Child Of Light Volume 2

Volume 02

Chapter 1 – Arriving In The Capital

“Zhang Gong, you need to listen to Teacher Xiu, carefully take the test and strive to pass the exam to win honor for our family. If you truly are unable to pass the exam, then come home immediately. Don’t let mother and father feel anxious. Teacher Xiu, please take care of Zhang Gong.” Mother hugged me and cried for nearly half the day.

“Well then, don’t cry anymore mother of the child. It’s not like Zhang Gong isn’t coming back. Let’s stop delaying them and let them be on their way.”

After saying goodbye to mother, father, the academy’s teachers, and classmates (of course that fellow Ao De told me to learn magic well then come back and cover him), me and Teacher Xiu set foot on the road towards the capital.

“Teacher Xiu, how far are we from the capital?”

“We’re still very far. We need to pass through a province on a road roughly a thousand kilometers long.”

“That’s so far, ah.”

During the journey we typically traveled forty-five kilometers in eight hours, taking us over twenty days of endless trekking to finally reach the capital. Me and Teacher Xiu couldn’t use magic to fly, since only advanced wind mages are able to use wind soaring technique, Flight. The flight distance is naturally based on magic power. Originally I wanted to use teleportation, because one teleportation can move five hundred meters after all. But Teacher Xiu wouldn’t let me use it. During the whole journey he taught me a lot of exam tricks as well as some magic applications.

Because of mother, father and Teacher Xiu’s hopes, and of course, for filling up my wallet in the future, I put in an unusually great effort throughout the journey. This astonished Teacher Xiu greatly, to the point where he believed I had a change of character.

With these twenty some days of great effort in addition to the two months of meditation while Teacher Xiu was gone, right now my whole body is brimming with magic power. Teacher
Xiu said that my magic power right now is at the very brink of a advanced mage’s.

Since my attack magic is awfully weak, Teacher Xiu taught me two more light spells during the journey. One of them is the Radiant Bind spell. This spell is mainly used for trapping the main enemy. It’s classified as an intermediate class magic. (Intermediate class light spells only have one attack spell.) There’s also the advanced class spell, Light Severing Sword. With my current magic power, I can only use this spell once. Teacher Xiu forbid me from using it before obtaining a significantly large amount of magic power, after all I can still just run away.

The capital truly is a great city, ah. The city walls are so tall and thick. Then there’s the city gate; it’s really wide with an endless stream of pedestrians entering and exiting. A merchant’s wagon speedily passed by. The sound of wheels never stops. There’s also a luxurious carriage with delicate engravings on it. (There should be a noble sitting within the
carriage.) The carriage driver crossed between us. This truly deserves to be called the capital of my homeland, Aixia City.

Me and Teacher Xiu wandered within the city. Compared to Senke City, Aixia City is much bigger. On the side of the road there are many stores of various sorts and varieties. I really want to go looking for what kinds of new toys there are, but Teacher Xiu wouldn’t permit it. While pulling me like a lightweight carriage on a familiar road, we arrived at the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy which is located on the east side of the city.

“Zhang Gong, look at that grand building over there. That’s the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy. In three days it will begin it’s entrance exams. For now, let’s look for a  place  to rest.”
We found an inexpensive inn to stay at. Originally Teacher Xiu wanted to bring me to a better inn but the high class inns in the vicinity were all taken by the nobility who came  from various regions of the country. So there was no alternative but to stay here. (Of course the nobility wishes for their children to be able to pass the entrance exam and enter the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy.)

“If it weren’t for us arriving early, I fear we wouldn’t have been able to stay here either.”

“That’s right. Nevertheless, teacher is wise. I only now comprehend why Teacher Xiu didn’t let me delay during our journey by wandering aimlessly.
“Zhang Gong, we’re going out. I’ll bring you out for a stroll.”


Me and Teacher Xiu arrived at the main street. Because it’s the magic kingdom’s capital, magic products are being sold everywhere. We entered a magic goods store. Wow. Inside there are all kinds of magic products. There’s magic gowns, some low level magic crystals, magic staffs and there’s also some magical beast eggs. Every mage has a magical beast but one’s own magical beast needs to be incubated by themselves. All the magical beast eggs here have a seal on them. Blood is required to act as a medium to incubate them. When a magical beast hatches, it will attach the most importance to the first person it sees. In this kind of ordinary store, there are only a few lower level magical beast eggs since high level magical beast eggs are every expensive. High level magical beast eggs are too expensive for even the wealthy; in order to get a high level egg, luck is required.

“Zhang Gong, see if there’s any that you like. Teacher will buy it for you as a present.”

“Okay! Thank you teacher.” With no trace of politeness I jumped up. Finally, I picked a pearl white magical beast egg and a magic staff embed with a white crystal.

“Your son really knows how to choose. Of the magic staffs we have here, that one is the best. The magical beast egg is a first rank magical beast, I’ll give it as a present to you. The magic staff is fifty gold coins.” (That pearl white magical beast egg is of the light element. Of course nobody wants it.)
“That expensive?” Teacher Xiu scowled, however he promised me. To be a worthy teacher, he naturally bought it reluctantly.

Back at the inn, Teacher Xiu helped me appraise the magic staff. The magic staff is able to increase magic attack power. Indeed, it’s a pretty good staff. The pearl white magical beast egg is very ordinary, merely a rank one magical beast.

“You’ve accepted the gift. Three days from now you must put in great effort during the exam! Don’t disappoint teacher.”

This staff continuously accompanied me for a very long period of time. Until I received….

Also, the magical beast incubated from the egg became my most important partner.

Perhaps it was destined. The magical beast the Child of Light obtained had a very important effect on the events leading to his rise to the rank of Grand Magister.

(The Child of Light will soon begin his intermediate magic academy life. What will his magical beast be?)

Chapter 2 – Entrance Examination

First thing in the morning, Teacher Xiu woke me up with lessons. He made me repeat some details regarding the exam. Then he brought me to the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy.

“Teacher Xiu, why are are we here so early. There’s still a long time before the exam.” I said as I yawned. In these last two days I’ve nearly been bothered to death. Everyday Teacher Xiu would explain all of the exam’s rules, exam details and so on. Just from all his talk my head has grown bigger. Originally I wanted to hatch my magical beast egg and take a look at what it is. However, Teacher Xiu wouldn’t permit it, saying that before the exam I need to have ample amounts of vigor and physical strength. He’s even more nervous about the exam than me.

“First, look at the situation. Zhang Gong ah. As long as you act in accordance to teacher’s method, then the exam should be finished without any problems.”

“Yes, I know.”

An hour of waiting is as long as a year as far as I am concerned. (Due to Teacher Xiu’s endless nagging.)

“Okay, you can go in now. Zhang Gong, do your best!” Teacher Xiu gave me a thumbs up.

“OK.” I gave him a thumbs up too.

Entered the academy. Wow. It’s worthy of being counted as the number one academy. It’s very unique. There’s  a  big practice ground that has an area of 15 000 square meters. Ah, there’s also a lot of people. Teacher Xiu told me that this year there is roughly 10 000 students taking the exam. In the end, only 200 students will be qualified. Ah, only 1 in 50 will be admitted. At this time there was a magic broadcast (Through a magic crystal, sound can be amplified and spread): “All the students who came to take the test, according to your registration number line up from east to west. For every 600 numbers, make one line. Follow these instructions in an orderly manner. Go line up in according to your registration number and prepare for the first exam.

My registration is 1503, so I’m in the third line. I went to the third line and lined up accordingly. Looking around, I see that all the examinees are wearing gorgeous magic robes. In comparison my plain clothes aren’t flashy at all, so all the surrounding examinees look at me with a gaze of superiority. Some even spit in disdain and say ‘even a commoner dares to take the exam’.

Hmph! What’s wrong with commoners? Are commoners not people? So what if your family has a bit of power.

“Examinees, quiet down. The first exam will now begin. All the examinees from each line, according to your registration number, go up to your line’s proctor one at a time to begin the exam.” There was another broadcast.

Altogether there are twenty lines and for each line there are two proctors. One is responsible for directing the student on the exam, the other is responsible for recording the grades. The first exam is actually very simple. The teacher just needs to use a magic crystal to measure one’s magic achievements and see if it meets the requirements. The whole entrance exam has four parts. Two hundred students will be admitted according to their overall score.

As I waited, I was very bored. Ah, why’s it so slow?

One hour later.

“Number 1503, come up.” At last, it’s my turn.

I arrived in front of the teacher. “Hello teacher.  I  am examinee 1503.” Teacher Xiu taught me that I must be courteous in order to leave a good impression on the teacher. Maybe it’ll score me a few bonus points.

“You can start the test now!” The proctor nodded at my smile.

I began condensing magic power and placed my right hand on top of the magic crystal. From my forehead, light element rapidly gathered then flowed through my right hand and into the magic crystal. The magic crystal began emitting  a  faint white light. As I released more and more magic  power,  the white light also grows more and more dazzling.

“That’s good enough student.”
“Thank you teacher.” I stopped releasing magic power.

“Your magic power is strong. You’re learning light magic? Learn well. Once you reach the rank of advanced mage, light magic is very powerful. Go recover in the rest area while you wait for the next exam.”


I feel pretty good about this exam; there shouldn’t be any problems with it. I look at the examinees in front of me. Not a single one of them could release as much magic power as me. Hehe. I proudly smiled.

The next exam tests magic perception. The testing method is also very simple, one just needs to fire off their most powerful spell within a magic barrier. Exam in the afternoon. We’re not permitted to leave during midday, but the academy supplies lunch for us. After eating, I slip away to go to take a stroll and wander around the academy grounds. This place sure is big! Apart from the main field, there are also many smaller practice grounds. The academy also has many buildings. The campus grounds are very elegant. Everywhere there is green grass like a cushion, inviting you to sleep on. Furthermore, there are many groves, rock gardens, fountains and so on. Indeed, it’s pretty good. I see that coming here to study wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing.

The afternoon exam began. The examinees are split into 10 different practice grounds. Every practice ground has  5 proctors. Each proctor will give a score. Add all of their scores together and that’s the score for this exam.
Wow. An intermediate magic academy’s entrance exam is really abnormal. Most of the examinees magics are of the intermediate class. Some are even casting advanced class spells. The competition is very fierce. What are  the  proctors whispering into each other’s ears? From the smiles on  their faces I can see that they’re very pleased with this examinees results.

It’s my turn on the field now.

“Number 1503, use your best magic.”

“Yes teacher.” I straightened my body then raised my left hand.

“My name is Zhang Gong Wei, great light elements, assemble in front of me and block and reflect all evil!”

A never before heard incantation! Despite all of the proctors’ suspicions, a light prism shield appeared on my left arm.

“This is….. Light Shield?? No way. Light shield is an omnidirectional defensive magic.” After discussing among themselves, the proctor in the middle said: “Examinee, please explain the properties of this magic.”
“Yes. This magic of mine was created with Light Shield and Light Mirror as a base. As a result of combining the two, the new spell has both defensive and reflective properties. Those two were originally elementary class defense spells but  now after merging them, the new spell can stop 6th rank attack spells.

All of the proctors looked at each other in astonishment. Finally, they reached a conclusion, a genius. (Fusing magics is very difficult, especially fusing two of the same element. I fused two elementary spells to create an intermediate spell, so how could they not be amazing?)

Haha. Another obstacle passed.
While harboring excitement in my mind, I walked away from the academy. (Due to there being many people left over, the last two exams will be conducted tomorrow.) How can it be this simple? Haha. Recalling the astonished faces of those proctors makes me want to laugh.

As soon as I exit the academy’s gates, I see Teacher Xiu. Seeing his anxious expression, for the first time I felt that originally Teacher Xiu is very adorable.

Chapter 3 – My Good Luck

“How was it Zhang Gong?”

I gave Teacher Xiu and ‘OK’ gesture.

“There should be no problems with today’s two exams. You can be at ease Teacher Xiu”

“Don’t be arrogant. Continue to put in great effort tomorrow.
It ultimately all depends on your overall score.
A quiet night.

The next day we arrived at the academy at the same time as yesterday. The third exam is on magic control. Depending on the examinee’s major magic element, there’s a specific way to test this. For example, the test for the fire element is  very simple; only need to control the basic fireball magic through a specified route without it exploding along the way, afterwards the time taken to finish is recorded. The tests for the other elements are about the same.

Then what is the test for light element? Teacher Xiu told me he doesn’t know due to there being no one in the capital whose major is light magic.
Since I’m the the only one who majored in light magic, I immediately went to the exam room. I arrived at the academy’s right wing and the 5th exam room. Wow. I’m the only  one taking the exam but there are five proctors. Isn’t this a bit too excessive.

“Hello proctors.”

“Hello student number 1503. Due to the recent years continuously not having any light magic majors, there is only you. Therefore the academy’s proctors discussed this and established a new method to test you.” Said the teacher in the middle.

Ah! No way. Unexpectedly they’re giving me special

“Then what do I need to do Teacher?”

The proctors looked at each other, then the middle one mysteriously smiled and said: “It’s actually very simple. I heard that during yesterday’s magic perception exam you used a spell you created yourself. Today we want to test it out. You only need to withstand thirty minutes of our elementary attack spells then you’ll pass. Your grade will be based off of how well you ward off our attacks.”

It can’t possibly be this easy. I’m indeed fairly strong but I’m still a bit cautious. I try to ask: “Is it only elementary attack magic? Can I use my minor element’s magic?”

“Be at ease, it’s only elementary magic. But I must warn you to take note that our elementary magic isn’t that weak. You can also use your minor magic. Well then, we’ll be starting now.”

I immediately gathered light element and created a  light prism shield then I cast a divine guard on myself. Furthermore, I prepare to teleport at any time. (Elementary class magic doesn’t have any area attack spells. As far as I am concerned, only area attack spells are effective against me.)

The five proctors began attacking.
The exam concluded. Of course the outcome is that not a single one of my hairs was damaged. Furthermore the light prism shield was barely used. It was simply too effortless. Much easier in comparison to the sack array. Even if the elementary magic attacks of the proctors was like the howling wind and torrential rain, there would still be many gaps. Haha. Too easy.

“Teachers, did I pass?”

The five teachers looked at each other in dismay. Helplessly they declared that I passed.

“This student, why do I feel like your major is spatial magic!”

I scratched my head and meekly said: “This is embarrassing. Teachers, when I was still in elementary magic academy, my teacher assessed me as top quality fleeing ability, second-rate defense, third rate recovery magic and  bottom-tier  attack magic. So…..”

“Student 1503, no need to feel embarrassed. When you actually meet an enemy, being able to flee from their attacks is very important. When a mage and a warrior does battle, it’s even more important. Generally warriors won’t give a mage the change to recite their incantations, so if you can maintain a safe distance to cast your magic, then your chances of success will be quite large. So by all means you must not regard it as shameful, but instead continue to put forth great effort.”

Wow. I didn’t expect fleeing has this many advantages. From
now on these words are my motto. Haha.

“Thank you teachers.” I felt extremely heartfelt towards these teachers and bowed.

Exiting the exam room, I can’t help but ponder my good luck. In any case, it’s not important. I wandered all over. Teacher Xiu had told me that after passing the third exam, according to each exam’s grades, five hundred people will be selected to advance to the fourth exam. In other words, tomorrow they will announce the grades and the day after the final exam will begin. Right now I feel anxious about going back. Once I get back Teacher Xiu will probably nag me incessantly.

I arrived outside the fire element exam room. I inadvertently
looked at the corner and saw a red-haired examinee that’s about the same age as me. (Male) He looks to be really depressed. Ah! I walked over.

“Hey! What happened? Did you not do well on the exam?”

“It’s even worse than not doing well on the exam! I did too well on the exam.” A beautiful child’s voice resounded.

“My teacher said to not do too well, just well enough to pass is fine. If not then once I begin learning there will be a lot of people coming to challenge me. Then there won’t be any time to practice magic.”

“Waa. Your teacher is even more abnormal than  mine.  At best, my teacher is a bit abnormal during practice. Your teacher won’t let you do you best during exams. Fuuuu.”

“Don’t talk about my teacher like that. He told me for my sake. He also consider other people’s needs!”

“Don’t talk about this anymore. How well did you do on the exam?

“Originally I wanted to test into the upper-middle ranks. But I saw a few students doing very well, so a momentarily displayed my ability. The result is that I was even faster than the fastest by 10 seconds.”

“Then how long did it take you?”

“Six seconds.” Wow. This guy guy is like me. He’s also a genius.

“I didn’t  expect  that  you  were  so  talented!  Hello,  let  me
introduce myself properly, my name is Zhang Gong Wei. My major is light magic and my minor is spatial magic.” I extended my hand towards him.

He immediately stood up and shook my hand. “Hello. My name is Ma Ke Sai. My major is fire magic and my minor is wind magic.”

“You want to be friends from now on?”

“Sure. Then we’re friends from now on.”
Two childish voices determined their lifelong friendship.

Chapter 4 – A Genius’s Fate

After saying goodbye to Ma Ke, I returned to the inn with Teacher Xiu. I suddenly thought of a question, so I went to look at my grades. I’m certainly ranked first, then wouldn’t I have many challengers in the future? Oh no, I didn’t expect this. This time I’m in trouble! It seems that Ma Ke’s teacher is truly wise.

“Teacher Xiu, if my exam grades are particularly good, then after I begin attending the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy, many people will come to challenge me?”

“Of course!”

“Ah? Then why didn’t you tell me to exercise a bit of

“Zhang Gong, that’s because you will only improve  from actual combat. If you don’t want to be knocked down by others, then you must put in great effort. Teacher did this  for  you sake.”

This is for my sake too. It seems that the days from now on will be no good. With a heavy mind, it was very difficult for me to enter the mediation state.

“It’s time to wake up Zhang Gong. We’re going to go see the notice of successful examinees.”

Hearing that we’re going to look at the notice, I immediately get up from bed. I want to immediately go take a look; I hope that my position isn’t too high up.

Arriving at the Royal Magic Academy’s gate, I saw four big yellow sheets of paper posted on the walls. The first three list the top five hundred examinees in each exam, while the last one lists the top 500 overall who would enter the last exam.

From the back, I immediately ran over to take a look. I must be in the four hundred’s and by all means, I must not be in the top one hundred. Right now, I didn’t have any of the pride from when I had just finished the exams.
No way. I felt dizzy.

My grades are: magic power: 9th place, magic perception: 1st place, magic control: 2nd place. (Unexpectedly first place is that fellow Ma Ke.) Overall grades: 2nd place. (The first place is someone called Hai Long Yang. All of his grades are in the top five.)

I’m done for. From now on I’ll be out of luck. Well, it’s not too bad. At least I’m not first place.

Just at that moment, a teacher came out from the academy. He walked to the overall grades notice and covered up number 10 and 11, then wrote Hai Long Yang over it.

“Everybody, due to Hai Long Yang using some dishonest methods during the tests, the academy has decided to drop Hai Long Yang’s ranking of first, down ten places to eleventh. Therefore the top ten students will all go up one rank.” Hearing the teacher’s words, the examinees in the surroundings all exploded like a pot. One after another, they began to comment and discuss this event.

“Wow. I wonder what kind of method this Hai Long Yang used. He truly has bad luck. He was originally first.”

“Since Hai Long Yang’s ranking dropped, then the top rank is this Zhang Gong person.”
The remaining comments I didn’t hear at all because I was already stupefied. Indeed, what good luck. No way, a genius can’t be this way!!!!”

Suddenly I became aware of someone behind me patting me, thus giving me a fright. I turned my head around and see that it actually turns out to be Ma Ke.

“What’s wrong Zhang Gong? What’s with the sullen face? Did you not get in? Let me go take a look at the notice.”

My ranking is over here. My magic power: 18th place, magic perception: 16th place, magic control: unexpectedly it’s  1st place. I’m done for! But it’s not too bad, my overall rank isn’t that high at 12th place. It’s still good. I’ll go take a look at

After looking at the notice Ma Ke had a blank look, afterwards he suddenly grabbed my pair of shoulders and cried out in fear: “Wow! Zhang Gong, you’re so awesome! Your overall rank is first place!”

Yelling like this, Ma Ke attracted nearly four  thousand people’s gazes towards us in all directions.

I immediately reflected on my choices, while blaming Ma Ke, I promptly used short range teleportation and fled five hundred meters from the encirclement. Afterwards I consecutively used several teleportations to directly return to the inn. Furthermore at the same time I was teleporting, I yelled out: “Ma Ke, you’re

Now I can only hope no one saw my appearances clearly.

Teacher Xiu also returned with an odd smile.

“Zhang Gong, you truly deserve to be called my good student. You unexpectedly got first place. Not bad, not bad. However, before the test tomorrow, it would be best if you didn’t go out. At the very least there will be a thousand people outside waiting to challenge you. Hehe.”
“Teacher Xiu, can we go back to Senke city? I….”

Hearing that I wanted to go back to Senke city, Teacher Xiu immediately became angry. “What? Go back? Fine. You don’t need me to go back, maybe your parents will forgive you too. When you were setting out, your parents had such high hopes in you. Ah. You can go back and tell them you placed first in the exam but you were afraid of other student’s challenges so you returned. Will they be able to forgive you? How will you continue learning magic from then on?”

Recalling what mother and father told me before leaving, I have nothing to say anymore. (Even though I’m really lazy, I still have one strong point, which is obedience to my parents. If there wasn’t mother and father, then there wouldn’t be me!)
“Teacher, don’t be angry, I was just kidding. I’m going to put in great effort!”

Seeing that I have dispelled any thoughts of going back, Teacher Xiu immediately continued smiling from ear to ear. When all’s said and done, my first place rank in the first round of exams has lit up his face.

“I already told you the rules for tomorrow’s exam. It’s like this, the top five hundred people draw lots to determine who they will fight with. The winner gets 50 points, the loser gets 30 points. The results of the first round of exams will be added to the second rounds. The score will be calculated in accordance to the one’s ranking. The top ranker is you so in the second round there are 50 bonus points for you. In other words, even if you lose in tomorrow’s exam, you’ll have 80 points which will guarantee that you’ll be one of the two hundred to advance. The first round’s second place will have 49.9 bonus points in the second round, and so on. The last place will have no bonus points, so the preliminary round’s results give you a great
advantage. The exam will not allow use of magical beasts or martial skills. (It’s a Magic Academy after all.)

It seems that it’s already impossible to escape the clutches of the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy. It turns out that being a genius is to still be born under an ill star. (That’s bullshit, Genius.) Tomorrow I must lose. I secretly made up my mind.

Chapter 5 – Meeting A Formidable Opponent

At last, the final “decisive battle”. I don’t know who the final opponent is, but the best who be someone in the middle ranks. This way I can lose and appear weak.

All of the examinees have already drawn lots. Following is the announcement for the battles. The first exam is 1st rank Zhang Gong against 12th rank Ma Ke Wei. The second exam is 2nd rank Li Zha Lun against 79th rank Lei Sai Heng Lan.

What an unexpected coincidence. To my surprise it’s this fellow Ma Ke. I’m also throwing caution to the wind, otherwise I’ll be ranked 1st. I would preferably achieve first today and have revenge for yesterday’s grievances. I secretly made up my mind, I’ll get revenge for informing the nobles. Hehe. Just you wait Ma Ke, see how I’ll mess with you….”

The order of matches is according to the rankings, from the bottom to the top. People near the bottom will fight spar. Therefore I am the one to spar.

Where did that loathsome fellow Ma Ke run off to? I searched within the crowd of people. Unbelievable, I can’t find him. He couldn’t possibly be afraid of me correcting him today that he ran off could he? Surely not. Otherwise his teacher wouldn’t spare him. Hmph! I’m not looking for him anymore. I’ll see him when it’s time for the match.

The matches are held on 10 different stages.
Actually, Ma Ke was in a small nook. When he heard his partner for the match is me, he nearly fainted. After  saying those words yesterday, he immediately regretted it. —— I’m done for! Tomorrow elder brother Zhang Gong certainly won’t forgive me. How could I be so foolish? It’s all my fault. God. Please bless and protect me and permit me to have an intact corpse tomorrow.

Wow! In order to enter the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy, all the examinees are fighting like their life depends on it up on the stage. Right now I don’t know which match number is happening at the moment. The current match has one water mage and one wind mage. The both of them don’t use defensive magic at all, instead they exhaust all of their magic power with the most powerful attack spells they have. Up on the stage it’s practically like they’re calling the wind and summoning the rain. You use a hail spell then I use a tornado spell. Truly too frightening. I can’t help but think of what methods will I need to use in order to win the match? After thinking for half a day I came up with one method, which is to use defensive and fleeing magic to exhaust the opponent’s magic power then to defeat him. Fortunately my magic power should be higher than theirs. At last the match finished due to  the water mage being careless, thus being defeated by the wind
mage’s wind blade.

