closed. A bit of pink shaded the pale white androgynous face of the beauty, Ye Junchi felt good for some reason. Originally he just thought to tease JiYuan, but he unconsciously moved by the sight. He leaned over to place a kiss on JiYuan’s forehead then lightly whispered, “I won’t hurt you, relax a bit.”

JiYuan continued maintaining his facial nerve paralysis state. JiYuan : “There should be a climax here.”
And then, the climax arrived.

Ye Junchi pulled away the beauty’s red wedding robe and saw the pomegranates rolling down, his expression was marvelous. Just that the air suddenly became still.

The room fell into a confused silent and Ye Junchi stared at JiYuan’s flat chest with a complex expression. At a time like this, JiYuan didn’t feel afraid and he laughed out loud.

“Look, System. Don’t you think Ye Junchi looked like a hamster that dropped its melon seeds out of shock?” “…..”

System calmly said, “Even if he is a hamster, he won’t drop his melon seed. Because that is you, he wanted to swallow you whole— prepare yourself for reincarnation ba.”

Suddenly returned back to reality, JiYuan looked up to stare at the silent Ye Junchi and became terrified. He shrunk back his neck for fear of being strangled to death. It seemed like even the air has congealed to a deathly silent.

The bright candlelight from the ‘double happiness wedding candle’ swayed from unknown wind, giving the handsome man’s side profile a thin layer of gold and also masked the expression of his eyes.

JiYuan quietly edged himself backwards.

Ye Junchi saw JiYuan backing away and blinked. Suddenly, he straightened his back and reached out to tear away JiYuan’s skirt with a frosty expression.

His legs being exposed all of a sudden in the air couldn’t help feeling cold even though it was summer right now. JiYuan quickly whipped around to shrink further back but Ye Junchi grabbed hold of his ankle and pulled him back to his body. Ye Junchi grabbed his underpants and pulled. Indeed there was a ‘gun’ between the pair of white slender legs.

JiYuan looked at the person who stared at his little brother like some rare strange creature. His mouth twitched and his tone dropped a few more degrees, “Seen enough?”

Raising his head to meet his eyes, Ye Junchi looked unexpectedly calm,
“You are a man?”

Half sitting up and sneered, JiYuan revealing a ridicule look, “Didn’t you saw that already?” Having said to this extent, can he calmly say Ye Junchi won’t kill him and will let him go? Wouldn’t this be a beautiful ending?

System calmly punctured his dream bubble, “Stop dreaming. Ye Junchi just smiled right now. Even I felt creepy.”

A strange smile hung on Ye Junchi’s lips. He reached out to pinch JiYuan’s chin and his(YJC) eyes swept over his(JY) delicate beautiful face. Then faintly said, “No wonder.”

“….” What does he mean by that?

JiYuan silently swallowed. Then he quickly recalled the original body’s life experience, continuing his act with an icy voice.

“My fate was not good so I need to be raised as a female in order to grow up safely. Since the demon lord knows that I’m a man, you should let me go.”

“Let you go?” Ye Junchi whispered that question, and repeated it for two or three times.

Suddenly, JiYuan was pressed down on the bed, two young bodies stuck together without any spaces between them. Before JiYuan could react, his own lips has been lightly kissed by another person.

He was nearly naked with most of his clothes stripped off and his chest was rubbing against the other person’s cold clothing. His lower body was tightly imprisoned in an iron hold. A layer of goosebumps appeared on JiYuan legs as his sensitive legs were being continuously rubbed against the other person’s skin.

Caught off guard, a hand was placed on his waist and was tracing the lines of his slender smooth waist. The hand slowly knead his back while slowly inching down the tail of his vertebrae, inch by inch….

JiYuan quivered, in his heart he madly called out, “2333, quickly save me! The calm demon lord has gone crazy! He don’t discriminate between man and woman!”

System was powerless so it just comforted him, “You like men anyway….”

JiYuan angrily roared, “This old one is not that casual!!! Even though I has been a second generation wastrel for so long, I still haven’t pop my cherry!!!”

[T/N : People call themselves old regardless real age when referring to themselves to express superiority/seniority.]

“…” System struggled with its words, “You are actually…a virgin?”

JiYuan who accidentally revealed his secret, “….”

Ye Junchi found that the person below him was zoning out. Raising his long beautiful eyebrow, he retreated slightly from him. The other person’s rapid breathing blended with his own. In close proximity, that charming clear face was no longer cold as usual. Not sure whether it was from shame or anger, his(JY) face was flushed with a layer of red. And the light-colored eyes were misty, giving the solid cold eyes a few charming points.

Ye Junchi’s face was the usual calm, as if he was marking books, his tone was serene when he said, “You’re hard.”

JiYuan : “…..”

Any man would have reacted, being provocatively touched here and there.

JiYuan saw that Ye Junchi’s eyes were still the usual coldness, a deep pool of freezing water without the slightest hint of xx. It seemed that he(YJC) was just trying to embarrass and tease him. Feeling relieved in his heart, JiYuan wanted to persuade him to not hurt each other when Ye Junchi suddenly fell wordlessly on top of him.

[T/N : Another of the author’s xx words. My Chinese is not that advanced to be able to play ‘Guess this word’ with the author. But I’m quite confident the xx means horny this time. 0///0]

System who was watching the scene with gusto, felt slightly disappointed, “Such short time for the effect to show ah, too bad. Tsk tsk tsk.”

Being pressed down by a body, JiYuan was almost out of breath. He quickly pushed Ye Junchi away and went to get a new set of clothing from the closet. While listening to System’s explanation, he slowly get into his new clothes. Then his heart gave a thump, feeling a pair of burning eyes behind his naked back.

“…. so my blood restrained his power? He won’t be able to move temporarily?”

“Relax, he’s yours to do whatever within half a day time.”

JiYuan laughed with ‘heeheehee’ but the moment he turned around, he has already composed his expression. He locked eyes with the Ye Junchi who are unable to move at all. In that pair of eyes, there were only frost and astonishment.

JiYuan mildly asked, “Surprised?”

Yi hee hee hee, this big shot definitely wouldn’t understand why he suddenly suffered a defeat.

Staring at JiYuan for a moment, the cold in Ye Junchi’s eyes suddenly dissipated. He replied, “Your waist is very soft and slippery.”

JiYuan : “…..” really wanted to hit someone, what to do?

With difficulty, Ye Junchi’s tongue reached out to lick his own lips. In his dark eyes was a hint of mocking smile.

“Fragrant breath.”

JiYuan : “System! This rogue molested me!” System was very calm, “He can’t move now so he could only molest you using words. You can counterattack and molest his physical body.”

JiYuan : “Why is it I felt like you are here to make troubles?”

Giving a dry cough, System turned away from the topic.

“The new task has been refreshed. Escape from the demon world…. you still have to climb that mountain. But there are tips given by the task. You can take Ye Junchi’s sword away. By carrying that sword, no demon or ghost would dare to get close to you.”

“And then I wait for Ye Junchi to recover so he could come and hack me to death?”

“You want to get torn to pieces and eaten by the demons or get hacked to death by Ye Junchi?”

“…..don’t want either.”

In the end, JiYuan went to get a cloth to cover Ye Junchi’s eyes. Then, he found some rope to bind him tightly and covered him with the quilt. Immediately feeling guilty, he took Ye Junchi’s sword ‘Gui Chi’ away. Following the previous route, he slipped out of the palace.

The author has something to say: (???ω???) This is a relaxed and happy, without abuse HE story, really ah~ PS: Thanks to the fans for the cover, it fits the theme very well 23333 YJC : … I am hamster? JY : I am melon seed? Hamster Ye opened the shell of Ji Melon Seed, became silent for a moment. Hamster Ye became so scared and ate Ji Melon Seed. [Wait a minute, the fans clearly said little uke looked like hamster…]


Translator : If you read the whole thing purely from YJC’s POV, don’t you think YJC see JY as someone cunning? To run away ‘alone’, to somehow know that his own blood can poison YJC, know that YJC’s sword can protect himself from ghost and demons? XD

Chapter 6

JiYuan was expressionless while lying down on the bed, staring upwards and not thinking anything.

If not for System, who set the rule that his default expression was ‘No expression’, then his current expression would be a lifeless one.

System comforted him, “The task is done anyway, it’s just a marriage.
Who is afraid of who ah?”

Continued zoning out, JiYuan asked, “Can you guarantee that after Ye Junchi saw my two pomegranates chest and the little brother down there, he won’t strangle me to death, then proceed to the body owner’s home to strangle the whole family to death?”

System : “….” Not sure. JiYuan : “….” Shut up.
All of a sudden, JiYuan slapped the bed and sat up angrily.

“It’s all your fault! What kind of stupid tasks?! What with the tasks keep asking to escape?! Now I couldn’t even get out of the room; it’s all Ye Junchi’s men out there waiting to send me to Hell tomorrow!”

System corrected him, “It’s sending you to bridal chamber.”

JiYuan said, “Is there any difference?”

System became silent after a thought. Him fleeing to the mountain seemed to touch Ye Junchi’s nerves, this person no longer employ gentle attack method but directly locked JiYuan in the room and prepared him to be married. When JiYuan thought of the bridal chamber, he couldn’t help but felt that he was at death’s door and shivered.

On the other hand, the taskbar was still not giving any tasks so he doesn’t know what to do to deal with this problem. Plus he couldn’t escape so he could only sit and wait for death. The more JiYuan thought about it, the sadder he became. After sleeping like a corpse for one day and one night or was the second day, as the sky turned darker, he took the initiative to change into the wedding dress that has been sent in earlier.

