The Legend of the Dragon King Chapter 191-200

Chapter 191 – Requesting a Match

Chapter 191 – Requesting a Match

Tang Wulin and Gu Yue exchanged glances, and their eyes mirrored the other’s current emotion: shock!

An astrological attribute? They had never heard of such a thing before, but its power was evident. Xie Xie, the one with the highest cultivation among them, had his soul power sealed for five seconds.

Five seconds was a lot of time in which they could accomplish a great deal!
Not even Tang Wulin was confident that he could resist Xu Xiaoyan’s starwheel.

“Can you still fight after using the starwheel at full-strength?” Gu Yue asked.

Xu Xiaoyan shook her head and smiled bitterly. “Nope. I won’t be able to move once I use the starwheel, otherwise, the seal will unravel and its power will weaken. This ability is best used in coordination with a team.
However, according to my clan’s records, the astrological attribute will gain more abilities as my cultivation progresses. It’s almost like a second set of
soul rings—as if I had twin martial souls. Unfortunately, during the day I’m pretty weak and can only use my ice staff.”

As expected, greater strength came with greater restrictions. Xu Xiaoyan
couldn’t move when she used her starwheel, nor could she launch any other attacks. Worst of all, it could only be used at night! These restrictions were just excessive, but even so, this ability’s potential in a team setting was
amazing! They could turn the tides in the crucial moments the starwheel bought, enabling them to seize victory!
 They could do a lot in a single second.

“I swear on my great aunt… that’s amazing!” Xie Xie said bitterly.

A sweet smile graced Xu Xiaoyan’s lips. Her Starwheel Ice Staff lit up for a moment, and the golden light and icy shackles on Xie Xie quickly disappeared. In truth, she couldn’t sustain the seal any longer. If her opponent was too strong, it would be very costly to maintain such an
absolute seal. If her opponent struggled against those shackles, they might be able to easily break free after a second or two.

Tang Wulin gave Xu Xiaoyan a big thumbs up. Her first soul skill, Starwheel Shackles, was a great addition to the team.

It was a mystical martial soul found on the mystical Douluo Continent! Sure enough, nothing was impossible in this land.

“It’s a pity that we don’t have any way to change day into night, otherwise we might’ve been able to give Teacher Wu a nice surprise,” Xie Xie said with a trembling body.

His body still felt a bit stiff. Those shackles were a fusion of astrological
and ice attributes after all. It couldn’t possibly have been comfortable to be restrained by them.

Tang Wulin smiled. “It doesn’t matter. We can find Teacher Wu and spar right now. There’s no way he will refuse.”

He exchanged looks with Xie Xie, and a wicked glint immediately appeared in the depths of their eyes. Xie Xie couldn’t bear to be the only one on the receiving end of such a sinister ability.

One second of absolute sealing… Hehe. Maybe we’ll be able to surprise Teacher Wu.

In the next moment, the four sat down cross-legged in tacit understanding and began meditating.

“All of you want to challenge me right now?” Wu Zhangkong stared at his four students, flabbergasted.

“Yes! Please give us pointers,” Tang Wulin said earnestly.

“Let’s go then.” Wu Zhangkong nodded. It was already late into the night
and was lights out for the dorm. Instead of the designated combat arenas, he brought them to the training fields. Regardless of whether these children
were looking for trouble or had a surprise in store for him, he would gladly entertain them.

A silent darkness hung over the field. Wu Zhangkong walked to the field’s center and gently removed his white robe. “Come.”

Tang Wulin said, “Teacher Wu, you’re so powerful. Shouldn’t you suppress your strength while battling us? The strongest one of us only has two rings, so why don’t you restrict yourself and only use those two rings as well?”

Wu Zhangkong narrowed his eyes. He was an adult, and if he couldn’t even guess what kind of schemes these children came up with, he wouldn’t be fit to call himself a teacher. From the way these kids were speaking, he could clearly tell that they had challenged him with victory in mind!

He was well acquainted with the strength of three of them. Xu Xiaoyan, however, was still a mystery.

“Alright,” Wu Zhangkong answered coldly.

Tang Wulin and his teammates exchanged looks, immediately jumped backward, and got into formation.

As usual, Tang Wulin was in the front with Xie Xie beside him. Gu Yue was right behind him, and Xu Xiaoyan positioned herself behind Gu Yue.

The four of them now moved as one.
 Soul rings rose from beneath their feet, even more resplendent in the dark of night. Tang Wulin’s purple soul ring shone the brightest of all of them, as if it were a noble among commoners.

Strand after strand of Bluesilver Grass appeared in the surroundings,
sheltering the comrades behind him while golden scales appeared on his right arm in a burst of light. Tang Wulin released a low growl and ferociously charged Wu Zhangkong, immediately using his first soul skill, Bind!

Hundreds of strands of Bluesilver Grass whistled through the air, a display of the thousand-year soul skill’s monstrous might. A roaring tempest arose the moment Tang Wulin launched his assault. One strand of Bluesilver
Grass had sneakily launched Xie Xie into the air. The moment that he
arrived above Wu Zhangkong’s head, he angled his body and descended upon his teacher. He didn’t hold back at all and immediately initiated with Twin Dragon Storm.

But it wasn’t just a two-pronged attack. A wind blade, a fireball, and an icicle flew through a small crack in the barrier of Bluesilver Grass! They converged on Wu Zhangkong—Xie Xie was just the opening act!

They knew that one thing was certain: the longer they waited, the slimmer their chance for success would be. If they wanted to succeed, they had to immediately launch an all-out attack!

Wu Zhangkong stood rooted in place, merely raising his Skyfrost Sword and gently pinching its tip with his other fingers. In the face of the
children’s attacks, he remained still like an immovable mountain. Not even a flicker of emotion appeared on his face. It was as if there were nothing in this world that could affect him.

The moment the onslaught reached Wu Zhangkong, he suddenly lashed out with his Skyfrost Sword. An azure halo that seemed to possess some sort of limitless gravitational force formed around him. The halo pulled Gu Yue’s elemental attacks inside of it, ripping control of them from her hands.

It was simple and effective, two things Wu Zhangkong excelled at.
 The Twin Dragon Storm easily drilled through the elements, but Wu Zhangkong’s move had done its job—the might of Twin Dragon Storm had been greatly diminished.

Wu Zhangkong’s eyes flashed with a violet hue, and Tang Wulin defended with his own Purple Demon Eyes. It was futile, however, as a wave of vertigo struck him, and the Bind slowly unraveled.

Just how shameless is Teacher Wu? He’s actually using the Purple Demon Eyes! He might not be using the full extent of its power, but that’s still so shameless!

This thought faded as quickly as it had appeared, and Tang Wulin charged again with renewed vigor and an entourage of Bluesilver Grass.

Wu Zhangkong swung his Skyfrost Sword. Its previous dignified aura had been replaced with blinding speed. Hundreds of sword waves shot out,
accurately chilling and cutting through the slithering mass of Bluesilver Grass. It was just a single slash, yet hundreds of sword waves appeared! Each one clashed against the strands of Bluesilver Grass and kept them at bay.

In a split second, Tang Wulin had been cut off from his teammates. However, he still continued rushing toward Wu Zhangkong.

The Twin Dragon Storm finally descended from the sky, but Wu Zhangkong disappeared in a blur. After-images of him appeared all around the field as he evaded with Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track.

In the beginning, Xie Xie could follow Wu Zhangkong’s movements and
adjust his assault accordingly, but soon his teacher’s movements proved too fast for him to keep up with. By the time he touched the ground with his Twin Dragon Storm, his aim had been thrown off. His attack met nothing but air.

A wave of frost flew out and Xie Xie reflexively tried to defend against it with his Light Dragon Dagger. His strength was already exhausted, however, and he was immediately sent flying.

Chapter 192 – Victory!

Chapter 192 – Victory!

At that moment, Tang Wulin arrived before Wu Zhangkong so that two were facing each other.

Choosing not to fall back, Tang Wulin attacked Wu Zhangkong with his radiant Golden Dragon Claw!

Even if Wu Zhangkong had suppressed his cultivation to their level, he didn’t have a single opening or weakness. Yet, in this single battle, he made a stunning choice.

Icy mist exuded from him as sword waves burst forth and quickly weaved together to form a net, forming a protective barrier.

And at that moment, a golden six-pointed star appeared beneath Wu Zhangkong’s feet while shackles of ice shot out of it and latched onto his body.

A metallic screech resounded. Tang Wulin’s Golden Dragon Claw had seized the sword wave net and crushed it! With the improvements in his cultivation and the aid of the Mysterious Heaven Method, Tang Wulin
could maintain his Golden Dragon Claw for a full twenty seconds. But the results were far from his expectations!
Though the Starwheel Shackles had activated at just the right moment, Wu Zhangkong’s stalwart defense exceeded their calculations! It had deflected the shackles within the split-second, and while Tang Wulin had been able to crush the net, he had received backlash as well.
 The might of the sword wave sent a tremble down his spine and forced him to step back.

This single step back had broken his offensive stance. Wu Zhangkong’s
eyes lit up and the ice shackles on his body splintered before falling to the ground. Despite the fact that he had suppressed his cultivation to two rings, his two rings and theirs were as different as the heavens and the earth due to his application of compressed soul power. The Starwheel Shackles could only last two seconds before his overwhelming strength.

The Frost Scars had fended off Tang Wulin for two seconds and now that he was freed, Wu Zhangkong pointed his sword at him.

But at that instant, Wu Zhangkong saw Tang Wulin smile. He instantly had a bad premonition and unleashed another Frost Scar net without hesitation.

However, he was too late.

A palm gently landed on his back and an explosive tempest of fire and ice bombarded him!

A layer of protective frost instantly coated his body, but it was not enough to prevent him from staggering forward from the blast. He released his full might, sending the four children flying.