Because of these matches, the academy dispatched 10 great water mages, and 2 water magisters in case of any accidents. As a result of their presence, even though the matches are very intense, there haven’t been any accidents.

3 hours later it’s finally my turn. I stretched my muscles a bit then slowly walked onto the stage.

“This is the first round’s top ranker, Zhang Gong Wei!”
“His appearance seems to be nothing extraordinary. Unexpectedly, someone who learns light magic and doesn’t know any attack spells at all, is able to be the top ranker. He definitely bribed a proctor.

“How come his opponent still hasn’t come up?”

I arrived on the stage then looked all around. Ma Ke’s figure still isn’t here. It couldn’t be that he actually ran away  just before the battle? I already made plans earlier which required beating Ma Ke into a spectacle too horrible to endure. Thus giving the examinees in the audience a warning that it’s not good to provoke me. In the future, the troublesome things will lesson.
“The first round’s twelfth ranker, Ma Ke, hasn’t come yet? If in 30 seconds this Ma Ke still hasn’t arrived then we’ll consider it him forfeiting.”

“I’m here, I’m here.” Helplessly, Ma Ke finally appeared. With a storm spell, he flew onto the stage. First he paid respects to the proctors then facing he quietly said: “I didn’t do it on purpose yesterday. Don’t be angry. Please do not be too harsh on me.”

It turns out that he also knew I wouldn’t forgive him. He’s quite self-aware.

“Hmph! You already did enough. Could it be that  you’re telling me that the rice you’ve already eaten can still be spit out.
Let me beat up you up one time then I’ll forgive you.”

“Don’t! Boss, I’m really scared of pain. Please spare me!”

“You. Spare no effort and let me see you strength. Don’t even hope that I’ll show mercy.”

“Fine. Boss, you be careful then.” After saying this, he cast a fire shield on himself.
I also immediately cast a light prism shield. I don’t dare to be careless. This fellow’s strength is actually quite strong. It wouldn’t have been hard for him to have ranked first.

“Come, Boss.” Ma Ke also knew that it’s impossible for me to be lenient on him. Without any better option, he’s forced to use his full strength. Neither of us knew the the other’s strength, but from the rankings, we both knew the other is a formidable opponent. Not using our full strength will lead to only  one result, being beaten up by the other.

The elementary spell, fireball, came flying towards me. I lifted my left hand and used the light prism shield to face the fireball. In a moment, the fireball arrived then suddenly moved, thus going around my light prism shield to my back. Truly worthy of being top ranker in magic control. As expected, he’s difficult to deal with. I immediately used teleportation to dodge to the side while shooting a light arrow at him. The light arrow hit his fire shield, with absolutely no effect on it. At this moment, his fireball is once again chasing me.

“Your fireball won’t explode???”

“Hehe. Boss, this isn’t an ordinary fireball. It’s concentrated fire element, so I can simultaneously control up  to  four fireballs. Can you avoid them all?” While saying this, he cast three more fireballs. Four fireballs came at me from different directions. With this, I can also handle it. I fled.

The audience began booing. “Unexpectedly the top ranker is running away from several fireballs that are chasing him. How could this be?”
I think to myself, not being afraid of the fireballs is easier said than done, but I have the ability so I have to try.

I used teleportation to run away for a while then I suddenly realized this won’t do. Our magic power doesn’t have much of a difference and right now my magic power consumption is even greater than his. I can’t dodge anymore, otherwise I will lose. Looks like I have no other choice but to use a few dirty tricks.

Thinking this, I immediately used teleportation to move to Ma Ke’s side. Then I used my left hand’s light prism shield to hit his body. Ma Ke’s fire shield is this strong, almost as strong as my light shield. Furthermore, Ma Ke was proud of himself as he watched me be chased round and round by the fireballs but didn’t think I would suddenly appear at his side. Due to being hit by my light prism shield, he fell down. As a result of losing his concentration, he released the fireballs causing them to explode in the corner.

“Wow. Boss is even capable of this.”

I don’t reply, but instead move to his side and give him a left hook. Ma Ke dodged to his left, while using sending the intermediate class magic, Cruel Flame, towards me. I move backwards out of the way.

“Boss, this is what you forced me to do. Oh, fire spirit, heed my summons, form boundless meteors and annihilate my enemy!”
Crap! This fellow is still really fierce. Advanced area  fire magic, Flaming Meteor. I can’t help but recognize that his strength is powerful. The stage is too small after all. If he used this in open space, it would be able to cover two hundred square meters, so it definitely wouldn’t be able to hit me. However this stage is only fifteen by fifteen meters.

I know that the light spirit shield definitely will be unable to resist it. So while risking my life: “O great light elements, my friends, I earnestly request you all to assemble into countless numbers of sharp blades and annihilate everything!”

Light Severing Sword VS. Flaming Meteor. I’ll tell the outcome tomorrow.

Chapter 6 – Still Number One

Sitting in the middle seat of the proctors, a white robed mage looking to be in his eighties sighed and said: “The world is truly different now. Nowadays children who haven’t even entered intermediate magic academy are able to use advanced magic. To think that in those days I was the same age as them.”

On the seat beside him, an old red robed mage said: “Yes. These two children are both quite good. They have good development prospects. You see, that one called Zhang Gong, he’s so young yet he created a defensive spell. And that Ma Ke is also pretty good. His magic control is not only quite good to be able to properly control the fireballs path, but he’s also  to control energy to within a hair’s width of his limit. Not bad. It seems that he majors in fire magic. I’ll investigate his nature and see whether or not I can pass on my legacy to him.”

“Ma Ke is not bad. That Zhang Gong seems to major in light magic. There’s no one besides Zhang Gong in this time period to
learn my light magic. No matter what, I must make him my apprentice.”

Wow. These two old mage’s magic crest, (on the left side of a mage’s robe, on the chest is the proof of a mage’s rank, the magic crest) surprisingly are both made from purple magic crystals. That is to say they are two of the Tianwu continent’s remaining ten magisters.

On the stage, me and Ma Ke were fighting desperately, unaware of the schemes of two the magisters. At the moment, both of us are supporting our spells as if our life depends on it.

This is the first time I have used Light Severing Sword, so I didn’t know how effective it would be. I sensed my magic power
being depleted. The first wave of light swords already met the flaming meteor. Ah. It seems my Light Severing Sword’s power is a bit bigger. Some of the smaller flaming meteors burst open, while the larger flaming meteors were able to counteract the light severing swords. I see that my magic is winning, so I release even more magic power.

My absolute magic power is a little bit higher than Ma Ke’s. His greatest mistake was to use advanced magic to compete with me. If he used small spells with his magic controlling skill to compete, then the outcome would be truly hard to  say. However, his Flaming Meteor wastes too much magic power. Right now he can only barely manage cast this spell, thus he’s unable to concentrate and use his spirit to control it that well.

The stage becomes scarred by our two spells. The Flaming Meteor scorched it black, while the Light Severing Swords cut the stage, thus leaving it riddled with scars. Ma Ke’s mage robe has been cut in several places, while my clothes have been burnt black in many areas. (I don’t have any money to buy a mage
robe. Those are really expensive.) Both of our magic powers have already be overused, now we’re only relying on willpower.

“Boss, I’m on the point of death. Please spare me.” Ma Ke weakly said. Right after he said so, his all of his flaming meteors disappeared. Instead, he uses the fire shield to protect himself as he has no more magic power to sustain it. As a result of even his spiritual power being overused, he lost consciousness. I immediately ceased releasing magic power. I didn’t want to accidentally wound him. If he was able to persist a bit more, I would also be on the point of death. Indeed, this fellow is very strong.

My magic power is also nearly depleted. I slowly stood up and walked to his side. “Hey, hey. You loathsome fellow, this still isn’t enough!”
Seeing that I could still stand, the proctor on the stage promptly declared: “Ma Ke has exhausted his magic power. Zhang Gong Wei is victorious.” Hearing that I won, I felt a burst of joy. Right now I already don’t have any strength to think about the future.”

After declaring the result, the first-aid teachers immediately came to the stage and used recovery magic to treat us. I also follow Ma Ke’s footsteps and lost consciousness.


When I woke up I was already back at the inn. Teacher Xiu was sitting by my side guarding me.

“You’re awake. Not bad. You’re still number one. Now that you’re awake, teacher is relieved. You go rest some more.”

I don’t know what to say, in any case, it’s this way. I closed my eyes and began meditating.


The next day when I woke up the sun was already setting. Teacher Xiu wasn’t present. I got up and stretched. Good. I went downstairs and the boss just happened to be there.

“Uncle, is there anything to eat? I’m really hungry!”

“There is. I’ll get you some.” Maybe the boss also knew that I got first place on the exam so he treated me especially nice today. A moment later a piping hot pot of beef potato stew is given to me. It’s really fragrant! My drool is leaking out. “Thank you uncle. I’ll be eating now then.”

“Don’t eat so quickly! You’ll choke.” Seeing  me  already wolfing down my food, the boss pats me head.
As a result of my great effort in this struggle, the beef I acquired was annihilated in addition to six bowls of rice, a fine achievement. After this meal, I could go two days  without eating.

“Teacher Xiu, you’re back.” Just as I finished eating, I saw that Teacher Xiu is already back.

“Yes. I already went to get your admission notice. Let’s return to the room now.”

Back at the room, Teacher Xiu gave me the acceptance notice with gold engravings.

“Zhang Gong ah. Tomorrow you can go register. In 1 week you will official start attending class, but for now you can go get familiar with the school environment. Teacher will be leaving tomorrow. I have already paid your tuition fee for this semester. You must study properly. When teacher has time I will come back to visit you. For now I will go back to Senke city  and inform your parents of your great results. Afterwards I might roam around, maybe I’ll even visit the Xiuda kingdom.

“Teacher, you’re leaving tomorrow? I would hate to part with you.” These words, at the very least, are half true. In this long period of time we have been together, Teacher Xiu has truly treated me very well.

“As long as you properly study, that will be enough to repay teacher.” Teacher Xiu revealed a benevolent smile while
stroking my head. From within his clothes he took out a small pouch and gave it to me. It sunk into my hand. “The academy is a closed environment, basically impossible to spend any money. Hold onto these fifty gold coins and only use them in an emergency. When the semester is over teacher will come and pick you up.”

Wow. This is the most money I have ever held since my birth. “Thank you.”

“Oh, that’s right. Last time we bought that magical beast egg.
Take it out. Teacher will watch you hatch it today.”

“Okay.” I’ve been anticipating my magical beast for a long time. I immediately took out the white magical beast egg.

Chapter 7 – Magical Beast’s Birth

I held the magical beast egg in my hands and began gathering magic power. (After a day of rest, my magic power has already recovered to seven-tenths.) Light elements flowed from  my hand into the magical beast egg, causing it to float in the air. I used my left hand to draw a magic hexagram. With the magical beast egg in the center, I began reciting an incantation.

“All living creatures on this world, bear witness, I,  Zhang Gong Wei, will share my energy with this creature before me, contract!” I bit my middle finger (it really hurts) and let a single drop of blood fall on top of the magical beast egg. Instantly, the magical beast egg began emitting a dazzling golden light.

“Ah! A growing type magical beast.” Teacher Xiu said in astonishment.

The magical beast egg began to crack open. From within a small white triangular head peeked out. It turned left and right, looking at its surroundings. He flung his head back and when he saw me, he gave a joyous cry. Whoosh He scuttled over onto my body and licked my face with his small tongue. It turns out it is actually a small white snake. It sure is cute. On top of its triangular head there are two eyes that sparkle like black gemstones. A layer of unusually exquisite scale covers him. On his head there is a gold stripe that runs all the way to his tail. Indeed, he’s really adorable.

“Teacher Xiu, what magical beast is this?”

“Ah!” Teacher Xiu woke up from his astonishment and came over. “Zhang Gong ah. You obtained a treasure. This is a growth type magical beast that is only met once every hundred years!
Although he is merely a 1st rank magical beast, as your strength increases, his strength will increase in correspondence. However, before he has grown powerful, you must not by all means let other people see him. Because no rank of magical beast will permit growth type magical beasts to mature.”

“O!” I didn’t really pay attention to Teacher Xiu’s words to the extent that afterwards….

“I’ll give you a name that’s good. What should it be? Xiao Bai? No, that’s not good. It’s like a small dog’s name. You have a gold stripe from head to tail, so you’ll be called Xiao Jin. All right?” I questioningly looked at Xiao Jin and asked. He seems to be very happy, scuttling back and forth.
“Well then, Zhang Gong, carry him on your body. Wait until his rank increases a bit then you can make a contract with him as your fate beast. A fate beast is able to have a spiritual connection with their master. Furthermore, they can be summoned with the simplest summoning incantation. For now let him cling to your body and absorb your energy.”

I let Xiao Jin coil around my stomach as well as assemble some light element to the place he is coiled around. Xiao Jin greedily absorbed my energy. He absorbed half of my energy before he stopped. It seems he fell asleep on my body.

“Teacher Xiu, how can he absorb half of my body’s energy? Don’t normal magical beasts only require a bit of their masters energy to survive? If he absorbs this much, he’ll absorb it until I die!”
“This is the first time he’s absorbing your energy, of course he needs to absorb a bit more. In the future he shouldn’t absorb that much. You must properly practice magic. Only if you grow stronger, then will your magical beast grow stronger.”

At last I have a magical beast. Haha. It’s a growth type too!
Too wonderful!

For the first time, I unexpectedly aroused a studious mentality due to wanting to grow my magical beast.

The next day early in the morning, Teacher Xiu brought me to the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy. He lectured me and lectured me again. Finally, with red eyes he left. Strangely, the me who always rejected him unexpectedly doesn’t feel even a bit

I took a deep breath. Forget about it. Don’t think about it. Teacher Xiu will still come back and visit me. I need to go report now.

I arrived at the first story of the school building located in the center of the academy to report. I knocked on the door.

“Please come in.” A deep voice resounded.
“Hello teacher. I’m here to check in.

“Oh, come in. You’re this exam’s top ranker, Zhang Gong right? In the future make sure to put in great effort and win honor for the academy.”

Entering the registration department, I clearly saw that he’s actually a wind element great mage. (From the emblem of on the mage robes I identified him.) Approximately fifty years old.

“As a result of your outstanding results during the match, the academy arranged for you to start in the second grade.” The second grade? I haven’t even started school and they let me skip a year???

“Teacher, may I ask how many grades there are in the academy?”

“There are five grades. In the fifth grade there are graduation exams. Advanced magic academy acceptance is in accordance with the graduation exam results. (Royal Intermediate Magic Academy graduates are all able to enter an advanced magic academy.) Since the establishment of the academy, the most outstanding student was able to achieve the rank of Great Mage before graduating. You must work hard. I heard from other teachers that you’re already on the threshold of an advanced mage. Work hard and break the record.

Crap! Advancing a rank is so easy! If I graduate from intermediate magic academy as a magister, won’t I be a monster?

“Teacher, is it possible for me to start in the first grade?”

“I am unable to do this. This was arranged by the academy.”

There’s nothing to be done. I received a textbook and the dormitory key from the teacher. I departed  from  the registration department and went towards my dormitory.

The academy’s dormitories have 4 people per room. I arrived at the second year dormitory. My dorm room is number 208. I used the key to open the door. It seems like there’s no one here
yet. I suppose they’re in class. There’s only 1 empty bed left. After putting in order my luggage, I lied down on my bed and began meditating. (Sleeping)

Who’s hitting me? Bewildered, I opened my eyes. It’s green hair. Just at the time, he hit my head. “Get up, get up. How did you get in? Who let you sleep here?” So rude and unreasonable. He seems to be a noble’s son.

“Ah! Hello, I’m a new student.”

“Newly arrived? You couldn’t be this year’s exam’s Zhang Gong Wei?”

“Yes, that’s me. You know me?”

“I heard you’re really pushy. Unexpectedly you’re directly entering the second grade. Let’s go have a contest for a bit.”

“I don’t want to. Actually, I’m just really lucky. That’s all. In the future I’ll recognize you as the boss. How about  that? There’s no way I can defeat you. As soon as I saw you I could tell you have reached the rank of Great Mage, how could I, an elementary mage, compete with you?” Because I didn’t want to compete with him, I began flattering him.
“En. That’s good. From now on you’re my younger brother, so you must be obedient!” It really is a thousand wearing ten thousand wearing a horse’s skin.”

It seems from now on I’ll depend on him to pass my days.

Chapter 8 – First Class

“Students, starting from today, our class will have two new students.This is this year’s entrance exam’s top ranker, Zhang Gong Wei and this is Ma Ke Sai. Let us welcome their arrival.” The classroom resounded with applause.

Today at dawn, the education department’s teacher assigned me to this second grade’s A class. I didn’t expect that Ma Ke was also assigned to the second grade, as well as the same class as me. From yesterday, I recognize Boss’s green hair. He’s also in this class. In the future, it seems that I will  experience hardships.

As I was continually contemplating, I basically didn’t hear anything of what the teacher said and soon class was over. After finishing class, the teacher told me and Ma Ke about the academy’s educational system. In the afternoon is self-practice. Both the students and teachers are surprisingly flexible. The students can follow their own preferences in how they practice.
If they don’t understand something, then they can ask the teachers or go to the library and consult some books. This is completely different from my expectations of strict, cut-throat students and teachers.

“Boss, where is your dorm room? I’m in room 209.” As soon as we exited through the door, Ma Ke began chatting with me.

“I’m in room 208, so we’re neighbors. Do the students in your room bully you?”

“No way. They’re all busy with  magic  practice  and meditation. They don’t even notice me. Boss, are you still mad about last time?”

“How could I be so petty? I already punished you during the exam. Even if it’s in the past now, in the future, be careful when you speak!”

“Okay, okay.”

Right at that moment, an uninvited guest came. “Little brother, come over here and help me with my daily duties.” It’s the green-haired Boss!

“Who are you to dare speak to my boss that way!?”
Unexpectedly, Ma Ke is quite fierce.

“Then who are you? Are you already done with life? He is my newly accepted little brother from yesterday. I let him help me with a small matter, so what?” Green-hair spit to the side as he said this.

”What, you dare to treat my boss like your little brother!? Then wouldn’t I be the little brother’s little brother? Unacceptable, I challenge you to a duel.”

“Who’s afraid of who? If you have the ability, then  come. Don’t tell me you’re just a simple freshman with nothing extraordinary about him.” During their dialog, I had a feeling that Green Hair is quite strict. He probably wouldn’t….

“Fire elements, listen to my command, condense into  a fireball and annihilate my enemies!” Because they didn’t know each other’s strength, Ma Ke first cast a small magic to test the opponent’s strength.

“Don’t! It’s my fault. Please forgive me. My father is the prime minister. Read about my father in the newspapers (three hundred words have been omitted here).” No way. Me and Ma Ke glanced at each other. It turns out that he really is an oaf. Recalling how this oaf deceived me yesterday, I need to release some stress. Immediately, I signaled Ma Ke with a glance then we yelled: “Flatten him!” We don’t need magic (In fear  of beating him to death). At once, we began conducted a beating education for Green Hair.

“Green haired bedbug, how come it’s you again? You are truly
the greatest loss of face for this academy. Why are you two lowering yourselves to this bedbug’s level?” This last sentence was directed at us. The former is a second grade student (On the school uniform there is a mark to differentiate between grades) with thick black hair. Although he is only around 10 years old, his face has a steadfast expression. It seems like I’ve seen him before today. I think he is a student in our class.

“Hello, it’s like this….” After hearing my description of the events, the black haired youngster can’t help but laugh heartily.

“So you two are those two new students. The green haired bedbug is one of the highlights of our academy. He is trash that doesn’t know anything at all. He was only able get accepted into the academy by using his father’s reputation granted by His Majesty.”
“Hello, my name is Zhang Gong Wei. His father is the prime minister, yet you all seem to bully him? You’re not afraid of being him retaliating?” I questioningly asked.

“Hello, my name is Wo Ke Nuo Shi, the second grade representative. I major in wind magic. Those who are able to enter the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy are  all outstanding talents. Here, only strength speaks. Groan Trash like him… Furthermore, our principle and  vice-principal  are two of the ten magisters in all of the eastern continent. Within the kingdom, they have an exceedingly high status. In the academy’s affairs, only those with exceedingly high  statuses have a say.” Wo Ke proudly explained.

There are still this many reasons. Ah. “May I ask, what is the grade representative?” Still puzzled, Ma Ke asked.
“You don’t even know this? The representative is the grade’s most powerful.” The green haired bedbug hurriedly answered.

“Oh. Then Boss, can it be said that you are the representative of the new students?” Ma Ke said to me.

In Wo Ke’s eyes were a violent radiance. I thought it that if eyes could kill, I would surely kill Ma Ke a hundred times over. Seeing me staring at him unwaveringly, Ma Ke knew that he once again said something wrong.

“You two are actually so strong. Then in our spare time we can spar for a bit.” As expected, a troublesome matter has come. This Ma Ke, in order to ensure my safety, I definitely can’t be with him in the future.

“We’re newly arrived students, how could we be on the same level as senior? Wait for us to study for two more years then we can spar.” Once again, I promptly used the miracle of flattery. Simultaneously, I suggest to Wo Ke that since we are new students, he would be the big taking advantage of the small.

“That’s fine. You two must work hard! Don’t lose face for our A class. Well then, I’ll be going now. Green Hair, you still haven’t gone to do you daily duty.” It turns out he was here to find Green Hair to do the daily duty.

Me and Ma Ke walked around the academy. Everywhere we went, we saw many students. In addition to the newly admitted students, all of the higher grade students rarely make a sound. All of them are quietly practicing magic. This place’s learning atmosphere is truly strong.

“Boss, it looks like we must work hard. Look at these students, they’re all practicing diligently. I reckon those people dressed extravagantly are nobility, yet  they  are  unexpectedly incessantly practicing magic. Indeed worthy of being the Royal Magic Academy.”

I also sighed somewhat. “Yes. Let’s go take a look at  the library and look for whatever magic books we require. Then we can properly practice.” The previously always lazy me, felt that I had no choice but to study. Witnessing this ambiance which is so wonderful.

Chapter 9 – Magical Beast’s Magic

Me and Ma Ke arrived at the library. It truly is huge. It has a total of 6 floors, with each floor having an area of 3000 square meters. The library is divided into three sections, floors 1 and 2 is some basic magic theory and elementary spells(rank 1-3 magic), floors 3, 4 and 5 are intermediate spells (rank 4 and 5 magic), floor 6 is advanced spells. With our level, we can enter the second sector. (The sectors have restricted access, only those at the required level can enter.) The number of people on floors 3, 4 and 5 are the greatest.

Me and Ma Ke entered the 4th floor and went to look for our respective interests in magic. There are very few light magic books; I only found one comprehensive intermediate  light magic book and two intermediate spatial magic books. Ma Ke found quite a few books regarding fire magic and wind magic. We went to the reading area and began reading with keen interest.
There was nothing special in the intermediate light magic book, leaving me awfully disappointed. I opened up a magic book called “Spatial Combat Magic: 100 Examples”. This book really caught my interest. Inside is a spatial mage’s combat experiences. Unknowingly, the time passed by quickly.

“Zhang Gong, it’s dark out now. We should go back now! We still need to attend class tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Oh, that’s right. In the evening, I need to look for a place without anyone to examine my magical beast, Xiao Jin.

After eating dinner in the dining hall, we returned to our respective dorm rooms. Green Hair doesn’t dare to say anything when he sees me. The other two roommates are both
meditating. I’m still not familiar with them and don’t  know their names.

I secretly snuck out to the academy’s rear courtyard. “Hear my name, my magical beast Xiao Jin, obey my command and come forth.” A mass of light essence flashed and Xiao Jin’s adorable figure appeared before me. I hold in my hands, carefully inspecting him. It seems like he has grown a bit bigger than when he was hatched. His growth is quite fast. In just 1 day he has grown this much.

“Xiao Jin, do you know any magic!?” With anticipation I asked.

Xiao Jin doesn’t seem to really understand anything I said,
simply using his head to rub against me. “Xiao Jin, light arrow.” He shook his head. Nothing happened. No way, he’s a growth type magical beast. He should be able to do anything I can. How can this be?

“Foolish child, in order to communicate with your magical beast, you must use your mind. If you speak to it, it won’t understand you at all.” A benevolent voice came over.

“Who?” I immediately turned my head. Wearing an ordinary white mage robe (an unranked mage robe), an old fellow appeared behind me.

“Who are you? Are you a student’s teacher?”

“That’s right. You and I major in the same element. I’m also a light mage!” The old fellow came up to me and patted my head.

“Try communicating with your magical beast using  your mind. See if it works.”

“Okay!” In any case, there’s nothing else I could do. For the time being, I’ll try it out. I focused my mind and through my spiritual connection with Xiao Jin, I told him to release a light arrow. I also told him how to cast light arrow, as well as its effects. Xiao Jin looked at me for a bit, then his body began giving off a layer of white light. A light arrow came out of his mouth then hit the nearby tree stump.
“And it succeeded!” As I found out how to make Xiao Jin cast spells, I was exceedingly happy. After Xiao Jin cast the spell, his whole body became soft. It seems he has exhausted his strength. I immediately summoned him back into my body.