Wearing wedding clothing and celebrating it in the palace, Ye Junchi carried it out because he took into accounts the custom in the human realm. Otherwise, JiYuan would be directly stripped naked and thrown onto Ye Junchi’s bed. Many of the complicated details of human marriage ceremony has been omitted. The moment JiYuan finished changing his clothes, he was taken to sit inside Ye Junchi’s room. They don’t even have to do the bowing ceremony, he just need to wait for Ye Junchi to finish drinking with his men out there.

JiYuan’s face was green, he poked System, “What to do?”

System was feeling helpless as well, “How about ….. you ‘bend’ him?”

JiYuan : “….”

One human and one system went silent for a moment, then the taskbar suddenly refreshed. JiYuan gave it a glance.

“Poke a finger and drip blood into the nuptial wine (0/1)”

Walking around inside the room, JiYuan broke a porcelain bowl to cut his finger and dripped blood into the wine pot. Just when the blood was dripped into the pot, the taskbar was updated again.

“Let Ye Junchi drink the nuptial wine (0/1)” Still looking at his own bleeding finger, JiYuan clucked his tongue.

“Could it be the original body’s blood is poisonous? That’s not very nice, Ye Junchi didn’t do anything bad to me and he even saved me.”

System : “Do you want to complete the task, get strangled to death, or ‘bend’ him?”

JiYuan : “…. everyone has their own fate, bad people usually live longer, he probably won’t die that easily.”

System : “Who told you that your blood can fatally poisoned a well- known strong demon?”

JiYuan : “….”

JiYuan felt like his anger was going off the chart because of System.

Noisy voices traveled from the outside and JiYuan listened to it for a while. Then, he returned his attention to ponder how he can complete his task. With a ‘creak’, the door was pushed open. The footsteps he has grown to familiarize with sounded endlessly around the jade folding screen, then stopped in front of him in less than ten feet away.

Why was he back so soon?

JiYuan’s heart felt like leaping up to his throat. Pretending to coldly lift up his eyes to look at him, JiYuan saw the slender tall man who was usually clad in black clothing now donned a long red wedding robe. That man leaned against the screen with a lazy posture, as if he was meditating. That face usually smiling and yet, there was nothing friendly about it. But now, without showing a pretentious gentle smile, he looked extremely charming. His looks were already there, plus his expressions were not bad.

In his heart, JiYuan said, “As long as you don’t smile, it’s all good.”

When this person laughed, it gave JiYuan the feeling almost similar to when System was speaking gently with him. Other than an unsettled feeling, there was also a feeling of them harboring malicious intentions. Most probably because Ye Junchi has drunk wine with his men, there was a lazy tone in his voice when he opened his mouth to talk; delicate yet indifferent.

“I thought you have escaped again. Really don’t know how to differentiate good from bad, obediently staying in the palace is the safest option.”

JiYuan continued to adhere to the original body’s character, remained silent.

Shaking his head, Ye Junchi stood up and went to the table to pour two cups of nuptial wine. He then went to stand in front of JiYuan, showing a faint smile.

“I heard from the human realm that couples getting married need to drink this. If you don’t drink it, I could only freeze you (by pressing acupuncture points) and help you drink it.”

Seeing Ye Junchi’s gaze swept over his lips when he said that, it was very obvious what method he would ‘help’ him to drink the wine. JiYuan thought for 3 seconds then decisively took the cup and drank the wine. On the other hand, he asked System if there are any side effects for him to drink this nuptial wine with extra ingredient…..

With a cold voice, System replied, “That is your own blood, what do you think?”

JiYuan : “…..”

The corner of Ye Junchi’s lips curved up when he saw JiYuan drank the wine. He then drained his wine too. Tasting the wine with his tongue, he smiled and asked, “What kind of poison has been put inside?”

JiYuan almost bit his tongue, speechlessly stared at Ye Junchi with a green face.

Ye Junchi sighed. “I forgot to tell Ah Yuan that I grew up tasting hundreds of poisons. I can almost say that I’m invulnerable to any poison. Ah Yuan has miscalculated.”

God his mother the Hell is invulnerable to any poison?!

[T/N : JY was cursing and I found directly translating the word rather than using the F-word sounds more funny XD].

Then, was there any meaning at all for the task just now? At least let Ye Junchi collapse so he can escape ah.

Ten thousands of horses were galloping in JiYuan’s inner heart as Ye Junchi stared meaningfully at him.

Ye Junchi’s finger gently caressed the rim of the cup. After some time, his eyes slightly narrowed.

“Time to enter the bridal chamber.”

In JiYuan’s eyes, Ye Junchi looked like the executioner in the execution site; patting his(JY) head with a kind face seemingly saying, ‘Time is up, should get on the road (to die)’.

JiYuan didn’t even get to ‘struggle before death’ but then, a light bulb suddenly lit up in his mind. He pursed his lip then said with an icy tone, “Since you and I are married, can you guarantee that you won’t harm the Ji Family?”

Not expecting JiYuan would suddenly say such words, Ye Junchi’s slender eyebrow rose. Calmly nodded, he said, “Naturally.”

“It’s your words as the Demon Lord, you can’t go back on it.”

Ye Junchi nodded again and leaned over to stare at the person in front of him. A bit of nervousness and fear was shown on that person’s indifferent cold face. Smiling again in silence, Ye Junchi took the advantage to push JiYuan down on to the bed. With an invading stance, he stuck his knee between JiYuan’s legs and pushed upwards until— “….”

Frowning, Je Junchi asked, “Ah Yuan, what is between your legs?”

JiYuan replied without any expression, “Gun.”

System quietly said, “You actually dared to crack a yellow (indecent) joke with him?”

Continuing with his expressionless face, JiYuan replied, “So you want me to tell him it’s a big ‘bird’?”

System : “….” Your win.

There was a strange look on Ye Junchi’s face. He keep pondering what kind of ‘gun’ that can be hidden there, it felt semi-hard and not soft. His hands slowly crawled to JiYuan’s waist, lightly pulling off his belt. Ye Junchi glanced at his(JY) taut body, his(JY) eyes were half-closed. A bit of pink shaded the pale white androgynous face of the beauty, Ye Junchi felt good for some reason. Originally he just thought to tease JiYuan, but he unconsciously moved by the sight. He leaned over to place a kiss on JiYuan’s forehead then lightly whispered, “I won’t hurt you, relax a bit.”

JiYuan continued maintaining his facial nerve paralysis state. JiYuan : “There should be a climax here.”
And then, the climax arrived.

Ye Junchi pulled away the beauty’s red wedding robe and saw the pomegranates rolling down, his expression was marvelous. Just that the air suddenly became still.

The room fell into a confused silent and Ye Junchi stared at JiYuan’s flat chest with a complex expression. At a time like this, JiYuan didn’t feel afraid and he laughed out loud.

“Look, System. Don’t you think Ye Junchi looked like a hamster that dropped its melon seeds out of shock?” “…..”

System calmly said, “Even if he is a hamster, he won’t drop his melon seed. Because that is you, he wanted to swallow you whole— prepare yourself for reincarnation ba.”

Suddenly returned back to reality, JiYuan looked up to stare at the silent Ye Junchi and became terrified. He shrunk back his neck for fear of being strangled to death. It seemed like even the air has congealed to a deathly silent.

The bright candlelight from the ‘double happiness wedding candle’ swayed from unknown wind, giving the handsome man’s side profile a thin layer of gold and also masked the expression of his eyes.

JiYuan quietly edged himself backwards.

Ye Junchi saw JiYuan backing away and blinked. Suddenly, he straightened his back and reached out to tear away JiYuan’s skirt with a frosty expression.

His legs being exposed all of a sudden in the air couldn’t help feeling cold even though it was summer right now. JiYuan quickly whipped around to shrink further back but Ye Junchi grabbed hold of his ankle and pulled him back to his body. Ye Junchi grabbed his underpants and pulled. Indeed there was a ‘gun’ between the pair of white slender legs.

JiYuan looked at the person who stared at his little brother like some rare strange creature. His mouth twitched and his tone dropped a few more degrees, “Seen enough?”

Raising his head to meet his eyes, Ye Junchi looked unexpectedly calm,
“You are a man?”

Half sitting up and sneered, JiYuan revealing a ridicule look, “Didn’t you saw that already?” Having said to this extent, can he calmly say Ye Junchi won’t kill him and will let him go? Wouldn’t this be a beautiful ending?

System calmly punctured his dream bubble, “Stop dreaming. Ye Junchi just smiled right now. Even I felt creepy.”

A strange smile hung on Ye Junchi’s lips. He reached out to pinch JiYuan’s chin and his(YJC) eyes swept over his(JY) delicate beautiful face. Then faintly said, “No wonder.”

“….” What does he mean by that?

JiYuan silently swallowed. Then he quickly recalled the original body’s life experience, continuing his act with an icy voice.

“My fate was not good so I need to be raised as a female in order to grow up safely. Since the demon lord knows that I’m a man, you should let me go.”

“Let you go?” Ye Junchi whispered that question, and repeated it for two or three times.

Suddenly, JiYuan was pressed down on the bed, two young bodies stuck together without any spaces between them. Before JiYuan could react, his own lips has been lightly kissed by another person.

He was nearly naked with most of his clothes stripped off and his chest was rubbing against the other person’s cold clothing. His lower body was tightly imprisoned in an iron hold. A layer of goosebumps appeared on JiYuan legs as his sensitive legs were being continuously rubbed against the other person’s skin.