His icy expression cracked, revealing an unsightly face! “Woohoo!” Xu Xiaoyan was the first to celebrate!
That was right! They won!

In the last minute, Wu Zhangkong had clearly revealed a strength far beyond two rings in order to protect himself.

He withdrew his Skyfrost Sword. Considering his status, it was impossible for him to admit his defeat so instead, he asked indifferently, “Whose plan was this?”

Tang Wulin snickered. “Teacher, it’s mine.”
 Wu Zhangkong nodded. “Very good. We’ll continue again tomorrow. And this time, I’ll use three rings. Of course, this also means I’ll be using my three corresponding soul skills.” He turned around and left after dropping this bomb, his white robe fluttering in the wind and his aura as glacial as ever.

The excited four children froze with shock and disbelief written all over their faces.

Three rings? Three rings is vastly different from two rings! It’s the same as comparing the Hundred Refinements to the Thousand Refinements!

They had thought that their victory would spare them tomorrow’s training or cause Wu Zhangkong to alter their training program. What they had not predicted was that not only would their dreams be crushed, they had
summoned forth a nightmare instead…

“Boss, this wasn’t part of the plan!” Xie Xie was on the verge of tears.

In their strategy, Xie Xie was cannon fodder used to distract Wu Zhangkong. In fact, they had even told him directly that he would be cannon fodder.

Wu Zhangkong definitely wouldn’t have believed that Xie Xie was their main assault force. However, the Twin Dragon Storm possessed a terrifying power against those of the same rank, forcing Wu Zhangkong to divert a part of his attention to dealing with him.

Tang Wulin had taken many things into consideration when he drafted up their battle plan. He had known that Wu Zhangkong would be skeptical if they suddenly challenged him during the night. With Wu Zhangkong’s thorough understanding of the three’s strengths, his suspicions would naturally fall onto Xu Xiaoyan.

The ingenuity of Tang Wulin’s plan lay in misleading Wu Zhangkong. With Wu Zhangkong’s character, he would naturally assume that the entire team was set up so that Tang Wulin’s Golden Dragon Claw would make the final strike.
 The truth was, they really had set up their formation like that.

From Tang Wulin’s very first attack to Xie Xie’s descent from the sky and Gu Yue’s coordinated assault, everything had been building up to that one claw.

But their plans had been exposed too quickly. Tang Wulin’s claw was uncovered, and his Bluesilver Grass was repelled by Frost Scars. Even so, the grass had done its job. All it had to do was conceal the actions of Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue at the rear!

Gu Yue had begun preparing her fire and ice explosion barrage the moment she unleashed her first wave of elemental attacks. Her preparations had only been able to finish without interruption thanks to the masking effect of the thousand-year Bind.

In the final moment of the battle, Wu Zhangkong had relaxed after freeing himself from the starwheel’s restraints even though Tang Wulin had broken through his defense. Everything had gone according to his predictions of the children’s plans and sure enough, they had figured a way to disturb him. He had assumed that they had exhausted all of their means.

And the minute he relaxed his guard, Tang Wulin’s dragon claw would shoot out!

It would have been the decisive strike!

As Wu Zhangkong thought that, the explosion of fire and ice blasted him in the back.

Not only had he suppressed his soul power down to their rank, he had also restrained his spiritual power, diminishing his awareness substantially. This was the reason why he hadn’t noticed the true plan devised by these
children. If he hadn’t released his full strength at that last moment, there was no doubt that he would have suffered some injuries.

The children’s plan had been perfect. Not only had they coordinated their abilities impressively, they had even exploited the fundamental character
 flaw of their opponent. After realizing how detailed their plan had been, Wu Zhangkong needed to know who had devised it. The fact that such a brilliant plan had been hatched by a ten-year-old child meant the child possessed indescribable potential.

Unseen by the children, a smile tugged at his lips as he left.

As a teacher, how could he be dissatisfied with such amazing students? Xu Xiaoyan’s Starwheel Shackles had also left a deep impression on him. It had completely sealed his soul power for an instant—a truly terrifying

It seems they’ll be giving the academy and I a nice surprise at the Skysea Alliance Tournament.

The children sullenly returned to their dormitory and into their beds, dreading the next day. The Starwheel Shackles couldn’t possibly have much effect on a three-ringed Wu Zhangkong. What were they to do? All they
could do now was play by the ear.

Their intense lives of studying and cultivating resumed once more.

Xu Xiaoyan quickly found her place in the team. Not only was she was clever and working well with the team, she was also bright and adorable,
the exact opposite of Gu Yue. Due to her pitiful strength during the day, she always worked hard to improve herself. What left Tang Wulin helpless, however, was how talented she was. Her soul power had increased to rank 18 in just one month, while he still struggled to reach rank 17. Even with the Mysterious Heaven Method, his cultivation speed was extremely slow.

“Tomorrow we’re going to Skysea City,” Wu Zhangkong announced. “Tang Wulin, stay behind after class.”

We’re going to Skysea City? The largest city on the east coast?
 The four students looked at each other in confusion. Xie Xie was the first to give in to his curiosity. “Are we going there to watch the Skysea Alliance Tournament, Teacher Wu?”

Wu Zhangkong looked at him. “You’re participating, not watching.” Participating?
Xie Xie went wide-eyed at Wu Zhangkong’s words. We’re participating in the Skysea Alliance Tournament?

Wu Zhangkong waved them out, forcing Xie Xie, Gu Yue, and Xu Xiaoyan to leave in a daze.

Tang Wulin stood up, waiting for Wu Zhangkong to speak.

“The academy told me that the Blacksmith’s Association wants you to participate in the blacksmith’s competition at the Skysea Alliance Tournament. Is that true?”

“Mn.” Tang Wulin nodded.

Wu Zhangkong said, “I did some research. It shouldn’t conflict with any of our class’s matches, so it should be fine.”

“Oh.” Tang Wulin acknowledged. “Teacher Wu, what competition are we participating in?”

Wu Zhangkong said, “The three-man team event in the juvenile division.
The Skysea Alliance Tournament is very large and will have countless
events. Obviously, there will be events for soul masters, but they’re divided into individual and team competitions. Team competitions are either groups of three, five, or seven. You should pay close attention to the seven-man matches. You, Xie Xie, and Gu Yue will form a group and participate in the three-man team competition with Xu Xiaoyan as a substitute. As the team
captain, you need to think about how you will obtain good results in the team competition, as well as the blacksmith’s competition. Your goal is to become the champions.”

Chapter 193 – For the Money!

Chapter 193 – For the Money!

“Champion? But we’re still eleven! Xie Xie told me that we would have to compete against people who are ten to fifteen years old. That’s a bit…”

Wu Zhangkong coldly said, “Age does not determine one’s strength. You just need to try your best. The outcome is not the most important thing, understood?”

“Yes,” Tang Wulin answered.

“You can leave now. Go prepare for tomorrow’s trip to Skysea City. All of the participants from Eastsea City will be leaving together, so you don’t have to worry about meeting up with your colleagues from the Blacksmith’s Association.”


For the past month, Tang Wulin had been entirely focused on preparing for the blacksmith’s competition. Although he could not yet forge a first-grade metal, his success rate for second-grade metals had already risen to more than eighty percent. Even among other fourth rank blacksmiths, such a
success rate was rarely seen.

As Mu Chen had said, Tang Wulin’s inability to forge a first-grade metal was not due to a lack of understanding, but a deficiency of soul power.

Soul power was the foundation of soul masters, and it was also crucial to blacksmiths. The higher one’s soul power, the higher the chances of imbuing spirit into metal during forging. Even if he was a divine genius in
 the realm of blacksmithing, his status as a one-ringed soul master would only hinder his advancement in the craft.

According to Mu Chen’s guess, Tang Wulin would immediately be able to forge first-grade metals once he possessed two rings.

His training menu under Mu Chen did not change; it was still focused on solidifying his foundation in preparation for the future. After all, he was still young and did not need to take risks in order to achieve a first-grade Thousand Refined creation.

What Tang Wulin had not expected, however, was that they would be one of the teams representing Eastsea Academy and they would be competing in the junior division for the soul master team battles, no less.

Although he was shocked, he was also eager for combat.

Locked within an abyss of suffering for the past month, Tang Wulin t had not visited the spirit ascension platform even once. Instead, he faced Wu Zhangkong in battle every day. He would rather face a ten-thousand-year
soul beast than fight Wu Zhangkong; after all, he had personally witnessed his teacher slaughter a ten-thousand-year soul beast as if it were just a walk in the park!

The only fruit that was born from that night’s victory was an escalation in the intensity of their training. Even while combining their forces and utilizing the dirtiest of schemes, they could not hold a candle to a three- ringed Wu Zhangkong. As the team captain, Tang Wulin took the brunt of Wu Zhangkong’s attacks, each battle leaving him covered in bruises and cuts.

Yet, it was precisely because of such harsh circumstances that their coordination and soul power improved so quickly.

Tang Wulin could sense that he was but one step away from reaching rank 17 now.
 However, his intense cultivation schedule conflicted with his forging practice leading him to be unable to meet his task quotas. Naturally, his income tanked.

Whenever Tang Wulin thought of the Skysea Alliance Tournament, his pulse would pound incessantly and his eyes redden until they were bloodshot at the thought of the award money that would solve quite a few of his current problems.

Now that he was a fourth rank blacksmith, his potential income skyrocketed and he had been able to clear his debt to Wu Zhangkong. His wallet wept at its empty pockets.

“Teacher Wu.” Before walking through the door, Tang Wulin suddenly spun around. “Is there an award for participating in the tournament?”