“Thank you old grandpa.”

“You’re really talented in magic, so quickly mastering the communication method between you and your magical beast. Not bad. Do you want to study light magic under me!?” In the middle of his laughter, the old fellow faced me and asked.

Ah! I don’t want to. I don’t want someone looking after me.

“No need, no need. I prefer studying by myself. Old grandpa, goodbye. I need to go back and sleep. I still have to attend class tomorrow.” I immediately turn around and escape. I don’t want to meet another demon teacher.

As the white bearded old fellow watched my figure gradually get farther and farther, he said to himself: “What personality! Other people beg me to accept them yet I still don’t accept them as my student. Unexpectedly when I want to accept someone as my disciple, he doesn’t want to study under me. Hehe” He can’t help but shake his head.

Returning to the dorm room, I find that green hair is already fast asleep, playing chess with the “God of Dreams”. The other two are still meditating. I lie down on the bed and begin communicating with my uncle and aunty light essences. Light
essence entered between my eyebrows. I amass a portion of the light essences in my body and the gather the other portion to Xiao Jin’s location. With a satisfied appearance, Xiao Jin emitted a happy sound, expressing his pleased mood.

Recently whenever I meditate, my strength doesn’t seem to increase at all. If my body is a bottle, then right now it seems to be filled up. How come it’s unable to increase? If it’s like this, then I rather give even more light essence to Xiao Jin. I slowly began to will more light essence to gather at Xiao Jin’s location. I felt Xiao Jin’s pure light essence energy affecting his body. It seems like his body is gradually growing. It’s a good sense of accomplishment. Oh. It’s like feeding a child, yes that’s right. (You’re still a child yourself) Maintaining this state, I entered the land of dreams.


First thing in the morning, Ma Ke came over to invite me to eat breakfast together. Today for breakfast there’s  steamed buns, eggs, congee, cow’s milk and what not. I think I ate 2 steamed buns, 3 eggs, 1 bowl of congee and 1 cup of milk. The students beside me all looked at me foolishly. Even the dining hall teachers are considering whether or not to raise my food fees a bit. Who cares what they think, I eat my fill first then say: “I’m full. Let’s go to class Ma Ke.”

We arrived to the classroom bouncing. Wow. Apart from us two, everyone else is already here, including the green haired bed bug. Could it be that I remembered the class start time wrong? Now way. It’s 8:30.

“Zhang Gong, Ma Ke, quickly go take you seats. In the future, arrive to class  half an hour earlier.  We’re the  A class, we’re
different from the other classes.” The teacher said with a very proper appearance. Yesterday she introduced herself as Xiu Lan Li, the second…

“Yes Teacher Xiu Lan.” I rushed Ma Ke’s tongue to spit, then quickly went to our respective seats.

“Well then, we’ll be beginning class. Today our main topic is long range delivery magic.” Teacher Xiu Lan began  an unceasing torrent of explanations regarding the magic’s origin and its applications. I have already been taught by these kinds of demon teachers. I want to sleep. I finally heard what seemed to be that position is very important in long range delivery magic and so on. The following sentence woke me up when I heard it. Class ended.

Chapter 10 – Academy Life

“Zhang Gong, what teacher talked about today was very interesting. Why were you sleeping the whole time?” Ma Ke asked me after class.

“I have already learned these topics before. I also know long range teleportation. It’s just that I have never used it before. With this being the case, what else am I to do but sleep? Don’t forget, my minor is spatial magic.” I lazily said.

“Oh! It’s like this. What a pity that I didn’t  learn  spatial magic. Then, can you teach me?”

“Well then, let’s go. I want to go eat. We’ll go practice magic
in the afternoon.”


“Zhang Gong, I’m not going to sit with you anymore if you continue eating like this.” Watching me wolf down my food 5th bowl of rice, Ma Ke complained a bit.

“Hey, I’m still growing. If I don’t eat, then how will I grow?
Who’s going to prevent you from eating?” I indistinctly said.
Finally finishing my 6th bowl of rice, Ma Ke began dragging me out of the dining hall. From this time on, I had a new nickname: Light Element Rice Bucket.

“Wow! Zhang Gong, quickly come watch. That water mage is really pretty.” Abruptly, Ma Ke said in awe.

“Really?” I turned my head. Wow! My blood went straight to my forehead. She truly is very pretty. Covering her body is an azure magic robe, dark blue hair, white skin and two big sparkling eyes. Even though she’s still a child, she will definitely quickly grow up to become a beautiful woman. Indeed, pretty good. Although good is good, I still don’t feel an instant attraction to her. Maybe it’s because I’m too young.
“She’s very pretty, but she’s not my type. I’m going to go back to the dorm room and sleep.” I say so in a big show for Ma Ke.

“Boss, if you don’t want her, then I’m going to go chase her!”

“You go chase her then. I’m going now.” I’ll watch how this youngster dies. Such a pretty girl surely has more than a few people chasing after her. Hey, I’m not going to join on the fun.

After returning to the dorm room, I once again began meditating for the sake of Xiao Jin (I give everything that I receive from meditating to Xiao Jin, so of course I’m meditating for his sake).

In the afternoon, I awaken from my meditation. In any case, it doesn’t matter. I need to find a place without people to practice magic. I don’t want to get punched in the face in the future due to a misfired spell.

Today I’ll practice this then, the intermediate class light spell, the Elemental Spirit Restoration spell. I recited the incantation in the book and began gathering magic power. (Of course I improved the incantation a bit). “Great light elements, your friend requests you to save the creature before me!” Following my incantation, a layer of white light appeared around  me. Little by little, the light gathered on my hands. Wa, I forgot something. Who am I supplying this to? I fell. I sure am crazy.

However the Gods truly take good care of me. Right at that time, a man beaten to look like he had a pig’s head quickly ran
towards me. He loudly shouted: “Save me Zhang Gong! I’m about to die!” Who is this person and how does he know my name? I help but be somewhat baffled. Well, whatever. He’s just in time for me to test out how powerful my magic is.

I use the white light within my hands to cover up the pig head before me. “This spell still consumes a lot of magic power, consuming nearly one third of my magic power before I could treat this pig head’s injury. Wa, no way! To my surprise it’s actually Ma Ke!

“Ma Ke, how did you end up like this?”

“Don’t bring it up. Boss, what spell is that? It’s  really powerful! It only took a moment to cure me.”

“Hehe, this is the intermediate light restoration spell, Elemental Spirit Recovery.

“Ah, this is an intermediate spell. I thought it was  an advanced class spell. The power of this spell is about the same as advanced water treatment magic.”

It turns out that my restoration magic is this effective? Pretty good. I don’t need to fear being injured in the future.

“Ma Ke, you still didn’t say how you became like this?”

“Boss Zhang Gong, you must act in my place. Ah,  the opponent is very fierce.” After saying this, Ma Ke began telling me the whole story.

So it was actually like this, Ma Ke went to chase that girl and approached her to strike up a conversation be asking: “I’ll treat you to some popsicles all right little sister?”, “What’s your name?”, “What grade are you in?” and so on. She basically took no notice of him and bluntly said: “So annoying. This housefly should quickly get lost, or else I’ll give you an ugly death.” Ma Ke obviously couldn’t accept this, as he continued bragging about him skipping a grade and how he grew to be so handsome. Finally, she urgently called a fourth grade student to beat him into this state.

After listening to his story, I couldn’t help but rejoice in his
misfortune. Serves his right. I’ve already predicted this would happen. Haha!

“You’re an idiot. Don’t you know how to hit back? Aren’t you able to use advanced magic?

“Fight back? You don’t know how powerful that guy is. He can use 6th rank magic as he pleases. I’m lucky he started of leniently with me, only using magic to bind me.

“Then how did you get that appearance?”
“Although he didn’t use magic to beat me, he can still use his fists. I was binded and couldn’t fight back, so of course I ended up like that.” Ma Ke had the appearance of someone remembering a painful past.

“Who let you hit on people as you please. Serves you right. In the future, don’t provoke other people.”

“No, I still must go. You don’t understand. Her angry appearance is really cute. She truly is very pretty!” Ma Ke’s eyes have already become heart shaped.

“There’s no way you understand these things at such a young age. You’re still only 11 years old. Even if it’s puppy love, it’s still too early. Aren’t you afraid of being beaten?”

“Boss, the power of love is great. With the backing of your powerful restoration magic, what would I be afraid of? If worst comes to worst, you can use one of those recovery spells on me then I’ll be fine.” Ma Ke said with a virtuous face.

It’s the Elemental Spirit Recovery spell you idiot. Hnnng. If you continue to be troublesome, I’ll stop caring about you. You can do as you see fit.”

“No, please! Boss…..” Ma Ke truly is a housefly, unceasingly bombarding me with his saliva.
I really can’t stand him. To get it over with, I promised him I’ll help him in the future as he’s doing his best. However, I also warn him that he’s not allowed to tell anyone that I’m healing him.

Is that girl really that attractive? To the point that he’s willing to sacrifice his life? It’s really hard to imagine. (The me who didn’t understand the male-female relationships couldn’t help but laugh at Ma Ke through my nose.)

Chapter 10 – Academy Life

“Boss, boss.” Just as I finished preparations to go to class, Ma Ke came to find me. “What is it?” “Boss, I found out who beat up yesterday.” Ma Ke told me while he gasped for breath.

“Who is it?” Ma Ke’s words caught my interest.  “Boss,  it seems there is still hope. That man is the elder brother of the girl I’m chasing! Haha. It seems like I still have hope.” Ma Ke excitedly explained.

“Oh! Really? That’s not bad then. You don’t need to take revenge then.” “Of course I’m not taking  revenge  anymore. How could I possibly beat up my future wife’s older brother!?”
“What! Your relationship hasn’t even begun yet! What grade are they in?” Hearing me ask this, Ma Ke seems to become a bit discouraged.

“That girl is pretty good, she’s in the third grade, so she’s older than us by two years. She also majors in water element magic. Her older brother is an influential figure, he’s the chief for the fourth grade. He majors in fire magic. I heard he’s one of the academy’s top ten!”

“Wow! Yet you still dare to tease his younger sister.  I genuinely admire your courage.” I said as I rejoiced in his misfortune. “The power of love is great. I must persevere. To persevere is to gain victory.” Ma Ke’s face was brimming with enthusiasm. I smiled and said: “Go do your best then. Just don’t get beaten to death by other people.”
“So annoying, you’re actually discouraging me. Let’s quickly go to class.” While listening to the teacher’s lecture,  I  was paying attention to Ma Ke. It looks like he’s  planning something. In one moment he’ll frown and in another he’ll giggle. It’s kind of funny. I threw a paper ball at him. He quivered then pouted at me. Just as I was distracted, I heard the teacher say: “Zhang Gong, answer this  question.”  “Ah!  Oh. Yes.”

“What is long range teleportation magic?” The teacher saw that I wasn’t properly paying attention to the lecture so she deliberately picked me.

Haha. Unexpectedly she ask me this one. I calmed my mind.
“Long range teleportation magic uses spatial magic as a basis to instantly move long distances. It’s like opening an imaginary passage in space to travel through. With advanced  spatial magic, other people can be teleported too, but the success rate is very low. Unless the mage has extremely high control of magic, they generally won’t use it.” I orderly answered the question and proudly gave Ma Ke a glance.

“Correct. You can sit down now. Zhang Gong, your answer was very good, but in the future you need to pay attention to the lecture.”

Somewhat embarrassed, I said: “Yes teacher.” Having been warned by the teacher, I didn’t dare to let my mind wander again. I concentrated my attention and listened to the whole morning class. Tired, I wanted to immediately go sleep.
With great difficulty, I endured until noon. After me and Ma Ke finished eating lunch, this fellow went to go conduct a large scale project of picking up girls. This fellow really is an early bloomer. I just want to go back and take an afternoon nap. Otherwise I’ll have dark circles under my eyes which would damage my image of being a great hero.

After some beauty sleep, I felt that my whole body was brimming with light element. Although it can’t grow anymore, the power all over my body is still pretty good. I opened the window curtains to see what’s outside. Wow! It’s already night. I slept for quite a long time. That’s no good, I need to quickly go and eat dinner. Otherwise there won’t be any dinner left.

With lightning speed, I ran to the dining hall. Still not bad. Although dinner is about to end, they’re still selling food. I quickly took enough food for three people like I was a gale sweeping up dead leaves.

“Wow! That’s the Light Rice Bucket! You see, he can eat so much.”

“Yea, he’s like a pig.”

From behind me came the sounds of laughter and whispering. They still care about how much other people eat! Truly annoying. I’ll just ignore them. I have a good temperament. I accelerate my eating speed. After I finished eating, I ran back to the place where I encountered the white robed old man and summoned Xiao Jin.
In comparison to me, this fellow eats very little. I eat rice while he eats my painstakingly assembled light element! (Is it really exhausting? Isn’t it assembled by sleeping!?)

Wow! He grows very quickly. He’s not eating all that for nothing. “You’re a small rice bucket. You can eat so much too!” Xiao Jin just kept rubbing himself against my hands. He already grown to three times his original size when he was just born. He’s two feet long now and as wide as a cup of water. “Let me see the progress that you’ve made recently.”

After saying this, I began giving Xiao Jin commands in my mind. Really not too bad. He didn’t eat all that light element for nothing. Right now Xiao Jin can already use all of the elementary light magic that I can use. But it seems that he still can’t absorb light element directly from the air.

(Authors note: Growth type magical beast grow very quickly
in the beginning and can learn all of their master’s magics. Ranked magical beast can only learn magic according to the rank. As magical beasts grow in rank, their physical attacks also increase of course.)

I cheerfully returned Xiao Jin to my body. “Xiao Jin, we’re going to go back and continue sleeping. You just need to continue growing properly.”

My silhouette gradually faded. From a tall tree appeared that time’s old mage. “This youngster’s magical beast doesn’t seem to be an ordinary growth type magical beast. It’s growing too quickly. I don’t know what kind of special features it may have. This child will surely develop in a unique way in the future. I must make him my disciple. Hehe.” It truly isn’t respecting the old.
Without knowing that someone is scheming for me, I returned to the dormitory. Green hair is also here.

“Zhang Gong, last time was my fault. Please don’t be mad!” Testing the waters, Green hair said this to me.

“No problem. Just don’t make trouble for me in the future and that will do. I want to go sleep now.”

“Zhang Gong, I heard that your friend Ma Ke was beaten again today. It seems pretty miserable for him!”

“Ah! Really? Thank you Green hair, I’ll go see him.” Throwing off my sleepiness, I immediately arrived next door.

Wa. No way! He’s even more wretched than yesterday.

“Ma Ke, how come you didn’t find a teacher to help  treat you?”

“Boss, you came. I didn’t dare because I’m afraid of being expelled. In the academy, personal fights will cause you to be expelled. (But public competitions are allowed)”

“What good will telling me do? Great light elements, your friend requests you to save the creature before me.” Even
though I laugh at Ma Ke’s persistence on pursuing the girl, he still is my younger brother after all. How could I possibly not care about him! This time this fellow will grow to have a long memory. Ma Ke said something and immediately disrupted my train of thought.

“Boss, thank you! Today she told me her name.”

I wildly fell. I looked at him with an expression as if I were looking at a freak.

“Boss, why are you looking at me like that?”

“If she told you her name, then how come you still got beaten?”

“Hehe. I found out when her brother called out her name. Her brother said that if I still keep looking for her, he’ll break my leg. It seems that I’ll have to wait. Not having a leg is not so good. Boss, do you know any methods to treat a broken leg???” Ma Ke exposed his idiocy to me. Fortunately his roommates haven’t returned yet. Otherwise, with such an embarrassing younger brother, I wouldn’t have the face to meet people.

From within Ma Ke’s dorm room a miserable shriek could be heard.
“Boss, don’t hit me anymore. It was my bad. Please spare me…..”

Chapter 12 – Meeting Hai Yue Xing

Time passed by quickly and in the blink of an eye, three months had already gone by. I have also gradually adjusted to life at the academy. Compared to the time I studied under the Old Demon, this place is a lot more carefree. Everyday there’s not much to do aside from attending classes in the morning. The rest of the day is basically free time for me. It’s really is not bad.

During these three months my magic as a whole did not improve, especially in regards to my mana. However my spiritual strength has increased as well as my magic control. I really don’t know how to further increase my mana. Ah, forget it. It doesn’t matter. I’ll think about it later. At light magic class, I’ve learned just one light spell, Tribute of Light. (An intermediate light auxiliary spell, mainly used for large-scale dispelling of Invasive Toxic Gas, a low level dark spell, and is also used in a few unusual situations). I have also improved my Light Prism Shield (my current Light Prism Shield can cover my entire body and has become an omnidirectional reflective defence spell. Haha.)

In regards to spatial magic, I have already reached the peak of short range teleportation. Obviously, it isn’t possible to improve any further. I still don’t dare to attempt long distance teleportation. The only improvement has been to Small Dimensional Slash. Right now I can finally control the spell. I tested it with MaKe, one of my Small Dimensional Slashes can engulf one of his intermediate level spells. This is truly not too bad.

In this period of time the greatest growth will have to be credited to Xiao Jin. Right now, this little guy has grown to be quite impressive. He has grown to be 5 feet long. The gold stripe on the body has become much tougher than before, and most surprisingly of all is that he has grown a small golden horn on the top of his head. However, he is still very attached to me. Whenever I call him out to play, he only travels at most five meters away from me. He has also made further improvements with his ability. The current Xiao Jin already isn’t inferior to 4th ranked magical beasts. He can use most of my intermediate level magic spells, but unfortunately I don’t know why he can’t use spatial magic. As I watch him continue to grow, I’ve become
really proud of him. I feel like he has already become part of my life. I would feel empty on days that I don’t call him out to see it. A long period of peaceful time past by and I gradually forgot about the Old Devil’s warnings. Until now I also did not want to come across any ranked magical beasts that meant harm to Xiao Jin.

What really makes me depressed is that the white robed magic teacher is always appearing in my life. Every time I bring Xiao Jin out to play at night, I almost always encounter him. This teacher bothers me and I can’t hide from him no matter how hard I try. For this reason, I have tried moving  to  many different places. But this old man is like a shadow, I can’t hide from him after all this time. In any case, I definitely do not recognize him as my teacher. See if he can make me, hehe. I don’t want to live a restricted life!

This fellow, Ma Ke, is simply too willful. Everyday he always goes to bother whats her name (until now I still do not know what that girl’s name is, and I haven’t even met her. I don’t
want to be thought of as some kind of red haired rice cake. Although he frequently wore a beaten nose and a clearly swollen face, he still never tires of it. It really suits him. According to what he says, he’s making a lot of progress. Although all  the girls don’t bother to take notice of him, now  he  generally doesn’t get beaten up anymore because that girl’s older brother is the fourth grade’s chief and may have been touched by Ma Ke’s actions. He gave Ma Ke a mission, that is as long as Ma Ke’s magic level exceeds his own, he will let Ma Ke chase after his little sister. Since then, Ma Ke desperately practiced everyday as if he were mad. Right now when compared to me, nothing is lacking. He is growing quite rapidly.

(Note: Red haired rice cake is nickname students gave to Ma Ke. Who made it so that he stuck onto people in such a way. Haha.)

“Ma Ke, lets go eat.” Class had just ended.
“Oh!” I recently discovered that he practices himself silly. As if apart from practicing, there is nothing else worth  caring about.

“That pretty girl has come looking for you.”

“Where, where?!” Ma Ke’s eyes immediately lit up.

“Boss, You don’t have any other brothers, and yet you deceive me!” complained Ma Ke when he didn’t see the girl.
“Brat, You’ve been bewitched. Is she really that attractive?”

“You wouldn’t know. When I saw her, I was already content.” Ma Ke’s eyes revealed hearts ♥. He is truly insufferable.

“Right, whats her name? Even now I still don’t know it.”

“What will you do with it ???” Ma Ke looked at me with an alert expression.
I kicked him with my leg. “Bah! When have you become so infatuated that I can’t ever know the name of this pretty girl.“

“Oh, Her name is Hai Yue Xing. Her older brother’s name is Hai Ri Xing.”

“Her name isn’t bad. Have you made any progress recently?”

“I’m still looking for an opportunity. She still doesn’t pay attention to me. Compared to her, her brother is more friendly. Oh right. Boss, this brother asked me several times who treats my wounds!”

“Did you tell him?” I asked nervously.

“I didn’t. I could never betray you. Truly.” Ma Ke said with a smile.

“You also suffer so much, letting them practice Kung Fu on you all day long.”

“I still have you to take care of me. For my life’s happiness, I must practice magic diligently.” It seems having a goal isn’t bad. I also have a goal. It is to be free! Hehe.

“Hurry, if we’re late there won’t be food.” Having Ma Ke remind me immediately brought forth my vigor and I ran. Eating food is a very important part of my life! I ate, I ate, I ate and ate and ate.

After we finished eating, Ma Ke went to the dormitory to meditate, and I also thought of going back and taking a nap so I went with him. While walking, Ma Ke suddenly stopped.

“What are you doing?” I nudged him.
“Boss, look, it’s her.”

I looked where Ma Ke’s finger pointed to, and sure enough it was Hai Yue Xing. By her side were 3,4 academy students. This was the second time that I have seen her.

“Boss, lets go over and say hello.”

“If you want to go, go by yourself. I don’t want people to think I’m like you, the academy’s famous Red Haired Rice Cake.”
“Fine, boss. You want to see who’s more famous? I can’t possibly be worse than you, the White Rice Bucket.”

“You’re looking to get a beating, brat!” Am I really that famous? How did I not notice?

“Come on boss, I’d feel a lot braver if you went along!” Really, there is nothing that can be done. Ma Ke pulled me across.

“Wa, today not only do we meet with Red Haired Rice Cake, even the White Rice Bucket came to pursue you too!” A girl at Hai Yue’s side said with a smile.

And yet I didn’t notice them. I only saw the 15 year old student wearing a fire magic robe. Wa! He’s really strong! With such a ferocious aura, he gave me the impression that he wasn’t any weaker than the Old Devil. He also noticed me and our gazes met. Within his eyes burst a shining brilliance.

Chapter 13 – Competition Without A Choice

“You’re that second year student known as the White Rice Bucket?” The student wearing the fire magic robe was not like the others, who had their attention focused on Hai Yue and Ma Ke. Rather, he was unblinkingly looked at me. He must be Hai Yue’s older brother Hai Ri Xing.

“Hello, my name is Zhang Gong Wei, a second  grader majoring in light magic. You are?” I replied.

“I am Hai Ri Xing. You’re good friends with this  piece  of sticky rice cake?” Hai Ri pointed at Ma Ke.
I hesitated and said, “Yes, we are very good friends.”

“With that said, are you the one that treated his injuries from before?” Hai Ri menacingly questioned.

“Wa! Kind of..”

“It’s either yes or no, what is it!?”

“Yes, I used light recovery magic to treat him.”

“Then today I will get to see how well you can treat your own injuries.”said Hai Ri from the bottom of his lungs with a formidable vigor. “Let us exchange pointers.”

Just when Hai Ri advanced toward me uninterrupted, Ma Ke did not fare much better than me. Everybody by Hai Yue simply didn’t pay attention to him as he desperately tried to make them laugh.

A third year girl by Hai Yue’s side scolded him: “You Red Haired Rice Cake, always coming to stick to us and asking how we’re doing. You alone are like a toad that is trying to eat swan meat!”
Ma Ke helplessly answered: “I can’t do anything about that. Who made me fall in love with her at first sight?!” This kid’s skin isn’t of ordinary thickness. As expected.

Hai Yue finally said, “You are very bothersome, can you not annoy me? You’re so young and rotten; you’ll grow up to be a playboy.”

Hearing Hai Yue’s words, Ma Ke was immediately enchanted by her voice, like that of a black-naped oriole. As for the words they contained, well…

Looking at Ma Ke’s eyes change into hearts ♥ and not replying, Hai Yue impatiently said: “Hey, did you hear me!?”

“Ah! What? What did you just say?”

“I said you were very bothersome….” Hai Yue furiously repeated.

Ma Ke chuckled, “I promise you that if I annoy you to death that you alone will be the only girl I will have ever liked. Is this fine?”

“You, you, you!” Hai Yue had already become speechless from anger. At this time, Ma Ke discovered that the atmosphere at
our side was amiss.

“Who is your boss? Answer quickly. Do you agree to exchange pointers?” The first sentence was addressed to Ma Ke. The sentence after is aimed at the poor and pitiful me.

“Elder Brother, can we not fight? I pay my respects to Elder Brother as your younger brother. You wouldn’t bully your younger brother right?”