Caught off guard, a hand was placed on his waist and was tracing the lines of his slender smooth waist. The hand slowly knead his back while slowly inching down the tail of his vertebrae, inch by inch….

JiYuan quivered, in his heart he madly called out, “2333, quickly save me! The calm demon lord has gone crazy! He don’t discriminate between man and woman!”

System was powerless so it just comforted him, “You like men anyway….”

JiYuan angrily roared, “This old one is not that casual!!! Even though I has been a second generation wastrel for so long, I still haven’t pop my cherry!!!”

[T/N : People call themselves old regardless real age when referring to themselves to express superiority/seniority.]

“…” System struggled with its words, “You are actually…a virgin?”

JiYuan who accidentally revealed his secret, “….”

Ye Junchi found that the person below him was zoning out. Raising his long beautiful eyebrow, he retreated slightly from him. The other person’s rapid breathing blended with his own. In close proximity, that charming clear face was no longer cold as usual. Not sure whether it was from shame or anger, his(JY) face was flushed with a layer of red. And the light-colored eyes were misty, giving the solid cold eyes a few charming points.

Ye Junchi’s face was the usual calm, as if he was marking books, his tone was serene when he said, “You’re hard.”

JiYuan : “…..”

Any man would have reacted, being provocatively touched here and there.

JiYuan saw that Ye Junchi’s eyes were still the usual coldness, a deep pool of freezing water without the slightest hint of xx. It seemed that he(YJC) was just trying to embarrass and tease him. Feeling relieved in his heart, JiYuan wanted to persuade him to not hurt each other when Ye Junchi suddenly fell wordlessly on top of him.

[T/N : Another of the author’s xx words. My Chinese is not that advanced to be able to play ‘Guess this word’ with the author. But I’m quite confident the xx means horny this time. 0///0]

System who was watching the scene with gusto, felt slightly disappointed, “Such short time for the effect to show ah, too bad. Tsk tsk tsk.”

Being pressed down by a body, JiYuan was almost out of breath. He quickly pushed Ye Junchi away and went to get a new set of clothing from the closet. While listening to System’s explanation, he slowly get into his new clothes. Then his heart gave a thump, feeling a pair of burning eyes behind his naked back.

“…. so my blood restrained his power? He won’t be able to move temporarily?”

“Relax, he’s yours to do whatever within half a day time.”

JiYuan laughed with ‘heeheehee’ but the moment he turned around, he has already composed his expression. He locked eyes with the Ye Junchi who are unable to move at all. In that pair of eyes, there were only frost and astonishment.

JiYuan mildly asked, “Surprised?”

Yi hee hee hee, this big shot definitely wouldn’t understand why he suddenly suffered a defeat.

Staring at JiYuan for a moment, the cold in Ye Junchi’s eyes suddenly dissipated. He replied, “Your waist is very soft and slippery.”

JiYuan : “…..” really wanted to hit someone, what to do?

With difficulty, Ye Junchi’s tongue reached out to lick his own lips. In his dark eyes was a hint of mocking smile.

“Fragrant breath.”

JiYuan : “System! This rogue molested me!” System was very calm, “He can’t move now so he could only molest you using words. You can counterattack and molest his physical body.”

JiYuan : “Why is it I felt like you are here to make troubles?”

Giving a dry cough, System turned away from the topic.

“The new task has been refreshed. Escape from the demon world…. you still have to climb that mountain. But there are tips given by the task. You can take Ye Junchi’s sword away. By carrying that sword, no demon or ghost would dare to get close to you.”

“And then I wait for Ye Junchi to recover so he could come and hack me to death?”

“You want to get torn to pieces and eaten by the demons or get hacked to death by Ye Junchi?”

“…..don’t want either.”

In the end, JiYuan went to get a cloth to cover Ye Junchi’s eyes. Then, he found some rope to bind him tightly and covered him with the quilt. Immediately feeling guilty, he took Ye Junchi’s sword ‘Gui Chi’ away. Following the previous route, he slipped out of the palace.

The author has something to say: (???ω???) This is a relaxed and happy, without abuse HE story, really ah~ PS: Thanks to the fans for the cover, it fits the theme very well 23333 YJC : … I am hamster? JY : I am melon seed? Hamster Ye opened the shell of Ji Melon Seed, became silent for a moment. Hamster Ye became so scared and ate Ji Melon Seed. [Wait a minute, the fans clearly said little uke looked like hamster…]


Translator : If you read the whole thing purely from YJC’s POV, don’t you think YJC see JY as someone cunning? To run away ‘alone’, to somehow know that his own blood can poison YJC, know that YJC’s sword can protect himself from ghost and demons? XD

Chapter 7

[Translator : Many thanks to Whitney for the ko-fi and helping me to find out the problem for my ko-fi button. Paypal’s CS helped a bit too. I’m quite surprised by their efficiency nowadays. Their service used to suck 4 years ago :v Anyway, as a token of appreciation to Whitney, here’s a new chapter! XD]

JiSan was glaring at the incoming person with red eyes as the person walked forward in a not-so-slow speed. The lighting in the woods was dim so JiSan didn’t pay attention to the appearance of the man. He asked in a cold voice, “What did you said?”

It was obvious that the shock JiSan received was greater than JiYuan.

Though JiYuan maintained an expressionless face on the outside, in his heart was a myriad of feelings. He was not sure if he should feel happy or cry.

“……System, Big Brother has come knocking on the door. Do you think he just want to get his sword back?”

System : “I think he just want to strangle you to death.”

Ye Junchi looked very patient, with a three-point smile still on his face.

“Hmm? You didn’t hear it just now? This is mine, please step aside.”

JiSan sneered and turned his hand to pull out Gui Chi from his back. The precious sword was spiritual, it gave a gentle hum the moment it was unsheathed, looking very excited. JiSan was feeling happy in his heart because Gui Chi was a famous spiritual sword and wouldn’t easily reveal any spirituality to outsiders. The fact that Gui Chi reacted when he pulled it out, could that be it’s willing to abandon its old master to recognize him as the new one?

Gui Chi hummed again, its body was vibrating.

Excitedly raising Gui Chi up and pointed it directly at Ye Junchi, JiSan stared at the vibrating sword with passionate gaze.

“Where is this impertinent fool from, dared to make ruckus here? Today my mood is good so I’ll spare you your life. Quickly scram within the count of 3 breaths, otherwise don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

JiYuan : “…”

System : “…”

JiYuan and System came together to marvel at the rarest sight within 800 years. The sight of someone holding the demon lord’s sword, pointing it at the demon lord himself and threatened him to get lost.

Although JiYuan was currently the demon lord’s must-kill target, he couldn’t help wanting to laugh out loud and ask Ye Junchi about how complicated was his feelings at this moment (being threatened by his own sword that is). But what JiYuan did not expect was Ye Junchi maintained his calm look, and just lightly glanced over Gui Chi as if it wasn’t his own sword.

“This little brother is really hostile.”

Then, he paused for a moment and showed a strange smile. Giving JiYuan a glance, he said, “I mistakenly took him for someone else.” Not a hint of recognition and he turned away.

…..why are you not acting according to the plot?!!! Wasn’t this the time you send JiSan flying?!!! JiYuan really wanted to kneel to Ye Junchi. [T/N : Kneeling like this - Orz ]

Probably because Gui Chi vibrated in his hands that JiSan was feeling a bit excited. He waited until Ye Junchi’s shadow melted into the hazy night, then turned to give JiYuan a strange look. Wordlessly pulling him back to the escort team, JiSan stuffed JiYuan back to the cage and locked it.

To have escaped a hurdle and protected his dignity, JiYuan felt relieved and happy, like a 200 pounds child.

System’s cold tone poured a bucket of cold water on JiYuan, “Child, are you forgetting that you are a weak chicken? If you don’t figure out how to escape before you reached South Lake, then upon reaching South Lake you will be a dead chicken.”

“…..then I can only wish you an early ‘Happy Year of Chicken'”

[T/N : If you don’t understand, it’s okay because this is rubbish talk between JY and System. They trash-talk each other a lot ^^;;].

JiYuan lifelessly leaned at the iron bars; looking at the bunch of rough men who doesn’t seemed like they have any intentions to give him food. He reached out his hands and pulled at the cowhide cover. Closing the gaps of the cage, he rubbed the two peaches of his chest. But he still doesn’t dare to eat his provisions. His stomach couldn’t stop growling, JiYuan sighed and decided to go to sleep. Being starved for a whole day and night, he was so tired that he could start to levitate to higher planes (like those Daoist immortals). But taking naps was a good thing, at least he doesn’t feel hungry when he was asleep.

System silently looked at JiYuan nodding in his sleep, it could only sighed and felt that ‘fools have their own blessing’.
[T/N : Idiom – 傻⼈有傻福 / fortune favors fools].
Upon nightfall, all the man-made noises ceased. That makes the sounds made by insects and animals in the forest even louder in contrast. The night was a bit cold, JiYuan couldn’t fall asleep completely. He woke up after a shiver.

The scenery outside the cage was shrouded in the night, plus the cage was covered by a cowhide so it was a complete darkness for JiYuan. At first glance, he thought he has entered a dream in a dream. But when he can feel sore, numb, cold and pain from his back, he started to rub his forehead. Leaning against the railings to sleep was really not a comfortable choice. JiYuan tried to move a bit but suddenly heard a laughing voice. The pressure from the voice was low and magnetic, “Woke up?”

This voice was very close, it was just beside his ear. He could even feel the warm breaths gently sprayed on his ear. JiYuan was shocked, he was so scared that he almost jumped up. His back was covered in cold sweat.

