Heavenly Farmer Chapter 41-50

Chapter 41-Pride

After driving for half an hour they reached Yuelu mountain where a unique house was there.

There was no luxurious decoration, it looked like an ordinary farm courtyard.

However, this place was one of the few tourist places in Shashi and it was impossible to construct any private residence.

If there was a private residence then there were only two possibilities, either a powerful figure or residence left behind by the natives.

Even a native-born resident was asked to move out of the scenic area.

Of course, the compensation was very high.

The car snaked along a flat and broad road.

Finally, the car came to halt next to a wooden bridge over a stream, opposite to the wooden bridge there stood a courtyard.

Ye Xiaochen took a deep sigh, in this city to be able to find a house with this kind of beautiful scenery would not be very easy.

Thus, it could be seen that the owner of this residence was not an average person!

Three people got out of the car, walked into the wooden bridge and reached outside the courtyard.

Through the bamboo fence, they could see two men sitting under a huge old tree playing chess on a stone table.

One of the old men had gray hair and rosy complexion.

Obviously, he was skilled at keeping his health good.

And the other one was thin and looks like an old farmer, he didn’t look anything extraordinary.

“Let’s wait here”

Professor Zhang said to Ye Xiaochen in a low voice.

Apparently, he didn’t want to go in and disturb their game.

Ye Xiaochen wanted to refuse in his heart.They couldn’t go in and still had to wait outside

But looking at professor Zhang’s serious face he could only nod.

Even the arrogant Wang Yuandong was looking serious and behaved just like an obedient student.

From this, Ye Xiaochen could see that these two old men were certainly not ordinary people.

Professor Zhang also had the identity of a professor, it was unlikely of him to be this much reserved.

After more than one and half hour.

“No more, you are very insidious”

Suddenly, the old farmer with his chicken like palms pushed the pawns on the chessboard and made a mess.

“Old Ye, aren’t you afraid to see yourself as a joke in front  of the outsides guest?”

The old man was not angry, instead, he smiled and shook his head.

He began to put the scattered pieces into the box.

At this moment, professor Zhang took Wang Yuandong and Ye Xiaochen, opened the door and entered the courtyard.

“ Old Ye, Master Peng”

Professor Zhang directly went towards that two old man and greeted in a very courteous manner.

“Professor Zhang you have come. Didn’t you say that you invited someone?Where is that person?”

That thin old farmer was called old Ye.He looked at professor Zhang, and saw only two young men and was surprised.

Another old man was still cleaning the pieces, but still took a glance, and didn’t say anything.

“Old Ye, this is Ye Xiaochen.The person whom I invited.The plant promoting growth medicine which I used last time was made by him”

Professor Zhang said quickly.


The old farmer Ye’s vision fell on Ye Xiaochen and he was surprised.

He expected that Mr.Zhang would bring one of his colleagues, but who thought that he would bring such young man.

“Zhang Keqin.You didn’t bring a random person to fool me. Did you?”

The old man Ye’s face suddenly turned cold.

Just a moment back it was like a harmless cat, but suddenly it turned like a ferocious tiger.

This kind of imposing momentum sent by old Ye takes a long time to cultivate.Suddenly, on professor Zhang’s forehead started to appear cold sweat.

Ye Xiaochen has psychic talent, so his spiritual level was more sensitive.He couldn’t help but be amazed when he suddenly felt the intense pressure.

“Old Ye, what is plant promoting growth medicine?”

The grey-haired old man was Chinese medicine professional, so when he heard about the plant promoting growth medicine, he became curious and immediately asked.

“Last time, I told you that my bonsai plant has some problem.So I invited many people to check it.He said that there is a plant promoting growth agent which can cure it and make it better, but instead, it made worse”

Old Ye said while foaming in anger.

“Professor Zhang, what magic does this plant promoting growth agent has?”

The grey-haired master Peng hurriedly asked professor Zhang.

Professor Zhang’s face became little awkward.Nevertheless, he told the truth.

“This thing?”

Master Peng was surprised.

Although he has not engaged in botany, he has dealt with all kinds of Chinese herbal medicine.

If what he said was correct, then the plant promoting growth agent was really amazing

In traditional Chinese medicine, there are no drugs that could delay the aging.Even if there is a suspension of life medicine, it could only stop the illness for a very short time.

“I don’t care, you have to compensate for my treasure”

Old Ye said in a strong tone.

Professor Zhang’s body broke out in cold sweat.Compensate?Even if he sold his whole body, he wouldn’t be able to pay!

He couldn’t help but look at Ye Xiaochen, hoping he would help him.

Ye Xiaochen couldn’t help but touch his nose, he knew from a look that this old man was not easy to get along with, if he couldn’t cure, he might also be in trouble.

The present situation couldn’t allow him to be careless.

“Well, old man let me see that …… bonsai?

Ye Xiaochen coughed to show his presence and said.

But, suddenly he forgot the name of the bonsai.

Professor Zhang felt like thousand grass mud horse whistle past him.All of sudden, he thought if he made a mistake to bring Ye Xiaochen here?

Wang Yuandong rolled his eyes.Damn even the name of bonsai he could not remember.Was this a joke?

The old farmer Ye looked at Ye Xiaochen and said in cold tone “Boy, although you have the same surname Ye, I am a very unreasonable person, if my bonsai tree couldn’t be cured, you have to compensate together with him.I guess you will not even afford it.”

Ye Xiaochen was very embarrassed that he lost his face and name.

He still tried to be calm.

However, he was little annoyed with the old man’s sarcastic remarks. He doesn’t believe that the Shennong system would not be able to cure it.

If it could not be cured in a day, then he will take ten days, if in ten days he couldn’t cure it, he will take 100 days.

Ye Xiaochen was a very cautious person and has consciousness of small farmer.

Since obtaining the Shennong system, and having success and achievement made him have some confidence and pride.

In the past, his reaction would have been like an ostrich.

But now, it wasn’t like that

“Old gentleman, let me see that piece of white wax bonsai tree”

Ye Xiaochen said again.

He made his waist straight.

Chin up.

His tone was calm and clever.

He had a sense of pride in his face.

Chapter 42-Pouring Wine

Old farmer Ye astonishingly looked at Ye Xiaochen.Suddenly he felt interested.

Generally, everyone respect because of his status.

Even Zhang Keqin and Wang Yuandong were acting very humble at the moment.

But now, the young man not only he did not get affected by his momentum but also was speaking the words with a sense of pride.

Yes, that was pride.

He had met a lot of young men with amazing abilities, talents or strong background.Even then in front of him they put down their pride and try to please him.

All right.

Let’s give him a chance.

Old Ye nodded and said, “Ok, then see it”.

He didn’t say anything after that.

He was really little interested in the young man.He doesn’t know what ability does the young man has that he had this much pride.

And he also felt that Zhang Keqin like a prudent man would not bring anyone casually.

Thus, it could be seen that this young man has some skills.

Ye Xiaochen followed the old Ye.

Master Peng, professor Zhang, and Wang Yuandong also went in.

The decoration of the room was very simple.

From a look, you could know the age of furniture.

Near the window, a table was placed and on top, there was a unique shaped bonsai tree.

It was exactly same as in the photo.

However, the yellow area in the leaf was larger than before.

The whole tree did not seem to have any of its charms and looked like it was in the period of declination and decay.

Old Ye looked at his treasure and immediately revealed an expression of pain on his face.

Since the day he obtained the bonsai tree, he protected it just like his baby.

Under several people’s gaze, Ye Xiaochen walked front.He first carefully looked at the bonsai, then stretched out his finger and gently touched the bonsai tree.

It was not rough like general trees and gave an exquisite sensation.

“Good plant consciousness.”

However, the most attracting thing was Ye Xiaochen sensed a strong consciousness from the white wax bonsai tree.

The consciousness was so strong that it had feelings.

He thought about it, this tree seems very short for a flowering bonsai tree, but it had been growing for more than 300 years and when compared with a tree it could be considered very big.

There was very few tree which was over hundred years and was basically the kind which was getting protected.It was considered good for an ordinary tree to last for a decade.

With such a long history, it was normal for the plant consciousness to grow slowly.

In order to not let anyone get a clue, Ye Xiaochen made it look like he was just simply touching the bonsai tree.

Nobody noticed that he was exchanging communication with the plant’s consciousness.

After a while, Ye Xiaochen withdrew his hand and frowned.He combined the knowledge of Shennong introductory guide and began to analyze the consciousness of plant.

He sighed secretly in his heart, as result of his own limitations he was unable to carry true communication with the consciousness of the plant.Otherwise, he could directly obtain the information from the plant’s consciousness.

Now, he could only carry out the analysis based on the changes in consciousness.

This was a test of his experience and insight.

Fortunately, he had received the Shennong system two months back, unlike before things were different now, he had reborn.

“Old gentleman, I want to ask you a question.”

After some careful consideration, Ye Xiaochen had some ideas, he then looked at old farmer Ye and asked.