Everyone forms a circle around us, “This guy truly is a good for nothing. He doesn’t have a backbone.”

“Come here! Backbone? I’ll show you how much backbone I have. Do you still value your pitiful life?!” I secretly wanted to say.

Even Ma Ke could not lift his head, “Wa, I don’t have such a boss, so shameful.”

I step forward to grab Ma Ke, “Brat, you still have the cheek to say something like that? Were it not for you, I wouldn’t  be forced by everyone to exchange pointers.”
At this time, Hai Ri’s words completely shattered my dreams of escaping: “Don’t want to exchange  pointers,  huh?  Then you’ll let me beat you like a sandbag, right? I don’t care about my reputation. Who said I wouldn’t bully my juniors? I  see those I dislike and beat them.” He said as he extended his huge fists as if comparing them to my life.

Finished, I’m finished. It seems I can’t run away. Are we still exchanging pointers? If we exchange pointers then at least I won’t be killed. I helplessly said: “Fine, I accept the exchange of pointers.”

A group of people came to the training site and set up a defensive boundary. I came to the center of field with Hai Ri. I knew that it was too late to hide, so I will fight instead!
“Come out.” I waved my hand in the air. Immediately a small crack appeared in the air. I reached into it and pulled out the magic staff that I’ve never used before. (Spatial Storage Bag, an intermediate spatial spell that I had just recently learned for convenience. I had put my magic staff inside it but I did not expect to use it today.)

Hai Ri asked surprisingly: “You also use spatial magic?”

“My minor is spatial magic.” I unenthusiastically replied. In any case, I can’t avoid this and it’s useless to act like a coward. I may as well be hard and unreasonable. Who’s afraid of who?

I didn’t dare to hesitate so I immediately cast a Light Prism Shield on my whole body. With the increase in power due to my
staff, I became surrounded by a thick layer of light element. I have already finished my adequate battle preparations.

“Fine then, let me take a look at your strength which allows you to interfere with other people’s business.” Hai Ri had an imposing manner like the overreaching peak of a mountain. With a dark face, he recited an incantation and used his hands to brandish the intermediate fire spell, Chained Fire Ball, to send it flying towards me. I know that this attack  is  only probing me. In a calm and unhurried manner, I promptly teleported behind Hai Ri and sent a Light Arrow at him. Perhaps it’s because he didn’t prepare for it and he was excessively confident in himself, but he didn’t dodge and unexpectedly was hit head-on by my magic. However, this is only an elementary class spell, it’s unable to harm him at all. It was immediately dissolved by his fire shield but still gave him a fright.

“It seems I have underestimated you.” Hai Ri said this then began casting a Gale spell upon himself. Like a shadow, he roamed around the grounds, furthermore, as he began reciting
the Gale spell’s incantation, his speed was unexpectedly not much slower than my teleportation. I’m only able to catch a glimpse of his shadow. Hai Ri’s true power is actually so strong, an elementary class spell cast by him is actually as powerful as an intermediate class spell. It’s truly unthinkable. I reckon that if we competed purely with speed, neither of us would be able to land a hit. But seeing him chant this way, I reckon that his spell won’t be a minor. I can only calmly teleport.

A fierce battle has begun. What will be the outcome? Will Zhang Gong be able to endure?

Chapter 14 – Xiao Jin’s Battle

I brought together all my magic power and began chanting my strongest spell– Light Severing Sword. I intended to deal with Hai Ri in one all-out strike.

I sensed that all of the nearby fire element went berserk. With Hai Ri rocking back and forth the entire arena became scorching hot. A layer of thick fire element gathered onto his body and hid him from plain sight. Currently, Hai Ri was in a huge fireball at the center of the arena, swaying back and forth. My vision became blurred, and I immediately closed my eyes and used my body to sense Hai Ri’s location. I know that he is currently gathering fire element and when he stops, he will dispatch his ultimate strike. There is no skill involved in this exchange of pointers and Hai Ri’s absolute power is certain to be stronger than mine.

“Boss, be careful. This is the advanced fire spell, Raging Inferno. I did not expect it to be used this way. I originally
didn’t learn this spell because of its slow chant and long casting time.” Ma Ke had yelled from the outside.

“Big brother, how are you going to use such a large spell? What’s to be done if an accident occurs?” It seems that this young girl was still kindhearted. My heart was secretly touched.

“Little sister, be at ease. I have control.” Said Hai Ri from within the fireball.

It turns out that he has control, haha. That’s a relief. Let’s see if I can endure his long charged attack.

I have already secretly requested light element to gather to the point that I can use Light Severing Sword (however I had to get the light element’s approval in order to gather magic power at a greater speed.) Now, I’m waiting on Hai Ri.

All of the traces of fire returned from the sky and converged in front of me. Hai Ri thickly surrounded with fire elements coldly said, “Let us settle this match in one move.”

“Raging Inferno!” Following Hai Ri’s voice, a huge wall of fire rushed towards me. How fierce!
“Light Severing Sword!” An innumerable amount of light element began to form a sword resembling a ray of light and faced the wall of fire head on.

Light Severing Sword’s might is not inferior to that of Raging Inferno, but my magic power was inferior compared to Hai Ri’s. Therefore, my Light Severing Sword naturally was suppressed by Raging Inferno. However, Raging Inferno’s advance had also been suppressed. The only thing I could do was slowly advance.

When I came into contact with the spell, I became aware of the unexpectedly large gap in power between me and Hai Ri. It took all my might to gather enough light element to barely withstand it. I silently prayed to my heart, “Light element uncle and auntie, can you help me? I can’t endure much longer.”
My forehead is already soaked with sweat. Hai Ri’s wall of fire is only five meters away from me. Looking at Hai Ri’s appearance, it seems like he still has a lot of power left over.

The light element had understood my prayers. They gathered together at a slightly increased speed. The magic power’s gathering speed gradually gave me an advantage. Although the light element’s output is greater, the period of time that I had to endure greatly extended.

Right now, Hai Ri was surprised. He had not assumed that my magic was so strong. Being able to withstand this attack this long is already pretty good. Right now he felt that maintaining Raging Inferno’s attack has begun to cost a great deal of power. That’s why my magic power could still unexpectedly endure.
“Fine! It seems that you can still endure. Then I’ll let you see my true strength! Fire element! Ignite! Let your endless, raging flames burn!” This is a fire amplification spell! Even though I don’t know its name, I know it’s definitely nothing good.

Actually Hai Ri was forced to use it, because he felt that he could not maintain Raging Inferno much longer. Had he not increased his power, I could have turned it around.

Raging Inferno combined with the auxiliary spell, and I immediately felt twice the pressure. The wall of fire rapidly advanced and was right at my side. I’m feel like I’m on the brink of death! I can’t hold on much longer.

My body’s  light  prism  shield  slowed  down  the  firewall’s
advance. Even so, it still pressed forward centimeter by centimeter. Blood slowly dripped off of the corner of my mouth. I’m already on the brink of collapsing. This damned Hai Ri. You said you had control yet you chose not to hold back.

Hai Ri saw me continue to endure and pressed what meager magic power I had left against the Raging Inferno. I was sent flying, knocking heavily against the defensive boundary. The Raging Inferno had also scattered apart.

“How’s that, Brat? Are you not satisfied? Haha!” Said Hai Ri while proudly panting with a smile.

“Humph! Are you any better than me? What so great about you?” A part of me was not convinced. Seeing Hai Ri proud
appearance made my heart feel… However Hai Ri is truly stronger than me. Were it not for me being able to gather magic power faster, I would have definitely lost earlier.

“Well what? You aren’t convinced? Don’t try to make excuses.
If you lose, you lose.”

How infuriating! Ah right, I still have Xiao Jin. Doesn’t he still have power? Hehe. However, I did not think this through and made the first mistake of my life. It was a deadly error and had nearly doomed Xiao Jin.

“Hear my name, come forth and appear, Xiao Jin.” Along with my summons, a white light flashed and Xiao Jin appeared in front of me. It was swaying back and forth as if it didn’t know
what was going on. It seems that just a moment ago it had been deeply sleeping. (Young magical beasts generally sleep in their master’s body. Without a master’s summon, it wouldn’t wake up.)

“Xiao Jin, hurry, attack that guy.” I used my mind to give Xiao Jin an attack command.

Xiao Jin first looked at Hai Ri, then immediately shot a light arrow at him.

Hai Ri was hit head on. Right now, he also doesn’t have any magic power. He painfully said, “You brat, you still  have  a magic beast! I also have one.” Hai Ri reluctantly used a wind spell on himself to dodge and summoned his magical beast.

Ah! It’s a Red Fire Tiger. How powerful! It looks like it should be about a 6th rank magical beast. Not good. As it turns out, he has a magical beast too (almost everyone has one, idiot!)! I must summon Xiao Jin back at once.

Just as I thought of returning Xiao Jin, something strange had occurred.

Chapter 15 – Xiao Jin’s Death

Hai Ri’s red tiger looked to the sky and roared. Like a red arrow, it charged at Xiao Jin. Xiao Jin was slightly scared and cast Light Shield on himself. After that, he continuously cast Light Arrows in an attempt to stop the red tiger’s advance.

Not good. I immediately felt that Xiao Jin was in danger and I had also felt his fear.

“Xiao Jin, return.” I had wanted to recall Xiao Jin, but it was already too late.

Xiao Jin’s light arrows were like a mere itch to the red tiger. The red tiger simply didn’t pay any attention to them. At this
moment, Xiao Jin heard my command to retreat back into my body. However, the red tiger denied him the opportunity. When he tried to come back, the red tiger had already cast a ring of fire around Xiao Jin, preventing his escape.

The red tiger ruthlessly pounced towards Xiao Jin and cast three intermediate fire spells in succession. Seeing Xiao Jin in danger made me realize for the first time how important Xiao Jin was to me. Even though the period of time  we  spent together were only a few months, he already felt like family to me.

“No!” I wildly roared.

I gathered my remaining magic power and cast a Light Prism
Shield on Xiao Jin. But with such little magic power, would it be of any effect?

Right at that moment, Hai Ri also noticed his red tiger’s anomaly. “Hong, return. It’s over.” He promptly tried to call back the red tiger. The red tiger became sluggish for a moment, but continued charging Xiao Jin without the  slightest hesitation.

The red tiger’s fire magic ruthlessly charged towards my Xiao Jin. Xiao Jin issued out a tender lament before being engulfed by the flame.

“Xiao Jin!” I cried out with a broken heart. But what was the use?

All of the people watching in the surroundings were shocked, they didn’t expect that this exchange of pointers would result in a slaughter.

“Boss.” Because he was no longer stunned and seeing my danger, Ma Ke immediately threw himself upon the red tiger. But when all was said and done, he was already too late. Xiao Jin had already been swallowed by the blaze.

“Hai Ri, you’re too cruel! Although I chased after  your younger sister, you didn’t need to go to this extent!” Ma Ke furiously said to Hai Ri.
“No, it’s not me! Hong Hong, wouldn’t listen to me! Hong Hong, quickly return.” Maybe the red tiger felt that Xiao Jin already died, so he obediently returned to Hai Ri’s body.

Everyone became dumbstruck because they all knew what a magical beast meant to its master. The death of a magical beast has an incomparable impact on its master.

I threw up another mouthful of blood. My sight became dark, then I fell unconscious.


“Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin, don’t die!” I was awakened by a nightmare. There were many people at my side. My expression had already become lifeless.

“Xiao Jin. Where is Xiao Jin? Quickly return my Xiao Jin.” I faced the surrounding people and helplessly said.

“Boss, don’t feel sad. Xiao Jin, he already….” Ma Ke lowered his head as he said this.

‘No! Xiao Jin wouldn’t die! He can’t!”

“Your magical beast is a growth type. It’s my fault for dispatching Hong. A ranked type magical beast would immediately attack any growth type magical beast it meets.” Right now, Hai Ri wasn’t arrogant at all. He lowered  his arrogant head.

I turned my head to look at Hai Ri. “You! It’s you! You return my Xiao Jin!”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want it to be like this.  Take  care  of yourself properly. If you need anything in the future, don’t hesitate to tell me.” Hai Ri turned his head and said to Hai Yue: “Little sister, let’s go.”
Hai Yue also walked over: “This is all our fault, we shouldn’t have forced you to exchange pointers. We will  try  to compensate you to our greatest extent. My condolences for your loss.”

Even Hai Yue’s tender voice couldn’t touch my sorrowful heart. I emotionally roared at her: “Compensate? How could you possibly compensate? Are you saying you can make my Xiao Jin come back to life? That is a life! That’s an adorable and small life.” Uncontrollably, tears fell from my eyes.

“Boss, don’t be like this.” Ma Ke didn’t know fear, he still defended Hai Yu from my sorrowful self.

“You! You only know how to chase after girls! Isn’t it your
fault that my Xiao Jin died! Xiao Jin. What about Xiao Jin! Where’s Xiao Jin?” The current me was already beginning to lose control of myself.

Ma Ke didn’t dare to say anything. He held up a big sack and gave it to me.

I untied the sack. The originally snow white Xiao Jin now has eighty percent of his body scorched black. Only his body’s gold stripe is faintly discernible.

“Xiao Jin. sob sob” Bitterly, I began crying.

“Boss, don’t be like this.”

“Get lost! Get lost all of you! I don’t want to see anyone!”

After seeing me go out of control, everyone somberly lowered their heads and left the room one by one. Green Hair and the two roommates I’m not familiar with had also left.

The only one left was me. I began to gather magic power with all my might and cast an Elemental Spirit Restoration spell on Xiao Jin. Bathed in light elements, Xiao Jin’s body eventually
returned to a snow white color. However, I knew this wouldn’t bring him back to life.

“What you are doing won’t work.. It’s useless.” My ear heard a strange yet familiar voice.

“Didn’t I tell you all to get lost! Why haven’t you left yet? I don’t need you all to look after me!” I emotionally clamored.

“Even if I can save your magical beast? You still don’t need me here?”
“What?” My whole body began shaking. I quickly shook my head. So it’s him!

Chapter 16 – Sharing Life

The white robed old mage walked in front of me and stroked my head.

“Foolish child, don’t feel too sad. Let me take a look at your magic beast. Perhaps I can still save him.”

“Really? Here.” I am hopeful. You finally came to my side. I immediately handed Xiao Jin over.

“No matter what, you must bring him back to life. All I want is for Xiao Jin to come back to life, I don’t want anything else. Please, I beg you.” I grabbed the old mage’s hand, pleading helplessly.

The old mage didn’t reply. He put his hand on Xiao Jin’s body and slowly emitted a white radiance. It wasn’t blinding but very gentle. A moment later, the white radiance enveloped Xiao Jin’s body. It looked like my spiritual recovery spell, but  there seemed to be something different.

After an arduous meal, I anxiously waited. The old mage took his hand off Xiao Jin’s body and sighed.

I immediately felt my hopes drop into the abyss, “Is it not possible? Is there no hope to bring him back to life?” I impatiently asked.
“Child. Don’t worry. Listen to me. Your magical beast is the best growth type magical beast that I’ve ever seen. If you didn’t think he could not defend himself, would you have sent him out? Could it be that your previous teacher did not tell you?”

I shamefully lowered my head, “He told me. I… I was too excited at the time and I had forgotten.”

“Don’t blame yourself. Instead, you should take responsibility for the misfortunes you have brought upon yourself.”

“Then can we still save Xiao Jin?”

“Maybe, maybe not. It will depend on you.” The old mage meaningfully looked at me.

“Me!? Then quickly tell me what I need to do.”

“Currently, the circumstances are as such. Just a moment ago, I examined your magic beast, his injuries have already been healed by your spirit recovery spell. However, he exhausted his life energy upon receiving Hai Ri’s magical beast’s final attack. The main problem is how to provide enough life energy to sustain him and wake his consciousness.”
As soon as I saw the old mage stopped speaking, I quickly interrupted, “Then what must I do?”

“Before I tell you, I must first ask you a question.”


“Do you love your magical beast?”

“Of course I love him. He’s like family to me.” When I said it,
my eyes were red.

“Good. Then are you willing to give him everything, even your own life?”

Without the slightest hesitation, I said, “I am willing. So long as he can live, I am willing to do anything.”

Looking at my unwavering expression, the old mage revealed a hint of an approving smile. “Good. Very good. In order to resurrect him, you must give him life energy. That is why you must be willing to divide your own and share it with him. Putting it in a different way, he will become a part of your body. Then by using your life energy, you will wake his consciousness. This is something only you can do.”

“Divide my life energy and share it with him? How do I do that? Will there be any consequences in the future?”

“If you succeed, there are several things that I can determine. First, in the future it will not be possible for you to have any other magical beasts. Second, his life will be linked to yours. If you die, he will certainly die as well. And third.” The old mage paused for a moment. “Your life energy will be halved.”

“Halved? I understand the first two. But what do mean by halved? Is there really such a cost?”
“In other words, if your lifespan was originally a hundred and twenty years (the average human lifespan) and you were to give him your life energy, your lifespan will reduce to sixty years. Are you willing to use sixty years of your life in order  to resurrect him?”

I took a quick look at Xiao Jin. His body was still so  very white, but his golden stripe had already begun to lose its former luster. I stroked his head.

With a resolute determination, I answered, “I am willing.” From this moment on, the Child of Light and his lifelong companion and comrade-in-arms entered an eternal, everlasting contract.
“Good child, you don’t disappoint!” The old mage exclaimed. “Be at ease. In the future, I will do my utmost to find a way to restore your life energy. But for now, let us begin.”

I nodded.

We went to a small, uninhabited room in the academy. Then the old mage created a strong, solid barrier outside.

“We are starting.” I nodded towards him.
I carried Xiao Jin to the hexagram in the middle of the room. Carefully, I placed Xiao Jin at the center of the hexagram and gave him an affectionate glance. Then I raised my arms to either side of my body to the height of my head and began to chant a spell that I would only cast once in my life, Sharing Life.

The old mage said this was an ancient spell he found in a ruin, carved upon a stone tablet. He never used it before and didn’t know what would occur as a result. However, he did not know that this spell’s use would someday be of great assistance to me when I became a Grand Magister in the future. This is because the use of this spell allowed me to comprehend the true nature of light element. That is: Love and Self Sacrifice.

“Oh, Great God of creation! I humbly request your aid. Use your endless strength to open my life’s origin. I desire to take part in an eternal, everlasting contract with the creature before you. A contract to share my life!”

Following the completion of my chant, my body began to emit a white radiance. It began gently and gradually grew brighter, until finally the white light had enveloped my body. The white radiance with gradual intensity changed to gold. Currently, I looked like a small star. At the golden radiance’s strongest moment, my Upper Dantian emitted a golden light towards Xiao Jin. Below the golden light, Xiao Jin’s body gradually faded. Afterwards, the golden light fused into a ball and slowly floated off the ground. After a sudden whoosh, it went from my Upper Dantian and into my body.

The light that surrounded my body gradually faded away. I felt abnormally weak but at the same time I felt Xiao Jin’s existence. I softly called out to him in my thoughts, “Xiao Jin, you came back.” The ball of golden light that entered my body trembled for a moment. Then from the center of  the  golden light arrived a burst of warm thoughts. I know for certain, I succeeded. My Xiao Jin — He came back. With peace of heart, I closed my eyes and lost consciousness.

Chapter 17 – Becoming A Disciple

When I awakened once again, I found myself within a very simple and unadorned bedroom. Where am I? Xiao Jin, how is Xiao Jin? Immediately, I looked within myself. Fortunately, although Xiao Jin seems to be fast asleep, I can still sense his lively life energy. My Xiao Jin, at last, you are alive again. Unconsciously, my tears began to flow.

Right now I felt my heart at ease. In regards to losing half of my life energy, I didn’t care at all.

From the door came a sound. The old mage walked in.

“You’re awake?”

“Yes! Where is this place?”

“This is my bedroom. You can feel at ease here and cultivate. You must be hungry right now, I’ll go and get you something to eat.

“Thank you.” From my heart, I truly felt grateful to this old mage. Without him, Xiao Jin wouldn’t have been able to return to my side.

After a while, the old mage brought a lot of food in. I wolfed
down my food until I was full. My mood was great, so naturally my appetite is also great. The food was very appetizing. Hehe.

“Eat slower, otherwise you’ll choke.”

“How long have I been asleep?”

“Seven days.”

“Ah! That long!?” I said in astonishment.

“This is still very fast. Your magic studies is very strong, according to my estimations you should have needed 10 days to wake up.”

“So that’s why I’m so hungry! It turns out I slept so long. Oh right, I still don’t know your name!”

“My name is Lao Lun Di.”

“My name is Zhang Gong Wei.”

“I want to ask you something again. Would you like to take me as your master and inherit my light magic as my legacy?” The old mage raised an old topic.

I thought about it for a bit. “I am willing.”

“I didn’t help you save your magical beast to blackmail you. You must think about this clearly. I hope you will do this voluntarily.”

“Teacher Di, I am doing this voluntarily. I feel that you are
very powerful. I wish to study under you. I have understood from this time’s lesson that my strength is truly weak. I desire to become strong.”

“Then why do you want to become strong?” Teacher Di asked me with great interest.

“I want to rely on my own strength to protect my family and my friends.” I resolutely replied.

“Very good. I will accept you as my disciple. You are my sole disciple as well as my last.”

“What kind of strength do you possess to not have a disciple?” Baffled, I asked.

Teacher Di sighed. “Currently, there are very few people who wish to learn light magic. And those that wish to and have the talent are ever rarer. This is the reason that I wish to receive you as a disciple.”

“Then don’t you need to test me? I heard from my previous teacher that all of the powerful mages require their disciples to pass many tests before they would be accepted.”
“Foolish child, the previous event with your magical beast is already the best ordeal to test you with.”

“Thank you. Teacher, I will definitely earnestly study magic under you in the future. In the past I was very lazy, but this time’s bloody lesson has awakened me. It is only with strength that one can protect others as well as themselves.”

“Your way of thinking is very good. Almost  like  a  small adult.” Teacher Di couldn’t help but laugh.

“Teacher, when will we begin studying?”

“Look at you being so anxious, it seems you really want to immediately begin improving yourself. Actually, I want to start even more than you, but I have one request. That is for you to become a legendary Grand Magister.” Teacher Di seriously said.

“You can be at ease, I will definitely become a Grand Magister.” I issued out an oath.

“Oh that’s right! Teacher, I haven’t attended class is so many days, what am I going to do?”
“You can rest assured, I have given you a leave of absence. You can be at ease and rest here.”

“The academy is actually so kind?” I can’t help but have some doubts.

“I forget to tell you, I am the headmaster of the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy. Hehe.” Teacher Di revealed a devious smile.

“What?” I was obviously stupefied by this information. “Then what mage rank are you?”

“Magister. I’m also the honorary vice-president of the Magic Union. How about that, am I capable of being your teacher?”

“Wow! You’re so powerful! You’re one of the top ten Magisters in the continent!”

“That’s right. Within the top ten mages, I am ranked number 4.” Evidently, Teacher Di said this with some regret.

“You don’t need to be disappointed. You’re already so strong. What’s more, although you’re only ranked fourth, in the future
you will have the number one student in the continent. You’ll have so much honor and glory. Hehe.”

“The number one student in the whole continent? Who is that?” Obviously he still hasn’t reacted properly.

I pointed at my own nose, “It’s me!”

Teacher Di suddenly hit me, exposing a chestnut sized bruise. “You brat, you’re really thick skinned! You must put forth great effort for me. My education is very strict, you better not let me lose face, or else, hehe…..”

Although I haven’t begun studying magic under him, I could already sense that Teacher Di is a very benevolent  and humorous senior. He wouldn’t teach me like the Old Devil.

I earnestly stood up. “You can be reassured that I absolutely won’t let you lose face!”

“You don’t need to attend class at the academy anymore, I have already told your teachers. From now on you will live here. I will teach you magic by myself. For this time’s affair, you must not blame Hai Ri. He also couldn’t control the situation. Moreover, I hope you won’t tell others about resurrecting your magical beast, but instead it would be better to let them believe that Xiao Jin is dead. Wait until he can defend himself before you reveal him.”

“Yes.” Xiao Jin didn’t die, so I don’t blame Hai Ri anymore. If I really wanted to blame someone, then I ought to blame myself. It was me who summoned Xiao Jin after all!

“You rest here properly then. Currently your body is still extremely weak. After all, you have already spent half of your life energy. I have already used advanced light magic to treat you, but it doesn’t seem to have much effect. Perhaps I am treating the wrong illness. Even I don’t know what residual effects will be left by the spell you used this time.” Teacher Di said somewhat sadly.

“Teacher, it doesn’t matter. This is what I did voluntarily. I will assume responsibility for any matters in the future.” I said to console him.

“Zhang Gong, you truly are a good child. How come light element constantly assembles towards when you’re sleeping? The speed is also very astonishing.”

