Shen Yin Wang Zuo Chapter 711-720

Chapter 711

Finally, the earth mage’s incarnation was completed. If he had given all he had in defense, the Divine Light Waltz may have taken longer to pierce its way through, but just to maintain his domain technique’s offense, Long Haochen’s expenditure of spiritual energy was astronomic. He had to last as long as possible, so that even if Long Haochen finally achieved victory, he wouldn’t have much spiritual energy left anyway.

But this earth mage was just unwilling! After having made it so far, who would give up a chance of achieving victory? So he chose to launch his strongest attack, finally ready.

A mini person made of sparkling earth essence appeared, drilling into the ground immediately. At the time it resurfaced, it had become a gigantic form of earth essence over ten meters tall.

Shockingly, its body joined with the Starry Diamond Barrier, as if becoming made of diamond.

Springing up and joining his fists, he sent it smashing at Long Haochen. Upon its appearance, the earth essence within the internal barrier of the stadium had risen up dramatically. Like that, he nimbly landed, shifting just enough to evade the horizontal cut from Divine Light Waltz.

The corners of Long Haochen’s mouth traced a thin smile. This was the chance he was waiting for! If the opponent had only persisted with using his domain’s barrier, there would be nothing else to be done than breaking
Perhaps the defensive power of this Diamond Earth Elemental alone was no match for Diamond Starry Barrier. But don’t forget, it had yet to benefit from the domain’s boost, and was after all a magic that had achieved independence from its master.

A purplish-golden radiance flashed through Long Haochen’s eyes, and the next instant, a massive figure took shape right above him. Its tail was swung like a hammer, violently whipping the Diamond Earth Elemental. In the meantime, a six-colored halo flared up.

Six Element Essence of Disorder!

The Diamond Earth Elemental could be categorized as an existence reaching the forbidden spell level, yet it was sent flying by that heavy blow. More terrifyingly, when that six-colored halation was diffused, changes occurred on both the Diamond Earth Elemental and the mage’s Starry Diamond Barrier.

All the earth essence pulsed chaotically throughout Essence of Disorder, although the Diamond Earth Elemental was better off, being a supreme earth elemental summon. Although Essence of Disorder caused several cracks to appear on its massive body, that did not end up being enough to shatter it thoroughly.

Even so, the earth mage on the other side was forced back.

Originally, when reduced into a state of passive defense by Long Haochen’s Divine Light Waltz, he was hoping to rely on the Diamond Earth Elemental to reverse the situation. But who could expect

Divine Light Waltz was also somewhat affected, but that domain technique was of a higher level, and furthermore used Long Haochen’s supremely pure light, hence it was less affected than his opponent’s.

Crack. The Starry Diamond Barrier smashed to pieces, Divine Light Waltz now looked about to cut through that earth elemental mage.
This earth mage kept performing outstandingly. In a flash of white light, the Diamond Earth Elemental shifted its position, arriving in front of him, and blocked Divine Light Waltz midway.

However, the earth mage’s domain was ripped apart alongside the Earth Diamond Barrier. How could it recover instantly?

The Diamond Elemental had a massive wound, earth element having gotten splattered across in front of Divine Light Waltz’s terrifying cutting force. A body which was originally already full of cracks was almost split in two on the torso level.

After Divine Light Waltz vanished, Long Haochen swung his sword in the air once again. This time, his body was surrounded by an intense purplish golden gloss. Sword Intent and Sword Soul were wielded harmoniously, with Haoyue’s bloodline force added to that.

A purplish-gold sword light transpired through the sky, making way into that massive wound of the Diamond Earth Elemental.

In a flash of yellow light, the earth mage’s body flashed across to avoid getting taken down alongside his summon.

The Diamond Earth

Pop. The massive body crumbled, smashing to the ground.

Haoyue appeared in front of it once again, sweeping his tail to instantly crush the Diamond Earth Elemental in two, sending fragments flying. At the same time, the six huge heads roared, unrestrainedly launching six breaths at the earth mage.

The earth mage was already quite panicked. The Starry Diamond Barrier couldn’t recover in such a short time; as he was having to face Haoyue’s attacks, he was only able to launch series of low-level earth barriers.
The battle having reached this point, the outcome was already without suspense. Long Haochen’s figure flashed, and he appeared behind the mage as Elemental Obliterating Halo was liberated.

The Starry Diamond Barrier could block the Elemental Obliterating Halo. This low-level barrier couldn’t withstand it so easily however. Adding Haoyue’s attacks from the other side, it took only one minute for this earth mage to choose to concede.

Fourth qualification from the Demon Hunt Squad Bright Glimmer of Hope.

At this point, Bright Glimmer of Hope had the complete upperhand in this individual competition. They basically only had one round left: although another knight had made it to the top six, he did not have much strength left, and so the final matter was to see whether

In the fifth round, every winner could gain sixteen points, thus causing great variations in the total points.

Bright Glimmer of Hope had four members qualified from the fifth round, bringing them sixty-four points in total. Adding that to their previous ninety-six points, they had in total one hundred sixty points. The Knight Temple and Mage Temple’s qualified member brought them respectively to one hundred five and ninety-eight total points, ranked second and third. The other three Temples’ total points remained the same, fifty-eight for the Spiritual Temple, thirty-four for the Assassin Temple and twenty-four for the Warrior Temple.

At this point, Bright Glimmer of Hope already led by a wide margin, leaving no suspense for who would become champion of the individual competition.

Before this gathering, no one could expect the individual competition to end up with such results. There had never been a single Temple showing such impressive results in all the past Temples’ Great Gatherings.
For sure, luck had its role for these results, in addition to the secret help from the Knight Temple they benefited from. But without sufficient strength, there’s no way they would have made it so far! Amongst the four, three had domains of their own, and one had eliminated a domain-wielding opponent. Be it in technique, strategy or strength, Bright Glimmer of Hope fully deserved to call themselves a Titled Demon Hunt Squad.

Chapter 712

“Sixth round, start.” Chen Zidian’s voice was still full of grandeur, as the final ranking’s round for the individual competition started.

Long Haochen immediately returned to the lounge upon the end of his match. What he wanted the least was to be in the first match. As long as he would not be the first, he would have some time to recover, due to the Heart of Eternity’s formidable recovery, which filled him with confidence on this aspect.

It is unknown whether the light of selection had its own will to make things like that, but its first light lit on Long Haochen, while the other one accurately illuminated Li Zhengzhi’s body.

When the two lights of selections had settled, the whole Alliance’s Great Stadium was visibly in total disorder.

The first match of the sixth round was unexpectedly opposing Long Haochen and Li Zhengzhi.

One could say that this was the most crucial battle out of the whole individual competition. If Li Zhengzhi managed to defeat Long Haochen, although the Mage Temple’s total points would still be behind Bright Glimmer of Hope, it wouldn’t be by much. And with Li Zhengzhi figuring in the top three, even if the other two spots were to belong to two members of Bright Glimmer of Hope, the number one powerhouse of the Alliance would surely be acknowledged by a lot to be him.

It wasn’t easy to say whether this
But, no matter what, since the light of selection had made its pick, it wouldn’t be changed now.

Long Haochen had a quite severe expression, while Li Zhengzhi looked quite happy, obviously pleased with the light of selection’s choice. Going up against Long Haochen was his most desirable outcome.

The two of them faced off each other. The instant they made it on stage, the whole audience went totally silent, devoid of the slightest whisper.

Long Haochen placed his right fist on the left of his chest, performing a standard knight salute in front of Li Zhengzhi.

“Greetings, Temple Head Li.”

Li ZhenGzhi revealed a humble smile, deeply moved he declared , “I really didn’t expect you to be my final opponent in this Temple’s Great Gathering. Do you remember what I told you a few years back? That the next Temples’ Great Gathering would be the time for you to challenge me. But you have shifted this time ten years ahead.”

“The future is a world for you youngsters, but what I have said doesn’t change. If you want to take my place in challenging the Demon God Emperor, you must defeat me.

Long Haochen nodded lightly and moved his right fist horizontally for another salute before his six wings that had vanished just a bit earlier reappeared, bringing him aloft.

Li Zhengzhi started a rapid chant, shifting his gaze to be locked onto Long Haochen. A dense green light spread as his chant carried a fantastic rhythm to the ears of everyone present.

Long Haochen did not opt for an offensive approach in the same way as the previous Lightspeed Flash. The Heart of Eternity pulsed intensely on his chest to recover his spiritual energy, and in the meantime, his right hand was pointed in front of him, summoning the Divine Unicorn Star King back to his side.
“Star King, lend me your strength.” Long Haochen groped his head.

Star King nodded lightly, extending his wings, as a dazzling starlight of seven colors shone on its horn.

The next instant, the seven colors spread again, covering Long Haochen and his mount in their scope.

Long Haochen rode Star King, the multicolored starlight falling and going back up, to form a multicolored pillar of light, going all the way to the top of the barrier.

Although Star King had already become a Divine Unicorn, its foundations were still the same, a Starlight Unicorn king’s.

This was its Star Domain.

Originally, for the sake of assisting Long Haochen, he had once forcefully used this skill. But now that it reached the ninth step

A light essence of incomparable intensity gathered inside Long Haochen’s body in the midst of the Heart of Eternity’s intense pulse: his spiritual energy was replenished at a frightening speed.

Star King’s eyes lit up, and with a long hiss, the horn atop its head lit up, wrapping Long Haochen and itself in light, so that their silhouettes were hidden from the outside world.

Everyone had their own trump cards: just like Li Zhengzhi had yet to use his most powerful ability, Long Haochen also had yet to reveal his most powerful mode.

When facing Yang Haoyu, he did not have the opportunity to unleash it, as he had to utilize his domain nonstop and resist the opponent. But right now, when facing Li Zhengzhi, and as this was most likely his last match, why would Long Haochen show any more reservations?

The multicolored radiance vanished, and when Long Haochen reappeared to everyone’s sight, the audience couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of him.
Right now, his whole body was shining under the illumination of his multicolor armor, flowing with multicolored light rippling out. From the looksof it, he appeared to have a demeanor very close to Divine Knights.

The multicolored light was a sign of divine tools: the Divine Unicorn transformed into a multicolored armor was equivalent to a divine-tool-level armor!

As a supreme-level transformed mount, the Divine Unicorn which seemed to be just a supportive character, and furthermore not up to much, was visibly underestimated by a lot. As it turned out, although Star King had just evolved recently, and had yet to acquire a lot of a Divine Unicorn’s abilities, he was still a genuine Divine Unicorn!

The Divine Armor put on him, Long Haochen’s eyes leaked a dazzling glow. Adding to that his six-winged appearance and extremely handsome face, it drew the gazes of all the females present to him.

“Haoyue!” Long Haochen shouted loudly at once.

In a dazzle of purple gold, Haoyue reappeared by his side, this time turned into a purplish-golden radiance rushing forth toward Long Haochen.

The spectators had all witnessed Haoyue’s armor transformation. That’s also what happened in the match between Long Haochen and Yang Haoyue, which combined with his domain’s evolution enabled him to achieve victory.

Could he be planning to equip double armors? thought most. However, they rapidly realized their mistake.
Haoyue did not transform into his armor form, but into a gigantic sword, appearing in Long Haochen’s hands.