Wu Zhangkong stared at him. “If the team performs well, there will be one. Although there is a monetary award given to the top thirty-two, the sum only becomes significant once you breach the top sixteen. As for receiving an endowment from the academy, all of you are already draining the
academy’s resources dry. Especially you. Your food expenses are nearly
enough to feed the entire intermediate division. Tell me, do you still want a reward?”

Tang Wulin dared not speak out. Instead, he stuck his tongue out like a little rascal.

But was the truth not spoken? He knew that he was just shoveling in that high-class, nutritious food that aided in his cultivation, seemingly to no end. Obviously, the expenses for such nourishment were high. With all that healthy food, his cultivation was progressing at a magnified rate, even to the point where preparing to break through the second seal seemed more feasible than ever

The fact that he could even eat such delicious food often brought him joy.

“Teacher Wu, can I participate in the individual competition then? Maybe I’ll be able to enter the top thirty,” Tang Wulin probed. He could not afford
 to let a single lucrative opportunity slip away.

His attitude toward money had changed after all the pain and suffering he went through just to be able to purchase his first spirit soul. If he had more money back then, then he would not have been forced to settle for a trash spirit soul.

Since then, Tang Wulin vowed to rake in the money in the future, to the extent where he would never have to worry about making ends meet.

If Mu Chen ever discovered his disciple’s true reason for forging, he would have hopped up and down from rage.

“If you’re not worried about being tired, then you can go ahead,” Wu Zhangkong answered with an apathetic edge.

Tang Wulin said, “As long as the schedules don’t in conflict, I’m confident I won’t get tired. I’ll have to inconvenience you to help me sign up then.” At the very least, the boy had some faith in his strength. Although he did not wield two rings as of yet, he did hold a thousand-year soul ring! His thousand-year Bluesilver Grass was a major source of confidence for him.

When he returned to the dormitory, Tang Wulin found his friends already at the door waiting for him.

“How was it? What’s the situation?”

Faced with their inquiries, Tang Wulin quickly briefed them on his conversation with Wu Zhangkong.

“I’ll join the individual competition too,” Gu Yue said earnestly. Xie Xie loftily said, “Me too!”
Xu Xiaoyan shook her head. “I think I’ll pass. The competition isn’t held at night, and even if it was, I lack the confidence. Participating as a substitute
 in the team competition is enough for me.”

A mischievous smile appeared on Xie Xie’s lips. “Say, if we really do become the champions, do you think Shrek Academy will come scout us? Maybe they’ll invite us to join them?”

The corner of Xu Xiaoyan’s mouth twitched ever so slightly. “Quit dreaming. Even if we do win first place, it’s still just an unremarkable three- man competition at the Skysea Alliance Tournament. Use your common
sense and think about what sort of status they have. I heard that there have never been more than one hundred students part of the inner court of Shrek Academy at a time, and each and every one of them is a monster. It
wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call it a pond of dragons and a den of tigers. I also heard that even the chairman of the federation personally pays a visit to Shrek Academy’s president twice a year. If Shrek Academy hadn’t maintained a neutral stance during the three continent’s feuds, do you think the Star Luo Continent and the Heaven Dou Continent would still exist?”

In shock, Tang Wulin asked, “Is Shrek Academy really that great?”

With utmost seriousness, Xu Xiaoyan said, “That’s right. My family told me that it’s a place completely separate from the world of us normal people. Shrek Academy recruits students once every three years, and each time there are less than one thousand people qualified to apply. It would be a
small miracle if more than one hundred people are accepted at a time. In fact, sometimes only twenty or thirty people are accepted. But of those students, only one in ten can enter the inner court. It’s quite obvious just how high their standards are.

“ Shrek Academy’s unfathomable quality is not something we have the privilege of understanding.”

Tang Wulin and Xie Xie both exchanged a look. Although it was impossible for them to know what Shrek Academy was like, there was bound to be
someone who did!

Teacher Wu! Don’t the rumors say that Teacher Wu came from Shrek Academy?
 If the admittance standards for Shrek Academy are that high, then just how amazing is Teacher Wu?

Tang Wulin said, “Even so, this is a great opportunity for us. Don’t think too much about getting a high rank everyone; just do your best and gain
some good combat experience. As long as we don’t give up, we’ll definitely have a shot at entering Shrek Academy one day!”

Chapter 194 – Setting Off for the Tournament

Chapter 194 – Setting Off for the Tournament “Let’s do our best, guys!”
Tang Wulin was the first to reach out a hand. Gu Yue placed her hand on top of his, before quickly grabbing Xu Xiaoyan’s hand so that it rested on hers.

Although he was an agility-type soul master, Xie Xie’s reaction lagged behind the rest and he was the last to join in. He glared daggers at Gu Yue. “Just how much do you loathe me!”

Gu Yue thought it over for a moment, then flashed a smile. “About as much as one would loathe a housefly.”


Night crept by without a peep. Once the rays of the sun pierced through the horizon, Wu Zhangkong and the four students departed from the academy. Their destination: Eastsea Square located at the city’s center.

Tang Wulin and the others wore Eastsea Academy’s uniform. This time, Director Long Hengxu joined the children and Wu Zhangkong.

There was another team representing the academy apart from Tang Wulin’s group, though they were from the advanced division.
 The latter team would be participating in the fifteen to twenty youths division. Tang Wulin spotted a couple of familiar faces among the crowd. The first was Xu Xiaoyan’s older brother, Xu Xiaoyu. To his surprise, the other one was the beautiful senior sister he met during his first days at Eastsea Academy, Liu Yuxin.

It was clear that Liu Yuxin hadn’t spared him a thought. Instead, her gaze was glued on the face of a man with fluttering white robes, never letting him out of her sight. Her eyes were practically in the shape of hearts.

“Xiaoyan, let me know if they try to bully you.” Walking past the four students of class zero, Xu Xiaoyu showcased a display of force.

Xu Xiaoyan rolled her eyes at him. “Just worry about yourself. At least make it through the preliminaries this time.”

At such a statement, Xu Xiaoyu’s expression stiffened. “Of course.
Everyone on our team has at least three rings this time. We’ll definitely
achieve a good result.” They were participating in the team competitions as well. This was not just any team event. It was the most illustrious one—the seven-man team competition.

The corner of Xu Xiaoyan’s mouth twitched.

From the conversation between the two siblings, Tang Wulin could infer at least that Eastsea Academy held some hope of glory at the tournament. In fact, their chances of attaining victory were pretty high.

As Eastsea City was ranked number two among all the cities in the east
coast, achieving glory and maintaining their status was a crucial goal and a touchy subject.

In truth, Tang Wulin’s guess hit the nail right on the head. While Eastsea Academy was Eastsea City’s only intermediate soul master academy, its students were not particularly outstanding.

The Skysea Alliance Tournament was so large that it required not just the five first-class cities on the east coast to host it but had even summoned the
 aid of some second and third-class cities. Eastsea City had produced dismal results for a first-class city in the previous tournaments. Both the academy and the city’s government lost much face.

It was no wonder that Long Hengxu’s proposal to create a ‘class zero’ for their newly found geniuses was approved so quickly.

If things continued on like this, then Eastsea City’s prestige would definitely suffer. The city’s bustling economy might also be adversely
affected, plummeting the markets. The academy was placing their bets on a group of ten-year-old children this time, hoping that they would showcase the city’s potential at the Skysea Alliance Tournament while also gaining the support of the city’s government.

After all, they were only ten years old. Their future was limitless.

Crowds of people and luxurious soul busses assembled at Eastsea Square to set off together.

“Hey, why are you so late?” Mu Xi jogged over to Tang Wulin and grabbed him by the ear.

“What are you doing?” Before Tang Wulin could speak up, Gu Yue swatted away Mu Xi’s hand and stood protectively in front of him.

Stunned, Mu Xi stared at Gu Yue in a daze before bursting out in laughter. “Not bad! Tang Wulin, you’ve already become a deviant at such a young age. Who is your little girlfriend?”

“No, no! Senior disciple sister, don’t say such nonsense.” Mu Xi’s voice had been particularly loud, attracting the attention of those around them like bees to honey. With the proverbial spotlight shining on him, Tang Wulin flushed as red as a tomato in embarrassment.

His handsome looks, coupled with his rosy-red, abashed face tempted Mu Xi to pinch his cheeks.
 “Wow. You’re bringing so many people with you?” Ignoring Gu Yue, Mu Xi asked Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin said, “We’re participating in the junior division’s soul master’s team competition.”

“The soul master’s team competition? You guys?” She did not try to hide her disdain at all.

“What about us?” Xie Xie said indignantly.

Mu Xi sneered. “It’s nothing much. Just that we’re also entering the junior division of the soul master’s team competition. Do you guys still think you have a chance?” As she spoke, three soul rings appeared from beneath her feet.

Yellow, yellow, purple! She was a three-ringed Soul Elder!

Mu Xi was currently a fifth year in her second semester, so she was four years older than Tang Wulin. At fourteen years old, she just barely qualified for that division’s age limit.

Mu Xi said, “We’ll also be entering as a three-man team. Our goal is the top eight. There are currently thirty-six east coast cities competing in this tournament with over one hundred participants, and the first two rounds are knockout competitions. Can you guys even pass the first round?”

At their age, every single year signified a great gap in strength. Tang Wulin went silent.
Even though they had beat Xu Xiaoyu once before, they had to admit it was due to Xu Xiaoyu’s carelessness and their strength in numbers.

Yet in this coming tournament, they would be facing the most powerful of their peers. There would even be those that were older than them. Against such formidable opponents, just what kind of hopes did they have?
 “Alright, don’t be discouraged. I’ll treat you guys to a meal after the first round.” Mu Xi rubbed Wulin’s head then whispered into his ear, “You might not have a chance at the soul master’s tournament, but you can definitely rank high in the blacksmith one. I’ll be cheering for you when the time comes! Go become the champion!”