After hearing teacher ask this, I felt somewhat embarrassed. I explained to him from start to finish about my lying down meditation.

“Foolish child, I don’t know whether to call you a genius or to call you a lazy slob. I didn’t expect that would’ve accidentally obtained the light element’s approval. I only obtained this when I was 60 years old!”
I could only giggle in return.

Chapter 18 – Magic Power Compression

After about a month of rest, my body finally recovered to its original state.

“Zhang Gong, You’ve just about fully recovered. Today we’re going to start class.”

“Alright. Teacher Di, what do you want to teach me?”

“First, I want to see what level of magic you are currently at. I want to teach in alignment with your level.”

“I don’t know what level I am anymore.”

“What level can your magic power reach when you meditate?”

“I haven’t made any progress with my magic power for a long time. Right now, I feel like my magic power has already reached a bottleneck. No matter what I’ve tried, I can’t break through this bottleneck.”

“Then your magic power should be at the level of an intermediate mage. Not bad. Do you know why your magic
power is incapable of progressing?” Teacher Di asked with a smile.

I scratched my head puzzlingly. “I don’t know.”

“I’ll give you an analogy. How much water and air can one bottle hold?”

“Depends on how big the bottle is.” Teacher Di had asked what seemed to be an idiotic question.
“Then can a similar bottle hold the same amount of air and water?”

“Of course. It has the same amount of space. It just holds different things.” Even this genius couldn’t grasp such a simple riddle.

Teacher Di nodded with approval, “You are correct. Similar bottles can hold the same amount of air and water. But if you take the water and turn it into steam, can the bottle still hold the same amount?”

Right then I had seemed to understand, but Teacher Di’s words were still a bit vague.

Teacher Di saw me fall into a state of contemplation so he didn’t disturb me.

“Good. This is the subject of today’s class and tonight’s homework assignment. Think about it thoroughly. The question I just asked is related to your bottleneck. Magic knowledge is mainly something that should be comprehended by one’s self. That is why a master’s closed door cultivation is an individual effort. How much you can learn will depend on yourself. I will leave first. This semester still has two months left. You will be train here with me for a month. After that, you will return and attend class with everyone else. The main purpose of the training that I’ve given you is to allow you to participate in the magic academy’s end of semester tournament.

“Ah! Participate in the tournament? Teacher Di, am I capable
enough?” After having experienced Hai Ri’s magic, I had lost confidence in myself.

“How are you not? You are my disciple after all. You mustn’t let me lose face. Be sure to practice diligently.” Teacher Di turned around wanting to leave.

“Is it possible to not participate in this tournament, teacher?”

“That is of course out of the question. This competition is the end of semester final exam that every student must take. If your grades are too low, then you might have to repeat the year.” Humph! This brat wants to be lazy. Don’t bother asking. As if I would change school rules for you.

Seeing Teacher Di’s slightly sinister smile, I became aware that it looked like I was scheming. In any case, I also wanted to start diligently practice magic. When the moment comes, I will ask him again.

Teacher Di left after I had started to think about what he assigned me for homework.

Water… Steam… Air… Bottle… What do they have to do with each other?
Steam can turn into water. A bottle can only hold so much water (I pretended a bottle was in my hand). Similarly, a bottle can only hold so much steam. If the steam becomes water….

Ah! I understand now, so it is like that. Then I shall explain. Let’s say I was a bottle and steam was my current magic power. My magic power is already incapable of growing inside the bottle. But if magic power is like steam, then I can condense it into water and hold more magic power. Yea!!!! I’m far  too smart.

After I understood, I felt as if I could break through. Good, I’ll try it now.

I began to meditate. No, I didn’t sleep this time. I retained
awareness of the magic power within me. I suddenly began to think about that one question. How do I compress my magic power? No matter, it will come to me.

I used my spiritual power to grasp the magical power within my body and separated about a fifth of it. The rest of the magic power scattered throughout my body. This one fifth of magic power gathered to my upper dantian (also between the eyebrows). I began to use my spiritual power in an attempt to compress it.

How difficult. It’s almost as if it doesn’t want to compress, opposing me with all it’s might. Why does it not reduce in size? What sort of problem is this? I said to the light element within me, “Elders, uncles and aunties, you are so far away from each other. Everyone is so lively together. Quick, won’t you help me? Is it alright if you come closer to each other?

The light element inside my body seemed to have understood my words. They began to gradually compress, slowly taking the shape of a small sphere of light. It was about one fifth of its original size. Success! I succeeded. After the successful compression, the light element made me unusually  excited. Then I immediately entered the land of dreams. (The compression of magic elements consumes an exceptional amount of spiritual energy. My spiritual energy had been stretched to its limit. I could not persevere and naturally fell asleep.)

The morning of the second day, I went to the same place, I felt that the light element within me was much richer than before. The high purity sphere of light that I compressed yesterday still resided in my upper dantian and space that I manipulated already replenished by itself. (My sleep meditation skill has reached the point of perfection, hehe.) Yes, this kind of feeling isn’t bad at all.
Teacher Di pushed the door and entered. He did not speak, he only stared at my face. His jaw gradually dropped. After a while, I met his blank stare.

“Teacher Di , What happened? Why have you been staring at me for so long?” I hesitantly asked.

“Zhang Gong, you truly don’t disappoint! Out of all the people I’ve known, you were the quickest to comprehend the method of compressing magic power. Not only that but you are still so young. Your future potential is immeasurable. Hahahaha! I picked up such a genius, Oh Yes!!” Teacher Di had unexpected acted like a child, jumping in excitement.

“Huh? What? How did you know I understood the method to
compress my magic power?” I asked bafflingly.

“Fool. Just look in a mirror and you’d already know why.”

“Ah. Really? I’ll take a look.”

I walked in front of a mirror and I was slightly stunned at myself. This is me? Although my previous complexion was quite good, compared with now, it was entirely different. There  a layer of gentle luster on top of my face. The skin below had a wandering brilliance, like that of polished jade. How awesome…
“Teacher Di, How did this happen!?”

Chapter 19 – The First Gold Dan

“This is because you have grasped the method to compress magic. Light element has started to transform your body. In addition, your appearance will make this more and more obvious. According to the study of magic, those who study different elements would have different types of bodies. To demonstrate this, the color that one emits all differ. For example, a fire mage would be red. A water mage would be blue. An earth mage would be yellow. A wind mage would be cyan. And of course light mages such as us are white. When your whole body becomes surrounded with white light, you would have succeeded in compressing all of your magic power. Whenever such a person appears, the magic union pays close attention and in addition they would request such an individual to come in and test their rank. I believe that you are capable of being the youngest to be able to achieve this. You turn eleven years old this year?” Teacher Di gratifying said.

“That’s right. This year I turn eleven. How  about  Teacher Di?”
“Do you know what age this teacher completed the compression of his magic power? I was twenty six years old that year. At the time, I had shook the entire nation. Aside from the continent’s rank one spatial magister, Di Nuo Lun, I had been the fastest. He took the title of fastest, as he completed  his magic power compression at the age of 20. “

“Then why am I capable of completing it so fast?” Since it turned out to be so difficult.

“I don’t really understand why either. It might be because you’re already acknowledged by the light elements.”

“How long does it take to completely compress light element magic power?”

“This can’t be said precisely. Compression of magic power is generally very hard in the beginning. It is necessary for one to comprehend this on their own. Therefore I didn’t teach you. After comprehending, the speed would be very quick. If you put in great effort, you ought to be able to complete it in a month.”

“Teacher Di, then after I finish compressing won’t I be called a freak since light element gathers around me all day?” I don’t want to be considered a freak.

“Be at ease, that won’t happen. After completely compressing you magic power, its state will return to be like  before  you began compressing magic power. Which is what it appears like now.” Teacher Di said with a smile.

“Oh. That’s good then. Teacher Di, will I be taking the Mage Union’s exam?”

Teacher Di thought for a moment. “It would be best to not do it right now because your magic application skills are still very weak. Moreover, if you took the Mage Union’s exam you will become quite famous. That would be very tiring. I was hoping you would be able to steadily practice magic properly. You must understand, if you completely compress your magic power, your strength will approach that of a magic scholar’s. A  child  of about ten years of age reaching this level would cause a sensation throughout the kingdom.”

“That’s right. I don’t want to be famous.” Recalling the scene when I first achieved first place during the entrance exams still instills fear in me. (But how would I know that in the future I
would become the most famous figure in the whole continent.)

“Your assignment for this month is to compress your magic power. When you return to class, you mustn’t let others know about this. After you finish compressing your magic power, I’ll begin teaching you some applications for magic. You should be able to use them throughout the competition.” Teacher Di paused for a moment before continuing. “Originally, I didn’t expect you to comprehend the method to compress magic power so quickly. I think I’ll start with teaching you how to write some magic applications. I didn’t expect to have to teach a genius. Even a student can be so talented.”

Wow! No way. To my surprise, he’s even more arrogant than me. He’s worthy of being my master. One word: admiration.
“Master, that genius sure seems like it’s me.” I cautiously asked.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Di’s expression was exceptionally intense. “What? You brat, if not for my pure and honest invitation and my careful guidance, would you be able to comprehend so quickly? You… You, you truly infuriate me.” After hearing my words, he immediately blew at his mustache and stared at me.

“Yes, it was thanks to your guidance, your good guidance.” For the sake of my future life, I had no choice but to comfort this old man. If I don’t, he would tell me a story like yesterday. What so good about them anyways? Humph
“This is good enough. You go and diligently meditate now. I’ll be leaving first.” As I watched Teacher Di’s silhouette leaving with some anger left, I felt helpless. I’ll stop caring about him and just go and meditate instead. Actually, generally speaking Teacher Di is really quite good. At the very least, he  won’t punish me. He would just make me think about it by myself.

I sat cross-legged on my bed and dismissed all of my distracting thoughts. I willed a portion of the gaseous light element within my body to split. And then within my upper dantian, I began to compress it into a solid sphere of light element. I slowly relaxed. Relying only on my spiritual consciousness, I drove the light elements to assemble together. The gaseous light elements and the already solid light elements fused. Not bad. The result is very good.

My spiritual force still hasn’t been completely depleted. I’ll do this for a bit more. Once again, I inputted a bit of gaseous light element and used the same method as before to gather them together. The sphere of light element is a bit bigger than
yesterday’s. Well then, it’s time to sleep. I’m so tired that I feel like I’m dying.

So it’s like this. Every day besides eating and using the toilet, I would be condensing these light elements. When my spiritual strength was depleted, I would go to sleep. (I would automatically meditate) After waking up, my gaseous light elements would definitely be replenished. Then I  would continue condensing.

As the solid sphere of light element of light element grew larger and larger, my outer layer of white radiance also grew more and more intense. Everyday Teacher Di would examine me when he came by to deliver food, but he wouldn’t disturb me at all. This kind of peaceful environment is definitely the best for meditation.
Thanks to me having received the acknowledgement of the light elements and me unwittingly comprehending the true meaning of light, my light element gathering speed was simply astonishing.

Finally, the most crucial moment had arrived. The light element within me has already completely compressed into a solid state successfully. Right now I felt like I am a part of the light element. My whole body is almost like it’s composed of only light element. The light element within my body passed on the feeling of their joyful mood. I sense that they have begun to change.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly solid sphere of light element began to slowly squirm. Originally it felt very stiff, but now it’s gradually softening. Furthermore, it began to circulate within my body and its color seemed to be getting brighter and brighter. No, this isn’t right. The color is beginning to change. What was originally white light element had become golden. However, the volume of the sphere became smaller and smaller.
Finally, it became like a golden brook circulating within my meridians seven times before turning into a small gold dan within my upper dantian.

If there was anyone watching me right now, they would discover that my whole body’s white radiance would be spilling out of my body.

I felt my whole body brimming with warm breath. I tried to absorb light element, but not matter what, I was unable to. Why can’t I? Don’t tell me… this is another bottleneck?

Not only did I felt that my body was not different, but I also felt that within my body, Xiao Jin had also changed. It seems like he has also discovered the change of the light elements
within my body. He woke up from a deep sleep and gave me some cheerful news, afterwards he began absorbing the light elements within my body. Following Xiao Jin’s absorption, the gold dan began to circulate within my body. I was able to gather light element once again. It actually turns out that the gold dan is able to absorb energy!

What Xiao Jin absorbed is actually the gold dan’s energy. The gold dan is circulating within my body in order to replenish my energy.

Chapter 20 – Another Evolution

I don’t know how much time had passed but Xiao Jin seemed to have already reached the limit of how much magic power he could absorb. The golden ball had also returned to its original state and no longer circulated in my upper dantian. I woke up from meditating.

Opening my eyes, I saw Teacher Di’s concerned eyes.

“Teacher Di, It seems that I have succeeded.”

“That’s great! You already have completed the compression of all of your magic power. Looking solely at your magic power, you can already be considered a magic scholar.” Teacher Di said

“Really? Thats amazing.” Having my magic power ascend so fast made me extremely excited.

“No matter, you still have to diligently practice. Also, Teacher wants to know how you’re feeling right now.”

First I took a look at myself, the white light surround my body had begun to disappear. My skin was unusually smooth, almost making me want to take bite.
“It seems that I have finished compressing my magic power into a small golden ball. Is this correct?”

“Not bad, not bad, just like that. That small, golden ball is the combined total of your current magical power. In the future, it will greatly aid your magical studies.”

“That’s amazing. Teacher Di, How am I not a genius? Hehe.” I asked proudly.

“You smelly brat, don’t be proud so soon. You still have a long way to go. Although you have already compressed your magic power, it still isn’t very stable. Making it stable is a long, demanding process. Don’t believe that just this much could make you a magister. You still have much to learn.” In order to
make sure I would not grow too arrogant, Teacher Di poured a bucket of water over my head.

“Oh…” I said slightly dissatisfied.

“Do you know what a mage’s highest state of magic power is?” Teacher Di asked me a question that I’ve never thought about before. It immediately drew my interest.

“What is it?”
“It is when they have six spheres of  magic  power. Furthermore for us light mages, they must not only be gold but they must also become transparent. Understand?”

“A transparent gold? Teacher, what level can your current magic reach?”

Teacher Di scratched his head troubled and said with slight embarrassment, “Right now I have one transparent, golden magic sphere.”

“Ah! Your capacity as a magister can only produce one transparent, golden magic sphere?” I asked with awe.

“Yes! Not only me, but all magisters have only one of such spheres.” Saying this he could not help but sigh.

“Why is this?”

“To possess six transparent magic spheres is only something that the Grand Magisters of legends have achieved. Up until now, us old men are still unable to find a means to raise the number of transparent magic spheres we possess. In the future, this is something that you must diligently strive for.” Teacher Di meaningfully answered.
“Teacher Di, rest assured. I will definitely achieve this.”

And just like that, the Child of Light had set foot on a lifelong journey to pursue the pinnacle of magic.

“Very well. Let’s not talk about this anymore. Later you will still want to carefully stabilize your magic spheres. You should know that practicing magic is much like rowing a  boat upstream. If you stop practicing, you will fall back. Therefore it is necessary to continuously practice. For today, you should rest well. Tomorrow, I will teach you a few magic applications. After that, you will be returning to your regular classes, preparing for the end of term competition.”


In any case, I will complete this formidable training. But the thing I am currently thinking about the most is wanting to eat a whole lot. Teacher Di had sealed me away for a period of closed door training. That is why all I could tell him was how much I wanted to eat. After listening to my menu, Teacher Di could only think that I was a pig.

Hehe, I don’t want much. I only to wanted to feast on a banquet’s worth of food, nothing more. What so surprising? Everyone’s at their growing age right now after all.

“Teacher Di, Do you know what my nickname at the academy is?”
“What is it?”

“The White Rice Bucket, hehe.” I said with a shady smile.

“You, You, You truly make us light mages lose face!” He immediately scowled at me, puffing his mustache.

Although Teacher Di didn’t let me eat as much as I had wanted, he still gave me enough food to satisfy my “small” desires.
Done eating, done drinking. What else would you want to do? I don’t know about others, but for me, I obviously sleep. This is definitely the best way to digest food! (Don’t learn from me, children! My digestive capabilities are quite powerful, hehe. )

When I woke up, the sky was still dark. Apparently it’s still very early, my whole body felt very relaxed. What should I be concerned with right now? Xiao Jin seems to have evolved. Ever since last time…. I still haven’t seen him. I’ll let him come out and play.

I had learned from last time. I made sure the window curtains were closed and the door was locked. Only after I checked the room for any vulnerabilities did I summon Xiao Jin, “Xiao Jin, here my name, come out in front of me.”
A golden light had flashed before my eyes and a strange thing had appeared before me. Not only that but it had threw itself at me, I was really scared.

“Wo. What this?” I teleported to the side.

This strange thing looked like it had been wronged. I felt a voice speak to me from within my mind. “It’s me, Master. It’s your Xiao Jin, ah.”

Ah! Xiao Jin can speak!?
I carefully examined the strange creature before me. It looks to be a large golden python, about 6 meters long. On top of his head were two small, adorable golden horns. Its body from head to toe had fine golden scales. Looking at those two small golden horns, it vaguely resembled Xiao Jin’s appearance.

“You’re Xiao Jin?” I hesitantly asked.

He seemed to understand what I said and nodded at me.

“Xiao Jin, you’ve changed so much. Weren’t you originally white?” I asked with doubt.

“Master, it’s because your magic had greatly improved. We are currently linked as one. With your  progress,  it’s  only natural that I evolve. Master, could it be you don’t want me anymore?” I heard from the strange voice from  within  my mind.

It really is Xiao Jin. I threw myself at him  and hugged his large head. “Xiao Jin, there’s nothing wrong with you. I missed you very much.”

Xiao Jin had a very emotional appearance and used his long and thick ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) body to coil around me. His smooth scales softly surrounded me and his warm feelings  spread  throughout  my body.

Chapter 21 – Meeting Ma Ke Again

I lightly caressed Xiao Jin, huh? What’s this? Unexpectedly, I felt what seemed to be a very large protrusion sticking out of his body. I asked Xiao Jin (using telepathy), what is this? Xiao Jin replied that he also didn’t know. Furthermore, that was not the only one.

I immediately got away from Xiao Jin’s embrace and carefully observed.

Sure enough, below his abdomen were five small protrusions. It seemed as if there were bones sticking out. On top of his back, between his three golden stripes sprouted upward two sheets but they weren’t very distinct. Ah, what’s this? Don’t tell me that Xiao Jin isn’t a serpent? No, I should ask Teacher Di.
I continued to play around with Xiao Jin for a while. Seeing the sky quickly brighten, I had Xiao Jin withdraw.

Xiao Jin’s progress is amazing. I could feel the strength of his magic power. Not only that, but Xiao Jin seems to still have outstanding changes that I still don’t know about. Also, his abilities have improved accordingly and gained a few unique abilities. As for what they are, even Xiao Jin still doesn’t know. In addition, compared to his previous self, he now provides me with cultivation and I also feel a stronger, more intimate bond with him.

With the sky bright, Teacher Di came.

“Did you rest well yesterday, Zhang Gong?” Teacher Di asked
softly, putting down what was in his hand.

“Well enough.” Delicious, so good, I continued eating. Not taking of notice of Teacher Di, I threw myself into the sea of food.

Striving to finish it, “Teacher Di, you’ve brought such delicious food, why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Humph, you’re the kind of brat that only after eating, will you be at your strongest.” Teacher Di said with a discontent voice.

“Don’t be like that. Am I not talented at learning magic?” I began to employ the spoiled child strategy. (Since I’m still a kid.)

“Fine, blow your own trumpet. Whether or not  you  have talent will depend on today’s performance. There isn’t much time, only seven days. I hope you can learn useful magic in that time. You must take this seriously. “

Seeing him speak in earnest, I dare not joke around, “Yes, Teacher.”
“You haven’t gone outside for quite a while. Let’s go outside and have a walk on the grass.”


How refreshing. It’s been quite a while since I’ve had a breath of fresh air. I gave myself a large stretch and breathed deeply. Even if the sunshine outside was a bit dazzling, this feeling is truly comfortable. Teacher also hadn’t disturbed me, letting me have some free time for the moment until I’ve calmed down.

“Very well, I am going to start teaching now. First I’m going to give you a lecture on advanced magic theory. Do you know what kind of magic I use at my level?”

“Do different levels have different methods of using magic? In order to use magic, all you have to do is recite a chant. Is there anything else to it?”

Teacher Di gave me a tilted glance, “Observe, this is true magic.” He waved his hand outwards and white rays of light came out the palm of his hand. Like a sharp blade, they split open the huge rock in front of us. It’s upper half slid to the ground.

“What? Is that really magic?! There was no chant. Just a wave of a hand could produce such a result. Teacher Di, how did you do that?”
“Hehe, this is the strength of a Magister. With my understanding, ordinary spells can become like this. In order to understand magic elements, you must be exceptionally thorough. Therefore, so long as you fully understand  an element, it is possible. What I had just used is somewhat similar to a warrior’s Dou Qi slash. In fact, magic and Dou Qi at later levels are to a certain extent quite similar. Later on, you must study well, practice well and strive to the master the method to directly use the elements before you graduate from  the academy. But for today what we learn will not be this. This isn’t something that can be easily learned. Only after tempering yourself for a long period of time can you accomplish this. Currently, you only know a few advanced light attack spells. In comparison, defense spells are more important. Wait until the competition is over. Then we will practice the  method  to control the elements.”

“Teacher Di, you’re so powerful! So it turns out magic can be used in such a way.” I looked at him with an expression of admiration.
“Naturally, I am a magister after all! Let’s not talk about these useless things. First, let’s start with learning this spell….”


Seven days had quickly past. Under Teacher Di’s instruction, I truly learned no small amount, especially in regard to  my control over magic. With the support of my formidable amount magic power, I made ample progress toward my control of magic. The golden sphere within my body had also stabilized somewhat.

I had asked Teacher Di concerning Xiao Jin’s change in body. After thinking about it for a long period of time, he then told me that he had never seen such a magic beast. It is possible that this
transformation occurred because I had casted the spell “Sharing Life”. Regardless, there is nothing that we can do about this.

With this, I had felt relieved. So long as Xiao Jin is alive and well, I don’t care what form he takes.

Within these seven days, I’ve received a piece of good news. Teacher Di said that 20 days ago, Ma Ke had been made the direct disciple of the Vice Principal. This time we can both graduate class together at the same time. You should also know that the Vice Principal is also a magister.

Tomorrow, I’ll be returning to everyone’s side. When Teacher Di departed today, he reminded me once again to not speak of Xiao Jin’s survival or of me becoming his disciple. Teacher Di
sure is an amusing old fellow. His educational method is unusually simple. He just gives you an explanation then lets you go think about it yourself. Or he’ll just give you an incantation and let you go try out the spell yourself. He gives exceptional freedom. Not taking into account his age, he acts like my grandfather, but sometimes he also acts like a child and gets noisy like me. I discovered that I already like this amusing old fellow.


After entering the classroom, everyone looked towards me with astonished gazes. I didn’t say anything as I went to my seat.
“Boss!” My ear heard a familiar voice.

“Ma Ke.” I turned around and replied to my good friend that I haven’t seen in a long time.

We fixed our eyes on each other. Afterwards, we tightly embraced each other.

Ma Ke whispered into my ear: “Boss, I already know about your matter. Do your best during the competition!”
“Yes. You too.”

The bell rung, signaling the start of class. Everyone returned to their seats. In today’s class, the end of term competition rules will be announced.

Tomorrow, the preliminary matches will begin. Recalling the objective Teacher Di gave me, I received a headache.

Chapter 22 – Competition Rules

The teacher in charge walked over. She glanced at me and gave me a slight smile.

“Now then, quiet down students. Due to some special circumstances, Zhang Gong hasn’t been able to attend class. Let us first welcome back Zhang Gong on his safe return.”

The classroom rang with applause.

I stand up and bow towards everybody. “Thank  you everyone.”

“Okay then. I hope Zhang Gong will be able to achieve good results in tomorrow’s competition.”

I also desire that. This is also the ordeal which I invested so much effort towards, while at the same time, it’s also  the mission Teacher Di assigned me. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to complete the mission.

“Today, we’re not learning anything new. I’m only going to explain the rules and regulations of the competition. Everybody pay attention. This upcoming competition will be  of  greatly help to your end of term exams.”
Due to the fact that first graders don’t need to participate in the end of term competition, this is the first time the second graders will be participating.

The teacher began to explain the details of the rules and regulations.

Although it’s called a competition, in truth, we just draw lots.
It is only a true competition after a genius begins.

The competition rules are as follows:
1: The competition is based on the principle of fairness, in order to reflect the student’s magic level. The use of magical beasts is forbidden during the competition. (This part  really puts me in an advantageous position, since I don’t dare to use my magical beast.)

2: The competition will be conducted according to grade. Each grade’s competition will be conducted independently. The top 100 students will be free to enjoy their winter vacation, while the students below the 100 will have to study at school until the start of the new term. (I think everyone will do their best now. Hehe.)