System spoke just in time, “Don’t be afraid, it’s a person.” “Who ah? Could it be JiSan coming for a night attack?”
JiYuan just woke up so his brain was not clear at the moment, like a mixture of glue. He forcefully maintained his icy expression and silently shrunk a bit to his side. As he was slightly shifting away, JiYuan suddenly felt tight at his waist. An arm held on to his waist, then dragged him backwards to collide with a sturdy chest.

At the same time, System replied with a slow reflex, “…. your man.” “…” Your mother.
JiYuan bleakly thought, Ye Junchi really won’t let go of him easily. Tomorrow when the freak JiSan uncovered the cowhide, found that the person he want to ‘freak’ at has died, and most likely in a grotesque form, JiSan would probably get so shocked that he returned to normal human being. Well, he(JY) could be considered doing a good deed then. (changing a gay back to normal)

System : “Don’t be afraid, I am almost finished reciting the reincarnation prayers for you.” “….” Okay, don’t talk anymore.

Their interactions in his mind was just within the period of a few breaths but JiYuan didn’t intend to sit still. He exerted all his powers to struggle but the difference between two strengths was too large. After struggling for a while, JiYuan felt that the pressure hugging his waist has become tighter, almost causing him to roll his eyes.

“Shh, don’t make any sound. There are two people keeping vigil outside. Attracting them to come over wouldn’t be good, you wouldn’t want to be seen entangled with me right?”

Ye Junchi’s mouth was sticking very close to his ear when he said that. Every word he said, his soft lips would make a contact with JiYuan’s ear. JiYuan felt that his ear was so hot that it could almost get cooked naturally. Gnashing his teeth, he asked, “Since the demon lord has chased me to this point, it’s up to you to kill or cut however you like. Why the need to disgrace me like this?”

Although what JiYuan really wanted to do was crying and begging ‘Daddy, have mercy!’, but the original body’s principle doesn’t allow him to do so. He could only say some provoking words with a cold face. After all, he could still reincarnate if he’s dead. But upon OOC, it would be miserable as the soul will be destroyed then game over.

Ye Junchi gave a low laugh and ignored him. His arm at JiYuan’s waist moved up to pinch at his fake chest.

“Why it’s not pomegranate anymore?”

The man’s low magnetic voice rang beside his ear. If he doesn’t know who was the person behind him, JiYuan could still ‘find joy in sorrows’ and find some tenderness in the voice. But since he knew who was behind him, he could only worry about the hand groping the peach at his chest. Worrying that the hand could turn any time and pierce his heart.

Hehe, Big brother. There were not much wild pomegranate in this world, so I could only suffered a bit and used peach instead. Is this answer satisfactory?

In his heart, JiYuan answered it coolly but his face’s expression was freezing and his pursed lips didn’t speak.

Ye Junchi didn’t get angry, and kneaded JiYuan for a while. Then in a voice not salty but not light either, he said, “Little thing, what kind of poison did you gave me?”

…..I thought you said you were invulnerable to all kinds of blood?

System also doesn’t know what kind of poison/medicine that the original body has taken. JiYuan opened his mouth and whispered, “…..my blood.”

Ye Junchi’s action paused for a long while, then his fingers started to caress his nape. When JiYuan thought Ye Junchi finally couldn’t stand it and wanted to twist his neck, and System just finished reciting its prayers, he suddenly felt a pain at his neck.

JiYuan sucked in a breath of cold air, not daring to scream out. Not sure where he gotten the strength but he abruptly managed to break away from Ye Junchi. He pounced forward away from the man, his face was green.

“2333! Ye Junchi’s horoscope is dog ah?!” “No.”
“…. then why did he suddenly bit me?!”

System went silent for a moment, “…. probably for detoxification purpose? I seemed to be wrong somewhere and managed to curb Ye Junchi’s power. It wasn’t because of something the original body ate but because the body itself has a special constitution.”

“What do you mean?”

“…. you will understand in the future.” JiYuan immediately expressed that he doesn’t want to know it later nor do he wanted to understand anything. He only managed to crawl a tiny distance away before he felt heavy on his body.

Ye Junchi pressed him down with his body causing JiYuan unable to move at all. With a faint “Endure it”, Ye Junchi bowed his head down at the place he bit on and lapped at it.

It was so painful that tears were coming out from JiYuan’s eyes.

Actually Ye Junchi only ruthlessly bit down once. When the wound started bleeding, he concentrated on licking it. The wound was not that big, and the blood stopped flowing after a while. Just that when he used his tongue to xx the wound, JiYuan felt painful and xx. JiYuan really wanted to pull Ye Junchi over and sucker-punch him.

In a half-dead state, JiYuan asked System, “Is this world made up of mixed creatures? Then, Ye Junchi is a vampire? What should I be called? The Embraced?”

[T/N : Googled 初拥 and it gave me the word The Embracing. A process of draining a human in order to change it to Vampire. For more, WIKI]

With a sympathetic tone, System said, “Poor child, you have started to hallucinate.”

“…. I am serious.”

“Ye Junchi just need to drink a bit of your blood to suppress the poison in his body, like using poison against poison.”

“Then why did he hurt me like this? My neck felt very painful….” “Silly child, would you treat someone who poisoned you gently?” That sounded very reasonable. JiYuan chose to remain silent. When Ye Junchi finally left, JiYuan was in a half-dizzy state. Lifelessly leaning at the railings, he suddenly blurted out a sentence.

“What Ye Junchi said was correct.”

In its heart, System was thinking ‘Did you get Turned?’.

With a crying face, JiYuan lamented, “I should have stayed inside the palace, it was a safe place.”

“…. child, you should be glad. Looking at the situation, it seems that Ye Junchi still haven’t find the medicine to suppress your blood. He could only try drinking a bit of your blood from time to time to control the poison, so you won’t be strangled to death by him in the meantime.”

JiYuan doesn’t feel anywhere glad, he just lifelessly lay down.

Night flew by and when the morning came, the escort team set out again.
They continued the journey until afternoon, then stopped for a rest.

JiYuan was so hungry that ‘his chest has shrunk to stick to his back’ and his eyes were rolling. He couldn’t stand it anymore so he took out the peaches from his chest to eat. Just as he finished munching on the peaches, the cowhide covering the cage was opened. JiYuan leaned by the side of the railing, guiltily throwing the peach pits away from behind.

JiSan’s face was still very gloomy, “What do you want to eat?”

Brother, you still remember me ah!

In his heart, JiYuan was howling for meat but he has to take into account that the owner of the body does not howl. With a glance, he looked at the attribute of the original body and discovered with despair that the body owner was a vegetarian.

Sneering, JiSan said, “Ever since we are young, you are only willing to talk with that sickly person JiChen. You never look at me, not even now…” Nobody was nearby the cage so JiSan went closer, his eyes getting dimmer.

“Ah Yuan, have you ever thought that even if you are innocent, people from the Zhao family would listen to your explanation? Upon reaching South Lake, you will die without a doubt and your father will be implicated. Don’t you want to save your father?”

JiYuan raised his head and gave JiSan a look like he was moved by his words.

JiSan : “You could beg me to take you to escape.”

JiYuan moved his lips with hesitation, under JiSan’s eager eyes he plainly replied, “…. then need cousin to help me pick a few wild fruits.” He really wanted to eat meat but unfortunately his chest was empty so he must replenish it.

JiSan’s face sank.

JiYuan thought the freak will rage at him but who knew he just stared at him with a gloomy face for a moment, then put down the cowhide cover and turned away.

JiYuan faintly said, “He said he loved me to death, but wouldn’t even give me a peach.”

“You need two.” System calmly pointed out the error.

“Oh, two.”

JiYuan was bored stiff sitting in the cage when the cover lifted open. JiSan opened the door to throw in a cloth bag. Then, he locked the door back and turned away.

With a stunned look, JiYuan opened the cloth bag and found out that JiSan really picked a few wild fruits for him; the fruits were also carefully washed. System sighed, “Germany….”

“Shut up.” JiYuan coldly interrupted System and put two wild fruits at his chest, the rest was set aside as ration.

Inside the dark cage, it was hard to distinguish the day from night. So after sitting for a while, JiYuan started to feel sleepy. He slept after nodding off for a while. Not sure how long has he slept but all of a sudden he woke up. A familiar laughter sounded beside his ear, “Woke up?”

JiYuan : “…” I have an F-word not sure if I can say it out, why are you here again?!

The author has something to say: Elephant trunk clam, let’s keep going (:з」∠)


Translator : Hmm, do the chinese authors write sexy/romantic vampire stories? Seems hard though, since the chinese vampires (jiangshi) are different than western vampires.

Chapter 8

Ye Junchi held JiYuan down on the floor of the cage. When he found the wound he inflicted yesterday, he opened his mouth and bit down on it.

When he left, JiYuan felt like he has turned into a waste/trash.

System felt a bit worried, looking at his lifeless form, “How are you now?”

Lying down ‘as quiet as a chicken’ for a moment, JiYuan slowly sat up into a cross-legged position.

[T/N : Searched the web for the meaning of the saying above but got conflicted answers. Must be some slang thingy, curse you JY online slang user.]

“Feeling like my body has been emptied. System, I am having a doubt that you are lying to me now. Actually, you knew everything, right?”

System : “Ah haha, how could that be? I’m just a mediocre AI.”

JiYuan : “You have a guilty conscience now.”

System was silent for a while.