Since the time Tang Wulin had agreed to give up first place for her, the thorns in their relationship had blunted.

Tang Wulin nodded helplessly. She really knew how to surprise people.

The square was in chaos as the representatives of every association participating in the tournament organized themselves.

There were even representatives from other academies.

The Skysea Alliance Tournament had numerous events, including mecha and battle armor competitions.

Like how Eastsea City held an embarrassing position in the alliance, the Skysea Alliance were ashamed of their rank in comparison to the rest of the continent. Although their economic status was unrivaled, whether it were battle armor masters, mecha pilots, mecha technology, or the quantity and quality of soul masters, they ranked near the bottom in all of these elements.

The cities that dominated these categories were the Sun Moon City and Heaven Dou City. As for Shrek City, it could neither be evaluated by the Federation properly nor be put on the same scale as the others. Basically, Shrek City exceeded their comprehension.

“The teachers and students of Eastsea Academy, board your bus now.” Hearing this, the teachers began leading the students onto the sixth bus.

Without a single break in her stride, Gu Yue sauntered forward and kicked Xie Xie out of the way, plopping down on the seat beside Tang Wulin. Xie Xie could only settle for the next best thing and sat next to Xu Xiaoyan.
Unfortunately for him, however, Xu Xiaoyu picked him up and stole the seat beside his sister.
 “You…” Xie Xie was annoyed, but he could do nothing against the much stronger Xu Xiaoyu. He resigned himself to sit beside Wu Zhangkong.
After descending into his seat, he felt countless eyes stabbing his body as the surrounding women glared as though they wanted to rip him to shreds.

I don’t want to sit here either!

Xie Xie immediately stood up to find another seat.

“Don’t stand up if you know what’s good for you.” Wu Zhangkong’s cold voice sounded.

Xie Xie didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Is this counted as provoking whoever I meet?

The Xu siblings sat right behind Tang Wulin and Gu Yue. As he stared at Gu Yue, a scowl materialized on Xu Xiaoyu’s face.

After facing defeat at the hands of Gu Yue, indignation and depression had filled his heart. As time progressed though, Gu Yue appearing in his dreams more and more frequently. Every once in awhile, Gu Yue’s face would pop up in his conscious mind.

She is so young, yet possesses such power and an amazing martial soul. Just how formidable will she be once she matures?

This girl piqued his curiosity, as well as some of his other sentiments.

Xu Xiaoyu was easily considered an outstanding elite in the advanced division, but that was just within the walls of the weak Eastsea Academy.
He would be entering an advanced academy in a year, walking on his chosen path in life. Despite aspiring to be a battle armor master, he
struggled with the fact that this was an exceedingly difficult occupation. In particular, the process of making battle armor required more than just money. Not only would he have to pour his all into cultivation, he would
also need to divert his time and energy into battle armor research. He was already seventeen years old; though his potential was not lacking, it was unknown whether he had it in him to realize such a goal.

Chapter 195 – Sleeping to Rank 17

Chapter 195 – Sleeping to Rank 17

If he could not obtain a suit of battle armor for himself, then he would just have to settle with becoming a mecha pilot.

There was a reason battle armor masters were recognized as the strongest— the path to becoming one was difficult and few ever succeeded.

The chances of failing were simply astronomical. In order to craft a battle armor successfully, one needed to accomplish multiple steps: refine rare metals, forge them, create a design, craft it, and then maintain the final product. The troubles of obtaining and owning battle armor were tenfold to that of mechas.

To obtain a suitable mecha, one only needed to hire a capable mecha designer and craftsman. But regarding battle armor, this process was much more convoluted; one needed to be personally involved in the creation of one’s battle armor. This was to determine the most suitable path such that the armor becomes an extension of one’s body.

Such a feat was not something just anyone could accomplish. It was a taxing road. Hardly any battle armor masters could create a complete set of battle armor even after ten whole years of painstaking work. Even if they did somehow finish a set by then, they might find that their growth during the years of forging rendered their final product obsolete. Once again, one would have to start anew. The act of creating battle armor truly was a form of torment.

If too much time was spent on developing the battle armor, then one’s
cultivation may fall behind. When that happens, they would become even
 weaker than a mecha pilot. However, mechas were also tremendously powerful and their gigantic bulk gave them many options.

For these reasons, Xu Xiaoyu decided on specializing in mecha control. He would walk down the path of becoming a mecha pilot when he entered an advanced academy.

I might not have much hope of becoming a battle armor master, but I
wonder if she can pull it off? She already has two rings at ten years old and will definitely hit three rings by the time she turns fifteen. I can’t even
compare to her in terms of potential!

He did not feel any jealousy toward Gu Yue. In fact, he was confused by his own turbulent sentiments.

Tang Wulin leaned against the window, resting with his eyes shut as he
attempted to calm his muddled heart. Mu Xi’s words still lingered within his mind. He had witnessed her strength before when she wielded only two rings, but now, she already possessed three. Yet with her strength, she only aimed for the top eight position.

They’re so strong, but what about class zero? I’m the sole one-ringed
contender among our main force. Although our teamwork is great and I’m confident in my strength, there is still a significant difference in cultivation between our teams. That’s a gap we can’t bridge quickly enough.

The ones who rank the best will receive a reward.

Like Tang Wulin, Gu Yue was also resting quietly with her eyes closed.

A tense atmosphere permeated the bus as some occupants sent hushed whispers to one another. Other more courageous students chatted loudly.
Like this, the bus slowly shrank into the distance, leaving the square behind and gradually speeding out of Eastsea City.

Those in the bus showed glimmers of optimism as soon as they left the city bounds, entering the highway and accelerating onward.
 The soul highway utilized a combination of maglev and soul technology, allowing the bus to safely maintain high speeds up to half of soul train’s. For shorter distances, the bus was more suitable than the train.

As Tang Wulin’s eyes slowly opened, he took the time to observe the breathtaking landscape flitting by.

On the east was the ocean. Since the highway was built right on the shore, the azure sea stretched out infinitely beside him, unburdening his heart and relaxing his spirit.

Tang Wulin could not help but recall the times he visited the beach with Na’er to enjoy the scenery together. Back then, he had pulled her by the hand to gaze at the sea, watch the sunrise, and collect seashells. If luck
smiled down on them, they would also catch some large crabs to bake and eat.

“Na’er!” Tang Wulin softly called out.

“Hm? Wulin, you…” Gu Yue turned to him in surprise.

Turning toward her voice, he was met with her astonished expression. He gave a half-hearted smile and shook his head. “I’m fine. Just thinking about my little sister. I don’t know how she’s doing right now or whether she’s happy. I bet if she knew I’ve become a soul master, she would be really happy for me.”

Gu Yue nodded, a slight smile tugging at her lips. “Of course she would. Would you like some water?” She brought out a bottle from her backpack.

“Huh? Okay. Thank you.” Tang Wulin twisted open the bottle’s cap and took a few gulps of water. The water was pure and tepid, relieving both his throat and heart.

After Gu Yue retrieved the bottle from him she took a few drinks herself, paying no mind that he had just drunk from it.
 Tang Wulin stared at her, flabbergasted. The light shining through the
window met with her cheek, giving the illusion of sparkling purity. She’s actually so pretty…

Gu Yue tilted her head and beamed an oblivious smile at him. “What’s with you?”

Tang Wulin pulled the curtains quickly over the window, shrouding the entire space with shade. “It’s too bright right now. That’s bad for your eyes.”

Gu Yue placed the bottle back into his hands then leaned her head against his shoulder. “I’m sleepy. Let me lean on you, okay?”

Tang Wulin did not know what to do. You’re already leaning on me. How am I supposed to reject you?

It seemed she really was sleepy for her breathing soon steadied as a relaxed smile appeared on her lips. It was as if to her, leaning on him was particularly comforting.

After sucking it up as Gu Yue’s personal pillow, Tang Wulin started to feel the lull of slumber. Even though he had already shut the curtains, the
warmth and coziness did not dissipate!

Unwittingly, he closed his eyes. Immediately, his fatigue from constantly cultivating washed away.

Totaling about four hours in travel time, the trek from Eastsea City to Skysea City was a prolonged one.

Tang Wulin slept through the whole trip and would have likely continued sleeping once they arrived had Xie Xie not called for him.

“You two sure are enjoying sleeping, huh! You’ve slept the whole trip!” Xie Xie slyly shot his gaze from Tang Wulin to the waking Gu Yue.

Gu Yue stood up to stretch her body before turning back to pinch Tang Wulin’s shoulder. “Is it numb?”
 Tang Wulin shook his head. “It’s fine.”

That was a really nice nap. I don’t think I’ve ever slept that well in my
whole life. Circulating some soul power within his body, he noticed that it seemed to have sped up while flowing more smoothly than ever.

This change signified a breakthrough; he had finally broken through to rank 17!

A strange expression stretched across his face. He had been struggling to break through the bottleneck to rank 17 these past few days but never had he expected to wake up in success.

While his foundation was mediocre, he had progressed from rank 11 to rank 17 in the past year. Such speed was simply astonishing.

As if only natural, Gu Yue chose to lead them to exit while Tang Wulin and Xie Xie trailed behind her. For no apparent reason, warmth filled his heart as he took in her figure.

Partner? Little sister? He did not know why, but Gu Yue’s kindness reminded him of Na’er.

Skysea City and Eastsea City were similar in that they both were situated on the coast, boasting a beautiful landscape and the continent’s largest harbors and docks. The Federation’s navy was stationed right outside of Skysea
City. The silhouette of a gigantic cruiser anchored out at sea entered the eyes of some.

Because of the great military forces stationed there, Skysea City was
considered the top ranked city on the east coast. The area was of utmost strategic importance comparable to major cities inland.