The Divine Unicorn Armor and Haoyue transformed into a purplishgold Haoyue Sword. That’s Long Haochen’s strongest mode, even in a situation without the use of any equipment from him!

Chapter 713

It was the first time for Haoyue to transform into a sword. Compared to Long Haochen’s other two divine swords, Haoyue’s transformation was much more massive in size.

The sword itself was over three meters long, colored purplish gold, with a one meter long hilt. Long Haochen also needed to use his two hands to wield it correctly.

This ultra-large sword had nine lines stretching from the handle upto the sharp point. Six mini Haoyue heads extended from the thick blade, all spouting as if the edge came from their breath.

While gripping this heavy sword, Long Haochen felt an incomparably tyrannical power surge out from this heavy sword. Linked with the bloodline force in him, its power seemed as if an extension of his own body.

As a knight, Long Haochen had a keen link with his weapon. In front of this Purplish-Gold Haoyue Sword, even Blue Rain, Hibiscus of Light of the Aria of the Goddess of Light seemed lackluster. Imperceptibly, he sensed the aura of a six-elemental Essence of Disorder surging out from this gigantic sword. How could he imagine that Haoyue would reach such a level of power after transforming into a sword?

As Long Haochen’s two magical beast companions transformed into equipment forms, on the other side, Li Zhengzhi’s forbidden spell was done getting cast.

An immense green shadow appeared behind him. Wind God Summon.
An immense wind god looking the same as Li Zhengzhi appeared out of nowhere. Right off the bat, that massive figure was fifteen meters long, but bizarrely, its volume compressed itself, and in just a little while, it reached a length of five meters. Although it remained relatively huge, that made it a lot nimbler. All clad in greenish golden armor, it wielded a pair of axes.

That was Li Zhengzhi’s Wind God Summon, clearly different from the wind god used against Chen Ying’er. Not only its weapons differed, but it gave off an entirely different feeling.

Li Zhengzhi’s whole body flashed in green color. In a

Waves of golden light surged in tides, flocking frantically towards Long Haochen.

Long Haochen remained very calm, and his Divine Unicorn turned into a multicolored armor liberating flashes of golden light, accompanying the release of the Light God Domain.

Two brilliances of golden and green color clashed each other.

Due to Li Zhengzhi’s domain technique, the instant the two brilliances flashed through the sky, Long Haochen’s Light God Domain had a burst of power. But one could clearly see that where the two great domain techniques clashed, a white fire was ignited. Wind blew through this white flower, causing a remarkable shaking as well as a rise of strands of blue flames.

Elemental suppression.

This was an elemental suppression appearing in the midst of a contest of domains.

From Long Haochen’s view, this was the last match of the individual competition, so he no longer showed any reservations. The power of the Light God Domain came out in full swing, erupting all around. The light essence of extreme purity was sufficient to suppress powerhouses of any elemental attribute.
Li Zhengzhi’s domain technique also wielded some of the wind god’s power, and at his cultivation level, his wind attribute was compressed to a great extent since long ago, but an insurmountable gulf still separated it from Long Haochen in terms of purity.

Long Haochen’s light attribute came not only from his Scion of Light Physique, but moreover from the upgrade of the Divine Snail Shield of Sun and Moon and the assimilation of Elux’s physique as a Scion of Light. The three great light entities reached such a level that even if the Goddess of Light herself were to came out in front of him, her spiritual energy’s purity may not even be a match. So, light god was truly

Li Zhengzhi’s domain was named wind god, but that was just a name, not the true wind god’s power. Even if the purity of his attribute were to be a match for Long Haochen, wind remains inferior to light.

As a result, although Long Haochen’s Light God Domain looked constricted, he actually had the advantage in the clash of domains.

The wind god made its move. Flashing across, it arrived at the point of collision between the two domains. Waving the blade in its hand, it immediately sent a greenish-gold ray flying through the Light God Domain, carrying along a hazy mist.

Even if this blade was still far from Long Haochen, he felt very clearly its sharpness, perfectly combining blade intent and wind.

Long Haochen felt secretly alarmed. Li Zhengzhi was a mage! But even in this capacity, he managed to deploy blade intent with his sheer technique. That was really a shocking talent.

Long Haochen didn’t avoid, neither did he shrink back. In this situation, if he were to retreat, Li Zhengzhi’s attack would certainly make way inside the Light God Domain, and thanks to his own Wind God Domain, he wouldn’t get too much affected by the Light God Domain. But more importantly, should his domain be breached through, Long Haochen would be unable to utilize the Divine Light Waltz he had just comprehended recently.
So, Long Haochen faced the attack, coming up after his figure flashed. Wielding the Purplish-Gold Haoyue Sword in his hands, he performed a downwards hacking motion.

A purplish-golden sword ray was abruptly released from the Purplish- Gold Haoyue Sword, but to Long Haochen’s shock, his sword soul was actually unable to merge into Haoyue’s sword form. This gigantic sword gave off the feeling that it would reject everything other than his spiritual energy and sword intent.

The purplish-golden sword ray was over one meter long, vastly contrasting with Li Zhengzhi’s Wind God blade ray. But these two powerful lights produced an unexpected scene at the time of their clash.

The current wind god was entirely

But the instant his longblade came into contact with Haochen’s Purplish Gold Haoyue Sword, Li Zhengzhi felt indescribable surges of terror from his brain, and immediately, the sword rays emitted from that longsword turned purple.

In a flash of purplish-gold, a rainbow light seeped out from the massive sword in Long Haochen’s hands. That terrifying power full of destruction and havoc forced Li Zhengzhi to draw back swiftly as he flipped his blongblade, forcefully cutting his connection with the blade rays.

Everywhere those purplish-golden sword rays passed, the hurricanes within the Wind God Domain were smashed to pieces, as the rays would keep travelling until reaching the defensive barrier on the edges of the field, causing it to tremble violently before piercing a hole inside, passing through it, and smashing into the ceiling of the Alliance’s Great Stadium.

To say nothing about Li Zhengzhi’s dilemma, even Long Haochen himself was shocked. He absolutely didn’t expect Haoyue’s sword transformation to reach such a terrifying level. This seemed to be beyond the power of any ordinary divine tool.
When sensing it, that purplish-golden sword ray did not give off an excessively powerful feeling. But Li Zhengzhi’s wind elemental Spiritual Highland was simply routed upon contact.

This was already beyond divine power. From the Purple-Gold Haoyue Sword, Long Haochen could feel clearly a frantic demeanor seeking for destruction. He subconsciously lifted it horizontally.

Immediately, a purplish-golden curtain of light extended, sweeping away all the hurricanes

After a short time of shock, Li Zhengzhi came back to his senses. Once again waving the longsword in his hands, a small-sized wind blade was shot out, aiming straight at Long Haochen. That was the second domain technique he also had to use in his fight against Chen Ying’er, Freedom.

This domain technique filled with the true essence of wind took a flash to arrive in front of Long Haochen, who slightly drew back, pointing the Purplish-Gold Haoyue Sword forward.

Dang. A sonorous sound reverberated in the air.

The wind blade ruptured, but countless gales swept at Long Haochen’s direction.

The Purplish-Gold Haoyue Sword was waved once again, and from it came out a drizzling brilliance. In just a split second, that explosive wind blade disappeared completely in the midst of purple rays.

This was the six elemental Essence of Disorder combined with his bloodline force.

After making this short attempt, Long Haochen gradually came into the realization that the whole earth was in his grasp with a sword in his hand.

This was the tyrannical bearing brought by Haoyue. This was a supra- divine tool that only he could control. Although he did not know how
Haoyue achieved this, no one could deny the power of a divine sword that could even stand in front of Li Zhengzhi’s second domain technique.

However, after a short time of interaction, Long Haochen also realized some issues withthe Purplish Gold Haoyue Sword. First, this divine sword could only be infused with pure spiritual energy, and consumed his spiritual energy massively. Three sword strikes had depleted over thirty thousand of his spiritual energy. In the meantime, when using this divine sword, no offensive technique could be used alongside it. Only pure slashes and strikes.

This was with Haoyue in a six-headed state. If the Purplish Gold Haoyue Sword was already so powerful, then when he would evolve to an eight- headed state, what terrifying level would this sword transformation reach?

Chapter 714

Despite the significant use of spiritual energy, Long Haochen could still bear up thanks to the Heart of Eternity’s help in regenerating his spiritual energy. Also, the Divine Unicorn’s armor transformation supplemented him with about two hundred thousand backup spiritual energy, enough to maintain his battle state.

Seeing his essence of wind broken so easily by Long Haochen, Li Zhengzhi’s face became incomparably tense. He began to realize this battle would perhaps be unlike what he had foreseen. Not only did it turn out challenging, victory was furthermore getting further and further from his grasp.

But as the head of the Mage Temple, a vastly ambitious powerhouse, there’s no way he would give up so easily. Li Zhengzhi knew that the greater one’s ability, the greater would be its cost of use: Long Haochen’s divine sword was certainly not simply waved around. And thus, when the longblade in his hand struck once again, several bursts of Freedom, Essence of Wind flew at Long Haochen, forming a full powerful assault against him.

Long Haochen strode steadily towards the opponent. Right now, his Light God Domain was compressed two-fold, making it easier for him to economize his spiritual energy. With the terrifying power of the Purplish- Gold Haoyue Sword, the Wind God Domain was no longer any threat for him.

Nine lines of purplish-gold patterns lit up on Long Haochen’s forehead; even his eyes turned a purplish-gold color.
Although the Purplish-Gold Haoyue Sword continuously transferred its will for destruction and havoc, as the wielder of a Light God Physique, Long Haochen’s heart was, just like the Heart of Eternity, not so easily contaminated.

In front of the divine sword, Li Zhengzhi’s Freedom, Essence of Wind was not of any use. The wind was shattered in the air as the distance between Long Haochen and Li Zhengzhi kept diminishing.

After Long Haochen stepped into the Wind God Domain, he occasionally slashed his Purplish-Gold Haoyue Sword in front of him, causing the domain to recoil from its path. Right now he constantly scattered and smashed it, and when he had completely destroyed the Wind God Domain, Li

On the lounge of the Knight Temple, Yang Haoyu was seated beside Chen Zidian, a look of shock on his face. Murmuring his thoughts aloud, he muttered: “Originally I was thinking that I had let this youngster win. I really didn’t expect that he was the one to go easy on me. His magical beast is actually strong to such an extent… No wonder even demon god pillars get destroyed.”

Chen Zidian let out a laugh, “The new generation will always replace the old and let it rest peacefully. What a mysterious thing. In those years, when your cultivation surpassed mine, I was in the same situation as you are right now. However, compared to Haochen’s nature, his magical beast seems overly tyrannical.”

Yang Haoyu let out a laugh, “There is no need to worry about this point. This magical beast may be extraordinary, but they are linked by blood contract.”