“There are things that I cannot tell you in advance….in short, I won’t harm you. But I can reveal something to you. The original body’s physique is extremely particular and can’t cultivate on his own but there are some ways to cultivate. Hang on there for some time, you would be able to become stronger in the future.” It could be considered pretty good for System to say that much. After pondering for a moment, JiYuan tactfully asked, “How many days left before we reached South Lake?”

“3 days.”

JiYuan sadly sighed. He doesn’t understand Ye Junchi’s behavior and doesn’t know if he(YJC) will lend a helping hand later. But even if he did helped, maybe it was just so he could lock him up in the palace for FOC blood donations. Then, it would be really a scenario of ‘out of the frying pan into the fire’.

How about begging JiSan…. right, even if System doesn’t judge it as OOC, JiYuan felt scared when his eyes met with JiSan’s passionate and obsessed eyes.

Soon, JiYuan wouldn’t have to worry about this matter anymore.

In the evening, the escort team found a piece of flat area to rest. JiYuan prepared to eat his wild fruits alone but not sure what JiSan was thinking; he suddenly opened the door of the cage and let JiYuan out to sit with him.

The area was surrounded with dark woods. There were a bunch of people sitting down, encircling the fire. The moment they saw JiYuan, complex feelings were flashing in their eyes. Some looked like pity, some looked like hatred while some just like a sigh. JiYuan could feel goosebumps rising on his skin from all the stares. He stiffly sat down with a paralyzed face.

JiSan opened his mouth and said, “Three more days and we will reach South Lake, help yourself with some snacks.”

From the campfire side, a burst of orderly ‘Yes’ rang out. When JiYuan heard that, he felt something was off. Silently glancing towards his left, his body abruptly turned stiff and his back were covered in cold sweat. He secretly counted the number of people in the group.

There was an extra person. This group of people including himself was a total of 17 people, and that extra person was the person at his left. Just like those spirit games people played during high school, a bunch of people sat down together to talk about ghost stories. Then, all of a sudden there was an additional person in the group and yet, nobody noticed it. The person beside him answered ‘Yes’ in a lazy tone. After that he gently laughed, “Ai, so interesting.”

…oh, esteemed demon lord, why are you pranking them for?!

After making sure that he was the only one who heard the voice, JiYuan turned to look beside him with a stunned look. He saw that Ye Junchi was sitting there peacefully and at first glance, his mood seemed pretty good. The people from Ji family were secretly staring at JiYuan. So when they saw JiYuan turning around, they followed suit to check. It was then they realized their group of people has unknowingly gotten an additional headcount. The relaxed atmosphere suddenly stiffened.

JiSan’s expression went a big change, his hands reaching out to pull JiYuan to his back but Ye Junchi was a step faster than him. Easily pulling JiYuan into his arms, Ye Junchi smiled serenely and said, “Excuse me, I didn’t see clearly that day because it was too dark. This is mine and I’m here to take (him) back.”

[T/N : I’m bracketing the word ‘him’ because the author managed to avoid using the him/her word in the dialogue so I don’t know if I should use he or she.]

Being held tightly in a death grip, JiYuan helplessly asked System, “System, can you give me an accurate prediction on when I will be finally free?”

A normal person without any spiritual power in this xx cultivation world, it was really not looking good. Anyone could just come over and casually crush him like an ant.

System was also helpless, answering, “How do I know?” JiYuan could be considered relaxed but the people from Ji family were not. The moment they saw Ye Junchi, the dozen of people jumped up and pulled out their swords. Staying alert and stared at that snow white face; carrying a faint gentle smile but sporting a pair of cold eyes, they couldn’t help sucking in a breath of cold air.

As for JiSan, his expression was ugly, “Demon!”

Ever since the big commotion happened 10 years ago, which was the death of the ruler of the demons, the demon realm was split among three demon lords. They went their own ways to their own territory; not bothering with each other. The other two rarely make an appearance although their fame has existed for a long time, but this one in front of them kept walking out from the legend as a real figure.

[T/N : A bit tricky to explain it but long story short. The sentence above was saying the other two demon lords rarely came out so people don’t know if they are real or not. But for YJC, he came out often enough that people know he is real.]

Three years ago, Ye Junchi set off a reign of terror in the human realm and it was not far from YangNing. When Ji family led their people there, Ye Junchi has already left with his demon armies, leaving mess scattering everywhere. Coincidentally, JiSan was in the front line. So when he saw the horror of destroyed mess like a picture of human purgatory, he almost vomited out his bile.

Ye Junchi still looked very calm, he doesn’t look like what the rumors pictured him to be; a blood-thirsty demon who killed humans like scything flax.

“Hmmm, you are Ah Yuan’s cousin ba? How was it, Gui Chi is quite easy to use, right?”

Gui Chi in JiSan’s hand felt like it abruptly turned into a terrifying monster. JiSan’s hands shook and almost dropped Gui Chi on to the ground. He came to remember that a man suddenly came out from the woods that day. JiSan couldn’t see his face clearly but that man should be Ye Junchi. Towards the demon lord in front of his eyes, JiSan’s hatred overcame fear. His face was dark and he coldly threw a glare at JiYuan.

“You are indeed working with him!”

JiYuan was unable to move in Ye Junchi’s arms the whole time; he could only eat ‘popcorn’ quietly by the side but even that got him ‘shot even when lying down’.

Gui Chi suddenly vibrated. The originally icy cold sword became boiling hot all of a sudden so JiSan immediately loosened his hand. The sword gave a hum and flew back to his owner; circling non-stop around him like a child who just saw his parent.

Ye Junchi was obviously sitting there with a good-natured face and yet, there was an extremely horrifying pressure silently permeating the air. It was comparable to the pressures given off by strong cultivators but there was also an additional hint of dangerous aura.

The fearful escort team from the Ji family; who was surrounding them keep trembling under the pressure of absolute strength. Apart from ‘shaking like a leaf’, each and every one of them showed despair in their face. JiSan stared intently at JiYuan, he clenched his teeth; refusing to let himself from showing fear. The air felt like it had solidified that even the dry woods had discreetly stopped making crackling sound.

In the midst of such a dead silence, Ye Junchi suddenly laughed. He looked at the person in his arms and said in a voice ‘not loud but not small’ either, “Ah Yuan, you decide it for me. Should I spare the life of these ‘shrimp and crab soldiers’ or your cousin’s life instead?”

[T/N : Here comes the second arrow to JY , lol. Anyway, the seafood term above means small fry (虾兵蟹将) , geddit? :v Sorry]
JiYuan was surprised for a moment when he heard that. He subconsciously raised his head to look at the people from Ji family. When they heard what Ye Junchi had said, that dozen of people looked startled. Their eyes were looking at him(JY) with great anticipation. JiSan was staring at him too, with a complex gaze. His lips moved a bit but he didn’t say anything.

JiYuan : “…. What to do, System? I am a good citizen ah.”

One death or a handful of deaths? It was a dilemma. To be honest, these people in this few days didn’t do any excessive things except they didn’t give any food for him to eat. And the freaky JiSan doesn’t deserve death either.

System scoffed, “A good citizen who brawled on the streets?”

“Those are matters long passed and I didn’t cause any loss of life. The ones I hit were the ones who bullied girls so of course, I am a good citizen.”

System : “You are really good good oh, go and try Ye Junchi’s level of tolerance towards you then.”

….do you play it like this?

JiYuan carefully looked at Ye Junchi’s expression, then at the people beside them. After a moment of silence, he said, “Just let all of them go ba.”

Ye Junchi squinted at JiYuan. JiYuan’s expression looked a bit similar to the expression back then when he threatened him(YJC) to leave the room with the dagger at his own neck.

JiYuan shivered a little, “System, I don’t want to be strangled to death.”

System comforted him, “Don’t be afraid, you won’t die for now.”

The two words ‘for now’ have no sense of security at all ah…

Thoughts were flying all over the place in JiYuan’s mind. Then, it was all darkness before his eyes and his lips were pressed against another pair of similarly soft lips. In a ‘not rushing but not slow’ speed, Ye Junchi’s tongue traced the petals of JiYuan’s lips. His eyes were still the usual calmness. But from an outsider’s perspective, that two people were hugging tightly and kissing intensely. JiSan’s eyes were already red.

JiYuan : “Forgive me for speaking bluntly, Ye Junchi wanted to anger JiSan to death, right?” (either monologue or asking System)

After the kiss ended, Ye Junchi smiled brightly like a peach blossom; his voice was gentle and warm, “En, will do according to Ah Yuan’s words.”

Casually picking up JiYuan in a princess carry style, Ye Junchi turned around and left. He came in arrogant, and left in an even more arrogant way.

The moment he left, the heavy aura pressuring their hearts slowly receded like a tide. All of them were taking mouthfuls of fresh air like they were just saved from being drowned and their back were soaked in sweat. After a brush with death, this group of people abruptly knelt on the ground, stiffly pondering about what had happened just now in silence.

The one with the worst expression was JiSan. He has an intention to JiYuan ever since they were young. Just like a seed after a long time, it started to take root in the dark corners of his heart and grew up looking deformed and stubborn. If not for Ye Junchi suddenly appeared, he has already planned to secretly escape with JiYuan tomorrow.

After some time, these people gradually mustered the courage to speak out. Their voices were very hoarse.

“Quick… master, we need to immediately return to inform the family Head!”

“Ye Junchi really appeared! The eldest young lady is really together with the demon!”

“Zhao family won’t let go of us….” “JiYuan really wanted to harm the family….”

The fragments of voices were getting louder and it was upsetting JiSan. He coldly scolded them to stop, then turned to the direction where Ye Junchi has carried JiYuan away. His face turned to a scary gloominess, “Return back!”