Ordinary people would enter military service once they turned eighteen, and for those within Skysea Alliance’s domain, Skysea City’s navy was the first pick.
 Tang Wulin still had many years before he turned eighteen. As a soul master, he had some level of influence over his military service. This, of course, did not take into account his status as a fourth rank blacksmith.
Fourth rank blacksmiths were considered members of the elite, enjoying a lofty position.

For now, Tang Wulin could not see much of a difference between Skysea City and Eastsea City. As they approached the city’s core, skyscrapers piercing the clouds came into view, passed by the magnificent harbor.
Several types of advanced equipment and facilities lined the harbor, all of which Tang Wulin struggled to name. The harbor smelled of trade.

Chapter 196 – Struggle to the End!

Chapter 196 – Struggle to the End!

“Yes.” Tang Wulin, Mu Xi and a few other youngsters said respectfully.

In the sea of green that was this group of blacksmiths, Mu Xi stood out brightly as a speck of red—the only woman among them.

After listening to Cen Yue’s warnings, Tang Wulin and Mu Xi set off.

“Good luck, junior disciple brother!” Mu Xi rubbed Tang Wulin’s head and pinched his cheeks before releasing him.

Helpless to the pinching, Tang Wulin began to miss her frigid disposition. At least back then, his cheeks were spared.

He could feel the shift in atmosphere at their hotel as the start of the tournament drew near.

Nearly all of the hotel’s patrons were here for the event. Besides participants from Eastsea City there were also numerous people from other places, all preparing hastily.

When he returned to his room, Tang Wulin was greeted by Xie Xie’s tremendous snoring, the culprit already sound asleep. Starfished on the bed, he barely resembled a human.

Tang Wulin descended on his own mattress. Instead of pulling at the
coattails of slumber, he sat cross-legged and peered out the window. His gaze wandered past the sharp edges of the deep blue sea, zigzagging across the surface to no end. The rush and ebb of the tide granted him a peace of mind. He shut his eyes slowly and began meditating.
 Like how the most inept bird in a flock must fight tooth and nail for a
worm, he could not squander any opportunity to cultivate. Blacksmithing, on the other hand, was not a problem. As Cen Yue had informed him, finding anyone who could surpass his craft at his age was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Although he would be advancing through the competition with Mu Xi, Tang Wulin understood that when the final rounds approached he would need to carefully make a decision. If Mu Xi seemed to have a shot at becoming the champion, then he would yield the spot to her. However, in the event that Mu Xi could not proceed, he would remove his handicap, aiming for victory instead.

As for the soul master’s competition, he could not shake off his nervousness. Despite being considered pretty formidable among his peers, he would be facing soul masters several years older than him in the Skysea Alliance Tournament! The difference in cultivation from a single year was tremendous. He could only imagine what a gap of five years would be like.

While wielding three rings, Mu Xi only hoped to place in the top eight. He possessed one ring and his teammates held two at most. Just how far could he hope to go?

At the very least, we can’t lose in the knockout phase! That would be too depressing for both us and Teacher Wu.

I’ve got to do my best! Struggle to the very end!

Tang Wulin dispelled such distracting thoughts. Regardless of what happens, I’ll persevere!

The opening ceremony of the Skysea Alliance Tournament was held in Skysea Stadium. It was the largest stadium in the Skysea Alliance, boasting a maximum seating capacity of eighty-thousand people.

For the economic bloc that was Eastsea Alliance, the Skysea Alliance Tournament was a grand occasion that the entire federation paid attention to. Outstanding geniuses would emerge each time the tournament was held.
 In reality, the Skysea Alliance Tournament’s original goal was to filter through the masses for geniuses to raise. Then they would be groomed into pillars of the alliance.

Within the Federation existed a myriad of factions, with the Skysea
Alliance as one of the most prominent. Economic-wise, however, it stood as one of the Federation’s major players.

In spite of its economic power, the Skysea Alliance was not satisfied. Although it was easy to jumpstart the economy, building a sturdy foundation was a different story. Not to mention, they had started
developing later than other regions. The continent’s mainland was filled with major cities, each possessing thousands to tens of thousands of years
of history. These cities were littered with countless ancient clans that raised powerful geniuses with profound backgrounds.

Due to its difference in history, the Skysea Alliance was woefully deficient in talents. In fact, the quality and quantity of its geniuses were beginning to decline.

All of the powerful experts were found inland. Only able to boast of its
economic might, the Skysea Alliance could not be considered powerful by any means and hovered around the continent’s middle levels of prominence.

But how could the Skysea Alliance resign itself to lose in power and prestige? In a bid to select and grow talents, the Alliance established the Skysea Alliance Tournament roughly two hundred years ago. They offered not only a generous amount of prize money but some unique prizes as well. This way, the talents would receive the support needed to further pursue their paths, which would bolster the Alliance’s strength.

At the crack of dawn, representatives from the various cities flooded into the stadium.

The arena was gigantic, hordes of people teeming within as far as the eye could see. The terrace had long since been filled with spectators. It was
Tang Wulin’s first time in such a grand stadium. Excitement permeated the air as the opening ceremony proceeded. Surrounded by so many taller
 people, Tang Wulin could hardly see what was happening. He could only hear a few encouraging words that marked the end of the ceremony.

Next came the drawing of lots for the various competitions.

This matter was handled by the teachers, leaving class zero twiddling their thumbs.

A platform materialized at the center of the arena. Immediately the mood erupted as if an ocean of gaiety poured in.

“What are they doing?” Tang Wulin asked Xie Xie.

Xie Xie answered, “Right, you wouldn’t know about this. They’re about to hold an exhibition match. I heard they paid an enormous sum to invite some powerful people from Shrek Academy this time. Their opponents will be the champions of the seven-man team competition from the last tournament. The Alliance is doing this to show everyone the gap between our strengths. Though, I’m not sure if this is the best decision.”

Gu Yue cut in from the side, “Why do you think so?”

Xie Xie simply shrugged. “Isn’t it obvious? Within a certain range, the gap in strength can be encouraging, but once the gap surpasses a certain level, it transforms into a chasm. It’ll be an insurmountable reminder that only discourages people.”

A giggle escaped from Xu Xiaoyan’s lips. “You sure know how to explain things. You’re just a child and you’ve already thought it out. Don’t you think the Alliance’s higher-ups would have come to the same conclusion? I bet they have some plan in place on how to handle this.”

“I’m starving. Does anyone have anything to eat?” A voice sounded out suddenly.

Tang Wulin turned toward the source of the noise and saw a little fatty
scurrying about the crowd, asking random strangers for food as they passed by.
 “Huh. Another glutton has appeared.” Xu Xiaoyan absentmindedly said. Xie Xie coughed. “Xiaoyan! You really have a way with words.”
Xu Xiaoyan realized her indiscretion. She hastily pursed her cherry-red lips and stuck out her tongue.

Tang Wulin didn’t mind the quip since there was no denying he was a glutton. He walked toward the little fatty.

“Here, eat this.” Tang Wulin handed him some dried fish.

Due to his high energy consumption, Tang Wulin always carried some
snacks on him like dried fish, beef jerky and other portable foods loaded in protein and calories.

“Thank you, thank you.” The little fatty’s eyes lit up at the sight of the
snack. He immediately began devouring it while nodding in satisfaction.

Seeing the little fatty eating so happily, Tang Wulin couldn’t help but feel a similar urge overtake his body. Unable to fight it, he started nibbling on
some fish too.

“It’s pretty tasty! There isn’t any dried fish as good as this where I’m from.
Thank you, big brother.” The little fatty looked around Tang Wulin’s age and had a way with flattery.

“You don’t need to call me big brother. My name is Tang Wulin. You might even be a bit older than me. How old are you?” Tang Wulin asked.

The little fatty said, “I just turned ten. How much older than me are you? There’s no way you’re younger, right?” He stood half a head shorter than Tang Wulin.

Chapter 197 – The Students of Shrek

Chapter 197 – The Students of Shrek

Tang Wulin smiled. “Then I should be about half a year older than you. What’s your name?”

The little fatty said, “My name is Xu Lizhi, but everyone just calls me Little Glutton. You can call me by that nickname too.”

A bitter laugh escaped from Tang Wulin’s lips. “We still don’t know for sure who’s the real glutton between the two of us, so I’ll just call you by your name. Are you here to participate in the competition too?”

Xu Lizhi nodded. “Yeah, that’s right! It’s really nice here. This is my first time seeing the sea so I’m planning on going for a swim later. Can you tell me what sorts of delicious seafood there are?”

He really is a glutton! Activating his storage ring, Tang Wulin retrieved another piece of dried fish for him.

“There are tons of delicious seafood here. These include briny sea urchins, tasty sea cucumbers, and scrumptious bluefin tuna. Oh right, there are also eels that taste as sweet as honey. If you’re in the mood for something different though, I recommend the goldhair crab; it beats the king crab at taste by a longshot. Even the meat is more tender. Now, if you’re in the mood for lobster, you can’t go wrong with the eastsea lobster from Eastsea City. It might be a bit pricy, but the meat is simply exquisite. The skysea lobster might have firmer meat, but its nutritional value is quite lacking.
 Not to mention, it’s a pain in the butt to chew.” Tang Wulin explained effortlessly like a food connoisseur.

Xu Lizhi’s eyes grew brighter as he listened to Tang Wulin’s summary, swallowing down a gulp of saliva. “Great! This is great! So, after the
competition is finished, do you mind showing me around? I’m already itching to try them all.”

Tang Wulin said helplessly, “It’ll depend on the time, but here’s my
communicator number. You can call me about this later.” He doubted the Skysea Alliance Tournament could have prepared a meal big enough to satisfy him and already assumed he would need to hit the streets later for some grub. Therefore, having a fellow foodie tag along was not a hassle.