“What’s the problem?

Old Ye had been paying attention to Ye Xiaochen’s every move.

As the person who had occupied the top position for a long time, he was best at observing, estimating and analyzing. It could be even said that he had perfected the discerning eyes.
Naturally, he recognized that Ye Xioachen was not pretending.
And was really trying to diagnose the cause of the disease of the bonsai tree.

“Do you generally water the bonsai plant?”

Ye Xiaochen asked.

“Nonsense, if I had not water it, long back it would have withered.”

Old Ye rolled his eyes.

Did he make a mistake at recognizing him?


Wang Yuandong was despising him in his heart.

Ye Xiaochen did not care and asked: “old gentleman, normally which kind of water do you use?”

“It is the water from the mountain stream, pure and natural.After boiling you can drink it, and tastes very sweet.”old ye replied.

Beside grey-haired old man, Mr.peng was unceasingly surprised.According to his understanding of Old Ye, he was a hot tempered guy, if some other guy had asked this kind of idiot question he would directly jump and roar at him.

But, now there was not even sign of him getting angry.

It was strange.

“Nothing else?”

Old ye continued, “No, just the water from stream”

Old Ye felt his patience was running out.

“I don’t know how long the old gentleman has lived here?Have you always been using the water stream since you started living here?”

Ye Xiaochen was examining the details.

“it’s been a year since I started living here and has been continuously using the water from the mountain stream.”

Old Ye was not able to hold back, and said in the angry tone “Boy, did you finish?”

“Almost finished.”

Ye Xiaochen nodded

“So do you know what is the problem?”

Old Ye asked.

“I don’t know yet, but I have heard that for like this kind of precious bonsai plant there is special cultivation record, may I look at it?”

Ye Xiaochen shook his head, he then diverted the topic.

“You wait here.”

Afte old Ye said this, he entered another room and took out a very fancy wooden box.

He carefully placed the wooden box on the table, opened the lid and took out the record from it.

From the appearance of the record, it seemed very old.It was certainly not made of general matter, otherwise, even if it was well preserved, it would have decayed long back.

“Boy, you can watch it, but don’t spoil it, you can’t afford it”

Old Ye said.

Ye Xiaochen nodded.Not to mention this booklet recorded the cultivation of the bonsai, it also could be regarded as the ancient cultural relic.

After he looked at it, he rolled his eyes.Unexpectedly, the characters were written in traditional Chinese style.

Ye Xiaochen was trying very hard.

.“Professor Zhang, can you tell me the contents of this record?”

Ye Xiaochen coughed and asked professor Zhang, who was very nervous.

Professor Zhang nodded, as a professor and a botanist, his literary attainments were very good.

He explained the contents to Ye Xiaochen.

After several minutes professor Zhang finished.

“Pouring wine?Are you saying that this white wax bonsai tree is irrigated with wine?”

Ye Xiaochen was stunned.

“Yes, once in awhile, it is needed to be irrigated with wine, to make it have more charm.”

Old Ye continued “Boy, you cannot say the problem is because of wine, it has been used for several years, if there was any problem, it would have long back destroyed”

Ye Xiaochen was really surprised to see that the white wax needed wine if this ancient bonsai master had not confirmed, he might not have believed it.

Since the time Old Ye had the bonsai tree, he took care of it according to the instructions written in the record and had never face any problems.

“Well, old gentleman, I know where the problem is now.if I don’t guess wrong, your wine should have been different from the past.”

Ye Xiaochen finally smiled.

Before he was unable to judge, but now he had all information.

He finally understood the problem.

It was Wine.

Chapter 43-Favour

“How did you know?” the old Ye continued “recently from few months I have been suffering from high blood pressure.So I cannot drink normal wine and instead of it, I am drinking medicinal wine.”

Old Ye was slightly stunned.

Had he not been confident about his secrecy, he would had doubted if Ye Xiaochen got the information through some source.

“In that case, old gentleman, do you also pour the medicinal wine to the white wax tree?”

Ye Xiaochen asked with a smile.

“Do you mean to say that this problem is because of my wine?”

Old Ye was not able to believe.

Is any wine not wine?

Medicinal wine’s essence was wine, only some traditional Chinese medicines were added to have some good effects on health.

“You can say it but at the same time, it may not be. The wine is just one part, the original cause should one of the medicinal ingredient.I also understood why my plant promoting growth agent when poured into it the situation became worse. Though I don’t know the detailed data of the bonsai plant, there is one thing for sure that this bonsai plant is allergic to certain substances. Whether it is my plant promoting growth agent or your medicinal wine, it contains those substances.”

Ye Xiaochen explained.

“So, as long as I don’t pour medicinal wine?it will be good?”

Ole Ye was not able to believe


Ye Xiaochen nodded.

“Are you sure it will work?”

Old ye was still not convinced.

This was very simple. Was it a joke?

“Ha-ha, as long as you do as I told.If it doesn’t become better, I will compensate you.”

Ye Xiaochen said with a smile.

“Hmph, you will compensate me?”

Old Ye sneered.

Such a precious bonsai tree was very priceless, it would be strange if Ye Xiaochen could compensate it.

“Ok, then.”

Old Ye decided to believe in Ye Xiaochen.

He was not afraid that Ye Xiaochen would run away.

After coming out from Old Ye’s courtyard, professor Zhang and others couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Inside the pressure was too big.

“Brother Ye, are you sure that it will work?”

Professor Zhang couldn’t help but ask in a low voice.

It was little hard for him to believe that the solution was this simple.

“Hmph! From one look you can say it is a lie.”

Wang Yuandong, who was always behaving like an honest person in front of Old Ye, finally showed his habitual arrogance and sneered.

He didn’t believe that Ye Xiaochen could solve the problem this easily.
One must know that besides his teacher Zhang Keqin, there were several other famous experts who came and checked but still were at loss.


Ye Xiaochen shrugged his shoulder and just smiled. He didn’t care much about Wang Yuandong’s taunt.

Whatever he will say would be meaningless, and only the facts will prove it.

Ye Xiaochen did not much longer stay in Shashi and directly drove back to his home.
Originally professor Zhang wanted to have a meal with him, but Ye Xiaochen refused.

It didn’t matter much to have a meal, but he wouldn’t be able to bear Wang Yuandong’s constant mocking and ridicule.What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.

The following day, Ye Xiaochen continued his joyful laborious work, the momentum of making was increasing bigger and bigger.

The construction of the tin house was also started.

At the same time, he was frequently contacting with professor Zhang and exchanged knowledge of plants.Every day, professor Zhang would also give him feedback on the old man’s white wax bonsai tree.

First few days there was no change and the yellow region was still spreading.

However, Ye Xiaochen wasn’t worried, the side effect of plant promoting agent was still acting.


It was nearly 8 o’clock and Old Ye was still sleeping.

After retiring, old Ye started to sleep longer.

He thinks that he spent the first half of his life was very busy.

If he wants to enjoy his old age, he was going to sleep and wake up naturally.
He was going to make up for the lack of sleep for the first half of his life.
Although his health doctor, master Peng would always remind him to get up early.

But he neglects his advice.

Old Ye opened his eyes, he sat up straight and stretched his body.

Ah, The sleep was really comfortable!

Habitually, he arrived near the white wax bonsai and started to water it.

“Hey, does the yellow area expansion stopped?or is it just illusion of my eye?”

Old Ye’ complexion slightly changed.

He hastily called master Peng and maid.As Mr.peng was his doctor, he lived next room and generally accompanies him 2-3 days in a week.

When Peng would not be there, he would arrange a special nurse to stay with old Ye.

There was also a maid who takes care old ye’s daily life.

“Does it look like it’s not spreading?”

Master Peng took looked at the photo of the bonsai which was taken yesterday afternoon and compared with the present bonsai.After a moment of hesitation, he said, “old Ye, it seems that young man really has some skill.”

“That may not be the case, let’s see it again”

Old Ye refused to admit, “A young who has not grown up, what great skills can he have!”

“The professor should also come and check, he might be able to see something.”
Peng just smiled, he has been the doctor of old Ye for years.From a small healthcare doctor to vice preside of the hospital.He has a  very good understanding of Old Ye.

Speak of the devil.

Zhang Keqin came along with Wang Yuandong.

In order to pay attention to the situation of white wax bonsai, professor Zhang would visit old Ye twice a day.One in morning and another in afternoon, he had been making detailed records.

“Mr.Ye, I have carefully compared the yellow region of the bonsai plant.Since 4 pm till now, it has been more than 10 hours and the yellow region has spread only a millimeter, far below than the previous rate.From the point of the curve, it is obviously showing a big gap.Moreover, the color of the leaf is changing, it is hard to see through the naked eye, but when observed  through magnifying glass, we can discover the small change..”

Zhang Keqin made a careful comparison and analysis and finally came to a conclusion which surprised him.

The condition of white wax bonsai was improving.

“Professor Zhang, don’t be anxious to conclude.The science has told us, the probability is an accidental variable and unpredictable.Only constant stability can lead to a true conclusion.”