“Can you see that? All of them were blaming you.”

Ye Junchi smiled when he saw the people from Ji family slowly left. His words seemed to contain a hint of ridicule, “People are just like that.”

JiYuan glanced at him, with an expressionless face he said, “You seemed to have a lot to say.”

Ye Junchi raised his eyebrow but didn’t say anything. He simply carried JiYuan and flew to the sky on his sword. He didn’t seem to have any intentions to discipline JiYuan over the matter of poisoning him and stealing his sword to escape. Both people were silent for a moment before JiYuan faintly asked, “ZhaoYang was killed by you?”

“Who is ZhaoYang?” Ye Junchi asked with an astonished expression.

“….” JiYuan’s heart began to waver. He looked at Ye Junchi’s blank face and confirmed that he really doesn’t know so he decided to help him remember.

“It’s the man who stuffed me into the wedding palanquin for a force- marriage, and you gave him a kick.”

Ye Junchi uttered an ‘Oh’, then proceed to squeeze the peaches at JiYuan’s chest. With a nonchalant tone he said, “Can’t remember, I haven’t been to the human realm for a long time. The moment I’m here, I heard of the rumors saying that I killed someone – (they) so sure that murders which the murderers cannot be found were done by me.”

JiYuan : “They thought I was the one who asked you to kill him.” That was really a cold joke, who on earth in this world have the ability to instruct the demon lord Ye Junchi? Not wanting JiYuan to hear that sentence, Ye Junchi suddenly buried his head at JiYuan’s nape and chuckled. “I know, do you want me to go to South Lake and rescue your father?”

JiYuan’s eyes shone brightly. Pressing down his excitement, he slowly exhaled and asked, “Really?”

Ye Junchi nodded.

JiYuan was overjoyed, he was about to open his mouth to ask him when two messages suddenly popped up.

The first one was System’s cold reminder : “OOC warning, please take note.” The second one was a task : “Investigate and find out who is ZhaoYang’s murderer with Ye Junchi (0/1)”

JiYuan : “…” So angry, fortunately no need to smile.

The author has something to say: Today elephant trunk clam not going anymore. It will hit me if I want to keep going. Then Mantis shrimp, let’s go (:з」∠)

#NoGhostPlease T^T 

Translator : Don’t you think YJC is more playful after he found out that JY is a dude? So many moments of peach-squeezing there XD Like: Ye Junchi : “I cannot squeeze a lady’s breast blatantly. That’s blasphemous! But you are a man so it’s alright.” squeeze peaches :v

Chapter 9

Ye Junchi noticed that JiYuan has fell into a silence, he raised his eyebrows and said, “I’m not joking. What, are you afraid that the Ji family would be implicated with my involvement?”

Actually, the original body owner doesn’t have any deep feelings for the family. But now is not the time to consider this issue… JiYuan poked System with a black face.

“The difficulty level in cooperating with Ye Junchi is too high. According to the original character, ‘I’ would definitely refuse Ye Junchi’s help. ‘I’ would not budge on my stance even when threatened with death, let alone cooperating to find the murderer.”

JiYuan continued, “Nope, that won’t do, System. This is already an OOC task to start with. I request to skip the task or let me slightly OOC (to accept YJC’s help).”

System : “You still want to bargain in this?”

“I don’t care! At worst, I’ll just won’t do this task!”

System thought for a moment. The task was indeed quite forceful.

System : “Alright then. But if you went out of the line and done some serious OOC, you would still be punished.”

Ain’t that just a matter of acting skills?1 Secretly feeling relieved, JiYuan sorted out his thoughts, controlled his facial expressions and lightly said, “That is just treating the symptoms but not the root cause. If you really wanted to help me, how about finding out who is the murderer instead? Then you and I will be able to prove our innocence.”

“Is innocence that important?”

Ye Junchi’s eyebrows rose up again; looking as if he doesn’t really care,
“But if that is what you wanted to do, I will help you ba.”


JiYuan was feeling horrified, “Has his brain gone bad? Why is he so easy to talk with?”

System went silent for a moment, “Shouldn’t you be happy?”

JiYuan : “I am feeling even more afraid ah! Is he coveting my body?!”

System coldly said, “Are you better-looking than him? At most, he just wanted to drink your blood.”

“….” JiYuan doesn’t want to talk to System anymore.

Gui Chi’s speed was not fast but not slow either. Right in front of JiYuan’s face was the biting cold night wind; the feeling of flying in the air was very wonderful. Above their head was a scattering of stars; the bright moon hung in the vast piece of night sky. Below their feet was an endless and distant, vast dark land.

The night breeze blowing at them and the cold were biting into JiYuan’s bones. He came into a suspicion that Ye Junchi let him stood in front so to block the wind.


“But…” After some time of silence, Ye Junchi opened his mouth and said in a slow manner, “… you really caused me a big trouble, little thing.”

JiYuan was feeling confused and innocent, “What trouble?”

He doesn’t require Ye Junchi to answer anymore, as he immediately understood what had happened. Gui Chi suddenly swayed, like it abruptly lost the spiritual power to control itself and they plunged down to the earth.

JiYuan was expressionless, “…..” AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH GONNA DIE!

When the two people were about to hit the ground, Ye Junchi who has been maintaining a calm demeanor, held onto JiYuan’s waist and nimbly stepped onto the nearby branch. Breaking the momentum of their fall, he lightly jumped onto the ground.

JiYuan who has been scared stiff until his soul flew out, leaned into Ye Junchi’s arms. His hands and feet were still feeling soft; they were slightly trembling around Ye Junchi’s waist. Cold sweat were covering JiYuan’s back, it was some time later before he came back to his sense and he stiffly blinked.

Gui Chi laid quietly on the ground like an ordinary sword; looking very wronged.

Fear was still lingering in JiYuan’s heart. He said, “System, I almost thought I am going to die.”

“Don’t you still have Ye Junchi here?”

“It’s because he is here that I’m scared. What if he used me to cushion his fall?!”

System : “… you must have some confidence in him.”

JiYuan indifferently rejected the request for confidence. He wanted to let go of Ye Junchi but he was afraid that the moment he let go, his legs would give away and have him kneel down with a ‘thump’. So he could only hardened his face and pleaded with System a few times (to OOC a bit); to continue holding onto Ye Junchi.

Ye Junchi doesn’t mind that at all, and said, “You seemed to have changed a lot.”

System : “You see, I didn’t judge you as OOC but the other party already thought the same.”

JiYuan : “Shut up.”

“I am really curious, about what kind of a rarity between Heaven and Earth is your blood. To be able to restrained my demonic power, or I should say to be absorbing my spiritual power. Only by drinking your blood that I could calm down the restless flow in me.”

Ye Junchi’s voice was not fast and not slow. He talked about the matter lightly but JiYuan saw a fleeting coldness in his eyes. Suddenly feeling cold, JiYuan secretly shuddered and poked System, “Could you translate that to simpler term for me?”

System : “It means if he doesn’t drink your blood, he will be a trash demon lord.”


Relying on System’s explanation, JiYuan who couldn’t completely decipher the meaning of Ye Junchi’s gaze, finally understood what he saw just now was an icy killing intent. In the demon lord’s heart, he(YJC) must be feeling very wronged. Wanted to chop him(JY) but fear that he would become a waste after chopping.

JiYuan felt a little bit of guilty conscience said, “… I don’t know what actually happened too.”

Ye Junchi didn’t say anything, he just stared at JiYuan for a long while. Then, his slender fingers reached out to gently brush away JiYuan’s hair at his neck. Squinting his eyes, he saw the bite marks and wounds on the tender white neck. Ye Junchi pressed JiYuan against a tree. Then, he wordlessly bowed down his head and bit on the wounds.

Having a pair of soft and warm lips pressing on his neck, it really give off a kind of an ambiguous charming feel. A moment later, it was not charming at all. JiYuan felt that from the way they keep hurting each other, someone is going to be a waste soon (either him first or Ye Junchi).

Old wounds were being opened again, JiYuan could only talk nonsense with System with a pair of watery eyes to divert his attention (from the pain). He was not that delicate, to cry over injuries like this. Just that the body was originally very scared of pain, so his eyes started to tear up whenever the body felt painful.

Come to think about it…. the one who wanted to cry should be Ye Junchi. Ye Junchi obviously knew that drinking his blood could only suppress the poison’s attack for some time. After that, the attack would only be stronger, but he couldn’t not drink it. This feeling of his own blood being sucked out by someone else was not wonderful at all, he even felt a bit horrified. Because as long as the person at his neck is willing to do it, the artery which was situated right next to the wound could be split open any time.

The original body’s special constitution was really evil/sinful…..

When Ye Junchi stepped away from him, JiYuan was starting to feel dizzy. It was not that he lost too much blood but because his brain was overly scared by his own thoughts.

The man originally has bright red lips; when it was dyed with blood, it became even more astonishing. In the dark curtain of the sky, bright moonlight scattered down in thousands specks of clear splendor. Here, the area was quite open (free of cloud) and the cold moonlight fell onto half of his face. One half of his face was bright while the other half was dark; when combined together, it gave out a feeling of hair-raising beautifulness.

Ye Junchi’s tongue lazily reached out to lick the blood on his lips.
Looking at the bright red tongue and lips, one could even feel it was sexy. JiYuan stared for a moment, then immediately shifted away his gaze. He shivered, “System! Bad news!”

“What is it, baby?”
“Ye Junchi suddenly changed his style! And became my favorite type!” “… grab the opportunity, try your best to ‘bend’ him. Good luck, you
are the best.”