Chen Zidian nodded, “This young guy is really perseverant! He’s only taken out all his cards in this last battle. From the looks of it, this magical beast’s divine sword transformation could be called ‘domain killer’. Li Zhengzhi’s Wind God Domain can not only utilize two domain techniques, but moreover, it has undergone an evolution. However, a domain of this level cannot stop in the slightest this purplish-gold sword.
I’m afraid that no domain could possibly stop it: as long as Haochen’s cultivation grows enough, challenging the Demon God Emperor in the future is not impossible to him.”

Yang Haoyu’s look became especially brilliant, “If he manages to obtain the approval of the Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation in addition to this divine sword, humanity’s chance will truly have come. His Bright Glimmer of Hope truly deserves this name.”

The outcome of the ongoing battle was already gradually getting obvious. Long Haochen’s Light God Domain was already fully compressed, and Li Zhengzhi’s Wind God Domain was in an unstable situation, and could crumble at any time now.

Li Zhengzhi’s True Essence of Wind’s power was lessening by the second, while the divine sword in Long Haochen’s

The Purplish-Gold Haoyue Sword’s consumption of Haochen's energy was truly massive. Even his Heart of Eternity’s massive regenerating speed was unable to keep up with this consumption.

That didn’t even account for the previous battle that his spiritual energy had yet to recover from.

Li Zhengzhi suddenly let out an upward shrill, as the Wind God Domain full of cracks abruptly crumbled. Lifting high the blade in his hand, all the green light was absorbed in its midst. Immediately, the scenery in midair was replaced with a bolt of green lightning, flashing green to reach out in front of Long Haochen.

This blade strike came without warning, but its great power surpassed all the previous attacks by far. Only Li Zhengzhi truly knew that this, his incomplete third domain technique, was close to a self-incarnated domain, although it had not quite reached that level yet.

All of a sudden, Long Haochen could only defend. He truly deserved to be called a genius: even in such a difficult situation, he still managed to perform Divine Obstruction.
The green light and purplish-gold sword tip collided; and for the first time the green side held the advantage. That clear green lightning had countless designs on it, electric light curling all around, and pressured Long Haochen and his Divine Obstruction into drawing back. The gigantic sword in his hand drew back.

Right at this time, a terrifying roar sounded out from Long Haochen’s heavy sword. That was an unwilling roar, full of majestic offense. The Divine Unicorn armor on Long Haochen abruptly turned purplish-gold, and then Haoyue’s figure appeared on Long Haochen’s back.

The outer two bulges on the figure slowly split, revealing two purplish- gold heads. Then, the eight large heads abruptly roared to the sky.

Long Haochen felt an immense surge of power from his body and heavy sword bursting out, as his divine sword split forward as he shouted.

The green lightning finally shattered and was completely engulfed by that purplish gold colored sword. The purplish-gold sword ray flashed through the sky, aiming directly at Li Zhengzhi.

That previous blow was Li Zhengzhi’s last offense. Seeing that purplish- gold


The Purplish-Gold Haoyue Sword was waved to the sky, with both Long Haochen’s arms feeling an intense shaking. The purplish-golden sword that looked close to arriving in front of Li Zhengzhi turned and rushed in an oblique arc, reducing the defensive barriers of the Alliance’s Great Stadium into mud and piercing through its defenses completely. Everywhere it passed, everything in its way turned into nothingness, disappearing from sight.

With an undulating halo, the Purplish-Gold Haoyue Sword turned into a streak of purplish-gold light that disappeared in Long Haochen’s hand, and the Divine Unicorn Armor on him reverted to being the Divine Unicorn.
Star King supported Long Haochen with his body as Long Haochen slumped beside him.

Long Haochen’s face was as pale as a piece of paper. As Haochen let out a large spit of blood, Star King stopped him from falling.

Wind God’s Descent gradually dispersed, leaving behind Li Zhengzhi, who was standing there with a sluggish look on his face.

Looking at Long Haochen leaning against Star King, he had a complicated look in his eyes. Long Haochen won not only this battle, but also the respect of all the present onwatchers.

That last sword strike was deflected to Long Haochen’s utmost for the sake of sparing Li Zhengzhi’s life. Otherwise, given the Purplish-Gold Haoyue’s Sword’s destructive power, Li Zhengzhi would be dead without a doubt.

Although Long Haochen was down, the spectators on the terraces all stood, enthusiastically applauding.

Li Zhengzhi had the look of a dead fish for a whole minute before gradually coming back to his senses, with a mix of disappointment and relaxation on his face he approached Long Haochen slowly and held him up.

Long Haochen’s physique was doughty; with the existence of the Heart of Eternity, his spiritual energy was regenerating at all times. Every pulse of the Heart of Eternity helped recover a

“You have won.” Li Zhengzhi nodded to Long Haochen.

“You are now already qualified to challenge the Demon God Emperor. The future of the Alliance shall be left to you. I believe that you will be able to lead the Alliance to thoroughly change this era of darkness.”

Saying so, Li Zhengzhi patted Long Haochen’s shoulder before turning around to exit the field.
Although this was only the first of the four stages of the competition, losing to Long Haochen finally caused earth-shattering changes to appear in Li Zhengzhi’s attitude. He understood very clearly that, after the end of this stage, Bright Glimmer of Hope’s position would go up much higher.

Under Star King’s support, Long Haochen slowly walked out from the field. Cai’er and his other companions were waiting for him there, and the instant Long Haochen was out from the field, Cai’er immediately welcomed him, giving him a tight hug.

After putting forth so much effort, Long Haochen’s plan was finally nearing completion.

The first match of the sixth round, Long Haochen had won it. The second match opposed Cai’er to the only remaining knight.
Given that this Holy Knight’s previous consumption was too large, he finally chose to retire from the competition, so Cai’er achieved victory without a fight.

Third match of the sixth round, was Wang Yuanyuan versus Lin Xin.

Although has-drugs-bro was absolutely unwilling, he finally conceded under Wang Yuanyuan’s threatening gaze.

Now that the matches were all over for the sixth round of individual competition, and Bright Glimmer of Hope had terrifyingly managed to grab the whole top three for themselves.

Every winner of the sixth round earned thirty-two points.

So far the ranking for the individual competition was as follows: Bright Glimmer of Hope 256 points, Mage Temple 105 points, Knight Temple 98 points, Spiritual Temple 58 points, Assassin Temple 38 points, Warrior Temple 24 points.

However, the competition was not yet over.
After the sixth round of the competition was over, Long Haochen, Cai’er, and Wang Yuanyuan stood in the middle of the field according to Chen Zidian’s instructions.

Chapter 715

“Long Haochen, Cai’er, Wang Yuanyuan. Do you three want to keep undergoing the round-robin tournament?” Chen Zidian asked solemnly.

As if everyone had predicted this outcome, the three of them replied simultaneously, “Keep going on!”

Two choices were possible at this point. One was to terminate the tournament, while the other was to keep going on. Every winning match would then reward an extra ten points, for a total of three matches. Should someone defeat the other two, that would rank him or her number one, thus earning yet another twenty points.

These extra rounds were still part of the seventh round of the tournament. In other words, the final champion could almost double his sixty-four total earned points.

Long Haochen declared in a clear voice, “Reporting to referee, Wang Yuanyuan and I are conceding.”

Cai’er looked at Long Haochen in shock. He was Bright Glimmer of Hope’s cpatain, so this individual competition’s champion should rather be him.

Long Haochen smiled to her, “At the time of the Demon Hunter Selection, you conceded in the competition for my sake, for me to finally hurt you. I am now giving this championship back to you. Moreover in my heart, you are the one I will never be able to defeat.”
Cai’er gave him a warm gaze, “Idiot, in my eyes, this is all unimportant.”

“But it is important to me. I don’t want you to have any memories of feeling wronged. We will have many more challenges to face, where I will be giving my all to protect you.”

No one objected to Long Haochen and Wang Yuanyuan’s surrenders. This was within the rules, and was something that could only happen in the case of the three top seats being taken by a single Temple. But actually, even the strongest Knight Temple had never achieved that in the past five hundred years.

Having won these two matches, Cai’er earned an extra twenty points and became champion, thus bringing in another twenty points in addition to the sixty-four total points for the seventh round. That way, another ninety-six points was added to Bright Glimmer

Thus the first out of the four stages of the Temples’ Great Gathering, the individual stage, came to an end. The final winner was the Demon Hunt Squad Bright Glimmer of Hope.

At that very moment, the powerhouses from the Six Great Temples were all unconsciously standing up, clapping for Bright Glimmer of Hope. Even the legendary figures Chen Zidian and Yang Haoyu did so.

The initially mysterious Demon Hunt Squad became the eventual champions. Perhaps luck was a part of the process, but they had mostly relied on their own strengths.

Just look at these youngsters. They were all below thirty years old, with the youngest of them around twenty-five. But such a Demon Hunt Squad was already standing at the peak of humankind. Hope was emanating continuously from them.

After returning from the celebrations that took place in the Alliance’s headquarters, Bright Glimmer of Hope’s members returned to cultivate in their own rooms.

After all, the Temples’ Great Gathering had just gotten started, and although they were holding a large lead already, the rest of the competition also had its shares of opportunities.

The Temples’ Great Gathering went at a very fast pace. The next day came the contest for the highest spiritual energy. The highest three in this aspect were undoubtedly their three gods’ chosen ones: Long Haochen, Cai’er and Chen Ying’er. But they did not hold much of an advantage in total spiritual energy, after all, their age was an important factor to take into account.

According to the rules, every year of age below a hundred years old was to be accounted for a thousand spiritual energy, and every year of age above that was to subtract a thousand spiritual energy.

The three of them had their spiritual energy totals above 200,000, since they were all domain wielders. Thus, although their spiritual energy totals did not really stand out in the scale of the Alliance, they still held a good competitiveness.

As the others went back to cultivate in their own

Naturally the Mage Temple’s guards recognized him, in his identity as the grandson of an auxiliary head, in addition to his originally high position in the Temple, of course no one stopped him.

On the highest floor of the Mage Temple’s inner quarters, Lin Xin stopped in front of a certain room, knocking on the door after hesitating for a bit.

“Come in.” Lin Chen’s aged voice came out from the room. Lin Xin pulled the door open and entered.
Lin Chen’s office was very large, covering an area close to two hundred square meters. There were leather sofas for guests, bookcases lined two walls, and to the side, a huge ancient wooden desk. Lin Chen was seated behind his desk, a book on magic in his hands.

“Grandpa.” Lin Xin bowed to Lin Chen before joining his side.

Lin Chen closed the book in his hands, lifting his head to glance at his grandson, “You shouldn’t have come. Your Bright Glimmer of Hope having achieved such results, your return to our Mage Temple would very likely cause complaints. Your comrades wouldn’t be happy over that.”

Lin Xin chuckled, “Let them complain, so what? As for my comrades, they won’t suspect me. I am honorably visiting my grandfather. So what about that?”

Lin Chen laughed, “You brat, stop giving me this bullshit. You stil remember about your grandfather? Tell me, what have you come to me for?”

Li Xin let out a laugh, but did not immediately speak, still having some hesitation on his face.

“So? You’re not like yourself, if you have something to say, say it.”

Hearing his grandfather’s manner of speech, as if building his resolve, Lin Xin firmly declared, “Grandpa, I want to learn Saint Sun Curse from you.”

“What?” Lin Chen was in great shock, standing abruptly, unaware his chair falling down to the ground.