Just as the two finished exchanging soul communicator numbers, an icy but pleasant voice called out. “Little Glutton, how did you run all the way over here? All you know is how to eat. Hurry up and come back.”

Tang Wulin and the Little Glutton, Xu Lizhi, turned toward the voice. The speaker was a girl around Xu Lizhi’s age, dressed in the same green
exercise clothes as him. In comparison to Xu Lizhi’s fat-filled form, her
clean-cut silhouette brought out the best in the clothes. Her golden hair was combed up into a ponytail, accentuating her large, bright, blue eyes framed by long eyelashes. They were nearly on par with Tang Wulin’s. Her skin glistened under the light, tender, and white.

Although she was likely Tang Wulin’s age, her face was a mask of stone compared to his, as if she were a little adult.

Upon the sight of her, Xu Lizhi was like a mouse facing a cat. He stood straight and said earnestly, “Big Sister Xinglan, I know I made a mistake
but I’m still starving! You know right? If I don’t eat enough, then I won’t have any strength!”

“Let’s go.” As the girl was waving Xu Lizhi over she noticed Tang Wulin nibbling on dried fish beside him. Disdain colored her words. “Don’t just eat anything you get from a stranger! Don’t you know how many bad people there are nowadays?”
 Xu Lizhi’s chubby face twitched for a moment before he turned back to face Tang Wulin, gesturing that he would call him later. He swiftly ran off, obediently following the girl.

Tang Wulin rubbed his face absentmindedly. Do I look like a bad guy?

“Who was that just now?” Xie Xie asked as he walked over. With just one glimpse of the blonde girl, his breath had nearly been taken away.

Shrugging his shoulders, Tang Wulin replied. “I don’t know either. I was just chatting with Xu Lizhi about food.”

Suddenly, an announcement was broadcasted.

“Today marks the start of the Skysea Alliance Tournament. We have invited a team specially from Shrek Academy to exchange pointers with last year’s champions. Accounting for the gap in strength, this match will be held between different age groups. The contenders are last year’s youth division champions of the seven-man team competition and Shrek Academy’s
seven-man team from the junior division. Now, will both sides please come on stage.”

The youth division against the junior division?

Tang Wulin’s eyes shifted to stare at Xu Xiaoyan. Everything was going according to her predictions. Sure enough, the higher-ups of the Skysea Alliance had considered the difference in strengths and came to this
conclusion. However, if the youth division lost to the junior division… What happened next shocked Tang Wulin even further.
The representatives of the Skysea Alliance arrived on the platform. Since they were the winners of the previous tournament, they were now all over twenty years old and should be placed in the adult division.

There were five men and two women clad in silver team uniforms, standing with confidence and valiance imbued in their hearts. Their synchronous
 movements illustrated their rigorous training while their eyes shined with excitement.

But that wasn’t what truly caught Tang Wulin by surprise. When the delegation from Shrek Academy arrived, he didn’t recognize the frontmost five people. They all wore green sportswear and were about fourteen to fifteen years old. Nevertheless, behind them were two people he could identify. In fact, he just met them not too long ago! Isn’t that the little fatty Xu Lizhi and that Xinglan girl? They were far younger than the rest of the team and immediately caught everyone’s attention.

“Huh. Hey, it’s those two! Why are they up there on the stage?” Naturally, Xie Xie recognized them too.

Dumbfounded, Xu Xiaoyan said, “Our ages are the same, yet the gap between us is so great!”

That’s right! We’re all just ten years old yet they’re already fighting in an exhibition match. More importantly, they’re representatives of the legendary Shrek Academy!

Even the usually level-headed Tang Wulin couldn’t help but admire and
envy them. No wonder that Xinglan girl was so arrogant. She has the power to back it up! Just how strong are they though?

They’re only ten years old; could they actually possess three soul rings?

The two sides greeted each other courteously. The team of seven from the Skysea Alliance towered over the students from Shrek Academy, a manifestation of their age gap.

After all, there was more than a difference of five years between them!

A fifteen-year-old boy lead the Shrek Academy’s team. Though his looks weren’t particularly flattering, his temperament held an indescribable quality. He stood tall and astute. Simply by taking a few steps forward, he drew the attention of the whole stadium.
 Tang Wulin’s eyes were peeled in anticipation of the match. It was seven versus seven, the most common form of team battles. In the last 10,000 years, this formation proved to be the optimal setup for a team of soul masters.

The two groups on stage were the cream of the crop from two different generations, especially the youngsters from Shrek Academy. It was a mystery to all just how powerful they were. Unwittingly, Tang Wulin
already began comparing himself to them. For those with ambitions, it was important to set a high goal.

Both teams gave simple self-introductions, revealing the arrogant little girl’s name. It was Ye Xinglan, a good name.

An old man served as the referee. With his profound air, after a single glance anyone would know his strength was not shallow.

“Now, let the match begin!”

The stage wasn’t particularly large, spanning less area than class zero’s
arena. There hadn’t been enough time to build a grander one and as such it was only fifty meters in diameter. Occupied by only fourteen people, the
area didn’t seem too crowded. Even so, there wasn’t much space to maneuver.

Right as the referee announced the start of the match, Shrek Academy broke into action.

Surprisingly, the first to make his move was Xu Lizhi.

With a wave of his arm, two yellow soul rings appeared under him.
Mysterious objects flew out of his hands as his first soul ring lit up. Because he was so far from the arena, Tang Wulin couldn’t see what were thrown.
Yet for some reason, he thought they resembled steamed buns.

Xu Lizhi’s six teammates each consumed one of the objects. The female teammate beside Ye Xinglan roared as three soul rings materialized beneath her feet. Two were yellow and one was purple—the optimal soul ring
 configuration. Light coalesced in her right hand to form a seven-tiered pagoda. As the first three levels of the pagoda sparkled brilliantly, its glow enveloped the stoic youth spearheading their formation.

The youth released a draconic roar as his body swelled. His arms especially grew thick and solid. Four rings rose from beneath him—two yellow, one purple, and one black. Shockingly, he had a ten-thousand-year soul ring!

Tang Wulin grew feverish as an unknown feeling welled up inside of him. It continued to expand as thunder shook the arena.

Few in the audience saw the whole process clearly. What they did see, however, was cyan light exploding on stage, followed by a baptism of lightning and thunder.

Chapter 198 – Drawing Lots

Chapter 198 – Drawing Lots

Although Tang Wulin activated the Purple Demon Eyes in a moment’s haste, he still could not penetrate the forest of azure and bolts of violet lightning zipping through the stage with his sight. The Purple Demon Eyes only magnified the details of each chaotic lightning strike.

At that moment, Tang Wulin noticed that three of the Skysea Alliance team’s members had four rings while the rest wielded three. He was able to discern the ring compositions of the three soul masters—two yellow and two purple each. However, he failed to make out the individual spirit souls. At that moment, they were engulfed by the tempest of electric bolts and thunder.


I can’t see anything in this match!

The rumbling storm didn’t let up. Instead, it grew more potent! Tang Wulin could see the silhouette of a lightning dragon wreaking havoc within the
electric blitz.

He saw the dragon and after… there was no “after”. A minute later, the match ended
The seven representatives of the Skysea Alliance collapsed on the stage while the delegation from Shrek Academy stood rooted in their previous
formation. Xu Lizhi and Ye Xinglan were stationed in the back. The young girl didn’t attack the entire battle and the little fatty was just stuffing his face with the dried fish snack, complimentary of Tang Wulin.
 Silence dominated the stands. For a single moment, not a single peep sounded from the audience of 80,000 people.

After bending over in a slight bow, the leader of Shrek Academy’s team led his teammates off the stage.

How could a battle between generations last no more than a minute? It was simply a massacre. The Skysea Alliance team didn’t even have a chance to display their strength.

The Shrek team’s assault had been swift like an eagle, arriving instantly like a howling gale. It was as if a sleeping dragon awakened to swallow its foes in the blink of an eye.

Tang Wulin heard a gulp beside him.

He turned to see Xie Xie wide-eyed and gaping, mouth opened as if
attempting to catch a fly. “Th-this is the strength of Shrek Academy? Are they even human?”

A gentle sigh escaped from Tang Wulin’s lips. “They look human. Our gap in soul rings isn’t that large, yet their coordination and explosive power are truly terrifying. No wonder Teacher Wu always stresses the importance of teamwork. These guys are just too strong.”

“Their teamwork doesn’t seem like much on the surface, but their strengths are multiplied by supporting one another. If it wasn’t so, then there’s no
way their leader could have single-handedly defeated the opposing seven- man team, even if he were that much stronger. They must have a secret to their strength. I don’t think they only spirit souls; they must possess pure soul rings too. They’ve probably hunted real soul beasts, and maybe even have a soul bone,” Xu Xiaoyan said with a grave expression. Within class
zero, she and Xie Xie were the most knowledgeable about such matters by far.

“That’s all they are.” Gu Yue’s indifferent tone startled Tang Wulin and when he faced her, he was met with arrogant eyes.
 ‘That’s all they are’? Then what does she consider powerful?

“We’ll definitely be stronger than them once we reach their age.” Gu Yue’s tone left no room for doubt.

“It’s not that hard to surpass them.” An icy voice washed over them like
chilling a tide, drawing their attention. Unknown to them, Wu Zhangkong had appeared beside the group.

“The ones just now were merely Shrek Academy’s outer court students,” Wu Zhangkong said, his voice dropping the surrounding temperature by several degrees.

Outer court?

Everyone knew that Shrek Academy had both an inner and outer court. Only the inner court nurtured the academy’s true elites.

This time, even Gu Yue was shocked.