Old Ye said.

“Yes, yes.What Mr.Ye said is correct.”

Professor Zhang doesn’t dare to argue after all it was a fact.On one side Wang Yuandong hoped that the white wax bonsai condition to improve, but at the same time he was very upset.Why was he not the one to improve white wax bonsai?

After few day later, the deterioration of white wax bonsai had completely stopped, but there was still no signs of improvement.
Although the yellow color of the leaf did not change, the originally grey trunk had shown signs of turning white.

Moreover, the entire white wax tree started to have more and more aura.

Only with the aura of the tree, professor Zhang was quite sure that it will be only a matter of time before this white wax bonsai was completely restored.

He was thoroughly impressed by Ye Xiaochen’s level.

The problem that many experts weren’t able to solve was easily handled by Ye Xiaochen.

What does it tell us?

It was that Ye Xiaochen was really skilled and not some fake.

Even the hot-tempered Ye, who doesn’t say any good words, praised Ye in his presence and even said if Ye Xiaochen has anything, he could come to him.

Old Ye would always remember Ye Xiaochen’s favor of treating bonsai tree.

Professor Zhang told Ye Xiaochen the exacts words of old Ye.

Ye Xiaochen didn’t care much about it.Even if there was any favor, he didn’t want to ask anything

The reason for him to treat white wax bonsai was just to help professor Zhang.

That was all.

“How did you know?” the old Ye continued “recently from few months I have been suffering from high blood pressure.So I cannot drink normal wine and instead of it, I am drinking medicinal wine.”

Old Ye was slightly stunned.

Had he not been confident about his secrecy, he would had doubted if Ye Xiaochen got the information through some source.

“In that case, old gentleman, do you also pour the medicinal wine to the white wax tree?”

Ye Xiaochen asked with a smile.

“Do you mean to say that this problem is because of my wine?”

Old Ye was not able to believe.

Is any wine not wine?

Medicinal wine’s essence was wine, only some traditional Chinese medicines were added to have some good effects on health.

“You can say it but at the same time, it may not be. The wine is just one part, the original cause should one of the medicinal ingredient.I also understood why my plant promoting growth agent when poured into it the situation became worse. Though I don’t know the detailed data of the bonsai plant, there is one thing for sure that this bonsai plant is allergic to certain substances. Whether it is my plant promoting growth agent or your medicinal wine, it contains those substances.”

Ye Xiaochen explained.

“So, as long as I don’t pour medicinal wine?it will be good?”

Ole Ye was not able to believe


Ye Xiaochen nodded.

“Are you sure it will work?”

Old ye was still not convinced.

This was very simple. Was it a joke?

“Ha-ha, as long as you do as I told.If it doesn’t become better, I will compensate you.”

Ye Xiaochen said with a smile.

“Hmph, you will compensate me?”

Old Ye sneered.

Such a precious bonsai tree was very priceless, it would be strange if Ye Xiaochen could compensate it.

“Ok, then.”

Old Ye decided to believe in Ye Xiaochen.

He was not afraid that Ye Xiaochen would run away.

After coming out from Old Ye’s courtyard, professor Zhang and others couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Inside the pressure was too big.

“Brother Ye, are you sure that it will work?”

Professor Zhang couldn’t help but ask in a low voice.

It was little hard for him to believe that the solution was this simple.

“Hmph! From one look you can say it is a lie.”

Wang Yuandong, who was always behaving like an honest person in front of Old Ye, finally showed his habitual arrogance and sneered.

He didn’t believe that Ye Xiaochen could solve the problem this easily.

One must know that besides his teacher Zhang Keqin, there were several other famous experts who came and checked but still were at loss.


Ye Xiaochen shrugged his shoulder and just smiled. He didn’t care much about Wang Yuandong’s taunt.

Whatever he will say would be meaningless, and only the facts will prove it.

Ye Xiaochen did not much longer stay in Shashi and directly drove back to his home.

Originally professor Zhang wanted to have a meal with him, but Ye Xiaochen refused.

It didn’t matter much to have a meal, but he wouldn’t be able to bear Wang Yuandong’s constant mocking and ridicule.What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.

The following day, Ye Xiaochen continued his joyful laborious work, the momentum of making was increasing bigger and bigger.

The construction of the tin house was also started.

At the same time, he was frequently contacting with professor Zhang and exchanged knowledge of plants.Every day, professor Zhang would also give him feedback on the old man’s white wax bonsai tree.

First few days there was no change and the yellow region was still spreading.

However, Ye Xiaochen wasn’t worried, the side effect of plant promoting agent was still acting.


It was nearly 8 o’clock and Old Ye was still sleeping.

After retiring, old Ye started to sleep longer.

He thinks that he spent the first half of his life was very busy.

If he wants to enjoy his old age, he was going to sleep and wake up naturally.

He was going to make up for the lack of sleep for the first half of his life.

Although his health doctor, master Peng would always remind him to get up early.

But he neglects his advice.

Old Ye opened his eyes, he sat up straight and stretched his body.

Ah, The sleep was really comfortable!

Habitually, he arrived near the white wax bonsai and started to water it.

“Hey, does the yellow area expansion stopped?or is it just illusion of my eye?”

Old Ye’ complexion slightly changed.

He hastily called master Peng and maid.As Mr.peng was his doctor, he lived next room and generally accompanies him 2-3 days in a week.

When Peng would not be there, he would arrange a special nurse to stay with old Ye.

There was also a maid who takes care old ye’s daily life.

“Does it look like it’s not spreading?”

Master Peng took looked at the photo of the bonsai which was taken yesterday afternoon and compared with the present bonsai.After a moment of hesitation, he said, “old Ye, it seems that young man really has some skill.”

“That may not be the case, let’s see it again”

Old Ye refused to admit, “A young who has not grown up, what great skills can he have!”

“The professor should also come and check, he might be able to see something.”

Peng just smiled, he has been the doctor of old Ye for years.From a small healthcare doctor to vice preside of the hospital.He has a  very good understanding of Old Ye.

Speak of the devil.

Zhang Keqin came along with Wang Yuandong.

In order to pay attention to the situation of white wax bonsai, professor Zhang would visit old Ye twice a day.One in morning and another in afternoon, he had been making detailed records.

“Mr.Ye, I have carefully compared the yellow region of the bonsai plant.Since 4 pm till now, it has been more than 10 hours and the yellow region has spread only a millimeter, far below than the previous rate.From the point of the curve, it is obviously showing a big gap.Moreover, the color of the leaf is changing, it is hard to see through the naked eye, but when observed  through magnifying glass, we can discover the small change..”

Zhang Keqin made a careful comparison and analysis and finally came to a conclusion which surprised him.

The condition of white wax bonsai was improving.

“Professor Zhang, don’t be anxious to conclude.The science has told us, the probability is an accidental variable and unpredictable.Only constant stability can lead to a true conclusion.”

Old Ye said.

“Yes, yes.What Mr.Ye said is correct.”

Professor Zhang doesn’t dare to argue after all it was a fact.On one side Wang Yuandong hoped that the white wax bonsai condition to improve, but at the same time he was very upset.Why was he not the one to improve white wax bonsai?

After few day later, the deterioration of white wax bonsai had completely stopped, but there was still no signs of improvement.

Although the yellow color of the leaf did not change, the originally grey trunk had shown signs of turning white.

Moreover, the entire white wax tree started to have more and more aura.

Only with the aura of the tree, professor Zhang was quite sure that it will be only a matter of time before this white wax bonsai was completely restored.

He was thoroughly impressed by Ye Xiaochen’s level.

The problem that many experts weren’t able to solve was easily handled by Ye Xiaochen.

What does it tell us?

It was that Ye Xiaochen was really skilled and not some fake.

Even the hot-tempered Ye, who doesn’t say any good words, praised Ye in his presence and even said if Ye Xiaochen has anything, he could come to him.

Old Ye would always remember Ye Xiaochen’s favor of treating bonsai tree.

Professor Zhang told Ye Xiaochen the exacts words of old Ye.

Ye Xiaochen didn’t care much about it.Even if there was any favor, he didn’t want to ask anything

The reason for him to treat white wax bonsai was just to help professor Zhang.

That was all.

Chapter 44-Pulling out


Ye Xiaochen inserted the plug of the air conditioner in the socket, then pressed the start button on the remote.After a sound of the beep, the air conditioner started and cold air began blowing from it.

Immediately, the hot cage like tin house became cool.

“It’s not easy.”

Ye Xiaochen sat on a bamboo chair and cocked up his legs.He was satisfied with his results.

Recently, he had been working on this tin shed for quite some, and finally, it was completed today.

Old Ye’s white wax bonsai was gradually improving, so Ye Xiaochen didn’t pay any more attention to it.

All right.

His primary focus was still on the farm, where would he have the energy to take care of the bonsai.

Making money was the most important thing.