Giving a blank look to his grandson, Lin Chen’s aged face seemed to twitch due to excitement, “You… Are you for real?”

Lin Xin nodded vigorously, “Grandpa, I want to learn Saint Sun Curse from you.
Lin chen looked at Lin Xin, remaining silent for several seconds. On this day of great discouragement, he absolutely didn’t expect his grandson to actually bring him such a pleasant surprise.

Although Lin Chen had broken through the ninth step already, his heart was like dead due to Lin Xin’s disappearance. These five short years felt as long as ten years to him.

Lin Xin’s final safe return was like a spark of life pouring back into him.
He no longer had any hope other than for his grandson to come back alive.

And in the rest of the Temples’ Great Gathering, Lin Xin gave him even greater surprises. On this day after only a few short years, Lin Xin’s cultivation had actually already broken through the ninth step, and was already no inferior to his own. The Heart of Fire was really far stronger than before, and he had actually even made it to the top six of the competition. Such achievements reassured Lin Chen greatly: he may be taking part as a part of Bright Glimmer of Hope, but so what about it?

In Lin Chen’s eyes, Lin Xin had already been walking on a path of his own. His grandson being already so powerful, he had no will to importune Lin Xin, after all Saint Sun Curse had been an immense burden in Lin Xin’s heart.

For him to now be willing to learn offensive magic was already huge progress.

At that very moment, Lin Xin was standing in front of him, unexpectedly asking him about learning Saint Sun Curse to inherit a generation of Lin Chen’s efforts.

Lin Xin supported his dazed grandfather’s body, giving off a laugh, “Don’t get excited. If something bad happens to you, who will be there to teach me Saint Sun Curse? Just look, I will definitely make your creation a mass destruction weapon in the future, to scare all demonkind witless as the dark era will come to an end. Grandpa, please live well until that day comes.”
Lin Chen’s body shook slightly as he nodded consecutively, “Alright, alright. I will be sure to wait for this day, for sure. Come, I am bringing you to the experimental field to teach you Saint Sun Curse.”

Although it was already nighttime, Lin Chen’s excitement had affected him a bit too, as the grandson was also pulled outwards.

Lin Xin was not part of tomorrow’s competition, so he naturally had no qualms staying up all night. Grandfather and grandson excitedly left the room and proceeded for the magic experiment room.

A short time after they were gone, another nearby door opened close to Lin Chen’s office. Li Zhengzhi came out from within, looking towards their departure route, appearing in great ponder. Who knew what he was thinking?

The Temples’ Great Gathering’s individual competition was over, but the masses in Holy City were not the least relaxed, but instead even more excited.

The competition kept going, and today the Priest Temple was also part of the festivities. The total ranking was bound to change accordingly; after the Priest Temple underwent their first round of spiritual energy assessment, it brought them a final total of sixty points, a result close to all the previous sessions.

Today, every Temple would send their strongest three people for spiritual energy assessment.

A huge crystal pillar was erected on the center of the field on the previous evening, specialized for spiritual energy measuring.

Right now, the Six Great Temples had all already dispatched three of their people, and Bright Glimmer of Hope was no exception.

Chapter 716

Because of the previous individual competition, the spiritual energy levels were understood to some extent from the mutual encounters. So this spiritual energy stage did not hold too much suspense.

As the champions of the individual competition, Bright Glimmer of Hope’s Demon Hunt Squad would be the last one to appear. This was one of the benefits they had gained.

Like the individual competition, the spiritual energy contest did not allow the use of any equipment or boosting pills: everyone was to rely on their individual strength.

A total of twenty-one individuals already formed a circle around the crystal pillar. As the chief referee, Chen Zidian was standing the closest to the crystal pillar’s side. Everyone would need to go through his inspection first, so cheating was completely impossible as long as the one on watch was him.

Chen Zidian indicated to the Warrior Temple’s head Qiu Yonghao, “Based on the ranking of the first round, the spiritual energy measuring will be taking place in the reverse order of the first competition’s ranking. The Warrior Temple shall go first.”

Qiu Yonghao nodded and stepped forward to get measured alongside two powerhouses of the Warrior Temple.

In terms of overall strength, the Warrior Temple was the weakest of the six Temples. But they had the greatest population amongst the Six Great
Temple, after all, the standards for becoming a warrior were pretty low.

Qiu Yonghao was the first to step forward, lifting his right hand and placing it on the crystal pillar. Immediately, the transparent crystal changed into another color.

A red color rose from the bottom of the crystal pillar, slowly going up to reach a height of about thirty-three meters, at around a tenth of the pillar. Then it turned orange in color, and kept rising up to gain another thirty- three meters and turned yellow.

The colors within the crystal pillar started to slow down as they ascended, and Qiu Yonghao’s look became extremely heavy, his forehead dripping with sweat.

From the distinction of colors, red corresponded to a hundred thousand spiritual energy, orange to another hundred thousand spiritual energy. The fact that he had reached the yellow area signified that Qiu Yonghao’s spiritual energy had already surpassed 200,000. His age having already crossed a hundred years old, he could only rely on his own strength for this trial.

Finally, the color within the crystal pillar stopped rising after a bit over a half of the yellow area, then Qiu Yonghao’s bar stopped going up.

Letting out a light sigh, Qiu Yonghao finally relaxed as an immense golden number arose, floating atop the crystal pillar.


This was Qiu Yonghao’s total spiritual energy.

The other two powerhouses of the Warrior Temple came next. Their cultivation levels were still quite a bit behind Qiu Yonghao, and they were not yet domain wielding powerhouses. The two of them were about the two hundred thousand mark.
Finally, with the addition of the age bonuses, the Warrior Temple reached a total of 694,160 points.

These results were a bit underwhelming.

After the Warrior Temple came the Assassin Temple. Their situation being a bit better off, their spiritual energy totals reached 783,200, which could be considered not bad.

The Spiritual Temple having obtained a total of fifty-eight points was a bit below the sixty or so of the Priest Temple, making them the third party to go.

Thanks to the strong display of their head Chen Hongyu, they had a final spiritual energy total reaching 832,241, far above the previous two Temples.

The Priest Temple was truly a bit lucky in their first stage of the trials, and did not hold much of a dominance in this second stage. In the end, their spiritual energy total barely reached above 800,000, but was quite below the Spiritual Temple.

So far, four Temples’ rankings were settled. Now only the Mage Temple, Knight Temple, and Demon Hunt Squad Bright Glimmer of Hope had yet to go.

All knew that the true chance of achieving victory had come. No one was optimistic about Bright Glimmer of Hope in the spiritual energy count rankings. Although they had the advantage of their age, there was no way their total strength would add up to 900,000 or more, so the only question left was who of the Mage Temple or the Knight Temple would be placed above

The Mage Temple had Li Zhengzhi, Mo Wo, and that mage with the greatest defense who controlled an earth elemental domain.

The darkness mage, Mo Wu, and the earth mage were both close to 300,000. Add to this that they were below a hundred years old of age, and
they gained some bonuses, the Mage Temple already reached close to 610,000 after the two of them passed.

Li Zhengzhi was the last one to set out. Within the crystal pillar rose several colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, and it finally entered a blue area. Although a lot of people had guesses about Li Zhengzhi’s cultivation level, they still could not help but cry out in alarm. This meant that his internal spiritual energy was already above 400,000.

Finally, the pillar stopped in the blue area. Li Zhengzhi’s spiritual energy was over 420,000, and adding to that the scores of the other two mages, the Mage Temple had surpassed a million, reaching 1,007,423.

Could the Knight Temple surpass the Mage Temple? The Knight Temple very rapidly gave them a strong response.

The Knight Temple’s three did not include the Divine Knight, Long Tianyu, but were under Yang Haoyu’s lead, with that Ultimate Shield of the Knight Temple, and the one who made it to the top six.

As the three knights stood, Li Zhengzhi’s complexion immediately became a far more unsightly sight to behold.

The Ultimate Shield was the first to go up, his spiritual energy set just above 320,600.

The knight who made it to the top six was the second one to go, his spiritual energy fixed beyond 332,800.

Finally came Yang Haoyu’s turn. He calmly approached the crystal pillar, lifting his right hand to touch it lightly.

A shocking scene surfaced. The pillar’s colors surged out at once: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, then finally entered a turquoise area.

Number one of the Temple Alliance. That was absolutely not just a simple name. Yang Haoyu protected the Knight Temple’s honor with his
strength, his internal spiritual energy reaching past 568,000 to exceed Li Zhengzhi’s 420,000 by a large margin.

In the end, the Knight Temple surpassed the Mage Temple’s total points by 120,000. After this stage, the two Temples’ rankings was bound to change.

Bright Glimmer of Hope was the last one to go. Chen Ying’er whose internal spiritual energy reached 170,000 was the first one to go.

Cai’er, whose internal spiritual energy reached 190,000 was the next one to go.

At this point, a lot of people were secretly sighing inwardly. This Demon Hunt Squad Bright Glimmer of Hope was, after all, still young. They truly couldn’t establish any dominance in this spiritual energy contest.

Finally came Long Haochen’s turn. He was the only bright spot Bright Glimmer of Hope had, thanks to the Heart of Eternity. His internal spiritual energy broke through 300,000, before finishing above 310,000.

Thanks to these few days’ matches and comprehensions, Long Haochen’s cultivation had progressed to some extent. If the Heart of Eternity’s extra 90,000 was not counted, his internal spiritual energy would be reaching about 220,000.

In the end, the results of the three totalled over 570,000.

This time, the superiority of the age bonus became the spotlight. Long Haochen was twenty five years old, Cai’er twenty four and Chen Ying’er twenty eight. This added over 233,000 to their spiritual energy total. This gave them a final amount of over 800,000.

Funnily enough, maybe due to an affinity with the god of luck, although their total of spiritual energy was below the Spiritual Temple, it still surpassed the Priest Temple, and by just thirteen points no less.
Finally, the Knight Temple was the uncontroversial number one in the contest of the highest spiritual energy, followed by the Mage Temple, the Spiritual Temple, Bright Glimmer of Hope, the Priest Temple, Assassin Temple, and Warrior Temple.

After this stage terminated, a variation happened to the rankings. On the basis of the rules, the number one gained two hundred points, the number two gained a hundred and fifty, the number three gained a hundred and twenty, the number four gained ninety, the number five gained sixty, and the last one had none.

Because of the addition of Bright Glimmer of Hope, the six sides became seven, and thus the number six would gain thirty points, and the last one none.

So, the ranking was as follows: Bright

Although Bright Glimmer of Hope was only number four of this stage, because of their overwhelming advantage from the first stage, they still had a large lead. While the Knight Temple overtook the Mage Temple, the Warrior Temple remained the most miserable.

Although the previous two rounds of competition were quite frantic, the true rankings would only be determined on tomorrow’s meeting. That’s because the third round of competition, domain contest, was the most valuable one in terms of points. Based on the rules, the number one would earn over five hundred points. And furthermore, now that this was not a six- sided contest due to the addition of the seventh party Bright Glimmer of Hope, those numbers would very possibly end up higher to some extent.