Wu Zhangkong continued, “The outer court’s brightest and most capable students are still required to pass an inspection in order to enter the inner court. Matriculating inner court disciples must be sixteen years old or younger. Therefore, none of those on that Shrek Academy team should be inner court disciples. The ones you should all take note of are the two youngest contenders. Since they were sent to represent Shrek Academy at such a young age, their talent surpasses that of common men without a
doubt. They have likely already been selected as inner court candidates. As such, they will also be… your greatest rivals.”

Wu Zhangkong word’s shook the hearts of his students. Our greatest rivals? What does that mean?

“Teacher Wu, why would we compete with them?” Xu Xiaoyan was flabbergasted.

Wu Zhangkong glanced at her. “That’s because I’m training you all to enter Shrek Academy’s inner court and fulfill my unfulfilled desire.”
 Tang Wulin said, “Teacher Wu, are you saying you couldn’t join the inner court?”

Bitterness tugged at the corners of Wu Zhangkong’s mouth. “I entered, but I never graduated.”

Long Bing? Tang Wulin suddenly recalled this name. Could Teacher Wu’s failure to graduate from the inner court be because of that person?

“These matters are too far in the future for you to worry about. Just do your best for now. Entering Shrek Academy will be a long and arduous road. I’ve drawn the lots; the matches begin tomorrow.”

Wu Zhangkong didn’t bother informing them of their opponents. For both the individual and team competition, the first round would be a knockout battle. Anyone who loses would be immediately eliminated from the

Two events would be conducted the next day.One of them would be the blacksmith’s, which would also have a knockout round. As such, Tang Wulin would be participating in a total of three competitions.

His eyes landed on the matchups, pupils darting left and right as they followed the various interweaving lines linking their competitors to their fights.

Due to the low number of participants and minimal space requirement, the blacksmith’s event would be the opening act. As for the individual and team battles, they would occur across the eight arenas prepared by the Skysea
Alliance Tournament. For the individual event, Tang Wulin was assigned to the Skysea Stadium, a short trek away from the blacksmith’s competition.
Luck seemed to be smiling down on him.

The team competition was also conducted in the stadium, but in the
afternoon. Since the blacksmiths would compete in the morning, Tang Wulin should make the individual event by the skin of his teeth.
 Wu Zhangkong offered his students neither helpful analyses nor advice; instead, he simply told them to return to the hotel later to prepare. As for him, he would be going ahead.

“Teacher Wu is such an irresponsible man!” Xie Xie muttered. Gu Yue looked at him. “Do you dare say that to his face?”
Xu Xiaoyan was even more direct. “I’m telling on you to Teacher Wu!”

Xie Xie said in indignance, “What have I done to provoke you two! Am I your mortal enemy?”

Xu Xiaoyan giggled. “Who told you to grow up not as handsome as Teacher Wu and Tang Wulin?”

“This big bro is handsome! People will understand in the future! You just can’t yet comprehend how dashing I am.” Disdain tinged Xie Xie’s words.

“Let’s go back. I think the reason Teacher Wu didn’t give us any advice is because it would be pointless. Since that’s the case, we’ll only have ourselves to rely on. We have the individual competitions tomorrow morning; let’s all do our best. We’ll formulate some tactics when it comes time for the team matches.”

Chapter 199 – Eating Together

Chapter 199 – Eating Together

Tang Wulin had pretty much hit the nail right on the head in regards to Wu Zhangkong’s line of thought. Practical combat experience at their age was more beneficial to their growth than anything else. The battles in the spirit ascension platform and spars with their teacher were engraved into their very being. Such experiences culminated into growth.

So what if our opponent is strong? Today, the Skysea Alliance’s team clearly had the edge in soul rings, yet they still lost in under a minute!

So what if they’re older and have better soul rings? All that matters is how much strength we’re able to display and if we can grasp victory!

Tang Wulin was convinced that no matter how formidable their opponent was, as long as they brought out their full power, then even Wu Zhangkong couldn’t say anything should they lose.

The city bustled with activity now that the Skysea Alliance Tournament was in full-swing. Tournaments attracted people, so visitors from all over the
east coast had traveled to Skysea City.

The city came to life once night fell. People swarmed the restaurants, delighting in delicacies and fine liquor.

“Did you sneak out?” Tang Wulin asked Xu Lizhi. The little fatty was sitting beside him, gorging himself on food.

Xu Lizhi had invited him out to eat in the afternoon. Tang Wulin was happy to agree of course, but when they met, he saw that Xu Lizhi had disguised himself. He had clearly snuck out.
 “Mhmm. This tofu fish is really good. It’s delicate and soft, yet so fragrant, so delicious. Tang Wulin, you really know how to eat!” The little fatty Xu Lizhi exclaimed as he stuffed himself.

Although Tang Wulin wasn’t a resident of Skysea City, there wasn’t much of a difference between Skysea City and Eastsea City’s seafood.
Furthermore, he had spent his entire life on the coast, so how could he not know what was tasty?

“Hey, why aren’t you eating?” Xu Lizhi asked.

Tang Wulin smiled. “There would be nothing left for you if I eat.” What he didn’t mention was how expensive this food was. Eating would bring him both joy and suffering in this case. Treating Xu Lizhi to a meal was enough.

Xu Lizhi said, “Come on, eat! It’s more fun to eat together. You lead the
way and I’ll pay. You’re not a resident of Skysea City anyway so you don’t have to host me, alright?”

Tang Wulin burst into laughter. “You really want me to eat? Are you sure you want to treat me? Let me tell you; I’ve got quite the stomach.”

Xu Lizhi waved a hand dismissively as if swatting a fly. “It’s just a bit of money to eat. Come on, let’s feast. We’ll deal with it after we’re full.”

“Alright! Boss, I want to order one salt-crusted baked bluefin tuna.” Tang Wulin immediately called out.

Hesitating, the boss asked, “Do you have more guests coming?” Tang Wulin shook his head.
The boss said, “Do you know how big a bluefin tuna is?”

Tang Wulin said, “Of course. It should be at least fifty kilograms, so you
should start preparing it now since it will take a long time to bake. Right, I also want fifty rose sea urchins, two baked fish heads and…” Tang Wulin continued listing dishes.
 Xu Lizhi didn’t mind and instead applauded him. Soon, the entire restaurant was swept up by their pace.
Despite lagging behind Tang Wulin, Xu Lizhi could keep eating without pause, showcasing his frightening endurance. They were children after all. When they saw one another going at it, they couldn’t help but compete.

As the dishes piled up on the table, the two increased their tempo, cheeks trembling as they chewed and swallowed.

The legend of the gluttonous Tang Wulin had been confined to Eastsea City, but today it debuted in Skysea City.

A short while later, shells and dishes piled up like a mountain across two tables.

“You really know how to eat! This is the first time I’ve met someone who could compete with me in terms of eating. Stuffing myself has never been so cool.” Xu Lizhi exclaimed in admiration and flashed Tang Wulin a big thumbs up.

Tang Wulin laughed mischievously. “This is also my first time meeting someone who can eat as much as I do. This seafood is really filling and
high in protein. Here, try some. This rose sea urchin is delicious. Not only is the meat fragrant, it’s also filled with flavor. If you let it sit for two hours, the flavor completely transforms! That’s why you can’t say you’ve tasted its true deliciousness until you’ve visited a coastal city.”

“Wow! It really is delicious.”

Xu Lizhi gradually found it harder and harder to continue devouring food. His belly swelled until it was a perfect sphere and all he could do was lean back against his chair, gaping at Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin’s pace hadn’t
slowed at all even now, and his stomach was still as flat as always It was almost as if he were a starved man seeing food for the first time.
 “I-I can’t continue. You’re amazing; I concede. Since you can eat so much, I’ll call you Big Bro from now on.” Xu Lizhi patted his stomach as he panted, his face a picture of contentment and respect.

“Ah hah! So you’re here!” At that moment, a familiar voice cut through their sweet atmosphere like a knife.

Without pausing from feasting, Tang Wulin turned toward the voice to see a furious Ye Xinglan barging her way in. She headed straight for Xu Lizhi.

“D-don’t hit me Big Sister Xinglan! I know I was wrong, but I ate really
well! Please don’t hit me! I’ve eaten so much so that if you do, I might puke it all out. Wouldn’t that be a waste? This is really delicious. Do you want to join us?”

Ye Xinglan’s mood lightened at his words. This guy is such a glutton.

But when she shifted her gaze to their table, she nearly jumped up from fright. Did a whole army come to eat?

Plates, bowls and debris from all sorts of food were scattered across two round tables. Seated across from Xu Lizhi, Tang Wulin continued to pull
apart a crab’s leg with expert movements. After biting both sides, he broke open the shell, squeezed out the white crab meat and slurped it up without leaving a single scrap.

Seeing him eat so merrily, Ye Xinglan couldn’t help but feel a bit hungry herself.

“Are you the one who seduced him to come out?” Ye Xinglan’s brows shot up as she recalled their meeting earlier today. She had taken note of him due to his good looks and large, warm eyes. The fact that he invited Xu Lizhi out, however, seemed suspicious to reek of taking advantage of their Shrek Academy affiliation to her.

“You want to join us?” Tang Wulin ignored her accusation.

At that moment, the boss called out, “Here’s the salt baked bluefin tuna!”
 As Ye Xinglan turned around and saw the fish, her eyes went wide. That’s… that’s just too big!
Just how massive was a fish that weighed over fifty kilograms? It was one meter in length, thick and solid. The sizeable crust of sea salt on its surface was like a mountain’s peak. Due to its size, the fish was delivered to the table by trolley.

The boss was convinced now—these two gluttons really could devour an entire bluefin tuna. The mountain of plates was a testament to that.

Laughing heartily, the boss said, “Just wait a moment, I’ll get a hammer to smash it open for you. My salt-crusted baked bluefin tuna is definitely one of the best dishes in Skysea City.”