After resting for a short period, all of his sweat dried up.Then, he got up and collected all the installation tools.

He didn’t want to install the air conditioner by himself, but when he went to the county to buy the air conditioner, the opening price of installation expense was 200 Yen.

He became so angry that he installed it by himself.

Anyway, what was the problem with it?

He just did his own work by himself.

Of course, he was reluctant to spend two hundred yen.

This money-saving character was inherited from his mother, so he never uses money wastefully.

As the saying goes, the child of poor person gets to know early how to manage the household.

He took a look at the phone, there was still a lot of time.

He picked the bamboo hat and went out of the tin shed.

Just when he opened the door, a sudden heat wave came towards him.

Even when it rained heavily yesterday afternoon, the temperature still didn’t cool down.

He visited all the greenhouses.

The most of the new seedlings were growing very good.

Especially the carrot seedlings, it looked very tender, and recently this vegetable was selling very good.

For this reason, Ye Xiaochen got few more seedlings.

As long as the vegetables sprout into seedlings, its growth could be sped up with the help of Ye Xiaochen’s talent and would be matured in a week.Usually, even if the soil cultivation technique was used, it would still take a half month to mature.

The radish was also bringing a huge income to him.

The prices of radish were not low, it has short cultivation time and high yield.

He was also planning to plant soybean, which was also considered a cash crop.

Of course, Ye Xiacohen still attached great importance towards immortal carrot, it was estimated that in a week it would mature.

The four yellow immortal beans were also growing well and were full of flowers

when he thought about those piles of flower becoming the green beans, his heart became excited.

Just when he went into the immortal land to examine, his pupils suddenly shrunk, then quickly went towards the yellow immortal bean and squat down.

He saw some withered buds and gasped.

“Damn, what is going on here?”

Ye Xiaochen muttered.

He looked at other three strains, they were good, except this one.

His heart sank.

Obviously, this yellow immortal bean was sick.

It was not a good thing.

Common vegetable disease could still be ignored, but it was different with immortal plants

Once the production was reduced, it would be a great loss.

It might also affect the quality.

The ordinary treatment method would certainly have no effect on the immortal plants.

There were many methods of prevention and treatment of disease in the Shennong system.

But, for now, he was reluctant to use it.

“Let check, what it is.I hope it is not contagious.Otherwise, the other stalks will also be in infected.”


Ye Xiaochen murmured in his heart.

He examined it very carefully.

The originally yellow bud slightly withered and the petals of the flower were fallen on the ground.

The leaves were wrinkled and seemed dehydrated.

The yellow stem of it also turned a little black.

Ye Xiaochen took out his immortal hoe and carefully opened the immortal soil beside the plant and observed the situation of the roots.

Fortunately, the roots were normal.

If the root had a problem, it would have become a very big issue.

“There is some dehydration, the bean flower has withered, and the water content of the immortal soils is not low, it can definitely satisfy….”
Ye Xiaochen analyzed the matter with the knowledge he has mastered.
The moisture absorption of the immortal soil was very special.It was not like ordinary soil where after saturation it would become thin and soft, instead, the immortal soil would still maintain its previous hard nature.

In this way, the water in immortal soil could be maintained at a certain concentration.


He got some clues, but he still needs to verify it.So, immediately he checked the other three beans.

Finally, in another one yellow immortal beanstalk, he found some very subtle symptoms, it was very similar to previous one but was only slightly affected

“It seems, this is the basic situation.”

Ye Xiaochen shook his head.

For the time being, he did not have any good solution for this problem.

Yellow immortal bean’s quality is one point higher than the immortal carrots. It was the yellow level second order plant which requires higher planting condition.

The other beans required more special conditions.

But the yellow immortal beans required only sufficient immortal soil.

Maybe, because of the high demand for immortal soil, it also needed to have a higher immortal aura, otherwise, this phenomenon will occur.

Ye Xiaochen planted yellow immortal beans for the first time, so he does not have any experience.He only combined his knowledge and some of from Shennong introductory guide, he hasn’t achieved true mastery.

Naturally, there was some negligence.

Like this time, in this first level immortal land, the strain of yellow immortal beans would require some space.The bean has the characteristic of seizing aura, if space was too close, various immortal beans will compete for the immortal aura.

Once a bean could not compete, the withering phenomenon will occur.

The final result, the production will reduce or there will be no crops at all.

Ye Xiaochen looked at the immortal carrots and breathed a sigh of relief.Fortunately, the immortal carrot doesn’t have this seizing characteristic, they were gentle and peaceful.

However, he has finally realized if the implantation was too close, there would be lack of aura and nutrient supply.

“It seems, I need to pay attention to this matter.Unfortunately, there was no immortal spring or immortal fertilizer, otherwise, with the supply of water from immortal spring and fertilizer from immortal manure, this case might have appeared”

Ye Xiaochen sighed.

He looked at the dried yellow immortal bean seedling, with a cruel heart, he took out the immortal hoe and dug out its roots.

He knew that it had been affected 100 percent and quality of the beans was equally unavoidable.

If he doesn’t pull out, it would affect other beans

As for the other immortal beans on which has appeared slight symptoms, he struggled and finally did not take it out.

It was because the position of immortal bean was very special. And after removing that plant, this plant should be able to absorb more aura, and won’t have any big problems.

In fact, Ye Xiaochen still took a big risk.

He really didn’t want to pull out.

His heart was bleeding when he pulled out.

This was yellow immortal bean!


This was not one immortal yuan.

In Ye Xiaochen’s eyes, the value was more than several Immortal Yuan!

Chapter 45-Rabbit

Since pulling out one yellow immortal bean seedling, Ye Xiaochen had been paying close attention to the situation of other three yellow immortal bean seedlings.

Because of his timely disposal,none of the other three seedling showed signs of abnormality, even the one which had showed slight symptoms had started to recover.

However, Ye Xiaochen still found several carrot seedlings which were near the yellow immortal bean were suffering from a different degree of malnutrition.

Ye Xiaochen knew it was unavoidable.Fortunately, it didn’t spread much.Besides, the carrot had strong adaptability and endurance, they wouldn’t wilt easily.

This time’s lesson, Ye Xiaochen kept in his mind.

He can’t repeat it again.


This morning, Ye Xiaochen woke up early.

Recently he had been feeling good, and his sleep quality was also great.Although he only slept for five-six hours, he always felt refreshed after waking up.

It was still dark.

After brushing, he ate a cucumber and went to towards the farm.

Suddenly, he stopped in the soybean field.

Corn and soybean also were growing on the farm, probably it would be some acres.Originally, Ye Xiaochen didn’t want to plant it, but his mother said it would be wasteful to keep the land empty.

“Who has eaten this soybean plant?”

Ye Xiaochen looked at soybean leaves and observed that it had been eaten by something.

He looked around the soybean seedling and found a lot of black, granular feces.

It was feces of rabbit’s.

“Strange, isn’t surrounding there is a fence, how can a wild rabbit come in?”

Ye Xiaochen was puzzled.

The farm was located in a mountain pass and was surrounded by mountains.The ecological recovery was very fast, so there were more wild animals.

Rabbits, pheasants, badgers, etc were very common.Sometimes even wild boar could be seen in the surrounding forest.

Villagers often complain about their crops getting damaged by the wild animals.

Ye Xiaochen’s farm was surrounded by a barbed wire fence, so he was not afraid of that.

But now, there was a trail of a wild rabbit,which indicates that there was a hole in the fence.If he doesn’t find and block it, then other animals would also enter in his farm.

“This two dead dogs didn’t even show a movement when the wild rabbit came.”

Ye Xiaochen did not have any words for this two dogs.

Because of living in the country, he had little experience in catching wild rabbits and pheasants, and his father also was very experienced in this field.

Ye Xiaochen learned these things when he was a child.

He began to search the path through which wild rabbit entered.

The ground was little damp because of the rain and some traces of the wild rabbit could be seen.

Following the trace, he reached into the barbed wire fence.
There was a pile of thatched grass, which was hiding the narrow path made by the rabbit.There was a hole under the ground of the barbed wire fence.Next, to it, some fresh soil was dug out.

There were even some rabbit feces next to the pile of soil.

Ye Xiaochen squatted down and was surprised when he looked at the gap under the barbed wire.

This was obviously a wild rabbit.

“Hmph.it is bold enough to dig into my farm.”

Ye Xiaochen had a smile on his face, he had not eaten rabbit meat for a long time.

He quickly ran back to his home and took few old steel wire clips.

It was not the first time that Ye Xiaochen used steel wire clips to catch the rabbit.He put one clip on the pile of new soil under the barbed wire.

The reason, he didn’t fix the hole was to prevent the rabbit from running away.

He just needs to wait for the rabbit to come.

Though the rabbits were timid and cautious, if the rabbit came for the first time then it would also come the second time.

It would mostly take a maximum of two or three days for the rabbit to come.

After finishing the trap, he went on to check the whole farm barbed wire fence.He found that there was more than one place where it had been damaged.