These matches would very possibly include some turns of events, after all, Long Haochen’s group only had approximately a 150% advantage compared to the Knight Temple

So at the end of today’s competition, Long Haochen’s hurriedly brought his comrades back to the Alliance’s headquarters.

“Lin Xin hasn’t returned yet?” Long Haochen asked Sima Xian.
Sima Xian shook his head, “Not yet. He told me last evening that he would look for his grandfather to study magic, and has not given any news since then.”

Long Haochen nodded lightly, faintly able to guess what Lin Xin was wanting to study. Because there was no need for him in the second and third stages, Lin Xin’s absence had no influence on the flow of the competition.

“Captain, let me go up tomorrow.” Wang Yuanyuan proposed determinedly.

Chen Ying’er immediately asked anxiously, “Yuanyuan, you can’t be planning to fight over it with me!? This third stage permits the use of equipment, so with my Spiritual Saint Robe, I will definitely not suffer a loss.”

In the third domain competition, each party was to send three people, all of whom must be domain wielding powerhouses. Bright Glimmer of Hope had four of these, amongst whom Long Haochen and Cai’er would certainly be sent. So, the third seat was naturally to be picked amongst Wang Yuanyuan and Chen Ying’er.

Victory by a large Margin (I)

Because of the previous individual competition, the spiritual energy levels were understood to some extent from the mutual encounters. So this spiritual energy did not hold too much suspense.

As the champions of the individual competition, Bright Glimmer of Hope’s Demon Hunt Squad would be the last one to appear. This was one of the benefits they had gained.

Like the individual competition, the spiritual energy contest did not allow the use of any equipment or boosting pill: everyone was to rely on their individual strength.

A total of twenty-one individuals already formed a circle around the crystal pillar. As the chief referee, Chen Zidian was standing the closest to
the crystal pillar’s side. Everyone would need to go through his inspection first, so cheating was completely impossible as long as the one in watch would be him.

Chen Zidian indicated to the Warrior Temple’s head Qiu Yonghao, “Based on the ranking of the first round, the spiritual energy measuring will be taking place on the reverse order of the first competition’s ranking. The Warrior Temple shall go first.”

Qiu Yonghao nodded, and stepped forward to get measured alongside two powerhouses of the Warrior Temple.

In terms of global strength, the Warrior Temple was the weakest of the six Temple. But they had the greatest population amongst the Six Great Temple, after all, the standards for becoming a warrior were pretty low.

Qiu Yonghao was the first to step forward, lifting his right hand and placing it on the crystal pillar. Immediately, the transparent crystal changed into another color.

A red color rose from the bottom of the crystal pillar, slowly going up, to reach a height of about thirty three meters, at around a tenth of the pillar. Then it turned orange in color, and kept rising up to gain another thirty three meters and turned yellow.

The colors within the crystal pillar started to slow down in their ascendance, as Qiu Yonghao’s look became extremely heavy, his forehead dripping with sweat.

From the distinction of colors, red corresponded to a hundred thousand spiritual energy, orange to another hundred thousand spiritual energy. The fact that he had

Finally, the color within the crystal pillar stopped rising after a bit over a half of the yellow area, then Qiu Yonghao’s bar stopped going up.

Letting out a light sigh, Qiu Yonghao finally relaxed, as an immense golden number arose, floating atop the crystal pillar.

This was Qiu Yonghao’s total spiritual energy.

The other two powerhouses of the Warrior Temple came next. Their cultivation levels were still quite a gap behind Qiu Yonghao, and they were not yet domain wielding powerhouses. The two of them were about the two hundred thousands.

Finally with the addition of the age bonuses, the Warrior Temple reached a total of 694,160 points.

These results were a bit underwhelming.

After the Warrior Temple came the Assassin Temple. Their situation being a bit better off, their spiritual energy totals reached 783,200, which was just correct.

The Spiritual Temple having obtained a total of fifty-eight points was a bit below the sixty or so of the Priest Temple, making them the third party to go.

Thanks to the strong display of their head Chen Hongyu, they had a final spiritual energy total reaching 832,241, far above the previous two Temples.

The Priest Temple was truly a bit lucky on their first round equivalent tests, and did not hold much of a dominance in this second stage. In the end, their spiritual energy total barely reached the 800,000s, but was quite below the Spiritual Temple.

So far, four Temples’ rankings were settled. Now only the Mage Temple, Knight Temple, and Demon Hunt Squad Bright Glimmer of Hope had yet to go.

All knew that the true chance of achieving victory had come. No one was optimistic about Bright Glimmer of Hope in the spiritual energy count rankings. Although they had the advantage of their age, there was no way their total strength would add up to 900,000 or more, so the only question
left was who of the Mage Temple or the Knight Temple would be placed above the other.

The Mage Temple had Li Zhengzhi, Mo Wo, and that mage with the greatest defense, and controlling an earth elemental domain.

The darkness mage Mo Wu and earth mage were both close to 300,000. Adding to this that they were below a hundred years old of age, and gained some bonuses, the Mage Temple already reached close to 610,000 after the two of them passed.

Li Zhengzhi was the last one to set out. Within the crystal pillar rose several colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, to finally enter a blue area. Although a lot of people had guesses about Li Zhengzhi’s cultivation level, they still could help but cry out in alarm. This meant that his internal spiritual energy was already above 400,000.

Finally, the pillar stopped in the green area. Li Zhengzhi’s spiritual energy was over 420,000, and adding to that the scores of the other two mages, the Mage Temple had surpassed a million, reaching 1,007,423.

Could the Knight Temple surpass the Mage Temple? The Knight Temple gave them very rapidly a strong response.

The Knight Temple’s three did not include the Divine Knights Long Tianyu, but were under Yang Haoyu’s lead, plus that Ultimate Shield of the Knight Temple, and the one who made it to the top six.

As the three knights stood, Li Zhengzhi’s complexion immediately became a far more unsightly sight to behold.

The Ultimate Shield was the first to go up, his spiritual energy fixed to the 320,600s

The knight who made it to the top six was the second one to go, his spiritual energy fixed to the 332,800s
Finally came Yang Haoyu’s turn. he calmly approached the crystal pillar, lifting his right hand to touch it lightly.

A shocking scene surfaced. The pillar’s colors surged out at once: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, to finally enter a turquoise area.

Number one of the Temple Alliance. That was absolutely not just a simple name. Yang Haoyu protected the Knight Temple’s honor with his strength, his internal spiritual energy reaching the 568,000s to exceed Li Zhengzhi’s 420,000 by far.

In the end, the Knight Temple surpassed the Mage Temple’s total points by 120,000. After this stage, the two Temples’ rankings was bound

Bright Glimmer of Hope was the last one to go. Chen Ying’er whose internal spiritual energy reached 170,000 was the first one to go.

Cai’er, whose internal spiritual energy reached 190,000 was the next one to go.

At this point, a lot of people were secretly sighing inwardly. This Demon Hunt Squad Bright Glimmer of Hope was after all still young. They truly couldn’t establish any dominance in this spiritual energy contest.

Finally came Long Haochen’s turn. He was the only bright spot Bright Glimmer of Hope had, thanks to the Heart of Eternity. His internal spiritual energy broke through the 300,000, before stopping at the 310,000s.

Thanks to these few days’ matches and comprehensions, Long Haochen’s cultivation had progressed to some extent. If the Heart of Eternity’s extra 90,000 was not accounted, his internal spiritual energy would be reaching about 220,000.

Finally, the results of the three totalled over 570,000.

This time, the superiority of the age bonus became the spotlight. Long Haochen was twenty five years old, Cai’er twenty four and Chen Ying’er
twenty eight. This added over 233,000 to their spiritual energy total. This gave them a final amount of over 800,000.

The funnier was that, maybe due to a affinity with the god of luck, although their total of spiritual energy was below the Spiritual Temple, it still surpassed the Priest Temple, and by just thirteen points no more.

Finally, the Knight Temple was the uncontroversial number one in the contest of the highest spiritual energy, followed with the Mage Temple, the Spiritual Temple, Bright Glimmer of Hope, Priest Temple, Assassin Temple, and Warrior Temple.

After this stage terminated, a variation happened to the rankings. On the basis of the rules, the number one gained two hundred points, the number two gained a hundred and fifty, the number three gained a hundred and twenty, the number four gained ninety, the number five gained sixty, and the last one had none.

Because of the addition of Bright Glimmer of Hope, the six sides became seven, and thus the number six would gain thirty points, and the last one none.

So the ranking was as follows: Bright Glimmer of Hope 442, Knight Temple 280, Mage Temple 255, Spiritual Temple 178, Priest Temple 120,
Assassin Temple 64.

Although Bright Glimmer of Hope was only number four of this stage, because of their overwhelming advantage on the first stage, they had still a large lead. While the Knight Temple overtook the Mage Temple, the Warrior Temple remained the most miserable.

Although the previous two rounds of competition were quite frantic, the true rankings would only be determined on tomorrow’s meeting. That’s because the third round of competition, domain contest, was the most valued one in terms of points. Based on the rules, the number one would earn up over five hundred points. And furthermore, now that this was not a six-partite contest with the addition of the seventh party Bright Glimmer of Hope, those numbers would very possibly round up higher to some extent.
These match would very possibly include some turns of events, after all, Long Haochen’s group only had approximately a 150% advantage compared to the Knight Temple

So in the end of today’s competition, Long Haochen’s hurriedly brought his comrades back to the Alliance’s headquarters.

“Lin Xin hasn’t returned yet?” Long Haochen asked Sima Xian

Sima Xian shook his head, “Not yet. He told me last evening that he would look for his grandfather to study magic, and has not given any news since then.”

Long Haochen nodded lightly, faintly able to guess what Lin Xin was wanting to study. And because there was no need for him in the second and third stages, Lin Xin’s absence had no influence in the flow of the competition.

“Captain, let me go up tomorrow.” Wang Yuanyuan proposed determinedly.

Chen Ying’er immediately ured, “Yuanyuan, you can’t be planning to fight it over with me!? This third stage permits the use of equipment, so with my Spiritual Saint Robe, I will definitely not suffer a loss.”

In the third domain competition, each party was to send three people, all of whom must be domain wielding powerhouses. Bright Glimmer of Hope had four of these, amongst whom Long Haochen and Cai’er would certainly be sent. So the third seat was naturally to be picked amongst Wang Yuanyuan and Chen Ying’er.

Chapter 717

These two girls ordinarily got along extremely well, but they couldn’t help but have a dispute right now.

Long Haochen laughed and remarked, “Don’t argue. Let me make an analysis, this way you should both agree on who we should send.”

“The first and second stages of the competition were both for evaluating individual strength. And that’s just one’s pure strength, without accounting for any equipment. That was the pure strength evaluation of the Temples’ Great Gathering. The later stages are for evaluating strength as a whole. So equipment are allowed in the last two stages, which thus reflects the level of the Six Great Temples’ resources as well. The greatest contenders are still the Mage Temple and Knight Temple. In the third domain battle, we have only one goal, and that is to become the final champions.”

“Huh?” Because of Long Haochen’s declaration, everyone had queer feelings, because they were actually not so confident in their own strength. A domain stems from one’s strength, so even if they had a few divine tools at their disposal, what assurance could they have in front of the Six Great Temples’ countless years of accumulated ressources?