3: The matches will be decided by drawing lots. Besides the first time participants, the second graders, the other three grades all have seeded students that can directly enter the grade finals.

4: The competition implements a cycle of drawing lots. First, ten people are divided into a group. In other words, everybody needs to compete in nine matches. According to the number of wins, five people will be able to enter the finals. Then lots will be drawn again to determine knock-out matches, which will be conducted until there is a champion. (However, the preliminary contest is also extremely intense.)

5: Once the match has been stopped, deliberately injuring the opponent will result in disqualification. Being knocked out of the arena, hitting the barrier in the sky and admitting defeat will also be considered a loss. If the winner isn’t determined within the set time frame, the refereeing teacher will determine the outcome.

6: Whoever is the champion or the runner up within a grade is
able to challenge the champion or the runner up of a higher grade. If a challenger succeeds, they can directly skip a year. The champion and runner up of the fifth grade is exempt from entrance exams and can directly enter the Royal Advanced Magic Academy. The student who challenges the champion or runner up of the fifth grade and wins will also be able to enjoy these privileges.

7: The champion of the grade will receive an award of 100 diamond coins. A successful challenger will also receive double the award money.

After listening to the competition rules, I felt that it was awfully fair. The award money for the champions is truly quite a lot. The grade champion receives 100 diamond coins, that’s equivalent to 10,000 gold coins. If I become the champion, I’ll be able to return home with a nice surprise for mother and father.

The teacher talked about some more details of note regarding the competition. She told us that we must strive to do our best during the competition and to fully display the fruits of our learning. We must win honor for class A. If we don’t enter the top 100, winter vacation will definitely turn into the devil’s training punishment and such.

After finishing class, while I was still enchanted with the prospects of enjoying all of that money, Ma Ke came over and nudged me.

“Boss, what are you thinking about? Everyone else has already left the classroom. Let’s go.”
I recovered due to this. “Oh. Let’s go.”

Right after exiting the classroom, I ran into Wo Ke.

“Zhang Gong, where have you been running off to lately? You haven’t been attending class at all.” Wo Ke asked with a smile as he patted me as if he were an old friend.

Was I really this familiar with you?? I thought to myself.
“Hey. Last time when I had a match with Hai Ri, my magical beast died. The academy put me on vacation to disperse my distress.” I already knew that others would have  many questions. I have long since come up with my replies. Hehe.

“Oh! Then you were grieving. It sure is a pity that  your magical beast died. In the future, you should have another opportunity to find a new magical beast. The competition is tomorrow, so we need to do our best. If happen to encounter me, I won’t start off leniently. I hope that I’ll be able to face you and have a fair contest. Did you know? Last time during your battle with Hai Ri, you persevered for so long. You have already become the pride of the second grade.” It turns out that he was afraid of me taking his position as the second grade representative. Fear truly is something to fight over. (Other people aren’t fundamentally as bad as your think.)

“Thank you. I will do my best. If I face you, I also won’t be lenient on you.”

“Then we can do our best together. I’ll be leaving first then.”

“Boss, is this fellow attempting something?” Ma Ke said as he watched the figure of Wo Ke’s back.

“I can’t say exactly. His strength is very powerful!” However, compared to me there’s still quite a gap. After all, my magic power has already been condensed. Due to this fact, he’s already inferior to me.

“Hnggg. I’ll watch and report to you.” Ma Ke curled his lips.

“No, don’t. Battling him on stage will be fine. Let’s go and eat first then. Afterwards we can go back and have a nice rest. We’ll see if our luck is good or bad when we draw lots tomorrow.

After eating dinner, me and Ma Ke encountered a  few students on the road to the dorms.

It truly is an encounter with enemies on a narrow road. It’s Hai Ri and his younger sister, Hai Yue. I still don’t recognize the others in the higher grades.
Hai Ri walked in front of me. He looked at me with his eyes that had a brilliant expression within them. Without yielding a step, I replied by glaring at him.

Just a moment ago while we were eating dinner, I heard Ma Ke say that since last time’s affair, Hai Ri has become very low- key. He very rarely shows his face around the academy. Hai Yue is also like this. Ma Ke hasn’t gone to bother Hai Yue at all. He truly is worthy of being acclaimed as my true friend.

“Zhang Gong, you have made so much progress. I can’t even see through you anymore. I have come to apologize to you. I’m truly sorry for what happened at that  time.  Letting  your magical beast….”
I raised my hand, preventing him from continuing his speech. “We will meet on the field. This time I won’t lose to you.” After saying this, I pulled Ma Ke in the direction of the dorms.

Hai Ri’s voice resounded from behind me. “Good. I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Boss, you were so awesome just now! So stylish!”

“Go, hurry up and go to bed. I’ve just eaten so I’m feeling sleepy.”

Chapter 23 – The Competition Begins

When I returned to the dormitory, only Green Hair was present, “Zhang Gong, where have you been recently?”

I gave him a cold glance and with a neutral tone said, “It’s a secret.”

“Come on, what have you been up to? They say that you and Hai Ri exchanged pointers and that he killed your magic beast.”

You truly don’t want to open the lid to that pot, Green Hair. “You want to be a bother? Irritate me and I won’t be so polite.”

Green Hair saw that I was getting angry and returned to his bed with his tail tucked between his legs, not  daring  to continue.

Just at that moment, my two other roommates had also returned. They were also in the same year but I did not know their names.

To be honest, even though I’ve attended this academy for a year, I could count the people whose name I knew on my fingertips. Everyone is so busy practicing that they rarely have the chance to speak to each other.
“You’re Zhang Gong? Have any plans for tomorrow’s competition?” Perhaps it’s because the competition is tomorrow that everyone is a little nervous, one of them had actually taken the initiative to greet me.

“Hello, I don’t really have a plan. I only have one goal, to be the second year champion.” When I finally said it, my voice became exceptionally resolute.

“Ah! The second year champion?” The two roommates looked at each other in shock. Green hair also came over.

“Zhang Gong, You aren’t mistaken, right? You would go so far as to want to become the year’s champion? For you to overcome the boss would be a joke.”

I got sick of looking at Green Hair, “What does this have to do with you? Go away.”

“Everyone has a goal. Even if you strive diligently, you might not be able to reach it.” I said dully.

“Zhang Gong’s right. My name is Long De An and his name is Shui Yan Ming. Let’s get along.” The slightly taller roommate said admiringly.

“Right, let’s get along then.”

“Zhang Gong, come over here.” I heard Teacher Di’s voice ring in my mind. What he used was telepathy.  Currently,  I could barely use it.

“You guys should rest first. I’m going to go out for a bit.” I informed my roommates. I went out of the dormitory and went straight to Teacher Di who was at the faculty’s dormitory at the back of the school.

Teacher Di was already waiting for me outside on the grass.
“Teacher, what is so urgent that you must call me?” I asked panting.

“Tomorrow is the competition, are you confident?”

“Of course I am! My current magic power is very powerful!”

“Tomorrow you will start drawing lots. You can’t always be wearing these clothes. Come with me.”
Following Teacher Di, I entered his dormitory. He took out a magic robe from the wardrobe and gave it to me. “Try it on.”

“You’re giving this to me?” Looking at the gorgeous magic robe, I was pleasantly surprised.

“Yes, how could I let my student be so wretchedly unpresentable? From now on, this is yours.” Teacher Di said with a smile.

“Thank You, Teacher Di.” I promptly unfolded it, it was very beautiful. A pure white, unknown cloth which was embroidered with gold. The entire magic robe was very large (it actually looked like a cloak.). It was tied together at my upper abdomen. Each side had a pure, white magic stone emitting faint rays of
light. There was also a large, golden magic hexagram on the back of the magic robe.

“It’s very beautiful. However, isn’t it a bit big?”

“Foolish child, try it on. Come over here, I’ll help.” Teacher Di walked over and held the robe out according to my body and took the two white magic stones on my chest and tied them together. After clacking a bit, the two stones blended together and quickly turned golden.

How miraculous. “How did this happen?”

“Child, this magic robe was passed down to me by my master. Now, I’m passing it down to you. It uses unknown means. During winter it warms you. During summer it cools you. In addition, the magic stone at your upper abdomen speeds up the condensation of your magic power. It is not inferior to a purple magic stone. Furthermore, it can change its dimensions according to its user’s size. You could consider it a treasure. I hope that you would wear it and strive for great success.” Teacher Di looked deeply into my eyes.

“… I will.” I answered with unwavering determination.

I lightly stroked the soft magic robe. This was the first time in my life I’ve ever received such fine clothes. They were stunning. In order to fulfill Teacher Di’s great expectations and in order to not shame this wondrous gift, I must win, I must!


“Good, below they are about to begin ceremony to draw lots, second year students are at the front courtyard. They will begin picking lots according to your year.

Drawing lots happened very fast. I drew 11-4, in other words I am group 11’s 4th member. So the group competition is like this; number 1 competes with number 2, number 3 competes with number 4, and so on. That was the first round. The  second round has numbers 1 and 6 competing, numbers 2 and 7 competing and numbers 3 and 8 competing and so on. This is how we advance in the competition. For the nine members, winning one time scores 3 points, losing gets zero. If victory is not certain when the allotted time ends, they each  get  one point.

Everyone had finished drawing their lots. In accordance to the proctoring teacher’s instructions, everyone lined up according to the lots they drew. Ma Ke was in group 5. Wo Ke was in group
9. I was standing at group 11 number 4’s position. Standing in front of me was my first opponent in this competition. I haven’t seen him before. It seems he attended a different class. (Each year had four different classes and every class had 50 students.) He turned around and gave me a greeting.

“You are my opponent tomorrow. My name is Tian  Feng Yang, wind magic major, class B.”

“Hello, my name is Zhang Gong Wei, light magic major.” I replied with a smile.

He also clearly didn’t know who I was. We politely exchanged a few words. I felt his magic power fluctuate quite strongly. It seems he can only practice that kind of magic, how unfortunate that he was matched against me.

“Boss, your clothes today are very beautiful. How come I’ve never seen you wear them before?” After we disbanded, Ma Ke ran over to see me.

I whispered into his ear that Teacher Di had given it to me. He immediately jumped, wanting his teacher to give him one as well. He left me behind and went off to find his own teacher. I shook my head.
Tomorrow will be the start of the competition. I took a look at the golden stone at my upper abdomen, it filled me with great confidence. I must become the second year champion. I must also challenge Hai Ri. Even though I bear no grudge, I wanted us to have a fair match.

Chapter 24 – Advancing Without a Hitch

The tournament started. Altogether there are 20 stages in the tournament. Every stage has two proctoring teachers in charge. One of them was responsible for setting up the defensive barrier (Each of the tournament stages had a magic setup array in the center. This teacher is only responsible for starting the match and maintaining the defensive boundary enchantment.), while the other teacher was responsible for determining the winner.

The magic competition went by very quickly. You only need ability to dominate, then the outcome of the battle can be determined very quickly.

Soon it was my turn. Tian Feng and I walked to the center of the stage and greeted each other.
“Come, let me witness your strength.” I said to him with a smile.

“Very well, I won’t hold back.” Tian Feng had cast a gliding wind enchantment on himself and began circling around me. He started with a lightning fast rush to my side and started to chant an attack spell.

I chuckled in my mind, he had no idea that I excelled at speed. I could easily catch up to him. I cast light prism shield covering me from all directions. I should pay attention to what attack spell he cast at me.

“Free winds, obey my call, transform into a violent tornado.” Huh, it turned out to be the intermediate wind attack spell
“Wind Tornado”. It seems to be a probing attack.

Following spell cast of the small tornado, he went to  the center of the stage and flew towards me.

I let out a faint laugh, “If intermediate attack spells are all you are capable of, you’ve already lost.”

I softly waved my magic staff, “Tear open the space before you, and swallow everything foreign.” This is the spatial spell “Dimensional Decapitator”. Currently I can already skillfully control this spell.

A black crevice appeared between me and the Wind Tornado. After a moment, the wind tornado was completely absorbed. This made even Tian Feng’s breath sluggish, causing his speed to dramatically slow down.

A student in the audience called out in an amazed voice, “A spatial attack spell!”

I willed the Dimensional Decapitator to return, “Do you want to continue?”
Tian Feng helplessly stopped to glance at me, “Forget it, I admit defeat.”

Dimensional Decapitator could indeed be compared with advanced attack spells, but it was quite difficult to control. Seeing me use Dimensional Decapitator with ease, he knew the strength between us differed greatly. Rather than being beaten, might as well take the initiative to admit defeat.

“You are very strong, though it is unfortunate for you to have come across me. Continue to do your best.”

“In the future, I’ll come back and challenge you again.”

“I’ll be ready any time.” The current me was no longer afraid of the challenge of any person, because I was fully confident in my own strength.

Due to the rules of the preliminary competition, everyone must everyday compete in two matches. That’s why  when  I went back to the dormitory, Ma Ke also returned a moment later.

“How are things going, Ma Ke?” Looking at his brand new magic robes, I asked with a smile.
“Is there any use in saying? A cast of Raging Flames of the Burning Heavens already settles it.” Ma Ke was also talented in magic. With his teacher’s knowledge and his own hard work, such a worthy opponent is rarely found amongst second years.

“Let’s go, first we’ll go eat, then we’ll come back and rest. We still have a match in the afternoon.”

Afternoon’s match as far as I’m concerned should also  be quite easy. The year’s overall strength is little different  than Tian Feng’s. After only a few blows, they concede.

At the preliminary contest’s final match, I came across a fire mage of great strength.

“Are you from class A?” He seemed familiar.

“That’s right. I know I might not be your opponent, but I would still like to spar with you a bit.” He had yet to be defeated from his previous matches.

“Then let’s do this.”

Unlike Tian Feng, he hadn’t dare to send any probing attacks. He first cast a defensive spell and immediately followed up with an advanced fire attack spell.

“Passionate flames, hear my call and take on a worldly form, become an endless, raging flame, burning everything before you.”

This is Raging Flames of the Burning Heavens. It’s always this old spell. How bothersome.

I held my hands high and raised my head, “Great light element, my friend, use your gentle light to purify everything before you.” What I used was Purifying Light. This purifying light is not the same as before, it is something I created. Purifying Light was originally a divine protection spell, meant to use in a large area to remove different kinds of abnormalities. Yet the one I created not only produced this result but also forms a thick, protective barrier, becoming an advanced defense spell.

He used all his might to urge the burning flame to continuously charge into my Purifying Light. Within the defensive barrier, I leisurely looked at him. I  had  always thought that forcing a person off the stage was quite embarrassing for them. Still they had to know when  to withdraw. I was waiting for his magic power to run out, so he would forfeit.

At this moment there was an unexpected change, the head of red hair stood upright and said, “Burn, my life’s flame.”

The proctors in the audience all stared blankly, “Why would this student burn his own life energy? This will reduce his lifespan. What a competitive child. “Life’s Flame is a fire mage’s means of igniting their own life in order to release a greater level of magic. In other words, his Raging Flames of the Burning
Heavens was originally a rank six spell, by igniting Life’s Flame, it is possible to immediately escalate it to a rank seven spell.

The fire outside the barrier from its originally fiery red, gradually became darker. Then it changed into a somber, dark blue. The pressure against me immediately increased.

“How unexpected. You still had a skill like this. Look, this is my true strength, don’t you concede now!” What I sensed from him wasn’t inferior to that to Hai Ri’s.

“Great light elements, please allow me to borrow your formidable strength, let the infinite light of the earth shine.” Light attack spell, Brilliant Empire, a seventh rank light spell. This is currently the most powerful spell I could use.

Following my chant, I slowly floated above the ground, a blinding white light covered me from head to toe. My magic robe was fluttering behind me. The golden magic stone on my magic robe released a golden light. The white light that I released was projected, brightening the stage. I raised my head. Within my Upper Dantian, the gold dan released a third of my magic power to cover my body. The rays of light that earlier surrounded me shrank back for a second and then suddenly burst forth. The blue fire was rapidly engulfed by my white rays of light. The match’s barrier after continuously  enduring, started to show cracks.

“This student is so competitive. He’s only in the second grade yet he can already use rank seven spells. These second year students have such powerful magic, they can already use rank seven spells. Have they already reached the level of a magic scholar?” The two proctors immediately poured their  energy into maintaining the barrier.
After the barrier stabilized, my opponent had already fallen to the ground and had not risen. All of the people present were temporarily blinded by the magnificent white light I had released.

In truth, I could only exhibit a third of this spell’s strength. That’s because I am only able to use a third of my magic power, even so it is still a rank seven spell. However, he raised the rank of his spell with great difficulty, I could cast the spell without assistance, but the attack light spell was also at least as powerful as a normal rank seven spell. That being said, dark and spatial magic attack spells are slightly more powerful than the other elements but also require more strength to use. Not only did he exhausted his Life’s Flame but it had also begun to dim.

“Great light elements, act for your friend, I humbly request you to save the being before me.” I quickly cast a Spiritual Restoration spell on him. My Spiritual Restoration spell had the power of an absolute advanced class restoration spell.

As they regained their vision, it became clear to everyone present that I was ultimately the victor.

Chapter 25 – Advancing To The Semifinals

Under my strong recovery magic, he gradually regained consciousness, but he was still very weak. After all, he did draw from his life energy.

“Thank you, you are truly strong. I totally accept this loss.” He helplessly said.

“Don’t use magic like that anymore, drawing from life energy is very dangerous.” Because I’ve also used life magic before, I know what the consequences are for using one’s life energy.
“Thank you, I will keep this in mind.”

The proctoring teacher walked on stage and gave me a nod of approval. He obviously approved of me giving aid to my opponent.

“I proclaim, Student Zhang Gong Wei wins first place in the 11th group, Student Cha Li Ao Te gets second place…” the teacher announced the results of the 11th group.

I didn’t know his name until now. He has already been carried back to the dormitories by some of his friends. I have also made a solid step towards my goal.

I see that Teacher Di has arrived in the audience, he must have come because of the magic fluctuations that occurred. Seeing me, he waved. His voice then sounded in my  head: “What happened? Zhang Gong, was it you who used that impressive spell?”

I’m currently not skilled in using telepathy so I don’t dare use it lightly. I just answered very simply: “Wait until I find you and I’ll tell you then.”

“Alright, then I’ll go now.”
Coming out of the grounds, I immediately left using a couple of short-distance teleportation spells because I was scared of everyone asking me this and that. First I’ll go find Teacher Di, he must still be waiting for me.

“Teacher Di, I’ve arrived.”

“Come in.”

I walked into Teacher Di’s office and he signaled me to sit down.
“What happened?”

“It was like this….” I summarized what happened during the competition.

“Ah…..” Teacher Di let out a long sigh, “You kids nowadays, how could you guys use life magic so lightly? You should know your body was given to you by your parents. Last time, you used it in order to save another life. However, this is just an ordinary competition. The desire to win was far too great.” Teacher Di shook his head.

“Looks like I will need to add a counseling class to the academy.”

“Don’t be upset sir, it will be fine as long as  you strengthen our education in that area.” I comforted him.

“You brat, today you used such an impressive spell, who in the second year would still dare compete with you.”

“Impossible, my Brilliant Empire is still very immature and I can’t control it very well either. I can only use about one third of its power. Also, I didn’t want to use it so early, but if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to block that shot.” I said, feeling hurt.
“Only you know that you can’t use its full power. How many people do we have using light magic? Everyone’s evaluation of you must be very high. This time, you can be as lazy as you want without a problem.”


Just as Teacher Di had predicted, none of the other students wanted to compete with me after seeing my performance the other day. Since the semi-finals started, all my opponents would concede after just a couple of moves. The first thing anyone who got me as their opponent would say is: “Why am I so unlucky?!” With hardly any effort, I became one of the top four. I even outshined Wo Ke, who originally was the most popular contestant.
In comparison, Ma Ke had to work a lot harder. After getting into the semi-finals, every match was won with great difficulty. Even with it being that hard, he still felt that he was lucky because he didn’t get me, hehe.

In the top four, there were three from A class: me, Ma Ke and Wo Ke. Unexpectedly, the last spot in the top four went to a girl from D class who majored in water magic. I haven’t seen any of her matches. I really didn’t expect that D class had someone so strong.

The draw to decide our opponent has started, I went up first and drew an A lot. Ma Ke, this kid, was mumbling something the whole time. Looks like he really doesn’t want to get me. However, life doesn’t work that way and he also drew an A lot. Hehe, looks like there’s going to be a good show this time.
Coming down from the stage, Ma Ke was like a frosted eggplant.

“What’s wrong, Ma Ke.” I poked him.

“Boss, why am I so unlucky? I got you so early!”

“Why is this so bad? I might not necessarily win against you!” How come he has so little confidence in himself!
“How can that be??”

“You wouldn’t know, but Teacher Long told me that you and I are not even on the same level. He said that I’m a lot weaker than you are and told me to keep on working hard.” Turns out, that it was something his teacher said, hehe, or else why would this kid be so scared of drawing the same lot as me. His teacher is the vice-principal of the academy, Magister Xing De Long. Naturally his words would contain authority.

“Let’s work hard tomorrow. I hope we can have a good match, just like on the examination day. How do you know you can’t beat me without trying?”


It certainly is the top four competition, nearly all the second year students have come to watch, and it’s so lively. Ma Ke and I step onto the stage, “Ma Ke, don’t humiliate yourself, there’s so many people watching!”

Ma Ke gave me a helpless smile and started his attacks.

Ma Ke’s biggest advantage is that his magic control is very strong. He’s not scared of my teleportation, so he started with a single, advanced attack spell.
“Oh great fire elements, gather at my side, become a dragon of fire and annihilate the enemy before you.”  Damn!  Yesterday this kid was still saying that he couldn’t win against me. Today he’s so fierce, a fire dragon as soon as we start. This fire spell’s attack is not any weaker than the strengthened Raging  Flames of the Burning Heavens from the other day.

A huge fire dragon appeared from Ma Ke. It circled him once and then it pounced towards me.

Although I have already strengthened my Light Prism Shield, I still don’t dare collide head on with his fire dragon. What should I use? Purifying Light probably won’t block it either and Dimensional Slash can’t handle such a large attack.
“Oh great light elements, hear my prayers, become a divine halo and halt the enemy’s advance.” Advanced defensive light spell, Divine Halo, appeared on my body.

The white halo formed a solid barrier three feet in front of me and threw the fire dragon back. However the fire dragon hadn’t yet disappeared, it turned around and immediately pounced back. Ma Ke’s strength is really strong, I’ve never seen him use this spell in the preliminaries or the semi-finals.

I summoned my magic power and blocked his attack again and again. I can tell, it takes him a lot of effort to control the fire dragon. It looks like he won’t last much longer.

“Boss, I’m going to use my trump card!” What, this kid has a
trump card…

Ma Ke took a fire red magic staff and starting chanting.

In the audience, Teacher Di immediately grabbed Teacher Long’s mustache, “What?! Out of all the things you fished out of your trunk, you’d actually give that kid the Fire God’s Fury?”

Teacher Long didn’t take it lying down and also grabbed Teacher Di’s mustache, “What about you? Didn’t you also give him the Light God’s Robe?”
While the two old men in the audience were busy fighting, I entered my greatest challenge since the beginning of the competition. Following Ma Ke’s chant, a small, red  ball appeared from the top of his magic staff, about the size of a ping-pong ball. However, I know that it’s nothing fun. That’s a ball of pure energy, much, much scarier than a  mere  fire dragon.

Chapter 26 – Knocking Out Wo Ke

It seems like his magic staff has very powerful amplification effects. I could tell since I knew that at his current level, he wouldn’t be able to release such a pure energy ball. It would be strenuous even for me.

In the wake of the appearance of Ma Ke’s magic ball, his fire dragon gradually became dull. It seems that to support it, a lot of effort is required of him. I took advantage of the decreased pressure and quickly began chanting an incantation. It seems like there’s no other choice but to once again use Brilliant Empire, but I wasn’t sure this would be able to stop it. Actually, I also wanted to use an energy ball, but I know that my magic control couldn’t compare with Ma Ke’s. I would surely be hit by him, but I wouldn’t necessarily hit him. Only an area attacks could match it.

“Oh great light elements, please allow me to borrow your formidable strength, let the infinite light of the earth shine.”

While covered in a dazzling white light from head to toe, I slowly began floating upwards from the ground. My magic robe fluttered behind me. The golden magic stone at my upper abdomen emitted a gold light, complementing my white light so that it is even more dazzling. As I raised my head, the gold dan within my upper dantian used one third of my magic power to cover up my whole body. However, the difference this time is that this time I used an additional one third of my magic power to control this magic since I knew that Ma Ke’s energy ball wasn’t inferior in any way to my Brilliant Empire. I exhausted my remaining magic power to make my Brilliant Empire gather in the middle and form a pillar with a diameter the size of the stage to hit Ma Ke.