‘The best’ JiYuan was being restricted and single-handedly brought back to the demon realm by Ye Junchi.

Compared to the human realm, the demon realm’s environment was quite backwards and terrible. The sky were often hazy gray in color. Even the air seemed to be unstable, filled with a restless and desolate atmosphere.

The cultivation talent of the demons were much higher than humans but their major setback was procreation. They were sparsely populated in the broad, boundless demon realm. So … as a demon lord, the palace took up a vast surface area; a wastage of space. JiYuan didn’t notice that before but when he was carried back this time, he witnessed a piece of endless land in the palace. Sighing, he said, “… this is the evil of capitalism. I am indeed the son of the ‘party and people’.”

[T/N : I’m not a chinese born in China so I do not understand the reason the authors keep mentioning their ‘party’ and ‘people’. Is it something related to China being a republic? Or they practice socialism? I wouldn’t know, I don’t study this in school ? I study how human body produce waste and excrete it :v Joking, that chapter never appear in the exam papers…]

“The party and the people doesn’t have a son like you.”

System took a look at JiYuan’s information, and saw that ‘someone’ has a dozen of estates and a dozen of listed companies under his name. System couldn’t help but ruthlessly replied in disdain. Ye Junchi didn’t intend to return to the palace, he just summoned a few men to make some arrangements. After that, he grabbed JiYuan with him and continued flying toward the depths of demon realm.

JiYuan couldn’t help asking, “…. what are you doing now?” Not going to investigate the murderer?

Ye Junchi was taller than JiYuan by almost a head, conveniently letting him to give JiYuan a ‘downward gaze’. He plainly said, “I have make some inquiries about the matter when I came to the human realm. Those moralist insisted that I was the murderer because it seems that the sword injury and residue of spiritual power on the body is the same as Gui Chi (‘s effect).”

JiYuan was not a fool, he immediately came to understand what happened. Someone imitated Ye Junchi’s killing method and killed ZhaoYang, the motive was to frame Ye Junchi. JiYuan most probably had a case of bad luck and gotten implicated into the matter.

Those people’s target was Ye Junchi.

As for why they killed ZhaoYang to frame Ye Junchi, JiYuan couldn’t figure it out. System couldn’t figure it out either. Couldn’t be they thought Ye Junchi’s reputation not ‘smelly’ enough? Smearing more blood on it would just yield the same result. The only person who understood the matter doesn’t intend to explain, so JiYuan could only tactfully be as ‘silent as the chicken’.

“The other side came prepared, searching for the murderer might be a bit troublesome.”

Ye Junchi then threw a dirty look at JiYuan, his tone was cold, “Thanks to you, my current (body) situation is unstable. If I don’t settle this matter first, then going back to human realm equals to suicide.”

The amount of cultivators looking forward to Ye Junchi’s death was numerous. If a stone was to fall from the sky and killed someone, the possibility would be nine out of ten that person wanted to kill Ye Junchi. 2 Some wanted to do it for fame, while some were from jealousy; there were all sorts of reason out there. What more, something like this (ZY) happened, there would be even more people aiming at him. In case they stumbled upon enemies, and at that moment his(JY) blood were not ‘behaving’, causing the loss of spiritual power for Ye Junchi, then the scene would be very ‘exciting’.

As the culprit, JiYuan shamefully closed his mouth.

Ye Junchi doesn’t intend to explain about their destination to JiYuan. After a night of journey, they finally arrived to a mountain at the break of dawn. He brought JiYuan down to the mountain after a pause.

The mountain looked just like a land of dense trees from the sky. When they landed, JiYuan saw that there was a courtyard at the mountain. It looked like someone was living here in seclusion. There were wisps of smoke coming out from the house; even some dog (or something canine) barking could be heard.

What kind of a demon with such a good ‘interest’?

Ye Junchi gave JiYuan a dirty look again and said, “Follow me closely.”

Directly pushing the door open and went inside, they ran into a young man coming out from the kitchen. The man raised his head and saw Ye Junchi with JiYuan. He didn’t display any surprised reaction but smiled instead.

“Why do you have the leisure time to visit my humble place? Got into some trouble, is it?”

Ye Junchi didn’t answer the question but turned his face sideways to JiYuan and said, “This is Luo Xiuyi.”

JiYuan : “?” It felt like he heard of this name somewhere before. System sighed. “One of the demon lords in the demon realm. Rumored to be an expert in divination. Possessed knowledge in medicine/pharmacology. Has half of human blood in his body. Moron, you should have memorized the common sense of this world. Let me test you a bit.”

JiYuan immediately raised his guard and refused.

“Please do not carry out inhumane force feeding teaching of exam- oriented education in this cultivation world, thank you.”

While he was exchanging nonsense with System, Ye Junchi has roughly explained the situation to the man. Ye Junchi’s words were just ended when Luo Xiuyi’s eye lit up. With an ‘ah’, he picked up JiYuan’s hands and held it in a tight grip. His breathing was slightly short, he excitedly looked at JiYuan like he wanted to ‘hug, kiss and hold him up in the air’.3

JiYuan : “…” Goddammit, another freak.

The author has something to say: Today mantis shrimp not going anymore. I got hungry and ate it (:з 」∠) I have given it the best final destination (:з 」∠) I have been feeling weird how the word ‘cultivation
world’ has poked the censorship of Jinjiang, stop changing it to ⼝⼝…..

#ButHowCanSexySemeNotASadist ? 

Translator : I think Xiuyi is not a mental like JiSan. I mean, Xiuyi seems like a doctor and JiYuan looked like a walking oddity in the medicine world. So Xiuyi most probably was fascinated by his blood instead. :3

System : I thought you said you have read a third of the novel? Why are you guessing here?

Translator : I did, but I forget small details all the time ;D System : ….. poor child, you are even worst than JiYuan. Translator : …. shut up.

Chapter 10

Seeing Luo Xiuyi was not being tactful (still holding his hands), and seemed to be speechless from over-excitement, JiYuan remained silent for a moment.

He used his eyes to signal to Luo Xiuyi, “Big brother, whatchu doin?
Let go.”

System too, went silent for a moment, “Kindly refrain from mixing dialects.”

[T/N : Googled 嘎哈 and found out that it was a Shenyang dialect for ‘what are you doing?’ XD ]

Ye Junchi crossed his arms, looking at the scene playing out by the side. After a while, he felt thirsty. So, he reached out with a natural movement to JiYuan’s chest and fished out a wild fruit. He casually rubbed the fruit with his sleeves, then slowly munched on it.

JiYuan : “…” Your mother, where the Hell your hands were touching. Luo Xiuyi : “…”
Luo Xiuyi was stunned for a moment, he looked at the delicate and good- looking little beauty standing in front of him. Turning around to Ye Junchi, he said, “Speaking of which, I calculated on your future and saw the Red Phoenix star’s movement in it. Then, a Distress star appeared, clashing with the Red Phoenix.1 Could it be it’s this little girl….” He seemed to have remembered something, and turned his head back to see JiYuan’s indifferent face. Then, he took a look at JiYuan’s half deflated chest. Abruptly swallowed, he dryly said, “…. little brother?”

[T/N : I usually leave the names by itself if possible, in pinyin but sometimes, too much chinese words that you don’t understand scattering all over the place is confusing. Hence ‘Red Phoenix’ and ‘Distress’ star.]

Ye Junchi’s expression was dull, “En.”

Luo Xiuyi ‘tsk-ed’ for a few times, shook his head and sighed again.

“Other people get unlucky when they bumped into Ye Junchi. This is the first time I see Ye Junchi getting into bad luck himself…. little brother, you are not bad ah.”

This little brother is also very unlucky, thank you very much.

Luo Xiuyi smiled at JiYuan’s eyes, at that pair of light-colored eyes which seemed to never have any mood fluctuations.

“You are actually a pure and cold human, your looks are not bad too….”

Finished eating the wild fruit, Ye Junchi finally showed some hint of impatience.

“Less nonsense, what actually happened? How to solve it?” “What are you getting hurried for?”
Luo Xiuyi glanced back, his handsome bright eyes were full of ridicule smiles.

“You guys arrived at the perfect timing. I have just finished cooking; let’s talk as we eat.”

When cultivation reached a certain limit, the cultivators will start to fast/refrain from eating. Living in seclusion, Luo Xiuyi imitated the mortals from human realm to cook, but that was just to kill time. The food he cooked were often given to the dog(s) in the yard to eat – but even the dogs were not willing to eat so it was thrown away.

At this moment, he just simply wanted to tease Ye Junchi.

Ye Junchi’s face was a bit black, he threw a glance at JiYuan. Seeing JiYuan pursed his lips and inclined his head at one side, his hand unconsciously reaching out to cover his own stomach, Ye Junchi was reminded that this person’s body was delicate and feeble. This person was not fasting and if he is to be starved any longer, he might be gone (dead) soon. Thinking about it, Ye Junchi’s expression slowly returned to normal and he nodded, “Alright then.”

Having prepared to have a verbal battle with Ye Junchi, Luo Xiuyi’s eyes abruptly went big. He stared at Ye Junchi in a stunned look, as if the person in front of him was not Ye Junchi but a stranger who replaced his soul.

“…. Has your brain gone bad?”

Ye Junchi sneered.

In the end, Luo Xiuyi obediently carried the dishes out and put it onto the stone table in the yard.

JiYuan was having gastric pain, so he didn’t decline. He sat down beside Ye Junchi with his eyes hanging down, but was secretly happy in his heart. Fortunately, System allowed him a little room to OOC. Otherwise, according to the original body’s temper, ‘he’ would rather starved to death than sitting down. Thinking about this, JiYuan was full of love for System in his heart.