Tang Wulin smiled. “You don’t need to trouble yourself. I can do it.” He made his way to the bluefin tuna.
To ensure that the inner meat stayed tender and juicy, it was protected by a thick coating of salt. Furthermore, because the bluefin tuna was bulky, it needed at least a centimeter of coating; any thinner and the taste would
suffer, no matter how much shorter the cooking time would be. By now, dusk had already swept through the skies.

With such a thick layer of salt, even an adult needed a hammer to crack it open.

But to Tang Wulin, this was nothing.

His heavy silver hammer materialized in his hands in a flash of light and he swung at the salt crust.

A dull thump echoed throughout the room. Following that, a crack snaked its way along the crust. After two successive swings of the hammer, it split open all the way.
 Tang Wulin put away his hammer and brushed the salt off with his hands, revealing tender white meat beneath. A heavy fragrance immediately burst out, flooding his nostrils.

This prompted Xu Lizhi to shoot up from his seat, staring at the bluefin tuna with the intent to swallow it whole.

“Y-y-you, why didn’t you tell me about this sooner! What do I do, I’m too full right now! N-no! I can’t let things end like this. I’m going to go
exercise for a bit. Don’t you dare finish it without me! I’ll be back in a few minutes.” The little fatty lurched outside.

Tang Wulin casually retrieved a clean plate and used his knife to carve a large chunk of meat for himself.

Just as he was about to sit down and eat, he remembered the girl in front of him. Accustomed to caring for Na’er in his childhood, he took another plate and handed it to her. “Why don’t you have some?”

In truth, Ye Xinglan had already succumbed to shock after taking in the size of the bluefin tuna.

This was her first time seeing such a giant fish. Not to mention, it was
served with expert cooking techniques. Although she was stronger and had a steadier temperament than her peers, she was still a ten-year-old child. Ye Xinglan couldn’t help but be enticed by such a delicacy.

“Mn, okay.” She didn’t hesitate to accept the plate. She grabbed a clean fork from the side, sat herself in Xu Lizhi’s seat and began eating.

Chapter 200 – Paying the Bill

Chapter 200 – Paying the Bill

Tang Wulin grinned as he approached the tuna’s head and pulled apart the salt crust, and revealing its delicate meat underneath. He slid a knife between the cheekbones and cut out a chunk of meat the size of his palm with one swift circular motion before placing it on a second plate.

He offered the plate to Ye Xinglan. “Try this; it’s the best part of the fish. Bluefin tuna has a lot of collagen because it swims in the deep sea, and this section is packed full of it. The collagen, when combined with its tender flesh, bursts with flavor on the tongue.”

Once he handed the plate to her, he grabbed his own and carved out another piece for himself. He sat down with a grin and continued to eat.

Such carefree indulgence brought forward a splendid feeling.

It’s really good! Ye Xinglan thought to herself as she savored the supple meat. She sent a furtive glance toward Tang Wulin. There’s no way this guy can be this nice; he must be hiding something. I need to be careful of him.

This fish is so delicious though! I’ll finish eating first before dealing with him.

The two continued to gorge themselves. The only dissatisfaction Ye
Xinglan harbored was that Tang Wulin had never raised his head once to look at her—he was too preoccupied eating.

She had thought that Xu Lizhi was the pinnacle of gluttony, but today Tang Wulin had proven she was wrong. Tang Wulin thoroughly surpassed Xu Lizhi in this regard. She found it truly frightening. Heaps and heaps of meat
 entered his stomach like factory products traveling on a conveyor belt, yet his pace never faltered. It even seemed to accelerate.

Ye Xinglan mulled things over as she chewed and swallowed. This guy really is an unrivaled glutton. Well, I admit that the fish is delicious.

The sea salt complimented the meat’s savouriness, preserving the juiciness and creating an umami-filled adventure. Her plate had the most delicious tidbit, courtesy of Tang Wulin. The fragrant collagen and the tuna’s soft flesh would forever be engraved in her memory, standing out as her most
spectacular food experience.

Half of the tuna had been consumed by the time Xu Lizhi returned. He howled at the sight before promptly diving in to join the glutton forces.

In the midst of the excitement, Tang Wulin set aside a finger-licking morsel for the other boy. The moment Xu Lizhi dug into the piece of tuna cheek, his face went slack with contentment. It was as if he had transcended to a higher realm.

A while later, the restaurant’s boss stood stupefied as he stared at the trio with his mouth agape. Three kids had actually succeeded in devouring a
fifty kilogram fish. Ye Xinglan’s cold haughtiness cracked open like a shell, revealing a demeanor irreconcilable with the initial impression of her. She leaned back into her chair. This was the first time in her life that she had felt so full. If she moved another inch, her belly would burst.

“Hey, what’s your name?” Ye Xinglan asked Tang Wulin.

“Tang Wulin.” Despite eating the most, Tang Wulin was still as calm as ever. He may have ingested more protein than usual during this meal, but the sheer amount of food he ate didn’t stray too far from the norm.

“How are you able to eat so much? Don’t you feel bloated at all?” Ye Xinglan asked in disbelief.

Tang Wulin beamed, “Let me tell you guys a secret; actually, I have a dragon in my stomach and it’s the one eating all this food.”
 His half truths left Xu Lizhi and Ye Xinglan in a daze.

“A dragon in your stomach? How did it get there?” Xu Lizhi asked.

Tang Wulin shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. I was born with it. This is the reason why I can eat so much. By the way, your match today was so awesome! By the time I blinked, you guys had won.”

A look of pride crossed Xu Lizhi’s face. “Of course. We’re Shrek after all. We’ve always been peerless.”

Those words seemed to trigger Ye Xinglan’s alertness. She kicked the little fatty’s leg under the table before craning her neck toward Tang Wulin.
“We’re leaving now. You settle the bill.”

“I already said I’m hosting!” Xu Lizhi was a man of his words. Ye Xinglan scowled at him. “Do you have money?”
“Eh…” Xu Lizhi was at a loss for words. “How did I forget about that…”

Tang Wulin was speechless. Can’t he be more reliable… If I had known this earlier, I wouldn’t have eaten so much!

“What kind of expression is that?” Ye Xinglan said as she glared at Tang Wulin’s stiffened face. “You should know, it’s an honor to treat us to dinner.”

After a moment of incredulity, Tang Wulin nodded his head. “Yeah! It really is an honor. You guys sit down first. I’ll go settle the bill.” Saying so, he stood up and walked away.

Since they were sitting in a lounge, he had to turn and make a beeline for the front desk.

Once he was out of sight, Ye Xinglan smacked the top of Xu Lizhi’s head. “Why did you sneak out! Let’s see how I’ll deal with you once we get back.”
 Xu Lizhi pulled an indignant face. “Big sister Xinglan, I made a mistake, but didn’t you eat happily, too? Everything’s fine if you had a good time. What are you hitting me for?”

Ye Xinglan snorted. “We’re from Shrek; just how many people do you think are scheming about us? I don’t think that Tang Wulin is any good. I bet he
approached us with ulterior motives.”

After a few blinks, Xu Lizhi retorted “No way. When we first met, he gave me some dried fish to eat. That was before he knew which academy I’m from.”

The corners of Ye Xinglan’s mouth began to twitch. “How are you so sure about that? I bet the Skysea Alliance has been watching you and making
plans on how to approach you. If you don’t believe me, then just wait. Once he he comes back, he’ll definitely think of some way to get closer to us.”

Xu Lizhi faced the direction Tang Wulin had departed. “Huh, shouldn’t he be back by now?”

Disdain dripped from Ye Xinglan’s words, “He probably went to the washroom after eating so much.”


After another quarter of an hour, Tang Wulin still hadn’t returned.

“He sure is taking a long time in the washroom! He ate a lot, so a lot comes out?” Xu Lizhi mumbled.

“Go look for him.” Ye Xinlan ordered Xu Lizhi, the beginnings of a storm rumbling in her chest. The reason she had been so forceful in having him pay was that she didn’t have any money either! Since they were here to represent Shrek, she hadn’t brought any cash.

It wasn’t long before Xu Lizhi dragged his chubby self back.

“I-I can’t find him. Big Sister Xinglan, I think he left! I bet it’s because you were so rude to him. He probably dipped after paying the bill. See? I told
 you he wasn’t trying to get close to us.”

Ye Xinglan said, “This is the so-called ‘capturing by letting loose’, you know? Let’s go then.”

She got up with Xu Lizhi and set off.

“Hey, you two children. Hold up. Aren’t you going to pay the bill?” The boss came over and stopped the two.

On his trip back to the hotel, Tang Wulin couldn’t help but feel invigorated as the cool sea breeze brushed against his face.

As for the bill? He wouldn’t have acted that way had Xu Lizhi not promised to pay. It was a pricy meal after all! He didn’t believe that students from Shrek Academy’s students could be short on money.

What really put him in a bad mood, however, was how Ye Xinglan tried to take advantage of him and how cheaply she treated him. She acted as if having a meal with me was charity work! Since that’s how she views it, then she can pay the bill herself. I’ll save myself some money. The thought of her made him roll his eyes.

For this reason, Tang Wulin didn’t hesitate to leave immediately. Why
should I kiss the asses of those Shrek Academy students if they look down on me! If they don’t want to be friends, then I’ll just keep my distance.
Naturally, Tang Wulin had his own bottom line and paid his share of the bill
—one third.

He was really self-indulgent today, so he began meditating as soon as he returned to the hotel. Of course, he didn’t forget to block Xu Lizhi’s number from his soul communicator. He didn’t want any trouble; he’ll pretend that he had never met them.

In reality and unknown to Tang Wulin, Ye Xinglan’s arrogant eyes had aroused his own pride.

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