“Ah Boss, you’re so fierce. I’ll stake it all too then.” Ma Ke waved his hand, then the energy ball on top of the magic staff flew towards my pillar of light.
Contrary to expectations, because the Brilliant Empire is too dispersed, it doesn’t stop the energy ball, but instead slows it down.

I advance bravely while using all of my body’s remaining magic power to form a Light Prism Shield. The Fire Energy Ball reached me then it shatters my Light Prism Shield. This is the first time ever that my Light Prism Shield has been shattered.

I felt a burst of scorching heat throughout my whole body, I knew I was finished. I was hit by the energy ball.  In  this moment that was as if a thousand pounds was hanging by a thread, a change that I never would have expected occurred. My magic robe’s central magic stone burst into a dazzling golden light. The gold light formed a transparent membrane that enveloped me and protected me from the energy ball.
I recalled from the bottom of my heart Teacher Di’s words: “Quickly pour the remainder of your magic power into  the magic stone at your upper abdomen.”

I had unconsciously acted in accordance to his words.

The collision between the energy ball and my defense cover produced intense friction, causing waves and waves of formidable pressure to push me back. Step by step, I retreated. I had already reached the edge of the stage.

I can’t retreat any further.

I cannot lose. I must not lose. I held my magic staff horizontally across my chest and shouted: “AH!——”

At the same time as my outburst, a warm energy came from within my body and through my arm it entered my magic staff. My whole body felt light. At last, the energy ball had been depleted by the light.

I sat my butt on the ground, gasping for air in big breaths. From the corner of my mouth trickled a stream of blood. Just now, that portion of warm energy had slowly enveloped  my body and restored my damaged meridians. Ah! That was Xiao Jin. It was him who helped me at the crucial moment.
What about Ma Ke? Where did Ma Ke go? Sluggishly, I began looking for his figure.

“Student Zhang Gong, if you can’t get up within five seconds, I must announce that you have been defeated.”

Ah! It seems that Ma Ke is also unwell. Haha. I stood up at once.

It turns out that while Ma Ke’s energy ball collided with me, Ma Ke was hit by my Brilliant Empire in half the time. He doesn’t have any energy left after enduring my compressed Brilliant Empire. Right now Teacher Di is giving him treatment. (The beating I gave him wasn’t light.)

I truly didn’t expect that victory would have been  that difficult. At the final moment, Xiao Jin’s energy was used to ensure victory. (Hehe. I violated one of the rules, but surely no one knows since magical beasts generally can’t produce energy while within their master’s body. They must be summoned before they can do anything.)

Due to a powerless body, two of my roommates took my arms and assisted me in returning back to the dorm. Just as I was about to sleep, I heard Teacher Di’s voice.

“Young fellow, what’s the matter? Winning against that Ma Ke who was a whole level lower than you required so much effort. You truly are so stupid.”

Since I didn’t understand Teacher Di’s meaning, I didn’t have a reply. (Granted that, even if I understood, in my current state…..) Perhaps Teacher Di also knew I couldn’t answer, so he started madly bombarding me with lectures.

The general idea of what he said was that if I had taken the initiative to attack in the beginning, my victory wouldn’t has been so disastrous. He also said that I was careless and that magic still has many defects and so on.

I really couldn’t stand this, so I used the bit of magic power that I have recovered to seal my mind. Smoothly, I entered the realm of dreams.
Due to the excessive magic consumption, I didn’t go watch Wo Ke and the D class girl’s match the next day. Who cares about it, Wo Ke will definitely win. Although Wo Ke is also powerful, he probably won’t have Ma Ke’s energy ball. So I’ll surely beat him tomorrow.

After eating lunch, I arrived at Ma Ke’s dorm room to take a look at how he is. This fellow is also in very poor health. In comparison, I’m much better off, since getting off of bed for him takes much effort.

“Boss, you’re really too ruthless. I’ve already been beaten to a crisp by you.”

“You are  still say  I’m ruthless,  yet you  deny that  you’re
ruthless. Damn. I also received quite the beating from you. You have really made a lot of progress. Before the match, I didn’t expect that your strength would have such a small gap between mine. It seems that I must strive hard, otherwise I’ll  be exceeded by you and then I’ll have to call you Boss instead.”

We looked at each other and simultaneously began laughing. Then we chatted for a bit before I returned to my dorm. I must seize the moment and properly condense magic power to prepare for tomorrow’s match.

When I woke up, it was already evening. Green Hair and the other two roommates have already returned.

“Zhang Gong, you truly are my idol. My reverence of you is
like the unending torrent of a river.”

“Damn, you see that I’m powerful so you want me to support you! Go away, don’t bother me.”

“Zhang Gong, I have some astonishing news. Do you want to hear it?”

“You! What kind of good news do you have?” I asked him with a doubtful expression.
“It is definitely useful for you. Did you know? Today Boss Wo Ke unexpectedly lost. Furthermore, he lost very quickly!” Green Hair mysteriously said.

“What! What did you say? Wo Ke unexpectedly lost?” Impossible. To my surprise, Wo Ke lost to a girl from class D. Although I haven’t faced him, Wo Ke’s strength is very clear since I knew that becoming the second grade representative wasn’t that easy.

“Are you lying to me? If you’re lying to me, then you’re dead.” I began to condense magic power on my hands to frighten Green Hair.

“Boss Zhang Gong, please don’t. What I said is the truth. If
you don’t believe it then ask them.”

I turned my head and doubtfully looked at my other two roommates.

Long De An said: “Zhang Gong, Green Hair didn’t lie. Wo Ke truly lost miserably today. I’m afraid that aside from him, no one else really understands how he lost.”

Chapter 27 – Absolute Disruption

“Quick, tell me what happened.”

“It’s like this. Today, we all thought that Wo Ke would win. However, as soon as they got on stage, that girl from D class used a water spell we didn’t recognize, it seemed to be a sealing spell. Wo Ke caught by these blue circles, and he couldn’t get out no matter what he tried. Then that girl from D class used a water bullet and easily knocked him off the stage. According to my observations, those blue circles prevented Wo Ke from using his magic. It was an injustice for him to lose.”

“So unfair!” I’m not so sure that I can win anymore.
“Zhang Gong, you can’t lose tomorrow. Our A class can’t let D class become the champions.”

“You guys can rest assured. I will definitely win.”

Although I said that to them, I’m actually not too sure about my chances. No, I must quickly go ask Teacher Di.

I used the excuse of taking a stroll and went to Teacher Di’s dormitory. He was reading a magic book. Seeing that I came, he gave me a faint smile, “I just knew you would come find me as soon as you heard Wo Ke lost.”

“Then please hurry and tell me how Wo Ke lost. How can I avoid becoming trapped?”

Teacher Di sighed. “You should just concede tomorrow!” His words were like a bomb (had they existed), stunning me.

“Is that girl really that strong??”

“Not necessarily that, you can only say that her family is strong. I also only learned about this today, that girl is the younger sister of Hai Ri. She’s called Hai Shui Xing. You might
not know but, Ri, Yue and Xing are the three most ancient families in our Aixia Kingdom. Each family has an inheritance spell, spells that are directly inherited from their ancestors. The spell Hai Shui used today is the most mysterious spell in the Xing family, it’s called Absolute Disruption. This sealing spell is very strange, each generation can only have one family member inherit it. No matter how strong your magic power is, the spell consumes one third of the user’s magic power every time it’s used. In other words, the spell can only be used three times each day, but that is more than enough for the competition.”

So there was actually such a complicated story behind all this, “Don’t tell me even you can’t break this sealing spell.”

“It not that I can’t, but I will have to fiercely attack with rank 8 attack spells or ride it out with defensive spells. Can you use rank 8 attack spells? While her opponent is sealed, she can use attack spells and her opponent can only passively take the attacks. You can’t win tomorrow unless you can last until she runs out of magic power. However that is literally impossible
because the defensive spell consumption will be very fast under the effects of Absolute Disruption. Those that come in direct contact with Absolute Disruption can’t use magic for a whole day. It is exactly because of this that I lowered my expectations for you. You think I don’t want you to win. Not only you, there isn’t a single student in this academy that can break  her Absolute Disruption.”

Coming out of Teacher Di’s place, my head was filled with thoughts about Absolute Disruption. Who cares, I want to give it a try tomorrow even if I’m destined to lose. You never know, a miracle might happen.

Back in my dormitory, I spent half the night brainstorming and still could not find a way to deal with Absolute Disruption. In the end, I finally fell asleep in a daze.. When I woke up, the sun was already high in the sky, furthermore it was Green Hair who shook me awake.

“Zhang Gong. Get up quickly, it’ll soon be time for the match.”

I barely managed to open my eyes, “Ah! What are you doing!
Let me sleep for a bit longer.”

“You have a match soon. You’ll be late if you sleep any longer.” Green Hair yelled into my ear.

That scared me awake, “Ah! That’s right. I still have a match today.” I flew out of bed, got dressed and sprinted out. As I was
leaving, I said, “Thank you Green Hair. I’m going to go ahead of you.”

Green Hair obviously wasn’t paying attention. Look at my retreating back, he started mumbling to himself: “He actually said ‘Thank You’ to me. Living up till now, this is the first time someone said Thank You to me. Looks like helping people is very nice.” By the time he finished, he had a silly smile on his face. I didn’t know that one unintentional sentence from me changed the whole life of a person.

I ran at lightning speed to the center of the competition area. The first two people I saw were Long De An and Shui Yang Ming. Both of them seemed to have let out a sigh of relief when they saw me. The came over to greet me, “Zhang Gong, how come you only just got here.”
I sheepishly replied: “I overslept. Thankfully, Green  Hair woke me up.”

“Okay. Let’s not talk about this. Get up onto the stage quickly, the match is about to begin.”

I looked up at the stage, the proctor and the other competitor were already at their stations. I used teleportation to arrive on the stage. I first gave my greetings to the proctor and then started to size up my opponent.

It was a really cute little girl. Looks like this is Hai Shui Xing, there are indeed some similarities between her and Hai Yue’s looks. However, she was tad bit cuter and a tad less calm. She also started observing me curiously when she noticed me
looking at her.

Practically all the second grade students are here, even Teacher Di is in the central VIP section. He doesn’t hold any hope of me winning, but he still came.

“Alright, since both sides have arrived, I declare that  the match begins now.” The proctor got off the stage as soon he finished speaking. Because they know that the finalists are strong, today’s defense barrier was jointly created by five proctors, just in case something happens.

First, Hai Shui and I bowed to the proctors and the audience, “You must be Hai Shui. Hello, my name is Zhang Gong.”

“Hello.” She’s still a little girl, she started blushing. From her magic fluctuations and the fact that I’m still quite a distance away, looks like I can only take the initiative and attack.

“I know that you have a very special spell. Let’s have a good match today.” Seeing her nod, I immediately began my magic attacks.

Because I know that her Absolute Disruption doesn’t need much time to activate, I don’t dare use advanced attack spells. I first teleported behind her and immediately shot a Light Arrow at her. (My Light Arrow is a strengthened form, its attack power is not any lower than an intermediate spell.)
She seemed to slightly panic, but her reaction was still really fast and used a water shield to block my attack. Now I can’t give her an opportunity to retaliate or else I’m done for. I began a speed attack, only using the lowest levelled Light Arrow because it is the only spell that can beat Absolute Disruption’s short casting time. I won’t let her gather enough magic power to seal me.

The audience were just seeing me flying all over the place. Sometimes left, sometimes right, sometimes in  front, sometimes behind her. As soon as I got to each position, I would immediately shoot a Light Arrow at Hai Shui. For the time being, I made Hai Shui struggle to manage the situation. In the audience, Teacher Di was looking at me with approving eyes. Regretfully, I wasn’t able to see it.

Chapter 28 – Breaking The Magic Seal

Hai Shui let her guard down for a moment and gave me an opportunity to attack her. Although she used a defense spell, I feared she did not receive it well.

Perhaps it was because she felt pain from the blow, Hai Shui wrinkled her cute little nose and her eyes flashed with anger. While she was defending from the assault, her mouth was chanting something. She chanted extremely fast. It didn’t seem to be an incantation and I also had no idea what it was. I continued on with my assault. Wait, something’s wrong. Why do I feel like her speed is gradually increasing? Ah, no! It’s me gradually slowing down. Why is this happening? I began to hear a buzzing sound and it gradually increased more intensely. Is this not Absolute Disruption? Teacher’s description of Absolute Disruption doesn’t match with this one.

It grew larger, like a sea wave pounding against my ear. My head becoming a bit dizzy. My spells and my movement slowed

On the viewing platform, Teacher Di said to  himself  “This isn’t good.” He said to Teacher Long next to him, “I  didn’t expect this young girl to be able to use one of the Xing clan’s three great secrets, the Water Dragon’s Chant, combined with Absolute Disruption. This time Zhang Gong will certainly lose.”

“Right, this student is certainly powerful. Stronger than we were back then. Your disciple is done for, hehe.” Because of Ma Ke’s defeat at Zhang Gong’s hand, Teacher Long took a bit of pleasure at his misfortune.

“You, you, you!” Teacher Di angrily puffed his mustache and glared at him.

At the middle of the stage, I already realized that my situation was not good and hurriedly cast divine protection on myself. It wasn’t very effective but I felt a little bit better.

Hai Shui saw an opportunity arrive and raised her arms in the air, moving them in circles. A green ring of light surrounded me, I knew this was her clan’s skill- Absolute Disruption. Currently I haven’t found a way out. I could only cast defensive spells on myself in hopes that Hai Shui would exhaust her magic power.

I’m finished. My great future prospects, ruined.
Big or small, I don’t know how many spells were blocked by the white halo surrounding me. Currently, I was like a green sphere of light. In the middle of the sphere, I felt an indescribable amount of pressure fiercely charging at me from all directions. The golden sphere within my body rapidly worked. A layer of defense enchantments continuously resisted the invading seal.

Currently, I truly understand how formidable the seal is. My magic power rapidly diminished at a speed far surpassing what I imagined. What am I going to do? I thought of every action I could take, not one of them could solve this predicament.

At this time Hai Shui’s face wore an adorable smile.  She knows victory is close at hand. She didn’t continue her magic assault because she was waiting for my magic power to exhaust. Her seal was going to win her the match anyway so why bother expend wasted effort. Therefore she just smiled looking at an enemy that was just about to be defeated, me.

My defensive barrier continuously grew smaller. A burst of intense pressure pushed into the center, cramming me in. In the end, my defensive enchantments were broken through by the seal. A green ring of light bound me like a sticky rice dumpling. It wasn’t painful, only because the light consumed magic power and didn’t think I had any left. The only difference is that I am unable to communicate with the magic elements. I  then realized, I already been completely sealed. Looking at Hai Shui condensing a ball of water in her hand, I didn’t feel like conceding. I’m about to lose.

Just when I was about to concede, Xiao Jin  unexpectedly woke and stirred strongly within my body. What’s the matter? I was baffled, because my magic power had already been sealed. Inside my body, Xiao Jin should also have been sealed. How can he be awake and stir so restlessly?
Along with his restlessness, my head felt a sharp pain as if it were a pincushion. The pain grew stronger and stronger, like it wanted to tear my head apart. I couldn’t stand it any longer. I put both hands on my head and let out a mind splitting scream from my lungs.

It was this scream that saved me. Looking at me suddenly change, Hai Shui was startled to the point where the water ball fell apart. (In order to use magic, you must have a highly concentrated mind.) She thought to herself, This can’t be. The Absolute Disruption I cast on him doesn’t have any attack properties, what could possibly have happened to him?

I felt pain as if I were dying. Just when I was on the verge of falling to the ground, I felt an explosion come from within my brain. I felt as if I no longer existed. Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Body, Thought. I felt my six senses simultaneously disappear.

The people present looked at each other in marvel. From my Upper Dantian, a brilliant spot appeared between my eyebrows. Afterwards it gradually spread as a circle of  golden  light, turning into a halo encompassing me. The golden halo bound the Absolute Disruption and melted it as fast as snow. This breathtaking appearance rendered all the people present stunned. Hai Shui’s small mouth had become an O shape.

Teacher Di and Teacher Long glanced at each other, speaking in unison with different voices, “He broke the magic seal!!!”

Teacher Di said with extraordinary excitement, “How did he do it? How did he break the seal? This is a skill that only the dragon race possesses!”

Dragons 101: The dragon race is the most formidable species on the continent. Possessing a tyrannical body, they all have an exceptionally strong resistance towards magic. They  also possess the strongest physical attacks on the continent (second is the Mist Behemoth). Higher ranked dragons can use magic and possess wisdom and intelligence surpassing that of humans. Dragons are a peace loving race and very few of them appear in the continent. There are only a few you could come across and you must be as strong as they are in order to be deemed worthy enough of forming a pact of companionship with one. The number of existing dragons do not exceed three hundred. Dragons can exist for an extremely long period of time, they could live up to ten thousand years or higher. Contrasting this however, dragons find it extremely difficult to reproduce. Not only is the time required to hatch from an egg long, but the amount of eggs are also extremely sparse. The continent’s dragons are also only known from legends. People who have truly seen dragons are very few. As a result, the dragon specific magic presently appearing on my body left the knowledgeable Teacher Di and Teacher Long exceptionally astonished.
As for the others, they were amazed that I was unexpectedly able to get rid of Hai Shui’s sealing spell.

I don’t know how the present circumstances came to be. I could only feel that my body was a space of nothingness, unable to perceive anything. I gradually regained my perception, one by one my six senses returned to my body. I used the magic staff to prop up my own body. I raised my head to look at Hai Shui, and saw that she still had not recovered from her astonishment. I tested what magic power I had left. I could only use a pitifully small amount, roughly enough for an elementary spell.

I cannot lose. For Teacher Di, I cannot lose. For Xiao Jin, I cannot lose. For Teacher Xiu, I cannot lose. For myself, I cannot lose.
With strong willpower, I gathered what little magic power I had left with difficulty. I then teleported behind Hai Shui and exhausted my body’s strength, tackling into the defenseless Hai Shui.

The defenseless Hai Shui took my blow and dropped off the stage.

“Shameless scoundrel.”

“Truly undeserving of face. Using such a shameless trick.”
“To go as far as to tackle her.”


Countless scolding voices reached my ear, I used my magic staff to support my body. I said to the stupefied proctoring teacher, “Teacher, you still haven’t announced the winner.”

The proctor immediately responded, “Student Hai Shui has left the stage, Student Zhang Gong is victorious.”

Chapter 29 – Five Clawed Golden Dragon

After finally winning, I sat down on the ground, exhausted.

My two roommates and Green Hair rushed onto the stage and hugged me excitedly, “Boss. You won. You won.”

I looked at them tiredly, “Stop shaking me. Go away. I want to sleep…” I fainted midway through my sentence. I’ve already overused my magic power, plus it was the first time I’ve used someone else’s power. My body couldn’t take it anymore and passed out in safe hands.

“Eh? Why am I in Teacher Di’s room?” Waking up, my body was sore all over with no strength remaining whatsoever. I tried
to condense my magic power, but I’ve only recovered I tiny portion of it. The pitifully small golden ball inside  me  was slowly spinning, continuously recovering my power. Looks like I won’t be able to recover within a day or two.

I was alone in the room. The sun was out but I didn’t know exactly what time of the day it was.

The door opened with a creak and Teacher Di walked in, “You’re awake. How’s your body?

“It’s fine, just feeling a bit weak. Teacher Di, how come I’m here??”

“I wanted to ask you something when you woke up, so I brought you over here. At the end of the competition, how were you able to use Magic Seal Destruction?” Teacher Di urgently asked me.

“Ah! I don’t know either. What is Magic Seal Destruction?” I honestly don’t know. Right now, my memory of that day’s victory is very fuzzy. Even more so in terms of how I won.

“How could you not know? You clearly used it. How could you not know?” Teacher Di was anxiously walking in circles.
“Teacher, don’t worry. Just explain slowly. What exactly is going on?” What is there to be anxious about? Looking at Teacher Di’s condition, it seems that Magic Seal Destruction something is very important.

After listening to my words, Teacher Di also realized  that being anxious would not solve anything. After calming himself down, “It’s like this. That day, just as we thought you weren’t going to make it, when you were sealed by Absolute Disruption, a spell unique to the Dragon race, Magic Seal Destruction, appeared on your body. Its exact form is the same as that golden halo that appeared around you.”

“A golden halo? Let me think.” I tried really hard to recall what happened that day, “I think there was a golden halo, it seemed to have broken Hai Shui’s Absolute Disruption upon contact. However I don’t know what happened either. Is this very important?”

“Of course it’s very important. Very, very  important.  Have you realized, that golden halo you used is a spell unique to the Dragon race? Only the esteemed Dragon race can use it, there has never been a case where one of the human race used the dragon’s Magic Seal Destruction. Recall carefully, have you concluded any sort of contract with a dragon?”

“I didn’t. Other than Xiao Jin, I haven’t made a contract with anyone else. Ah, that’s right, Xiao Jin.” My eyes brighten, Xiao Jin’s unexpected stirring that day was what had made my head hurt. Afterwards, that golden halo appear. It must be related to Xiao Jin.

“What about Xiao Jin?” Teacher Di urgently asked.

I recounted the whole situation to him in detail.

Teacher Di muttered, “If you look at it like this, Xiao Jin is not a snake type magic beast, but a…”

Teacher Di and I glanced at each other and spoke at the same time. “….Dragon.” Xiao Jin is a dragon? Is it possible???

“Quick, summon Xiao Jin.” I also wanted to see if Xiao Jin actually is a dragon. Furthermore, it had been a long time since I’ve let him out, don’t know if there has been any changes.

After Teacher Di set a barrier around the room, I started to chant, “My friend Xiao Jin, appear before me.” Following my simple chant, a white light flashed and Xiao Jin appeared in front of me.

Xiao Jin had grown quite a bit compared to the last time I saw him, however he had a lazy look. Through telepathy, I learned that he had used a large portion of his magic power during the competition and still hadn’t recovered yet. His two horns seem to be growing towards the middle of his head and the golden stripes goes down his whole body, from head to tail. The fin shaped objects on his back have become sturdier and longer, they practically took up the whole upper half of the back of his body. The five protrusions on his underside have  not  only grown quite a bit, but at the very front they also seemed to each have a small round pad at the end.
“He’s already this big?” Teacher Di had not seen Xiao Jin’s grown up appearance yet.

“Yeah. He grew after we shared life energy, but he wasn’t as big as he is now. Teacher Di, is he a dragon?”

“I can’t really say, I’ve never seen a dragon before either. However, my memories tell me that dragons are supposed to have two claws. If those bumps on his underside are claws, then that’s a bit too many. Wait, I’m going to look through my book. It’s been many years since I have read it.”

While talking, Teacher Di took an ancient book from his huge bookshelf. I moved closer to take a look, the title of the book is “The True Rulers of the Mainland – Dragons”. Looks like it’s a
book specifically on dragons.

“Let’s see, let’s see.” Teacher Di mutters as he flips through the book. He goes through the book extremely fast, practically only scanning each page before moving on. Suddenly, he stopped, looks at Xiao Jin and then looks back at the book. As if he was comparing something.

“Did you find it? Is Xiao Jin actually a dragon?” I stood on my tippy-toes to read the book in Teacher Di’s hands.

“Zhang Gong. If the information on the book is correct, then you have really picked up a treasure.”

“What does the book say?”

“You take a look, this article here.” Teacher Di handed the book over to me and just stared at Xiao Jin, as if he was admiring a long extinct treasure.

I took the book. On the book was this:

Title: Ruler of the Dragons – Five-Clawed Golden Dragon

Introduction: The Five-Clawed Golden Dragon is the ruler of the Dragon race, also known as the Dragon King. The Dragon King of each generation is the strongest of his kin and possess abnormally strong strength. The life span of a Five-Clawed Golden Dragon is approximately 20,000 years. Only when he turns 15,000 years or when he feels that his life span is ending will he mate with the most beautiful female dragon at the time. After a pregnancy period of over 1,000 years, the next generation would be born. When the new Five-Clawed Golden Dragon has grown and matured at 3,000 years old, he will become a true Dragon King, replacing his father in ruling the dragon race. At this point, the previous Dragon King’s body would have already gradually aged and would be enjoying his retirement in the Dragon race’s territory. Therefore, there  is only one Five-Clawed Golden Dragon in every generation that is the true ruler. The Five-Clawed Golden Dragon not only possesses an abnormally strong physical strength, it is also an expert in the Dragon race’s language spells showing that it is extremely intelligent.

“Teacher Di,  this  can’t  be  true.  Xiao  Jin  is  a  Five-Clawed
Golden Dragon? If he is, he needs 3000 years to mature. By that time, I would have already turned to ashes. He isn’t even a year old yet!” I asked the question lingering in my heart.