Apparently, his farm was getting targeted by some wild animals.
For two days, he didn’t even see a trace of wild rabbit, but Ye Xiaochen was not discouraged.He had put the trap, now he just needs to keep patience.


Ye Xiaochen drove the truck towards Sheep city.

Recently, there had been heavy rains in the city.Although today’s the weather had cleared up, there was still some low lying areas which were full of water.

The Sheep city was doing well, but several other prefectures in the southern province were seriously affected.

Nowadays, there was heavy rainfall everywhere in the country, especially in north and river provinces.

Just after Ye Xiaochen delivered good, he got a call from Fang yuan.

After the last contact, they occasionally chat with each other.

“Xiaochen, I am ready to go to your farm and enjoy, am I welcomed?”

The sound of Fang Yuan came out from the phone.

“Of course, you are welcomed.Currently, where are you?”

Ye Xiaochen was little surprised

“At home, it has been raining for days.Today the weather is fine.So, I thought to go out and relax.I am also bringing a friend with me.”

Fangyuan said.

“Friend?Is it a male or female?”

Ye Xiaochen smiling asked.

“Girl, it’s a blind date.The family forced me to take her to some place for enjoyment.”

Fang Yuan said.

“It seems you are progressing very quickly.”

Ye Xiaochen laughed and continued “It seems that we will be having wedding feast soon.”

Generally, in the blind date, the marriage process is very quick, minimum it would be ten to fifteen days and maximum it would be two or three months.

“ Yes, it is almost.”

Fang Yuan said.He had accepted the fact in his heart.

“I’m in the city right now…”

After talking with Fang Yuan, Ye Xiaochen hung up the phone.

Half an hour later.

On a highway outside of the city, Ye Xiaochen was waiting for a car.

A white SUV came.

When Ye Xiaochen saw Fangyuan’s girlfriend, he had only one thought, they were really a good match.

Fangyuan’s girlfriend name is Huang Qiqi.Although the body size was not equal to Fang Yuan, she was around 170 kg.

Huang Qiqi’s skin was white, and she did not look not ugly.As a whole she looked pretty good, if she becomes thin, perhaps she could be considered a beautiful woman.

Unfortunately,obesity ruined a beautiful woman!

After the initial contact, Ye Xiaochen had a new impression of Huang Qiqi, this fat girl was very generous and straightforward, she was not like general girls who were melodramatic.

“Fang Yuan, keep up with my vehicle.”

“Rest assure, I will absolutely not lose.”

Fang Yuans’ car followed Ye Xiaochen’s vehicle.

Soon, the two-vehicles drove out of the city and headed for Jingxian.



“Wow, it is very big, Ye Xiaochen you’re doing a very good job.Do you know what is my biggest dream?” it is to have a house, facing mountains and surrounded by spring flowers.”

Fang Yuan with his girlfriend followed Ye Xiaochen and reached his farm.

The landscape in this area was pretty good.

Huang Qiqi likes to take photos, she took out the camera and took an uncountable number of shots.

Fangyuan was yelling at her.

Ye Xiaochen felt that they were a pretty good match.

“Let’s go and see the rabbit trap.”

He suddenly remembered that today he had not gone to see the rabbit.After these two listened, they became curious and followed him.

Chapter 46-Fishing

They reached the place where the trap was placed.

Suddenly, Ye Xiaochen’s eyes lit up, the clip on the rabbit’s path had moved.

“Ye Xiaochen, is it a rabbit?”

Fang Yuan nervously asked him.

“Eighty to ninety percent.It seems you both are lucky to be able to eat a good thing.”

Ye Xiaochen smilingly said.

“This is indeed good, I haven’t eaten a rabbit for a long time.”

Fangyuan saliva was flowing out just like a typical hound.

“Where is the rabbit?”

Huang Qiqi impatiently asked.

Ye Xiaochen followed the rabbit’s path.After walking for several meters, they arrived near the barbed wire fence.

There was a thump sound, he saw below the barbed wire fence, a grey wild rabbit.

To Ye Xiaochen’s surprise, both the clips buried under the soil were activated.

The unlucky rabbit had the clip on both his legs because the clip was connected to the wire and branch, it was unable to pass through the under the gap, and was entangled in it.

Because it’s both legs were stuck, it couldn’t escape.

Ye Xiaochen was surprised when he looked at the size of the rabbit, it would be at least 5-6 kg, this was really a big guy.

He approached the winding branches to open, he pulled the wire which the rabbit was entangled in.With his hand, he grabbed the rabbit’s neck and raised it.

The wild rabbit made sounds like a child and was struggling.

“Let me do it.”

Fangyuan volunteered himself.

“Just grab here, and be careful, don’t let the rabbit free.”

Ye Xiaochen nodded.

The clips on its legs were not taken off, so it couldn’t run away.

“Qiqi, Take a picture of me and let everyone know that I have caught a wild rabbit.”

Fang Yuan raised the wild rabbit above his head.

Suddenly, rabbit pedaled both his legs.

Fang Yuan made a pitiful scream and lost the rabbit, he directly sat down on the ground.

The wild rabbit took advantage of the opportunity of falling down on the ground and tried to escape.

However, Ye Xiaochen was quick, he stepped forward and once again caught the wild rabbit.


Huang Qiqi took out her camera, and in a row took some pictures.

“Damn, it dares to kick on my face.”

On one side of his face, there were two moon shaped footprints.

Fortunately, there were no injuries.

Huang Qiqi hanged the camera on her neck and took out a napkin to wipe his face.

“Fang Yuan, I did remind you to not let the rabbit kick you.”

Ye Xiaochen was speechless.

Fang Yuan was still lucky that it did not kick on his eyes or nose, otherwise, he would have been crying.

Fangyuan was somewhat embarrassed.

Who thought that when he was trying to brag, he would get kicked by rabbit on his face.


When Ye Xiaochen reached home, his mother was surprised seeing a wild rabbit with him.

“It took a lot of time to catch this guy, right, where is the father?”

Ye Xiaochen asked.

“He went to fishing with his hand net.”

The mother said.

Since her son’s friend came to play, today’s food must be well prepared.

Now there was a wild rabbit, so it would make a good dish
After a little while, his father wearing short and carrying bamboo basket on his back reached home.He caught at least 5-6kg of grass carp fish.

He set the net in the basket.

This hand net was not same as the general fishing net.

First, you have to take a good position near the shore of the pond, when a big fish come, you have to slowly approach it and spread the net.You will have to get in the water when you catch the fish.

There was a pond near Ye Xiaochen house.

Whenever they want to eat fish, his dad would easily catch it by using fish using his hand net, he never failed anytime.

Ye Xiaochen also studied this technique for a while, but he had no talent.Either the hand net would not spread or he would not be able to catch fish on time.

“Xiaochen, there is a pond in near your house, how about we go fishing after lunch?”

Fang Yuan said.

“Did you bring the fishing rod?”

Ye Xiaochen asked.

He doesn’t enjoy fishing, so there was no fishing rod at his home.

“Of course, my biggest hobby is fishing.Every time I go out to play, I carry fishing rods in my car.”

Fang Yuan said with a smile.

In the city, it was not easy to find a fishing ground.And the reared fish ponds were not good enough, as it doesn’t have good fishes.

“No problem, if you can catch it, you take it.”

Ye Xiaochen said.

Some people come to the countryside for catching fish, although they were not charged, they were still required to pay the normal price of the fish they catch.

Even so, many people were willing to go fishing, and the fishes in the county ponds were also tasty.
Fang Yuan was Ye Xiaochen’s old classmate, so obviously he won’t charge him.
“This what you said, don’t feel heartache when I catch too many fishes.”

On Fang Yuan’s face, there was a smile of success.

“Do I look like that?”

Ye Xiaochen rolled his eyes.

At this moment, his father began to deal with the rabbit.He was very quick in his action, and soon the rabbit skin was completely stripped off.The wild rabbit was only left with a bright red meat, there was not a bit of fat in it.

Huang Qiqi didn’t have any feeling towards the bloody scene, in fact, she was taking pictures of it.

When his father finished with the rabbit, he began to kill chicken and fish.

“You two have the good luck to be able to eat such sumptuous meal.Even during new year celebration, we don’t eat it like this.”

Ye Xiaochen laughingly said.

Boiled fish, stir-fried rabbit meat,red-roasted chicken, fried spinach, crushed garlic eggplant, and cucumber.

There was also s good rice wine.

Although the mother’s cooking is ordinary, with good food ingredients there was no need to say anything about the food taste.

“Aunt, your dishes are really very good, I think even the masters in hotels couldn’t compare with you.”

“The chili is really very spicy.”

“Cucumber is also really very delicious, neat, crisp and tender..”

“Oh aunt, recently I have been on diet, but now I can’t help but eat more.”

Since the time Fang Yuan had opened his mouth, he didn’t stop eating.

He was speaking sweet words, which made Ye Xiaochen’s mother beamed with joy.