Long Haochen continued, “The final stage is a team-battle tournament. Although we are mostly pretty okay in terms of equipment, that is not the case for everyone. In particular, Wenzhao, Duan Yi, and Brother Zhang’s equipment are rather lacking. So we should rely on the synergies between all our vocations in the team battle, although I don’t have an absolute
confidence in being able to achieve victory. But, the domain battle is the most richly rewarded one. We should not give up on this one. ”

“The Domain battle is a pure contest of domains, as well as a display of matching domains. The first requirement is that the confronting domains are not allowed to clash with each other, but should complement each other. Relatively speaking, my light attribute and Cai’er Domain of Purification are pretty synergistic. But Yuanyuan’s Blood Domain and Cai’er’s Domain of Purification conflict to some extent. Although Ying’er’s Beast God Domain cannot produce synergistic combinations with ours, at least

it won’t conflict. Adding to that the Saint Spiritual Robe’s boost, she’s the most suitable to join us in battle.”

After Long Haochen’s explanation, Wang Yuanyuan was immediately disappointed, while Chen Ying’er smiled at her.

Han Yu said, “Boss, since tomorrow’s Domain Battle is so important, shouldn’t we train for it?”

Long Haochen shook his head, “There’s no need.

“Don’t worry, I am really confident. As for where this confidence stems from, let me keep the suspense for now. You will come to understand tomorrow.” Reaching this point, he revealed a mysterious smile.

It was not that he did not want to disclose it, but if this secret were to leak, some changes would surely appear in his comrades’ expressions. Although that method could not be called cheating, not letting it be known by too many was the best.

The next morning, when they proceeded for the Alliance’s Great Stadium, Lin Xin still had yet to be back.

Long Haochen did not send another to look for him. Although Lin Xin had an emotional disposition, he was still reliable. He believed that he would definitely be back for the team competition tomorrow.
After a few days of reparation, all the magic projectors in the Alliance’s Great Stadium were back to its best state.

The distance between the Alliance’s headquarters and the Alliance’s Great Stadium was close. Going through a passage in the warriors’ entrance, the powerhouses from the Six Great Temples and Bright Glimmer of Hope proceeded towards the stadium.

The area outside the walls had long since filled with people. At the sight of Long Haochen’s group, cheers immediately came from them.

“Bright Glimmer of Hope, Bright Glimmer of Hope!”

The masses were not in chaos: although their were many, their shouts were uniform, and the fanatical looks on their faces and their cheers were more enthusiastic than any competing powerhouses.

These days, the Knight Temple intentionally propagated the news of the accomplishments of the Demon Hunt Squad Bright Glimmer of Hope to the whole Holy City as well as every city and village in the Temple Alliance.

Their records of killing demon gods, their interventions in the Holy War, and more importantly, that they were the first Demon

Demon Hunt Squad to have destroyed demon god pillars. Two demon god pillars had already been destroyed, smashed in their hands.

Even the humans that were the least informed on demons knew that the seventy-two demon god pillars were their root. The dark era had already been ongoing for over six thousand years, all the while a demon god pillar had never gotten destroyed. What meant the news that Bright Glimmer of Hope had destroyed two of them? It meant hope!

Feeling the cheers of the masses, every member constituting Bright Glimmer of Hope were full of fervor. For the sake of the Alliance, for the sake of leading all humankind on the way out of darkness, they must fight courageously, and make themselves even more powerful.
After treading into the Alliance’s Great Stadium, Long Haochen nodded to the others before making his way alongside Cai’er and Chen Ying’er.

They arrived pretty early. Inside the field, the only ones present were those from the Spiritual Temple and Priest Temple. The other Temples had yet to arrive.

The Spiritual Temple and Priest Temple’s team leaders were Chen Hongyu and elder Ling. Long Haochen nodded to the two before greeting them.

Elder Ling returned a smile, and Chen Hongyu gave off a snort. He was visibly still unhappy about losing to Long Haochen.

Chen Hongyu remarked unhappily, “Grandpa, what are you snorting for Don’t tell me you cannot bear a loss at this age?”

Chen Hongyu glared at her, “Truly a girl of age. You girl, not making a contribution for our Spiritual Temple is one thing, but now you’re helping outsiders in beating your grandpa?”

Chen Ying’er gave off a smile, before running off to Chen Hongyu’s side and coquettishly grabbing his hand, as well as pulling his beard a bit occasionally. Due to this Chen Hongyu did not know whether to laugh or to cry, his face easing up, as he spoke a few sentences in Chen Ying’er’s ears.

Chen Ying’er remarked proudly, “I knew it, you have a sharp mouth but a soft heart. You have clearly good intentions, but won’t express them properly. I knew that grandpa treats me the best.”

Chen Hongyu severely said,

severely said, “This is not being good to you, but thinking about our Spiritual Temple’s future. You girl, are the same as before. You’re already grown up, so remember your duties.”

“Yes.” Chen Ying’er stood straight and made her salutations. But when she turned off to run back to Long Haochen’s side, her laughing playful face
betrayed her true thoughts. Anyway, from her childhood to now she had never really feared Chen Hongyu.

Chen Hongyu shook his head with a helpless feeling. No matter what, the decision that was already made could not be changed anymore. From the looks of it, this dear granddaughter of mine won’t ever gain the lead of Bright Glimmer of Hope.

A short time later, the competitors from the other Temples were there as well. The participating individuals were slightly different from yesterday, but the difference was not big, and the terrain did not change much either.

That long crystal pillar from yesterday was not there anymore, replaced by a huge crystal ball.

This crystal ball was five meters long in diameter. Placed in the middle of the field, it appeared colossal. On its pedestal seemed to be sculptures made of precious stones. The crystal ball itself was light blue, and emitted faint waves of spiritual energy from within.

Long Haochen was informed ahead of time by his grandfather that this crystal ball was called Saint Bead, a divine tool beyond divine tools. Made from a special crystal, it could bear a massive input of spiritual energy. After getting remodelled with magic formations, its insides became extremely stable, revealing its ability of elemental assimilation.

Simply said, this Saint Bead was a divine tool incarnating Elemental Obliterating Halo. It had an ability similar to Elemental Obliterating Halo released on its surface, and even the Demon God Emperor wouldn’t manage to breach through it. But its enormous tolerance to spiritual energy caused a rather weak physical resistance.

The Saint Bead had practical uses: with sufficient control, one could use it in battle for its power of swallowing forbidden spells. The heads of the Allliance were the ones in control of it throughout History, but, due to the internal strife between the Six Great Temples, although the Saint Beadthe Saint Bead had an important efficacy, because of its emblematic value, it
was not permitted to bring it out in the Holy War. It could only serve as a final means of defense for Holy City.

Long Haochen’s mental force being overwhelming, when standing beside the Saint Bead, he silently sensed the changes in it. Very rapidly, his face now had a look of shock. That’s because he could not sense any emanation of spiritual energy from the bead. But when his senses made way, it would get swallowed by this Saint Bead. In other words, it could swallow not only spiritual energy, but even mental force as well.

When Long Haochen’s rich and powerful mental force made way inside, with the feeling of entering a vast see.都有种进⼊浩瀚⽆垠⼤海般的感觉。

When used appropriately, this Saint Bead was bound to be exceptionally effective against unexpecting enemies. For instance when Long Haochen was caught by the Demon God of Deep Vision’s Deep Vision Godly Pool, this Saint Bead could have cancelled it, and even inflicted serious damage to the Demon God of Deep Vision.

While Long Haochen was in the midst of pondering over the Saint Bead, the chief referee Chen Zidian made his way. Glancing at the twenty-one people around the Saint Bead, he nodded, “Are you all ready?”

Long Haochen came back to his senses, and replied alongside the others,

Chen Zidian declared, “Then start.” His right hand giving a pat to the Saint Bead, a soft light essence was poured within, instantly turning it into a light gold color, slowly arising from its base.

Long Haochen then realized that that piedestal was actually not for amplifying the Saint Bead, but for limiting it. When the Saint Bead ascended, a terrifying engulfing force rose from within it.

Long Haochen finally understood right now why the Saint Bead was used in the domain battle. That’s because if one was to not utilize a domain, the spiritual energy into one’s body would get swallowed by this Saint Bead.
This was the first time he encountered such a situation. From the looks, the Saint Bead was really even more terrifying than any other divine tool he had ever encountered before.

Chapter 718

Tyrannical waves of spiritual energy circulated through the air as Long Haochen strode forward, forming a triangle with Cai’er, Chen Ying’er, and himself. In the meantime, a drizzling brilliance came out from his body, shrouding the three of them. Both hands reaching out in front of him, the Light God Domain’s golden light was immediately poured inside the Saint Bead.

A mysterious phenomenon arose then. When his domain came into contact with the Saint Bead, the swallowing force on it immediately weakened significantly. The Saint Bead was then turned into a golden color.

The powerhouses from the Six Great Temples all poured their own domains into the Saint Bead, and immediately, under the powerful domains’ urges, it released brilliant color, illuminated brightly.

However, Long Haochen very rapidly had a feeling of pressure. This pressure stemmed from the Saint Bead, which released a powerful absorption force. The only benefit was that while his domain power was poured into the Saint Bead, Long Haochen’s mental force travelled through it besides. This way, he had a way out, in other words, should he be unable to bear this swallowing force any longer, he could at anytime control his own domain to break away from the Saint Bead. But, doing so would mean his elimination from the domain battle. Long Tianying had told once him that in case his domain should break away, he would suffer the impact force of the other domains within the Saint Bead, and directly leave the area of the Saint Bead, stopped from coming back.
The pressure the Saint Bead inflicted on Long Haochen was not so remarkable. His Light God Domain reached an extremely high level and had a very potent automatic control. So although the Saint Bead’s pressure was present, it only caused a consumption of his spiritual energy and no more. An even greater pressure was going towards the other powerhouses of the Six Great Temples.

Inside the Saint Bead was a great expanse of chaotic space. After the domains entered inside, they could only be controlled to evacuate or stay, and couldn’t attack or defend while inside. So, twenty-one domains were in the midst of struggling with each other inside the bead.

At this time, coordination was visibly very important. The three domains from each side had to enter together with no distinction, and when making their way inside, remain connected. While inside, this connection would remain for the entire duration.

Cai’er and Chen Ying’er were powering their own domains. Cai’er’s Domain of Purification was almost instantly mixed with Long Haochen’s Light God Domain, and Chen Ying’er’s Beast God Domain surrounded theirs. The Spiritual Saint Robe’s great power manifested with no doubts.

Right now, the domain resulting from the unity of the three inside the Saint Bead looked like a monster, filled inside with holy and purifying power, and myriad beasts surrounding them outside. No matter which other Temple’s domain would attack, it would immediately be repelled and sustain quite a powerful shock.

Don’t forget that right now, Long Haochen’s group had full access to their equipment. Cai’er used naturally the Sickle of the God of Death, and her Domain of Purification’s destructive power gained a severalfolds power boost. Chen Ying’er’s Saint Spiritual Robe supplied her with a close to limitless spiritual energy. In battle endurance, even Long Haochen and his Heart of Eternity would not be a match against her!