Chapter 30 – I Want To Go Home

“Let me think.” Teacher Di contemplated for a moment. “Xiao Jin is maturing at an unusually fast rate, much faster than the rate of growth mentioned in the book. In only a year, he almost grew out of his infant stage. The book stated that the minimum amount of time to mature past the infant stage is 600 years. But it hasn’t even been a year since Xiao Jin was born and he has almost finished maturing past infant stage and will soon enter the growth stage. I suppose there is a relationship between Xiao Jin’s rapid growth and sharing your life with him. Was it before the accident or after that he started growing so quickly?”

“That’s right! After the accident, Xiao Jin grew wildly, absorbing magic power much greater than before.”

“Zhang Gong, you truly picked up a treasure. No matter what, you musn’t let other people know that Xiao Jin is a dragon. Wait until after Xiao Jin entered the growth stage, then no longer have to worry. By that time, his wings and claws should
have already sprouted out and he will be of great assistance to you.”

“Yea, this is great. My magic beast is a dragon.”

“Don’t be happy so soon. First I’ll give you this book. This book has been passed on from master to student throughout the generations. You must preserve it well. It will be useful to you in the future. On the last page of the book, a map and the means of travelling to the Dragon race’s territory is  written  down. After you graduate from the advanced magic academy, you should go visit. In the case that the current Dragon King wishes to take back Xiao Jin you should return him. We truly don’t know how Xiao Jin wandered out of their territory.”

“Do I have to return him?” I don’t want Xiao Jin to leave me, even if he weren’t a dragon I’d still feel the same.

“You must. Zhang Gong do as you’re told. You must know that for a mother and father to lose their children is painful to no end. You should think about Xiao Jin as well!”

That’s right! If mother and father can’t find me, they would definitely be very sad. After I graduate school and have the opportunity, I’ll go pay a visit to Dragon’s Valley.  If  worst comes to worst, I’ll have to persuade them to let Xiao Jin accompany me.

Ah, I haven’t seen mother and father for such a long time. When I finally have a vacation, I want to go home and see them. When they see how awesome my magic has become, they will definitely be happy.

“Teacher Di, when can I go home? I miss mother and father.” I didn’t have any ulterior motives, it was just that I suddenly recalled a longing for home!

“Homesick? Rest for two days, wait until your body has recovered and then go home. The day after tomorrow is an official school vacation. ” Teacher Di said brightly.

“Ah, that’s right. Teacher Di, I don’t want to challenge the upperclassmen anymore. I feel like I am still lacking. I want to diligently practice magic and become stronger before thinking about challenging them again.”
“Your attitude is great. I feared that you would have become satisfied with your progress thus far. Without Xiao Jin, you wouldn’t have been the champion. I also wish for you to diligently practice. Wait until you attend advanced magic academy, then you can graduate early. Why don’t you rest? I still have many matters to attend to.” Teacher Di kindly patted my head, then turned around and left.

I truly didn’t expect that this competition would be  so eventful. But it’s not too bad, at the very least I found out what Xiao Jin was. Once I enter society, I’ll definitely find the time to go and help Xiao Jin find his parents.

I looked at Xiao Jin warmly, stroking his large head. Xiao Jin seemed to feel something, lazily leaning toward me.
Teacher Di had already left and his barrier should have also expired. I immediately sent Xiao Jin back into my body.

Wanting to sleep, I laid down on the bed, however I couldn’t sleep at all. Teacher Xiu should be coming to pick me up the day after tomorrow. With his high expectations of me, he will surely be extremely happy once he learns of my progress. I don’t know about mother and father, but they definitely miss me. I really miss them too.

I watched the starry sky through my window with feelings of homesickness. Since I couldn’t sleep, I began cultivating my magic power. Restoring as much of my magic power as possible is also very important. I began absorbing the condensed light elements. The light elements unceasingly rushed forth and compressed to become like the golden ball in shape before they were absorbed by the golden dan. It’s much faster to restore my magic power using this method in comparison to slowly using my own golden ball.

……. Two days later.

Early in the morning I went to go find Teacher Di. “Teacher Di, my magic power has been nearly fully recovered. Can I go home now?”

He lifted his head up from the book he was reading and gave me a slight smile. “Foolish child, why so urgent? Are you trying to avoid this old man by leaving early?”

“No way, no way. I would hate to part with you. You are the
best teacher I have ever met.” These were words that came from my heart. It was precisely because of Teacher Di’s guidance that I was able to improve this quickly. In just one year, I was able to become the second grade’s representative.

Teacher Di’s smile became even wider once he saw  my anxious expression. “I’m just teasing you. Quickly go. Once you’ve packed up your things, you can go home. Be careful on the road. Is there anyone picking you up?” He only asked me this because he knew my home was very far.

“There is. But I don’t know if he has arrived yet. He’s my previous teacher from the elementary magic academy.”

“Oh! If I have the opportunity I would really like to meet him
and ask what methods he used to enable you to have such a strong foundation.” (This is however out of the question, because currently Teacher Di doesn’t want others to know I’m his student.)

“No need, no need.” I immediately rejected Teacher Di. If I let him use Teacher Xiu’s methods to deal with me, how could I possibly live out the rest of my days? “Your education methods are superior to all other teachers, so you don’t need to compare notes.” Without delay, I gave him a lofty hat to wear.

After hearing my words, Teacher Di was extremely cheerful. “Really? I didn’t teach you in vain then.” From his appearance, I could tell that he was pleased with himself. “Oh, that’s right. I’ve got something to give you since you’re leaving now.”
“You don’t need to give me anything. They magic robe you gave me last time is already good enough.” Although the magic robe’s effect on the sealing effects of Absolute Disturbance wasn’t great, it still had a powerful effect on common attack spells.

“I’m not giving you a gift this time, it’s something  you earned.” Saying this, he pulled out a precious amethyst card from his chest.

“What is this?” I curiously asked.

“This is an amethyst card containing diamond coins. There are very few people on the continent who are able to possess such a card. It can’t be used by anyone but you since I have
already inputted your data into it. It can’t be altered in the future. Within it is the 100 diamond coins you earned by becoming the champion. Enough for you to spend. In the future when you want to use it, you only need to take it out and that will be enough. Its biggest benefit is that it can only be used by you, so you absolutely must not lose it. You can summon the amethyst card with summoning magic, so should ordinarily be keeping it within your body.”

It’s so pretty. After receiving it, I’ve become quite wealthy.
Furthermore, it’s not a small fortune either! This is great!

“Teacher Di, I’ll be leaving then. Take care of yourself. I’ll be back after my vacation is over.” After saying this, I turned around and began ran towards the dormitory. I just need to pack up my stuff then I can go home! Yep, yep yep.
“Pay attention to safety on the road, don’t let your magic decline while you’re at home.” From behind me came Teacher Di’s repeated warnings.

Chapter 31 – I Have Killed

I jogged back to the dormitory. All of my roommates were out, I suppose all of them went home. I quickly packed my things as I also wanted to return home.

After I finished packing away my things, I went to a neighboring room. Ma Ke was still there and had almost fully recovered from his injuries.

Seeing me come in, Ma Ke rose from the bed, “Boss, you came back. How’s your recovery fairing?”

“Pretty good, How about you? I’m just about to head home.”

Ma Ke extended his arm toward me, “No problems, I’ve just about recovered. Don’t visit me again, I’m just about to leave!”

“Then let us say our end of term goodbyes. I want to quickly go home, I’ve become very homesick.”

“Wait for me a bit, I still have to pack a bit. Let’s leave together.”

Ma Ke packed a few more things and a moment later we head out of the dormitories together.

“Ma Ke, Did Hai Ri come visit?” After all, I didn’t fulfill my promise with myself, to challenge him once more.

“He visited. He asked about the condition of your injury and said that you were truly ferocious. I reckon even he may not be able to win against you. There will be many chances in the future. There is nothing to really regret. You gave a great show with the match.”

“Hehe. I’ll wait until the next term. There should be many opportunities to challenge Hai Ri then.”
At the academy’s entrance, when we were about to go our separate ways, “Take care of yourself.” I patted his shoulder. Ma Ke’s eyes were red.

“Boss, the days we spent together were truly happy. Take care of yourself too. My home is at the capital. I’ll see  you  next term.”

“I’ll see you then.” I turned around and ran as fast as I could. I was afraid that I would be reluctant to leave.

Not far a distance away, I heard a person call to me, “Zhang Gong!”

I turned my head around for a look, and immediately felt very moved, “Teacher Xiu, you actually came. I thought you weren’t going to pick me up!”

Teacher Xiu was still the same as ever, but there was a trace of emotion on his serious face. “How could I not come? Come on, We’re heading home.”

Together, Teacher Xiu and I, set foot on the path home.”

“Teacher Xiu, Have you seen my mother and father lately?”

“Before I left, I paid a visit to your house. They are doing great, but they really miss you. How are you doing at the academy?”

“Very good. Did I not place first in the entrance exams? I am at the top of the second year students at the academy!”

“Is that right? You are first out of all the second years?”

“That’s right. I also made a very good friend. His name is Ma Ke.” I unleashed an unceasing torrent of words about my time
at the academy. We talked happily on the road. Only,  I concealed the fact that I used to spell “Sharing Life” in order to save Xiao Jin. I didn’t want Teacher Xiu to worry. I also didn’t want let my family to know either. Teacher Xiu knew I became Teacher Di’s disciple. With great admiration, he continuously congratulated my great luck. He also repeatedly warned that I must study magic diligently under Teacher Di’s tutelage. He also said that Teacher Di was indeed one of the continent’s greatest mages. I didn’t know how lucky I was.

We took a short rest. When no people were around, we used teleportation magic to travel onward. Quickly,  we  traveled about two-thirds of the way through. It was when we reached an unknown forest that a small problem arose.

About a dozen men scuttled from the middle of the woods, barring our way. They all looked rather burly.

Teacher Xiu glanced at me and whispered, “Zhang Gong, I’m going to go and see what the matter is. Wait for me here. When I’m done talking, we’ll go.”

“Gentlemen, Is there a problem?”

The burly leader twitched his mouth, “There’s no problem, it’s just that we have a shortage of money when we want to play around with some pretty girls. Seeing you like this, you ought to be mages. I advise you don’t resist or else, hehe, us big brothers won’t play nice. Obediently come and hand over your coin.”
“Moneyless Gentlemen, here, I have ten gold coins. Why don’t you take this out to go drink and let us pass?”

The burly leader grew angry, “Do you think we’re beggars? You think this is enough to let you pass? This won’t do. Hand over everything!” The ten men seemed ready throw themselves at us.

“Alright, alright. Then wait for me, I’ll go get it.” Teacher Xiu quickly walked to my side and whispered, “Zhang Gong, These bandits’ magic fluctuations aren’t strong. Let teacher see the fruits of your efforts.”

“What? You want me to fight? Teacher Xiu,  I  can’t.  Why don’t you?” This is the first time I’ve come across this kind of
situation, I’m really scared.

“Out of the question. Magic when used in real combat allows it to improve. I’ll be at your side protecting you.  Fight fearlessly.” Teacher Xiu stopped smiling and raised his face.

Truly deserving of being called the devil teacher, I knew I’d be unable to escape. I could only brace myself and walk over. “Gentlemen, Look at us, we also don’t have any money. Could you let us off?”

“Enough rubbish.” Saying that was like slapping him, inciting him to come over. From reflex, I could feel a teleportation arriving from five meters away. I immediately cast several defense spells on myself.

“Mage! This child is actually a mage. Everybody come together!” The group of ten large men charged toward us.

What do I do? I’ve never experienced real combat before, I felt panicked. Forget it all. I’ll just fight! I’ll give them a strong spell and it’ll be over. I began using instantaneous teleports to change my position, and then I chanted my most powerful attack spell. “Oh great light element, please allow me to borrow your formidable strength, let the infinite light of the earth shine.” With me at its center, Brilliant Empire let out a blinding, overpowering brilliance.

“Wa, using such a powerful spell.” From a short  distance away, Teacher Xiu immediately teleported out of harm’s way.

Because there wasn’t a protective barrier, Brilliant  Empire was able to fully display itself. Anything within a two hundred meter radius were entirely enveloped by the dazzling rays of light. The ten large men within my powerful spell had already turned to ashes. I only saw when the spell had him them, they were entirely engulfed by it. They turned into tiny specks of ashes; Afterwards, you wouldn’t be able to completely  find them.

I blankly withdrew my magic power. At this moment, Teacher Xiu had already returned. “Zhang Gong, your magic is formidable. What was that spell you had just used? It gave me a fright. Why would you use such a strong spell to handle such small vermin? Using your strengthened light  arrows  would have been enough.”
“I was really scared. I couldn’t help but use Brilliant Empire. That was the most powerful spell I could cast. Teacher Xiu, where did they go?” I was complete unaware that I had already killed them.

“They… They turned to ashes. Did you think this was the academy? Those men were all only advanced mages.”

“What? I killed them?” I suddenly wore a blank stare.

“Let it pass. In any case they were only villains.” Teacher Xiu consoled me. I killed but it doesn’t matter. First of all, they were only bandits. Secondly, I was still a child. Lastly, the most important point, was that I was an outstanding student at the intermediate royal magic academy. I was a pillar of the nation. I
definitely had some privileges. Furthermore, how could anyone else know that I’ve already killed people? Hehe.

Chapter 32 – Five Years Of Learning

The remainder of the journey was very dull. Gradually, I have also gotten over my dismay about killing people. Although I don’t wish to kill people, it was for my own safety and I can’t just wait and let myself be killed either. I resolved to defend and flee as much as possible in the future. Teacher Di said that everybody, that is all organisms, have a right to live. No one has the right to deprive others of their life as they wish. As long as one’s own life is secured, that’s enough. So I chose the path escaping. It truly is Teacher Di’s teachings that affected me throughout my life.

In the end, I arrived at home. As soon as I entered the village, a familiar feeling came from the pavements. I have returned to my hometown.

I took a deep breath of the fragrance of my hometown’s soil. A warm and cozy happy feeling overcame my body. Teacher Xiu accompanied me all the way to the gate of my house. Once
again, I saw the familiar fence surrounding a familiar house.

“Mom, Mom! I’m home!” I shouted loudly.

“Foolish child, they should both be at work.” Teacher Xiu reminded me. Ah, that’s right! Right now it’s still morning and they should be at working in the morning. I used teleportation to enter the house. Nothing had changed at all. My room was unusually clean. It’s definitely because mom cleaned it often. I invited Teacher Xiu into the house.

“At last, I’m back.” I really want to see mom and dad right now. “Teacher Xiu, wait here for now. I’m going to go look for them.” After saying this, I quickly ran towards the village committee that mom works at.

Just as I reached the village committee’s gate, I saw a familiar figure. “MOM——!” I threw myself at her.

Mom still hadn’t turned around, so I was able to throw myself at her. “Zhang Gong, you’re back.” Mom had me in her embrace. “Quickly let mother take a look at you.” While holding my face, mom attentively examined me. “My Zhang Gong, you’ve grown up to be so vigorous.” Mom’s tears were flowing down her face.

Finally, I have reunited with mom. I couldn’t help but feel a surge of emotions as I threw myself into mom’s embrace and began crying loudly. “Mom, I really missed you!”
While hugging me, mom said: “I also really missed you too Zhang Gong.”

The villagers also came by and only after a long time did I separate from mom. After seeing mom again, my attachment to her had grown deeper. I firmly clutched onto mom’s sleeves, unwilling to loosen my grip even a bit for fear  of  being separated from her again.

The village chief walked over. “The talented student has come back on vacation. How were your studies in the capital?”

“Uncle Village chief. It was quite good. How is Ao De? Where did he go?”

“That youngster doesn’t have future prospects like you but he’s also on vacation. So he went out to play.”

The villagers were extremely enthusiastic while ceaselessly asking me questions. Ordinarily I would really loathe  these kinds of things, but today I wasn’t fed up with it at all. Out of goodwill, the village chief let mom off so we could go home together.

After returning home, we found that dad was already home. It seems like someone notified home. He was currently chatting with Teacher Xiu. Another surge of affection came once I saw dad.
Mom and dad continuously questioned me on my academy life. I took out 80 diamond coins granted by the magic union and gave it to them. (I left 20 for myself. Hehe.) Mom and dad were extremely surprised, but they knew I acquired it with my own efforts so they were very happy. I think that with this money, they won’t have to work so hard to let me attend the academy.

Mom and dad have aged a bit in comparison to before I left. I know that this was all for me. Because of me they had to pay so much. I sincerely wish for them to not have to work so hard. With these feelings, I told them that my strength is already not inferior to that of a great mage’s. So in the future, I won’t need to rely on the for my tuition fee. I will be able to rely on my own efforts.

Just like this, I began my vacation. Apart from accompanying mom and dad, I spent my days playing with Ao De and other village children. However, the days passed by very quickly and the vacation ended. I had to return to the capital and continue
my studies. Although I didn’t want to leave everyone, but in order to let them live a better life as well as to increase my strength so I can protect them, I must continue improving myself.

Teacher Xiu didn’t accompany me this time since I already knew the road. With tearful eyes, I waved goodbye to my family and set foot on the road back towards the academy.

My five years in the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy were the most crucial five years of my life. (It was originally supposed to be four years but Teacher Di wanted me to have a stronger foundation so I spent a second year in the second grade). During these five years I laid a deep foundation for my magic. Although there was still a small gap, in the fifth grade my magic level had nearly reached Teacher Di’s. However, Teacher Di told me that I had become a well-known figure even among the magisters. My gold ball of magic power was already approaching the state of being completely transparent. Even more important were the many magic techniques I created which even amazed even
Teacher Di. In the fifth grade, there wasn’t anyone would could compete with me for the position of the grade representative. The gap between me and Ma Ke also gradually widened to the point that I am now the academy’s top expert.

Something else worth mentioning was that Xiao Jin’s growth rate was extraordinarily fast. He was already at the later stages of his growth period so he already had the basic form of a dragon. His body length exceeded 15 meters and his strength surpassed all the other magical beasts that Teacher Di knew of. Especially his physical attack power, it was exceptional strong and could easily break through intermediate class defense magic. If me and Xiao Jin fought, there was no certainty that I would be able to beat him. Maybe it’s because we shared our lives, but any magic that I could use, Xiao Jin could also use. Any dragon magic that he could use, I could use too. This caused my strength to have a qualitative leap. Teacher Di said that if Xiao Jin and I worked together, we would be a match for a magister.
I’m already 16 years old. Every year I went home once, and when mom and dad saw how much I had grown, they were very happy. Using the money I won every year from the graduation competition, I let mom and dad live a more prosperous life.


“Zhang Gong, you’re going to be graduating soon. What plans do you have?” Teacher Di called me to his office today.

“Sigh What kind of plans could I have? I’m planning on going to advanced magic academy.” With my strength as a grade representative, I don’t need to take the entrance exams and can be recommended directly into the Royal Advanced Magic Academy.

“No. I don’t wish for you to do this.” Teacher Di muttered to himself.

“What? What did you say? You won’t let me attend the advanced magic academy?” I asked in surprise.

“Correct. Because if you follow the same path I did, do you know what would happen? Although you’re very strong right now, you forever won’t be able to surpass me.” Teacher Di’s profound words shocked me.

Chapter 33 – Not Returning To School

“Why?” I immediately asked because I knew that I was the youngest to become a magic scholar. Why was it that I could not surpass Teacher Di? I had deeply believed in the past that I held extraordinary talent, enough to certainly become a Legendary Grand Magister like that of yore. Teacher Di’s words had astonished me, enough to shatter my self-confidence.

“Don’t worry. Listen to me explain,” Teacher Di paused for a moment, “You know how old I am this year?”

“About 80?”

“This year I’m 83. Do you know how old the vice principal is?”

“I don’t know. I’d think he’d be a bit younger than you!”

“This year he is 62. Before you came, he was the youngest to become a magic scholar. At the age of 20, he had already graduated from the Royal Advanced Magic Academy. At the age of 30 he had become a magister. Do you know why he hadn’t made an inch of progress with these remaining 30 years?”

I shook my head.

“Although they  say  there  have  been  very  few  magisters,
thousands of years ago, several hundred magisters existed. But there wasn’t even a single Grand Magister. After achieving the level of a magister, you will enter a bottleneck. You could only increase your magic skills and your magic foundation, incapable of increasing your magic power. At present, of the ten magisters on the continent there is no difference in the amount of magical power. We are only ranked by our fame and magic skill.”

“Is the bottleneck that difficult to break through? Then  how do I have a chance?” I said a bit discouraged.

“Until now, there hadn’t been any great methods. Long ago, there had be many magisters experimenting but only three who bore fruit. One had given up. Another went insane. The last had injured his body with magic power and died.”
“Ah, it’s that hard?” I thought about giving up. After all, I’ve already made it this far. I’ll definitely become a magister, not a bad choice at all.

“This is why I didn’t want you to walk along my beaten path and attend the Royal Advanced Magic Academy. I know that if you attempt to improve your own magic power there, your final conclusion would be to give up. These years that we spent learning magic together, I’ve grown to understand your temperament.”

I scratched my head with an embarrassed chuckle.

“I don’t think that you must become a Grand Magister at any cost, but I do want you to try a new, different method. At the
very least there is hope you will become a Grand Magister without using dangerous means.”

“Yes, there is hope. There is a final, crucial reason why magisters are incapable of improving, that is because their bodies are incapable to bearing that magic power. Furthermore, it is also because we are unable to genuinely understand the magic elements. Right now, your greatest advantage is your ability to become one with the magic elements. This is also the reason you are capable of creating many new spells.”

“Then what must I do? I’ll listen to you.”

Rotating around such a large circle, at last the final conclusion is said.

“It is actually quite simple. You will still attend the Royal Advanced Magic Academy. Just that I wish for you to attend it at a later time. I want you to travel for a few years and learn from that experience, and afterwards, return and continue advancing your studies.

“Travel and learn from experience?” This simple? I thought it would be something hard. But it is actually just to travel and have fun. “Alright, I also wanted to try traveling.”

“Don’t think it’ll be too easy. I do want you to travel and learn from your experiences but also want you to complete a few assignments. On your own terms, through your experiences of travel, you must raise your magic power to that of a magister. This is a truly difficult process. Therefore, you must not believe that you can just laze around while traveling. Secondly, you
must temper your body and strengthen your physical capabilities. To the point that you may even learn to use some simple Dou Qi.

I interrupted Teacher Di, “A warrior’s Dou Qi? It is possible to use both Dou Qi and magic at the same time?”

“In theory, it is possible. But if you learn both, the final result will be that you will master neither. I don’t want you to practice Dou Qi to the point of ferociousness, only to the point where you have a strengthened, healthy body to use. You will still primarily practice magic.”

“Oh, so it’s like that.”

“There are many advantages to learn from experience, for example to increase your battle experience, to increase your understanding of magic through real combat. This is very significant. However, to learn from experience is also very dangerous. I will try to keep you away from these dangers as much as possible. While you are traveling and learning, I will still teach, giving you difficult assignments, such as looking for divine artifacts of the legends, a weapon that had once been used by the God of Creation- Holy Sword.

“Holy Sword? It truly exists?”

“Yes, in addition I also know its approximate location. As for whether or not you can obtain it will depend on your luck. It should prove to be of great assistance to you. Within the Holy Sword contains a remnant of the God of Creation’s holy power.
This is a crucial to whether or not you can become a Grand Magister. That is why you must spare no effort looking for it.

There is such a great thing? Not bad, I must diligently look for it. “Be at ease, I can do it.”

“Right now, it isn’t far away from your graduation. In these coming days you must make a great effort with great diligence. Strive to improve a bit. This way you will be safer while traveling. After about a month, I can accompany you to your home and explain the situation to your parents. Afterwards, you can begin to travel and learn. My initial plan is to give you two years’ worth of time. After those two years, regardless  of whether you completed your assignment, you must return.”
I nodded my head. It seems I won’t be able to have fun, this assignment is very important, I can’t fail to live up to Teacher Di’s expectations. I must try hard, I don’t want to become famous, but I wanted to become strong.

Leaving Teacher Di’s office, I immediately went back to the dormitory looking for Ma Ke. Currently he is my only close friend. (Because we had both chose to repeat a year. Apart from Green Hair, there was no one else that hadn’t advanced to Advanced Magic Academy. From the time I had placed first at the end of term competition, he suffered my influence.  No longer was he annoying like before. As a result, he had become our friend. However, we didn’t stop calling him Green Hair. I should also mention that we had also befriended Hai Ri’s three siblings. Also, last year Hai Shui passed the entrance exam to the Royal Advanced Magic Academy.)

Currently, Ma Ke had almost reached the level of a Magic Scholar. The reason why I immediately went to go look for him was because I wanted him to travel with me and also learn from
experience. With his assistance, achieving the goal ought to be much easier. He had already called me “Boss” for many years, there is no way that he’ll decline my request. I walked toward his dormitory, brimming with confidence.

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