Fang Yuan was not faking it, he was really saying things from his heart.The dishes made by Ye Xiaochen’s mother was very delicious.

Even the spinach which he doesn’t like to eat, he couldn’t help but clip more with chopsticks.

After finishing, he felt like his belly wouldn’t be able to move anymore.

It was same for Huang Qiqi.

Ye Xiaochen had been daily eating the vegetable farms, so he didn’t have any special thought that it was delicious.

In the afternoon.

Near Ye Xaiochen’s family pond.

The weather was cloudy and there was a good breeze.The temperature was around 30 degrees.

It was not hot, which was good for fishing.

Ye Xiaochen saw Fang Yuan bringing his fishing equipment, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the sight.

There were full nine bamboo fishing rods.

“Say, Fang Yuan, do you really like fishing this much?

Ye Xiaochen looked at the busy Fang Yuan, he couldn’t help but sigh.Damn, so many fishing rods, it looks like there will be a big loss today

“I didn’t know I would catch fish today, if I had known you had a pond, I would have brought some more rods.”

The words of Fang Yuan nearly made Ye Xiaochen spill blood.

Was nine bamboo fishing rod not enough?

After ten minutes, the nine fishing rods were lined up in a row, there were bells on top of each rod, as long fish gets hooked, the bell would ring.

Have to say, this was the laziest way of fishing.

Chapter 47-Problems

Under an umbrella, three people were sitting, nearby there was a table on which herbal tea, watermelon cucumbers, and cantaloupes were placed.

The most boring thing during fishing was to wait for fish to take the bait.

The two people were talking about their life in the university, basically, Fang Yuan was just boasting about himself, Huang Qiqi would occasionally insert one or two sentences.

“You are my small apple, my little apple…”

The cellphone of Fang Yuan rang, he pulled out his cell phone and looked at the contact.After murmuring something, he went to a side and answered the phone.

“What?how did it happen?Are you sure?”

Fang Yuan’s uneasy voice was heard.

After a long talk, Fang Yuan hung up the phone and returned back.

He was not looking good.

“Damn!It was not easy to come out and play, unexpectedly now this event has happened, really bad luck.”

Fang Yuan directly throw the cell phone on the table.

“What’s The Matter?”

Huang Qiqi asked.

“My section chief has just called me, saying there is a big  problem in the promotion of seeds, he asked me to rush back.”

Fang Yuan gloomily said

“Fang Yuan, what’s the matter?”

Ye Xiaochen saw Fang Yuan depressed and was surprised, as Fang Yuan in school was always smiling and carefree fellow.

“Even to say I feel depressed, really bad luck, this year our station decided to help Southern province global Agriculture seed technology co.ltd promote a kind of broccoli seed called emerald green king, I was the promoting groups’ deputy leader.Originally, it was all good, perhaps could have become a section-level manager, but who would have thought there will be a problem in seeds.Now lots of farmers have come to the office, section chief has called me to come back and cope with them, isn’t this pushing me in the fire?”

Fang Yuan did not hide anything and explained the reason.

Ye Xiaochen was little stunned, The emerald green king?

He himself had bought this new type of broccoli seed.

These seeds were indeed defective, but it would only appear under certain circumstances.Now, it seems that the defect has appeared and affected many farmers.

“Does this matter will have a great influence on you?”

Ye Xiaochen saw the depressed face of Fang Yuan, and couldn’t help but ask him.

“Of course, originally our company helps global companies promote new kinds of see, which is a part of personal work and is considered illegal, but we have done it for a long time and have already accustomed to it, if there is no accident there will be more benefits.Now there is an accident, the farmers are doing riots, it must be put down, I will be the first to take responsibility.”

Fang Yuan shook his head.

This matter was quite big and at the time it was small, but he had not yet got a foothold in the department, and because of this he might get kicked out.

Soon Fang Yuan went back with Huang Qiqi

No fish had been caught.

It was no longer important for the Fang Yuan to catch the fish, as a matter was still waiting for him to deal with, which could threaten his future.

Ye Xiaochen couldn’t do anything about it, he could only hope that Fang Yuan would be able to pass through this trouble.

Ye Xiaochen returned back to his farm and checked the emerald green king broccoli.

He carefully used his spirit talent and communicated with the consciousness of the plant.

“Strange, there is no change in my broccoli’s consciousness.Why other farmers emerald green king has been affected on large scale?”

Ye Xiaochen frowned and thought about the issue.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t know what kind of problem the farmers were facing on their planted broccoli.

After all, the problem resulting from a flaw could be random.

To solve the defect of the emerald green king, most important was cultivate properly from the seed stage.

There were also other methods like immersing the seed in plant promoting growth agent and stimulate it, which would improve the consciousness of seed and result in seed repairing the defect by itself.

This could be only used during seed germination.

Once the seeds were sown, this method would be useless.

Many of the farmer seeds were showing the flaw, which might have only occurred after sowing.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t know what type of problems the farmers were facing with broccoli, so he couldn’t help them.

After checking the whole farm, he went towards immortal land.
His immortal carrots and immortal yellow bean seedlings were well, he hoped that it could produce a good harvest so that he would be able to earn good fortunes.

Unfortunately, he had to pull out one yellow immortal bean seedling.

Till now, he was still feeling the pain in his heart.


Southern province Global Agriculture Seed technology Co.Ltd

In the conference room.

A meeting was being held.

The atmosphere was very heavy.

“I had already told you.If the seed had been recalled there would not be any problem.”

Li Quan of the department of science and research looked coldly at opposite sitting Zhao Hui and said to him.

He had advised them to recall the seeds, but he was rejected.

Now, this problem has caused them to suffer huge economic losses, there has also been a great impact on company’s reputation and its plan to go market.

Now, the head office was preparing to send an investigation team.

Obviously, they must take the responsibility

However, Li Quan was not worried about himself.

He had opposed initially, and this was enough.

Sitting in one of the main seats, the general manager He Haomin felt bitter in his heart, if he had known the situation would become like this then he would have offended Zhao Hui and supported Li Quan’s suggestion.

But now, it was too late to say anything.

Although Zhao Hui was mainly responsible for the matter, he was the general manager and so need to take the responsibility of leadership mistake.

Predictably, his general manager position was at stake.

“Minister Li, is there really no solution?”

He Haomin looked at Li Quan and asked.

“Mr.Haomin, these days our lab has countless times worked overtime.we have used all the possible methods and the solutions are not ideal.”

Li Quan shook his head.

He had dark circles near his eyes, he was in serious lack of sleep and his spirit was also not good, he was very tired.

“What should we do now.Many counties and city partner’s calls are exploding.They are saying they can’t keep up with farmers anymore.”

Cai Qin, Another minister in charge of public relation said.

“We have to still wait for the decision from head office.”

He Haomin shook his head

Currently, the matter was too big for the general manager to make a decision.


Ye Xiaochen was worried about Fang Yuan’s situation, so he called him the next day and tried to learn about the situation of farmers who planted emerald green king.

After Fang Yuan had got to know Ye Xiaochen had also planted the emerald green king, he immediately said “Xiaochen, even if the seedlings are growing well you hurriedly remove it and switch it with some other vegetables,we got the message from internal that imperil green  king has a defect,the company  had tried to hide it, until an accident happened and finally they were unable to conceal the truth.I estimate that this imperial green seed may get discarded.”

“What is the problem the farmers are facing with broccoli?”

Ye Xiaochen already knew there was a defect in the seed.He immediately asked.

“It is very unusual, this broccoli is very sensitive to moisture.When the soil moisture content is too high, the root will directly start rotting.You should know that recently there has been heavy rainfall everywhere and there are also floods, the water content in the soil has become too high.”

Fang Yuan said.

“Sure enough!”

When Xiaochen listened, he immediately had the solution.

Before, he was not sure and could only guess.

Now there was the example.

He was absolutely sure.

Chapter 48-Simple

It was not possible to build drains around the shed.

The water absorption power of soil was very strong, even if the water was diverted from the shed, it would still absorb too much water and which would cause a huge impact on the broccoli seedlings.

This was probably a genetic problem.

Many of today’s technology-based vegetables were genetically modified.They produce high yield, but they would also create a lot of bizarre problems.

“Fang Yuan, do you have the data of the root of broccoli after it had started rotting?”

Ye Xiaochen asked.

The root should be rotting because of imbalance of nutrients in its body.

Under external conditions, the nutrient uptake efficiency of the plant’s body could have changed.

If the relevant data could be found then the targeted solution and prevention could be applied.

“Xiaochen, Why do you want this?you are not thinking to solve the problem of broccoli, do you?”

Fang Yuan laughed.

He was not convinced of Ye Xiaochen’s strength.In college, Ye Xiaochen’s professional achievement had always been on top, if he had not chosen to work after his undergraduate, he could have been a graduate student.

But even a big global company couldn’t solve it, so it was impossible for an individual to solve it.

“Don’t worry about it.Can you get it?”

Ye Xiaochen said.