As for Long Haochen, he was fully equipped, with the Golden Foundation Armor on him, and the Divine Unicorn behind. If not for consideration of his excessively tyrannical power, for fear that it would
affect the fusion of their three domains, he would even have called out Haoyue.

The greatest boost Long haochen had did not come from the Divine Unicorn or Golden Foundation Armor, but from the Divine Snail Shield of Sun and Moon in his right hand.

A soft multicolored radiance was exuded from the Divine Snail Shield of Sun and Moon, boosting all the aspects of his Light God Domain. The holy spiritual energy of the Divine Snail Shield was just as pure as Long Haochen’s, and furthermore it had an extreme defensive power. power. Under its boosting effects, Long Haochen’s group of three’s domain fusion became incomparably stable. Three divine tools for three individuals was an extremely rare display, even for the Six Great Temples.

The most important in the domain battle was not one’s attack but one’s defense. The Holy Bead being a space of chaos, no one could control attacks. All they could do would be to strengthen their defenses to the greatest extent, to possibly last for the longest time possible inside the Saint Bead, thus obtaining an even better ranking.

With equipment authorized, the Six Great Temples’ trump cards came to view.

The Knight Temple’s participation in this battle was impressively led by Long Tianying, with Yang Haoyu at his side, as well as the Supreme Shield Knight. Long Tianying’s Divine Throne was a divine tool obviously, Yang Haoyu had his Starry Sky Mythological Beast’s assistance, which reached the divine tool grade as well. The Supreme Shield Knight also had a huge shield in his hand, three meters long and two meters wide, a terrible Pagoda Shield emitting a dark golden gloss.

A multicolored halation flickered in the midst of that dark gold. A divine tool ranked shield!
This was the first time Long Haochen saw another divine tool ranked shield than his own Divine Snail Shield. Now, the three knights all had a
divine tool of their own in this domain battle, and furthermore, a Divine Throne being such a famous object in the Temple Alliance, was not only a divine tool, but moreover a special set.

Right now, the most domineering domain in the Saint Bead was these three knights’. The spiritual energy they totalled was over a million, they had three divine tools, and the strongest Yang Haoyu in their ranks.

The addition of these elements put the three knights to an invincible position. Compared to the union of their domains, the other sides’ domains’ were clearly no match.

Only second to the Knight Temple was the Mage Temple. Three mages waving a staff in each of their hands, with Li Zhengzhi’s green staff releasing a releasing a multicolored gloss as well, the sign of a divine tool. Meanwhile, the same applied to his green magic robe, which was to say that he had at least two divine tools on his person alone.

But his two helpers had no divine tool; both were clad in sets of epic tier equipment, which still provided a pretty good boost.

The three mages and knights had their different strength. After their domains entered the Saint Bead, they did not hold any advantage, but kept chanting from beginning to end.

Thanks to Long Haochen’s mental force’s considerable level, while controlling his side’s domain, he also probed on the changes of the other united domains, finding out that as the three mages kept chanting, the Mage Temple’s side’s domain was swiftly integrating, becoming more and more integral, and showing traces of rising to a higher level.

What a great Mage Temple! They were making use of magic’s features to make their three domains into a domain of a kind of chaotic magic! No wonder Li Zhengzhi was so fearless, they really had made their preparations ahead of time.

The other Temples all had their own features, but were somewhat lacking compared to the Mage Temple and the Knight Temple.
The most miserable was the Warrior Temple. From the looks of it, the Warrior Temple still had a good foundation. Under Qiu Yonghao’s lead, these three participating warriors had not even a single piece of epic tier equipment, all were clad in legendary tier equipment. This was clearly pitiable, as, in fact, they were representatives of the Warrior Temple’s strength!

So the Warrior Temple’s side was clearly the weakest out of the seven domain unions. But because of the sharpness of Qiu Yonghao’s Sword Intent Domain, they could still persist for some time.

Long Haochen was not the least bit worried, having a calm smile on his face, exercising control over the relinquished territory of their side’s domain. Because Chen Ying’er’s Beast God Domain was the outermost, her spiritual energy consumption was much higher than Long Haochen and Cai’er, but thanks to the overwhelmingto the overwhelming Spiritual Saint Robe, this was no issue for the time being.

In the meantime, having Chen Ying’er’s protection made Long Haochen and Cai’er’s spiritual energy consumption the lowest possible.

Chen Hongyu and his two comrades felt tinges of helplessness as they deployed their own domains, occasionally looking at Chen Ying’er in great pain. If this girl clad in the Spiritual Saint Robe was on their side, Chen Hongyu would have felt absolutely confident in being able to contend against the Knight Temple and Mage Temple.

His Mythological Beasts Domain could easily meld with the other two great summoners’ domain in one. If Chen Ying’er’s Beast God Domain and Saint Spiritual Robe were added to the lot, he could even utilize the Mythologic Beast Array inside the Saint Bead, matching the Knight Temple and Mage Temple’s sides.

As time passed, the diverse Temples’ trumps were released, and an hour had already gone by in the blink of an eye. They were all struggling in their
own ways, but on the surface, no side was close to being unable to endure anymore.

Chen Zidian stood calmly, observing the domains’ contest. This Saint Bead was truly miraculous: even someone so strong as him would not dare attempt to pour his own domain inside, especially with the twenty one domains currently within. However, his powerful mental force enabled him to probe at the conflict between the seven parties within.

Another hour passed, and noon was drawing closer. This time, some changes in the situation were visible.

The most inferior party would always be the most conspicuous and this time was no exception. Right now, the three powerhouses from the Warrior Temple were all dripping with sweat. Their domain unions inside the Saint Bead were shaking violently at each collision. Clearly they would not be able to keep up for much longer.

No one dared force things in this domain battle. The reason was simple: if some accident occurs, the domain will shatter within the saint Bead, resulting in great damage to one’s strength.

Chapter 719

When two hours had passed, Qiu Yonghao finally let out a deep sigh, retiring alongside his two mates. A powerful surge of power was expelled from the Saint Bead, pushing them to the edge of the stadium. The Warrior Temple’s situation was now irreversible. So far, they had fewer than thirty points in total.

Qiu Yonghao’s unsightly complexion reached almost the point of bleeding. He did not keep watching, turning around to leave the stadium, heading back to sulk in his terrace.

With one less competitor, the clashes inside the Saint Bead not only did not reduce, but instead became even more frantic.

In particular, after the Mage Temple’s domain gradually united, its power expanded more and more, with the fusion of wind, darkness and earth. Their domain was like magic, and the overlaid boosts on it looked no weaker than the Knight Temple. It was because of their increasingly domineering performance that the Warrior Temple was forced to back down.

The Assassin and Spiritual Temple were approaching a crisis, shaking violently on every one of their clashes with the Knight Temple or Mage Temple’s domain, sustaining heavy shaking.

Bright Glimmer of Hope’s side was better off. The three of them kept their domain stabilized, contributing under Long Haochen’s guidance to their own part. Although Chen Ying’er had a large consumption, their situation was rather good still.
After the Warrior Temple fell down, the Priest Temple became the most endangered side. They were neither expert in attacking nor defending, and although the three great domain wielding powerhouses under elder Ling’s lead were coordinating pretty well, they were unable to come up with effective countermeasures to the repeated clashes, and thus naturally had their consumptions going faster than the other Temples. Right now, the three priests had very unsightly looks on their faces, looking about to possibly retire from the competition at any time now.


The instant his head was lifted, his momentum first affected Yang Haoyu and Li Zhengzhi, whose cultivations were the highest out of everyone present, and were the ones following Long Haochen with the most attention.

Catching sight of Haochen’s glistening eyes, Yang Haoyu felt a chill.
They both understood that something was going to happen.

Just as expected, Long Haochen’s next action shocked all the domain wielding powerhouses present, even including Chen Zidian who almost lost his voice in alarm.

A drizzling brilliance flared out from the chaotic domain of Long Haochen’s group of three.

This golden light was characteristic of Long Haochen’s Light God Domain, and it had a congealed white color on its outer part.

Is he going mad?

In the seven parties’ domain clashes, each parties were to stabilize their domains’ union, strongly defending their positions, while doing their utmost to avoid excessive consumption.

But right now, Long Haochen was unexpectedly spreading out his domain within the Saint Bead. Although it looked as though his domain was integrating Cai’er’s domain well, even this way his unleashed domain
would become a public target of all the Temples’ attacks: It would very possibly lead next to their elimination.

But a scene that shocked everyone present followed. After the Five Great Temples’ union domains clashed with this golden white radiance, they were expelled. This radiance contained very special fluctuations of spiritual energy. That seemed to be a paramount existence, in front of which the colliding domain felt as if encountering a totally red-hot piece of metal in the midst of melting. So the powerhouses from the other five Temples had no other choice but to contract their domains, so as to avoid further collision.

Were they using magic fusion? Li Zhengzhi was astonished: he did

But, in reality, the domains’ influence was mainly exerted from Long Haochen and Cai’er’s domain union. Only Bright Glimmer of Hope knew about the associated level of amplification.

Long Haochen and Cai’er’s domains were already at a very high level; the Light God Domain’s incomparable purity could be called number one of the whole continent with no hesitation, whilst Cai’er’s Domain of Purification had the power of purifying all negative things, especially the powers of darkness and death.

When the purest Light God Domain encountered the most purifying Domain of Purification, a mystic change was produced. Its light received a reaction of fondness from the purifying energy, just like the love between Long Haochen and Cai’er, devoid of any estrangement. After the two parties’ mutual integration, it became a domain of divine light of purification, boosting the purifying force with light’s amplification to make it reach an astonishing level. This instant, it actually managed to suppress the attacks of all five other united domains.

Of course, in this state of union, Long Haochen and Cai’er’s consumption went up severalfold, and increased the stronger the other domains’ attacks were.
After a short time of shock, Li Zhengzhi couldn’t help but purse his eyebrows. Despite the short time he had dealings with Long Haochen, he had a good understanding of his character. To his knowledge, despite his young age, he showed a far steadier character than his contemporaries, and wouldn’t make any move without an aim. His sudden expansion of the domain surely had some basis. But, what could he be planning? Such a large expansion was an easy thing to accomplish, but hard to undo. Even they shouldn’t find it easy to withdraw it after such an expansion.

Very rapidly, a reply came from him. After shaking the other domains, the Light God Purification

But a shocking scene took place this instant.

Those golden light rays suddenly retracted, and Long Haochen suddenly exerted a forceful control of his Light God Domain. The others were unable to exert control within the Saint Bead, but he managed it. His Light God Domain was compressed like a golden rope, and lightly connected with the Priest Temple’s united domain which looked like it could quit at any time now.

The instant the two domains made contact, the Priest Temple’s three powerhouses had looks of unbelief. Immediately, the three domains were unable to keep control, and joined the side of Long Haochen’s three. These three priests’ domain union was compressed in a flash, blending within Long Haochen’s Light God Domain.


The emergence of this scene left the three powerful knights of the Knight Temple full of disbelief. Who could have thought that Long Haochen would make such a shocking move to forcefully integrate the Priest Temple’s three powerhouses’ domain within his own? This way, his domain incorporated six domains’ strength!