“… what is it?”

“After I returned back, I will definitely make a memorial tablet for you and worship you.” System was silent for a moment, then its tone was faint, “I think it’s more likely that I will be chanting the reincarnation mantra for you, to commemorate you as the first host to die in my hands.”

JiYuan : “…. you are so bad bad, I wanna use a small fist to hammer your chest.”

Feeling satisfied after boasting wildly with System, JiYuan looked down at the dishes cooked by Luo Xiuyi and his face promptly froze. If he hasn’t see it wrongly, inside the blue and white porcelain plate, was a pile of … eyeballs? What is the thing beside it? Tongue? And there are some weird half-dead insects? Also, a radish looked a human face? There is a live snake in the pot? He silently stared face to face with the pitiful, poisonous snake in the pot. His stomach suddenly assaulted with a churning wave, JiYuan’s fingers trembled. With an expressionless face, he put down the bamboo chopsticks, feeling that he need to calm down.

Seeing JiYuan’s face blanched white, Ye Junchi’s mood suddenly became good. A light smile hooked on his lips.

“Ah Yuan, these are some rare stuffs that could only be found here.
You should eat more.”

JiYuan fished out the other remaining wild fruit from his chest, calmly munching a few ‘kacha kacha’ bites from it; finally opened his mouth and said, “My body, what is going on?”

Luo Xiuyi saw that the little beauty ignored his homemade dishes, regretfully sighed, “Little beauty ah….”

But which man could tolerate themselves being called in that manner (unmanly names)? JiYuan tolerated it for a while before reservedly saying, “Just call me JiYuan.”

Luo Xiuyi casually nodded uncaringly, the corner of his pink lips raised up, revealing a strange smile. “Little beauty, from listening to Ye Junchi’s words, if I did not guessed it wrongly, your body’s constitution should be ‘that kind’ from the legend…”

The moment JiYuan heard the last sentence, he forgot to retort at Luo Xiuyi. His eyes slightly grew big and his heartbeat went faster. At that moment, he immediately recalled all those ‘f*cking awesome’ constitutions from the few novels he had read before.

Luo Xiuyi slowly completed his sentence, “… that infamous constitution. Actually it is easy to determine, just that it has not appear in nearly a thousand years so only a few people knew about it now.”

…smelly name (infamous)?

…could it be smellier than Ye Junchi’s name?

As if he read the meaning in JiYuan’s gaze, Luo Xiuyi broke into a laugh.

“Of course, compared to our demon lord the Great Ye Junchi, your constitution could be regarded as spotless, ‘as clear as ice and clean as jade’.”

“….” Looking at Luo Xiuyi openly bad-mouthing him, Ye Junchi simply picked up a few of the eyeball-lookalike thingy (with his chopsticks) and threw it into his own mouth; slowly chewing it and not saying anything.

Having chatted randomly all over the places, Luo Xiuyi tactfully stopped keeping the listeners in suspense. He stared at JiYuan with a pair of shiny eyes, “Really a rare treasure – Little beauty, were you constantly getting blocked whenever you tried to cultivate, ever since you were young? Every time the gathered qi tried to concentrate, the spiritual power will disappeared into the pulse of your spirit?”

JiYuan guiltily nodded. “Indeed, just as rumored.” Luo Xiuyi smiled. “Little beauty, you are not a cultivation trash. On the contrary, you are a rare genius of the millennium. Whenever you started to cultivate, the spiritual power disappeared and integrated into your blood. According to what was recorded in the ancient books, people with constitution like yours was born to be unable to condensate the elements. The cultivation accumulated could only went into your blood. So when another person drank your blood, the spiritual power in your blood will clash with the person’s inner spiritual power.”

When Ye Junchi heard that, he couldn’t help frowning.

“There are only two options to choose for the people who drank the blood. One, disregard the blood and let it wreak havoc in the body. After a hundred years, the blood will be able to break apart through refining. Unfortunately, Ye Junchi’s power were restrained by your blood…. The second option is to accept the blood and drink it from time to time, and use own self body as a furnace. The spiritual power from the furnace’s cultivation are to be divided into half to the blood. When the blood were fully infused with spiritual power, then ….”

Luo Xiuyi paused for a while then smiled, “Will revert back to normal. Actually, there are a lot of methods could be used to revert back but it couldn’t be finished in just one turn. Well, apart from sexual intercourse, other methods would greatly damage the body of the furnace…”

JiYuan : “….”

JiYuan lost the guts to see Ye Junchi’s expression. This constitution was just like a parasite, living inside other people to steal their cultivation and ruthlessly earned a profit in the end. No wonder it’s infamous…. No wonder System refused to explain to him, God his mother damm special constitution.

“You mean I could only make myself as a living furnace?”

Ye Junchi faintly smiled at JiYuan. Luo Xiuyi nodded, “I say ah, what were you doing drinking other people’s blood ….”

Pinching the area at his forehead, Ye Junchi interrupted Luo Xiuyi’s words.

“The time of his blood attacks is too short. I couldn’t always stick him to my side and bite down whenever it’s time – do you have any solution for this?”

“I do ah.” There was a hint of blood-thirstiness added inside Luo Xiuyi’s smile without any reason. “Just suck the little beauty’s blood to dry?”

JiYuan was absolutely horrified, God his mother was really a freak, even more mental than JiSan.

There were laughter in Ye Junchi’s handsome face. His eyes were indifferent, JiYuan broke into cold sweats under his stare. He thought that this person would rush forward to suck him dry, but his(YJC) gaze shifted.

“I am not joking with you, do you have any solutions?”

Luo Xiuyi muttered to himself, “I wasn’t joking”, then thought for a while and said, “There is a way, but will need to trouble little beauty.”

His method was to have JiYuan let out a few bowls of blood. He will experiment with it and make it into pills, so that it’s convenient for Ye Junchi to carry it around.

There was no other reliable ways, so JiYuan could only bit down on his teeth and pretend it was a free-of-charge blood donation. After letting out a few bowls of blood with a pale face, JiYuan almost fainted. Ye Junchi picked up something looked like a tongue and stuffed it into his(JY) mouth, forcing him to swallow it. The taste was not as bad as he imagined it, just that it was very disgusting (to eat a tongue) that he wanted to vomit. JiYuan’s tongue tightly pressed against his upper jaw. After the urge to vomit subsided, he found out that he doesn’t have the feeling of coldness and vertigo from excessive blood loss anymore. Ye Junchi lifted his eyes a bit, in a tone not salty yet not light, “Luo Xiuyi’s dishes on this table were all rare panacea of the heaven and earth.”

JiYuan indifferently sounded an ‘Oh’, but in his heart he was saying ‘You people from the capitalist class are really unruly. Do you need to be such wasteful just for a meal?’2.

System coldly smiled, “He he.”

It was 3 days later after Luo Xiuyi finished refining the pills; he strongly reminded Ye Junchi to drag JiYuan back to continue letting blood the moment he finished his supply. Before they leave, Luo Xiuyi said something without reason, “Ye Junchi, I heard that the blood of those with such constitution is useless for demon race.”

Ye Junchi showed a rare icy expression, wordlessly carried JiYuan and left the hill.

Witnessing the tolerance and care shown by Luo Xiuyi towards Ye Junchi, JiYuan was silently guessing the relationship between the two in his heart. He has yet to come with some ideas, when Ye Junchi who was sticking behind him suddenly bowed down his head. Leaning into his neck, he(YJC) sounded very lazy.

“13 years ago when the ruler of the demons died, it was chaotic in the demon realm. I inadvertently saved Luo Xiuyi’s life when I was escaping with him. Although this person is a rascal and weird, but ‘the favor of a drop of water has been rewarded with the gratitude of a fountain of water’, he would return back favors many times more.”

JiYuan was expressionless, “Oh.”

Ye Junchi rubbed his(JY) hair and said, “Don’t let your imagination run wild.” [T/N : As in ‘don’t think nonsense’.]

He paused for a moment, his hands casually went to JiYuan’s face. He asked with a surprised tone, “Why is your face so cold?” JiYuan : “…”

Ye Junchi suddenly realized, “I forgot that you cannot cultivate, couldn’t construct a barrier to block the wind.”

JiYuan : “… System, why did I felt like it was intentional?”

System : “Condolence.”

After a long time, they crossed the boundary between demon realm and human realm, finally returned to the human world. They found a small town and went to sit inside a tea house, listening to the recent news. When Ye Junchi came out from the tea house, he said, “It seems that the whole world know about me bringing you along to cause chaos in the human realm.”


“Those practitioners are pursuing us according to the description of one man and one woman.”

Then, Ye Junchi lightly smiled, “Let’s go, you should change into a new disguise. Being a woman for ten years, do you want to be a man?”

Because it concerned his dignity as a man, JiYuan only coldly replied with one sentence, “I am a man from the start.”

Ye Junchi revealed a helpless look and a smile containing obedience and tolerance, “Yes, you are.”

JiYuan couldn’t help gnashing his teeth, “System, I really wanted to beat him.”

System : “Be nice, baby. If you don’t want to hear me chanting reincarnation mantra, don’t do silly thing.”

The author has something to say: System’s smile revealed hints of poverty. Dumpling, let’s go ● v ● What ‘Red Phoenix star’s movement’ stuff? It’s something I randomly say, don’t mind it… (:з」∠) 

Translator : How I imagined it when YJC wanna mess around with JY : CAT GIF

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