“Although your brother is met by the cold shoulder, this is a small matter for me.Anyway, it’s not a secret data.”

Fang Yuan said.

Currently, he was very depressed, although thing has been down for him, it would be only for temporary, but if the problem couldn’t be solved, then farmers would create a mess.

These days, he had been busy running everywhere and calming down the farmers.

“Well, thanks.Maybe I really will be able to solve the problem, and you can still have great merit.”

Ye Xiaochen said with a smile.

“Well, I can’t talk to you now, a phone call coming.At night, I will find the time and send the data.”

Fang Yuan didn’t believe it and thought Ye Xiaochen was joking.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Xiaochen didn’t care whether it would be possible to help Fang Yuan.After all, this was not a small problem.

In friendship, you have to help to figure out some way.

Besides, he was also very curious about it.

In the evening, Fang Yuan sent the data.

Ye Xiaochen carefully studied it.

This broccoli, after getting stimulated by rich water content soil has radically changed its nutrient uptake, and to his surprise, even the photosynthesis process seems to have weakened.

“Strange, how could this happen?”

Ye Xiaochen became more curious.

At night, Ye Xiaochen slept very late, he had been studying the data sent by Fang Yuan, he was also looking for some valuable knowledge from Shennong introduction guide.

For two consecutive days Ye Xiaochen was immersed in his studies, because of lack of sleep, dark circles had formed around his eyes.
Fortunately, he had already finished transplanting of vegetable seedlings, so he was able to spend more time, otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to support himself.

This night, Ye Xiaochen was reading, and suddenly he became excited.

“Ha-ha I knew, it was like this.”

He quickly took out his notebook and started writing with his pen.

“Broccoli roots are rooting because the excess water content in soil is causing an allergic reaction in the roots.According to the solution of allergic reaction in Shennong introduction guide, it is defined mainly by reaction medium, the water contains hydrogen and oxygen element.The allergic reaction has caused weakness in photosynthesis process, which affected the oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle, and also involves the carbon and oxygen element.This indicates that oxygen is most critical medium in the allergic reaction.”

Ye Xiaochen’s face was beaming with joy.

In fact, like this pattern had not been discovered in the field of botany, by adjusting the element in a reaction medium, a goal of prevention and control like effect could be achieved.

In other words, any plant allergic reaction could be controlled by this method.
In immortal planting, this was a very common regulation method.

On earth, there has not been found like this rule.

After all, this method has deep nature, and it was not something that the existing technology it could be detected.

If it wasn’t because of Shennong introduction guide, Ye Xiaochen might not have any idea about this.

At night, Ye Xiaochen was so excited that he didn’t get sleep until late night.

Next morning, Ye Xiaochen woke up yawning.

Sleep deprivation!

There was something to be done, so he couldn’t keep sleeping.

After delivering the vegetables, he went to special seed store to buy emerald green king broccoli’s seed, but he was told that selling of the seeds has been stopped.

He went and asked several stores.

Finally, he had to call Fang Yuan and ask his help to get emerald green kings broccoli’s seed.

“Say me Ye Xiaochen, your head is not stuck in a door, right?At this time you are thinking of buying emerald green king seed.I just got the news that all seeds have been recalled to be destroyed.there is no solution for it.this time my career will go down.”

Fang Yuan said without any spirit.

“Fang yuan don’t worry about it.Say, can you get it?”

Ye Xiaochen know fang yuan wouldn’t believe him, anyway, he would say him at the time of success.
“I have big rows of seeds her.you take how much you want.Anyway, it will also get destroyed.”

Fang Yuan said.

“Then I’ll come and take it”

Ye Xiaochen hurriedly said.

Until he looked at Fang Yuan, Ye Xiaochen didn’t realize that he had lost his weight.

“Oh my god, how did youse your weight this fast?”

Ye Xiaochen joked.

Fang Yuan sighed

“Hold yourself, clear the clouds and see the bright moon.”

Ye Xiaochen patted on his shoulder.

The trunk was opened, and it was filled with packets of broccoli seeds.

“So much?”

Ye Xiaochen was stunned seeing the whole trunk full of seeds.

“It will be destroyed anyway.There was plenty, so gave you a lot, but I am saying you, don’t leak it outside.If it is known, then I will be a disaster.I have made a big risk by giving you this seed.”

Fang Yuan cautiously said.

“I know, You can rest assure.”

Ye Xiaochen nodded and carried all the seeds into the van.

After returning back home, he started his work.

For days, he spent most of his time studying the seeds of broccoli.

In just a few days, seed sprouted an grew into seedlings.The seeds were planted in batches in the field.

He specifically bought oxygen cylinders for the experiment.

For nearly a week, he didn’t sleep much and wasted a lot of time on it.

But his hard work was worth it.

He had a fruitful study on the broccoli seeds.

All his conclusion he had previously deduced were correct.The oxygen reaction medium did play a decisive role in the allergic reaction of broccoli.

It was not difficult to solve this problem.

For example, by increasing the oxygen concentration in the shed the allergic reactions could be stopped.

But not every farmer had such farm conditions, it was troublesome and was costly.

However, Ye Xiaochen found a simpler and convenient way; by putting a certain amount of saline solution in the seedling of broccoli.

Simple, right?

In fact, the concentration of soil was higher than the water which would inhibit some of the plant body’s undesirable problems.

It was a drug.

It was effective.

Sometimes, problems seem complex, but it could be solved easily.


It was this simple.

Chapter 49-Progress

Ye Xiaochen dialed the number of Fang Yuan.

“Ye Xiaochen, what is the matter?I am very busy right now.”

The voice of Fang Yuan came from the phone along with several messy voices, it seemed like there were many people around him.

“What happened to the matter about seeds?”

Ye Xiaochen asked.

“You wait a minute!”

Fang Yuan said, and then he faintly talked with other people in low voice,”Old Sang, you don’t be worried, I am sure there will be some way to solve it.Currently, I also don’t have any news, I am sorry, I need to answer a phone..”

After a while, Fang Yuan’s surrounding becomes a lot quieter, “Hello Xiaochen, now I am really facing bitter days.Every day is like hide and seek.I don’t know who has released the news saying there is a flaw in seeds, because of it, now the farmers have become really angry.”

Fang Yuan was in a very miserable situation.

“Fang Yuan, you listen first.Do you believe me?”

Ye Xiaochen asked seriously.

“Well?Xiaochen, what is your meaning?”

Fang Yuan asked in bewilderment.

“If I say I can help you solve the problem of emerald green king seeds, will you believe me?”

Ye Xiaochen said.

“I, I believe but Ye Xiaochen, don’t joke with me, I am really  surrounded by troubles.”

Fang Yuan gave a bitter smile.

“I am not joking.I will tell you again, to solve the problem of rotting in the emerald green king is actually very simple.As long as you use the saline concentration between 0.5 to 0.6 percent, you will be able to solve the problem, wait a minute, I will send you the specific operation process.”

Ye Xiaochen knew that Fang Yuan doesn’t believe him, he just wants to personally help him.

After hanging up the phone, he sent a message to Fang Yuan through WeChat.

On the other side, Fang Yuan shook his head, he still believes that Ye Xiaochen was joking.

Was it possible to cure the flaw of the emerald green king with saline?

You must be kidding

However, looking at the text sent by Ye Xiaochen, he still opened it.

“Well written.”

Fang Yuan smiled bitterly.

The text sent by Ye Xiaochen had very detailed operation process which was very easy to understand and operate at same time.

It was so easy that Fang Yuan was unable to convince himself.

If Ye Xiaochen was a botanist and had deep knowledge about seed research, he might have believed it.

The problem was Ye Xiaochen didn’t do postgraduate and was not a seed graduate specialist, his knowledge was no different from him, he was just a farmer.
Would it be able to solve the flaw in the broccoli?
Fang Yuan shook his head, as soon as he thought of the problems outside waiting for him he felt a headache, he rubbed his eyebrows, then turned off the chat and walked out.


Ye Xiaochen doesn’t know if Fang Yuan would follow his method.However, he has done his best to help him.

He went to immortal farmland.

Calculating the time, immortal carrot should be ready to harvest.

As for the three yellow immortal bean, they were filled with blue-green peeled soaked beans.The beans looked exhausted and felt like there was no energy in it.

However, he wasn’t much worried about it.

“Ha-ha, finally my baby carrots have matured.”

Ye Xiaochen rubbed his hands and looked impatient.

He hurriedly took out the immortal hoe from the space storage.

After a while, the first carrot had been dug out.

“It almost looks similar to the previous one.”

Ye Xiaochen touched his chin and made a comparison in his heart.

As for the immortal lines in the carrot, he won’t be able to identify until he cuts it.

Evidently, it was estimated that the carrots were still defective quality.
Because some difference could have been seen if it was low grade.

It was impossible to have this big process.

It took Ye Xiaochen half a day to dig out one hundred fifty carrots.

Then, he collected all the carrots leaves.