Don’t think the Knight Temple and Mage Temple are invincible because of their powerful displays. They were in the end only three people. Long Haochen’s side had integrated the three priests’ domains, thus causing a
sharp increase of its power, completely surpassing the Knight Temple and Mage Temple’s two sides.

The three priests immediately understood the situation after a short period of shock. Furthermore, while under the Light God Domain’s wrapping, their domain benefited from a mutual integration of higher perfection. And after the three priests got a clear feel of their domain within the Light God Domain, they felt it become more and more pure.

This gave them a wide joy. They realized this

The three priests very rapidly steadied their feelings, and elder Ling even had a thin smile on his face. He vaguely guessed that Long Haochen was exchanging gifts! The favor of letting them have the qualifications to enter the Illusory Shrine of back then, this youngster was now repaying it.

Amidst the Temple’s Great Gathering, even after so many rounds, there had yet to be such a situation where two Temples’ united domains joined together. Not due to unwillingness, but lack of capability.

Long Haochen’s conduct looked simple, but actually, this was something even the number one powerhouse of the Alliance, Yang Haoyu, was not able to reproduce.

Controlling one’s domain within the Saint Bead was just far, far too hard. The factors of Long Haochen’s success were, for one, the assistance of Cai’er’s Domain of Purification, but also because of his domain’s high grade, and his own high mental force. But even so, he had to first deploy the domain to a high enough scale, before retracting it back. A great trick was used up in the midst of the later process: when compressing it back, he had to create a connection with the Priest Temple’s side, to compress theirs as well. Relatively speaking, this wasn’t too difficult with control, but wasn’t doable by any other Temple’s domains.

Moreover, and more importantly, Long Haochen’s Light God Domain was able to instantly achieve assimilation and fusion with the Priest Temple’s domain.
Under the Light God Domain’s gentle domination, the priests’ domain did not show any resistance. Even these three Priest Temple powerhouses were pulled to Long Haochen’s side due to the domain’s attraction.

Just by relying on these two things, Long Haochen managed to gain the use of the Priest Temple’s three great domains.

Chapter 720

Elder Ling’s smiling expression became more and more pronounced. Long Haochen’s domain integration not only made the domains of the three of them even purer, it also gave great benefits to their cultivations. Also, the six people’s united domains gave rise to a stronger side, putting them into an invincible position. This way, even if in the end the Priest Temple was eliminated earlier on, they could still perhaps surpass the Knight Temple and Mage Temple! This could be called a great opportunity, as they were originally supposed to get eliminated soon.

This was Long Haochen’s secret trump that he thought of after Long Tianying gave him a detailed description of the contest to take place within the Saint Bead.

His Light God Domain commanded all holy spiritual energy. In this domain contest, although gaps existed between the Six Great Temples’ powerhouses, these gaps were not too wide. By uniting with another side, he was sure to be the last remaining one. Bright Glimmer of Hope was originally in the top three of this domain battle in strength, but in a direct clash they wouldn’t necessarily achieve victory against the Knight Temple and Mage Temple. But with the addition of the Priest Temple, they gained a gargantuan advantage.

Long Haochen actually had several more choices. They could have relied on the Warrior Temple as well, after all Qiu Yonghao was also a light user. But the Warrior Temple’s three used different spiritual energy attributes, and relied on Qiu Yonghao’s stripping their fields to force things between them. This complicated things: the situation within the Spiritual Bead was
frantic, and Long Haochen did not have such a wide energy. So he had no other choice but to give up on that option.

The next pick available were the Knight Temple and Priest Temple. The Knight Temple’s three powerhouses were also light users, and pretty close to Long Haochen. But don’t forget that these three were really strong. Long Tianying had his Divine Throne’s amplification and Yang Haoyu had the Starry Sky Domain. Long Haochen wouldn’t be able to subdue them so easily with his Light God Domain. And, the other Temples

So Long Haochen finally figured he may as well pick the Priest Temple. The three priests’ gentle domains would show the least rejection in front of his Light God Domain, and the Priest Temple was originally in a weak position amongst the six Temples. Pulling them to his side would not affect the struggle between the Knight Temple and Mage Temple.

Long Haochen chose a timely decisiveness, right when the Priest Temple was about to get eliminated. This way, the Priest Temple showed a much higher acceptance toward his Domain’s assimilation.

This avoided them the embarrassment of having to quit.

Long Haochen’s plan was without doubt a success. Seeing the smile on elder Ling’s face relaxed him greatly. Their new state of stability and benefitting from the Light God Domain’s amplification stabilized the three priests’ domains. The verdict was clear.

Long Tianying shot a glance to Long Haochen with a gloomy feeling, secretly thinking, This brat is actually taking advantage of the Priest Temple in such a way. Even if he couldn’t unite with Brother Yang’s domain, he should have consulted us ahead of time, just have Brother Yang quit and that’s all.

However, his gloominess only continued for a short time before he returned to normal. He secretly found the situation funny: if his grandson really did so, they could be afraid that the other five Temples’ would show a collective disagreement. This guy was really intelligent!
The domain battle kept going with no suspense, and an hour later, the Assassin Temple and Spiritual Temple withdrew in succession.

The Knight Temple, Mage Temple, and the side formed by Long Haochen and the Priest Temple stood in confrontation.

This time, neither of the three parties gave a way out. Long Haochen calmly and relaxedly controlled the united domain’s defenses, showing no traces of panic. Neither the Knight Temple nor the Mage Temple would, upon contact with their domain, induce a large consumption.

However, he had some bias in him after all. When the Knight Temple’s side rammed in, because they were light element users as well, they had far smaller consumption than the Mage Temple’s united magic side. When Long Haochen and Cai’er’s mixed

Under these circumstances, the outcome came with no suspense. When the day was dimming, the three powerhouses form the Mage Temples were finally expelled from the Saint Bead.

The Mage Temple having having already gotten beaten, the Knight Temple had no reason to keep persisting, anyway they had no way to stand above Long Haochen’s group.

Therefore the three knights simply gave up directly.

Afterwards, Long Haochen’s three and the Priest Temple separated their union, and the three powerhouses from the Priest Temple voluntarily renounced with no hesitation, Long Haochen, Cai’er and Chen Ying’er finally departing the Saint Bead at the end.

The match being over, results were announced. When the Warrior Temple’s head Qiu Yonghao returned to the field, his complexion was just as unsightly… twenty-four points was simply the lowest score in history.

The chief referee Chen Zidian announced, “The domain battle of the Temples’ Great Gathering has ended. Number one is Bright Glimmer of Hope, number two, Priest Temple, number three, Knight Temple, number
four, Mage Temple, number five, Spiritual Temple, number six, Assassin Temple, and number seven, the Warrior Temple.

“In view of this year’s addition of Bright Glimmer of Hope, and after consultation with the elected staff, the number one’s reward has been increased to six hundred, and the last five’s gradually falling down to hundred, with the last position receiving none.

“The point counts are as follows: Bright Glimmer of Hope, 1042, Knight Temple, 698, Priest Temple, 620, Mage Temple, 555, Spiritual
Temple, 378, Assassin Temple, 164, Warrior Temple, 24.”

The gap between Bright Glimmer and the rest aside, the Priest Temple could be described the greatest winner aside from Bright Glimmer of Hope, having surpassed the Mage Temple in one move, by rising to the third position. Such a grand event had never happened in the History of the Temple’s Great Gatherings; for a moment, both the Priest Temple’s head Ling Xiao, and elder Ling were beaming

Chen Zidian kept going, “Tomorrow, the last stage will be going. Due to the high quantity of contestants, and the permitted use of equipment, the battlefield will be the sky.”

The individual competition had already had the field wrecked out, to say nothing of a team competition. That would be ten against ten, in battles with no restrictions in equipment.

With a few divine tools additionned to the drive of several powerhouses of the ninth step, to say nothing about the Temples’ Great Gathering’s field, even Holy City could as well be torn open by them.

So having the team battle stage go on an aerial stage, and that must be at far altitude and far from Holy City.

“Chief referee.” Right at this time, Chen Hongyu stepped up, nodded lightly to Chen Zidian.

“So? You have something to say about that Hongyu?”
Chen Hongyu unhappily claimed, “Chief referee, I trust that you have seen the process of the previous domain battle. I believe the Demon Hunt Squad Bright Glimmer of Hope to have not won fairly.” Seeing the Priest Temple stand above them, Chen Hongyu once again took offense.

“Is that really so? Alright, then please express your views, you contestants from the other Temples. Tianying, you start.” He shifted his glance toward Long Tianying.

Long Tianying replied with a tranquill smile, “I have not seen Long Tianying pull out any dishonest trick. Although we also lost, I am sincerely convinced in my loss. I am indeed his grandfather, but will still speak my view. Let me ask all of you, even if you knew about this method, who of you could having done it? I can say that I couldn’t. Long Haochen’s strong control over his domain enabled him move unhindered within the whole Saint Bead, absorbing the three domains of the Priest Temple in a flash with control and integration. That was a display of unconditional strength. Let me ask once again, would any of you have acted differently in front of the same good chance? When left with the choice to either drop out or join hands with Bright Glimmer of Hope.”


Hearing Long Tianying’s response, the nearby elder Ling lightly smiled, “Tianying is not mistaken. First putting aside how Haochen achieved it, no one else would have refused such a good deal! We can be considered having taken part in Bright Glimmer of Hope’s brilliance this time.”

The Assassin Temple’s Sheng Yue laughed indifferently, shooting Chen Hongyu a glance, responding disdainfully, “Leave it at that you’re no good. Why blame this and that legit thing? What a lacking character!”

“What did you just say?” Chen Hongyu erupted in a burst of anger, glaring at Sheng Yue.

These two were originally not getting along well, Adding to that the factor of the Spiritual Temple and Assassin Temple’s opposite sides in the
Temples’ Great Gathering, Chen Hongyu could be said to have really become agitated.

Sheng Yue did not give the slightest leeway, “So what? Want to fight a duel with you’re unconvinced?”

“Enough.” Chen Zidian shouted, instantly extending a uncorporeal pressure to the whole stage. Almighty person was not just a simple name.

“How about you, Yonghao?” Chen Zidian shifted his glance to Qiu Yonghao. Three of the six Temples had already expressed their approvals of Bright Glimmer of Hope.

Qiu Yonghao showed a bitter smile, “Back then, we were already eliminated, and have no clear knowledge of the events that followed within the Saint Bead. Our Warrior Temple is abstaining from expressing our views.”

As the Mage Temple’s best comrade, Qiu Yonghao couldn’t directly support the Demon Hunt Squad Bright Glimmer of Hope this time. But he had his own view: in the midst of disappointment, he had a few thoughts. For the sake of the Warrior Temple’s future, he must plan ahead, first of all by not offending the Demon Hunt Squad Bright Glimmer of Hope. They absolutely didn’t expect their strength to reach such lengths. After three stages, they were in the lead with over a thousand points. Both the Knight Temple and Mage Temple would find it close to impossible to reverse the stakes in the final stage. Long Haochen’s powerful Purplish Gold Haoyue Sword, and the divine tools the three of them showed today, were all demonstrations of Bright Glimmer of Hope’s great assets.
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