This time he was not going to use all it as a manure, he would leave some plants for extraction of immortal gas.

Last time the immortal gas he extracted from the carrot leaves were not much and had also wasted a lot of time.

All the one hundred immortal carrots were piled up on the ground, it was red and had an excellent appearance.

The only drawback was it was little small.

It was not like last time where every carrot was of the same size, this one hundred fifty carrots had different layers of sizes.

There were some carrots, which were big in size.

There were also few carrots which were smaller than other carrots.

Ye Xiaochen remembered that several small carrots he dug out were placed near the yellow immortal bean.

It was obvious that the seizing characteristic of yellow immortal beans had reduced the quality of the carrots.

“Should I cut it, and check the lines in it?”

Ye Xiaochen’s eyes fell on one of the largest immortal carrots, he was little hesitant.

He wanted to know was there any difference in big carrots immortal lines?

After cutting the carrot, it couldn’t be used for the transaction!

This was two immortal Yuan.

Currently, even one immortal had a very big use.

“Damn, no matter what.I have to look at it, if I can’t even know the quality of my own planted immortal plants, it would be humiliating.It is just two immortal Yuan, afterward, there will be more opportunity to earn immortal yuan, after all, I am Shennong!”

Ye Xiaochen was repeatedly tangled, finally, he made a ruthless and difficult decision.


You have to cut it.

Ye Xiaochen quickly took out a fruit knife.

“Damn, my two immortal Yuan!”

Ye Xiaochen cut down the carrot with tears.

A faint smell emanated from part of the immortal carrot where it was cut.

It was different from the previous one, at least in previous one there was no smell.

Ye Xiaochen’s five sense has become extremely acute after getting Shennong system.

He could smell the different fragrance from different plants.

Eyes could see a lot of details which ordinary people won’t be able to see.

He could feel any subtle sensation from touch.

The taste of tongue, hearing of the ear had also changed dramatically.

Smelling this fragrance made Ye Xiaochen’s spirit startled, it gave a refreshing feeling.

It made him even drool.

If he had not known this immortal carrot for mortal was similar to a poison, then he might have eaten it directly.

He took a deep breath and removed the smell from his mind.He picked up the immortal carrot and looked at it carefully.

The fleshly color inside the carrot was stronger than the outer surface.

What made Ye Xiaochen surprise that there was a second circle of an immortal pattern.

Two circles.

It was still a defective quality, but this represents his progress!

Ye Xiaochen was extremely happy at his heart.

It seems that his meticulous care of immortal carrot had not gone wasted

At the thought of this, Ye Xiaochen’s confidence increased, there was smile like a sun on his face.

“Goddess of the moon, the second batch of immortal carrots has matured.”

With a great sense of satisfaction, Ye Xiaochen sent a message to his friend Goddess of the moon using Shennong system.

Chapter 50-Appraisal

The goddess of the moon hadn’t contacted him yet.

Ye Xiaochen was also not in hurry, and began to fantasize after getting immortal yuan, how should he spend it?

Should it be immortal farmland or immortal spring?

One hundred forty-nine immortal carrots, each carrot two immortal yuan, so it would be two hundred and ninety-eight immortal yuan.

If he buys two immortal fields, then he would be able to increase production to two times.

If he buys an immortal field and immortal spring, then he would be able to improve the quality of the immortal planting.

The effect of immortal spring on implantation was very great.

In addition to it, should I buy immortal fertilizer?

“Ah!, I am really confused.It is not easy.”

Ye Xiaochen felt very hard to decide anything.

Expanding the number of immortal lands means increasing the production line, which was the real immortal Yuan!

Well, let’s just forget about it and first trade with the goddess of the moon.

Thinking about this, Ye Xiaochen was more looking forward to it.

After a long wait, the goddess of the moon hadn’t replied yet.

“It seems that the goddess of the moon is not online, she might be having other works because of which she didn’t notice my message.”

Ye Xiaochen was disappointed, and could only use this reason to comfort himself.

Last time, the goddess of moon said that as long as the immortal carrots mature he should notify her at once.Certainly, she would not deceive him.

And, they had also signed the immortal contract.

All of a sudden, a thought came to his mind.Now, he has one hundred and forty-nine immortal carrots.could he put them in store for the sale?

Selling one hundred in the store and remaining forty-nine to the goddess of the moon.

Well, that’s it.

However, he didn’t put it immediately and waited for some time.

When the goddess of moon asks him, he would have a reason.
“By the way how much will be the price if I put it in store?”

Ye Xiaochen thought of a very serious problem.

If ….if the store price was very low?

For example, one immortal carrot would be one immortal Yuan, then wasn’t he going to make a big loss?

Of course, it might possible for the store price to be expensive and there would be chances of earning more Yuan.

The variables were too big.

Ye Xiaochen was very confused.

His heart was unwilling to do direct trade with the goddess of the moon, he thought that the price might be higher, but he was also worried about prices being lower, and he would suffer loss.

Currently, for Ye Xiaochen, every immortal yuan was precious, there should not be any wastage.

“No, even if it is a loss, I should at least once put it in the store for sale, so that I can truly understand the price of the product.”

Ye Xiaochen repeatedly thought about it.Finally, biting his teeth he decided to put it.

What was the most important thing in the modern society?Obviously, information, the person who has grasped the information in advance will the grab the opportunity first.

It would be foolish of him to know nothing about the price of implantation.
At this moment, Ye Xiaochen felt relaxed and did not have his previous confusion.

Even if it was a loss, it was worth it.

After thinking till here, Ye Xiaochen did not hesitate, he opened the store and chose to sell.

“Ding!Please choose the product to sell.”

As the systems pleasant voice sounded, Ye Xiaochen put one hundred immortal carrots in it.

“Is it to for sale?”

The system prompt sounded again.


Ye Xiaochen directly confirmed it.

“Ding!Now appraising the value of the product.Please wait for sometime….”

Ye Xiaochen couldn’t help but feel nervous.

Once the sale button was clicked, the process could not be canceled.

The appraising of the commodity would determine the price.

After a few seconds later.

The system’s prompt sounded again, “Ding!Appraisal finished.Whether to view the product pricing list?”


Ye Xiaochen suppressed his anxiety and hurriedly confirmed.

Immediately, a window appeared inside his mind, it was the appraisal information of one hundred immortal carrots.

“I am dizzy, can it be appraised like this?”

Ye Xiaochen looked at the list and was dumbfounded.

The system appraised each carrot separately and gave different prices with detailed appraisal information.

There were no two immortal carrots whose price were same.

“No.1 Immortal carrot,Yellow order first level ,Appearance:1.17,Taste:1.14,Nutrition:1.12,Immortal line: 1.15,Defective,additional Divinity:0.79.price:1.94 immortal Yuan.”

“No.2 Immortal carrot,Yellow order first level,Appearance:1.16,Taste:1.15,Nutrition:1.16,Immortal line: 1.16,additional Divinity:0.79.price:1.94 immortal Yuan.”


“No.94 Immortal carrot,Yellow order first level,Appearance:1.21,Taste:1.21,Nutrition:1.22,Immortal line: 1.23,Defective,additional Divinity:0.79.price:2.1 immortal Yuan.”


After Ye Xiaochen saw the whole list, his brows wrinkled up.

To speak, the average price of one hundred immortal carrots was less than two immortal Yuan.

In other words, he made a loss.

However, he finally knows what was the standard of the store for identifying goods.

For example, the Yellow order first level immortal carrot, as long as it was defective, the Four evaluation starting point would be 1 and highest 1.99, if it was low grade, then it would start from 10 and highest would be 19.99

In case of Yellow order second level, for defective, the four evaluation starting point would be 1 and highest 2.99.low grade, the four evaluation starting point would be 20 and highest 29.99

Once it reaches Yellow order nine level, the defective four evaluation starting would be 9 and highest 9.9, and the four evaluation point of low grade would start from 99.99

With the help of four evaluation values, the pricing could be determined.

However, Ye Xiaochen’s plants had added divinity.

This was brought by Shennong Talent.

It was just this divinity was less than one, which was equivalent to being hidden.

Once the added divinity reaches one, then in his personal attributes of Shennong talent there would appear +1 divinity.

The divinity would make Ye Xiaochen’s planted plants more expensive than the normal price.

His present divinity was less than 0.79, the base price of commodity plus the value added by the divinity would give the final price.

Among these,the additional divinity(immortal planting level) 0.79*10 power n,this represents the immortal plants quality,the defective product was 0,low grade was 1,medium grade 2,top grade 3,and best grade was 4.

Ye Xiaochen looked at it and suddenly smiled.

As time goes on, his divinity will slowly ascend and would achieve divinity +1 point, which would increase the price of immortal plants

“However, the current deal with the goddess of the moon is accounted for cheap, once my planting technology strengthens then the quality of the product will increase, at that time trading two immortal Yuan for one immortal carrot would be unfair for me.”

Ye Xiaochen shook his head and smiled bitterly.

In the long run, he was sure to lose money.

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